“The stars are the elixir of life! Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 15 Days Of Complete Darkness in November 2015
Dear Readers;
And what is astonishing to me is that; A mass of gullible morons will assume and not even click on the provided link, or worse promote and await God’s wrath because their tiny brains has been conditioned for centuries to accept anything the monopolizing religious or scientific matrixes preaches. Furthermore it’s also amazing to me to constate how those born with an inferiority / insecurity complex stumble on the word “Subhuman.”
Like if I had time to write personally to them, HELLO I am writing FOR the world TO the world not to YOU! If you can afford the $700 bill then I will speak to you personally through one of my services!
If you do stumble of any of my chosen words is is because you do not understand those words are used as metaphors to reflect on those who assume and do not bypass the introduction of any of my posts! Or the idiots who pretend to be more educated or intelligent than me or my students, clients, friends, patients etc.
The Neptunians born lack curiosity and critical thinking, but they also inherited an uncontrolled imagination fuelling the fears the reptilius need to feed on to accomplish their agenda against humanity.
Remember science is formidable and keep offering humanity technology marvels that makes our lives so wonderfully easy, safe and productive. I can not say the same for religions steering wars (ISIS) since forever, but in the name of both, humanity has lost the true spirit of God cosmic Divinity and forfeited the wisdom of an immaculate, holly structure I am trying so hard to reinstate.
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
What is also amazing to me is, those God fearing or atheist born souls will not even try to verify the truthfulness of so many such idiotic claims popping up on the Internet by checking the previous “predictive” work of the sources in question.
Unconfirmed and Ridiculous -2.5 Mile Wide Comet expected 09/15-28, 2015
In my case, all my predictions of large earthquakes (above 6.0) volcanoes eruptions, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis and man made disasters i.e. Dr. Turi 911) famous prediction, are well documented, dated, printed, on radio and national televisions.
But as the rule, it is impossible to reach the unevolved envious, insecure, atheist or religiously poisoned “subhuman.” This is why I often use this “polite” Bible Hub when I encounter those idiots on Facebook!
“Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7:6
While everyone is telling me to recall this quote; “You will not attract bees with vinegar” the fact is; only those born with a good mind (or bigger and better than the Joes Six Packs and Sallies Sues’ bee brain) can only relate and appreciate my advanced cosmic work!
The selection to whom you will attract as friends or foes is already set by your cosmic identity and your personal vibrational system. Of course I may as well speak Chinese now for all the bees’ brain can’t understand the sentence above!
Astropsychology / Astroforensics is an art and a science that demand the use and translation of a software I had designed by a computing professional in Los Angeles. This allows me to plot the stars, like NASA do, and translate the endless cosmic winds producing the news… If its OK to forecast the weather it is also OK to forecast the news and your future!
While a geologist had years of training to master the trade, I spent all my life and at 65 I am still learning and teaching YOU for FREE! I spent more years doing a different type of research because no traditional institutions could give me the answers I was seeking!
Thus while I am well ahead of science in my own cosmic field, be sure my ingenuity can never be rewarded on this “educated” religious world! Indeed God has a plan and many of my questions are still unanswered.
It’s a simple as that, this mean I am a Soul Doctor, not a psychic! And when some idiots ask me for the winning lottery numbers, all I can do is to suggest them to call on psychics practicing the trade.
It amazes me how people assume anything about anyone without doing the proper mental gymnastics needed or even check my public endorsements! Yet I still have to deal with my “Internet enemies” who are not smart enough to digest my work but dedicated to hurt my integrity with abominable lies!
Those should have consulted a psychic or someone that does not demand them to think or study too hard, because my teachings are well over their bee / pee brain!
God thanks not all the people on earth are morons, for if that was the case I would not enjoyed great success since 1991. But I can not really point out my finger to those ‘irrecuperable” because their latent UCI makes them vulnerable to the universal conditioning practiced for centuries by the monopolizing Church Inc. and science! And the Millennials or the OCD Generation is a very vulnerable group of “educated” rational kids that could never auto-analyze themselves spiritually easily!
But not everyone is doomed and this is why my articles are all over the Internet to offer them a 65 year old different perspective to what life is all about! But as a rule, if you are a parent, your kids knows better yes? While the battle against idiocy, skepticism, religious poisoning rage, all those “young souls” need is time…
The devil you fear so much is steering you in the face in any and all man made religious buildings because God cosmic Divinity is not discussed nor promoted!
Altar Welfare: Churches Steal $71 Billion A Year From Taxpayers, Spend Little On Charity
Infected Neptunians are working for the reptilius agenda stopping humanity psychical welfare expansion by promising hell after life if you do not love, respect, endorse, support and FEAR a false God! FTC: These charities are shams! Help Dr. Turi instead!
