“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Knowing I will soon shut down and stop my pearls of wisdom flowing freely to the public, I decided to elaborate a bit more on my doggies first, then the latest news…
Between my endless Skype VIP Consultations and writings, I did not have much time lately to drive the 50 miles to visit my friends who are now taking care of our dogs. As you can see Macho had surgery on his toes and soon he will be running again. Draco is a beautiful as ever and doing just fine.
You better be announced when entering a home with such powerful breed, but as soon as they saw me, they both recognized me immediately. I got swamped with loving licks and truly enjoyed reconnecting with those beautiful animals. It was too hard for Terania to go this time around, but they are well taken care of and the new friends who now own them are really special people to us… It is still very hard to be without Draco and Macho but when we miss them too much we go back to the future and watch them do what they do best! And this is to guard their owners’ house!
Meantime my new security system, my handguns and my AK 47 can take care of anyone thinking of stealing or hurting us!
Back to the current news…
So far only a 5.7 mg earthquake took place in California right on my last January 30th window. The full impact will be tomorrow, but I also mentioned the high possibility for a volcanic eruption and it happened today on my first SOS window for February 1/2/3. This Uranic window is fully explained with its appropriate quatrain and key words below! Make notes and, as usual wait for the future to prove me right, or wrong if you are an atheist!
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): A powerful explosion occurred this morning, at 02:08 local time, at the volcano. It seems a large-volume pyroclastic flow of several km length and an ash plume rising to approx. 33,000 ft (10 km) altitude were generated. The eruption occurred from the same area of the active lava dome as the ones during the past weeks, i.e. from the north side of the dome’s cone near the 1964 caldera wall. The last SOS to the world windows were very close, thus you may refer to Paranormal Central, UFO, Asteroid, Nukes, Earthquakes and Pandemic Predictions to catch up.
February 2 / 11 / 17 / 27 – 2015
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.
Update – 2/2/2015
“ET Voila!” 6.3 earthquake 87 km NW of La Punta, Argentina Right on my 02/02/2015 SOS window as predicted! Isn’t time to accept Dr. Turi has something real that should be investigated by science? This is my third consecutive hit for quakes above 6.0! Not over yet and don’t forget the predicted volcanic eruption prediction! ! Never ever assume anything about anyone you do not know. I have been ridicule and trashed last few days, called a fool, a ghoul, a non educated, a false doctor and today, thousands of people on social media are recognized as atheist total idiots! My cosmic God is as real as those above 6.0 rare earthquakes and prove Divine Astrology is a reliable science. Indeed the future has, and will always be my utmost trusted witness…” Show your support,join us because I have much more than my SOS to the world windows to offer you with!
UPDATE 4/25/2015 Update ! More than 1400 dead as magnitude-7.8 quake rocks Nepal today right on my window! “BE WARNED April 24 and May 10″
Bobbi Kristina Brown, born March 4, 1993 (Pisces) in Livingston (NJ)
Let’s pray for her recovery!
Whitney Houston’s daughter in medically induced coma
Bobbi Kristina Brown was born March 4, 1993 in Livingston (NJ) under the most addictive sign of the Zodiac. Indeed Pisces rules everything involving the poisoning of the mind (religions) and the body (drugs, alcohol, pot and medical prescriptions.)
From Cosmic Code website VIP version – 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP full version)
And as always with “accidents,” Bobbi was experiencing one of her 2015 Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms making her extraordinary depressed and vulnerable. But I am convinced she was killed by reptilius infected souls…
Update: 11/19/2016 – Boyfriend must pay $36m for Brown’s death
Meantime the cosmic code was much more protective with others in the news today, 2 pilots survive midair plane crash!
Bobbi’ super emotional Cancer Moon made her very close to a mother she still miss and love deeply today. The science of Astropsychology / Astroforensic is unmistakably correct and, since her mother’ suicide, all she want is to join her. As a Pisces she is certainly addicted to legal antidepressants and illegal drugs to survive a famous life she perceive as unbearable.
Updated 4/25/2015 – And she was not the only one to be victimized by the intertainment matrix…
May God Bless your lost soul
Update – ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ actor kills self? Shocking?
