“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the future!
David Icke Defeat, Conspiracy Author Made To Pay £50,000 For Lies
From “David Icke’s Lost Spirit published December 1, 2011
David Icke special warning * Posted 12/03/2016 * Heed a real Prophet visions. David Icke will suffer a heart attack in February or August; Please if you attend his lectures warn him to seriously slow down or suffer the price of his cosmic ignorance…
Read more Souls born in //////// and ////////// or those born with a moon, rising, a natal or hidden dragon in the sign of //////////// or ///////// (i.e; David Icke / Trump / Madona / Obama / Schwarzenegger etc.) will be ///////// or //////////// by this dragon, all depending of /////////////. Any affairs by house and sign ruled by /////// or /////// will undergo a full positive/negative restructure.
This dragon and the reptilius are against him and those born in //// and //// I want to warn him. My previous prediction about his legal battle took place and he must heed my warning so he can keep his good work to the world.
Nostradamus 2019 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Order your 2019 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
December 3 -// (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Asia / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / *****Explosions*** / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0)/ Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO.
“DT Rebuttal: Indeed and this is what is dangerous because currently Pluto (power) in Capricorn (governments) works in his favor but when the Tail of the Dragon will move in the sign of Aries or on David Icke 1st house (self) on February 19th, 2014, the heavy wrist of karma will either eliminate him (suicide/heart attack/plane crash/CIA secret legal interaction?) or elevate him even higher to teach the world a bigger spiritual lesson?
I am sure David’ supporters will forward him this crucial newsletter knowing (and for good reasons) he does not ask me for personal readings no more. I hope his new psychics friends can measure up to my “visions” and advise him adequately. Meantime as a human being I am asking everyone to pray for his safety then because he (and his psychic) has absolutely NO clue of what the Cosmic Code is all about…”
Dear Readers;
First and foremost realize the true purpose of this four year old “defamatory” article is to offer my reading audience another proof of my UFO predictive legacy used in a “psychic” profession demanding caution before wasting your time and your money. Indeed David was caught in another lie I am offering in this article!
Once upon a time, David and I were close friends and until our “disagreement” for years I used to be his and Pamela “psychic!” He was also the first one to get a copy of my book Moon Power for free every year which he used to re-invent himself, and when I confronted him about it, his guild feeling were unmistakable and this brought more frictions to an already sensitive situation.
The fact is all the cosmic wisdom he display about Saturn and other planets in his conferences was stolen from all the books he got from me (for free) since 1995 www.drturi.com. Yet he never mentioned my name… The same apply with John Gray who did exactly the same thing when I meet him in San Francisco in 1995. He got a reading from me, got all my books and my hone astropsychology course! None of those greedy, deceptive men mentioned my name ever!
“There is only a very thin hair between divine information and pure imagination!” – Dr. Turi
There are millions of practicing psychics dedicated to help a vast clientele in need of spiritual regeneration and direction in life. The choices for spiritual guides are limitless and so are the psychical dangers! I doubt very much Carol came close to what I wrote above in my predictions for David, but endorsing her instead of me, was David way of saying thank you for all I did for him for years…
Not that I needed the advertisement then because my accuracy speaks for itself, but making calculated demand to test your friends always confirm a strong friendship.
A few years ago, during his divorce from Pamela, the debates between us were quite intense and the destructive mess did not please everyone involved. CTC am – George Noory, David Icke, Jon Rapporport …
I am not the type of man that enjoy kicking his opponent laying down on the ground, just the opposite, and this is is exactly where David is today, down and beaten… Money is extremely important for Aries, and 50K is a lot of money to pay someone you hate and won the legal battle. Souls born in the constellation of Aries tend to speak too much and must learn to stop and listen for a change.
From Dr. Turi Versus David Icke
“Losing a friend means also losing many wishes and should be avoided at all cost. Nurture, respect and return any favor done to you because this is what makes a real friend! I can not blame Mr.Jay Weidner to take on David’ side, at least I respect its guts but let me warn anyone / everyone else trying to tarnish my name and my work!
The fact is you are not only very insecure but extraordinary competitive, (typical Aries) and again this is your natal stars in action, that’s all. And for this I cannot hold any grudges against your UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” David. All I am doing, as a true truth seeker is to offer you the opportunity to auto analyze yourself and your actions…Because for every actions there is an equal and opposite reaction which is called KARMA! For what it is worth David, slow down a bit the Dragon sits right on your messed up heart and regardless of our differences I will always help you if asked!
David indirectly used Jay Weidner to respond and attack my integrity and this cost me greatly, because during those days Jay was Gaiam TV producer and I did not know him personally. We spent hours with George Noory taping in the studio and I had no idea he was David’s friend. He never had the guts to clarify his position with me and kept silent…
“Losing a friend means also losing many wishes and should be avoided at all cost.” A few weeks later, I asked him to produce a series of Astrology shows where I would teach the secrets of the Cosmic Code and he categorically and violently refused my participation. Though while much of the ignorant public may have lost quite a lot without my input, this is something only those willing like our students and VIP’s can attest of course.
Fate had it this way, a cosmic God decides who can and should benefit from the secrets of the cosmic code I own and teach.
My legitimate cosmic wisdom put me in a position where I can clearly see what the future has in store not only for our trustful clients, students and friends but also for my enemies and, as experienced with David, patience is all I need.
Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness – Dr. Turi
And with David Icke karmic results, my supporters can only appreciate more of the validity of my predictions and the priceless, accurate guidance I offer those a cosmic God has and will always lead to me.
I used to waste my energy answering atheists and religious dry vitriolic following my posted predictions knowing well, reasoning with a donkey is easier than to change an atheist or any idiots mind!
Our differences are now in the past and David, including my world wide reading audience learned something valuable about the veracity of my work. All the while I am sure David also knew, in time my predictions would touch him directly.
I have learned my own lesson by losing David’ friendship and by making Jay Weidner another karmic enemy… But God’s cosmic will is unfolding as planned for us all. All we need is more lessons and more time to realize our errors and learn from them it seem…
David is a genius in his own right, he is into conspiracies, I am into UFO (by force) the stars and the moon! But David was born with a Leo Dragon’s Tail and cursed with fame, love, children and the light. A cosmic wisdom I own and desperately tried so hard to pass on to him since we first met in 1991 in San Diego California.
In the eyes of God we are all human, no one is better or worse than anyone else and we are all stuck on this dense physical world which I know to be hell… All I can do is to keep making predictions and sharing my cosmic wisdom with those willing and able to gain from it…
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
If you aim for the truth, if you can handle the undiluted truth and want to own the golden keys to what it means to be human, and most of all, if you are ready for me, as of today, this is where you will find Terania and Dr. Turi to serve you with the light of God Cosmic Divinity…
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
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