“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”- Buddha
Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!
Why was Joan Rivers so Unique? Astroforensics of the future at work today!
Dear readers;
But if you are part of the extreme minority of smart people reading my rogue articles, you will realize what both, the New York medical examiner (and the scientific matrix) have to lose by exposing the undiluted truth to the public – or BILLIONS of dollars!
But as you all know, human have a very short memory span and we are all much too busy making a fat living for the IRS and Uncle Sam’s political elites! So, the medical examiner will always wait for weeks to expose the truth I divulge almost immediately! Yes, the sad reality is; Joan Rivers, like Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and countless of other celebrities who committed suicide are all the victims of the scientific and the pharmaceutical matrixes “legal” drugs.
‘Pharmageddon’ Is Upon Us – Pharmageddon is “the prospect of a world in which medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health, and when medical progress does more harm than good” — and it is no longer a prospect but fully upon us. And withy what’s going on with Ebola today, it would be wise for you to read AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions too!
Death by medicine is a 21st-century epidemic, and America’s “war on drugs” is clearly directed at the wrong enemy!
Prescription drugs are now killing far more people than illegal drugs, and while most major causes of preventable deaths are declining, those from prescription drug use are increasing, an analysis of recently released data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by the Los Angeles Timesrevealed.
The Times analysis of 2009 death statistics, the most recent available, showed and approaching 2015 soon or 6 years later… I can assure you, those numbers have doubled…
- For the first time ever in the US, more people were killed by drugs than motor vehicle accidents
- 37,485 people died from drugs, a rate fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents
- Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, and more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69
- Firearms killed31,672 people, and 26,852 died as a result of falling. … In 60 percent of all overdosedeaths, prescription pharmaceuticals were to blame.
Again, these drug-induced fatalities are not being driven by illegal street drugs; the analysis found that the most commonly abused prescription drugs like OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax and Soma now cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.
Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education… Einstein
“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi
Now on to the truth if you can handle it!
- Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!
- Will Miley Cyrus Survive A Mixture of Weed and Medications?
- Lindsay Lohan says she had a miscarriage/abortion?
- Dr. Sanjay Gupta First Legal US Drug Lord?
- Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!
- Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?
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A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”
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teraniapromodir@gmail.com 602-265-7667