You’ll know the essence of a real genius only when an extreme minority can relate to his futuristic work and decides to follow his rare teachings… Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Knowing I am banned by ALL major networking medias to post my predictions, please join my restricted Facebook page. Thank you.
Dozens killed in Kabul as Taliban attack
Note; Because of the time zone my SOS to the world deadly window is operational in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Be ready for attacks in Europe and/or the US on the 22nd! The maximum effect last 48 hours centering the given date and perpetuate until next window.
At this point, I wonder how the secret services feel, knowing I blasted dozens of US FBI offices yesterday April 18, 2016. Why the FBI (or USGS) still deny my impeccable timing is a mystery to me. They should be more interested to know when terrorists (or nature) are stimulated by the stars and become more active and deadly.
USGS should also be more interested in knowing why ALL earthquakes above 6.0 ALWAYS transpire during my windows. Their deplorable attitude and lack on interest speaks of the unimaginable amount of stupidity reflecting their “educated” idiocy!
Maybe one day those governmental organizations, will realize the values of such pertinent information and INVESTIGATE my methodology instead of running away from my “pseudo-science.”
Memo from USGS the Ecuador and Japan earthquakes are NOT related!
Like I did with USGS 21 years ago, I must offer undeniable proofs of my endless attempts to reach the secret services and USGS, as to reflect the confidence of a supreme cosmic wisdom they need to master to better counter-terrorism methods.
And those idiots are the ones we trust to serve and protect society?
Being more diplomatic and using “political correctness” with them all to try and attract their attention some may say! But after so many years and so many facts thrown at their faces, no one could handle so much feeble-mindedness and lack of curiosity that long!
“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education” A. Einstein
Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)

Thank You Your tip has been submitted. TERRORISM, death, drama, UFO’s April 22! FBI/CIA pay attention! http://www.drturi.com/terrorism-death-drama-ufos-april-22-fbicia-pay-attention/ HELLO! – HELLO! – HELLO! – UPDATE! 4/19/16 – Dozens killed in Kabul as Taliban attack |
While those deadly cosmic winds offer also wake up calls to humans from all walks of life, this very dangerous cosmic energy if far from over. Thus as always, I will offer my readers the full quatrain and associated obvious keywords, so all the skeptical morons can make sense to my gift!
From April 2016 SOS to the world deadly Windows:
April 9 – 22
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Thugs / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / human/nature wake up Call.
ITS NOT EVERYDAY THAT A Town’s entire police dept. resigns! (POLICE NEWS?)
2 Chandler officers shot at Walmart; Police?
22 fighters dead in clash of allies Death News?
Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Police investigating death at singer Prince’s estate Famous death?
Police are investigating a death at the estate of superstar Prince – Police?
Half-mile drug tunnel found at border – Secrets, Thugs / Mob?
Ex-cops plead guilty in shootings Police?
Mom on ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ dies Famous Death?
500 may have drowned in shipwreck – Death news?
SCOTUS rules for terror victims – Terrorism?
Utah: Porn is a ‘health hazard’ – sex?
Secrets of terrorist’s phone revealed Secrets/Terrorism?
Estelle Balet: Swiss snowboard champion dies in avalanche – Famous death?
Air Force blames crash that killed 14 on misplaced goggles case – Death news?
2 vengeful Turks try to hood US soldier, say he’s ‘responsible for terrorism in our country’
While my cosmic wisdom does generate a tremendous amount of interest world wide, at this point I am so disgusted by the lack of investigative interests of all those governmental agencies who could benefit the most from my work!
But it seems anticipating large earthquakes or terrorist attacks and saving lives in the process, has never been a priority to those in charge of the Secret Services and USGS! Especially when Astropsychology / Astroforensic and Astrogeology is something they never heard of, do not trust and ridicule!
Ultimately, with so much validations, only those brainless donkeys can refute my cosmic ingeniousness, and it seems those are the ones running the show at the top of all those Agencies.
I started keeping record of the news and you will have to comeback to this very page regularly to read “the rest of the story!” as the anticipated deadly news unfold… But this probably change anything with the FBI or USGS. I doubt very much so as idiocy seems tenacious and impregnated in so many human beings.
But the world is not only cursed with a witless herd, there are still smarter, curious people all over the planet reading and heeding my warnings. And those are the ones paying more attention to a real Modern Prophet translating God Cosmic Will daily! And God is listening.
Dear Dr. Turi,
May I ask if you might be interested in being a guest on Howard Hughes’ The Unexplained on Talk Radio here in the UK? We broadcast live every Sunday from 22.00-01.00 and we’d be delighted to have you on either the phone or Skype. I’d of course be delighted to outline in more detail the nature of the conversation.
Terania is currently working with the him to set this up, I hope you will join us then… Meantime, learn more about Pluto “The Lord of Death.”
Pluto | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
Pluto Lord of Hades | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
Pluto and The New 2015 American Dream Reality | Dr. Turi ..
Blessings to all our readers,
Dr. Turi
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…