Religious Exemptions Cost US More Than $83.5 Billion In Taxes Annually – Gov. Jindal Gifted $11 Billion To Corporations, Costing Each Taxpayer $2,500
Reptilius confine the human spirit into entertainment, sports, religions and scientific atheism convictions designed to stop thinking too hard, to ask questions and nurture fears and doubts, steal your attention, stop your psychical awareness and stop your spiritual interaction against them!
While a Cosmic God undeniably speaks his will to me, you are “a God in training on this dense physical world. The problem is no one told you the truth about God, astrology or the Vatican Inc. Telling you the truth means billions of dollars and the livelihood of billions of people will have to change, and life is a constant process of changes!
This is where you can and will appreciate the undiluted truth and help me, because I am the ONLY Soul Doctor on the planet $$$$who put the green$$$$ where his mouth is and this type of confidence reflect an unsurpassed wisdom you should pay attention, heed and share!
False prophets are everywhere and all are speaking a light they can not see nor translate. Your perception of God, Jesus, the divine and ET’s is sharpening with my work, but the forces of evil, ignorance, fears can be eliminated if you join and promote my rare cosmic teachings…
No one will or should ever force you to grow up psychically, but in order for you to realize your tainted religious or atheist spirit is lost is not an easy task! And this is why, you are reading me today, because you made a serious wish only a cosmic God can answer.
Cast aside your insecurity, your inferiority, your fears and realize you can only add to your repertoire of wisdom from a 65 year old man, and there are many of us out there doing just that because….
“Incredible experiences, breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share!” Dr. Turi
And once it is all said and done, even with the solid facts and true cosmic wisdom I represent, the irrecuperable reptilius infected lost souls will keep fighting a lost battle! My quatrains and obvious keywords speak of various cosmic winds that produces the news, but this type of immaculate wisdom is not for everyone!
The “young souls” are forbidden entering God cosmic Divinity or the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness just yet, and all are trapped in this dense physical world.
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
From Homeless emergency declared in Hawaii, Draco explain why!
Memo from Facebook post below publicized October 15 at 1:58pm – NEXT BIG QUAKE IS FOR 10/21/15 48 hours centering the given date! Make notes talk to you then! Wait and see true cosmic wisdom at work!
October 21 -/////
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / baffling, Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

Isn’t surprising that I gave the exact timing for this hurricane back in September 30, 2015 in the cosmic code website to my VIP’s?
10/20/15 – Today: 7.1 magnitude earthquake near Luganville, Sanma, Vanuatu!
10/22/2015 3 shot at Tennessee State University Shocking?
Arsons at six black churches baffle St Louis police as parishioners ask ‘why’
Michele Brown, office manager and long-time parishioner of St Augustine’s, said the initial reaction of the congregation was stunned surprise. “We were sort of shocked,” she said. “And this was compounded by the fact that a number of churches in the area have been affected.”
Earth’s close call this Halloween – Cosmos News/NASA?
20/22/15 – Deadly sword attack stuns Sweden – Shocking?
Viking sword discovered by hiker – Shocking?
A sword is probably the last thing you’d expect to find on a hike — especially one that’s more than a millennium old. Shocking?
American dies, 70 freed in Iraq hostage rescue – Shocking
‘Don’t bury me,’ boy begged – Children?
Netanyahu’s shocking Holocaust claim – Shocking?
Assad’s surprise Moscow trip – Surprise?
Girl, 4, killed in road-rage shooting – Shocking?
U.S. F/A-18 fatal crash in UK – Aeronautics?
Iran nuke deal OK’d with conditions – Nukes?
China signs deal paving way for first UK nuclear power plant – Nukes?
The car that made time travel stylish – Technology?
Police: Woman bites off sex attack suspect’s tongue Shocking?
‘VERY PROUD’ OF HIM: California jail worker saves 42 people trapped on burning bus Shocking?
Church leader guilty of funneling $35 million to wife’s pop music career – Shocking?
10/21/15 – 5.4 magnitude, 28 km depth Namie, Fukushima, Japan – Japan?
Only the young immature souls will challenge a real master and find out they do not know that much…
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” –Swift

Police “This should have never happened, this is complete disrespect for human lives and we are starting to see this all over our nation” Shocking news?
If you are looking for the golden keys to what it means to be human and learn about UFO’s and ET’s agendas Join us
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If you aim for the truth, if you can handle the undiluted truth and want to own the golden keys to what it means to be human, and most of all, if you are ready for me, as of today, this is where you will find Terania and Dr. Turi to serve you with the light of God Cosmic Divinity…
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
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