“It is very easy to ridicule Astrology or UFOs when the gifted soul or the legitimate MJ12 is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Understanding the psyche of a terrorist! The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
I am sure many of you were looking for your Sunday Free Cosmic Code newsletter sample, but Terania and I decided to take a day off a drive trough the desert and regenerate in nature. Thus before sharing a few pictures with you, read the following…
When I get a powerful feeling, I usually post on dozens of groups and to a few people I know, including those involved in the media. But I also know that even with the facts right in their faces, those who could show their support and promote my work will never, ever budge!
VIPs, Facebook memo posted Monday, March 21, 2016 10:48 to the public “Above top secret group also on BIN and LinkedIn including numerous public networking websites – “SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW UPCOMING AROUND….. “DEATH, DRAMA, POLICE, RIOTS, TERRORISM” You have been WARNED! March 2016 SOS To The World Deadly Windows”
Roxy is a friend of mine and one of the many radio hosts who had me on their shows over the years!
Yesterday I spent some time sending private emails to some television channel, local Phoenix radio station hosts such as Mike Broomhead and Chris Merrill KFYI am to name a few, including C2C host George Noory and his producer Tom.
I wanted them to acknowledge the reality of my predictions and my interview with two CNN writers’ investigating an international scam involving Madame Maria Duval, one of the many deceptive psychics responsible for stealing millions from many older, vulnerable, gullible people.
While all our cosmic code VIP’s get CNN news before CNN ever post them on their website, I decided to also emphasize this particular SOS to the world deadly window in “What’s next? Be prepared!” Posted March 21, 2016 at 10:44am
Public memo posted to the world March 21, 2016 – “SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW UPCOMING AROUND….. “DEATH, DRAMA, POLICE, RIOTS, TERRORISM” You have been WARNED! March 2016 SOS To The World Deadly Windows”
WILL THE FBI VISIT DR. TURI AGAIN? Big day, big stakes for America’s future! Dr. Turi’s Predictions are slowly taking place! Read more and share pls – Join the only true “psychic” Facebook page offering the public PROOFS of his claims, join, SHOW YOUR SUPPORT for Dr. Turi’s rare and unique prophetic work!
I was hoping for some attention my cosmic work deserves while warning the public of my visions of an eminent terrorist attack! Yet, not a single response came my way and today I can’t help to wonder in the depth of their hearts, how all those dismissing my warnings feel for ridiculing or laughing at me reading today’s tragic headlines on CNN! Brussels attack: ISIS says it’s behind terror that killed 30 in Belgian capital.
I was so sure of my “vision” that I also added “WILL THE FBI VISIT DR.TURI AGAIN?” in the public warning!
Because of the latest “predicted” European terrorist attack and more deadly news ahead, I decided to offer the last few days of the March 2016 forecast… You will find the FULL version at the bottom of “Big day, big stakes for America’s future! Dr. Turi’s Predictions! “
Note also, because of the time zones, this March 2016 SOS to the world deadly Window is already operational in the Middle East and Europe, and soon in the US! The time is overdue for the public (and the FBI) to pay attention to a real Modern Prophet when the next day he is proven right… PLEASE HEED MY WARNINGS AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE!
Note also, yesterday I joined “Above top secret group” and offered the same warnings. But instead, I was met by a bunch of hyenas who managed to get me out. Knowing my previous pitiful experiences with so many of the same groups of envious subhumans, I kept a low profile and a decent language, but it served no purpose as my Internet enemies are very active and despise me with passion! Their loss and only the wise ones will end up looking and reading this article…
Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)
Mostly though, I hope the two CNN writer
will read this article and acknowledge the difference between a psychic crook like “Madame Maria Duval” and a real Prophet offering undeniable proofs of his skill, following a public warning impossible to deny!But their upcoming final article is not about justifying Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology as a real art and science but instead finding those psychics, crooks and send them to prison where they belong!
But knowing they got what they need from us and the media attitude along with their strict political correctness, I doubt very much that anything to ever clear my name or an opportunity offered by CNN to re-educate the public. Indeed it seems Terania and I are all alone in this “cosmic fight” for which consumed 66 years of my life!
New revelations about Pluto? The scientific “educational” controlling matrix at work luring the born atheist “Millennials” unperceptive nature. How in the world will this type of rigid, rational, dry incomplete scientific information on the planets help you deal with terrorism prevention or your life?
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Read the true psychical purposes and impact of Pluto upon the world! Invest in my cosmic wisdom instead!
As always the secret services are reading this article but nothing will ever be done to anticipate those terrible terrorist attacks! They never did nor will they ever hear or understand me and, it seem, learning from me is just impossible…
While my world wide reading audience, the skeptics, the sub humans and all envious idiots alike got their first “wake up call” today, I am now offering the full VIP version of a quatrain and keywords again speaking of all the ugly things to come and haunt the US and humanity at large.
Thus be ready for more deadly dramatic news soon right here in the US, involving the police, the reptilius – infected, bloody thirsty lost souls killing more people. STAY CLEAR of all large gatherings and pay attention to the “translation” of those cosmic forces something 99.9% of human are oblivious of.
And let those who ridicule the eternal cosmic rites and its Universal ceremonies and the voice of God Cosmic Divinity, be the victims of their ignorance. Indeed, so many subtle Universal voices have been lost in time and space by a rational, religious humanity!
““A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness”. – Albert Einstein
March 26 – // 48 hours centering the given date
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets to light / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / human/nature wake up Call.
Can you handle the undiluted truth? With so much non existing “support” from the secret services, my readers and so much cowardliness in the world, how can humanity progress in its conception and realization of God Cosmic Divinity?
How many of you took the time to share this article? What significant part did you ever play helping humanity? How do you truly feel in your heart for selfishly reading my work for your own self interest? It take courage, dedication and a valiant heart to help Dr. Turi! God thanks I do not rely on your support to fulfill my mission on earth!
