“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13.13
Dear readers;
I understand how scary or extraordinary my “revelations” are the reptilius, but those entities are very real and why people would rather ridicule, ignore or even mute me from all social medias.
Learn more about the reptilius universal infestation and realize those ET’s are not the product of my imagination. I am a real UFO contactee and legitimacy is rare as I am also channeling my inner ET entity, Draco. And for the truth I represent and undeniable predictions I make, I am rejected by the UFO’s community for exposing them all!
Cosmic Consciousness and all unconscious famous UFO’s “Talking Heads”
Looking for answers on UFOs, aliens “Phenomena” and Dr. Turi.
Update: 10/26/2917 – Trump to declare opioid crisis a public health emergency
Memo: October 6, 2015 – I see an epidemic of suicide…” The reptilius are relentless and will take many non suspicious depleted, depressed spirits! May god bless all those lost souls… However, this wealthy family may have succumbed to the reptilius psychical infestation by using the Neptunius depressive winds against them. This obscure, dementic 2016 dragon will produce an epidemic of suicide and will curse many cosmic unconscious religiously poisoned human beings.
The reptilius are after famous people and your children, you have been warned!
Teens charged in overpass death denied bail
Five teenagers from Michigan have been charged with second-degree murder and denied bail after being accused of throwing a rock off an overpass that killed a man. The religious/atheist parents, a corrupted system, society at large and science are to blame for ignoring and denying the cosmic code jurisdictions and the reptilius hijacking your children’s bodies, minds and souls… You have been warned, its just a matter of time before your own child fall victim of those entities!

Harvey Weinstein Is Fired After Sexual Harassment Reports
Horrible images. please advise view at own discretion.

The change of Guard with the new Uranic Dragon started, MAY 15th, 2017! Read about its impact upon the world and in your own personal life in 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast

Four women face charges in Arkansas hot car death
Do not assume or think you would never do such a thing! If you forgot anything anywhere you already proved my claim! There is more than what the judicial system, science and religion can accept or assimilate about what it mean to be human!
ITS ALL SUBCONSCIOUS and you may be the next unconscious killer! Be smart, be curious read more about the super-conscious and its power over your life!
Explaining WHY women (and men) forget about children in hot cars!
Update – 6/15/17 – Deadly explosion rocks Chinese kindergarten
The reptilius will use religions, science, sports, entertainment, technology, legal and illegal drugs to hijack the body, mind and soul of humans! In 2017 they are focusing on famous people and children, then in 2018 they will be going after the government, all politicians, large corporations and the infrastructure of America. You have been warned, make a note and remember! A real modern Prophet is very rare!
The change of Guard with the new Uranic Dragon started, MAY 15th, 2017! Read about its impact upon the world and in your own personal life in 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast

Update 6/6/17 – 11 kids hospitalized after sharing Xanax
2-year-old girl dies after tick bite

The reptilius are after the children and, like the scientific and religious matrixes, the reptilius infected sport matrix will stop at nothing to make money!
Read more about your own forecast in 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
Elton John was born in March and suffered the current Pisces dragon! After May 15th, 2017 the negative dragon’s tail will move on his 6th house of work and health! June and December 2017 will speak the cosmic wisdom of a real Modern Prophet!
Memo Published February 11, 2013 – ALL SOULS BORN IN SEPTEMBER OR MARCH (VIRGO OR PISCES) OR WITH A MOON, RISING, NATAL OR HIDDEN DRAGONS IN VIRGO OR PISCES ( Elton John hospitalized, cancels shows / Monty Python’s Terry Jones diagnosed with dementia / Micah Xavier Johnson / Tony Robbin / Omar Mateen / Christina Grimmy / Mohamed Ali / Sheriff McDonnell / Sheriff Joe Arpaio / Prince / Tyler Summitt / Charlie Sheen / Kesha / Bernie Sanders / Celine Dion / Bobbi Kristina Brown) ARE THE TARGET OF THIS DRAGON AND WILL BE FORCED TO A FULL PARTNERSHIP AND GENERAL LIFE RESTRUCTURE. MANY WILL BE FORCED INTO WONDERFUL CHANGES AND SOME CALLED BACK TO GOD! IF YOU OWN A STRONG NEPTUNE IN YOUR UCI YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO STAY CLEAR FROM LEGAL/ILLEGAL DRUGS AND SEEK MY SERVICES IF YOU FEEL UNUSUALLY DEPRESSED!

