February 22nd , 2019
Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of a cosmic God speaking his divinity through the signs and use the cosmic code wisely to unselfishly guide and serve humanity! ” Dr. Turi.
Dear readers;
WARNING, Age of Truth TV management and associates, do not support, agree nor endorse any of claims and strongly disassociate with comments directed at other guests invited in their great shows. I am the sole responsible for offering you the undiluted truth as I perceive it through my 69 years of incredible experiences! Note also, like all my articles, this cosmic code newsletter is subject to various updates, check it often and share it please! Thank you.
Once again I will take this opportunity to warmly thanks Lucas and Lauge for allowing me to share my cosmic wisdom on “Age of Truth TV.” My appearance and controversial cosmic wisdom has and will continue to challenge all curious truth seekers willing to learn more about two very specific groups of ET’s. They are the nefarious Reptilius, and the benevolent Draconis and both pursue very different agendas. Too many people talk about UFO’s knowing nothing of the facts!
Here is an example on how the benevolent Draconis help humanity through technology!
Spray-On Nanofibre 'Skin' Treats Burns and Wounds
This revolutionary, spray-on 'skin' helps heal wounds without causing pain (via NowThis)
Posted by Seeker on Wednesday, February 27, 2019
On February 12th, 2019 I gave the witty host three specific dates; they are (February 16th– Feb 24th and March 2nd.) Using Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology (quatrain and keywords / see below) depicting the colors of the news I was expecting to take place.
Note the date of February 24th was also given on Joe Montaldo syndicated radio show on 01/16/2019 – Locate it in this article!
On this specific February 16th “SOS to the world deadly window” the key phrase offered to Lucas’ TV show was “expect the beginning or ending of important phases of life.” I also asked people to pay attention to my warning as they could be directly touched by those nasty cosmic winds!
The question remain, did you experienced a form of “ENDING” in your business or emotional relationship from someone who can not handle, or does not like you for speaking the undiluted truth?
Sad enough, I suffered a few direct hits from my own visions during those “ending” winds and the worse one was my losing my wonderful mother who passed away on that very day! RIP Mom I will always love you!
What saddens me the most is; the gift I own is not only unappreciated but not even rewarded! Even when I work overtime to prove my UFO’s predictive legacy endlessly writing for free!
Is it worth my time and total dedication to pass on such critical cosmic information then end up “dismissed” because some people can not delegate my warnings or my teachings?
I guess I only a few can realize and benefit from my own spiritual gift! It is very hard for me to have lost not only my mom, but also friends who could never truly understand my deep and honorable motivations to save the world “from the reptilius” mental infestation.
May be I should, once and for all, retire and move to Florida, (ENDING/new beginning,) and go fishing? This way I will stop suffering by carrying my own cross trying to enforce the undiluted truth I own to those who could never understand the Cosmic Code anyway!
“In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi
One has to go UNDER the canopy of the stars to STAND strong and wise above in God’s magnificent cosmic design. Yet only very few “Super-humans” will UNDERSTAND how and why the reptilius, who created the Vatican and all religions will also manipulate those stars to curse humanity in countless deceptive ways!
When you start to attract too much attention like David and I do, be ready for the reptilius (or the Draconis) to stop you! I also strongly and passionately despise anti antisemitism, racism and anything that could be said or written against, Jews or any other races for that matter!
In fact I totally and categorically refute promoting any form or negativity and will always offer the painful, undiluted truth to those able and willing to digest i!
Yet I do not support anything and everything related to religion because I do not teach anything created by the hand or the mind of religiously poisoned, infected, abusive and deceptive “pious” men.
If the Pope is God’s representant on earth why does he not speak or teach his cosmic language and offer warnings doing predictions like do to save lives? This is not how God speak to his children something a Cosmic God has enslaved all his children, (Pope Francis and all religious elites included) to uncover!
Five major Catholic leaders taken down by the church sex abuse scandal
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so we may live a safer, more productive life!”
Doing so allows me to prove my claims by making unarguable predictions because I do not support or trust religious men or conspiracy unconscious talking heads…
Age of Truth TV February 24th 2019 Predictions
Age of Truth TV February 16th 2019 predictions
Age of Truth TV March 2nd 2019 predictions
When channeling Draco, it is quite difficult for me to “comeback” to earth from the Super-conscious in time and space and answer Lucas’s rational questions… My mind work at the speed of light going back and forth trying to pass on information from the archetypal realm of Supra-cosmic consciousness to “down to earth” topics!