SOS TO THE WORLD BE READY FOR MORE DEADLY NEWS, more secrets to come to light, more drama, more terrorism! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED for the second time!

MEMO FROM Psychic Nostradamus real page of Dr. Turi POSTED March 21 at 10:32am · SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW UPCOMING TERRORISM, POLICE, ****RIOTS****, DEATH, DRAMA – BE WARNED!
WILL THE FBI VISIT DR.TURI AGAIN? Big day, big stakes for America’s future! Dr. Turi’s Predictions are slowly taking place! Note for the skeptics and idiots alike… MAKE NOTES AND WAIT for my visions to unfold before assuming anything, because thousands of envious moronic subhumans made the same mistake and were FORCED to accept what a real Modern Prophet is all about! Read more and share pls
MEMO FROM Psychic Nostradamus real page of Dr. Turi POSTED March 21 at 10:32am · SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW UPCOMING TERRORISM, POLICE, ****RIOTS****, DEATH, DRAMA – BE WARNED!
WILL THE FBI VISIT DR.TURI AGAIN? Big day, big stakes for America’s future! Dr. Turi’s Predictions are slowly taking place! Note for the skeptics and idiots alike… MAKE NOTES AND WAIT for my visions to unfold before assuming anything, because thousands of envious moronic subhumans made the same mistake and were FORCED to accept what a real Modern Prophet is all about! Read more and share pls
Suicide bombing injures more than 200 at park in Lahore TERRORISM
‘Legends of the Fall’ author dies Famous death
This is the 3rd major terrorist attacks and ALL took place during my SOS to the world warning! Will the world and the secret services ever realize the critical values of my work and learn how to make a good use of it? SHAME on the Police, DSH, FBI, CIA, NSA DETECTIVES …

One thing is sure, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and suffered one of her 2016 Negative cosmic biorhythms – But my work is not for everyone, particularly the subhumans idiots…
Fish kill in Florida: ‘Heartbreaking images’ seen for miles DEATH NEWS
Medical helicopter crash kills 4 Death news
Woman killed on way to mom’s funeral Death news
Soccer stadium attack kills 25
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
3/25/16 – Brussels attacks: Suspect wounded, arrested in Belgian police operation Terrorism
France: Arrest in ‘advanced’ plot Terrorism
Wolves slaughter 19 elk in ‘sport killing’ Death news
9 face murder charges in recorded after-school brawl in Georgia Death news
ISIS #2 killed in U.S. operation Death news
Japan kills 200 pregnant whales Death news
Cops: Man kills doctor, himself Death news
Former ‘Bachelor’ contestant dies Death news
Former Intel CEO dead at 79 Death news
Comedian Garry Shandling dies Famous death
Go inside Hilfiger’s $69M penthouse Super Wealth
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
It was Genocide – Death News/Wake up call?
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light?
Armed man reported at Naval center
ISIS attacks U.S. firebase in Iraq Terrorism
Former Toronto Mayor Ford dies Famous Death
Tennis CEO out after sexist comments Sex
Beatles record sells for $110K Super wealth
Jury awards $25M more to Hulk Hogan sex/super wealth
Pianist’s wife held in kids’ killings Serial Killers
I am so disgusted with the herd and by those who are in a position to help change things around but have chosen to do nothing because of their ridiculous, religious convictions or the fear of ridicule. If the world was made only of these kinds of uncaring cowards, there would be nothing for the human spirit to create or better the future.
They chose security and “political correctness” to hide their shame in silence because fears and the past is what rules their pitiful, “rational” existence. These type of god fearing people have not yet realized that; religion is the evil of humanity fueling international discord terrorism (ISIS) and endless wars.
ATHEISM the death of your spirit and your freedom!
This does not mean God is not real and does not exist as only an atheist fool would think this way! Like everything, humanity’s perception to God is also changing and with it the abolition of centuries of religious madness breeding more radicalized lost souls. Humans need a “replacement” or a new conception born out of an intelligent, “scientific” understanding and conception of a universal Divine entity above.
Only an idiot is unable to accept the fact, that religions’ purposes is to feed and control a fearful and powerful, and a cosmic unconscious and dangerous blind “herd.” Knowing legitimate Prophets and wise spiritual men are extremely rare on earth, it almost seems impossible to raise the mass’ psychical awareness, of a magnificent Universal design speaking the glory of a cosmic God; witch humanity has been enslaved to uncover.
“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god. ― Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” ― Napoleon
Sharing our experiences with our VIP’s (and today, the public!)
Terania with Lady on a bathroom BK break in Quartzite, AZ
Our work may appear easy to the world but it is spiritually, very demanding. Thus, it is a must to now and then; regenerate walking in the wild. So we decided to take a drive out to Quartzsite, AZ and then find a remote area for Terania and I to use our guns. On my way West on HWY 10, I saw a large rig in serious trouble and told Terania that the upcoming SOS to the world deadly window, will be bad!
I saw this first accident as an omen to what was to come the next day… ISIS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Brussels Terror Attack – And we did not know what was ahead of us on our way back to Phoenix yet!
I have a few talismans orders to produce and I am always looking for precious stones but shopping in 101 degree heat was for sure a challenge for the three of us. But I am glad I did it during a protective waxing moon as I found exactly what I was looking for. And Terania found what she was looking for too!
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores all trust and harmony in relationships, while encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
We spent a couple of hours shopping and then we began the drive back home. But then as my police scanner announced the bad news of a crash and fire about 10 miles ahead of us, the traffic totally stopped! A 134 mile trip that should have taken less than two hours, took over four.
