“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Dr. Turi
Dear Readers;
Memo: The current October Supernova window is very dangerous “26 hurt in Megabus crash” and still operational. Read all the details if you are a VIP “October 2014 SOS To The World Windows.”
Expect more affairs of the past coming to the news “Mystery space plane to land” – “North Korea says leader has reappeared” – The truth about Christopher Columbus and many more traveling “accidents” to expect, Flight makes emergency landing until this nasty window is over. Check all my warnings and what to do (or not to do) if you must travel during any “October 2014 SOS To The World Windows.”
October 14/15/16 and ?//// (VIP’s only)
Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
Beginning / Ending of life / War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.
- 10/14/14 – Vatican signals openness to gays – Beginning
- 10/14/14 – ISIS training video revealed
– Beginning
- 10/14/14 – Mystery space plane to land – Ending
- Final song for singer with Alzheimer’s– – Ending
- Brother: Ali’s health deteriorating — Ending – His death is set before or March 2015.
- 10/14/14 – Southern storms turn deadly – Destructive Weather
- 10/14/14 – 26 hurt in Megabus crash – Ending of life
- 10/14/14 – Electronic dance music producer dies – Ending of life
- 10/14/14 – ISIS takes key Iraq base – Unplanned Life For Many
- 10/14/14 – Megaquake could hit West Coast – Read California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction
- 10/14/14 – OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR Magnitude: 7.4
- 10/14/14 – S. KERMADEC ISLANDS Magnitude: 6.1
Friday October 24rd New Moon day , from 7 to 9 PM PST is that time of the month for you to come back and join us in the chat room in our Cyber Cosmic Code University.
Dear VIP’s;
So sorry but the meeting is off, we have been working very hard and we need to take a week end of. Blame it on Mercury retrograde?
We are on the way to Roswell and we will share the pictures and this trip with you all on the3 cosmic code website. The next Chat room meeting is set for December 22nd on the New Moon day!
So get your question ready copy and paste it in the chat room window to save time. ONE question at the time and please and do not write anything – nor ask any question when I am typing for someone else. This breaks my channeling and make it hard on me to focus.
All others have to do is, to wait and formulate their question and do the same when I say, for example’ “OK John is next…” Terania will get your natal UCI and get it ready for me before I speak to you, she will also add her own feedback every now and then as I speed up to serve as many VIP’s as I can.
Remember this is not a full life reading, its only a mini reading, this mean we are extremely limited with all you need to know and must get to the point fast. Meantime we will do our best to help you with the time spent on you. If you need real professional assistance, not only a small “check up” check my services.
If you happen to have the same Sun Sign than another VIP, pay attention to my guidance and predictions, you will somehow be touched too. The last session we did, including this new one took place during “October 2014 SOS To The World Windows.” under a Mercury retrograde motion, making impossible for many of you to reach us by telephone for your mini – session.
2014 Third SUPERNOVA window – is From 09/28/2014 through ///// (VIP’s only!)
Anything goes, ask general questions about UFO, health, career, love, astrology, dreams, omens, talismans etc. I will also perform the Astro-Tarot for some VIP’s if requested. Once we move to Florida we will start our radio show again and attend you on a much more personal and regular base.
How to proceed after October 24th if you can not make it on Friday:
1 – If you are in the US or anywhere on the planet you must email Terania first to set a time that will works for both of us – teraniapromodir@gmail.com if you have any questions and ONLY THEN call 602-265-7667 for your reading.
DO NOT CALL NOW PLEASE – CALL ONLY WHEN YOUR APPOINTMENT IS SET use your email and call when you are ready to talk to me by phone.
2 – IMPORTANT! Do not mention anything about your situation or ask any questions to Terania, I have more answers than you have questions for me! While Terania is on my cosmic level wisdom, she is much too busy with her own duties at her desk and, on those days, her job is limited to set you up with me.
