SOS TO THE WORLD JANUARY 1,2,3,4 – You Have Been Warned by Dr. Turi



DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus



THE PICTURE ABOVE TELLS YOU ALL THE PREVALENT SNAKE COSMIC ENERGY AHEAD OF US! If you want to know more about the “snake year” watch this video!

Dear reader,

Sad enough in a previous newsletter titled  2024 Xmass evil on its way! You Have Been Warned by Dr. Turi I mentioned “be cautious while traveling, many non-cosmic conscious people will not see 2025 and to expect Dramatic mass death News! Many people will not see the year 2025!”


Famous Death
Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, Dies

President Carter had a long and blessed life but too many people of all ages dies much too early because of natural disasters and accidents while traveling At least 4 dead as severe weather threat moves east after tornado-spawning storms hit Texas and Mississippi” or suicides etc. Be wise, be prepared, save TIME, MONEY AND YOUR LIFE!


15 people were killed and 30 were injured in New Orleans when a person intentionally drove a pickup truck into a crowd on Bourbon Street during New Year’s celebrations! I tried very hard to warn all my readers well before Xmass and the New Year, yet it seems my cosmic work is going nowhere fast and many people you, my dear readers you could have warned by sharing my work died.


Regardless of how much I’ve tried to warn you in all my newsletters, I realize little or no progress has been made with the number of new readers. Sad enough, you do not take my words and warnings seriously, and KARMA will reach too many people who enjoy my work to regenerate their spirit selfishly and acknowledge my warnings without sharing my newsletters!

I am warning you once more my friend! You MUST STOP reading my work right away or SHARE IT to avoid the reptilius reaching your body, (sickness/accidents) mind (depression), and soul (addictions.)

I am trying very hard to make you aware of subtle forces you do not know or cannot understand just yet, realize I do not write those universal laws, I translate them so PLEASE do not blame me for your ignorance if you become a victim of an unavoidable KARMA!

If you cannot handle those exposed metaphysical laws read, listen, and watch Joel Osteen which will tell you what you want to hear, make false promises, and deceive you! Lastly, never forget God does not speak to FOOLS like him and no Divinity, guidance, warnings or protection will come from him to you!

Sharing email:SOMETIMES THE WARNINGS HAVE TO BE PUT OUT…a few years ago…my daughter was in a terrible car accident in Mexico…it happened during a deadly window warning…and you had put out the warning to be careful driving…and I was going to tell her of this…I was going to warn her….and I didn’t…. and her and a friend had a terrible accident…the car rolled down a hill and rolled over two or three times as it went down the hill…it was a convertible…and she had a head injury…that completely changed her life…she was never the same.”

First, let me share some good news, after many weeks of hard work taking four exams online, I passed and received the results for my 100 tons Master on Christmas Eve! I had a bit of difficulty with plotting since it involved mathematics and complex geometry but with dedication and discipline, I did it!

So, I am now a qualified, and safe boat Captain ready to start a new chapter in my life as the new dragon moves into Pisces in late January (water/oceans/boating/exotic places.)

I did all this while driving about 5000 miles per week “OTR” for FedEx and taking care of an endless chain of astrological consultations during my days off.  The idea was to work very hard and save money to invest in a nice boat for my “Lady of the Sea Charters” project. And I hope to see many of you in the future in the Florida Keys and all the details, pictures, videos, newsletters etc. will be in the new (in progress) website.

You may help me fulfill my goal faster by ordering a “Lady of the Sea Charter” T-shirt or a hat, a pen, or something you would like us to create for you and make a donation of $100 minimum for S&H.

$100 donation will also get you the new 2025 Nostradamus forecast for all signs and if you make a donation of $200 you will save $50 and join us in the  January upcoming hypnotherapy course on Zoom.

Thank you all – Talk to for information, mailing address, ideas or choice Hat, T-shirt S/M/L sizes etc.


Nobody dies falling out of a car unless drugs or alcohol are involved, especially when both are used/abused during the holidays. But saving the good name of all reptilius infected celebrities seems to be the norme with the media.

Famous people born Leo i.e., Witney Houston – Michael Jackson died because of legal and illegal drugs abuse and Hudson is not different! Why in the name of God would he try to jump out of a running car unless he was high and wanted to commit suicide?

Hudson was born on August 5, 2008, in the constellation of Leo (fame/wealth),  he was fated by God’s cosmic design to own a big stage, to be popular, magnetic, rich and famous!

Sad enough, Hudson’s natal dragon’s tail (negative) was also in Leo in his first house (the self)  and this usually means a short life and/or an unusually violent explosive death as suffered by Princess Diana and Steve Irwin.

Since famous people are not cosmic conscious they can’t avoid their karmic fate thus, the same shocking, brutal explosive end of life will happen to Elon Musk, Putin and Taylor Swift to name a few.

Furthermore Hudson died during one of his personal 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms in conjunction with the current 2024 SOS DEADLY window posted last week. If you did not yet, check the predictions of large earthquakes and others visions that came to pass during this dramatic time!

Hudson did not have to die prematurely but while he was rich and famous he was also, like most of my readers, non cosmic-conscious and paid the ultimate price for his ignorance. God bless his soul and those of the many who will not see the year 2025…



As mentioned in Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY the only good news I have for my readers supporting our Democracy is that; Trump’s formidable EVIL GEMINI DIVIDING, DESTRUCTIVE RACIST STARS POWER will also curse the Republicans’s hearts and minds and MAGA wich in time, will self destruct!”

And it seem my vision is already taking place…

Steve Bannon Tells MAGA ‘Convert’ Elon Musk To ‘Sit in the Back and Study’ or ‘We’re Going To Rip Your Face Off!’

 “Musk, who was tapped to lead President-elect Donald Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency, has clashed with Trump’s supporters over H-1B visas.

Elon musk made his own prediction of assassination – I see August or February Trump’s mid term election!

$$$$$$$$$$ Government Efficiency? $$$$$$$$$$$




Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
The endless list of clients requesting astrological reading sessions never stops but I will always find the time to teach Hypnotherapy!  If you sign up for this course, you will use the recorded tuition as many times as needed to learn how to reach the superconscious creative forces (God) and benefit from its incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$700 is quite a lot of money for a private astrological full life reading consultation on Zoom but paying only $250 to learn the basics of hypnotherapy is a great deal! Taking the live upcoming course under my guidance and coaching will also allow you to learn how to auto-hypnotize yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the very near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email

Note –In 2023/2024 the dragon cursed all Libra/Aries souls or people born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in those signs!  Read more on the next Pisces/Virgo axis predictions for all signs starting January 2025 blessing (or cursing) your life for the next 18 months if you do not know about it. 

As I always say, I can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean they will drink at the source of all wisdom! Investing in this service is one of the best ways for the consumers to find out if my rare cosmic wisdom is real or not! And you will soon realize my work is not fiction!
All you have to do is PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO THE GIVEN DATES offered all throughout the year 2025 and have control over your destiny by making your traveling plans much safer, especially if you fly to foreign grounds. Anything and everything you want to go your way MUST be done during those windows (or not!)
Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery) becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are curious, lucky and still alive to read me!
The ramifications involving this service is a blessing and knowing ahead of time your good and bad days will allow you to save time, money, “falls and surgeries” and even save your life!
  Email or call the office (602) 265 7667 for more information.

The passage of the deadly Scorpio dragon produced millions of deaths around the world due to COVID!

The passage of the ARIES/Arian dragon produced the predicted Ukraine/Russia, Israel Hamass and upsurge of White supremacy/racism including the rise/re-election of Trump!

The “Change of Guard” will take place on January 15th! when the new Pisces (religion/water/Middle East) Virgo (HEALTH/insurances/RFK Jr., American politician, environmental lawyer) dragon axis hits the world.

This dragon is currently “void of course” and one of my many predictions published in my 2025 Nostradamus personal/universal forecast for all signs took place with the rebirth of Syria!

Very small sample  of my visions  Published August 4, 2024

2025 Prediction #1 – Many cosmic religious poisoned people will fall for the reptilius universal output of general INSECURITY and fear of God and hell! The reptilius took control of our politician’s minds while desperate people from all walks of life can not regenerate with cosmic truth and will commit horrible crimes and/or suicide.

It is critical for my readers to realize the importance of NOT feeding the reptilius with more negative, fearful thoughts generating a lack of faith and trust in the future. Those negative entities are currently exerting their psychical power over billions of oblivious religiously indoctrinated human beings from all walks of life.

We are NOT doomed, God did not put us on earth to die a suffocating, terrible end! Simply remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thoughts…

Many people are stuck in darkness and from there, I am trying to put some wind under their wings and spirit so they can rebirth into love and the higher benevolent Draconis vibration made of light, faith, happiness, joy, success, and love for life!

The part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the dragon and the reptilius and this is why you must watch my UFO movie and resist their destructive agenda!

What we know about the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast

  ET’s do not use drones period. While the negative reptilius group will hijack the body, mind and soul of many infected people who are using today’s technology in a negative way to spy and/or scare society. Our benevolent space brothers “the Draconis” are much too advanced technologically speaking that your mind could not comprehend the complexity of the tools they use.

Since there is only a thin hair between reality and fiction many will assume those drones are from “another planet” when they are from Earth and fabricated by men! The future will tell us more about those drones and until then, the illusive mystery persist!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT –That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elaborate for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!


As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempt on his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive restructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of our services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website! Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunian’s stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or Capricorn Sun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive restructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to Terania if needed 
Client feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promise you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Teen actor Hudson Meek, ‘Baby Driver,’ suicidal death revealed!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus





Dear reader,


First, let me share some good news, after many weeks of hard work taking four exams online, I passed and received the results for my 100 tons Master on Christmas Eve! I had a bit of difficulty with plotting since it involved mathematics and complex geometry but with dedication and discipline, I did it!

So, I am now a qualified, and safe boat Captain ready to start a new chapter in my life as the new dragon moves into Pisces in late January (water/oceans/boating/exotic places.)

I did all this while driving about 5000 miles per week “OTR” for FedEx and taking care of an endless chain of astrological consultations during my days off.  The idea was to work very hard and save money to invest in a nice boat for my “Lady of the Sea Charters” project. And I hope to see many of you in the future in the Florida Keys and all the details, pictures, videos, newsletters etc. will be in the new (in progress) website.

You may help me fulfill my goal faster by ordering a “Lady of the Sea Charter” T-shirt or a hat, a pen, or something you would like us to create for you and make a donation of $100 minimum for S&H.

$100 donation will also get you the new 2025 Nostradamus forecast for all signs and if you make a donation of $200 you will save $50 and join us in the  January upcoming hypnotherapy course on Zoom.

Thank you all – Talk to for information, mailing address, ideas or choice Hat, T-shirt S/M/L sizes etc.

Nobody dies falling out of a car unless drugs or alcohol are involved, especially when both are used/abused during the holidays. But saving the good name of all reptilius infected celebrities seems to be the norme with the media.

Famous people born Leo i.e., Witney Houston – Michael Jackson died because of legal and illegal drugs abuse and Hudson is not different! Why in the name of God would he try to jump out of a running car unless he was high and wanted to commit suicide?

Hudson was born on August 5, 2008, in the constellation of Leo (fame/wealth),  he was fated by God’s cosmic design to own a big stage, to be popular, magnetic, rich and famous!

Sad enough, Hudson’s natal dragon’s tail (negative) was also in Leo in his first house (the self)  and this usually means a short life and/or an unusually violent explosive death as suffered by Princess Diana and Steve Irwin.

Since famous people are not cosmic conscious they can’t avoid their karmic fate thus, the same shocking, brutal explosive end of life will happen to Elon Musk, Putin and Taylor Swift to name a few.

Furthermore Hudson died during one of his personal 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms in conjunction with the current 2024 SOS DEADLY window posted last week. If you did not yet, check the predictions of large earthquakes and others visions that came to pass during this dramatic time!

Hudson did not have to die prematurely but while he was rich and famous he was also, like most of my readers, non cosmic-conscious and paid the ultimate price for his ignorance. God bless his soul and those of the many who will not see the year 2025…



As mentioned in Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY the only good news I have for my readers supporting our Democracy is that; Trump’s formidable EVIL GEMINI DIVIDING, DESTRUCTIVE RACIST STARS POWER will also curse the Republicans’s hearts and minds and MAGA wich in time, will self destruct!”

And it seem my vision is already taking place…

 “Musk, who was tapped to lead President-elect Donald Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency, has clashed with Trump’s supporters over H-1B visas.

Elon musk made his own prediction of assassination – I see August or February Trump’s mid term election!

$$$$$$$$$$ Government Efficiency? $$$$$$$$$$$




Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
The endless list of clients requesting astrological reading sessions never stops but I will always find the time to teach Hypnotherapy!  If you sign up for this course, you will use the recorded tuition as many times as needed to learn how to reach the superconscious creative forces (God) and benefit from its incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$700 is quite a lot of money for a private astrological full life reading consultation on Zoom but paying only $250 to learn the basics of hypnotherapy is a great deal! Taking the live upcoming course under my guidance and coaching will also allow you to learn how to auto-hypnotize yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the very near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email

Note –In 2023/2024 the dragon cursed all Libra/Aries souls or people born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in those signs!  Read more on the next Pisces/Virgo axis predictions for all signs starting January 2025 blessing (or cursing) your life for the next 18 months if you do not know about it. 