Lucas’s mind is very fast and his questions never stopped… Yet I truly believe we did a great job! But in no way can the audience totally understand or support his guests!
Consequently, people may have a problem understanding what’s going on the various intellectual spheres levels and assume I am trying to avoid the host’s questions. Knowing the “mechanics” involving the Universal Mind interaction with the human mind, I’m doing my best to give the audience a plausible platform as to understand the translation of such high cosmic topics.
People assimilate information in different ways through their inherited / programmed karmic UCI!
Some listeners are slow visual (reading is best) others are audible (listening to a radio or TV show) works well! They can process spiritual and logical information rapidly and accurately while visuals are “well read/learned” methodical souls who will buy into conspiracy because it makes more sense to them.
It all depend of the location of your natal Mercury speed (critical thinking) by house and sign. Consequently, if the planet Mercury is located in an earth or fire sign, logic details and rationale (the skeptics/atheists/agnostics etc.) conspiracy and science rule and speed is your confusing enemy. This UCI of those people is also highly critical and judgmental!
If you own a water or air sign chances are your Mercury will be much more objective, intuitive and attuned to my speedy spiritual information. Your Mercury is simply “attuned” to mine and makes it easy to assimilate the information!
Thus if you have a problem “digesting” my cosmic work blame it all on your natal UCI‘s speed, because NO human’s perception/communication is wired the same!
If you are new to my cosmic work, before anything, please take some of your precious time to listen to the hot debates between the brilliant mind of Lucas Alexander and myself discussing various topics before elaborating on what to expect next!
My name is Pluto “Hades the Lord of Hell”
Pluto “The Lord of Hades” will be in charge of those deadly and dramatic upcoming days! Here is the adequate quatrain and keywords warning you to what’s ahead for the world at large and for yourself.
Be cautious because what you will do or say during those days will follow you for the rest of your life. Emotions will run very high and the reptilius will have fun manipulating them! Man arrested, accused of slapping 12-year-old boy over bullied stepdaughter
Expect serious wake up calls and a form or re-birthing will be imposed upon all of us. I use negativity because this is the best way to grasp your attention and this window has now started and promise to be very NASTY if you check the current news about death, drama, secrets etc.
Remember ABC cancels hit show ‘Roseanne? Rich, famous and yet, cosmic unconscious!
She suffered the full impact of those tragic cosmic winds used by the reptilius who took over her sarcastic tongue and ruined her career in the process!
Luckily for me my birthday 02/26/1950 fall AFTER this nasty window and I will stay quiet and safe at home…
This upcoming mad dance of hell will induce a form of death, a rebirth and for some impose an unforgettable dramatic time and a serious unavoidable karma.
Pluto is a home base of the reptilius making our “Blue” planet a formidable strategic position very close to their home/base Plutonic system. Pluto is used like the Bermuda Triangle in the US as (bases of operation) this gaseous planet has no much to offer. Thus the reptilius spend much of their time in “Dark Matter” cursing us and fighting the Draconis.
Those benevolent ET’s are our precious ally, but they can not interfere with the human race and its progress. The reptilius are “Hors–la–loi“ or outlaw in French and could not care less of the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order!
This it the most enjoyable time for the reptilius who will hijack the body, mind and soul of their deadly slaves and lead them to kill as many people as possible… Terrorism is high on the list, be cautious avoid busy places. Please share my visions and help me save lives.
I also “harassed” dozens of FBI and police websites to warn and save cops lives, yet my chances of being taken seriously by the scientific community is ZERO but my dedication to help my fellow human beings is above 200%!
Saw this on a Science page they trolled Astrology along side flat Earth😡Comments?
The reptilius at work within the “educated” scientific community!
Memo from Age of Truth TV Jan/Feb 2019 predictions: In one of our emails exchanges, I was asked by Age of Truth Producer, Lucas Alexander if my predictions about large quakes (and some) made on Joe Montaldo’s radio show came to pass… “Yes” I told him “all came to pass!” We were joined later on by my good friend Dr. J radio Live where he once again confirmed my above 6.0 earthquake (s) and the December 25th 2018 deadly Asia tsunami predictions made on his own fabulous radio show!”
Check more endorsements and my correspondence with NASA / USGS and the seismology Institute in Pasadena, CA offering undeniable earthquakes predictions! While I do a much better work than what they could ever dream of doing, (for free) they would rather be caught dead than to learn anything from an Astrologer!
