Another White House security incident – A serious warning and predictions for the NSA, FBI and CIA!


Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Another White House security incident
Driver fails to stop a day after man scales the fence

Washington (CNN) — In the second security incident at the White House in as many days, an individual failed to stop at the entrance to the White House complex while driving his vehicle, Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary said.

Dear readers;

Is this another obvious omen for the secret services and for them to take my work seriously? In no way will the unconscious “norm” bypass logic, the majority of people will only perceive such an obvious indication as another piece of news!  

But, if, early April 2014, when I wrote “August will be the utmost challenging month of President Obama Presidency” and advised the secret service to heed my warnings, did any  of them realize another of my “visions” came to pass again?

This being said, do you think the secret services in charge of our President safety will  pay more attention to my work or just ridicule it? Are those detectives paying attention when I bombard them regularly with my warnings on their websites personally?

President Obama’s current ratings mire in the 40/60 percent range, this mean a lot of people do not like him! Doing something bad though will not help the situation. Those people don’t understand him that’s all nor his dragon head / tail…He is victimized by his humanitarian Aquarius tail and it’s not only him but there are others also behind it all, dealing with those who don’t have the best interest at heart for our country. But as you all know, I am not into politics (or religions) and those numbers are debatable!  My cosmic expertise is forewarning people, not political discussions, thus save my email box please.

But most of all, do the secret services get it or, like the scientific community, hide their cosmic ignorance behind the word ridicule?

I trust they read it all, first to make sure I am not a danger to our President or society, second because many cops I know are readers and students of Astroforensics and not all of them were born uncurious morons!

There are NO accidents, or imprevisible “acts of God” readers, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work all educated young souls and skeptics alike can not discern to just yet!

There has been too much unwanted activity around the White House lately and much too close to our President safety for comfort! At this rate, regardless of the guards and the secret services supreme vigilance, it is just a matter of time before my chilling vision transpire!

I may be forced to give my wonderful dogs away, but I can guarantee you that; Macho and Draco would do a much better job than all the secret services combined and dissuade anyone, sane or not, big or small to jump the White House walls!

Meantime prophesying President Obama shocking, explosive karmic demise, and even Pope Francis assassination, does not make me popular with anyone in the media!  But being truthful has a price to pay, and this makes the soft, sugar coated speakers more attractive to the weak and those unwilling to face reality!

But are my “visions” that far stretched when the world is loaded with unstable, drug addicted crazy people all over trying to get to them?   The reasons for those sick sub-human to kill a President or a Pope are endless, some are looking for a five minutes or for ever fame, some politically oriented, or in the case of ISIS aiming for the pope, religiously oriented!

I can only hope the NSA is checking all my past and future work, not only my September 2014 SOS To The World Windows because on September 26/27 and 28 news about terrorism and death will plague the media!

Yes, I will be there to remind you then readers, and may be, my unmatched accuracy will help you question religions and rise to a more usable, practical  divine cosmic Godly presence!

President Obama, like 99.99% of a cosmic unconscious society does not know, nor care about heeding his or the First Lady “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” Thus it is not if, but when, or just a matter of time for them, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time! I wish I could do more but all doors are closed to ingeniousness and it will take a miracle for curiosity to escape the heavy pull of traditional education.

For me to be so insistent and so confident of any fated outcome should scare the hell out of any and all secret service personnel! But only a few wise souls know about my prophetic gifts well!  And this is where REAL detective work pays of for curious people! Check this video and a new supporter Pls.

I wrote quite a lot on our President cosmic nature and his fate, and about many celebrities too. While much of my articles are reserved for my VIP’s, if you Google “Obama Dr. Turi” or “Pope Francis Dr. Turi” or “Gay Dr. Turi, or anything that comes through your mind, you will find older articles worth reading on the Internet!

But joining my Cyber Cosmic University is your best choice and will show how much you trust and support Dr. Turi’s work!

Cosmic Blessings 
Dr. Turi
Is California Ready For The ‘Big One?’ This image shows a pulsar wind nebula known as the 'Hand of God.' Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / McGill.‘Ask and you shall receive, let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies, for a cosmogonic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi

Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
SUPER DEAL FOR ALL MY VIP’SI am not  a psychic, nor a guru or a Neptunian born, I am a different type of scientist,  I am a soul Doctor and use a modified software I translate with my gift to make predictions and guide people to uncover their cosmic identity.The first weekend of New Moon on Friday and Saturday September 26th and 27th I will offer FREE short mini readings to all my VIP’s.
I may also offer Monday September 28th if I can not get all of you in during the week end.I strongly suggest you to tape our telephone conversation because my channeling has no limit and my guidance and predictions are worth saving!
Me to know, you to find out!I promised all my VIP’s to offer mini readings at each New Moon of each month of the year, but as you all know, I was pretty sick last month and could not work. I am now back to full health again and ready for all my VIP’s.Its  that time again for so many new VIP’s to find out personally how accurate I am dealing with the Supra-conscious in time and space…
Putting the green where the mouth is what ALL so-called psychics, astrologers and mediums alike should do by offering you a “test drive” of their talent.I am extremely confident to impress you, not because I am an egocentric, but because I have been doing consultations professionally since 1984 when I was in England, and for many more years before, helping all my friends!  
In fact I know more about you than yourself or your own mother! There is no sparing, this would not help for me to hide anything from you, even about your health and fate, but the good new is; I always offer a way out or the solution you need to live a long and rewarding healthy life.Indeed I can only speak of the various cosmic laws in charge of your destiny and will not be able to teach you all you need to know nor perform the vital Astro-Tarot.  
Because there is only one thin hair between divine information and pure imagination. Testing your spiritual leader or psychic is also protecting yourself from psychic accidents and deceptive Neptunians. Many people have been truly impressed by my work and a true gifted person should have tons of amazing references for you to investigate! 
All I can assure you is, I will electrify your spirit and take good care of you when we meet!
The rule: First you MUST be or become a VIP, if you are not join today to qualify for the FREE mini reading!  If $25 is too much money for you, use this option instead! I trust anyone can afford a $10 donation to join my Cyber Cosmic University and get access to all my forecasts and reliable personal guidance!All you have to do, is to email to schedule the time of our telephone meeting for Friday 26th or Saturday 27th. DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE HER WITH YOUR DOB TOO!
I am expecting TONS of people, so the quicker you email her, the more chances to get your spot and, by judging of my last offer for free mini readings, they will go very fast!Please DO NOT CALL, Terania will email you back and let you know if your chosen time and day is open or not.
If not she will make some suggestions of my availability. ALL must and will be done via the Internet, again NO phone calls please. Meantime she may ask you to call her at a specific time, if you need more information.See you then VIP’sBlessingsDr. Turi
“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi
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About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.