As I always say, I can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean they will drink at the source of all wisdom! Investing in this service is one of the best ways for the consumers to find out if my rare cosmic wisdom is real or not! And you will soon realize my work is not fiction!
All you have to do is PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO THE GIVEN DATES offered all throughout the year 2025 and have control over your destiny by making your traveling plans much safer, especially if you fly to foreign grounds. Anything and everything you want to go your way MUST be done during those windows (or not!)
Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery) becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are curious, lucky and still alive to read me!
The ramifications involving this service is a blessing and knowing ahead of time your good and bad days will allow you to save time, money, “falls and surgeries” and even save your life!
  Email or call the office (602) 265 7667 for more information.

The passage of the deadly Scorpio dragon produced millions of deaths around the world due to COVID!

The passage of the ARIES/Arian dragon produced the predicted Ukraine/Russia, Israel Hamass and upsurge of White supremacy/racism including the rise/re-election of Trump!

The “Change of Guard” will take place on January 15th! when the new Pisces (religion/water/Middle East) Virgo (HEALTH/insurances/RFK Jr., American politician, environmental lawyer) dragon axis hits the world.

This dragon is currently “void of course” and one of my many predictions published in my 2025 Nostradamus personal/universal forecast for all signs took place with the rebirth of Syria!

Very small sample  of my visions  Published August 4, 2024

2025 Prediction #1 – Many cosmic religious poisoned people will fall for the reptilius universal output of general INSECURITY and fear of God and hell! The reptilius took control of our politician’s minds while desperate people from all walks of life can not regenerate with cosmic truth and will commit horrible crimes and/or suicide.

It is critical for my readers to realize the importance of NOT feeding the reptilius with more negative, fearful thoughts generating a lack of faith and trust in the future. Those negative entities are currently exerting their psychical power over billions of oblivious religiously indoctrinated human beings from all walks of life.

We are NOT doomed, God did not put us on earth to die a suffocating, terrible end! Simply remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thoughts…

Many people are stuck in darkness and from there, I am trying to put some wind under their wings and spirit so they can rebirth into love and the higher benevolent Draconis vibration made of light, faith, happiness, joy, success, and love for life!

The part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the dragon and the reptilius and this is why you must watch my UFO movie and resist their destructive agenda!

What we know about the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast

  ET’s do not use drones period. While the negative reptilius group will hijack the body, mind and soul of many infected people who are using today’s technology in a negative way to spy and/or scare society. Our benevolent space brothers “the Draconis” are much too advanced technologically speaking that your mind could not comprehend the complexity of the tools they use.

Since there is only a thin hair between reality and fiction many will assume those drones are from “another planet” when they are from Earth and fabricated by men! The future will tell us more about those drones and until then, the illusive mystery persist!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT –That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elaborate for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!


As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempt on his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive restructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of our services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website! Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunian’s stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or Capricorn Sun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive restructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to Terania if needed 
Client feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promise you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Luigi and Samantha’s fate – 2024 Xmass evil on its way! You Have Been Warned by Dr. Turi


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus


Dear reader,

Before elaborating on “How to stop school shootings once and for all!” and do the stars and fate of  Natalie Rupnow “Samatha” born Nov 8 2009 and Luigi Nicholas Mangione born May 6, 1998, let me warn you of the upcoming Christmas SOS to the world deadly window! And it is already operational in Europe since they are ahead of us!  “5 dead and over 200 injured in Germany market attack.”

“He’s thought to be a former Muslim who renounced his faith and became increasingly anti-Islam.” And this is what any of the 5000 different religions on Earth produce at the end, feed the reptilius through true evil acts!


As a rule during any of my 2024/2025 Plutonic  SOS windows, you should avoid large gatherings and be extremely cautious of the words you use with others since emotions will run extremely high during the festivities. Trump’s curse is to DIVIDE us all anywhere in this world and there is no denying his evil stars!

Many cosmic unconscious people will not see the New Year 2025, so be very cautious be part of the solution, share my warnings and get good karma in the process.

December 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on December 2, 2024 at 5:13pm



December  24, 25, 26, 27

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
 Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Sex / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the  police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


Radio host under fire for anti-Asian comments, including one for ‘dog meat soup’
Oregon sheriff concerned about letters asking people to track possible immigrants

This non cosmic conscious radio host and police Chief have a good reason to worry or paid the price for being  ignorance of the stars…

My windows always induce natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

Death and destruction strike as tornadoes rip through multiple states after Christmas

12/27/24 – 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Kuril’sk, Hokkaido, Japan
12/25/24 –  6.0 in TinogastaCatamarcaArgentina
12/21/24 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port-Vila, Shefa, Vanuatu


Famous Death
Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, Dies
Supermodel and actress Dayle Haddon dies from apparent carbon monoxide leak
Charles Dolan, HBO and Cablevision founder, dies at 98
12/27/24 – ‘Romeo And Juliet’ star Olivia Hussey Eisley dies
12/26/24 – Teen actor Hudson Meek, who appeared in ‘Baby Driver,’ dies after falling from vehicle
Dramatic death News

At least 122 people dead in South Korea plane crash
12/25/24 – 3 shot and 1 stabbed at Phoenix airport in apparent family dispute on Christmas night
12/24/24 –  32 passengers survive fiery plane crash in Kazakhstan as authorities dozens others dead
12/24/24 – Teen brothers missing after weekend duck-hunting excursion goes horribly wrong

12/27/14 – Putin apologizes over ‘tragic’ Azerbaijan Airlines crash, without admitting responsibility
12/25/14 – Russialaunches major Christmas Day attack on Ukraine as Zelensky calls Putin ‘inhumane’
Years of correspondence from Paul Whelan reveal the brutality of Russia’s tactics

Sex / Secrets to light
Matt Gaetz Paid for Drugs and Sex with a 17-Year-Old, Bombshell Ethics Report Says

Born with the moon (emotions) in Scorpio (sex/power/drugs/secrets/drama) nothing is a surprise!
Blake Lively Sues ‘It Ends with Us’ Costar Justin Baldoni for Sexual Harassment
Looking at the stars, and they do not lie to me, Blake (like Trump)  was born with Pluto (Sex/power/revenge) in the 3rd house, (the mind) She is lying for revenge and money!

Dramatic Death News
Biden takes all but 3 people off federal death row
Woman dies after being set on fire on NYC subway
Suspect shot and killed after driving truck into TX mall, leaving several injured
Small plane crashes into Brazilian tourist city, killing at least 10

How more precise can I be?  Note also Blake was born with an Aries dragon axis and you may remember my words printed in my 2024 Dragon forecast for all signs – “If you were born with the Sun, the moon, natal or hidden dragon in Libra or Aries the 2024 Aries/Libra dragon will, depending on your karma take or change your life!

Ocasio Cortez – Vladimir Putin, Dr.Sanjay Gupta  – Deepak Chopra –  Neil Disgrace  ‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Angus T. Jones are threatened. All were born Libra!  Nancy Pelosis, her husband Paul own an Aries tail (the head,) VP Kamala Harris is a Libra and Tim Walz is an Aries.

Secrets to light?
Karma is ahead as predicted for those abusers, time will speak my vision!


Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022


If you think sending your child to  a private Christian school will protect him or get a better education you are in for a big and sad surprise! Its just the opposite and the reality is your children are not safe anywhere in the US, and this reptilius plague is experienced world wide. “Seven-year-old girl killed and several injured in stabbing attack at Croatia elementary school.” Its time to wake up to reality and do something about it, this critical newsletter, if you are curious and willing will do just that!

There have been at least 83 school shootings in the United States so far this year, as of December 16. Twenty-seven were on college campuses, and 56 were on K-12 school grounds. Those statitstics will get much worse before they get better and, God willing, finally stops with my safe schools! 

When I first heard the horrific news about Samantha mass shooting, as I did in the case of Brian Kohnerger, I also knew before it became public that she was also born a Scorpio; Read Kohnerger was born in November in the “Death Wish Generation”.

I also mentioned to my VIP’s the police will find his body in the water with shot wounds in the head!  I was right all along! But it is only if you become a VIP and read the dated, published newsletter and watch the video that you will realize my UFOs predictive legacy is real!

Over the years I wrote countless newsletters explaining the real reasons as to why suicidal Plutonic kids kill people and end up committing suicide.

Since 1995 after many years, endlessly asking science to investigate my work and for the public’s financial support to launch my first Astropsychology School, in 2024 I made absolutely no progress and got no help at all!

It seems the precious lives of all the past and future cursed victims and all the children mental welfare mean no much for the misinformed general public.

But how can I blame a religious poisoned, indoctrinated society supporting and endorsing people like Joel Osteen instead of Dr. Turi! Furthermore how many people are ready to investigate God’s cosmic design and Jesus’s initial cosmic Ministry outside of the deceptive Church Inc.?

Indeed God does not speak his celestial language to fools and charlatans!


We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots and religious leaders reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

Once upon a time, Luidgi and Samantha were like your own kids, two innocent, loving children who loved animals and people. What transpired between is not a mystery  to my students and I, yet a dry, stubborn science still refuse to enrich their repertoire of wisdom through Divine Astrology.

Like Astronomy (a byproduct of astrology) they would rather be caught dead than to deal with Astrology! Call it educated idiotic pride! 

Years later, in the name of science and religion, Luigi and Samantha became the latest victims of the US Department of Education, their parents, teachers  and cosmic unconscious ministers’s ignorance! Yes face the facts, you are all responsible for those past and future deaths and I hope the undiluted truth I represent will wake you up and finally support my work!

Are you ready to help Dr. Turi or wait for the next mass killing? Because it is not if but when it will happen and as always I will be there to refresh your memory!

Stop wasting billions on irresponsible scientific and ridiculous ventures led by Elon Musk with Mars, take care of Mother Earth and your children first or pay the sure ugly future consequences!

Ask any parent who lost a child in the Sandy Hook mass shooting (watch this video) if they could have invested in my cosmic wisdom to save their child! Or get real closure, real answers and real help because the church Inc, and traditional medicine never did and never will help them!

I will now explain the most powefull negative energies of both Luigi and Samantha in my video  (subscribe and share please) But this critical option should have been available to them years ago when they were students and ready to get help by learning all about God’s cosmic design and their natal Divinity.

Since no option to do so was available to them, the reptilius had fun destroying those two souls and countless others will be  infected and perish the same way if you do not help me help them! And this could be your kids!


“The Eagle (save a life) or the Lizard (take a life)

Holder of all the secrets deep
Never speaking for they are mine to keep
For those who plunder without care
Tread carefully for I see you there
I am SCORPIO, child of Pluto.

Samantha was born with a stellium (many planets) in the deadly sign of Scorpio! Venus in the first house (the self) made her beautiful, magnetic with a deep penetrating gaze and extreme love and/or hate/revenge!

Mercury (critical thinking) is also found in the deep revengeful sign of Scorpio which leads her to kill. Furthermore, Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) is found influencing her 3rd house (Mental process) on her Dragon’s Head  in Capricorn (planning!)

But what stirred the full LIZARD to act and kill is coming from her karmic, supremely emotional Cancer dragon’s tail receiving her Moon (emotional response to life!)

Since the Moon is cuspy and no time was used I gather the moon (the mother/negative insecure Scorpio dramatic early life) is on the Cancer karmic dragon’s tail and this dragon induce serious suicidal thoughts. Most importantly, on the day of the killing, Samantha was on one of her 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms.

I wish people were more curious and knew much more about those personal and universal windows since teens become extremely susceptible to a psychical reptilius infestation and commit murder/suicide.

A plutonic soul gives away a deep, penetrating gaze, they are very private, they love the dark, they do not trust anyone, speak little, and battle incredibly destructive intense negative deep emotions!

Being born a Scorpio is one of the most difficult karmic lesson for a soul to master since there is a direct connection with the forces of evil and extremely intense destructive emotions to learn to control. Is your child a Lizard or an Eagle? It very much depend on you knowing his karmic stars and guide him/her to develop the best of this incredibly powerful sign.

Note you may be born under any sign of the Zodiac, somewhere in your chart Pluto and Scorpio (by house and sign) are very active yet you do not know of those powerful cosmic influences and this is quite troublesome for many of you! Let’s hope you can control this incredible power and channel it productively, if not you may engage in a road rage and kill or be killed by a Plutonic infected person!

You are also under the creative or destructive power of your natal stars but as a rule the majority of killers rotting in jail were born in November!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

If a Scorpio child or teen tell you a secret or something unusual and deadly you better pay attention because they mean what they say to the core of their soul!But how can a non cosmic conscious, religious or atheist parent, or a teacher remotely understand the depth of such destructive feelings and revenge?

The sad reality is the Wisconsin school shooting has thrust a European rock band back into the spotlight instead of my cosmic work! And that is tragic for the children because of a moronic, non-curious, religious society!

Those old souls only regenerate with metaphysics and/or astrology, allowing them to recognize the Scorpius venomous dart and apply the will (or the part of God in each one of us) against self-destruction, negative somber thoughts and suicide.

Plutonic souls have a natural rejection of any form of religion since many of them, in previous lives were victimized and perished drowned, and/or burnt on the stake for practicing  “witchcraft”.

The first critical element for survival and spiritual regeneration for those kids is missing since today’s school does not teach children Divine Astrology or their relationship with the stars and the Divine.  In the name of skepticism, religious convictions, and pure idiocy from the school board and its administration, the wise cosmic conscious teacher is missing in the curriculum vitae.  Et voila the problem at the core!

It is a must to teach children mathematics, science, art, history, sports, etc. that will lead them to a great career, but none of those earthy subjects will seriously attract a Plutonic deep soul.

They are very smart and have an acute mind designed to investigate and research the depth of their human experience in this dense physical world where they often do not belong! Who’s there to reach and teach them before its too late?

If your child is born in November, owns a moon, a rising, a natal or hidden dragon in Scorpio, or his/her Pluto (power/sex/death/passion) is in bad aspect to Saturn (depression) or Mars (violence/firearms) or Venus (promiscuity) or Mercury (sarcasm), etc. you better be very aware of the very deep inner destructive powers he/she is battling every day!