Rich and famous but cosmic unconscious, Todd Benjamin Heap was born March 16, 1980 and suffered the current Dragon’s Tail in Pisces. The reptilius used Todd’s 2017 negative cosmic biorhythms to kill his daughter! When will all skeptical readers finally realize and accept the reality of this awful cosmic reality and ask for my help?
You or your child may be next if you doubt my cosmic wisdom and refuse to accept my extraordinary claim… Let me inform (educate you on this UFO’s phenomenon with a Skype consultation) because your religions and man made gods will never offer you true protection!
Update 4/11/2017 – 11-year-old kills himself after texting prank

Amateur Boxer Ed Bilbey Dies After Title Fight at Age 17
“We are extremely saddened by this and would like to express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the person involved in this terrible and ***shocking*** incident.”

Twenty-nine people — mostly teenage girls — were killed after a fire tore through a youth home in San Jose Pinula, Guatemala.
The reptilius are aiming towards females of all ages because they must alter or reduce the human birthing process. Women are also more sensitive, thus easily infected. Thus women in general; are at higher risks.
Do not expect traditional psychology or neuroscience to help you, because the doctors are also infected and indoctrinated to slave for the pharmaceutical corporations…
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
Suicide Statistics — AFSP; Females attempt suicide three times more often than males. As with suicide deaths, rates of attempted suicide vary considerably among demographic groups. While males are 4 times more likely than females to die by suicide, females attempt suicide 3 times as often as males.
Germany: 6 teenagers found dead in garden house
Read more in 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
The rational skeptics are not allowed in the higher spheres of supra-consciousness because; as imposed by God’s cosmic divinity, their underdeveloped UCI is forbidding the access… Only wiser, spiritually advanced older souls can delegate the archetypal realm of such mystical consciousness.
I post the dreadful news for you to realize that your children are vulnerable using technology and falling into the infected spirit of child molesters, rapists and killers. You or your children shouldn’t have to become the next victims but you will if you ignore this phenomenon and let your fears magnetize those entities.
They need your fears to survive in “Dark Matter” but only the light or cosmic wisdom and the realization of God’s cosmic Divinity can and will protect you. Nothing else will!
It does take a refined mind to realize “famous people “Bieber and children” are interconnected in the news and this confirm my claims that many young, religious or atheist souls are unwilling or unable to accept. I can only keep track with the news and add them as they pile up through the year as I did in the past!
2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast (VIP’s)
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
‘Voice’ singer Christina Grimmie dead – REPTILIUS at work!
Christina Grimmie
On June 10, 2016, Grimmie was shot three times while signing autographs after a performance at The Plaza Live in Orlando, Florida. The unidentified gunman then fatally shot himself after being tackled by her brother Mark. Grimmie was taken to a hospital in critical condition; her death was confirmed on June 11
Dear readers;
Finally our cart is now operational, the glitch has been fixed and you can order books, become a VIP or order any services we offer again, from www.drturi.com. Thank you.
Like all souls born in March and September, (Justin Bieber was also born in March!) Christina became another victim of reptilius infected lost souls. Yet, 99.9% of an unconscious religious or atheist society can never accept the facts of deadly entities stealing the mind and forcing infected humans to kill others. And if you spend enough time on Facebook, you will recognize idiots and those dangerous infected souls’ vitriolic all over.
This madness is all over and will get much worse in the future, especially if you don’t start to battle those entities or get you killed!
Incidentally, Christina was under one of her 2016 negative window dates which made her very vulnerable to suffer a premature death. The reptilius are cosmic conscious, they are using the Cosmic Code, and humans are not! Furthermore religious or atheist convictions make it much easier for those entities to stop your curiosity and all possessed lost souls to kill human indiscriminately!
Grimmie was born March 12, 1994 and her gruesome assassination confirm a warning I wrote back in February 2013, something the majority of the world can not either accept nor comprehend.
Click image above to purchase the 2016 Dragon Forecast Now Available for Download!!
How will this dragon get you and your loved ones? Knowing about it can make the difference between becoming a victim of the reptilius or not. But will you be curious and smart enough or let skepticism or fears override your curiosity?
Those nefarious entities are the reasons to why so many people are already dead and (famous or not) many more will join them. The symptoms of a reptilius infestation are obvious and involve depressions, addictions, dementia, extreme jealousy, confusion, a strong drive to kill or commit suicide. It is no accident for Kimbo Slice to die prematurely too.
“Orlando Police Chief John Mina told reporters Saturday that the 21-year-old gunman, whose name he did not release, didn’t know Grimmie personally and appears to be a deranged fan.”
The young “deranged” man was born in 1995 with a Plutonic UCI, making him extremely dangerous, suicidal and also vulnerable to a reptilius infection. But the FBI is not interested in investigating the art and science of Astropsychology / Astroforensics to save lives by anticipating terrorist activity… Shame on the FBI directors…. Only a few concerned intuitive cops and FBI agents are privately learning from us!
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?
I do not expect traditionally educated doctors to understand a soul doctor , nor accept the deep psychological changes taking place in the infected perpetrators’ hijacked psyches.
No one is safe ‘Shield’ actor gets 40 years for murder and if you wonder why the world is going insane, or why there is an explosion of murders and suicides, you may want to pay more attention to my cosmic work to find real answers.
