And the Full Cancer Moon

Dear readers;

Before I begin, let me start by offering my sincere condolences to all the victims of the terrible tragedy that took place in Asia on Dec. 26, 2004. Please donate to a charity that can help these countries. Together we can make a difference. The death toll from the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the tsunamis it spawned has risen to more than 150,000 and is expected to rise for many more weeks and even months to come. Thousands of people are reported dead in Indonesia, southern Asia and as far away as Somalia on Africa's eastern coast, most killed by massive tsunamis that smashed coastlines after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake off Indonesia's coast.

I want to help in the best way I can by offering knowledge and enlightenment to the masses. So please understand that when I give proofs for my predictions, it is so people may benefit from the evidence and further their wisdom, not for my own self-aggrandizement.

** Animated guide: The tsunami disaster **
Watch online to see how a massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean triggered sea surges and the deaths of thousands of people. Animated Tsunami

Although this was considered a natural disaster, man did play a part in this destruction too. Surprisingly, some islands right in the middle of the tsunami were not badly affected. It turns out their atolls, or coral reefs, absorbed much of the wave. The coral ridges protected them. In many regions of the Asian waters, there is a practice some fishermen use, of dynamiting the natural coral reefs to bring up fish. These barriers to the tsunami were no longer in place to deflect the water.

Astrologically, everything was in place for such an event to occur. You may ask, what does it matter if astrology can forecast such occurrences? How could it have made any kind of difference in any of those victims' lives, if they had known? If I lived in coastal Asia, I would not have gone down to the beach that day. I would not have let my children go to the beach. That is because I know the full moon in Cancer can cause water damage, flooding, and massive relocation. This directly affected me in the sense that my good friend Owen and I planned a trip to Asia. I cancelled it because of my awareness of the stars and the impact of a full moon in Cancer. This knowledge literally saved our lives.

Astropsychology is not yet endorsed, understood, taught or shared to the world. Given a chance to make a wise choice, people would not have gone to a country bordered by water on a full moon in Cancer. It is the knowledge of how to interpret the stars that can help us to live our lives in the flow of energy that is protective and nourishing. It is not that difficult to learn and can save much grief to be able to live in accordance to the natural laws. I make it easy for everyone by the forecasts contained in my book Moon Power. It saddens me that astrology is not taken seriously, and that it is not taught to our children as a part of their regular curriculum in schools. Indeed, the whole world operates in a blind state, unaware of the forces that affect us daily. It is my mission to further mankind's enlightenment through knowledge of the stars.

I am offering this FREE e-Book, "ASIA DRAGON PREDICTIONS FOR 2003/2004 and Moon Power 2004."

I want to offer my own contribution to all the people in the world including Asian people who can read my work. If this calamity could not be avoided, the tremendous amount of deaths could have, by being aware of the pull of the Universal will. Ignorance is evil while knowledge is power. Thousands of unaware people traveling after a full moon to the area did not have the chance to control their fate. "God created the stars to be used as signs so that you can live a safe and more productive life." I always counsel my clients to never make a move after the Full Moon and to respect the Universal law. See Specific date suggestions are made in my book, "Moon Power Starguide 2005 Universal Guidance and Predictions."

Please forward my book "2003/2004 Asia Dragon Predictions" and my website to all English speaking countries and to the rest of the world - Simply make your request for the book at

Help pass on my gift and forward this newsletter, my book Asia Dragon Predictions or 2004 Moon Power and my website to magazines, newspapers, televisions, radio etc. and every webmaster to give the option for people to download the book and realize it was fully predicted to the day. This disaster did happen many times and will happen again in the future, this gesture will save millions of lives as science is still incapable of warning us ahead of time.

2003/04 International Dragon Predictions from "Asia dragon Predictions" ~ (Date of predictions 7-7-02) See on page 41, the astrological conditions I noted that translated into the Asia tsunami:
"Expect Mother Nature to endure interior changes as the earth is going through a form of rebirth. A serious increase in earthquake activity, volcanic eruptions and weather changes will affect all of us in different ways. This dramatic sign rules death and rebirth, forcing the world to experience dramatic happenings and wars. Expect a serious rise with suicides and death plaguing the world in 2003/4 where the madness dance of evils will rejoice in the name of man's ignorance."

"There will be four major negative DEADLY DRAGON WINDOWS in the year 2004. 1. January: First DEADLY DRAGON WINDOW - From Thursday January 1st, through Monday January 12th 2004.