People were frustrated, hot and some complained of running out of gas. Many also came knocking at my “police truck” asking questions to what was ahead and how long it might take for the traffic to start up again. I could only tell them what my police scanner was telling me and to be very patient. Indeed the accidents and unfortunate drivers we saw all along the HWY, were surely under one of their 2016 negative personal cosmic biorhythms and paid the price for not paying enough attention on the road.
We wanted to enjoy the Sun set over the desert and instead of sitting in our truck, I took the first exit that came our way. We were then about 75 miles away from Phoenix still.
I thought Terania was a bit rusted but she kept hitting the target…
Bull’s eye
In no way did she want to fire my eight round action, pump big gun and I am glad she did not because the recoil was very strong and my shoulder still hurts! To save Terania’s and Lady’s sensitive ears, I asked her to get in the truck, turn the music up and I fired away from it. Gee, not much would be left of anyone at the receiving end of those powerful guns. And training is a must!
Indeed its better to know about guns and use them to protect your family if needed. Sad enough the dangerous, drugged crooks will always have guns and will not hesitate to use them against anyone. The proofs of my statement speaks of the latest terrorist attack in Europe where GUNS are against the law! While we are people of “love and light,” I’d rather be prepared and deal with any of them if needed!
There is not really any convincing our VIP’s though… 3/22/16 – Reply by Helga Rossner “It is getting really worrisome. Well Dr. Turi, your SOS was another warning for people to pay attention. On those days I certainly look around me twice where-ever I go.”
Dr. Turi I can feel your frustration. People want instant results, however want to invest very little. I want to share an experience I had a few days ago that might help your VIP`s see your visions from a different viewpoint.
For me this has been a very long road to “understand” your teachings. I am a very curious person and have had many questions, but I am appreciative that you have spent your time to answer these questions as I keep my membership going.
You posted an SOS window for the 19th of this month, 24 to 48 hours one way or another. The Moon was in Leo that day, my sun sign, there was also a shadow left of one of my negative Cosmic biorhythms Days and with the negative world wide dragon this year in my 8th house of death and rebirth I knew I had to be very careful. So when I had a very negative circulation health episode those past few days, (I am going to be 80 years old this coming August) I did not panic but applied all the wisdom I had learned from you and stayed calm, knowing that this would pass in a day or so.
That is why it is so important to know when this negative energy is effecting one. I love the Llewellyn Calendar that Terania recommended and I am able to plan out the month ahead according to the moon, what would be the best day to make travel plans, when do have elective surgery if this is necessary, when to buy or get rid of things, becoming cosmic conscious will be a must for one`s daily planning.
A lot of family and friends want my advice all the time but I have learned that they really do not apply to any of it. It all goes in one ear and out the other. However I have noticed that when something “important” to them is on the schedule I get a call, LOL
So to all of your VIPs: keep tracking, if you are really interested in this subject you will take the time, invest some money and stand “under” the stars to learn this fabulous wisdom.
Good Luck to all my peers!
It is only when all of humanity become cosmic conscious, as its a different type of spiritual education through the stars while replacing all ridiculous belief systems to become widely agreed upon, peace, love and respect will reign upon earth.
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
And this is why I also contacted Oprah Winfrey’s producers and asked them to pay attention to my warnings of terrorism. If my cosmic secrets were allowed to be instructed to all, then there may be hope but with the religious and scientific matrixes in control of all information, the chance of this miracle is very remote! This is why the ‘Astropsychology Course’‘ will forever be available so people can study at home in their own time and at their own pace.
I added a few of the thousands of your emails of support accumulated over the years (see below) at no avail! Yet, I feel still strong to share my wisdom for the sake of all children of the future. But it’s also up to the parents to willingly learn and teach their children as it starts in the home.
While evil own this world, a cosmic God has a plan for everyone and if you play your part by writing Oprah with your support and requests and they may listen; because…
“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
Try e-mailing your feedback and this article to Oprah again: contactus@oprahweekend.com
Meantime I want to thank all the souls like me who are still hard at work and as devoted as I am to better humanity with their spiritual talents.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
—– Original Messages —–
Hi Dr. Turi
I just send Oprah an email, like you have requested…I might even get a reply if she has any substance, or it gets past her staff. I would like to talk to you sometime. You could probably use a rebel like me…lol have a good day.
Dr. Turi;
Why don’t you get her birthday and do a reading for her in writing of her past and future. Explain to her, the positive aspects you see of Oprah and why she is who she is. That should get her attention. If it does not, then she is not interested and leave it at that.
DT – Indeed a great idea and I have some information on page 312 of my book “The Power Of The Dragon” on Oprah already and I plan to check her UCI in depth on TV with her… But I’ve got to try so my wisdom does not die with me and serve a real purpose instead.
Okay My Beloved Dr. Turi below please find a copy of the email I sent Oprah. I hope it helps! I will be sure to announce this to my listeners and ask them to help out as well, both during the show and through my newsletters!
Namaste! Julia*
Dear Ophra;
I am writing to let you know about an astonishing person, you may have heard of him. His name is Dr. Louis Turi. He is a regular guest of Coast To Coast AM, where I and countless thousands (if not millions) have witnessed the truth of his work and his incredible knowledge. In a word, Dr. Turi is phenomenal! The accuracy of his predictions are astounding. However, it is not his abilities to predict that are so amazing, but it his soul rooted love and devotion to educate the world, to prevent disasters, and to help others to avoid needless and unnecessary harm that makes him truly one of a kind
Dr. Turi is not some guru who has mindless followers. On the contrary! Dr.Turi is someone who INSISTS that you educate your Self, and more importantly think for your self. Dr. Turi is LOVE incarnate. You can find Dr. Turi at www.drturi.com Please, do the world a huge favor and have him on as a guest! Sincerely,
DT – Dear Julia, can only thank you from the bottom of my heart, such powerful and honest endorsement will do the job…
Dear Dr. Turi,
I read your plea for support and was moved to respond to that plea with a “message to Oprah”. I have enclosed my message below. I hope that mine and other voices will be heard and the result is your ability to “release to the world” your message and insight. If this comes to fruition, I know that you will not let me down. Please don’t give up on “giving the message” it’s too important at this time of our existence. Here’s what I sent Oprah:
Dear Oprah;
I wanted to bring to your attention the prophetic work and drive of Dr. Turi (website www.drturi.com) to bring to the world stage his aptitude in predictive astrology. Using his 35 years experience in working on the secrets of the “Cosmic Code” and what can only be described as his “God Given” insight; he has a message, which needs to be allowed the opportunity of a national stage. Your show could be the venue of that exposure and could help the world through these tough times of financial, emotional and moral bankruptcy.