But how can you know and realize the danger of ignorance if you lack curiosity or compassion for your child? Seeking mental help with chemicals or traditional psychology accepted medical disciplines will never work and make their peculiar mental situation much worse.

Note also the plutonic power can and should be channelled positively and the results of your child’s accomplishments in his lifetime will be astonishing!

Allowing true Soul Doctors and all my students to perform and interact with all Plutonic souls studying in our colleges and universities is the answer to putting an end to all those school shootings!

Over the years, billions of dollars have been and will still be invested in religious buildings and Christian schools and the question remains, will you invest in my cosmic wisdom, in my students, my Astropsychology Schools or hope for changes and  stop the killings by doing the same stupid thing over and over again?

If you are a concerned teacher or dedicated parent looking to put an end to this nightmare I have the answers you seek! I need your help but my hopes are dying with me as I will be soon 75 years old and never reached you before… I can only hope for your support for the sake of all children of the future, thus if you have any idea on how to build my first school, or if you have a building and the wealth to fulfil my mission let me know while I am still alive and well.  Thank you  DT


Elon musk made his own prediction of assassination – I see August or February Trump’s mid term election!


Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
If you decide to undergo a live, private hypnotherapy session with me on Zoom, prepare yourself to wait for weeks! The endless list of clients requesting both astrological reading and hypnotherapy sessions never stops!  You may also use the hypnoptic recorded session as many times as needed in the future to reach the superconcious (God) and benefit from this incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$500 is quite a lot of money to deal with me directly if needed and this is why taking the course is a much better deal since you can, under my guidance and coaching, learn to auto-hypnoptyze yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email

Note –In 2023/2024 the dragon cursed all Libra/Aries souls or people born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in those signs!  Read more on the next Pisces/Virgo axis predictions for all signs starting January 2025 blessing (or cursing) your life for the next 18 months if you do not know about it. 

As I always say, I can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean they will drink at the source of all wisdom! Investing in this service is one of the best ways for the consumers to find out if my rare cosmic wisdom is real or not! And you will soon realize this is not fiction!
All you have to do is PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO THE GIVEN DATES offered all throughout the year 2025 and have control over your destiny by making your traveling plans much safer, especially if you fly on foreign grounds. Anything and everything you want to go your way MUST be done during those windows (or not!)
Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own 2024/2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery)becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are lucky and still alive to read me!
The ramifications and knowing ahead of time your good and bad days will allow you to save time, money, “falls and surgeries” and even save your life!  Email or call the office (602) 265 7667 for more information.

The passage of the deadly Scorpio dragon produced millions of deaths due to COVID!

The passage of the ARIES/Arian dragon produced the predicted Ukraine/Russia, Israel Hamass and upsurge of White supremacy/racism including the rise/re-election of Trump!

The “Change of Guard” will take place on January 15th! when the new Pisces (religion/water/Middle East) Virgo (HEALTH/insurances/RFK Jr., American politician, environmental lawyer) dragon axis hits the world. This dragon is currently “void of course” and one of my many predictions published in my 2025 Nostradamus personal/universal forecast for all signs took place with The rebirth of Syria!

Very small sample  of my visions  Published August 4, 2024

2025 Prediction #1 – Many cosmic religious poisoned people will fall for the reptilius universal output of general INSECURITY and fear of God and hell! The reptilius took control of our politician’s minds while desperate people from all walks of life can not regenerate with cosmic truth and will commit horrible crimes and/or suicide.

It is critical for my readers to realize the importance of NOT feeding the reptilius with more negative, fearful thoughts generating a lack of faith and trust in the future. Those negative entities are currently exerting their psychical power over billions of oblivious religiously indoctrinated human beings from all walks of life.

We are NOT doomed, God did not put us on earth to die a suffocating, terrible end! Simply remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thoughts…

Many people are stuck in darkness and from there, I am trying to put some wind under their wings and spirit so they can rebirth into love and the higher benevolent Draconis vibration made of light, faith, happiness, joy, success, and love for life!

The part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the dragon and the reptilius and this is why you must watch my UFO movie and resist their destructive agenda!

What we know about the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast

  ET’s do not use drones period. While the negative reptilius group will hijack the body, mind and soul of many infected people who are using today’s technology in a negative way to spy and/or scare society. Our benevolent space brothers “the Draconis” are much too advanced technologically speaking that your mind could not comprehend the complexity of the tools they use. Since there is only a thin hair between reality and fiction many will assume those drones are from “another planet” when they are from Earth and fabricated by men! The future will tell us more about those drones and until then, the illusive mystery persist!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT –That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscriptionworth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!


As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





See first bill from Trump’s waste-cutters aimed at cursing American taxpayers


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

See first bill from Trump's waste-cutters aimed at giving relief to American taxpayers - Fox News

‘VERY, VERY IMPORTANT’ for the billionaires!

See first bill from Trump’s waste-cutters aimed at giving relief to American taxpayers

Elon musk made his own prediction of assassination – I see August or February Trump’s mid term election!

Dear reader,

Sometimes, the plain and obvious, blinding truth is much too obvious for people to perceive it! In this case, it’s like missing the immense forest for the small tree because we, the taxpayers, have been conditioned over the years to accept all the lies of NASA and Elon Musk.

The biggest tax waste ever starts with the “exploration” of the universe, particularly any and all very costly Mars projects! Do not think for a second that I do not like progress or science when I am like any other smart human being mystified by the cosmos and humanity’s progress. But wasting billions to put humans on Mars is a joke and will never happen!

The possibility exists to visit Mars and all other planets in our local solar system and beyond… Today’s technology is progressing at the speed of light with AI and both NASA and Musk could save us trillions in tax dollars by focusing their efforts on AI instead of deceptive “make-believe” stories.

Imagine for a second if this humongous amount of tax dollars were available to the US families and not wasted on such ridiculous aims since man will never fly physically past the Moon’s orbit! And that’s exactly what Elon Musk has in mind, “colonize, monopolize, financialize” and gain from his Moon’ space travel endeavors.

Instead Musk is regularly blowing up billions of our taxes with his/our expensive fire crakers to amuse himself and the world! Imagine how much would have been saved if this egocentric spoiled man were honorable and responsable?  Don’t you think all single mothers, struggling famillies and all Americans would benefit, happier and safer?

I wrote intensely about Musk’s Mars endeavors in previous newsletters, simply Google “Elon Musk Dr. Turi” and read the many reasons why he is the biggest tax dollars waste in American history and why no man will ever set foot on Mars!

Elon Musk like all supremely wealthy billionaires has too much time and too much money to waste and they are not exactly concerned about the majority of struggling Americans living paycheck to paycheck! And that’s OK with me as long as its not my hard-earned tax money and sweat!

Like me, using common sense, well-known scientists are fully aware of my claims not only because of the 248.8 million miles separating Mars from Earth. If you wanted to make a one-way trip to Mars it would take about nine months but a round-trip all in all would take about 21 months as you would need to wait about three months for Earth and Mars to be in a suitable location to be able to make the trip back home, according to NASA.

In reality, the answer isn’t that straightforward as it depends on several factors, ranging from the position of Earth and Mars to the technology available to propel you there. How much fuel is needed to get there and what would be the weight and price taken away from the tax payers again? And we are not close to accomplishing this trip…
The fact is Elon Musk is the last person on this Earth to create bills aimed at giving relief to American taxpayers and should resign from the Trump’s administration! His sole purpose was to get close to the President and gain  more access to our taxes and waste trillions more to reach the moon and fulfil his financial goals!
Once again, since this is a feasable goal for him, and if he succeed do you think for a second “we” the normal tax payer working class people will be able to afford a trip to the moon?
On the day that billionaire Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos goes to space it’s worth knowing that a ticket to reach space can cost as much as $55 million for a “proper” orbital flight and a visit to the International Space Station (ISS.)
This is a billionaires’ game where Musk, Bezos, and countless millionaire investors benefit from their corporate worlds paying little to no tax at all! Do you think this is right or am I wrong?
Realize very rich people are not concerned and do not care about “we the people” or do not worry about paying taxes! And for the countless struggling people trusting and electing Trump was a serious karmic lesson America will have to pay for.
Since the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness, make a note, save this warning, and see the state of America at, or during Trump’s mid-term because be sure, I will be there to refresh your memory!
Unlike us, Trump and Musk do not worry about the price of eggs or gas and never lived paycheck to paycheck! All they want is to make all corporations and all the rich richer and suck the working class taxes while keeping “We the people” under their control with endless lies! Its a bit too late now for all of us and karma for America MUSK and will unfold in the months to come!

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
If you decide to undergo a live, private hypnotherapy session with me on Zoom, prepare yourself to wait for weeks! The endless list of clients requesting both astrological reading and hypnotherapy sessions never stops!  You may also use the hypnoptic recorded session as many times as needed in the future to reach the superconcious (God) and benefit from this incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$500 is quite a lot of money to deal with me directly if needed and this is why taking the course is a much better deal since you can, under my guidance and coaching, learn to auto-hypnoptyze yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email



What are the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast?

Dear reader,

Before delegating the drones mysterious activity on the East Coast lets check on the current window and some of the old news…

December 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on December 2, 2024 at 5:13pm



December 15, 16, 17 – //,//,//

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


12/14/24 – 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Molina, Maule, Chile

New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life


Do you think people will die or be forced or think of moving following those disasters?
Do you think some of this people’s lives will changes?

Five freedmembers of Bali Nine drug gang ‘relieved and happy’ to be home
Trump and SoftBank CEO to announce$100 billion investment in US projects
Teenage boy accused of killing 4 family members in New Mexico home
Supreme Court bats away bribery appeal from former New York Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin
A Memphis man is guiltyof murdering his wife during their honeymoon, a Fiji court decides
UPDATE – 12/15/24 two Massive Russian Ships have sunk in the Black Sea.

As you all know, there are NO accidents in my world, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work, the majority of people on earth are totally oblivious of… Let’s discuss the latest news and why they are cursing those people, and this could be you if you are not cosmic conscious! 

Jamie Foxx recovering after physical altercation at Beverly Hills restaurant
Nancy Pelosi hospitalized during official trip to Luxembourg 

  The irony is none of the thousands of famous people and politicians in charge of our destiny are aware of the power of the stars over their and our lives! And this is the perfect recipe for disaster not only to them but for us all!

Nancy Pelosis was traveling in Europe under one of her 2024 personal negative cosmic biorhythms and Jamie Foxx celebrated his birthday also during one of my 2024 SOS negative windows! It is critical for the reader to realize BOTH (including Pelosis’s husband) were born with an Aries/Libra dragon axis!

Jamie Foxx  ‘I don’t remember 20 days’

In the Netflix special released Tuesday, Foxx said he had a brain bleed that led to a stroke during a medical emergency he faced last year.

Note –In 2023/2024 the dragon cursed all Libra/Aries souls or people born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in those signs!  Read more on the next Pisces/Virgo axis predictions for all signs starting January 2025 blessing (or cursing) your life for the next 18 months if you do not know about it. 

Unlike the thousands of people who died on that day, they escaped with their lives but, in the name of ignorance or skepticism, why take chances when you can travel or celebrate your birthday safely?
Those people are rich and famous and do not know me or my cosmic work! You do and this makes the difference between smart and curious people and others reading and learning about my warnings!
As I always say, I can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean they will drink at the source of all wisdom! Investing in this service is one of the best ways for the consumers to find out if my rare cosmic wisdom is real or not! And you will soon realize this is not fiction!
All you have to do is PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO THE GIVEN DATES offered all throughout the year 2025 and have control over your destiny by making your traveling plans much safer, especially if you fly on foreign grounds. Anything and everything you want to go your way MUST be done during those windows (or not!)
Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own 2024/2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery)becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are lucky and still alive to read me!
The ramifications and knowing ahead of time your good and bad days will allow you to save time, money, “falls and surgeries” and even save your life!  Email or call the office (602) 265 7667 for more information.

Trump to be named Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ for second time

To those who read “Trump for President” or many of my previous newsletters including Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY!I explained what being born a DUAL mean and they tend to attract each others!

Like Trump, Pete Hegseth, Marjorie Greene, Laura Loomer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Rudy Giuliani, all were born into the constellation of DUAL Gemini!

Lies, abuses and divisions can only bring troubles to those who created them “Bomb Threat at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Home Leads To Fatal Car Accident and CEO’s killing” The results can and will be deadly since “A magnet will not attract a piece of wood!”

Many of those reptilius infected greedy people will not see the end of the year and/or Trump’s presidency! Karma is unavoidable and a critical lesson to learn for all humans…

The passage of the deadly Scorpiodragon produced millions of deaths due to COVID!

The passage of the ARIES/Arian dragon produced the predicted Ukraine/Russia, Israel Hamass and upsurge of White supremacy/racism including the rise/re-election of Trump!

The “Change of Guard” will take place on January 15th! when the new Pisces (religion/water/Middle East) Virgo (HEALTH/insurances/RFK Jr., American politician, environmental lawyer) dragon axis hits the world. This dragon is currently “void of course” and one of my many predictions published in my 2025 Nostradamus personal/universal forecast for all signs took place with The rebirth of Syria!

Very small sample  of my visions  Published August 4, 2024

2025 Prediction #1 – Many cosmic religious poisoned people will fall for the reptilius universal output of general INSECURITY and fear of God and hell! The reptilius took control of our politician’s minds while desperate people from all walks of life can not regenerate with cosmic truth and will commit horrible crimes and/or suicide.