Feb 24th (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
If you listened to “Age of Truth TV” published February 12, 2019 carefully, once again I mentioned to Lucas to expect earthquakes above 6.0 and who can deny the fact now? It seems I do much better (as far as offering a correct timing) than all scientists combined together and I do all without your tax dollar!
NO skeptics its not everyday that a 7.5 earthquake takes place but ONLY during specific cosmic winds offered to the public through my radio and TV appearances.
7.5 in Palora, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
This unusually large quake took place February 22, 2019 10:17 AM and a gave the date of February 24th in a 48 hours window! And while I desperately need you financial support to educate the world, the reptilius ALWAYS promote the wrong people to mislead you, all in the name of conspiracy, fear and greed! The fact is; I can not keep up with all my accurate predictions anymore yet no one really care!
THE BEST FOR LAST! Indeed if you paid attention to my words on Lucas TV show secret to light, drama, FBI, wake up call, crazy people killing innocent people etc.” there is no denying my visions…
Note the date of February 24th was also given on Joe Montaldo syndicated radio show on 01/16/2019 – Locate it in this article!
Dramatic Death News?
Dramatic Death News
Police say a mother and daughter killed 5 family members. The mother says they all wanted to die.
The reptilius hijacked the body, mind and souls of those two infected souls! The police, the scientific community and society at large can not understand this obvious phenomenon. I need your help to warn others.
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light?
The pictures say it all: Trump-Kim meeting ends abruptly Wake up call?
Michael Cohen: Trump knew Roger Stone reached out to WikiLeaks
Toxic moonshine kills 133 and leaves hundreds hospitalized Death News?
Pennsylvania mother and daughter accused of killing five relatives Death News?
NO skeptics its not everyday that so many people die in mass but ONLY during specific deadly cosmic winds manipulated by the reptilius who hijack the body, mind and soul of all human beings! Even Pope Francis “subconsciously” agrees with me! Pope calls abusive clergy ‘tools of Satan’
NO skeptics its not everyday that people win the lottery but ONLY during specific cosmic winds
Furloughed park ranger wins $30 million lottery jackpot Super Wealth?
NFL owner reportedly buys $180 million yacht Super Wealth? Super Wealth?
NOT ONLY HUMAN LOSE IT – Woman arrested after flying into rage over McDonald’s order BUT EVEN ANIMALS ARE UNDER THE POWER OF THE REPTILIUS! Caution nasty video!
Again if you listen to my words to Lucas on his TV program I warned him and his audience to be ready for terrorism! Dubai flight forced to make emergency landing after attempted hijacking; suspect dead
Now that it is all said and done with the February 24th, 2019 SOS to the world deadly window, I can only wonder if Lucas Alexander and his audience will ever be able to accept the reality of my UFO’s predictive legacy when the words used on his TV show pointing out to the current “predicted” news about the FBI, secrets to light, drama, death etc. are so revealing…
But most of all, will he ever invite me again to discuss the reality of my cosmic work and give credit where credit is due? I doubt very much this invitation will ever come because the undiluted truth vex too many people and too many people can not handle the truth.
In fact; to tell you the truth I am really surprised this show is still up on You tube knowing in the past hosts did not like my reality, my accurate predictions, my brutal, honest, direct and truthful personality and removed the show! But I do not care about what people think of me because…
“The truth like the stars will always shine even if people are still in total darkness” Dr. Turi
Paranormal Central Atheist Little Brat
On February 22nd , 2019, I posted on dozens of FBI websites with the same warning but they do not pay attention and probably assume I am a “lunatic!” Police Requiem!
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction
Terrorism Predictions and the FBI
BREAKING Cargo jet with 3 aboard crashes in Texas – Death News
1 dead as tornadoes, severe weather devastate South; several injured Death News?
New Orleans Bourbon Street shooting leaves 1 dead, 2 injured Death News?
Yes crimes happens everyday yet there is an obvious “SURCHARGE” when the reptilius detect and use this COSMIC energy to hijack their infected victims… Texas police arrest 18-year-old in ambush-style murder of two brothers –
The same deadly window of January 28th was used by the reptilius to kill more cops! 5 POLICE OFFICERS INJURED IN HOUSTON SHOOTING OFFICIALS SAY.
