The Sexual Dragon

Keeping you uUp to Date

Hello everyone,
Before I get into the article about the Scorpio dragon's tail, I'd like to keep you up to date with my latest events.

I have been invited by the Discovery Channel to produce a show (More than Human) on February 18 and 19th in Los Angeles. The dates of broadcasting will be announced on my website and in future newsletters. The subject of the show: Who can perceive more?? Who can uncover the liar? The guests are an FBI agent, a Psychologist, a poker professional who reads faces, and me, Dr. Turi. This show will examine the power of perception and the methods used by the guests. It will be quite interesting to see who is More than Human!

The Discovery Channel crew will also tape a lecture given on February 18th. This will start at 5:00 PM at the Re-evolution Bookstore located at 19633 Ventura Blvd, Ste., B in Tarzana, Ca. You are strongly advised to call 818-415-7710 for your reservation.

I follow Nostradamus' methods making me in demand all over the world. I have been invited to India to teach Astropsychology and perform Cabalistic Healing. Other plans include talks in Lake Tahoe, Mt. Shasta, England, Australia, and a class in Bahrain, off the coast of Saudi Arabia and Beirut. Simply check the "event/lecture" section in Dr. Turi's site.

On Monday January 19th, I filmed 3 half-hour segments of a TV show on UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and helped mothers to relate and understand their toddlers and young adults using Astropsychology. Then, on Tuesday January 20th, I filmed another TV show for a later broadcast at the Media Center on Kietzke in Reno, with the kind assistance of Dennis Grover and associates. The broadcast time for this event has not been set as yet, but will be announced and all those TV shows will be also available on DVD soon.

If you have questions or need additional information, email me at You can spend hours on my elaborate website:

The Discovery Channel will film Dr. Turi's lecture, and you are invited!

Discovery Channel

BACK IN LA by popular demand

The Sexual Dragon

Janet and Michael Jackson

How to read Dr. Turi's Predictions

Dear readers,

As always let me start by wishing you love, light and health.

On July 7, 2002 I wrote a long series of predictions pertaining to the impact of the Dragon's Tail upon the world and now see it all unfolding as predicted. I am always fascinated in the different forms the predicted energies manifest. I have taken the time from my busy schedule to collect some of the most obvious expressions of the Scorpio dragon tail. The following examples will show you how to read and acknowledge my premonitions.

Let's start by the first few phrases of this section found in 2003/04 Moon Power. Quotes taken directly from the book are in italic. Note that the printing process makes these predictions well documented.

******* World Dragon's Tail in Scorpio from April 14, 2003 until December 2004 *******

Scorpio rules life and death, drama, reincarnation, sex, corporate endeavors, the police force, the FBI, CIA, mafia, insurance companies etc. A complete restructure of all those organizations and secrets will be exposed. All that is hidden must come to the light. Expect more disturbing news involving secret government agencies and the banking industry.

McCain calls for probe into intelligence failures
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Parting company with many of his fellow Republicans, Sen. John McCain said Thursday he wants an independent commission to take a sweeping look at recent intelligence failures. Senator McCain opens hearings  Arizona Sen. John McCain and Virginia Sen. John Warner preside over the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Iraq's WMD this week.

As seen with the church sex scandals, all that is detrimental to the "organization" has been kept secret, but some of it came out into the open in 2003/4 restructuring our perception of religion.

Bush raises sex scandal with pope
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- U.S. President George W. Bush raised the sex-abuse scandal in the American Roman Catholic priesthood during a meeting with Pope John Paul II on Tuesday.   Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, left, questions Cardinal Law Friday.

And here is another story involving investigations of a sexual nature:

Review ordered of alleged sexual assaults on troops
Cnn Washington-- U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has ordered a 90-day review into allegations of sexual assaults against female soldiers in Iraq and Kuwait. Donald Rumsfeld   Donald Rumsfeld

Many "infamous" authorities not only will lose their position but also their lives. Expect a serious rise with suicides plaguing the world in 2003/04 in a dance of evils in the name of man's ignorance.

Army official : ... Apprehending an increase in suicide attacks by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. 6/11/03: Antidepressant Paxil May Increase Suicide Risk. ... some have fallen into a deep confusion including panic attacks within.

Scorpio rules life and death, drama, reincarnation, sex, corporate endeavors, the police force, the FBI, CIA, mafia, insurance companies etc. Expect a complete restructure of all the above organizations where secrets will be exposed. Under Pluto's jurisdiction all that is hidden must come to the light. Very often as seen with the church sex scandals, all that is detrimental to the "organization" has been kept secret, but some of it came out into the open in 2002.

