Join us to read the complete VIP version!
Are you ready for Ebola and the upcoming pandemic of 2016? Make note, I’ll talk to you then!
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Dr. Turi
Dear Readers;
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
All the signs now are undeniable and I saw them all coming to curse America and the world at large back in 1995. This predicted religious war will be ugly! This was well BEFORE the US Iraq invasion, Osama Bin Laden, my 911 prediction and ISIS birth!
How will the 2016 neptunius dragon affect you and those you care?
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.
Radical Extremist Atheism the world new deadly mental plague!
Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!
Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!
“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”
Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi
Neptunius Dios of poisonous Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill
God nowhere to stop red water!
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions
From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, the spirit…
In some ways, following this Grand Cross God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…”Check the original article titled “Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions” published February 11, 2013 and Jerry Pippin radio show (God Bless His Departed Soul) of April 4, 2014 where I mentioned those predictions.
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Refer to the very bottom of this page for the news titles collections. Thank you – DT

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving, chemicals, drugs poisoning….
The E. coli outbreak linked to Chipotle restaurants has now caused 45 cases of illness across six states, according to the CDC. Sixteen of those ill individuals have been hospitalized.
Should the world and the media start to pay attention (and share) my cosmic wisdom?
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water….

From the Cosmic Code – Prediction #4: New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the worst violence witnessed in France since World War II, a volley of nearly simultaneous terror attacks that the French President called “an act of war – Read more.
Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks (call it a double hit?)

11/14/2015 Mormons leave church to protest same-sex policy
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving churches, religions..
Spiritual Pride, wealth, power, notoriety and total Neptunian deception
Prediction #21 of 24: Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and
more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism *(CNN) — Church: Mormon, 40 wifes, one as young as 14 years old

Reptilius infected Snoop Dogg launches pot line. What a role model for our young generation? Snoop Dogg was “subconsciously” commissioned by the reptilius to fulfil their agenda against humanity psychical welfare.
I was commissioned by the Draconis to make you aware of their presence in our local solar system and fight them! I am Alien The Final Revelation
The new Neptunius Dragon will start its “nirvanic” curse upon the world on November 12th, 2015. Its karmic impact upon humanity will be used by the reptilius to infect more unconscious subhumans who will commit suicide and crimes at an alarming rate!
The approximate number of undergraduates who commit suicide each year is currently 1100 or 200% increase since the fifties. Lost young adults are targeted by the reptilius and suicide on Campus will explode!
Sad enough the religious, scientific and entertainment matrixes have no room for Dr. Turi to save you and your children… God Have Mercy, this is just the beginning!
11/9/2015 Mom kills son, herself in hospital
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving hospitals, mass suicide,
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving oil, gas…
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water, submarines, Chinese sub tracked U.S. carrier oceans,
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, poisoning…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning etc.
Blood-soaked Islamic ritual sees 100s hack their own heads with machetes
God nowhere to stop rain of blood!
The reptilius infected subhumans were conditioned to fear and follow their geographical, manmade God… How can you remove 2000 years of psychical abuses, lies and mental manipulation and re-introduce a Universal Cosmic God?
This is the curse of a humanity who must realize the reptilius controlling evil working through all the false Gods created by man’s folly… Imagine when the 2016 Neptunius Dragon takes over the world? How will those upcoming “nirvanic” deceptive winds will affect you, your loved ones and the world? Make a good use of my gift or pay the price of cosmic ignorance!

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,

From 2016 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – Prediction # 3 – Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “ How will this dragon affect you or your kids?
Hurricane Patricia — the strongest storm ever recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center — is threatening Mexico’s Pacific coast.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, Read more

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, suicide…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, water, drownings, the ocean, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, hospitals, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, fishes, sea, the spirit…
This is a serious omen sent by the reptilius upcoming revival of the Neptunius Universal deception cursing the conditioned human spirit and the enormous Spaniards deadly abuses inflicted upon the natives Indians. Sad enough 99.99% of human can not relate to my predictive spiritual work just yet!
10/15/2015 – Powerful storm system brings ‘life threatening’ flooding, mudslides to Southern California
Published February 11, 2013 – ” Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, fishes, water, rivers…

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, churches, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…”

10/14/2015 The Counted: are US police hiding behind ‘suicide by cop’ shootings?
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…”
Police have shot dead more than 100 people who were described by associates or authorities as suicidal so far in 2015. Many of those who died did display suicidal intentions as they entered lethal encounters with officers. The total was described as alarming by mental health advocates, who said law enforcement agencies should urgently provide better training for police in dealing with people in mental health crises.
10/10/2015 New Fish Kill Baffles Experts: Thousands of Fish Wash Ashore In Freeport, Texas
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, oil, gas, the Pope, churches, religions, water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...
Five dead in apparent murder-suicide in Minnesota
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving mass suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, religions, churches, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, water, churches, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Posted by Dr. Turi on November 6, 2014 at 10:55 am in Cosmic Coders Only –
Prediction #2 – Neptune rules legal and illegal drugs where the law makers will start to realize the damage of legalizing pots leading to more mental problems and suicides. Cigarette manufacturers will go bankrupt. New DUI , weed laws will enrich your city. I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and *****suicides in all prisons.*****

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, ships, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions…”
Oregon college shooting: Gunman ‘targeted Christians’
Back in 1995 I said to Art Bell on Coast to Coast. “Worry more about a religious war inside of the US” when he was wondering about my Prediction of Bill Clinton being re-elected! Listen to his shocking response, click on the link and acknowledge my undeniable predictions! I also predicted the police abuses upon the public! Only the envious immature young souls will deny my work. Don’t you think it’s time to accept my cosmic gift as true and help me warn the world instead of ridiculing my work?