Her watery Pisces UCI is not designed for fame and fortune but for a life of sacrifice, modesty, and a much more spiritual private existence! This is why pious Pisces illusiveness and Virgo (The Virgin Mary) are designed by a cosmic God to spend a life in convents, churches and synagogues and not the limelight. This is a “Deja Vu” as we say in French, and reflect the same exact scenario as Miley Cyrus suffering “a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics” ending up hospitalized.
I am one of the hundreds of thousands of people victimized by doctors and the scientific matrix
Since then, the scientific matrix corporate pharmaceutical corporations legal hyenas made sure to pass new laws, all designed to impose secretiveness to the media journalism. Thus no medication bran will be divulged to the public and tons of lies will be made up to satisfy the curiosity of all gullible people. The good news is Bobbi own a DUAL UCI, this mean she died and was “born again” making my window “END OF LIFE/NEW LIFE” totally undeniable as far as she is concerned!
But my factual work is much too hard for any atheist to conceive and accept of course! The chances of Bobbi living a long life are very remote, especially with this poisonous dragon on her tail throughout 2015! The predicted upsurge in suicides for so many celebrities is just around the corner, and thanks to my counselings, my friend Gary Busey is still alive!
Indeed the damage imparted by his drug abuses in his younger days is obvious in his life, but Gary is still a genius in my mind because I know his spirit better than any traditionally educated doctors. Born with eccentric Uranus on his first house makes him who he is, ECCENTRIC, and not the drugs he took!
To this day, I never saw Gary smoking or drinking alcohol when we socialize, in fact he was to have quit doing drugs many years ago. This will not stop the idiots to attack us knowing well they will never get close to our incredible accomplishments.
This is why, as a “Soul Doctor” if you become depressive or suicidal, or hope for a better life, its much safer to avoid harmful medications and use my natural efficient services instead.
Nepal deadly earthquake was FULLY predicted on radio by Dr. Turi on April 6th, 2015
Facts to consider! I was posting my earthquakes predictions on all of Yaser S Samhouri FB pages FOR WEEKS but he removed me and now he is using my windows to “shine” with my predictions…
He even created a new FB page called ASTRO-Seismology – May be you should tell him how you feel? Many others earthquakes website owners are doing the same though, they removed me from their friends list! This show how unrewarding and selfish the word is.
SHARING… Carlos Andrés Pacheco Gormaz be more specific, who is who, because commenting is not where it is, to be dedicated, etc.
Yaser S Samhouri now I believe I have a reason to remove you from all of my FB pages.
Louis Turi – Yes this is how you deal with the truth when your readers ask more about facts? You should not use other people’s intellectual property without mentioning them!
Indeed the very intelligent people I served over the years recognize this fact and load me with compliments and great endorsements! As soon as you become a VIP, you can save an enormous amount of money with the current deal offered for my upcoming birthday February 26, when I will turn 65.
In other news… Obama: This isn’t a religious war!
My advisers and I are unable to hear or see God cosmic signs…
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
All the signs now are undeniable and I saw them all coming to curse America and the world at large back in 1991. This predicted religious war will be ugly and if you listen to the radio show, how more correct was it then? This was well BEFORE the US Iraq invasion, Osama Bin Laden ordered the 911 attack on the trade center in New York and cancerous ISIS deplorable beheadings of innocent people (check my 911 prediction.)
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions
Japan will never forgive ISIS for apparent beheading – Japanese and all Asiatic people (and their commanding stars) are not American politicians. The delegations taking place between President Obama and Asia leaders are fierces. The current “important Beginning and ending of life” does not start or finish with a *Baby for Timberlake, Biel, * the death of Japanese captive Kenji Goto, or today Super Bowl for the millions of entertained unconscious human beings readers… There is much more going on secretly I foresee taking place…
While I wish I could divulge more, I’d rather let my VIP’s and the NSA / FBI infiltrating all my websites be warned to what will transpire next! Indeed much of my work is not for the idiotic atheists or the fainted God fearing hearts!
‘Psychic’ faces trial in murder he predicted of young mother
What is a Cult Leader or a Deceiving Neptunian?