I have listened to his guest appearances on late/over night radio and have been moved by his insights and foresights. The exposure of such avenues is limited at best; but a guest appearance on your show could put you and your production team in the fore front leading the way to a much needed lighted path to conscientiousness in these darkest days that our country has ever seen. Time is of the essence as we face the perilous dangers and snares of our future of Biblical Proportions. Someone needs to explore having such an insightful person as Dr. Turi on one or several shows or an exposure format similar to that of Dr. Oz in your show formats. The important message that Dr. Turi has within him needs your platform of exposure to the benefit of the world community. Sincerely,
DT – Thank you so much Daniel…
Dear Dr Turi: FINALLY I have been able to edit my Oprah Letter down to 2000 (or less) characters. I had to chop….and chop. It has taken hours. However – a good exercise for me in being brief – like revisiting Journalism 101! Again, I hope I have done you justice.
Best Wishes!
Dear Oprah:
Thank you for years of devotion bringing love, education and support to “the people”. Please consider the Astropsychologist, Dr Luis Turi, as a guest. For 35 years, often overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi diligently developed his fine science, making accurate predictions on earth, weather, political & government events. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the population PRIOR to danger arising.
While he has been mis-interpreted as focusing on the negative, he is fully aware that our thoughts, beliefs and the energy we hold can affect the severity of events or alter outcomes. With your talent and skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. Much like Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time. Currently Dr Turi’s focus is the protection of children, and events requiring Police emergency response/support. He wishes to alert the Police, have them listen – protect us AND defend themselves from harm. Please use Dr Turi’s wisdom and predictions to prepare the public to focus on and generate the positive in every regard. It really IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best. One
great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …This is your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) Please contact Dr Luis Turi to help bring the best possibilities for earth and humankind. Write dr.turi@cox.net. Sincere gratitude for your time & energy! God Bless,
DT – Thank you so much Robin…
Dear Dr Turi:
Recently you read my request, as one who suffers from chronic illness and now utter financial demise (it would seem yet I believe in miracles…). You answered promptly was I surprised – by offering me a subscription to your valued VIP Newsletter. I accepted this graciously with tears in my eyes. Now I offer you the following support. I hope I have done you justice. Heartfelt and God Bless,
Dr. Turi,
I recently heard you on coast to coast for the first time. I wrote down the dates you gave and signed up for the newsletter. I’m still in the process of reading over your site, but so far I am amazed at how accurate you’ve been. Like everyone else right now with the economy being what it is, I too face an unknown future. I work for one of the largest companies in the US, but even they claim to be feeling the pinch, so my hours have been cut to 15 hours a week, sometimes less. Jobs are scarce, but I feel blessed to have a job at all right now. I’m trying to stay positive. At the present I can’t afford to become a vip, but in today’s newsletter and I believe the one before you were asking people to write to Oprah. That takes time which I have right now. So I wrote and sent her an email about you. See copy below. I hope it helps. I hope to catch you again on coast to coast, as shortly the radio may be the only thing left, depending on the job situation. Email to Oprah:
Dear Oprah,
I recently heard of Dr. Turi on coast-to-coast am with George Noory. On the show he gave specific timelines that certain events would take place. I wrote down the dates to see how accurate he was. The first date has passed and the news was filled with events that fell in line with what he said would happen. I also have been checking out his web site to see what was there from the past. The man truly seems to know what he’s doing. You always seem to know the right people to get on your show that can help people gain knowledge in areas that reaches people worldwide. With everything that’s going on right now that is effecting so many people (jobs, health, families ) and so many tragic deaths of families and officers lately, I ask you to please go to Dr. Turi’s site, read for yourself, check him out, and have him as a guest on your show. If his predictions can reach and save lives, one, hundreds or possibly thousands from future events to come, then I think it would be worth your time to give him heartfelt consideration. I implore you to talk to him, check him out, test him, whatever you feel like you need to do, to see if he’s as real and accurate as I and many others find him to be. www.drturi.com
Love, Light and Blessings,
Hi Dr. Turi,
Just proof of my message to Oprah, but it is on delay for a couple of days for some weird reason. Maybe she is being flooded with emails! Incidentally, my ex-husband has 5 brothers, 3 of whom are cops so I sent your information to him to send to them. Believe it or not I never heard back from him about it so I don’t Even know if they received the information, but I suspect they did.
They are basically nice guys, but perhaps don’t have the wisdom to take it seriously – I don’t know for sure as I haven’t seen them for a long time. But I did in fact give it to 2 other police departments. I know from my own experience in dealing with police departments that they tend to take information at face value and not at the deeper levels of meaning, so that could be part of the problem. Don’t get down about what you are doing. As you full know God’s timing is His timing, not ours! Love and Light
Hi Dr. Turi,
I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached. I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona. Please have someone send the information. I also want to sign up for your VIP news. You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide. Young readers certainly should view it, the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope. Teens today need direction.