Note also; January 28th date was given in Joe Montaldo UFO’s Under Cover 01/16/19 and Suzanne Ross The fringe Radio 01/09/19
If you are a cop or not investing in ALL 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows and either double attention or plan outside of those nasty cosmic winds will save you from becoming part of the sad statistics… And a cosmic unconscious David Icke DOES NOT KNOW NOR TEACH or offer any way out of this obvious reptilius universal infestation to his vast audiences like I do! Check DO’S AND DONT’S below!
PETA faces backlash after criticizing late ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin on birthday Famous Death?
‘Singin’ in the Rain’ director dead at 94 Famous Death?
Peter Tork, Monkees guitarist, dead at 77 – Famous death?
Singer R. Kelly unable to make bond, spends night in jail – Wake up call?
Judge sets Smollett’s bail at $100,000 – Wake up call?
Roger Stone barred from speaking about case – Wake up call?
Defectors reveal gruesome details of Kim Jong Un’s reign Secrets to light?
Coast Guard officer allegedly wanted to conduct a mass killing – Secrets to light?
This man could shed light on Trump mystery, Senate witness says – Secrets to light?
5 House Dems took $60,000 trip to South Africa for Beyonce concert, data shows – Secrets to light?
NFL owner charged with soliciting sex – Secrets to light/Sex?
Woman secretly records lawmaker she says abused her- Secrets to light/Sex?
News anchor died from overdose during hotel sexual encounter- Secrets to light/Sex?
Cardinal admits church destroyed documents on clergy sexual abuse Secrets to light/Sex?
Blockbuster director refutes daughter’s accusation he sexually assaulted her – Secrets to light/Sex?
Jim Boeheim’s car hits and kills man – Dramatic Death News?
Mom shares sad pic after son’s fatal OD – Dramatic Death News?
Woman dies after eating at Michelin-starred restaurant – Dramatic Death News?
Cheerleader’s final moments before gas explosion at house kills her on video – Dramatic Death News?
Justin Fairfax accuser calls on Virginia lawmakers to probe sexual assault claims Sex news?
YouTube takes action following concerns pedophiles exploited the platform Sex news?
Miley Cyrus talks sexuality, says Clinton inspired her marriage – Sex news?
Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. This planet is the reptilius main base in our solar system and in the Bermuda Triangle on earth.
Now do not fall for a bunch of astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to assimilate Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?
Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO’s and DON’T’s – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.
The DO’s:
Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
Time for you to listen to your intuition.
Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.
The DON’T’s: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates
Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
Stay clear from anything that is dark.
Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
Stay clear from wild lonely places.
Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.
Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again.
Find out what your “2019 Nostradamus personal and Universal forecast” is all about. Its only $10 and you will get much more than what you cold ever bargain for in my cosmic work!
Meantime I can also strongly recommend you get your OWN personal 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows and plan your life around those dates. And if you can not, use EXTREME caution during your personal dates so you do not become a victim of the reptilius using your UCI to curse you and bring unseeded drama (or death) in your life.
Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 2019 VIP list ASAP if you need serious daily guidance in our various forecasts. As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be in good hands while mastering the Cosmic code secrets! A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing! Become a VIP, join the world today
While I am still healing from a bad fall in the Marshal Island last August and may undergo surgery, I should be able to attend all my future conferences. Please join us and have a blast in the process…
Lastly the reptilius are working overtime through my Internet enemies (religious fanatics, conspiracy heads & “educated” atheists.) Thus if you vibrate at my cosmic speed and support my work, please share it widely! Thank you all.
Blessings to my world wide reading audience.
Dr. Turi
Invitation to join us at Sedona Beyond The Matrix Ascension Experience March 2019
Listen to my predictions made on Suzanne Ross the Beyond the Matrix radio show January 2019
Hello Beautiful Beings, Only one week left to take advantage of our Early-bird pricing and 2 for 1 deal on tickets for our spectacular Spring Equinox celebration good through March 1st.
In case you did not read it yet, check what the cosmic winds and the angels have in store for us all those days…
Star’ Spirit in Sedona Beyond The Matrix Healing
Dr. Turi
Join us in Las Vegas April 19, 20, 21 and Los Angeles March 16, 17, 2019
As a keynote speaker, I am inviting twenty people to join me for FREE in this event. Email me if interested turitrue@gmail.com
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019

Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 $150 for VIP’s
Question? Help? – 602 – 265 7667