Dear readers;
let me warn you with my next “SOS to the world deadly window!” The reptilius are getting much more active by using the 2016 Neptunius Martian Dragon against humans prosperity.
Draco the Draconis benevolent ET pointed out the date of November 10th. Thus expect some serious dramatic, deadly news involving natural disasters, serial killers, terrorism, the secret service and the police etc.
Many infected souls will be lured to kill innocent people. Be warned and share widely please. Read the quatrain and the keywords used and, as usual I will be there all along to update and point out the results of my visions as I did in “Who was Jesus?“
Please share widely, help to save lives!
November 10 -////-//// (48 hours centering the dates)
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Secrets cachés sexe, l’argent vient à la lumière
Puissance brute vilains meurtriers défie la police
Visage hideux surface de l’horreur et mort dramatique
Sanglante folie de la religion règne et tue
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Mob / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / auctions / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.

Pete Santilli Dr. Louis Turi – Terror Prediction Prompted FBI Visit
Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais
Secret Service officer arrested in sex sting FBI – Sex?

Officer caught on body camera shooting dog – CNN Video
Pay attention of the date at the beginning of the video – You will see November 10th! Police/death?
Will the secret services and the public realize I am a real Prophet and my warnings should be taken very seriously?
Boy, 8, charged with murder of girl, 1, while parents went clubbing Death news?
Police repeatedly use stun gun on handcuffed man Police?
Plane hits house; deaths reported Death news?
I was raped 43,200 times Sex?
U.S. security officials worry about airport security gaps Terrorism?
AND THEY SHOULD! Isn’t it interesting today 11/10/2015, exactly as I “predicted” the secret services is offering a terrorist warning to the public? May be they (and you) should start taking my cosmic work more seriously especially when my visions are always unfolding?
This window will be active until November 17th or my next SOS to the world deadly window which will produce earthquakes above 6.0 and shocking news… Be warned, make the most while you can readers, once you see less of me interacting with you on Facebook, you’ll know it’s time to join the Superhumans in the cosmic code website and help the “Gardeners of our world.”
Note the reptilius took the cosmic code website down for 2 days now and we are working to put it back up!
Russia doping scandal: 5 of the most shocking allegations – A stunning report this week has rocked the athletics world with detailed allegations of a state-sponsored doping program in Russia. Russia / Scandal? / Stunning / shocking?
Student protests bring down university officials Wake up call?
Ex-Braves pitcher, 29, dies Famous death?
Magnitude-6.2 earthquake hits off Alaska’s Aleutian Islands
Quakes above 6.0 always takes place during my windows, who can deny this fact with so many undeniable hits on radios and televisions?
U.S. worried about airport security Terrorism?
Olympics ban urged for Russians Wake up call?
Painting sells for $170M Auctions / Finances
Warren Buffett: I lost $2 billion on IBM Finances
Woman shot after pulling knife Death news?
Egypt report: Terrorist leader killed Terrorism?
Mom kills son, herself in hospital Death news?
What it means to be pansexual Sex?
1 dead, 2 hurt in NYC attack Death news?
2 from U.S. among 3 killed in Jordan Death news?
9-year-old girl killed by pitbull in NY Death news?
Dozens of Taliban dead in fighting over leadership Death news?
Illinois funeral home mixed up corpses, buried the wrong body, family says Death news?
l?VW gives owners $500 amid scandal Scandal?
1 dead, 2 hurt in shooting near NYC subway station Police/ death?
Mexican police arrest 6 in connection to killing of Ali Landry’s family members Police/mob
MISUSED MONEY? Scandal/Secret to light?

