“If we ridicule Astrology, not matter how degrading it may be, without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience?” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
How far does one have to go to expose the facts and offer a “wake up call” by jolting the mind of people unwilling or unable to perceive the undiluted truth I represent? Once again, I thought long and hard before writing this new article about UK radio host Howard Hughes and the predictions I made on May 21st.
Because people are discovering my cosmic work everyday, it’s important for me to keep a solid, well documented and dated record of all my shows and predictions, since many humans have a very short memory! It is only by refreshing people’s “memoire” that I will be able to help them differentiate facts from fiction..
You must remember readers, there is only a very fine line between pure imagination and Divine information, but without understanding you may become an atheist or victim of an unscrupulous con man.
There are too many deceptive “Psychic Twins” offering “for entertainment only” material to a mass of gullible souls and those are the ones giving a bad name to the trade and truly gifted spiritualists like me!
Any deceptive Neptunians internet Astrology/horoscope corporate endeavors rely on the short memory of their patrons, because none of them have or will ever offer solid proof of their work.
Today’s article has two purposes. One is to offer a “wake up call” to the skeptics, the other to help a gullible society to make a better choice with “psychics!”
Once again, God sent Howard Hughes and David Icke (David Icke’s Lost Spirit) on my path for specific purposes! Though I doubt very much, David, Howard and his British skeptics listeners could ever understand.
In fact, anyone who ever come my way; will end up loving or hating me with passion. And usually those who just pass through have a serious karmic lesson to pay off and endure. But be sure they will grow in the process. While those in need of our services will end up blessed with a serious guidance, a revitalizing spiritual regeneration and real predictions.
I am a man of honor, unmatched integrity and honesty! I am as transparent and fluid as the clean water you need to survive. I always give our “friends and foes” the option to redeem themselves before exposing the undiluted truth about anyone’s faulty behavior.
This is the latest development I decided to share between myself and Howard Hughes UK radio host!
“It is very easy to ridicule the science of Astrology when the gifted soul is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi.
My e-mail to Howard: – Good morning Howard, it is now 8:30 PM AZ time and this is my third email today to you and your producer. Per your request when we last spoke on the air, I compiled June 2016 quatrain and keywords and emailed them to you.
I’d like to bring to your attention the horrific “British politician Jo Cox assassination” and the direct relationship “famous death” prediction… Please find below the June 16 quatrains and keywords I emailed you on May 29th, 2016. You have also received in your mail box two more predictive quatrains for June 2016.
Sent to: mail@theunexplained.tv May 29, 2016
June 16 / 30
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Porn / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Life and death / Serial Killers / human / Undiluted truth / nature wake up Call.
From June 2016 SOS to the world deadly Windows published May 29. 2016 -This quatrain and keywords translate into the international news you read all over the world today.
Can you make the connection or is my plain English too difficult to assimilate? This is why I use quatrains and OBVIOUS keywords a five year old could understand.
In the news!
Gunshop owner: Gunman tried to buy armor, FBI was called FBI?
Singer Meat Loaf collapses on stage Wake up call?
Hacker fighting ISIS with porn Porn?
3-year-old boy dies inside hot car Death
You asked me for proofs as to challenge me and offer the UK audience the facts about my work! I understand with the all the “psychic junk” going on out there you and your listeners have the right to be skeptical but I am real and you know it and so are many of your listeners in the US and the UK.
Once the rest of my quatrains speaks the truth of my visions with all the news you’ll hear and see on CNN, I will once again, prove my claim to my readers..The idea was for me to send you quatrains and key words reflecting all the major news for June 2016, then talk about it on your show. I did my part, I am waiting for you to do yours now!
God lead you to me for good reason.
Waiting in anticipation
This was Howard response…
From mail@theunexplained.tv 10:07 AM; Hello Louis – please can you email the radio show’s production team with any queries over the radio show – I control the online show – the radio show is controlled by the radio station as I explained previously when you retracted statements you made about me on your website . You need to spell out to them what it is you want.
I certainly spelled out what I needed to him for sure but as expected. Howard completely ignored the core of my request to fulfill our arrangement and offer the British public the chance to differentiate real from imagination and explain my methodology!
There is no desire nor drive or interest to talk about another of my obvious prediction cursing the UK today. This lack of commitment to his audience, his lack of curiosity speak of a latent professionalism, living me no other option but to expose the truth to all my readers…
Not that I did not try.