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,ships,Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Lost at sea: Ship with 33 people missing in Hurricane Joaquin
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, ships, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving “POISONING”

In a world where political leaders and society assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community and celebrities, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions, Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Twelve women and children died and one person is missing after a flash flood washed away vehicles at the Utah-Arizona border, officials said.
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions, Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…
9/14/2015 – More children getting drunk on hand sanitizer
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions, Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, islands, ocean, water…

Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Memo – Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, the Church, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…
From the cosmic code website –
- Prediction # 21 Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a full restructure of the Church *Pope Francis makes annulment of marriages easier and a proliferation of cults *’10 Things I Hate About You’ star Andrew Keegan starts new religion and more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism * (CNN) — Church: Mormon founder Joseph Smith wed 40 wives The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement. New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series
Update 9/5/2015 Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary
Note: Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014
Jul 14, 2015 The Middle East is about to change in 3 major ways
- Prediction #4 New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.
‘San Quentin 6’ inmate dies in riot
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Oil, religions, ocean, water, poisoning…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, poisoning...

Adult dies of plague in Colorado
Prediction #4 of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this
mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, ships – Giant ocean ‘blob’ discovered

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving mass suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies, cults…
MEMO from 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”
May God Bless your lost soul
‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ actor kills self? Shocking?
The stars and fate of Whitney Houston
Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!

GUNSHOTS’ 3 dead, including gunman, in Louisiana theater shooting
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies
- Prediction # 3: Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Armadillos cause spike in leprosy cases in Florida – An unusually high number of leprosy cases are being detected in Florida, and experts believe it’s because people are getting into contact with armadillos.

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, water, Chemicals, oil, *ships….”
July 20, 2015 ISIS steps up use of chemicals?
Famous radio host Art Bell will soon be back on radio and compete with Coast To Coast am, may be my readers can refresh his memory of a prediction I made in 1995 on his show? “America will be experiencing a religious war” This was well before Osama Bin Laden, 911 terrorist attack in N.Y. and ISIS! Listen to the show!
This prediction was also offered to all my VIP’s 10/15/2014 in the cosmic code website.
Prediction #23 Isis will use poison gas and will ////////////////// Read more!

Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving oil,

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving religion…

Prediction #7 of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.

Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Water, drugs, poisoning…
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East, gas, water, the ocean, Islands, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, water, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, the ocean, ships, water, subs, prisons, jail, epidemic, poisoning…
World largest ship depart from France
Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.
China’s islands ‘almost complete’
Prediction #4 of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.
“Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!
Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expectan upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.
Blob of warm Pacific water threatens ecosystem, may intensify drought Oceans
‘Genocide’ charged as boat capsizes in Mediterranean “death at sea”
More than 200 sickened on cruise ships
5/12/15 Millennials leaving the fold! The OCD Atheist Godless Generation’s Will Religions
5/3/15 2 shot at Mohammed art event! Terrorism
North Korea’s achievement of those goals would create a strategic headache for the United States and its key allies in the region, South Korea and Japan.
Iran Claims to Have Seized US Ship
Prediction #2 of 24 – “I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.” *KKK-linked prison guards charged in murder plot *Officials: Al-Qaeda attacks prison, frees 270
Prediction #7 of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.
4/3/2015 – * 2 dead in murder-suicide on cruise ship
4/1/2015 – Andrew Getty, grandson of J. Paul Getty, dies at 47
oil *Oil plunges to a 6-year low. Is $30 next? *OPEC leader: Oil could shoot back to $200
chemicals, poison Poison *Toxic moonshine kills 99 in Mumbai slum *Two of B.B. King’s daughters are alleging that the blues legend was poisoned to death by two of his closest associates. *Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness *Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tub *Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family *Poisoned drink for Boehner? *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife –
hospitals, epidemic, viruses *New virus discovered in Kansas *Experts raise alarm as plague kills dozens in Madagascar *Measles cases in California soar *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme, *At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train
the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion . In some ways, following this Grand Cross God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.
New virus discovered in Kansas
Prediction #4 of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.
“Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!
2/12/2015 Inmates free hostages, kill selves
Prediction #2 of 24 – “I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.” *Officials: Al-Qaeda attacks prison, frees 270
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions VIP
“the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, poison, water
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, the ocean, ships, water, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning… *Mandatory water restrictions in California *Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic (Miley Cyrus)
NASA: Antarctic ice shelf will disappear by 2020
5/16/2015 Unknown sea creature discovered
Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.
Several shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan
Prediction #7 of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.
5/21/2015 Suicide rates among young black boys on the rise
Former Broncos player commits suicide by hanging
DELIBERATE Germanwings Flight 9525 prediction – Dr. Turi right again!
MEMO from 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”
Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family May God Bless Their Lost Souls
Memo from “Prediction #6 of 24 – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides. India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, water, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning…
Ex-NFLer accused of murdering prison cellmate (prisons)
Supermax ‘worse than death’ Prisons)
Poison found in prison food Poisening
19 people slain; 2 attackers also dead, others hunted
Bobbi Kristina Brown, born March 4, 1993 (Pisces) in Livingston (NJ)
Let’s pray for her recovery!
Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tubEND OF LIFE/NEW LIFE?
MEMO from 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”
Update 1/23/2015 California measles outbreak grows to 68 cases
Prediction #4 of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless and a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.
Read 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions
Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction
Shannon Zwanziger was born in 1997 with a Neptunius Draconis making her seriously prone to die from infectious organisms. May God Bless Her Soul – Traditional Doctors MUST learn from Soul Doctors! The cosmic wisdom of all wise men of antiquity must be taught to all modern medical students!
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
Update 12/31/2014 – Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemicEpidemic/medications/hospitals
Update 1/23/2015 Vessel sinks off Hawaii coast – 75,000 gallons of fuel sinks off Hawaii
Update 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found
Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.
Update 12/29/14 ‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? – Ocean/ships?
Update 12/28/14 Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning – Ocean/ships?
Time to recall Dr. Turi’s predictions and pass them on to the world because it is going to get much worse… I see also deadly tsunamis and a devastating US hurricane season with tornadoes and flooding never experienced before. Every months throughout the year 2015 I will translate the Cosmic Code, signaling the very high possibility of very large earthquakes and the most destructive upcoming natural disasters starting with “January 2015 SOS To The World Windows.”
This crucial list is posted in the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s. Join us today, do NOT plan to travel during the dates offered or pay the price for ignoring the signs I translated for you. Note, I predicted the Asian and Japan tsunamis to the day and refused to travel to Thailand on December 23 with my friend Owen because the cosmic auspices were negative. Doing so saved both our lives while thousands of people died 3 days later! Be warned, get those dates, my warnings. My newsletters and predictions will stop reaching the public on January 1st, 2015.
Malaysia to get epic flooding; threat of landslides loom.
Update 12/12/2014 – India’s worrying level of youth suicides
Prediction #6 of 24 – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides. India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!
Update 12/12/2014 Plunging oil prices may trigger unrest
Update 12/12/2014 Mukasey: Waterboarding not torture
Update 12/4/2014 For some, gas falls below $2
Pope attacks ‘diseases’ of Vatican
From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says! Posted April 9, 2014.
Update 12/7/2014 Florida Triple-Murder Suspect Is Arrested. What He’s Accused of Has Left a Church Absolutely Devastated.
Prediction #5 of 24: Neptune rules religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination. * *STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — $28 million: That’s the estimated market value of 4 Staten Island Catholic churches set to close
Update 12/5/2014 – Andrew Keegan starts new religion
I am another deceived Neptunian
Prediction#21 of 24: Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults *’10 Things I Hate About You’ star Andrew Keegan starts new religion…
Continued; The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement. New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series.
Join Dr.Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University be warned, be prepared, be guided accurately!
Update 12/3/2014 – Eruption could destroy Japan
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy. Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes – Get a free copy of my books! Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.
There are specific prediction for the cruise industry that can not be divulged to the public! I can only be objective with only a few predictions I made public!
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions
Update 2/4/2015 – OPEC leader: Oil could shoot back to $200 prediction…
Note: Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014
From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP full version)
Update 2/3/2015 Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect more food poisoning. Death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy. Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes – Get a free copy of my books! Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.
Update 11/16/2014 170 sickened on cruise ship
Norovirus sickens 170 passengers on cruise ship bound for L.A.
South Korean ship carrying students sinks
Update: 11/15/2014 – Chemical plant leak kills 4