Thanks again for all you do,
Dear Oprah,
I am writing to you today to endorse the appearance of Dr. Louis Turi on your show. I have known Dr. Turi for twenty years now, and I can tell you first and foremost, that he is a man of great character who has dedicated his life to educating others about cosmic consciousness. His ability to analyze what is happening in the cosmos in relation to groups, individuals, natural forces, and predictable patterns of behavior has made him a leading prognosticator of future happenings. Dr. Turi is not here to entertain, but rather to enlighten us all about the possibilities as well as the pitfalls, which may be coming our way. Ultimately, Dr. Turi envisions a world for our children that are characterized by peace, enlightenment, and free thinking. Oprah, I would highly encourage you to have Dr. Turi on your show so that others may begin to open themselves up to the truth of the cosmos, and take into account the factors i.e. the stars, the universe, and our own unique
Cosmic identity. Dr. Turi is here to help us usher in a new era of enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, and openness that is part of the promise of the New Age of Aquarius. I’m sure you will find Dr. Turi fascinating, charming, sincere, and informative and that he will quickly become embraced as a welcomed new member of the Oprah family. I look forward to seeing Dr. Turi on your show in the near future, as well as continued success to you in all your endeavors.
Jake Seattle, WA
Dr. Turi,
I am considered a gentle soul and do not normally take offense by the ramblings of those who may be irritated, angry and confrontational…however, your recent email upset and disrespected me. I do not believe that a man of your stature, a public figure and possibly a chosen messenger of God, should be calling his readers “selfish swine” just because you are not getting the response that you had hoped for. Badgering your public, insulting them and hurting the very people you say you are trying to save is NOT the correct way of going about it. I believe that you owe all of us an apology.
I purchased your “Dragon Days” at a hefty price in the past, in order to protect myself. I appreciated the help at that time. I do not have the funds to pay for it this year. I do not have the money to become a VIP reader either. And after reading your email today, I have decided that I will not be giving money to a man who treats his readership in this manner. You cannot expect positive results when you attack with negativity. An attitude adjustment on your part is definitely needed here. P.S. Even though you did insult me, I do find value in your Godly gift and sent an email to Oprah. Shame on you.
DT – Sorry for being honest and using Jesus’ very words Holli…. You are much too sensitive and so am I lol
Blessings – You are now a VIP.. enjoy
Hi Dr Turi,
Back in Oct. 2006, you were a guest on Laurie Kendrick’s Supernatural Saturday show in Houston, Texas. I was the assistant producer who contacted you and we spoke and I personally was amazed at your predictions. I want to say, that from that time, even till now, people are still talking to me about how accurate your foresight truly is…. It is amazing how you could know these things and yes, it is truly in the stars, but I am glad we have someone to make sense of it and someone who can truly help. Thank you again for being a guest and thank you for helping us all!
Paul – Houston Texas
Dr. Turi;
The message I sent to Oprah read as follows: Dr Turi is very intuitive and his predictions are very accurate.
Don’t despair! And don’t cut off you unpaid followers. If they don’t pay it’s because they can’t. Fans that can, pay if they get something from it. Try a volunteer system. It’s a new web thing. Pay what you can. Or pay what you will. It’s the future, for sure. May I also make a request? Would you consider a zeitgeist report? At live performances your message is stunning. The cosmos is a clock you can read. Tell us what time it is. Please.
Dr. Turi;
Dear Oprah: just wanted to let you know that I have been following Dr. Turi and his moon power book for over 10yrs. now and I have done nothing but better my and my family’s lives. Not only financially ( we were broke and following his daily predictions and learning the laws of the universe from his teachings) I know when to do a good business transaction or not. I have tested his teachings and this Man has been right every TIME!!! But the most important thing is that I have been able to safe my children’s lives many times with Dr. Turi’s moon power book . My whole family has much respect for his teachings. His predictions of 911, Katrina , etc.. have all been right on. He also predicted the stock market crashes and I was able to inform some of my clients before and they safe their money in the stock market by either pulling it out or putting it on the side. These are real things that have happened in our life and if the whole world could know about this teaching it could really help us in these days of so many crisis. What we have learned is that if we know something is coming our way we don’t have to be afraid but can prepare for it and handle it much better. Please take time to have Dr. Turi on it would be a GREAT gift to the world. Thank you so much for your time and all the great things you have done for this world.
Dr. Turi:
I did send a letter to Oprah and Staff. However, I do not know how to get a copy to you. None of your websites come through when I click on them, so it might not get to you even if I knew how to do it! I am hoping that these letters will make a difference and get the attention that is required – to try to educate the masses. I will wait patiently for the good news! Love and blessings to you and Terania,
Mary Ellen (a VIP)
My endorsement was sent. Thank you for the opportunity to help. Thank you for your work! It is much appreciated!
Ok I sent a note to Lady O for you, hope it helps! I have heard you on coast many times. Please. Please-know you are great-stop bothering with people who do not believe or listen!! Know who you are-give your information with confidence and just stop there. If you keep ranting about people listening to you, people the loose focus of your message.
Thanks, Charlene
Thank you for your emails and predictions. I do believe what you predict. I am 86 years young and became a certified Hypnotherapist in 1999.Looking forward to more of your emails. Sincerely,
Hello Dr.Turi,
I went to her website and used their from to ask them to have you on their show. I said you could explain best how you find the dates that Police Officers should watch out for. I said this knowledge should help the Officers but also their families and hope no officer would be killed again. This information is so important it should be taught at the academies. I am a VIP renewal Subscriber, your technique and your predictions is why I came back, the knowledge you have never cease to amaze me.
Thank You
April 18, 2009
Dear Oprah or, To Those On Behalf of Oprah:
It is with profound respect that I offer my sincere and deep thanks to you, Oprah, for many years of elegant devotion in bringing love, education and support to “the people”. ***Please allow me to encourage you to give serious consideration in featuring the amazingly precise, credible Astropsychologist, Dr Louis Turi, during your upcoming season.