Hello Howard:
I know we have had some “miscommunication” problems following my two appearances on your radio show where I gave you the date of May 27th and the prediction of earthquakes above 6.0 which happened! I understand critical thinking and skepticism is healthy and I tried to give you all the explanations needed in this article. Howard Hughes and Dr. Turi’s May 27, 2016 predictions, part THREE!
By the way, Jimmy Church posted my predictions May 19th in his “Fade to Black,” a couple of days before appearing on your show where I predicted another terrorist attack as we spoke on the air. Sad enough regardless of our many requests this particular show (and my predictions) was never publicized like all others.
Per your advice, we also made a few requests by contacting the radio station directly, at no avail. As another professional gesture towards a guest, you should have been the one to make the request for us and save us time and frustrations.
You called me back for the second time May 29th and I only had time to give you the date of June 7th (48 hours centering the given date) telling your audience to be ready for thousands of people forced into a relocation…
Result: “5,000 people — were ordered to evacuate in Calabasas and nearby Topanga, mountainous communities west of Los Angeles and north of Malibu.” Thousands flee L.A. suburb fire Howard Hughes UK show and you reminded me to email you June’s full dated forecasts (see below).
Today, 6/16/2016, I am OVERLOADED with tons of hits on my website from the UK because of the tragic news involving British politician Jo Cox assassination – Read more French terror attack Trump’s prediction
Now the question is; following your idea, will you give credit where credit is due? If not I will be forced to go public once again with the truth…
Acknowledge please. Two day ago, in 50 killed in Florida nightclub terror attack – SOS TO THE WORLD PREDICTIONS! I wrote…
“The reptilius will kill many human beings during this upcoming SOS to the world Deadly window! I am expecting the deaths of many, including cops and famous people! – Jo Cox– Ann Morgan Guilbert, Millie on ‘Dick Van Dyke Show,’ dies at 87 – ‘ALF’ actor dies – Autopsy: Ex-NFLer hanged himself My heart goes to all the families of the victims and this terrorist attack on US ground is indeed another solid proof the whole world reptilius infestation in progress.”
I guess where there is a will as there are hopes but some people, including Howard need to undergo this type of stressful experiences to pay more attention to my work and I did just that!
This does not mean he will help me reach more people who could make use of my God given predictive cosmic work and save lives in the process. I let you my readers, be the judge of yet another journalist muting and suppressing the voice of supra-cosmic wisdom!
My heart goes to her family and friends who knew her well. Jo Cox died for telling what she perceived as the truth, she perished for speaking her heart and her courage and dedication spoke of her another valiant heart who died because someone did not want her to speak no more. The same type of heart and courage I own and something missing in so many people.
Next time you hear Howard’s voice covering the news on the air all over the UK, hopefully your and his conscience resonate deeply in your hearts speaking of the truth I represent and share with you.
Hate your job? NASA wants you to work on Mars
Amazing how the abusive infected scientific matrix is manipulating idiots…
Your kids will NEVER live on Mars. Here’s why
If you need to develop or refine your cosmic vibrations, attract love and light, UFO’s, luck, health, wealth, or repel bad luck, the reptilius infestation and curses I can only strongly recommend you to read all about “The Power of my Talismans.“
Regularly a Universal talisman cost $1500, with a live VIP Skype session, but you can get it for half price or $750 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
Regularly a UFOs (or health, work, love and career ) talisman cost $500 but you can get it for half price or $250 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
Please e-mail Terania if interested at: teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will set you up.
Dr. Turi back on air with Pat Fringe (K-Talk) Fringe Radio, Saturday July 23, 2016 from 7-9 PM PST. Louis will speak on the current universal dragon in Virgo / Pisces and it’s impact on the world, as well as how it will affect the upcoming 2017 axis in Leo / Aquarius. He will also speak further about E.T.’s both benevolent and reptilius as well as UFO’s and other metaphysical secrets. Email Pat or call during the show if you want to experience a mini reading on the air.
The Cosmic Code is designed to teach the “divine” to all our VIP’s who may have questions about a dream, a wish, fears, a job, a decision to make etc. But again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi
Acknowledge the 2016 Universal Neptunius Dragon be smart, put your hand on my 2016 Nostradamus Personal Forecast for all signs .
Remember readers, we have you and together we are a formidable force to reckon with and changes can be made in an over medicated, controlled, abused, misinformed society. But only if you trust in my cosmic teaching, show your support, share my articles and join us to discuss all the above.
“God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.” Nostradamus
If you aim for the truth, if you can handle the undiluted truth and want to own the golden keys to what it means to be human and most of all, if you are ready for us; this is where you will find Terania and Dr. Turi to serve you with the light of God’s real cosmic divinity.
The Magical Power of Talismans!