Flight 370 Satellite Image May Show Possible Oil Slick … (oil?)
Updated 04/13/14 – Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business (Gas?)
From AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions
“Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!
CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
When the flu wiped out millions
Do you think it is another “accident” for a CNN writer to post such an article or another serious omen of what is to come to a world of cosmic unconscious human? No, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances humanity and science are not yet aware of and keep ignoring and denying…
Memo: ” The camera lodged in the suspended water bulb is a VERY strong omen (and a serious warning to pay close attention to water on earth) offered to an unconscious scientific community. Water is the utmost precious commodity on the planet but I see water shortage, more poisoning of the oceans and the ozone layer forcing humanity to take serious actions within the next two years.”
Be warned pay attention to my “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions and all the Nostradamus natural healing tips I am offering to all my wise VIP’s and avoid the upcoming universal Neptunian cosmic poisoning wind. (VIP’s only)
“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015 (public sample) Share Pls!
- 1 Expect ////////////////////////////////
- 2 Neptune ///////////////////////////////////////
- 3 Hollywood and the movie industry will ///////////////////////////////////////
- 4 New STD and old diseases will //////////////////////////////////
- 5 – Posted Above…
- 6 I am expecting loss of life due to the proliferation of ///////////////////////////////
- 7 I am expecting a full restructure of the/////////////////////////////////
- 8 I see angry /////////////////////////////////////
- 9 I see serious //////////////////////////////
- 10 I see Las Vegas /////////////////////////////////////
- 11 I see a full restructure of the //////////////////////////////
- 12 I see an upsurge of ////////////////////////////////////
- 13 I see problems ////////////////////////////////////
- 14 I see a lot of //////////////////////////////////
- 15 I see a lot more of //////////////////////////////////
- 16 I see many ////////////////////////
- 17 I see new ////////////////////////
- 18 I see a //////////////////////////////////////
- 19 I see large ///////////////////////////////////
- 20 I see “political” /////////////////////////////
- 21 Posted above
- 22 The ocean will ///////////////////////////
- 23 Isis will ////////////////////////////
- 24 /////////////////////
This elusive Dragon is extremely deceptive and will aim and curse many people born in////////////and ////////// with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a //////, a //////, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work for you, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with a consultation.
Science and the world are ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure my VIP’s can reach me all along its control over humanity. Thus the offered saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to ////////////
This may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. At 65 I had my share of idiocy fighting the “educated” atheist / scientists and God fearing lost souls who truly believe they know better than God and I.
The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE 2015 YEAR DUE TO NEPTUNE …
1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)
2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone)
3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone)
4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)
5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone)
6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information)
7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania) – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )
Note our cart is not set to offer discount on all the above readings, so please call Terania at 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting or on the telephone. You may decide to use paypal but you still will have to call Terania with your DOB and for your appointment.
While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious healing power. Nostradamus, used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains.
Nostradamus “The Star lover Doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)
Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs.
While my Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all the ramifications here.
Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.
Combined with my////////////////////// the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a true gifted “Soul Doctors.”
A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call h…
“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?
Now on to all those vital informations and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive, the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all. The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…
- 1 If you feel depressed and keep degenerating your spirit, you will ///////////////////////infectious diseases. Do not /////////////////////////////
- 2 Use /////////////if you get sick/////////////////.
- 3 If you do not want to get sick and avoid Neptune poisoning power//////////////////////////////////
- 4 Most importantly, switch from ///////////////////
- 5 Drink ///////////// every morning and add ONE DROP of//////////////, NO sugar, NO honey added only a few drops of/////////////. Human are machine of habits/////////////
- 6 ///////////////// has incredible therapeutic values modern science will make sure you know nothing about! In fact Nostradamus used it in all his potions to heal people from the plague. //////////Read more about////////////// priorities.
- 7 Nurture/////////////////////////////
- 8 Spend enough time //////////// everyday//////////////. Contrary to what you have been told,//////////////////// offer the only way for you to get enough //////////. ////////// is life force #1 and /////////////////helps against depressions, psychosis, dementia and combat alzheimer diseases.
- 9 Use the//////////////////////at your advantage to avoid the depleting of your spirit and your physical atomic structure. Indeed ///////////////////healing tools
- 10 The more you understand and use////////////////////the more power to you. Remember you will become much more vulnerable to ailments or “accidents” under ////////////////////////. Knowing and using your personal cosmic biorhythms positive dates or a personalized talisman can and will bring emotional, financial and spiritual stability in your life!
Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of//////////////////// altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
As of November 2015, the Universal “Religious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!
While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied both the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions” will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity! Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge!