It is critical for my readers to realize the importance of NOT feeding the reptilius with more negative, fearful thoughts generating a lack of faith and trust in the future. Those negative entities are currently exerting their psychical power over billions of oblivious religiously indoctrinated human beings from all walks of life.

We are NOT doomed, God did not put us on earth to die a suffocating, terrible end! Simply remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thoughts…

Many people are stuck in darkness and from there, I am trying to put some wind under their wings and spirit so they can rebirth into love and the higher benevolent Draconis vibration made of light, faith, happiness, joy, success, and love for life!

The part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the dragon and the reptilius and this is why you must watch my UFO movie and resist their destructive agenda!

What we know about the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast

  ET’s do not use drones period. While the negative reptilius group will hijack the body, mind and soul of many infected people who are using today’s technology in a negative way to spy and/or scare society. Our benevolent space brothers “the Draconis” are much too advanced technologically speaking that your mind could not comprehend the complexity of the tools they use. Since there is only a thin hair between reality and fiction many will assume those drones are from “another planet” when they are from Earth and fabricated by men! The future will tell us more about those drones and until then, the illusive mystery persist!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT –That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscriptionworth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias








What are the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast?


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Dear reader,

Before delegating the drones mysterious activity on the East Coast lets check on the current window and some of the old news…

December 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on December 2, 2024 at 5:13pm



December 15, 16, 17 – //,//,//

Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death Prayers A New Life for Many


America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!

My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0


12/14/24 – 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Molina, Maule, Chile

New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life


Do you think people will die or be forced or think of moving following those disasters?
Do you think some of this people’s lives will changes?

Five freedmembers of Bali Nine drug gang ‘relieved and happy’ to be home
Trump and SoftBank CEO to announce$100 billion investment in US projects
Teenage boy accused of killing 4 family members in New Mexico home
Supreme Court bats away bribery appeal from former New York Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin
A Memphis man is guiltyof murdering his wife during their honeymoon, a Fiji court decides
UPDATE – 12/15/24 two Massive Russian Ships have sunk in the Black Sea.

As you all know, there are NO accidents in my world, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work, the majority of people on earth are totally oblivious of… Let’s discuss the latest news and why they are cursing those people, and this could be you if you are not cosmic conscious! 

Jamie Foxx recovering after physical altercation at Beverly Hills restaurant
Nancy Pelosi hospitalized during official trip to Luxembourg 

  The irony is none of the thousands of famous people and politicians in charge of our destiny are aware of the power of the stars over their and our lives! And this is the perfect recipe for disaster not only to them but for us all!

Nancy Pelosis was traveling in Europe under one of her 2024 personal negative cosmic biorhythms and Jamie Foxx celebrated his birthday also during one of my 2024 SOS negative windows! It is critical for the reader to realize BOTH (including Pelosis’s husband) were born with an Aries/Libra dragon axis!

Jamie Foxx  ‘I don’t remember 20 days’

In the Netflix special released Tuesday, Foxx said he had a brain bleed that led to a stroke during a medical emergency he faced last year.

Note – In 2023/2024 the dragon cursed all Libra/Aries souls or people born with a moon, rising, natal or hidden dragon in those signs!  Read more on the next Pisces/Virgo axis predictions for all signs starting January 2025 blessing (or cursing) your life for the next 18 months if you do not know about it. 

Unlike the thousands of people who died on that day, they escaped with their lives but, in the name of ignorance or skepticism, why take chances when you can travel or celebrate your birthday safely?
Those people are rich and famous and do not know me or my cosmic work! You do and this makes the difference between smart and curious people and others reading and learning about my warnings!
As I always say, I can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean they will drink at the source of all wisdom! Investing in this service is one of the best ways for the consumers to find out if my rare cosmic wisdom is real or not! And you will soon realize this is not fiction!
All you have to do is PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO THE GIVEN DATES offered all throughout the year 2025 and have control over your destiny by making your traveling plans much safer, especially if you fly on foreign grounds. Anything and everything you want to go your way MUST be done during those windows (or not!)
Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own 2024/2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery)becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are lucky and still alive to read me!
The ramifications and knowing ahead of time your good and bad days will allow you to save time, money, “falls and surgeries” and even save your life!  Email or call the office (602) 265 7667 for more information.

Trump to be named Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ for second time

To those who read “Trump for President” or many of my previous newsletters including Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY! I explained what being born a DUAL mean and they tend to attract each others!

Like Trump, Pete Hegseth, Marjorie Greene, Laura Loomer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Rudy Giuliani, all were born into the constellation of DUAL Gemini!

Lies, abuses and divisions can only bring troubles to those who created them “Bomb Threat at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Home Leads To Fatal Car Accident and CEO’s killing” The results can and will be deadly since “A magnet will not attract a piece of wood!”

Many of those reptilius infected greedy people will not see the end of the year and/or Trump’s presidency! Karma is unavoidable and a critical lesson to learn for all humans…

The passage of the deadly Scorpio dragon produced millions of deaths due to COVID!

The passage of the ARIES/Arian dragon produced the predicted Ukraine/Russia, Israel Hamass and upsurge of White supremacy/racism including the rise/re-election of Trump!

The “Change of Guard” will take place on January 15th! when the new Pisces (religion/water/Middle East) Virgo (HEALTH/insurances/RFK Jr., American politician, environmental lawyer) dragon axis hits the world. This dragon is currently “void of course” and one of my many predictions published in my 2025 Nostradamus personal/universal forecast for all signs took place with The rebirth of Syria!

Very small sample  of my visions  Published August 4, 2024

2025 Prediction #1 – Many cosmic religious poisoned people will fall for the reptilius universal output of general INSECURITY and fear of God and hell! The reptilius took control of our politician’s minds while desperate people from all walks of life can not regenerate with cosmic truth and will commit horrible crimes and/or suicide.

It is critical for my readers to realize the importance of NOT feeding the reptilius with more negative, fearful thoughts generating a lack of faith and trust in the future. Those negative entities are currently exerting their psychical power over billions of oblivious religiously indoctrinated human beings from all walks of life.

We are NOT doomed, God did not put us on earth to die a suffocating, terrible end! Simply remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thoughts…

Many people are stuck in darkness and from there, I am trying to put some wind under their wings and spirit so they can rebirth into love and the higher benevolent Draconis vibration made of light, faith, happiness, joy, success, and love for life!

The part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the dragon and the reptilius and this is why you must watch my UFO movie and resist their destructive agenda!

What we know about the mysterious drones reported over the East Coast

  ET’s do not use drones period. While the negative reptilius group will hijack the body, mind and soul of many infected people who are using today’s technology in a negative way to spy and/or scare society. Our benevolent space brothers “the Draconis” are much too advanced technologically speaking that your mind could not comprehend the complexity of the tools they use. Since there is only a thin hair between reality and fiction many will assume those drones are from “another planet” when they are from Earth and fabricated by men! The future will tell us more about those drones and until then, the illusive mystery persist!

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
Unlike us, Trump and Musk do not worry about the price of eggs or gas and never lived paycheck to paycheck! All they want is to make all corporations and all the rich richer and suck the working class taxes while keeping “We the people” under their control with endless lies! Its a bit too late now for all of us and karma for America MUSK and will unfold in the months to come!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
If you decide to undergo a live, private hypnotherapy session with me on Zoom, prepare yourself to wait for weeks! The endless list of clients requesting both astrological reading and hypnotherapy sessions never stops!  You may also use the hypnoptic recorded session as many times as needed in the future to reach the superconcious (God) and benefit from this incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$500 is quite a lot of money to deal with me directly if needed and this is why taking the course is a much better deal since you can, under my guidance and coaching, learn to auto-hypnoptyze yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias







Syria, 7.0 CA earthquake CEO killing and martial law SHOCKING predictions


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Dear reader,

  I am quite saddened to realize some of the most important warnings and critical information about the fate of Christianity posted in my newsletters reaches only a minority of smart and curious people…

But it is what it is, skepticism, atheism and religious indoctrination is what stops those misinformed people seeking supreme wisdom and acknowledge my warning of large earthquakes through my SOS deadly windows, quatrain and obvious keywords…

Again it is only if you read Notre Dame burnt down by the Church Inc. that you will realize my UFO predictive legacy should be heeded and shared widely! Seeking and sharing God’s cosmic design and Jesus’s initial cosmic Ministry (Divine Astrology) can and will bring those who share my predictive work good karma.

Note also I do not predict anything really, life is a constant process of endless changes much like the weather or the news! All I am doing is offer smart and curious readers the opportunity to avoid, or use those repetitive cosmic winds at their advantage!

Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, there are NO accidents in life, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work that can both, curse or bless you!

Once a universal SOS deadly window meet with one of your own 2024/2025 personal negative/positive windows, chance of losing your life (or winning the lottery) becomes a serious possibility! And that’s me to know and you to find out if you are lucky and still alive to read me!




November 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on October 31, 2024 at 3:29pm



November  5, 6, 7, 8, 9  – //-//-//-//

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear /  Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior / Space / Rocket / Missile / Explosions / Surprises /  Shocking newsShocking videos / Stunning / Baffling / unprecedented / Suddenly / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Jaw Dropping / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / suddenly / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Discovery / Invention / Science / AI / UFO’s / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / jets / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / TikTok / Outage / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / Cosmic Phenomenon

Calm Deception to Strike

My windows always induce natural disasters earthquakes at or above 6.0 

12/8/24 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Severo-Kuril’sk, Sakhalin, Russia
12/5/24 – 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Ferndale, California, United States


I can only wonder if all of those “educated idiots” ever heard of a Mercury retrograde?

Explosion, Humanitarism, Stunning, France – Airline – Tsunami – Children / Teens – Surprising – NASA – Shocking TikTok/Technology

At least two killed and four missing in explosion at Italian gas refinery

Shocking – Doctors aren’t yet sure what the illness is that killed 143 people within 2 weeks
Top virologist makes stunning claim about what’ll happen when Trump takes office 
A California art teacher died from rabies after an encounter with a bat in her classroom
‘Further and faster’: Why Trump’s NASA pick is sending shocking waves through the space community
A surprising promise Trump made would be a major change for more than a million students
Shocking Video of military police officer throwing man off bridge sparks anger in Brazil
TikTok’s US-based users could have only a few more weeks to enjoy the app

“I can take the horses to the water this does not mean they will be able or willing to drink at the source of supreme cosmic wisdom!” Dr. Turi

The idea is to check “the weather” or those deadly cosmic winds well ahead of time and plan around them or use extreme caution while going through them, since life does not stop! Much like a concerned airline or boat Captain would do to insure safety and a pleasant trip for his passengers! This is only common sense and it will not take you long to realize my windows and warnings are very real.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Save time, money and even your life trusting our cosmic wisdom and read  our various forecasts all year round by becoming a smart and wise VIP to the private cosmic code website!

If you think my latest predictions posted above, using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology is stunningly accurate, imagine what you would/could uncover reading what’s next for the world and yourself in my “2025 Nostradamus personal and universal forecast for all signs!” 

Universal & Personal 2025 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs

if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
Unlike us, Trump and Musk do not worry about the price of eggs or gas and never lived paycheck to paycheck! All they want is to make all corporations and all the rich richer and suck the working class taxes while keeping “We the people” under their control with endless lies! Its a bit too late now for all of us and karma for America MUSK and will unfold in the months to come!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
If you decide to undergo a live, private hypnotherapy session with me on Zoom, prepare yourself to wait for weeks! The endless list of clients requesting both astrological reading and hypnotherapy sessions never stops!  You may also use the hypnoptic recorded session as many times as needed in the future to reach the superconcious (God) and benefit from this incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$500 is quite a lot of money to deal with me directly if needed and this is why taking the course is a much better deal since you can, under my guidance and coaching, learn to auto-hypnoptyze yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Notre Dame burnt down by the Church Inc.


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Dear reader,

Five years after the fire that destroyed Notre Dame, hundreds of thousands spent on investigations, there are still NO answers (and never will be) to what caused the fire! Do you find this suspiscious since the supremely wealthy Church Inc. has access to the best of the best in police, FBI, CIA services?

Being cosmic conscious means also the ability to bypass the limitation of the 5 rational human senses and perceive the undiluted, vexing truth! Yet in the name of an indoctrinating religious poisoning millions of pious and gullible people will deny the reality of my UFOs predictive, perceptive legacy!

Before talking about  Bob Bryar’s suicide, Notre Dame omen for Christianity, the nex SOS deadly window, Trump’s dividing evil legacy, Elon Musk’s humongous space waste etc, I need to clarify a few things about my services involving a live astrological consultation and/or a hypnotherapy session on Zoom.

As much as I can hypnoptyze a full Las Vegas prestigious hotel/casino ballroom this service can also be performed one on one. Read IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION ON THE HYPNOTHERAPY COURSE below!


Memo from “Elon Musk has pledged to settle Mars. Reality check ahead!”

Did you make notes? Next SOS window – November 27,28,29,30 – Bad news ahead for Trump, the CIA, the FBI, the police, famous death, Mass death, terrorism, secrets to light, Russia and a serious wake up call for America! As always I will put the quatrain and keywords on top of this newsletter once my visions unfold!  So comeback often as I always update my newsletters and share widely!  Help me save precious lives and gain good karma in the process. Thank you all DT.

FBI – Trump’s plan to replace current FBI director with Kash Patel has drawn bipartisan fire
FBI – Patel reveals what he would do on first day as FBI director

Mass death – Israeli strikes kill at least 200 in Gaza
Secrets to light – Dentist accused of poisoning his wife allegedly had financial and marital woes before her death

Famous death

 Bob Bryar, drummer for rock band My Chemical Romance, dead at 44!

Bob was born in January into the depressive sign of Capricorn, with the same Pisces dragon Tail (negative/My Chemical Romance) as Art Bell who also committed suicide by ingesting many potent drugs to battle heavy depression!