While there are millions of “psychic Twins” or Mrs Cleo’s using deceptive Facebook corporate astrology and tarot websites, no intelligent human beings should trust those people’s “guidance” or anything spiritual designed “For Entertainment Purposes Only!“… “Police warn of astrology and psychic fraud! Stay with the Pros!“
The same NAVY “educated idiocy” blaming hot or cold weather for technology failures enunciate also how far humanity has gone from God Cosmic Divinity…”Britain’s Royal Navy warships’ Elites STUPIDITY!“
And muting my voice is not doing any good for humanity either!… “Howard Hughes and Dr. Turi’s May 27, 2016 predictions, part THREE!.”
The rational reasons offered by the police and their army of “experts” to why this lost soul killed Christina are endless but the core of this person’s dementic and horrific actions can never be blamed upon a phenomenon none of them can accept nor comprehend.
The same reasons to why ISIS is easily luring so many Plutonic and Neptunian born souls to join and die for their causes… “The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi.”
Sometimes, looking at the humongous “scientific” stupidity and lack of perception around me, I don’t think I was born on the right planet! But so far it seem I am the only one smart enough to bypass the traps of such a dense physical world!
Infected people are everywhere and have been responsible for humanity’ suffering since for ever… Sources: Whitman likens Trump to Hitler. And while I warned America of Trump being the results of an infected “Hitler’s Spiritual Legacy,” not many take me seriously.
Ben Carson Donald Trump and Hitler Deadly Legacy!
CNN, Trump, Hitler, the Fate of the World and Dr. Turi
Donald Trump, KKK, Dr. Turi’s Visions of the Future of America.
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 / 2015 Arian Draconis …
The reptilius are masters of deception, they can invade your psyche by addicting you to legal or illegal drugs. They use religions, sex, sports, entertainments, science (atheist movement) to stop you asking pertinent questions to what your life is all about… They must own your total attention to the “game” and force you into your “tunnel vision.” Thousands of reptilius infected atheists gather in DC for ‘Reason Rally’
You think college game days are bad …
They “hypnotize” the masses and make them behave like animals, they also control the mind of all the elites in charge of those established corporations or movements including those working under their command.
Those aggressive, emotional, unruly infected subhumans are nothing else than peons of the stars and under the reptilius control, yet totally oblivious of this phenomenon…
Nothing must be questioned, they must keep you busy and already have all the pertinent answers for you because their conditioned “teachings” and entertainments are inescapable. The reptilius have infiltrated the US Department of Justice, education, all religious, sports and scientific organizations, the police and force you to think and act as they want!
They trapped your spirit and keep it underground into an informative infected media they also control! All they want is CHAOS, more fears, more ignorance, more separatism, more misinformation, more idiocy and more wars!
Analysis: ISIS is only a symptom
The reptilius can only survive with the “Satanic Black Blood” of the Prince of Darkness…
And here we are… Yet I am “technologically” muted from all major public networking sources because of the reptilius infected enemies refuting our torch of light…Google, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi.
Nature is showing signs of serious despair. The wild life is continuously poisoned as the reptilius are using all in their power to destroy humanity. The universe is accelerating drastically and so are the dramatic news involving natural disasters and large earthquakes.
The reptilius need and are using your fears to fulfill their agenda and while I have asked my readers’ support to battle those entities, it doesn’t seem many have done so. And the most ridiculous, funny, entertaining or shocking videos are the ones that go viral on you-tube.
But when it comes to speaking the real God cosmic divinity, not many care. While it is overdue to show humanity how to use the Supra-conscious (God) in a progressive, positive way instead of feeding the reptilius with endless fears…Still mother nature knows best and is the one in charge!
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness
Instead of battling me, maybe you should back us up and join the battle against those deadly entities with the Draconis… “the Gardeners of the world?“
There are specific things you can do to immune your body, mind and soul against the reptilius but I don’t think you are that interested or maybe your spirit already trapped to inaction and skepticism?
When the flu wiped out millions
It is not an “accident” for a CNN writer to post such an article or another serious omen of what is to come to a world of cosmic unconscious human. Again, there are no accidents but only cosmic circumstances humanity and science are not aware of and keep ignoring and denying.
“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015 (public sample) Share Pls!
- 1 Expect ////////////////////////////////
- 2 Neptune ///////////////////////////////////////
- 3 Hollywood and the movie industry will ///////////////////////////////////////
- 4 New STD and old diseases will //////////////////////////////////
- 5 – Posted Above…
- 6 I am expecting loss of life due to the proliferation of ///////////////////////////////
- 7 I am expecting a full restructure of the/////////////////////////////////
- 8 I see angry /////////////////////////////////////
- 9 I see serious //////////////////////////////
- 10 I see Las Vegas /////////////////////////////////////
- 11 I see a full restructure of the //////////////////////////////
- 12 I see an upsurge of ////////////////////////////////////
- 13 I see problems ////////////////////////////////////
- 14 I see a lot of //////////////////////////////////
- 15 I see a lot more of //////////////////////////////////
- 16 I see many ////////////////////////
- 17 I see new ////////////////////////
- 18 I see a //////////////////////////////////////
- 19 I see large ///////////////////////////////////
- 20 I see “political” /////////////////////////////
