Astrocartography Relocation Service

drturiBanner“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!



Don’t relocate without it!

Astrocartography is a fascinating aspect of modern astrology. People are most familiar with astrology where the planets influence a person at the moment of birth but Astrocartography is indeed a very valuable service too! The planets move very slowly through the sky with the moon being the fastest changing signs every two or three days.

Become a VIP enjoy our daily guidance, personal and universal predictions by following the endless whereabouts of the moon’s passage through the belt of the Zodiac. 


“God created the stars and heavens and the moon for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so we may live a safer more productive life!”

Other planets such as Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto will stay in the same sign for many years. Note also that; people born with a moon, a rising, a natal or hidden dragon in the same lunar sign will share a similar natal *UCI and with it, the same psychical characteristics and even experience a similar fate!

 Astrocartography is quite different because it mainly reflect the geographical positive or negative “cosmic winds” a person is prone to benefit (or suffer!) in certain locations. Astrocartography lines will vary widely for each person, and with it the celestial influences imposed upon their lives.

All planets move slowly while the earth is moving at thousands of miles an hour. At the exact moment of birth, those planets cast a “shadow” upon the earth. And as the earth moves, those planetary energies which remain stationary, appear to move as those “shadow” lines shift across the face of the globe creating new Astrocartography patterns.

While we do not need the exact time of birth to perform any consultations, it is critical to have it as accurately as possible to generate an accurate astrocartography map.  Incidentally many people blame their Astrocartography map and current location for all the challenges/karma they must endure. Very often, it is a combination of the Universal and Personal dragon by house and signs witch is responsible for the stress and pain experienced! 

This is why, performing a full life reading or a live Skype session prior to ordering your Astrocartography map is strongly suggested!  Services.

Furthermore, as a rule, people do not know how to fully benefit from any lines benefiting their current location because they never bothered to check them. Either services can only add more awareness to what those lines are all about and make the most out of them. 

Great lines could be close to you, in a different state, different country or lost in the middle of the ocean or the wilderness. You will not know about your cosmic blessings unless you ask for them! 

Back home in Europe, I was under a quite nefarious Saturn (the Great Malefic) line! The more I worked the less security or rewards I had. Saturn rules hard work and never reward anyone fast! I worked three jobs in the UK to pay to study piano at the Royal School of Music in London. The reward came two years later when I won the distinction cup in front of 400 other students  and will stay with me for the rest of my life!  My book “Beyond the Secret” will tell you all about my struggles and success in life! 

“Incredible experiences, breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share!” Dr. Turi

Then in 1984, I relocated under the Sun (fame/love/success) to California in the US and anything that I touched turned  into pure gold! My life changed drastically for the best, I attracted famous people, Governors, celebrities, true love  and my popularity and career exploded!

I was in demands, on national radio and television regularly and speaking, teaching all over the world from there! Indeed my Astrocartography did not only promise incredible blessings but delivered them all… 

I had it all, wealth, fame, luxury cars, boat, big house and made the American dream a reality!  Then from those great cosmic winds the cosmic clock turned and I was wondering why, with such a great Sun line I was to come all the way down and suffer hell… I had cancer, paid a fortune to the IRS, lost all my precious artwork collection, sold gold, hard to find crystals and it is not over just yet…

It was not my Astrocartography to blame but the various yearly Dragons forcing me to rebirth myself and in the process lose quite a lot! But looking at my past, I also realize that “life is a constant process of unavoidable changes” and indeed blessings in disguise designed by God (the cosmic code) to learn humility, patience and to never give up!

I can feel the new cosmic progressive winds will in time turn again in my favor as I am forced to rebirth from my own ashes… And I am not the only one!  I will be soon moving under a new line, ready to experience all those blessings and keep enjoying life in the process… Only when you become a VIP will you know about my peripheries, my adventures, my failures, my struggles and my success in life… 

The same goes for your home, do not buy a house without checking out the lines you will be living under,  or risk losing it in a natural disaster. Avoid financial stress (Saturn lines): avoid locations where you are prone to lose your home because of earthquakes, tsunamis or fires.

You may live or travel under a Plutonic line (death/drama) and suffer the consequences in a terrorist attack, a natural disaster or a burglary. 

Avoid nature’s devastating forces (Uranus lines). Avoid fires (Mars lines), avoid Pluto lines and  criminals and the risk to lose your life. Let me explain those lines and guide you towards happiness (Jupiter) wealth (Venus) health power and fame (Sun).

Why would you take a chance or suffer years in a location you will always be cursed by while you could turn things around for you by relocating under a “good stars?” Remember knowledge is power while ignorance is evil…Here is a letter from one of my clients whose astrocartography chart I did:

“Dear Dr. Turi,

You have no idea what that astrocartography map you made for me revealed about my life. I really do believe in the stars now! Can you believe I was born under a Pluto line? Imagine how miserable I was growing up. My family moved and life got better for me. But as you said, Pluto rules LIFE & DEATH (I was BORN there), LEGACY, INCORPORATED FUNDS. I had to return to my place of birth when a relative died. (DEATH) He left me and inheritance (LEGACY) all in stocks and bonds (INCORPORATED FUNDS) and they are still in a bank under in that very state under my Pluto line. Amazing isn’t it? And in the United States I have very few good lines but (without knowing) was attracted to move near my mercury, venus, and Neptune’s lines. So here I am a creative writer and artist! Perhaps the subconscious is influenced by these lines too.

Now I would never move without first checking where my lines were. Anyway, I am grateful to know where my lines are now, which ones to avoid and which countries not to visit, because you have made me a firm believer.

Find the best place in the US or anywhere in the world where the stars above will offer you! Map your future do not relocate without it! Find out where and what the best stars have in store for you. You may be just a few hundred miles from a splendid Venus (love) Sun (fame) Jupiter (study) Mercury (writing) line.

You might be, right now living and striving without any hope of success under a nefarious planet like Saturn (depressions) or Neptune (drugs) or Mars (fight.) Give to yourself the gift of cosmic wisdom and make your own reality, learn where those wonderful lines are waiting for you. Astrocartography really works!

Call now for information, do not hesitate as your career and your home are the biggest and most important decisions and investments you will make IN THIS LIFETIME. 

Blessings to all

–Dr. Turi

~~~~October 2018 DEAL – ASTROCARTOGRAPHY: $150.00 (Regularly $210)











About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

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