Souls born with this Neptunian artistic, outworldly, religious dragon are extremely susceptible to suffer addictions and unless educated and cosmic conscious, as with Bryar, many will succumb to religions, cults, drugs, alcohol or antidepressants and suffer a premature death!

Reptilius infected Neptunian lost souls are mental and very dangerous for us all! I will be there to refresh your memory once my predictions unfold!

Were you born a Neptunian? 



Be ready for a SHOCKING, EXPLOSIVE, MIND BOOGLING NATURAL DISASTERS WINDOW on December 4, 5, 6, 7! Expect this type of news…  Stowaway who flew from New York to Paris causes disturbance on return flight, remains in France


If you read the latest news collected below and predicted in Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY! this can and will not end well, indeed Trump’s administration will bring serious troubles and death to many people in the long run!

Memo: Many Americans from all walks of life and on both sides will not survive the upcoming “Dance of Evil!” and this includes top members of the new unqualified ruling party!
The only good news I have for my readers is that; Trump’s formidable evil DIVIDING/DESTRUCTIVE power will also curse the FAR RIGHT Republicans hearts and minds and with time, self destruct…
Sad enough electing a DUAL, Gemini president is the curse we must now all endure and his nefarious stars affected so many people and famillies who must remember the good spirit of sharing, unification, loving, honesty during Thanksgiving…
But what is ironically in your faces is that Trump hired Musk and Ramaswamy to cut federal regulations. Here’s why this eliminates the greatest polluter of all time and taxpayers’ money sucker ever, Elon Musk!
Out of the 33 engines that power the rocket’s first stage, flight video reveals that at least eight failed to fire. Musk said the development cost of Starship would be about $3.7billion!
 Furthermore, trying to get rid of the “illegals” who paid taxes is not a good way to go for the supposedly “Genius man” who hires the best of the best minds in the world to shine in the eyes of million of gullible morons who believe one day man will walk on Mars! Read Elon Musk has pledged to settle Mars. Reality check ahead!
So, if you have enough critical thinking, Musk should be the first one to resign from Trump’s administration and stop wasting billions of our precious tax dollars regularly blowing up his expensie fireworks! Mother Earth and your wallet will benefit in the process!
Unlike us, Trump and Musk do not worry about the price of eggs or gas and never lived paycheck to paycheck! All they want is to make all corporations and all the rich richer and suck the working class taxes while keeping “We the people” under their control with endless lies! Its a bit too late now for all of us and karma for America MUSK and will unfold in the months to come!
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other reptilius infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
 The burning down of the Paris cathedral was fully planned.  Once again the deceptive evil of religion supported by the new 2025 Pisces dragon has paid off.
French and people from all over the world people are struggling to make a simple living, yet the plan to such a formidable world wide negative publicity worked!
The politically oriented Church Inc. planned to destroy Notre Dame to attract attention and with it more people to a dying Christianity! They had no problem at all finding the billions needed (donations and taxes) to rebuild centuries of death, abuses and deception!
Churches are banks or even like a restaurant, when no one comes to eat (or pray) the institution or the business is dead. 
In order to survive many reptilius infected people willingly save their asses by purposely put fire on their promises and get insurance money! Most importantly the Church Inc. also knew the ancient artwork murals were depleting rapidly and needed a “restoration.”  Thus time was the essence to duplicate them as soon as possible and came up with the “accidental fire” excuse! 
This is what they did to survive and attract new people like they would do with a brand new restaurant/cathedral…
They couldn’t care less about the dying priceless artworks and unique painting anyway since it was just a metter of time before they were dissipating into nothingness, and they NEEDED RENOVATION! But it will not work since life is a constant process of changes and the Age of Pisces is also on its way out!
The burning of the Paris cathedral is a serious omen and marks also the end of the Age of Pisces (deception/religions) is dying, the new Age of Aquarius (UFOs, AI, astrology, freedom)  is already born… Yet it will take many more years for my vision to unfold!
Once upon a time Nostradamus said to a church worker carving the statue of Notre Dame/Virgin Marie! “You are not aware but you are building evil and this will cost greatly to humanity.”
When the worker reported Nostradamus to the Inquisition for blasphemy, he escaped death burning on the stake because he was Catherine De Medicis French Queen Astrologer!  Read more!
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 
If you decide to undergo a live, private hypnotherapy session with me on Zoom, prepare yourself to wait for weeks! The endless list of clients requesting both astrological reading and hypnotherapy sessions never stops!  You may also use the hypnoptic recorded session as many times as needed in the future to reach the superconcious (God) and benefit from this incredible power! 

Especially if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, feel more confident, get rid of depression and the list goes on and on!

$500 is quite a lot of money to deal with me directly if needed and this is why taking the course is a much better deal since you can, under my guidance and coaching, learn to auto-hypnoptyze yourself and help others in the long run!

This is a great career idea and much in demand since people are going insane with the current state of this world and politics…

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

IS MY PREDICTION TAKING PLACE? Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election BUT it can be very hard to prove if at all possible! Like Trump, Elon Musk’s and politicians from both sides, assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. Musk is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias




Elon Musk has pledged to settle Mars. Reality check ahead!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

Born with a Leo (Life/love/children/fame) negative karmic dragon’s tail, all affairs related to life, fame, love, and children-watch the video!  will be cursed by the stars. Elon is rich and famous but not cosmic conscious this means he will not be able to use the stars “spiritually speaking” through his Aquarius (UFO’s/technology/space/astrology) lucky dragon’s head to save his life and avoid the reptilius.

People born with this dragon suffered a dramatic explosive, unusual death, i.e Steve Irwin and Princess Diana! Accidental death could come abruptly through a heart attack (Leo rules the heart) or while traveling (cars/planes/helicopters) through his Aquarius 8th house of death/other people’s money/taxes.)

Note his extreme wealth comes from his lucky dragon’s head in Aquarius (technology/space) right in his 8th house of investment, taxes, and corporate money. Investing in the best futuristic creative minds with our tax dollars is what made him a billionaire! His involvement with politics and Trump’s DIVIDING cursed stars will, in time, cost him his life!

How much of Musk’s wealth comes from tax dollars and government help?

New York CNN —  Elon Musk is the world’s richest person partly due to his companies’ impressive innovations. But his wealth is also due to government contracts and programs that affected his two main businesses – electric vehicles and space travel.

Now President-elect Donald Trump has tasked the Tesla and SpaceX CEO with eliminating waste from the federal government. In the new role, Musk will help direct policies on a wide range of issues and government bodies, including those that regulate his many business interests.

For example, Musk and Trump watched SpaceX’s launch Tuesday night of the rocket that could someday take people back to the moon and even to Mars. The amount the US commits to those efforts will greatly affect SpaceX’s financial success.

Elon musk made his own prediction of assassination – I see August or February Trump’s mid term election!

Dear reader,

Currently Elon Musk is worth 350 billions and the current population of the United States of America is 346,149,139 as of Thursday, November 21, 2024, based on Worldometer’s elaboration of the latest United Nations data 1.

Thus, if Musk gives only $1.000 to 346,149,139 tax payers or some of the tax dollars he stole from us with his lies pertaining to putting men on Mars he will still be left with billions. Musk is not stupid, he knows going and living on Mars is simply impossible because on a good day, Mars is 250 million miles away and the impossible journey would take more or less, seven months!

This petition should also be set for ALL other billionaires manipulating government contracts and paying no taxes! This means millions of dollars more for “We the people” who pay taxes!

Ask Mr. Musk, how much food, water (and all the waste etc.) would be needed to reach Mars in a seven months flight and how much weight (with fuel) can the spaceship carry?  There are so many obvious and logical reasons as to why it is a “Mission Impossible!”

The moon is next door only 238,900 miles away and much easier to reach its orbit, yet be sure NO man will ever fly past the moon! God did not create the moon for NASA or Elon Musk to profit from but for much more sofisticated spiritual purposes unknown to the majority of human living on Earth!


But he “MUSK” keep the gullible mass of dreaming idiots and his deceptive lies alive to get to your taxes! This is how he made it big with our tax dollar not by working hard for a paycheck!  But unlike 99.9% of morons living on planet Earth, you do not have to be that stupid, fall in the pit of Mars deceptiveness, ignorance, instead wake up to Musk’s financial abusive “genius” reality and support the truth!

God thanks I am not the only one who can perceive the truth!

Elon Musk has pledged to settle Mars. This book offers a reality check

Now maybe, smart people will realize why Elon Musk invested $75 millions in Trump’s MAGA to win the 2024 elections because the greedy monkey billionaire can easily manupiluate Trump’s supreme ego!

If you did not yet, please read and share this critical newsletter Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY! because my predictions ALWAYS unfold!

Your kids will never EVER physically fly to Mars and it is time to face reality and stop promoting archaic religious teachings and this humongous “scientific” deceptiveness! Remember its all about GREED, LIES, POWER and Wealth and not about YOU! 

Educated idiots like NeildeGrasse Tyson do not believe in Astrology or UFOs! 

Those who are supposedly the “experts” on the cosmos are often the least knowledgeable on UFO’s!

Only 15 minutes before the lauch I wrote “What type of omen is ahead with Trump and Musk’s ‘LAUNCH of the space ship in Texas? “ on my Facebook page! Check the fact and join UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions!

SpaceX launched on 11/20/24  right on one of Elon Musk’s 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms! He suffered the same karmic fate as Mike Tyson who lost the predicted bad fight against Jake Paul on November 16, 2024!  Rich and famous does not mean smart and cosmic conscious! 

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk told CNN back in 2019 that he believes the cost of developing Starship will be “closer to a two or three (billion dollars) than it is to 10 (billion).” In 2018  Falcon 9 launch at $62 million,  SpaceX  rocket explosion and his latest failure  with Starship illustrates Elon Musk’s ‘successful failure’ formula!

SpaceX on 11/20/24  launched another Starship rocket, but passed up catching the booster with giant mechanical arms.

This enormous waste of tax dollar amount MUSK stop since his wealth and future depend on Mars’s lures and lies! Thus influencing Trump’s taxes governmental decisions will mainly benefit Elon Musk and the rich, making them much more richer and not the non college educated, struggling working class!



November 27,28,29,30 – Bad news ahead for Trump, the CIA, the FBI, the police, famous death, Mass death, terrorism, secrets to light, Russia and a serious wake up call for America! As always I will put the quatrain and keywords on top of this newsletter once my visions unfold!  So comeback often as I always update my newsletters and share widely!  Help me save precious lives and gain good karma in the process. Thank you all DT.

UPDATE 12/1/2024

FBI – Trump’s plan to replace current FBI director with Kash Patel has drawn bipartisan fire
FBI – Patel reveals what he would do on first day as FBI director

Mass death – Israeli strikes kill at least 200 in Gaza
Secrets to light – Dentist accused of poisoning his wife allegedly had financial and marital woes before her death

Famous deathBob Bryar, drummer for rock band My Chemical Romance, dead at 44!

Bob was born in January into the depressive sign of Capricorn, with the same Pisces dragon Tail (negative/My Chemical Romance) as Art Bell who also committed suicide by ingesting many potent drugs to battle heavy depression!

Souls born with this Neptunian artistic, outworldly, religious dragon are extremely susceptible to suffer addictions and unless educated and cosmic conscious, as with Bryar, many will succumb to religions, cults, drugs, alcohol or antidepressants and suffer a premature death!

Reptilius infected Neptunian lost souls are mental and very dangerous for us all! i.e. Stowaway who flew from New York to Paris causes disturbance on return flight, remains in France –

Were you born a Neptunian? 

Cher attends the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at Duggal Greenhouse on October 15, 2024, in Brooklyn, New York.

Cher ‘shocked’ to discover her legal name when she applied to change it

There are NO accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work 99.9% of humans are oblivious of!  CHER WAS BORN A DUAL! Like Trump, Brad Pit, my good friend Gary Busey myself and millions of other people on Earth, Cher is a dual! 

This means the soul was born to enjoy two lives in one, benefit from an apparent gift of youth, own tons of mental and physical and mental energy and everything in the life of the Mercurial person will happen by 2/4/6/8 etc.

Trump was impeached twice, became president twice, has multiple legal battles, many possessions and many attorneys and the list goes on and on!

“Cher legally changed her name to her famous mononym back in ’79, shortening her first name to Cher and shedding her four surnames: her father’s last name Sarkisian, her stepfather Gilbert Hartmann LaPiere’s last name, and the surnames of both her ex-husbands, Sonny Bono and Gregg Allman.”

Cher depicts why DUAL famous actors and singers’ success are repetitive. Are you a dual? Knowing all about your natal/karmic stars and the power of your subconscious will become a major contribution for your success or failures in life!

 I will teach you much more in my upcoming live Zoom hypnotherapy course, starting in 2025! Own this wonderful knowledge that will last a lifetime and change your life!  “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, IGNORANCE IS EVIL!”

Contact or call the office 602 265 7667 for information. 

A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the near future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all.

This type of tuition cost THOUSANDS reader,  read why you do not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn with me! A hypnotherapy course can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars for a shorter, basic training to upwards of $10,000 for a comprehensive, accredited program, depending on the length, curriculum, and institution providing the training; with some online options starting as low as a couple hundred dollars for introductory courses. 

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you wnat to avoid or heal cancer faster as I did? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want to stop smoking or drinking too much? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…  Like Trump, Elon Musk’s assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. He is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fated fight! Why did Tyson lose?


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

The quality of the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight has come into stark focus

As millions of people did on Netflix, I also watched the Tyson Jake Paul fight and when my friends asked using Astrolgy who would win the fight I said, “The stars are against Tyson and he will lose!”