For 35 years, overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi has diligently worked to develop his craft to a fine science enabling him to make incredibly accurate predictions regarding earth events, weather events, political and government events, and more. Dr Turi presents predictive information, often cryptic in nature, offering specific dates or windows of time, in effort to alert the population PRIOR to danger arising.
My personal belief is that he is often interpreted as being “too negative” – yet he is fully aware that through our thought processes, our beliefs and the energy we hold, we as humans are fully capable of affecting the potential severity of events, and/or altering event outcomes entirely, through the power of our awareness.
My only hesitation in recommending Dr Turi as a featured guest on Oprah, is that his flamboyant creativity and compassionate intensity coupled with the perceived focus on “negativity” may be misinterpreted. Yet I am certain that with your natural talents and skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. And much like Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time.
Of late, Dr Turi’s profound focus is on the greatly necessary protection of children, and events requiring emergency response and the support of the Police. His great wish is to alert the Police and get them listening – to protect us as well as defend themselves from harm. Of particular concern is Dr Turi’s foresight that our endeared President Obama’s life will be in grave danger in 2011. I’m asking that we – as a whole people – get word out to pray for the safety and protection of President Obama and his family.
Please take Dr Turi’s wisdom, knowledge and predictions and prepare your public, Oprah, to unceasingly focus upon and generate, the positive in every regard. It really IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best.
As one great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …this is your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)
Please listen for Dr Turi on George Noory’s ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio show. Please do the research and contact Dr Luis Turi to help the world engender the most positive outcomes for human kind and our earth. You may initiate contact with Dr Turi at turitrue@gmail.com.
My sincere gratitude and thanks for your time and energy! May you live long and well, Oprah. God Bless,
Dr. Turi;
Here is my email form to Oprah on the link you provided. Two thousand characters? Please. I had to revise it 4 times because I had too many characters. Not enough room to write about you…I hope this helps.
Dear Oprah,
It is a great pleasure as well as a great privilege to write you regarding the mission of one Doctor that is very important to my friends and I as well as countless others. I implore of you Oprah to ask yourself, if you could help save the lives of police officers and children and help end all of this unnecessary violence, would you? If you could help people learn the way to live their lives more safely, productively, and happily, would you?I would .
Oprah, you can help do all of the above by inviting the Doctor on your show and help share his knowledge with the world, his mission, his reason for being. His name is Dr. Turi. His life is devoted to helping others and spreading the word on his accurate and well-published predictions. He has spent countless, endless hours, spreading his knowledge to everyone he can. This knowledge has saved lives. I know you, Oprah, will agree that the Stars were created by God and our guide to our future.His techniques and ability to predict future events is unquestionable as he has mastered reading this “road map” and has an innate ability to translate it to those of us who do not have this same ability.
He has honed skills to a degree that allowed him to predict the terrorist attack on the WTC. He works feverishly to provide the police with information to protect them He provides parents invaluable information on how to protect their children as well as themselves. This has been his mission for 35 years and although he has been on numerous radio shows and cable TV, he needs someone with your great following to allow him to speak freely on his predictions and how these can better serve
the world. If only others would learn of his predictions, his knowledge and education, they too can avoid danger and learn how to live their lives safely and flourish. I appreciate your time and anticipated cooperation in his mission. Learn more about Dr Turi at: _http://www.drturi.com_ You may also reach by email: turitrue@gmail.com
As I said I would, here is the letter I sent to Oprah…..
Dear Oprah,
I’d really like you to have Dr. Turi on your show. He is amazing with his forecasts and I am constantly amazed at how accurate his astrology is. I have bought his books and enjoy them very much, plus get a lot of knowledge from them. He is like no other astrologer in the world and uses a procedure that is more accurate than any other I have known. Please, have him on your show. I promise he will amaze you too! His web site is here……… http://www.drturi.com/home.php
Thank You,
Dear Dr. Turi,
I write to express my upmost respect and hope that you will continue to do what you can for humanity, without charge and without ill feelings. Now, more than ever, people need something to cling to…and someone that they can have to lead them. There are many, many people out there offering readings of the future, for a price. I think you are better than that. I think you have a mission and it doesn’t involve money, but the saving of mankind.
Yes, there are selfish people out there. But there are also others who are barely holding on, with such high bills, they can hardly make ends meet. I beg you to not allow these planet changes to effect your impressions and your good judgment, as the world needs you more than ever at this time.
I am sorry to not have written you to tell you how I appreciate your being there and being so kind to send your letters of knowledge and wisdom to me. I have made the mistake of taking you are granted, and I apologize for that. I had intended to write and tell you how much I like your new look, as it makes you look much more handsome. Your new hair do is wonderful and you were wise to change it from your previous style.
Dr. Turi;
I will write to Oprah and endorse you, but I don’t believe she has a good grip on what our needs are as a country and further, feel she was used by Obama to accomplish his agenda of becoming president. He is, indeed, charming, but I fear his inexperience and his huge ego will come at a high cost to Americans. The national debt he has placed on America’s children is a disgrace. I now worry what sort of future my children are going to suffer.
Obama has not helped Americans as much as he has given big business our money, and we have yet to see it improve the economy. Worse, it seems he is not finished yet, in giving these businesses bail out money. Americans are fed up with this insanity and want it to stop now. That is why we had the Tea Parties, and intend to have more.
Dr. Turi, you may not want to hear this, but my husband and I are saving every penny we can because we are so fearful of what the future has in store for us. At least twice a week we eat peanut butter sandwiches or tuna sandwiches for dinner. I haven’t been to a hair dresser in years and cut my own hair.
I don’t have the luxury of getting my nails done or have a pedicure. And all the clothes I have were bought at Wal-Mart. I’m not telling you this to get your sympathy, but because it’s the truth. We now have only one income and I am trying as hard as I can to pay my bills with what little money we have coming in. In our area no one is hiring and many of the shops and restaurants have closed down, due to the poor economy.