- 21 Posted above
- 22 The ocean will ///////////////////////////
- 23 Isis will ////////////////////////////
- 24 /////////////////////
This elusive Dragon is extremely deceptive and will aim and curse many people born in////////////and ////////// with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a //////, a //////, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work for you, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with a consultation.
Science and the world are ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure our VIP’s can reach me all along its control over humanity. Thus the offered saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to ////////////
This may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. At 66 I had my share of idiocy fighting the “educated” atheist / scientists and God fearing lost souls who truly believe they know better than God and I.
The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE 2015 YEAR DUE TO NEPTUNE …
1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)
2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone)
3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone)
4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)
5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone)
6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information)
7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania) – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )
Note our cart is not set to offer discount on all the above readings, so email teraniapromodir@gmail.com or call 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting or on the telephone. You may decide to use paypal but you must become a VIP FIRST, if you want to save money and give Terania your DOB for your appointment.
While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious healing power. Nostradamus, used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains… Talismans, do they really work?
Nostradamus “The star doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)
Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs.
While the Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all the ramifications here.
Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.
Combined with my////////////////////// the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a true gifted “Soul Doctors.”
A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call h…
“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?
Now on to all those vital information and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive, the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all. The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…
- 1 If you feel depressed and keep degenerating your spirit, you will ///////////////////////infectious diseases. Do not /////////////////////////////
- 2 Use /////////////if you get sick/////////////////.
- 3 If you do not want to get sick and avoid Neptune poisoning power//////////////////////////////////
- 4 Most importantly, switch from ///////////////////
- 5 Drink ///////////// every morning and add ONE DROP of//////////////, NO sugar, NO honey added only a few drops of/////////////. Human are machine of habits/////////////
- 6 ///////////////// has incredible therapeutic values modern science will make sure you know nothing about! In fact Nostradamus used it in all his potions to heal people from the plague. //////////Read more about////////////// priorities.
- 7 Nurture/////////////////////////////
- 8 Spend enough time //////////// everyday//////////////. Contrary to what you have been told,//////////////////// offer the only way for you to get enough //////////. ////////// is life force #1 and /////////////////helps against depressions, psychosis, dementia and combat alzheimer diseases.
- 9 Use the//////////////////////at your advantage to avoid the depleting of your spirit and your physical atomic structure. Indeed ///////////////////healing tools
- 10 The more you understand and use////////////////////the more power to you. Remember you will become much more vulnerable to ailments or “accidents” under ////////////////////////. Knowing and using your personal cosmic biorhythms positive dates or a personalized talisman can and will bring emotional, financial and spiritual stability in your life!
Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of//////////////////// altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans! The Magical Power of Talismans!
As of November 2015, the Universal “Religious Neptunius Draconis” has been in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!
While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied both the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions” will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity! Those predictions are still available on the Internet for the world to judge!
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …
Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …
While my quatrain and keywords speaks of///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but follow faithfully all the natural healing tips we will offer our VIP’s. While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.
The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to our VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!
Once you infected physically or spiritually, or get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does. Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE
Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP? Join us, become a VIP to read the FULL article on the Cosmic Code website.
Remember readers, we have you and together we are a formidable force to reckon with and changes can be made in an over medicated, controlled, abused, misinformed society. But only if you trust in my cosmic teaching, show your support, share my articles and join us to discuss all the above.
Acknowledge the 2016 Universal Neptunius Dragon be smart, put your hand on my 2016 Nostradamus Personal Forecast for all signs .
“God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.” Nostradamus
If you aim for the truth, if you can handle the undiluted truth and want to own the golden keys to what it means to be human and most of all, if you are ready for us; this is where you will find Terania and Dr. Turi to serve you with the light of God’s real cosmic divinity.
Dr. Turi
The Magical Power of Talismans!