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …
While my quatrain and keywords speaks of///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but FOLLOW faithfully ALL the natural healing tips I will offer my VIP’s. While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.
The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to my VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!
Once you get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does.
Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE
Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP?
Carl Sagan Scientific Fabricated LIES On What Life On Mars Would Be Like…
Reply by Mrs. Turi: Think back to just before that of WW1, in which everything was already made up of the same crowd that had per-planned record citations – which involved that of ones repayment alongside any other allegations that were too assessed by our administrations and its possessions.
It was the same for their allies and other organizations just like today, who many are involved in private ownership of businesses and such who have wanted and still want America to be at war…For this reason, we have seen and are still seeing some very devious colleagues of theirs; who were and are all deeply under suspicion for being involved in certain actions or acting under various unusual behavior, just to get everyone so mixed up in everything.
And you wonder why everyone is so confused?
Well, many of these so called contributors had given and still give to the Commonwealth of Nations lots of BIG bucks. There were and ’til this day, still lots of monetary agents implicated in this area of rule. All the same for JP Morgan and Co. who served as British fiscal assistant during the whole of World War I… There too was so much there already behind this secret understanding / often with intent to defraud already in the scheme of it all.
When it comes to the green, why yes; most are stubborn like the bull indeed.
But when it comes to the signs every day all around us, it makes you notice things like a golden or shiny gray painting of a battle of some sort that is say, located in the parquet central area of a building for instance; and that makes it acceptable for one to think it may be an artful conception for something like gold and silver.
But then, when one actually starts to do their homework, they notice that maybe on the particular birthday and / or creation this place was set up to endure; perhaps a harmful clue of some sort, like that of a contamination was and/or is fast growing (hepatitis , Ebola etc.) and known at the same time to be that of an irritant and very likely that this forceful armament is being used in armed conflict against the population.
Think back to the Australian Antigen maybe?
This is no different than the very rich, powerful and well -connected people that work with some others…Others who are naive and extremely hungry for money or even just to be in the spotlight. Well, those wealthy people may cultivate you, take care of you, pay you lots of money, end up brainwashing you in the end anyways, flat out giving you all that you may want in your life and finally they ask you for a mission of some sort…Well, money takes over for many; yes?
And many manipulate the power and use religion or any belief system for that matter as some kind of a license to do wrong. And while many may practice both ‘white’ magic some do both ‘white’ and ‘black magic’ with cruel intentions. This is where the past that has followed one into this incarnation needs to be removed or used constructively….Otherwise be ready for another bite in the butt.
Then all of a sudden, there is also the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. Call it suicide mission if you like but it’s all the same set out to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease…No different than that of religion / hard hardheadedness set out to destroy the world and spread its deadly afflictions aka ISIS…It is like many other ailments, just fighting the spiritual – hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom within each one of us.
It is the the same thing as the 13 principles of faith otherwise known as ‘Ophiuchus’ or Astropsychology of all really which is ‘royal’
but has all been used and abused.
The purpose of those who do this and use others (puppets) was and still is to expand your fears and make everyone extremely distressed. Basically so others feed off that fear or evil and many die as possible. This is all to build the need for some kind of resolution to the bad situation like a physical cancer.
All to make the rest of the world get ready for some kind of brand – new wonder medication or drug that can offer a solution to Ebola…To generate a large retailer market for that drug and to try and guarantee that there will be a large gain from it’s exchange for the money.
Once more and as common as it may be, it is those skeptical and vulnerable, sightless and many who are just too trusting of everyone that are used as the prime experimental subjects in this crazed gamble or enterprise…And this time they are using the African – American inhabitants.
While the age of Pisces is dying, there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and we are entering into another…Basically we have already into the Age of Aquarius but even though many are waking up, it is those in charge today still like knights of the old order and they are in charge of the new order. It’s not about the arc (boat) of some promise but all about what lies in the contract?
And unfortunately this world has a ruling elite, a political class and ignorant masses that genuinely doesn’t care nor chooses to be suitably incisive – Too much sarcasm. Too many who pretend to be insightful but are just assuming or too Neptunian.
Some heck of a <0> New World Order <0> that will be. This is WW111 and just another battle based on the same ‘stone’ which our predecessors fought on over and over again. I mean we already had nukes in the past and it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again…That’s the real deal on the ‘Battle of Armageddon.’
Too many who are to be so educated about everything but only by the book and too ordinary but have not much second judgement. Enlightened and historically knowledgeable my @$$… Most don’t even get the ‘I.E.’ rule of it all…
“Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. (i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)
Then we have the alleged real partners of the USA, which is and has forever been acting with the “Secret Hand.“ The help or better known as; often doubtful help. The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).
Nevertheless, between ones sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.
It’s about learning those universal laws that have been set well before this time and since forever as the earliest of wisdom, other than just that of what was written only by ‘Man.’
The Ice Age isn’t too far away you know, or at least so it seems… I mean, folks have put their gas masks on a long time ago. (EX: DOOMSDAY PREPPERS)
But like that’s going to save you…Enjoy what you can; while you can.
Terania Turi
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…
The Magical Power of Talismans!

Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!
This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…
Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University
“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
James Randi Versus Dr. Turi’s predictions nine years later!
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.
Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!
Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!
“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”
Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi
Neptunius Dios of Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions
From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!
and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions“ published 04/10/2014
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, *Cargo ship uses hull as a giant sail Update *Man rescued after falling from cruise ship * Last-ditch effort to save ‘Top Gun’ carrier* *aircraft carrier classes *Ship overturns near Scotland *‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? *Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning, chemicals, poison *Poisoned drink for Boehner? *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife – hospitals, epidemic *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme, jails, convicts, *At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train drugs, dams, water, * Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic (Miley Cyrus) the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion . In some ways, following this Grand Cross God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.
At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train Jail/convicts

Update 1/13/2015 – Poisoned drink for Boehner? *71 die after drinking home brew
Update 1/3/2015 – Ship overturns near Scotland
Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction
Shannon Zwanziger was born in 1997 with a Neptunius Draconis making her seriously prone to die from infectious organisms. May God Bless Her Soul – Traditional Doctors MUST learn from Soul Doctors! The cosmic wisdom of all wise men of antiquity must be taught to all modern medical students!
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
Update 12/31/2014 – Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic Epidemic/medications/hospitals
Update 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found
Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.
Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect more food poisoning. Death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy. Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes – Get a free copy of my books! Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.
Update 12/29/14 ‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? – Ocean/ships?
Update 12/28/14 Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning – Ocean/ships?
Time to recall Dr. Turi’s predictions and pass them on to the world because it is going to get much worse… I see also deadly tsunamis and a devastating US hurricane season with tornadoes and flooding never experienced before. Every months throughout the year 2015 I will translate the Cosmic Code, signaling the very high possibility of very large earthquakes and the most destructive upcoming natural disasters starting with “January 2015 SOS To The World Windows.”
This crucial list is posted in the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s. Join us today, do NOT plan to travel during the dates offered or pay the price for ignoring the signs I translated for you. Note, I predicted the Asian and Japan tsunamis to the day and refused to travel to Thailand on December 23 with my friend Owen because the cosmic auspices were negative. Doing so saved both our lives while thousands of people died 3 days later! Be warned, get those dates, my warnings. My newsletters and predictions will stop reaching the public on January 1st, 2015.
Malaysia to get epic flooding; threat of landslides loom.
Update 12/12/2014 – India’s worrying level of youth suicides
Prediction #6 of 24 – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides. India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!
Update 12/12/2014 Plunging oil prices may trigger unrest
Update 12/12/2014 Mukasey: Waterboarding not torture
Update 12/4/2014 For some, gas falls below $2
Update 12/7/2014 Florida Triple-Murder Suspect Is Arrested. What He’s Accused of Has Left a Church Absolutely Devastated.
Prediction #5 of 24: Neptune rules religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination. * *STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — $28 million: That’s the estimated market value of 4 Staten Island Catholic churches set to close
Update 12/5/2014 – Andrew Keegan starts new religion
I am another deceived Neptunian
Prediction#21 of 24: Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults *’10 Things I Hate About You’ star Andrew Keegan starts new religion…
Spiritual Pride, wealth, power, notoriety and total Neptunian deception
Prediction #21 of 24: Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and
more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism *(CNN) — Church: Mormon, 40 wifes, one as young as 14 years old
Continued; The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement. New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series.
Join Dr.Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University be warned, be prepared, be guided accurately!
Update 12/3/2014 – Eruption could destroy Japan
There are specific prediction for the cruise industry that can not be divulged to the public! I can only be objective with only a few predictions I made public!
Update 11/16/2014 170 sickened on cruise ship
Norovirus sickens 170 passengers on cruise ship bound for L.A.
South Korean ship carrying students sinks
Update: 11/15/2014 – Chemical plant leak kills 4