*Memo: The Tail of the Dragon in Scorpio produces often scandalous and uncontrolled sexual behaviors as seen with Madonna kissing another singer on stage and the latest with:

Janet Jackson takes responsibility for breast-baring
NEW YORK (AP) -- Janet Jackson issued another apology for her surprise breast-baring during the Super Bowl halftime show and took full responsibility for the fiasco, in a videotape that was released to media late Tuesday. Janet Jackson  Janet Jackson bares her breast at the Superbowl halftime

And of course there's always Michael Jackson and his eccentric behavior to keep him in the public eye. (Note Uranus in his first house, Leo.) This is what I wrote in my book "Asia dragon Predictions" about Michael Jackson in 2002: President Clinton victim of respiratory complication - Ex-President Bush victim of heart trouble, Madonna and Michael Jackson will make sad news in May and/or Nov 2003/04.

Objective measurement:

The jury will return a guilty verdict against a famous one while death take the soul away.

Note also that the story of Michael being sued by Sothby's hit in MAY of 2003, and the story of his latest sex scandal, in NOVEMBER 2003.

Is Michael Jackson out of control?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Michael Jackson is making headlines again after he dangled his baby boy from the fourth floor balcony of a Berlin hotel on Tuesday to show him off to fans below. Michael dangles his baby   In Germany (on Michael's dragon's tail)

Never-ending story
December 18, 2003 45-year-old Michael Jackson -- the one-time "King of Pop" -- was charged with seven counts of lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under 14 (each carrying a potential prison term of between 3 to 8 years), and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent. King of Skank   A bedraggled Michael

And here are some interesting predictions I made that have also transpired. Remember Scorpio rules death, so war and viruses were on the agenda.

Prediction: Syphilis and a deadly virus returns to kill thousands in 2003 ~ many will die of sexually transmitted diseases in Africa and Asia during 2003.....-. This dramatic sign rules death and rebirth, forcing the world to experience dramatic happenings death and wars. A deadly virus returns to kill thousands in 2003.

A new Virus
4/5/03 CNN - CDC extends SARS travel advisory 2,416 cases and 89 deaths attributed to SARS in 18 countries, the WHO said. Deadly SARS Virus   Protecting against SARS

Remember I wrote this before we were even at war with Saddam. As I explained in another newsletter devoted to Saddam, with his moon in Scorpio he was subject to the following predictions:

Prediction: More restrictions imposed on Iraq and its allies –Saddam Hussein reign ends many children dies. A close family member of the tyrant is assassinated - Discovery of secret nuclear arsenal and chemical poison factories. Close connection to Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein terrorist’s endeavors divulged. Very high possibility of Iraq’s opposing secret police to kill him and disguise his death into a suicide. (See supernova windows or 2003/04 for dates of events).

Objective measurement:
The entire infrastructure of Iraq fail. People dies and suffer tremendously while a provisory new government is imposed and structured by the allies’ forces. Neighboring Arab countries are a concern for world peace.

Dragon’s Tail and Pluto in Scorpio

Saddam Falls
Symbols toppled as regime crumbles Marines help Iraqis pull down a statue of Saddam, after a Marine briefly covered the face with a U.S. flag, then a pre-Gulf War Iraqi flag   Statue is toppled

PREDICTION -Russia and India (Scorpio) countries will be forced to divulge unhealthy secret projects and errors pertaining to nuclear arsenals falling in the wrong hands.

Securing Pakistan's NUCLEAR Arsenal: Principles for Assistance
... Preventing terrorist groups from gaining access to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal should be among the top priorities of the Bush administration during this phase ...

Remember when the dragon's tail was in Sagittarius? I had predicted challenges to religion (a negative Sagittarius rules fanatic religion).

Here is one result of 911 ...In those days the tail was in Sagittarius (religion/foreigners) while the head was in Gemini (critical thinking/transportation)

My question is has the world and the US learnt about the danger of any and all religion yet?

Nightline Daily E-Mail
February 9, 2004

Where do you draw the line between maintaining a secular state and allowing freedom of expression? Tomorrow the French National Assembly is set to vote to ban the display of religious symbols--the Muslim headscarf, large crucifixes and yarmulkes--at public schools. The plan has set off a raging debate in France, and it is a debate that is playing out all over the world, including in this country. The post 9-11 world has changed the way the world looks at anything to do with the Islamic faith.

And now, just for your amusement, here is a cute story....

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.

The Russians used a pencil.

Enjoy paying your taxes--they're due again.

Have you ever had your handwriting analysed? A good friend of mine from Tucson Skylar Khan is a certified Master Graphoanalyst. You will be amazed at her findings pertaining to your fate and characterology contained in your handwriting. Give a her a call at 520-825-8244 or email her at

Genie Songs
From Genie-
Happy Valentines Day
Music by Genie
click on my image

True Celestial Knowledge and Astropsychology

Dr. Louis Turi
Startheme Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 45257
Phoenix, Az. 85064-5257
– Tel (602) 265-7667 Fax: (602) 265-8668



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© Dr. Turi