Tyson did not lose because of his advanced age, and be sure he had more than enough training to win this fight but the non-cosmic conscious people can only use their five limited rational human senses to delegate his loss (or anything else for that matter!)

Years ago, a friend student of mine called me, telling me he spoke about me and astrology to Tyson in a local bar and asked me to join them since he was interested in knowing more. But I was too busy to go, instead I asked them to come to my house and spend some time before my next consultation appointment.

The next thing I knew, Tyson was on my phone and after a short discussion on his sign (cancer), he told me he also had an important meeting to attend  and could not come over.

In Mike’s decision my cosmic teachings never reached him and my warnings could have been the critical outcome of a fight he would have had with a much younger opponent 25 years later!

The sad reality and the real reason to his loss was that; Mike Tyson was under one of his 2024 negative cosmic biorhythms  and that fateful night, he was at the lowest point of his astrological chart.

This meant he was not able to benefit from the extra cosmic and physical energy he badly needed on his side and the opportunity (errors from his opponent) he needed to hit him and win!

Most importantly I would have told him, since he was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Gemini, (June)  will always be his worse karmic month, all troughout his life and would be one of his most challenging month to go through!

 Tyson and Elon Musk weres born under the sign of Cancer and this sign rules the stomack!

Mike Tyson experienced a mid-flight medical emergency due to an ulcer flare-up!”

Mike Tyson: This is one of those situations when you lost but still won. I’m grateful for last night. No regrets to get in ring one last time. I almost died in June. Had 8 blood transfusions. Lost half my blood and 25lbs in hospital and had to fight to get healthy to fight so I won.

To have my children see me stand toe to toe and finish 8 rounds with a talented fighter half my age in front of a packed Dallas Cowboy stadium is an experience that no man has the right to ask for. Thank you

That bad experience with his health was a serious omen to consider, since cancer tend to over worry about anything! In Mike’s case the use and abuses of drugs and alchool obviously messed up the lining of his stomack!

What is most incredible is one of my best friend, (Keith in Florida) also a  cancer, only a few days ago and for the 4th time, ended up in the emergency room with the same exact symptoms!

 Cannabis tied to alarming rise in cancer, birth defects, and accelerated aging!


I can only wonder when all educated idiots will pay attention to the wise words of Hippocrates, the father of medicine and honor the word science by investigating the medical aspect of Divine Astrology! But again you can take the donkeys to the water, this does not mean he will be willing to drink at the source of all wisdom…

Meantime Jake Paul was like Mohamed Ali born in January and Jake Paul 01/17/1997 was right in one of his positive 2024 cosmic biorhythms the night of the fight! Thus winning the bouts was a given using Divine Astrology and in some way, I am glad this supreme cosmic wisdom is not readily available to the crooks, morons and educated idiots/religious alike!

Note also Jakes shares the same stars and an Aries (the fighter) dragon’s head (luck) as Floyd Mayweather George Foreman and Laila Ali to name  a few…

“Show me a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


How does your own dragon head or tail reflects your past lives or affect your current destiny, your health and your opportunities? Read why famous and famous people made it because of their natal dragons!

Yet again this supreme cosmic wisdom will make no sense to the astrology non-COSMIC CONSCIOUS educated mass of people, some too lazy (or too religious) to improve their own cosmic vibrations!

Had Tyson met me personally that fateful day, I would have made sure for him to pay extra attention to some critical laws involving the Moon which will always be either cursing or blessing all his endeavors, but there are no accidents, it was not meant to be!

This being said, when the stars are against anyone, in no way can anyone win any fight! Note also so very close to the full moon, the lunar energy played also a negative role in delivering the fight on national TV, and Netflix also disappointed millions of subscribers! ITS ALL ABOUT COSMIC ENERGY!


Changing gears;

Elon Musk, Trump and Putin dramatic doomed relationships

Trump respects no one but tolerates people like Musk because of his vast fortune he may need in the future! Putin could not care less about either man but manipulate them to fulfill his deadly wishes to revive the old USSR.

Those powerful men’s stars are very conflicting, particularly in the 3rd house of communication! Thus, it is just a matter of time before Trump the fact that Musk is taking too much attention away from him and, in time, will speak his reptilius-infected humongous ego! “You are fired!”

The stage of light belongs to Trump alone and everyone around him, is in his mind devout obedient, submissive adoring “subjects!” They all must kiss the King’s ring of get out of the way, period!

The chances of assassination are also a serious possibility for them all regardless of how much protection they benefit from the CIA and the FBI…

Trump is exeptionally vulnerable to the Iranians’s revenge and endless drive to assassinate him in December and June and Putin and Musk vulnerability are in August and February of any year! Especially during those three men’s personal future negative cosmic biorhythms.

An exceptional explosive unusual death will curse people born with this dragon, i.e. Steve Irwin, Princess Diana etc. and could will come through a heart attack, traveling, flying, poisoning, explosion,  assassination by lost reptilius-infected foreigner souls.

Since the evil Gemini DIVIDE stars of Trump are always at work, his own administration may simply implode with time because of ego battles, serious disagreements, corruption and an obvious internal war with the reptilious infected crows he created making up his adminsitration.

The worse that can happen to the US is an UNRESTRAINED TRUMP’S ABUSING POWER creating another form of January 6 revolution since Trump is a DUAL and everything happens in TWO with him!

And I will be there to refresh your memory since time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness!

Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY!


German/Vikings Skin Alike (Trump)
Black and White Red Blood (Racism)
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule (MAGA)
God Nowhere To Stop Fires (Australia/CA/N.Y/NM fires)
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013


Make sure to read the updated newsletter and all the collected news in “Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY! and share it please.

My SOS windows always predisposes to serious natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

11/17/24 – Half a million evacuated as Super Typhoon Man-yi makes landfall in the Philippines

 11/17/24 –  6.1 in NishinoomoteKagoshimaJapan
 11/15/24 – 6.6 in KokopoEast New BritainPapua New Guinea

Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call
Taos, N.M., November 162024 Highway 150 Piles Continue Burning
New Yorkers have experienced tornadoes, an earthquake, and an extreme fire season this year


Iran gave written promise on its intentions to kill Trump

Another prediction I made is slowly becoming a reality… Melania is smart, wise, very protective of her children and fully aware of the enormous danger Trump represents to her personally and her family. Her marriage is doomed, and time will prove the truthfulness of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“


Melania Trump Accused of ‘Soft Launching’ a Divorce After Reports She’ll Only Be a ‘Part-Time First Lady’ 
Melania Trump’s awkward kiss with Donald Trump shows ‘zero passion,’ says body language expert!

ing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament. 
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…  Like Trump, Elon Musk’s assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. He is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. The price for the two days course on Zoom was $500 we are now offering it for half price of $250 only. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been  not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all. 

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi: I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is powerignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice.

Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Heart 💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 75, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus once I move to Florida and work on my Lady of the Sea charter, my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all. — Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias





Trump’s MAGA Legacy – Win, Live and Die in INFAMY!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior  wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and  magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus

CAUTION Once again reader, keep in mind my work is about making predictions for the future about anyone, everyone, anything and everything under the stars using Nostradamus 16th Century Divine Astrology and this includes famous politicians and political matters! Regardless who you like, dislike, support or not try to detach yourself from your personal political beliefs and be objective reading my work.

I certainly do not expect true MAGA far right extremists to remotely agree with anything I wrote today and I will receive brutal responses from many insecure people unable to realize and accept my previous predictions of Trump 2nd re-election or my visions for the next 2 to 4 years ahead of us.

But if you are not sure of my work, pay attention to the next upcoming SOS deadly window of November 14, 15 and 16th… Expect dramatic deadly news and a WAKE UP CALL for some skeptics! As usual, I will be there to refresh your memory once my visions unfold with the full quatrain and keywords posted on top of this newsletter. Remember I always update my newsletters with the news and my predictions as they unfold, especially this one! So comeback often to check my claims!

UPDATE 11/14/24

November 2024 SOS deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on October 31, 2024 at 3:29pm



 November 14, 15, 16, 17

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass shooting/death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”



My SOS windows always predisposes to serious natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0

11/17/24 – Half a million evacuated as Super Typhoon Man-yi makes landfall in the Philippines

 11/17/24 –  6.1 in NishinoomoteKagoshimaJapan
 11/15/24 – 6.6 in KokopoEast New BritainPapua New Guinea

Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
Taos, N.M., November 16, 2024 Highway 150 Piles Continue Burning
‘Everything’s getting weird’: New Yorkers have experienced tornadoes, an earthquake, and an extreme fire season this year

*Dramatic Death News /Secrets to light
The Florida Republican has a tense history with the Justice Department that he could soon lead
New Charles Manson docuseries reveals murderous cult leader admitted to more killings in jail
Laken Riley’s smartwatch data captured her struggle in her final moments

Super wealth
Crypto firms pumped millions into the election. Now they’re looking for a return on their investment

2 dead, 10 injured in New Orleans shootings
14 Dead, Including Newlyweds, After Wedding Party Bus Falls Into River

The evil of  Matt Gaetz will unleash pain, suffering and death to many Americans

The predicted “dance of Evil” is becoming more obvious with each passing day and the warning dates offered in my newsletter speak the truth of my undeniable UFOs predictive legacy!

Matt Gaetz, (May 7, 1982) like Hitler was born in May and shares the same exact fateful dragon’s tail (negative) in Capricorn as the Fuhrer!” Capricorn rules all branches of the government and Matt Gaetz’s nefarious reptilius infected stars will bring troubles never experienced on many people, particularly those involved in the judicial system of this country.

His natal moon in horny Scorpio (Gestapo/death/drama/conspiracies/secrets/criminals element/FBI/CIA and sex) speaks of a man born with a subconscious drive to abuse power, others and especially women. Evil owns King Trump and his dedicated mignons, soon America will find out the reality of my dramatic visions!
Many Americans on both sides will not survive the upcoming “Dance of Evil!” and this includes top members of the new unqualified ruling party!
Update 12/1/24 
The only good news I have for my readers is that; Trump’s formidable evilDIVIDING/DESTRUCTIVE power will also curse the Republicans hearts and minds and with time, self destruct…
If you are concerned with the future you should and if you respect the US Constitution and honor Diplomacy share my work widely! Thank you  DT
Pay attention to the next SOS deadly window of November 27/28/29 for more evil in America with Trump, more wake up calls, FBI/CIA/police news and famous death!
“Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi

 Pete Hegseth Trump’s defense secretary and nukes!

 “A magnet will not attract a piece of wood!”  Like Trump, Pete Hegseth, Marjorie Greene, Laura Loomer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Rudy Giuliani, all were born into the constellation of DUALGemini!  But what is very concerning, is that Hegseth (like Elon Musk) was born with his dragon’s tail (negative) in Aquarius (nukes/Asia) right in his 9th house regulating his decisions about foreigners, foreign AFFAIRS and foreign lands!

Furthermore Trump’s negative Dragon’s Tail is in Sagittarius (detrimental for foreigners, foreign AFFAIRS and foreign lands) is located right in the 10th house of career and accomplishments of  Pete Hegseth!

Selecting people for such a critical position for the US government (and the world at large) using logic only is dreadful and extremely dangerous for us all!  Hegseth’s stars will bring nukes affairs to the fore and to the boil, and I can only pray and hope for the best! Especially during Trump’s mid-term if he survive Iran’s desperate drive to assassinate him or a reptilius infected suicidal lost soul like Thomas Matthew Crooks!

Update: 1/27/25 – Florida Man Arrested for Allegedly Posting, “America Needs One Good Bullet to Be Saved,” ‘Violent’ Threats Against President Trump

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

Trump and those who want to rule over us are not cosmic conscious, or even competent and all are reptilius infected, they do not know anything about their fate and stars or God’s cosmic design!  The predicted “Dance of Evil”is upon us. God Have Mercy on your children! You Have Been Warned!

CONTINUED: Remember I am in the future, sometimes only a month or years ahead of time, and today, 11/9/24 I will offer my international reading audience the undeniable proof that I predicted President Trump’s 2nd election and everything that happened in his life and in this great country!

This includes his two impeachments, his endless legal battles, his two assassination attempts and the karmic impact his MAGA movement had and will have in the next 2  years upon America and the world at large!
Instead of bashing me, pay attention and make notes! As of July 28, 2026 the upcoming Pisces (religion) Virgo (Virgin Marie) dragon axis is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving oil, the Middle East restructure (israel/Iran/Gaza) the bible and cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell, will follow the wrong leaders.
Then during Trump’s mid-term administration the EXPLOSIVE, dragon will bring serious challenges to the MAGA’s new ruler!
Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon us starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come. Do I have any hope left?  Yes I do, since good and God will always prevail at the end! 

The title“2024 ELECTRIFYING SHOCKING RESULTS PREDICTION! Be ready, You Have Been Warned!” speaks of the AMAZING essence of the dumbfounding, mind-boggling, unanticipated, unexpected results of the November 5th, 2024 election!

Not only the Democrats but the entire world, including Trump and his MAGA movement were ASTONISHED! This proves again that my UFO’s predictive legacy is real and trustworthy!


As usual, I will be there to refresh your memory once my vision unfold, so come back often to check the added news…

November  6, 7, 8, 9  – //-//-//-//

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

My windows always induce natural disasters earthquakes at or above 6.0

11/11/24 – 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Bartolomé Masó, Granma, Cuba
11/8/24 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Cochrane, Aisén, Chile
11/7/24 – Colossal ash cloud tower over village after volcanic eruption
Sirens sound again in tornado-damaged Oklahoma City

To those who doubt my prediction of Trump’s reelection, do you recall how many times I wrote “Trump is a DUAL and this means the REAL possibility exists for him being RE-ELECTED!” 