Dr. Turi, now is not the time to pressure us to pay a fee for your letters. I respectfully ask you to reconsider your position and your judgment of us. I SEE you are very creditable and I take your information very greatly to heart. Don’t throw all of us into the same basket and think we don’t appreciate you and the very important work you do for our sake. But some of us really can’t afford to pay you at this time.
I hope I have impressed on you the fact that all your readers ARE NOT the same and certainly NOT selfish. Please look into your own chart and see how these planet changes are effecting you. You have to take this economy into consideration because some of us are truly just hanging on out here. Just trying as hard as we can to survive, day to day. Warm Regards,
Dr. Turi;
In support to your advice (recommendation) and work, I have send the following message to Oprah: “I am writing about Dr. Turi, I think he should be heard, I understand that he aims to systemize the life of MAN, through the study of “cosmic code”, and eventually confront life from the right approach and based on the correct comprehension. Thank you and Regards”
Dr. Turi;
Haven’t had time to read all your e-mails, but read this one and sent an e-mail to Oprah as you requested. Hope it helps and I hope many more people will write and or e-mail her.
Thank you for your work.
Clear Day Dr Turi, I enjoy following your work…I am a VIP & will some day take your classes. I also wrote to coast to coast & Oprah to ask for you to be a guest. However, the excerpt below is an example of why some people get turned off & others are reluctant to support you publicly. Please consider this as constructive criticism only. You can’t take this back but in the future perhaps you could make the message more positive & encourage people to sign up for the VIP info & other things you offer like the MOONPWER books.
You say you get nothing in return, I ask what do you want? Money, credibility, do you want to be a Guru? People can only do so much & your own life mission drives you to share & teach. If it does not make you feel good perhaps a change is in order. I for one would miss the information although I don’t always know what to do with it. Example; police/ drama/ drugs.
Okay I can’t tell every cop to stay home from work & make the drug dealers leave there habit & guns in a drawer, but I can be on my guard & inform the ones I know that the energy is right for problems in their area. another example/ earthquake/ explosion..Hummm all you can do is try to be prepared. How about aeronautics/unexpected okay so all planes should be grounded or what? Now I think you get the idea.
The only thing we can do is be on our toes & get the info out. I understand that you would like to shake everyone & tell them to wake the hell up & pay attention but it’s not going to happen overnight & it sure isn’t going to happen when you call someone an idiot because their place of employment blew up & their in the hospital or dead. My suggestion is like you say offering pearls to swine is not worth my daily sacrifice, I say 1) you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar & 2) you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink..
Think about it Dr Turi & if I can assist in maybe doing some editing or something I would be honored to help you get the message out in a positive & enlightening way…By the way I understand what your saying when you talk about enemies. I consider it a psychic attack that just wears you down. Whenever you shine your light in the darkness all kinds of things & people get exposed.
Remember to put up shields & let that negative shit go back to where it belongs. Peace my friend & many blessings….
Thanks Dr. Turi,
This is the first day I actually watched you on youtube.com and it was great. Know why? Because each one of the sessions was NOT interrupted a nano-second and able to continue to hear you and see you speak. That was a very fulfilling experience. Good job! I totally get you Dr. Turi and hope to come and take your class! THIS IS one of MY WISHES!!! YAHOO! As you know, Susan Boyle has flat opened youtube to those of us not so savy online but NOW! holy cow, Katy bar the DOOR! I am in! I’ve watched her sing her song so many times I can sing it myself. so beautiful. good for her and for you too!
Dear Dr Turi,
Here it is – – – – – Dear Oprah,
I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show. How lucky you to meet him in person: I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast to coast a.m. with George Noory. Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world. He is one of the few people today I would really like to meet sometime. Although you might say I know well of him from his work on the radio. I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person. He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi
Thanks and much obliged
Dr Turi,
I respect your work, your efforts, your generosity and your talents. However, if you want people to respond kindly in your favor to Oprah, do not imply that we are swine.
I appreciate the fact that timely responses are required, however, in these troubling times people have a lot more pressing issues that effect their lives that must be attended to first. Perhaps you should press the hosts of shows you’ve been on harder than people who may be out looking for a job. I do hope people will overlook the pearls to swine comment and the tantrum you took in your last email and help you out.
DT – Please do not blame me for using Jesus’ own words to classify some people accordingly. I hope you learned something with this newsletter. Sincerely and respectfully.
Dr. Turi
Dear Oprha,
Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dieing for.
I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God. Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.
This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years.
We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.
God Bless,
DT – Dear Sandee; Once more thank you for your honest opinion and your endorsement. Luckily from me I was never raised fearing God and for this he allowed me to get closer to him, then master his Universal language and see his real face. No one is above God’s Universal Laws and that is something I hope you and the world will understand with my work in time.
Hi Dr. Turi,
I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached. I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona. Please have someone send the information. I also want to sign up for your VIP news. You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide. Young readers certainly should view it and the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope. Teens today need direction.
Thanks again for all you do,
DT – Dear Lois, thank you so very much for your endorsement and your drive to become a star student. I request any of my prospective students to call me (602) 265-7667 before enrolling. Yes indeed my goal is to build many Astropsychology schools in every cities for the children of tomorrow and seek refuge and find true answers with God in the Universe. They are all children of the Universe and they are all coming from the stars…
Sharing emails:
Dear DT.
Here’s another copy for you. Thanks for the updates, looks like this thing is rolling up some momentum. Blessings, nice touch. Can’t say when I’ll be able to get one of your books but the updates are very filling on their own. Best wishes
to you!!!
