
Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom – Paracelsus-
Dear reader;
2018 – Millions of young people will not live to see the end of the year. God will punish the world and all sinners! By sinners I mean all cosmic unconscious human beings or 99.999% of the innocent, indoctrinated, oblivious human population serving and fearing a false, man made god through their chosen religious folly.
Million of young adults from all walks of life, serving/ordered by the reptilius infected matrixes, will find themselves infected (addicted) or at war and at the WRONG time at the WRONG places…
Update: 12/31/2017 – US ‘closer to nuclear war’ with N. Korea than ever
Memo from “Justin Bieber, famous people, children and the reptilius “When I tell you the reptilius are after famous people and your children you should pay attention to my warnings or you and them, may become part of the victimized statistics!”
Knowing this is one of my last public articles for 2017, hopefully you will be able to make the difference between my cosmic work and the prophet wanna be’s! Before offering you REAL predictions, let me tell you about an experience I had with CNN investigating a psychic named Maria Duval.
In order to really understand what took place, you may have to read those old articles… And that is the first task the majority of my skeptical, religious or atheist readers can never accomplish!
They will talk and write about annual contests including the Grammys, Super Bowl, or what will the Dow Jones end at in 2018 etc. but in no way will they dare talk about the upcoming war, the UFO’s phenomenon and the reptilius universal infestation.
An opportunity was given to those two unconscious, ignorant CNN writers as to make the difference between a deceptive Neptunian psychic and a real prophet.
But fear of the ridicule and a low rational UCI is the perfect recipe for the reptilius controlling the intellect and actions of those two lost ladies…
Concentrating on finding the illusive psychic instead of investigating my cosmic work served no use to the world! Much like the FOUR FBI agents who visited me following my accurate terrorists attacks predictions.
They all missed the boat.

And this is what makes the difference between getting real predictions from a real modern Prophet, unconscious “talking heads”CNN writers and all the guests invited on Coast to Coast radio.
But the reptilius infected Gaia people unconsciously slaving for those nocturnal entities, made sure to trash my name and managed to eliminate me from the public, including many websites.
Thus those who knows us well (students and VIPs) believe we are the ONLY reliable source as far as offering real predictions are concerned! And such a rare legitimacy can only become yours by becoming a Cosmic Coder! Again that is; if you are smart, curious enough and able to assimilate our daily guidance and forecasts.
Meantime, if you do not believe I will stop writing for the public and fail another “new year resolution” yet, miss my work, nothing stops you to sign up to the cosmic code (its free) and get ALL my future bulletins directly in your mailbox!
And as far as my previous work is concerned you may have do your own investigation and Google “Dr. Turi predictions – Dr. Turi earthquakes – Dr. Turi Trump, Dr. Turi anything etc. ET VOILA! I can only do so much to prove my claims but ultimately the investigation is yours to perform! If you are a skeptic, click on the offered links, I promise you it will help!


Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
All the universal and personal predictions for 2018 are in the new 2018 Nostradamus personal Dragon Predictions but I strongly advise you to invest $5.00 in the 2017 version first and check if the predictions I made for your sign are accurate… And believe me they are!
Click image above to purchase the 2017 Dragon Forecast Now Available for Download!!
I will make a general announcement when the 2018 version will be published and available for download, so stand by readers. All I will divulge today is what I foresaw in June 2016 (and some!)
The reptilius will hijack more humans mind, body and souls because my warnings are not taken seriously and I am nowhere in the public eye anymore… With the legalization of pot and the Opioid predicted epidemic, more lost souls will commit suicide.
Both the religious and scientific infected matrixes won’t be able to do anything to stop the reptilius’ carnage.
There is not much support to fight those entities accordingly. In fact, just the opposite. Thus in time, my dramatic visions can only become a reality!
Indeed 2018 will speak the reality of a real Modern Prophet’s warnings and until I get the help and recognition I need to teach the world how to stop the reptilius, all you can do is to waste your time praying a false, man made god for protection!
Furthermore, after the holidays, (January or February SOS to the world deadly windows) expect a very serious increase of children and especially young adults to be” wasted” in the upcoming conflicts with North Korea, China and Russia…
Fire and fury from the above
Cosmic vision to curse humanity
Prophet ridicule tears of blood real
Space brothers fight darkness
I am sure you certainly do not want to read such terrible predictions, but they are real and FREE! May a Cosmic God Have Mercy on his unconscious children…
“Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi
Click image above to purchase the 2017 Dragon Forecast Now Available for Download!!
Once again, think of offering yourself or your loved ones with a present that will last a full year but also change their perception to life! Note also you will get what you pay for, a $5.00 investment is just an introduction to my work while any of my services below has more you could ever bargain for as far as your fate is concerned.
If you are not happy, it is because you do not live your destiny, lastly…
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.~ Paracelsus
Blessings to all our readers
DEAL EXTENDED until 01/01/2018!
Get Disc 1 (8 hours of a rare cosmic tuition) for only $50.00! Terania will mail you the material you need and a FREE eBook copy of “And God Created The stars.” This book is important to read before listening to your DVD and should help one to learn about the basics of divine astrology.
Right there you are getting one free book and one Disc 1 (8 hours of a rare cosmic tuition) for only $50.00 OR you can purchase the full course for half price or $750 if you decide to proceed at your own pace and at your own time to learn about God’s cosmic design, the signs accurately and make accurate predictions the way we do!
There is more… Once you purchase one disc, you also qualify for 1 FREE month on the cosmic code website (not for current VIP’s). After reading your free e-book, if needed, Terania will attend all your questions via email! teraniapromodir@gmail.com
This is a life time investment you should be able to benefit from, if you’re spiritually advanced like us but also use to understand your loved ones and friends better than any traditional psychologist could ever do.
Your kids’ UCI should be worth knowing and the solid guidance you will know, will be priceless… This is Terania’s and mines way to THANK you for reading us regularly and trusting our cosmic wisdom.
You may not be keen on this recent Thanksgiving deal, thus there is more to chose from…
Become a VIP and let us serve you throughout the year with our few personal and Universal monthly guidance and predictions.
Please Note: NOT FOR CURRENT VIP’S… You can join for ONE Month for free when you purchase a 2017 Nostradamus Personal Forecast for $5.00 only.
Ordering it before the year 2017 expire is a sure way to CHECK what the stars did to you in 2017 and what the stars have in store for you in 2018!
All you have to do is to order first then email Teraniapromodir@gmail.com, send her your receipt letting her know that you purchased the personal forecast so she can comp you into the Cosmic Code private website for 30 days for FREE!
Two for one per say, This will give you the option to judge both options and our cosmic work then invest in your future, you like what you read.
Lastly, it is important to emphasize the importance of GIVING! Give love, give your time, give your words, offer deals… This is so little yet much great karma in store for you!
The great reward or painful curse imposed by your personal karma will follow you in this lifetime and afterwards. Thus if you feel you do not have any skill or wisdom, you must develop the most important one of all! That is; to give unselfishly to others like Terania and I do everyday with our cosmic code newsletters!
When you think our brave soldiers are giving their lives for us, I am sure you will find a little something to give to those you love, respect and trust!
Become a VIP or make a good use to the deals above, doing so you are not only giving to us, but to humanity! And that is quite a lot in the eyes and heart of a cosmic God in charge of your karma!
Blessings from the Turi’s