“If we use mystical arts for entertainment purposes only, without offering rational information on its dynamics, how can the average person possibly distinguish the science of Divine Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
ABC cancels hit show ‘Roseanne’
Dear readers;
Yes Roseanne Barr while rich and famous is also, like ALL famous people, cosmic unconscious and knows nothing of the ever changing endless cosmic winds shaping the human’s affairs! The famous Scorpio reptilius infected sarcastic star is oblivious and reflected in the negative, destructive TV show feeding millions of victimized viewers unconsciously slaving for the reptilius…
Remember readers, electing a controversial President mean also, in time, suffering his/her very fate if you have a voice heard by millions.
Incidentally, the more destructive or shocking a person or a show is, the more ratings it will get! Until enough is enough and the reptilius finally destroy the life and career of their oblivious victims. While this cosmic reality is ridicule by the majority of unevolved, rational, educated or religious “young souls” only advanced spiritual souls will envisage the possibility!
And while I clearly explained Roseanne’s successful return in this article for my VIP’s ‘Roseanne’ comes roaring back with 18 million viewers explained!” I also predicted her personal “wake up call!”
You can judge for yourself the real values found in Astroforensics and the obvious power involving the current May 2018 SOS to the world deadly window warnings!
Posted by Dr. Turi on April 30, 2018 at 8:59am in Cosmic Coders Only
May 27 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services /Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
Has the famous star or anyone reading this article read our daily guidance and forecast for May 2018, ample warnings (see below) were offered to our VIP’s! And instead of becoming victims of the reptilius manipulating all cosmic winds to destroy and kill humans, an option to apply the will and avoid such devastating or deadly experiences would become a real possibility!
I always warn my readers, before traveling, signing important contracts to make sure to stay clear or any and ALL 2018 SOS to the world deadly windows, or simply pay the ultimate price of your cosmic ignorance! Both men were born the same year and shared the same Dragon, but both men did not know anything about their own personal Dragon window dates! Care to learn more? You should and pay attention because your life depend on it! Note – Cart is still down order as soon as it is fixed!

All I can do is to offer my warnings of what the future has in store for you at a universal and personal level and this cosmic code sample article will never cut it! You need much more information than this sample but I can not force anyone to become a smarter well informed cosmic conscious human being.
Both scientific and religious indoctrination have shaped your education and your beliefs and as Einstein once wrote “it is a miracle for curiosity to survive “education!”
I am not exactly sure how to reach many of my readers since religion and science ( who have battle each others since for ever for ever for supremacy) do not have your best interest at heart but your financial support… All I know for fact is that “God created the stars and the heavens for more then the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may live a safer more productive life!”
But often the obvious is not enough because fear or the lack of information interfere with reality!
Those cosmic winds are endless and changes regularly, I was born to teach the curious about God cosmic Divinity and how he speaks his cosmic will daily! But it is only when the student is ready that the legitimate teacher will appear for you personally!
Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness
The soul of the cosmos is real and far from what rational NASA scientists could ever imagine or understand, and this is why my cosmic work has been removed from all major popular websites! Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi
If in any way if you resonate with our cosmic work resonate in your body, mind and soul, either join us, become a VIP or simply share this newsletter!
Dr. Turi
E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.
As you may already know, each zodiac symbol is connected to one of the Tarot cards in 22 the Major Arcane. Though Nostradamus never used the lesser of the trump or minor arcane and it is considered an offense to use all the cards reading people using the Astro-Tarot.
Tar is Egyptian meaning “royal” and ro means “road” – likewise, to that of the waterway in the arctic of “Italy;” or the “French or Swiss Tarot de Marseilles,” wherewith our significance switches continuously.
These powerful cards show a representation of the most typical, classic depiction symbolizing the significance of any kind of individual and their balance of mystical path. Animals are also used to represent any human’s typical features and traits.
A quick way to become accurate in developing cosmic consciousness or ones extrasensory perception, is to master our Astropsychology home course first and pick up on how to carry out the Astro –Tarot. But some of you are not into spending days of your own time studying the canopy of the stars but would rather learning and handling the astro-tarot.
Keep in mind that the tarot is made of 78 cards and there are over 85 different ways to read ones chart but as mentioned above, Nostradamus used the 22 major arcades, minus the complex mathematics involving modern astrology and which show a journey through life from birth, to a higher understanding of both the 12 houses of the physical and spiritual worlds.
In other words, the 22 major arcades are building blocks of all development of a human being’s fate.
In using the 22 pathways of creative knowledge (the 22 Hebrew Letters), each card is laid out to act in accordance with the constellations of the zodiac. And this is why it is crucial to understand the basics of the solar housing system.
Though one should keep in mind that Divine Astrology methodology or Nostradamus 16th century methodology has nothing to do with the modern astrology you practice, learn, read, teach or follow.
If you are a practicing modern astrologer, Nostradamus’ rare methodology will be very easy for you to assimilate but the translation of a person’s fate and character changes greatly… Especially when the Dragon’s Head and Tail is correctly read and placed in the chart by house and sign!
Not to forget that modern Astrology classifies the Dragon’s Head and Tail as the South and North Nodes of the Moon. Thus, the Dragon in Chinese Astrology exact copy, is the symbol of Aries in the more popular version of Occidental Astrology.
Which means by combining older disciplines and focusing on the housing system, with a unique emphasis on the moon’s nodes; a more precise translation is made.
Each card is drawn with the left hand of your client (subconscious hand) or the right hand, if the person is left handed. (The one doing the tarot will always pull with the right hand, acting as the subconscious of the client)
The cards will end up covering the 12 houses or the 12 areas of one’s human experience.