As explained in Paranormal Central, the age of Pisces created 875 different religions and with it thousands of cults leaders and deceptive psychics! And this is where you must make the difference between a rational cosmic conscious Soul Doctor using Astropsychology / Astroforensics and a software and someone who probably need more help than you do! Not that all psychics are worthless, far from this, in fact I am not the only one offering my services to the police and the FBI.
There is not “psychic FDA” for a lack of words, to check on the validity of our mystical work, only common sense and an healthy curiosity will help you decipher all the claims. In my case, my well documented preciseness brought the FBI twice in our lives and this should steer the atheists to be more curious and read more of my “SPAM – Servicing Pathetic Atheist Mind for free!”
The cosmic code “computerized” all human UCI to respond to study rational (Astronomy) or spiritual (Astrology.) This is what science refer as “Dark Matter” which is nothing else than a formidable bright cosmic fluid!
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi
Divine Astrology is a valuable science when practiced by real gifted people
Every human beings is set to aim for a profession a Cosmic God designed them to perform on earth. No occupation is better or worse than others, simply different in the vast and complex human experience. But the acceptance of our psychical infinite variety (and jobs) can only be established through cosmic consciousness…
Until then, in the name of their egocentric “educated” ignorance and fears, both the atheists and Christians will keep tearing themselves apart! And as the first Cosmic Cop I’ve got some serious work to do…
My futuristic reasoning and perception of the “Soul of the Cosmos” does not align with a spiritually unevolved world lead by a traditionally well read bunch of famous intellectual elites Nobel Prizes winners.
I can only hope for God cosmic protection and serve you longer because this world is overloaded with dangerous animosity ready to dismiss me either spiritually or physically. This is where it pays off for all my endeavors on social media to be checked closely by the FBI and the NSA!
Indeed the people I deal with on the Internet are born criminal and own a very dangerous aggressive Plutonic mind, all reflected by the pitiful words used against a gifted person like me! I truly think it is a miracle today to reach 65, knowing we are facing so much insanity and a thousand ways to die every day!
Acidic enviousness, jealousy, disdain, ridicule is the only Nobel “Prize” I all allowed to enjoy in this mentally lethargic world because ingeniousness can only be perceived by above intelligent people and you will not find those watching the Super Bowl today!
This does not mean I don’t like sports, I do but my Aries competitive mind like boxing, may be because I share the same competitive Aries Dragon’s Head as Foreman and Ali’s daughter and all the people mean to reach the top of their career? Too much information here for the insecure atheists…
Do you know what a Nobel prize entails readers?
“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.“All prizes are awarded for real achievements…
And real cosmic achievements can only measured, checked, investigated by the very people who knows as much as I do on the human mind interacting with the Universal mind! This mean only those I taught Astroforensics or my students! None of Nobel Prize judges are cosmic conscious because those who can relate and reward my spiritual ingeniosity are not born yet!
I underlined what I consider would fit my independent 50 years research on the cosmic code manifesto and its subtle interaction with the human psyche. Again how can any of the judges realize the gift and values of my work when none were trained in my creation “Astropsychology / Astroforensics?” All they do is to immediately dismiss as a “psychic” and ridicule my work.
That is the real painful PRIZE I have to pay everyday for being the first Cosmic Cop and 50 years or so into the future…
All we can do is to keep forging forward and try to breach today’ science and all atheists psychical limitations while proposing a new perception of a cosmic God, atheists and Christians must conquer. Time have changed and changing even faster each passing day readers and there is no accidents for you to read me today!
I may never get a Nobel Prize in a world which is run by ill informed politicians and scientists but I already own so much more in the hearts of those who truly know and understand my work and I!
Leading science to acknowledge “God’s cosmic Divinity” objectively in both its macrocosm and microscopic particles (microcosm) demand a different and respectful approach to the spirit. Until then all scientists will keep missing the entire forest for the tree…”
If you change your attitude and the way you look at the cosmos, your perception of the cosmos will change drastically – Dr. Turi
Note: The full February forecasts are ready for all VIP’s. Others, please join. Be safe, be warned and be smart!
February 2015 Moon Transits…
February 2015 Daily Guidance and Predictions
February 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows
February 2015 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology / Astroforensics, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

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