Flight 370 Satellite Image May Show Possible Oil Slick … (oil?)
Updated 04/13/14 – Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business (Gas?)
From AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions
“Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!
Prediction #4 of 24 – “a New STD and old diseases will come back and plague those countries ////////////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light. New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will kill many.“
CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
When the flu wiped out millions
Do you think it is another “accident” for a CNN writer to post such an article or another serious omen of what is to come to a world of cosmic unconscious human? No, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances humanity and science are not yet aware of and keep ignoring and denying…
Memo: ” The camera lodged in the suspended water bulb is a VERY strong omen (and a serious warning to pay close attention to water on earth) offered to an unconscious scientific community. Water is the utmost precious commodity on the planet but I see water shortage, more poisoning of the oceans and the ozone layer forcing humanity to take serious actions within the next two years.”
Be warned pay attention to my “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions and all the Nostradamus natural healing tips I am offering to all my wise VIP’s and avoid the upcoming universal Neptunian cosmic poisoning wind. (VIP’s only)
“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015 (public sample) Share Pls!
- 1 Expect ////////////////////////////////
- 2 Neptune ///////////////////////////////////////
- 3 Hollywood and the movie industry will ///////////////////////////////////////
- 4 New STD and old diseases will //////////////////////////////////
- 5 – Posted Above…
- 6 I am expecting loss of life due to the proliferation of ///////////////////////////////
- 7 I am expecting a full restructure of the/////////////////////////////////
- 8 I see angry /////////////////////////////////////
- 9 I see serious //////////////////////////////
- 10 I see Las Vegas /////////////////////////////////////
- 11 I see a full restructure of the //////////////////////////////
- 12 I see an upsurge of ////////////////////////////////////
- 13 I see problems ////////////////////////////////////
- 14 I see a lot of //////////////////////////////////
- 15 I see a lot more of //////////////////////////////////
- 16 I see many ////////////////////////
- 17 I see new ////////////////////////
- 18 I see a //////////////////////////////////////
- 19 I see large ///////////////////////////////////
- 20 I see “political” /////////////////////////////
- 21 Posted above
- 22 The ocean will ///////////////////////////
- 23 Isis will ////////////////////////////
- 24 /////////////////////
This elusive Dragon is extremely deceptive and will aim and curse many people born in////////////and ////////// with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a //////, a //////, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work for you, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with a consultation.
Science and the world are ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure my VIP’s can reach me all along its control over humanity. Thus the offered saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to ////////////
This may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. At 65 I had my share of idiocy fighting the “educated” atheist / scientists and God fearing lost souls who truly believe they know better than God and I.
The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE 2015 YEAR DUE TO NEPTUNE …
1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)
2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone)
3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone)
4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)
5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone)
6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information)
7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania) – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )
Note our cart is not set to offer discount on all the above readings, so please call Terania at 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting or on the telephone. You may decide to use paypal but you still will have to call Terania with your DOB and for your appointment.
While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious healing power. Nostradamus, used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains.
Nostradamus “The Star lover Doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)
Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs.
While my Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all the ramifications here.
Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.
Combined with my////////////////////// the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a true gifted “Soul Doctors.”
A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call h…
“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?
Now on to all those vital informations and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive, the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all. The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…
- 1 If you feel depressed and keep degenerating your spirit, you will ///////////////////////infectious diseases. Do not /////////////////////////////
- 2 Use /////////////if you get sick/////////////////.
- 3 If you do not want to get sick and avoid Neptune poisoning power//////////////////////////////////
- 4 Most importantly, switch from ///////////////////
- 5 Drink ///////////// every morning and add ONE DROP of//////////////, NO sugar, NO honey added only a few drops of/////////////. Human are machine of habits/////////////
- 6 ///////////////// has incredible therapeutic values modern science will make sure you know nothing about! In fact Nostradamus used it in all his potions to heal people from the plague. //////////Read more about////////////// priorities.
- 7 Nurture/////////////////////////////
- 8 Spend enough time //////////// everyday//////////////. Contrary to what you have been told,//////////////////// offer the only way for you to get enough //////////. ////////// is life force #1 and /////////////////helps against depressions, psychosis, dementia and combat alzheimer diseases.
- 9 Use the//////////////////////at your advantage to avoid the depleting of your spirit and your physical atomic structure. Indeed ///////////////////healing tools
- 10 The more you understand and use////////////////////the more power to you. Remember you will become much more vulnerable to ailments or “accidents” under ////////////////////////. Knowing and using your personal cosmic biorhythms positive dates or a personalized talisman can and will bring emotional, financial and spiritual stability in your life!
Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of//////////////////// altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
As of November 2015, the Universal “Religious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!
While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied both the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions” will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity! Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge!
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but FOLLOW faithfully ALL the natural healing tips I will offer my VIP’s. While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.
The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to my VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!
Once you get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does.
Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE
Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP?
Carl Sagan Scientific Fabricated LIES On What Life On Mars Would Be Like…
Reply by Mrs. Turi: Think back to just before that of WW1, in which everything was already made up of the same crowd that had per-planned record citations – which involved that of ones repayment alongside any other allegations that were too assessed by our administrations and its possessions.
It was the same for their allies and other organizations just like today, who many are involved in private ownership of businesses and such who have wanted and still want America to be at war…For this reason, we have seen and are still seeing some very devious colleagues of theirs; who were and are all deeply under suspicion for being involved in certain actions or acting under various unusual behavior, just to get everyone so mixed up in everything.
And you wonder why everyone is so confused?
Well, many of these so called contributors had given and still give to the Commonwealth of Nations lots of BIG bucks. There were and ’til this day, still lots of monetary agents implicated in this area of rule. All the same for JP Morgan and Co. who served as British fiscal assistant during the whole of World War I… There too was so much there already behind this secret understanding / often with intent to defraud already in the scheme of it all.