Dear Oprah,
Hello I wrote to you yesterday, about Dr. Turi. I hope you hear our requests, this is only my second one. Enclosed are two videos which I would have never seen, but thanks to my friend Dr. Turi I have learned somethings. Let’s take Ray Charles, Helen Keller, and our young friend, Ben Underwood in the video. I think if you look at these people you will find a great deal of love in there lives, which was shared by their primary teachers and parents. When Dr. Turi gets to meet you he could explain different types of love. Perhaps just simply, a true love which we do not contemplate enough about today. I sent the video of our young friend Ben Underwood, here and his Mom to my brother and he says very interesting especially the Mom. How did I miss that it was that I was so compelled with Ben I missed something very important the love of our parent(s). Unless we are born with the fortitude of the Saints, or special graces of and from God we all pretty much learn about love firstly from our parents’ and first teachers’.
Susan Boyle’s story’s although not a full anology of Ben Underwood’s, demonstrates a truely loving person, bright successful, humble and grateful of her parent’s. My brother’s observation is interesting. Even if you don’t read my letter please view these beauties of living
and enjoying a true love in life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR1iv7P3P14
Best wishes to you Oprah. looking forward to seeing Dr. Turi and you enjoying discussing the better parts of life.
Thank You
Dear Dr Turi,
Here it is – – – – -Dear Oprah,
I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show. How lucky you to meet him in person: I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast-to-coast a.m. with George Noory. Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world. He is one of the few people today I would really like to meet sometime. Although you might say I know well of him from his work on the radio. I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person. He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi
Thank you so much.
Dr Turi,
I respect your work, your efforts, your generosity and your talents. However, if you want people to respond kindly in your favor to Oprah, do not imply that we are swine. I appreciate the fact that timely responses are required, however, in these troubling times people have a lot more pressing issues that effect their lives that must be attended to first. Perhaps you should press the hosts of shows you’ve been on harder than people who may be out looking for a job. I do hope people will overlook the pearls to swine comment and the tantrum you took in your last email and help you out.
DT – Please do not blame me for using Jesus’ own words to classify some people accordingly. I hope you learned something with this newsletter. Sincerely and respectfully.
Dr. Turi
Your endorsement Dr. Turi;
Dear Oprha,
Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dieing for. I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God.
Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.
This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years.
We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.
God Bless,
DT – Dear Sandee; Once more thank you for your honest opinion and your endorsement. Luckily from me I was never raised fearing God and for this he allowed me to get closer to him, then master his Universal language and see his real face. No one is above God’s Universal Laws and that is something I hope you and the world will understand with my work in time.
Hi Dr. Turi,
I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached. I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona. Please have someone send the information. I also want to sign up for your VIP news. You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide. Young readers certainly should view it and the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope. Teens today need direction.
Thanks again for all you do,
DT – Dear Lois, thank you so very much for your endorsement and your drive to become a star student. I request any of my prospective students to call me (602) 265-7667 before enrolling. Yes indeed my goal is to build many Astropsychology schools in every cities for the children of tomorrow and seek refuge and find true answers with God in the Universe. They are all children of the Universe and they are all coming from the stars…
Dr. Turi … I am normally a quiet person who asks little of others, and I just sit in the background watching what goes on around me. But you have finally hit a chord in me where I need to step up to the plate. Right now, my husband and I are both unemployed, both too old to get a decent job. Our unemployment hit unexpectedly but I have a feeling if I had paid closer attention to your writings, I would have seen it coming. We had great jobs and absolutely loved what we were doing. Unfortunately, the company owner didn’t think I did it “well enough” on the job even though I am highly respected in the area for the growth of the company.
I cannot afford ANYTHING right now. I need to become employed again just to keep a roof over our head, food on the table and utilities on – not only for my husband and I, and my mom (who lives with me) but for my sister and her two daughters who are living in my other property. After my sister got divorced, I took a 2nd mortgage on my house to buy another property & mobile home in Tucson (I live in Chandler) so she and her daughters would not have to live in a shelter. Now I feel punished because I cannot afford to keep all of us housed.
Even though I am having great difficulty, I know there are thousands and thousands of others who also have the same problem. And with that in mind, your work is something this WORLD needs. Nostradamus made several predictions. But I am just in awe on your work. I have been following you for years and have spread your name (and website) more than you can imagine. I know many of my friends have become friends and followers of you.
All of this aside, I have sent Oprah the following message on your behalf. If she doesn’t understand what you are about – it sure isn’t because your followers have not tried.
Dear Oprah …. I’m sure you receive thousands of email each day “telling” you who you should have as guests on your show, or who needs financial help, or who needs you to do something that would benefit the sender of the email/letter. But, this is a request that you truly do consider one phenomenal man who appears to have one main purpose on this earth … to help OTHERS before himself.
I am talking about Dr. Louis Turi (www.drturi.com). I could write a full novel on the writings of this man. He travels more miles per year than imaginable just trying to educate the public. He is not a “psychic”, he doesn’t read Tarot cards, he doesn’t look into a crystal ball … but he does make accurate predictions on items that affect all of us. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the public to upcoming dangers sometimes as much as 2 years prior to the unfortunate situation. Just read through his website and see for yourself.
Dear Dr. Turi,
I also email Oprah last week. With all these emails, Oprah will probably be contacting you. I wasn’t going to tell you that I emailed her, but with all the other people emailing her, I knew you would be grateful that one more person has emailed Oprah requesting that you be on her show. She has probably received thousands of request for you to be on her show. I appreciate you and the newsletter that you send. Please keep me on your mailing list, as a glitch or something has tried to remove me from your mailing list.
Initially I, too, was a naysayer until I followed one of his Moon Power writings for 2007. No longer do I doubt his ability. And I “found” Dr. Turi because of watching a local morning newscast a few years back as he was a guest that morning. You could be a huge catalyst for others by having him as a guest on your show.