But how can I prove my claims if you do not read my newsletters and make notes? I also predicted an upcoming religious war in the US “New film dives into threats of Christian nationalism” or Project 2025!

George Noory Dr. Turi on nukes predictions “how long do we have on Earth?”

The fact is, the majority of intellectually lazy people often complain about the length and the large amount of information offered in my newsletters. This is why the quote I wrote below is accurate!

“Show me a reader, I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

But many of you will still insist I did not clearly and efficiently predicted Trump’s 2024 re-election! Yes I did back  on November 2019, (6 years ago) when Trump decided to run for the presidency for the first time, but again did you read the predictions and the TWO quatrains carefully?

Unlike Prophets wanna be on Coast to Coast am with George Noory, I do not wait the night of the election to make critical election predictions!  I make predictions, months even YEARS before my visions unfold!

When I predicted Trump would not be re-elected, COVID would kill millions and Trump could be assassinated, and I was right all along!

And I was fired for being a real Prophet because CTC am is a MAGA radio station where anything you say against the “KING” will have serious repercussions!

Pay attention to the first quatrain “Cosmic God May Grace Humanity!” After his 2nd impeachment Trump could have been eliminated by the Republican ruling party (Mitch McConnell) but as a DUAL, he survived his karma!

Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity

Posted to the world on January 26, 2015

For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

As Congress, UN tackle global warming, new report spotlights doomsday predictions that never came



German/Vikings Skin Alike (Trump)
Black and White Red Blood (Racism)
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule (MAGA)
God Nowhere To Stop Fires (Australia/CA fires)
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Firefighters continued to battle a fast-moving Southern California wildfire that by Saturday had swallowed up dozens of homes forced 10.000 people to evacuate and burned over 20,000 acres. Does the quatrain written fit those devastating news?

Are you still doubting my visions when the day after Trump’s election my predictions about racism and CA fires became a reality? Is this a coincidence or real with Trump’s supporters and all the rest of the current depressive, dangerous collected RACIST news below?

Update – 11/10/24 – Should you worry about King Wanna-Be’s decision not to sign Ethics Laws? Not a single President for the last 250 years of US history behaved as such! Soon you will realize my visions are very real and very dangerous for America and the world! Take the time to read it all and share it widely!    Published 11/03/24 at 9:39 am 2 days before the election!  2024 ELECTRIFYING SHOCKING RESULTS PREDICTION! Be ready, You Have Been Warned!

Racist text messages are being reported in multiple states

Mass racist text messages sent to Black people across America spark investigations
MAGA Launches Increasingly Horrific Attacks on Women After Trump Win
Antisemitic Attacks Prompt Emergency Flights for Israeli Soccer Fans
Police rule Black man found hanging a suicide. Wife disagrees

As you all know, on November 5th, 2024 I will attend the Naturalization Oath Ceremony in Phoenix and will become a proud citizen of America!

If you are a Democrat you may wonder what the hell happened on election day? If you know someone depressed suffering the election results and there are millions of us in America and world wide you MUST share this newsletter and offer them a solid closure.

Those friends and familly members are still confused and still crying inside, they are lost, they need to understand what truly happened outside of the rational thought and be prepared to what is coming next.

Doing so will prove your true love for your fellow citizens, this great country and show your respect for the constituion and the sherished Democracy we may lose!

Remember also there is always tomorrow and never forget thoughts, generated for the good of all will always prevail… Do not wish evil on no one, regardless how you feel, for evil in time will always find it’s target…

If you read the news today, the most hated man in the world is (as predicted) is in serious danger of assassination again from within the US and foreign powers.

While he and MAGA right wing extremists are subconscioulsy slaving for the reptilius, Trump is still a familly man, so pray for his safety and his tainted highjacked soul instead…

While I predicted BOTH his assassination attempts there will be more attempts on his life and this is why he will use Israel to, indirectly fight Iran and minimise US future risks of nuclear exanges!

Suspect charged in Iran-linked plot to assassinate Donald Trump:

The collective Superconscious power is extraordinary powerful and not a joke and can bring about all your wishes or kill you! (or a president!) You do not have to feed evil in your own fear of the future instead fight for it with me!

Regardless of how you feel about a person, a situation, or a choice, killing anyone should never be an option and bring about inescapable heavy karma!

Trump’s rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was a suicidal reptilius infected 20-year-old and God thanks, the former president escaped with his life! And I saw it all coming years ago… 

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

Here are a few facts you want to consider…  I am currently doing endless consultations during my days off and also working as OTR for Fedex (saving for my new boat to start Lady of the Sea charter in Florida) My team mate is Latino who is a fervent MAGA supporter and voted for Trump.

He can barely speak English and like a large portion of the under-priviledged Latinos/black people he is a non-college educated, hard worker, very religious, and a dedicated father responsible for his large family.

“I can relate to Trump; he said because he does not use complicated words! Its like talking with my friends, he made a promise to cut taxes he will help Latinos and people of color and I trust him!” he said.  

Thus, choosing the economy living paycheck to paycheck over democracy was a given!

Realize also Latinos and black people are very pious people, very traditional and my team mate said “women should stay home, cook, clean and raise their children instead of doing men’s work!” And the majority of those black, Mexican non college educated stay at home women agreed with their men!

But college educated women in the US and the world at large are very different and will fight their sisters traditionally religiously oriented archaic dangerous decision to pick Trump as commandant in Chief! They can discern the truth, the character and the lies of Trump’s manipulative, dividing power.

After Trump’s win, some women are considering the 4B movement

Most importantly, those men and women did not like Kamala Harris using their tax dollar for jailed criminal trangenders surgeries. This is against their basic religious beliefs and the endless bigotry homophobic advertisements on all media was devastating for Kamala Harris and the Democrats!

Trump like the majority of right MAGA extremists, is a dangerous born racist, its a MAGA religious movement at the core and, be sure he can’t and will never keep his promise to help people of color!

Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness! Dr. Turi

The sad reality is envious “Young Soul” will erroneously misjudge my supreme confidence in my cosmic wisdom as an ego trip but time will tell who’s right!

Trump’s priority has and will always be what he call the border security” and not the economy to alleviate struggling colored people’s lives! It is his deep incrusted racist drive (induced by his natal karmic stars) to clean the country of foreigners and rule over us all and those who became legal!

I was on the road with my Latino team mate when a day after Trump’s election I read the following in the news… The world’s 10 richest people got a record $64 billion richer from Trump’s reelection Source –

When I confronted him with the facts, he told me “Trump need some times to clean up the country of unlawful emigrants first then he will take care of us!”

Trump is in for money and unlimited power! Update: 1/27/25 –  The gloves are off’: Trump appears poised to cash in from his presidency in new ways” 

The innocence and vulnerabilty of these struggling people is painful to realize to say the least, yet in in the eternal battle between deep incrused fear and emotions, (all built by Trump’s endless lies) emotions and fear will always win over logic or common sense! And the results are and will become more obvious as time passes!

Nancy Pelosy and all college educated idiotic talking heads on national TV and popular radio shows are pointing fingers and blaming President Biden for not exiting the race earlier, including Kamala Harris and her political “experts!”

I am not a political science expert myself but I know better, thus NO one and nothing could have changed the outcome!


Since it is all about vibrations, the non-college-educated working class could easily relate to him, and his messages since he speaks the same LOW, rogue, rough language as they do.

All the Joe six packs and Sallie Sues making up a large portion of the American population who elected Trump were easily convinced he was the right choice to make!

Some struggling single young women and men also chose the economy over Democracy!

Not to forget the “losers” unwilling to work hard, to challenge and educate themselves relying and blaming the government for the economy as an excuse for their failure in building their own American dream!

Look at me, I am 75 years old, I got my commercial licence in 2017, I am, driving over 5000 miles every weeks from Phoenix to the East Coast for the last 9 months. I studied for my OUVP licence and still working very hard on my days off with an endless demand doing consultations to reach my goal!

In no way a refined, highly educated, smart Libra like Kamala Harris could or would talk the way Trump does, use horrible terms and offending remarks insulting all the people he dislike to BULLY himself to power!

Kamala Harris like many of us in the US are much too sophisticated, to behave like an animalistic, egocentric, self-concerned, self-consumed, self centered, revengeful dictatorial narcissist egotist Trump!

And this is why she and the Democrats lost the election! Trump is a wild beast and got it naturally and he can not be duplicated in his awful dealing with the rogue masses!

“A brainless herd is not only an easy target for  Dictators but a dangerous rogue force seeking changes for the sake of changes!” Dr. Turi

The irony is; that those who “poisoned the blood of America, the non-college educated black and brown Latinos working class, the people from Mexico, Congo, Africa, Venezuela etc. and the ones who eat cats and dogs allowed Trump and MAGA to destroy them further and may very well end up ruining this great country!

I can assure you if the elections were today, knowing the pain we democrats are going through we would easily win this election with millions of votes for sanity, respect and security… And hopefully this is what will happen in time!

Money is the source of all evil and for Trump to constantly promote fear of the future, financial insecurity through countless lies to an oblivious moronic working class will always work and has worked its reptilius evil magic!

Billionaires like Elon Musk are shameless and will use their vast fortunes to buy and influence the elections in their favor. Just, like Trump and his rich MAGA friends to avoid paying taxes like we all do and help the working Latinos class to reach the American dream!



Trump’s dividing reptilius evil has ruined long-time friendships, and destroyed countless close relationships and married couples from all walks of life! And you will never know about the statistics…

Man left ‘speechless’ as wife files for divorce after he voted for Donald Trump 

No one will or was spared by Trump’s evil stars and his dividing legacy also hit my home since Terania is also a strong Trump supporter! And I respect her choice or lack of perception! We both agree and disagree on many topics and I do the same with all my close friends, who are working overtime to make me see otherwise…

Let’s be honest my friend, I am also to a certain degree, a MAGA, and a Trump supporter since I want a safe borders and efficient emigration laws.

I do not like animalistic repulsive behavior, nor do I support the LGTBQ movement but I respect them since they are humans with rights and not telling me who to love or how to behave! Its their choice and I understand through the stars why they are gays!   Mabe much more than a true MAGA can or will do!

Were You Born Gay?

If you have experienced a troublesome episode with a gay person or a gay close friend or a family member, for sure you will hate them all because of the pain, shame, and discomfort you endured!

Here are the inborn reasons why people became extreme right-wing destructive reptilius infected!

  • The soul is born racist, with a strong virginal, anal perfectionist earth sign!
  • The soul is born with a strong Pluto/Scorpio sign. This means the person will unconsciously and constantly regenerate his spirit with investigations and dig into endless conspiracies.
  • The soul is born with a badly aspected Saturn (deep fear principle/fear of power and authority) and doubts the government’s rules and intentions.
  • The immature soul is suffering homophobia and expresses his deep fear through bigotry deep rooted feelings i.e. Mass racist text messages sent to Black people across America spark investigations
  • Because of deep and painful experiences growing up with an unfitted mother and previous challenging relationships with gay women and ex-wives, the soul subconsciously seeks revenge and hates women in general. i.e. MAGA Launches Increasingly Horrific Attacks on Women After Trump Win.
  • There are many other deep rooted psychological reasons as to why Trump exert an over masculine, strong personality! This is due to his DUAL/male female Dragon impulses.
  • Simply stated, Trump is fighting his own fear of being gay himself but I can not discuss further his idiosyncrasy  with a very sensitive religious society who would never get it and voted for him…

Once again reader, if you can relate to me and you are a Democrat you must stand with me! If you know someone depressed suffering the election results and there are millions of us in America and world wide you MUST share this newsletter and offer them a solid closure.

Those friends and familly members are still confused and many are still crying inside, they are lost, they need to understand what truly happened outside of the rational thought and be prepared to what is coming next.

Doing so will prove your true love for your fellow citizens, this great country and show your respect for the constituion and the sherished Democracy we may lose!

Thank you all

Dr. Turi

Sharing email:

Dr. Turi
Very interesting newsletter. I really thought Kamala would win . There is a lot of talk about Trump’s  stealing of the election  being exposed before he takes office . Do you think this will happen?
DT – Indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election… 
You are saying he will be sworn in January 2025 and become President again for about 18 months until Dragon impacts him.  I thought it would have been a lot sooner for KARMA JUSTICE because of the terrible things he has done.
DT – That will happen if the election interferences cannot be proven. Karma can take years before unfolding and because of Iran, his assassination is very high.
Do you think the Military, CIA, NSA   FBI will be able to keep Trump in check so he does not due to much damage to the USA 
DT – Yes indeed, they are fully aware of Trump’s goals and his erratic, unpredictable temperament.   
What about Elon Musk?  He is believed to have worked with Russia to help Trump win the election. What is his future?
DT – indeed I firmly believe the Russians with the help of Elon Musk once again interfered with the 2024 election…  Like Trump, Elon Musk’s assassination prospects are also very high, especially during a Uranic deadly window or once the dragon changes sign from Pisces to Aquarius, I gave the dates in the newsletter. He is also prone to meeting with his explosive death flying around or putting too much stress on his heart. 
Also, Vladimir Putin is still around and he was supposed to have been dying a long time ago. He is still alive; how much longer will he be alive to blackmail Trump?
DT – Vladimir Putin shares the same Aquarius Dragon as Elon Musk and I mentioned the month of August or February and this can be any year but most likely within 2 to 4 years. He can also end up with a heart attack, or be poisoned by the opposition, one of his children, or family members.  Sad enough Trump’s humongous ego and drive for total control over others make him vulnerable to Putin.
 Anything and everything can happen with Trump now in power but ultimately karma is unavoidable for us all… Have faith as I do in the unknown forces at work from out of space…
Stay Safe 
Trump knew about it, along with Elon; this is the reason why he was repeatedly saying that “I don’t need your votes. You don’t have to vote. I have plenty of votes.”
The reptilius targeted Trump, the MAGA crowd, Elon Musk, Putin, Kim Jung Un, and other infected leaders to bring about tremendous pain, suffering, fear confusion, and mass death through a nuclear exchange those villains are unconsciously aiming for…

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially people of color or souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes  and direction.”