All she needs is your name and DOB that’s all. You may talk about anything you like with her, but do not discuss anything related to your reading. She is trained to handle all calls professionally and will organize the load of work ahead of us.
3 – Do not let anyone or anything interfere with my channeling. Talk as less as possible and answer my questions only with a yes or a no! Please, no cell-phones on, no pets and no one in the room with you when you call me.
After the mini reading, if you decide to order a Skype live session or a 90 mn taped Full Life Reading, only if you are a VIP, you’ll get my services with a discount… Thus save tons of money by becoming a VIP BEFORE you decided to investigate my psychic abilities!
You will be amazed, that is guarantee… If you decided to proceed with a live Skype session, type drturi70 in the Skype search box and send me an invitation prior to our meeting. Plan ahead to record the entire consultation as the predictions for the next four years ahead, the immediate guidance, past lives residue and the teachings of Universal Laws are worth saving for future references.
Note: You should never offer your fragile psyche to non cosmic conscious people, or psychics alike, because Neptunians born are reputed to perpetuate confusion and make your situation much worse with fears. How can anyone help you to know your soul when they know nothing about their own cosmic nature or the supra-conscious creative/destructive forces at play?
Remember there is a big difference between education and intelligence! NO you do not need a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! to do what I do because it is a gift. And there are NO schools today that will produce an Einstein, a Mozart, a Beethoven or any of the erudite men of the past!
In fact, traditionally educated doctors of the mind are the result of the controlling scientific pharmaceutical matrix doing more damages by over-medicating their patients.
All they have is their hard logic and the nefarious pills to fix a spiritual, cosmic mystery they know nothing about. All they know about the human mind is rational at best, and none of them has been educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and its subtle interactions with the human mind! Furthermore those well read critical psychically under developed souls are the first ones to deny the Divine and challenge the work of all geniuses of the past.
“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.”
Archaeologists find ancient ASTROLOGICAL floor mosaic! Time to expose the truth about a cosmic God!
All you have to do is to use common sense however, under serious emotional stress the perception of your situation, your world and its reality can not be trusted! And this is where YOU become a perfect target and waste not only time and money with non-cosmic conscious unprofessionals risking also your mental health.
The more I watch television and listen to endless appalling news, the more I realize how messed up this world became and the reason why so many people are suffering and committing suicide…
While I am trying my best to get you to join the cosmic code website to regenerate with every of my educational article, and every months with my cosmic work, predictions, guidance, horoscopes ,warnings etc. you may be suspicious or ill informed on my expertise. I do to mini reading once a month to help my VIP’s and those born suspicious to check on my claims and regenerate their psyches.
Since I stopped offering complete educational cosmic code newsletters to the public, I have more time in hand and decided to connect personally with all my VIP’s on the new moon phases and steer up hopes, wisdom, light and love into your body, mind and soul…
Remember this option is for my VIP’s only, thus if you want to test Dr. Turi perceptive gift and enjoy a FREE mini reading, you must join the Cosmic Code website first.
See you soon
DT and Terania
Big solar storm heading toward Earth posted 9/11/2014
Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of the power of the supra-conscious forces altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
WARNING! A talisman is an object created for the purpose of adding and using specific cosmic energies in respect of the soul’s Unique Celestial Identity. The cosmic code eternal rules and universal ceremonies are “trapped/casted” in the periapt and contain magical cosmic sacramental properties providing good luck for the possessor and offer protection from evil or harm.
A full awareness of judicial divine / medical astrology must be acknowledged and respected by anyone making talismans. Any talisman casted or purchased during the “Blood Moon” period of October 8th, 2014 or under any other negative astrological auspices will induce drastic repercussions on the owner. Consequently, purchasing or making talismans without proper cosmic awareness is not only a waste of time and money but will prompt negative consequences on its owner.
Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio October 26 from 8pm to 10pm
DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS, and what is to come in 2015.
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi
Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality
L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain
Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!! This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…
$15:00 – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!