When it comes to the green, why yes; most are stubborn like the bull indeed.
But when it comes to the signs every day all around us, it makes you notice things like a golden or shiny gray painting of a battle of some sort that is say, located in the parquet central area of a building for instance; and that makes it acceptable for one to think it may be an artful conception for something like gold and silver.
But then, when one actually starts to do their homework, they notice that maybe on the particular birthday and / or creation this place was set up to endure; perhaps a harmful clue of some sort, like that of a contamination was and/or is fast growing (hepatitis , Ebola etc.) and known at the same time to be that of an irritant and very likely that this forceful armament is being used in armed conflict against the population.
Think back to the Australian Antigen maybe?
This is no different than the very rich, powerful and well -connected people that work with some others…Others who are naive and extremely hungry for money or even just to be in the spotlight. Well, those wealthy people may cultivate you, take care of you, pay you lots of money, end up brainwashing you in the end anyways, flat out giving you all that you may want in your life and finally they ask you for a mission of some sort…Well, money takes over for many; yes?
And many manipulate the power and use religion or any belief system for that matter as some kind of a license to do wrong. And while many may practice both ‘white’ magic some do both ‘white’ and ‘black magic’ with cruel intentions. This is where the past that has followed one into this incarnation needs to be removed or used constructively….Otherwise be ready for another bite in the butt.
Then all of a sudden, there is also the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. Call it suicide mission if you like but it’s all the same set out to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease…No different than that of religion / hard hardheadedness set out to destroy the world and spread its deadly afflictions aka ISIS…It is like many other ailments, just fighting the spiritual – hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom within each one of us.
It is the the same thing as the 13 principles of faith otherwise known as ‘Ophiuchus’ or Astropsychology of all really which is ‘royal’
but has all been used and abused.
The purpose of those who do this and use others (puppets) was and still is to expand your fears and make everyone extremely distressed. Basically so others feed off that fear or evil and many die as possible. This is all to build the need for some kind of resolution to the bad situation like a physical cancer.
All to make the rest of the world get ready for some kind of brand – new wonder medication or drug that can offer a solution to Ebola…To generate a large retailer market for that drug and to try and guarantee that there will be a large gain from it’s exchange for the money.
Once more and as common as it may be, it is those skeptical and vulnerable, sightless and many who are just too trusting of everyone that are used as the prime experimental subjects in this crazed gamble or enterprise…And this time they are using the African – American inhabitants.
While the age of Pisces is dying, there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and we are entering into another…Basically we have already into the Age of Aquarius but even though many are waking up, it is those in charge today still like knights of the old order and they are in charge of the new order. It’s not about the arc (boat) of some promise but all about what lies in the contract?
And unfortunately this world has a ruling elite, a political class and ignorant masses that genuinely doesn’t care nor chooses to be suitably incisive – Too much sarcasm. Too many who pretend to be insightful but are just assuming or too Neptunian.
Some heck of a <0> New World Order <0> that will be. This is WW111 and just another battle based on the same ‘stone’ which our predecessors fought on over and over again. I mean we already had nukes in the past and it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again…That’s the real deal on the ‘Battle of Armageddon.’
Too many who are to be so educated about everything but only by the book and too ordinary but have not much second judgement. Enlightened and historically knowledgeable my @$$… Most don’t even get the ‘I.E.’ rule of it all…
“Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. (i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)
Then we have the alleged real partners of the USA, which is and has forever been acting with the “Secret Hand.“ The help or better known as; often doubtful help. The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).
Nevertheless, between ones sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.
It’s about learning those universal laws that have been set well before this time and since forever as the earliest of wisdom, other than just that of what was written only by ‘Man.’
The Ice Age isn’t too far away you know, or at least so it seems… I mean, folks have put their gas masks on a long time ago. (EX: DOOMSDAY PREPPERS)
But like that’s going to save you…Enjoy what you can; while you can.
Terania Turi
“Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!”
Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions, * Pope Francis makes annulment of marriages easier* Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary * Kung fu (in)fighting rocks ancient Shaolin Monastery *Tests show UK Quran manuscript is among world’s oldest * 27 killed in stampede Water*200 hurt in water park blast, Chemicals, * ISIS steps up use of chemicals? oil, * Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres *The oil glut is getting even bigger *California oil pipeline ruptures * Cruise ship floats free at high tide – *Oil plunges to a 6-year low. Is $30 next? – *Vessel sinks off Hawaii coast – oil 75,000 gallons of fuel sinks off Hawaii – gas, the ocean, Rescuers try to save migrants in Mediterranean shipwreck *Volunteers rally to save stranded killer whale Islands, *China’s islands ‘almost complete’ *ships, *Mystery shipwreck found off U.S. *Philippines: 42 dead, 11 missing in ferry disaster *The world’s largest cruise ship departs from Barcelona *Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured *Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River submarines * North Korea could have missile-launching submarine within 5 years! *Iran Claims to Have Seized US Ship * *Several shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan *Ship overturns near Scotland *‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? *Movie GUNSHOTS’ 3 dead, including gunman, in Louisiana theater shooting *Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning, More than 200 sickened on cruise ships *Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness Suicide *Bobbi Kristina Brown has died *Dad jumps off bridge, baby *Suicide rates among young black boys on the rise*Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tub *Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family *Poisoned drink for Boehner? *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife – hospitals, Poison *Poisoned teens struggle to eat, walk *Toxic moonshine kills 99 in Mumbai slum *Two of B.B. King’s daughters are alleging that the blues legend was poisoned to death by two of his closest associates. epidemic, pandemic *Adult dies of plague in Colorado *Leprosy cases spike in Florida * 6/7/2015 MERS outbreak: 2,300-plus quarantined in South Korea *Experts raise alarm as plague kills dozens in Madagascar *Measles cases in California soar *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme, jails, convicts, Prison *‘San Quentin 6’ inmate dies in riot *Escaped inmate kills woman before he is captured, Pennsylvania police say *Trinidad prison escape involves shootout with police – *Mexican drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman escapes *Sex, drugs and prison corruption *2 killers escape from prison in upstate New York *Ex-NFLer accused of murdering prison cellmate – *Supermax ‘worse than death’ Poison found in prison food*At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train drugs, poisoning * More children getting drunk on hand sanitizer *Secret TPP trade deal will force deadly pharma drugs on the whole world dams, water, *Japan flooding: 2.8 million advised to evacuate * EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange – * 54 stingrays die at Chicago zoo – sea *Record rain Texas and Oklahoma flooding: 3 dead *Mandatory water restrictions in California *‘Genocide’ charged as boat capsizes in Mediterranean *Blob of warm Pacific water threatens ecosystem, may intensify drought *Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic (Miley Cyrus) the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion . In some ways, following this Grand Cross God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” *Plane registered to ‘Titanic’ composer crashes Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.