“Five minutes after you are born they will decide your name, nationality, religion and tribe and you will spend the rest of your life smilingly defending things you did not choose” – Arthur Schopenhauer

In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!

Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!

Knowing America was born with the negative dragon’s tail in Aquarius (Japan/nukes/Asia) and those terrible cosmic winds will be upon America starting on July 28, 2026, the worst is to come.

I will elabore for our VIP’s and Patreon supporters only because my visions are much too sensitive for public consumption but rest assured because of those egocentric, greedy tyrants, millions of innocent people, especially young men will perish but not the “Super Humans” if they get the benevolent Draconis’s attention…  VIP’s only!

For years, I offered an impeccable, repetitive and accurate timing of all past and future hurricanes and quakes above 6.0  a full month ahead of time in the private Cosmic Code website yet, it is ONLY if you become a VIP that you will acknowledge those facts and get to learn more about God’s cosmic design!

The question remain is a very affordable subscription worth my reliable warnings, our daily guidance and forecasts and all your possessions and even your life? Had they a choice, ask this question to all the living and dead people who suffered those catastrophes!

Note also with 4 different horoscopes and my SOS deadly windows, the 2024 and the newly released 2025 personal and universal predictions for all signs is awaiting you there too! Email for information if needed or call the office at 602 265 7667!

Its going to get much worse before it get better!

Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions
Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Call it the “reptilius Draconis effect” every human being on this planet is subject to!
As mentioned a few months ago, this is one of my LAST educational full newsletters and LAST SOS to the world deadly windows warning! Be very aware of ALL the upcoming SOS plutonic deadly window or pay the price of your ignorance!
As of today and once a week, as usual, I will only offer the public the appropriate quatrains and the news with my visions as they have unfolded. No more warning ahead of time and no more FULL newsletters will come your way once I start my Lady of the Sea charter in Florida.
Time for you to make a commitment and be rewarded learning all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic ministry!  
Note also a video will be offered to the readers on a regular base, (very limited) on YouTube telling you what I will offer the public and our VIP’s. Warnings, cosmic teachings, SOS deadly windows, UFOs news etc. are on the Cosmic Code private website for our VIP’s! The full newsletters will also be posted regularly on our Patreon page for our supporters.
A few subscribers were in the path of the two latest hurricanes and can not attend the 11/11/2024 hypnotherapy course. Thus this class is ponsponed until further notice and  will keep you posted.
Note also to help the victims start a new life using the superconscious power, we have decided to offer a new DEAL to all prospective students. The price for the two days course on Zoom was $500 we are now offering it for half price of $250 only. This is our way to help and support all of you during those challenging times.

Super-conscious Power to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul 

Terania and I are planning to do a ZOOM HYPNOTHERAPY TUTORING session in the future. The hurricanes messed up thousands of people’s lives and some of my students were touched directly, thus this course has been  not only postponed until January 2025 but also REDUCED to $250 instead of $500 to help them all. 

I want to personally thanks the many new students who signed up for this healing educational tuition for their understanding and patience and we still have room for more students…

There is much more involved in this course than what I can discuss just yet, but with time and patience realizing and accordingly using your inner subconscious power will come to the fore. Tapping on the superconscious creative forces is a sure ticket to better both, your inner and physical life! Yet if you are not curious enough and ask for the Divine, how can your life change?


I will take the time to explain this fact in great detail and I will also take the time to remove it and offer the answers to anyone interested in knowing their mental dilemma at a personal level…

It starts by being inquisitive and in a couple of days harness supreme wisdom instead of spending years  suffering and wondering why you can’t reach your goals… God’s creative power is limitless and works on both the spiritual and physical planes, yet again, it is only if you ask that you shall receive!

Reading this article is not an accident, its you being at the right time at the right place and offering you the winning numbers of the lottery, thus let others’ skepticism and lack of curiosity “miss the boat!”

The first part of the course will take two to four hours of education involving the difference between the subconscious and the super-conscious creative force. Multiple examples will be used to assimilate the stimulating power and how to direct it correctly. This course will be entertaining and educational and greatly change your perception and concept of reality.

Do you wish for better health, more energy, more drive, more focus? Do you want to reverse the clock and look and feel younger like me? Do you want to attract and use the Divine? Do you want a better vision , a better job or start your own business but don’t know how? Do you want more magnetism and attract or maintain love?

You were born with God’s power to create your reality and enjoy life to the fullest. It is YOUR choice and your decision alone to ask in order to receive! All you need is to plan for some time alone with me as your guide to the high magical forces you were born to seek and use.

Following the basic introductory training along with soft music, my voice will take you up to your subconscious then the super-conscious, and open the golden door to God’s divine power…

The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and lead you to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and shape your future since the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!

(Optional) During the second part of the course, under my supervision, once confident and if ready, each student will practice and perform a hypnotic session on all of us.  You do not have to do it if you feel insecure.

This is an experience you will never forget for as long as you live and the creative rewards are endless! And it’s only when the student is ready that a rare teacher will appear! Using my technique will open the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life.

After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of the principle involving the Superconscious creative forces and creating your fate with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will teach and guide you to make your wishes become a reality!

You may go to the   PRESENTATION DETAILS  to read more. Sign up now, this course will fill up fast, email


Reader, make sure to join and share my FB pages UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions especially if you have questions about the Divine, UFO’s or anything under the stars!  Check also my videos from DrStarsSun on the road, join and share my crazy life!

Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!

But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…

MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.

“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“

One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.

“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA, or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”

I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!” 

In my newsletter I mentioned Trump being a DUAL is prone to suffer another assassination attempton his life! Read more about this vision in Thomas Crooks’ Suicide – A born killer mind exposed!
And the FBI should read and take my warnings very seriously! 

The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!

“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi


A message from Terania Turi:
I do not do live consultation just yet, but I am very active my own way! If you have an interest in digging into the celestial mechanics of divine astrology or may not be familiar with the basics of the methodology, perhaps you would be interested in having a natal chart / an astro – mapping report / a basic compatibility report / biorhythms / cabalistic cleansing ritual report from Terania, all for only $50.
This would also be a perfect way for me to introduce you to our work and open the door to discover more potential information, leading to the truth about yourself and your life…
In which case, you can then set up a more in depth live Zoom consultation with the “master,” Dr. Turi and attain a new perception of reality and your goals in this lifetime.
Thank you all
Terania Turi
E-mail : for more information


Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo

I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”

He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”  This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!

I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!

Another of my prediction came to pass…

Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy? 

Dr. Turi;
You predicted trouble for Supreme Court justices a long time ago . Now it is 
Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all. 

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles  was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year

This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope)  will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email

Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth 
Religions, Pisces deception Age die 

Written by Dr. Turi /23/24

Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…

Jesus was teaching Astrology…
12 Apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sins, 12 jury… Jesus was teaching Astrology but the Church Inc took it away from you… Jesus cosmic ministry has nothing to do with the bible. time to wake up to the truth but only smart and curious people will get it….
In time the New Age of Aquarius will obliterate this mental cancer. With Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming new 2025 Dragon in Pisces, expect lots of water from the skies and fierce battles to keep all suffocating religions alive! The Israel-Hamas war is just the beginning! Christians and others denominations will try very hard to convince you Facebook! Expect an explosion of religious stuff as the deceptive Age of Pisces is ending!

Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the  special announcement below if you need any of my services!

Sharing emails:
Harrietta ///<harrietta./////>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Harrietta Consultation with Dr. Turi
To: Dr. Turi
Thank you Dr Turi with all my Hear💓 Such a great in-depth  Phenomenal, Powerful Reading also thank you for your time and energy Love and Light 💙🙏🩵 and thank you for  all you do🥰


I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!

I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you! 

Thank you Dr. Turi for who you are as a person and for what you so selflessly give back to the world with all your wisdom and cosmic teachings! I do appreciate your dedication and sacrifices that you make daily for the greater good of mankind! 
It was a true honor, monsieur! God bless you and Terania and thank God for our divine timing, even if it was during a hurricane.. lol!
I’m sorry if I interrupted you too many times i was just excited .It was an eye opener for my husband after 30 years of me telling him he finally gets it . Thank you so much for reaching him he was so happy when we hung up he told me how much better he felt . Thank you for all the work you do the passion you have to reach everyone it’s truly amazing .☀️💫🌕

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi

No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.

Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..

The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.

Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…

Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…

In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.


At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.

I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off.  Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.

The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.

Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website before then.

Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.

Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions.  Join today!

As always if you have any questions simply email and she will take good care of you.

You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you

The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!

A much better understanding and use of God’s celestial creation await future generations and my mission is to insert the critical mental seeds to this upcoming wonderful cosmic enlightenment.
Neptunian relies only on his intuition and his/her spirit to deal with the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to translate his/her visions and predictions. Little do they know that there is only a very thin line between Divine Cosmic information, channeling and pure imagination!
A true Neptunian is reluctant to engage in any form of rational studies and consequently is not cosmic conscious. He/she does not use nor understand the complexity of the super-conscious in time and space and the cosmic code jurisdictions, something that can only be revealed by mastering God’s cosmic design or Divine Astrology. 
The very idea of using critical thinking and mastering new tools explain all spiritual rules (outside of traditional religion) would also make them aware of their inherited celestial Divinity but it scares them. Going out of their Neptunian comfort zone and improving their physical vibrations is not an option!
Neptunians stubbornly trust only themselves, God, the spirit, and their mystical nature not knowing that God does not speak his cosmic language to unconscious fools.
All established professions require a form of education and the use of very specific tools! Imagine a mechanic fixing your car with his hands alone or a baker making bread without a mixer!
Imagine a boat Captain driving a boat or a pilot flying a plane without knowing all the rules of the land, water, and sea. A Neptunian is unable to recognize his or her intellectual gift and capacities and limits and trust only God and their spirit!
This is why taking and using any of my courses will elevate their cosmic vibrations and spiritual perceptions.
I taught and offered my Divine Astrology course to those willing to put in the effort and by building cosmic awareness, they now own the golden keys to what it means to be human.
I also thought of the born psychic and suggested taking the Atro-Tarot course because this ancient art is all about the use of cards, the superconscious, metaphors, and intuition.
 A born psychic can flourish and grow in its spiritual element, and become much more efficient than taking on a more demanding astrological study.
A true born psychic is loaded with objectivity and intuition yet, they also lack basic critical thinking, and regardless of my elaborate and logical explanations, many of my clients have missed the boat to cosmic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Neptune rules the Middle East and the youngest and deadliest religions (Christianity/Judaism/Islam) were born there, cursing the entire population and the world at large since Neptune rules the oceans and 3/4 of the world.
The deceptiveness and poisoning of the planet Neptune (gas / drugs / alcohol / medications / cults / religions / jails) has dramatic worldwide repercussions.
The burgeoning Age of Aquarius (UFOs/technology/humanitarianism/Astrology)is already changing humanity’s psychical vibrations and awareness… In other words, humans are slowly but surely becoming more curious about the planets’s impact upon humans and the world “the true birth of all religions,” educated, and smarter!
On the other hand, a true born Saturnian (atheist, agnostic, skeptic)is forbidden by God himself access to anything spiritual, including religion. The unevolved “Young Soul” has not yet reached the level of spiritual perception needed to realize and refine his/her awareness of the world (s) he/she lives in.

Pythagoras | Biography, Facts & Impact |

Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!

God made those souls delegate the physical manifesto alone as we need reliable engineering (bridges / gearboxes / cars / tools / mechanics, etc.) on earth.
They can only perceive the world they live in through their five limited, rational human senses. God made sure their natal karmic UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is earthy and loaded with Saturn’s restrictive down-to-earth low vibrations.
“A magnet will not attract a piece of wood”
Unless you vibrate at my highly spiritual and rational cosmic speed you will be naturally attracted to me and my cosmic teachings… And those “super Humans” are quite rare!
With the current warlike, aggressive, brutal Martian dragon in charge of this world (see quatrain below) until January 2025 the current state of this world is quite scary and will get worse.


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013 

Insecurity reigns supreme while egocentric politicians tear themselves apart and high Court lawmakers impose their religious beliefs, change the laws on our backs, and abuse us all.

My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!

Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies

Posted to the world on September 3, 2022

The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Taking care of your family and your bills has never been so difficult and if you think electing another cosmic unconscious president will change your life for the better, you are in LALA land!
In any ways shape and form, if you feel depressed, insecure and lack of directions, we are here for you! Talk to terrania if needed 
Clienty feedback,
Dear Terania,
Thank you, the session was very insightful and enjoyable and I learnt some more astrology in the process.
I can highly recommend reading with Dr Turi. If you want to understand how and why things happen to you, the way they do and how you can make the most of the changing planets and their energies, the reading is for you!
With all the things that are going on around us, why leave home without a map!
And get a progressive reading for the year!
Thank you and God bless!

The current Aries/Libra dragon axis (as of July 2023) is IMPOSING changes by houses and signs and Mercury is telling you, you are not going in the right direction! Seek the light while you can.

You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.

All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism…  As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!

  • Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
  • Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
  • Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
  • If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
  • If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
  • For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
  • The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
  • What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life!  These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
  • Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?” 

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following! 

If you did not yet, you MUST read Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.

 if you miss my full cosmic code newsletters become a VIP or a Patreon supporter! 

Show your support join my medias