Following my previous predictions about terrorism, I can only hope the FBI will not pay us another visit! You may get a glimpse of what is to come in the article False Prophets – Will the FBI visit Dr. Turi again soon? and make also a good use of the short SUPER DEAL offered to the public at the bottom.
Once more, let me point out that; I am NOT Jesus, but a proud Soul Doctor and a 2015 modern Prophet! I do not perform “miracles” but offer my readers the undeniable proof of my predictive claims. And this is much more than our infantile science could ever accomplish, but this does not mean they will cast their huge ego aside and learn from me!
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
After all, who’s to blame them, Jesus and science are in two different colliding worlds because the wild “herd” goes only in one direction…
I also offer my world wide reading audience the option to realize Jesus’ initial “cosmic” Ministry was to introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens” or more appropriately, introduce the world to a single Universal, omnipresent COSMIC entity.
But it seems impossible to teach billions of God fearing souls on the planet that; in the name of greed, century of abusive mental conditionnement, deception and power .i.e. the Vatican corporation, ALL man made false gods and prophets (Satan in disguise) took over the world through the reptilius created human religious folly?
Remember readers, I am not sure how long I will last on Facebook, my Internet enemies made of millions of religious lost souls are very active and I may disappear… And I doubt very much this crow will support me work!
“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god. ― Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” ― Napoleon
The end of a cosmic era that lasted over 2000 years (The Age of Pisces,) is coming to an end, and the New Age of Aquarius is, by God cosmic order, starting the unifying, humanitarian, technological progressive process. Yes one world government, one world President, one world religion, one world matrix and I doubt very much a rational human being will be in charge of it all… I see more of a “Chosen One” and not a well known public face.
But this type of advanced information is for my VIP’s of course and, at nearly 66, as I am about to retire, thus make the most of all my articles, because THEY WILL STOP once the Galactic Federation Of Grand Cosmic Order tell me to do so… Join us today, show your support!
In a few years from today, (if we make it) human from all walks of life will be forced to exit their religious and/or “educated” atheist comfortable zones and accept that; life is a constant process of changes where the impossible (UFO’s and ET’s brotherhood) is becoming a reality!
A new “God Cosmic Consciousness” MUST replace all religions and fight the dangerous plague of a rational controlling science jailing your kids’ mind by building atheism!
More than any other generation, the Millennials are prone to fall for scientific indoctrination and will radically choose science over the spirit and even ridicule God Cosmic Divinity. There is no much hope to “convert” the older God fearing generation because they were born Neptunian in nature and a tainted spirit is unsalvageable…
The Millennials’ rational oriented natal UCI is set to deal, accept and suffer this dense physical world psychical limitations. Share my cosmic wisdom help those young souls to bypass the scientific monopolization of education. Note the links are there for you to click on and learn more!
“The mission of Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (TIES), a project of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, is to teach middle school science teachers the most-up-to-date concepts of evolutionary science. Donate “to the evil of atheism” here:”
Reptilius infected TIES organization is an infamy to the psychical and spiritual development of your children indoctrinated education actively controlled by the monopolizing scientific matrix… Their agenda is to destroy the creative, intuitive human spirit and tell you what to think!
Science and atheism kill ingenuousness! If this evil is allowed to grow it will destroy a godless world within 50 years and all spiritual gifted people or religious souls will become a voiceless target and sought as mentally inferior!”
In a world where society assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi
It is important for all my readers NOT to assume I am an egocentric, comparing myself to Jesus or any Prophet who started the Age of Pisces two thousands years ago…
But while it is also important for all my readers NOT to assume I am an egocentric, comparing myself to Jesus, but to accept the fact that; I am a proud Soul Doctor, a real commissioned MJ12 and a 2015 modern Prophet who started the New Age of Aquarius!
And while Jesus died on a cross, I carry my own heavy cross against all God’s Evil Children
Killing Jesus “Les Prophecies”
What is a MJ12? An MJ12 is a Code name of the chosen ones, a secret committee of cosmic conscious superhuman spiritual leaders, working with Draconians Extraterrestrial officials. This earliest ophidian ancestry was formed by the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order to facilitate, improve and maintain the human race physical and psychical welfare.
The concept originated with the 12 apostles spiritual legacy embedded in the 12 signs of the Zodiac to guide humanity to God cosmic Divinity. Majestic 12 agenda can only be perceived and accepted by those directly involved in the mission or the Chosen Ones!
Why would Jesus like Dr. Turi use Astrology you may ask?
The fact is Jesus was a Prophet and an Astrologer that became cosmic conscious and spoke to “His Father in the Heavens” because of the teachings of the “Three Wise ET’s Men”
Well my fate is very similar it seems if you read my own story but I did not live back in the 11th century, thus this is a modern version of Louis in Zodiac 2015!
July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation
Astrology is the Mother of all sciences and this is why today science MUST ridicule the very reason for astronomy to become what it is today! But the religious matrix is not better and will never teach you the facts that ALL the Popes of the past were taught the ancient Art! Such a rare cosmic wisdom can not be wasted or lost in time and this is why a cosmic God cursed me to bring it all back with a VENGEANCE to you!
As I did countless times in the past, I WILL BE BACK ON November 10, 2015 with all the results to this SOS to the world deadly window warning! And may those who hate me, those who despise me, those who confuse my supreme cosmic wisdom and confidence for an ego trip, realize I do speak to a Cosmic God and translate his will to all his cursed children living on earth!
I am not a guru, I am not a sage, I am not Jesus, I am not the Dalai Lama, I am not the Pope or any other lost God or man made God and I am not deceiving you! I am not here to use words of love and baby your over sensitive, critical virginal, “perfect” nature!
You are deceiving yourselves in your own cosmic ignorance and this does not make you an idiot or less intelligent than my students and I, simply unconscious of karmic cosmic forces you can not yet assimilate… And this is why I am offering an endless chain of articles to you all…
What did you give the world today?
If you aim for the truth, if you can handle the undiluted truth and want to own the golden keys to what it means to be human, and most of all, if you are ready for me, as of today, this is where you will find Terania and Dr. Turi to serve you with the light of God Cosmic Divinity…
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
SUPER DEAL –The Magical Power of Talismans!