2. April: Second DEADLY DRAGON WINDOW - From Thursday April 1st through April 29th 2004.

3. August / September: Third DEADLY DRAGON WINDOW - From Friday August 6th through Friday September 9th 2004.

4. November / October: Fourth DEADLY DRAGON WINDOW - From Sunday November 28th through Sunday December 26th 2004.

Specific dates to watch:(48 hr. window)

Nov 13/03- Nov 12/04 ~ BE AWARE ON THIS WINDOW
Dec 11/03
Dec 27/03

Note again that the dated printing process makes this prediction unarguable

From 2003 - 2004 International Dragon Predictions ~ (Date of predictions 7-7-02)

2003/04 will be the worst year for death and suicide attacks, terrorist acts, and natural disasters (volcanoes eruption/earthquakes and water damages) since 1948. See 2003/04 Dragon windows for dates of events. It will be a very difficult year for the police. (NOTE: The FBI underwent a full restructure in 2004.)

Also this is what I had written back in 2003, for the Full Moon in Cancer of Dec 26 2004, and had posted in my daily forecast:

"An example of a full moon in Cancer from Moon Power 2003, affecting the weather:
WED., THU., FRI., SAT. - JULY 23, 24, 25, 26:
Environment: Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and chain-reaction accidents due to bad weather are high on the list. Stay safe and be aware of Mother Nature's destructive forces. She is alive and she needs to stretch herself now and then." And the results:
Typhoon Imbudo hits South China- The most powerful storm to sweep across the South China Sea in years has unleashed its fury on south China, hitting Guangdong province with strong winds and heavy rain."

And my daily forecast for Dec 25-28:

"Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon and you don't want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate, fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes."

With this in mind if you had ordered my book moon power you would have also have read all about the Supernova window for 2004 which were posted on eclipse.predictions and the very strong probability to get stuck in an airport suffering a terrible weather system.

Following the Supernova window pull (things from the past revisiting) and the Christmas holiday, thousands of people were to reunite by visiting family members. Incidentally I was also supposed to go to Thailand. I have a few friends that are now dead in Phuket. Incidentally I also work with omens from my subconscious. About two weeks ago a statue given to me by my friend in Thailand fell on the floor and broke. I knew this had a serious significance and I attributed it to the drama those friends will have to go through in their lives. At this point I did not know that many of my Thai and French friends over there were to die and those who survived would be forced into a total restructure of their lives as predicted in my book Moon Power.

I always tell everyone that I DO NOT PREDICT ANYTHING! I only know the astrological signatures of the planets and when they will be active. We all know that life is a constant process of change and "history repeats itself." These cycles affect the weather too. I have watched for many years and tested the astrological markers, and I know by experience when any drastic and dangerous "energies" will return to plague the world. The same energy took two shuttles down and many courageous astronauts lives. NASA's reluctance to investigate outside of rigid science has bred more ignorance and more deaths and there will be more in the long run. I have tried so many times over the years to reach them without success but I must persist and in time they will have to accept the obvious facts.

I am simply trying to make you aware so that you will contribute in passing on my message by introducing my website and a few words to anyone that can make a good use of my premonitions. There are too many so-called psychics and famous astrologers, and even metaphysical magazines out there that have absolutely nothing solid to offer. There are a few gifted people out there and they are very rare. It is time to support and promote the light and those who have integrity and real prophetic powers. Those with something to offer will put their predictions in print and publish on the internet.

Don't fall for abusers, psychics and so-called astrologers who are only financially motivated; use your intuition and use logic. Many people have suffered "psychic accidents." Not enough research or intuition is used to "save" you from unprofessional non-gifted people. There are plenty names out there for you to choose from where you will have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for a session or a reading. Fame doesn't make them good for you or your fate. Quite the opposite can take place by manipulating your own creative subconscious forces. See Ten Commandments to detect a Real Mentor.

In order to reach the scientific community I have to present my work on a rational level where logic and proof become valuable assets for any serious investigation. I have assembled some feedback and note to reinforce the reason why you should trust me and promote my work.

Warning. The next photo is shocking so we have only included a link.
Children and young adults should not view this unless accompanied by a parent or adult.


For example back in 1995 on Ch 10 television and also on KTAR radio in Phoenix Arizona I was invited by Pat McMahon, the news anchor in Phoenix (contact him if you feel the need) to do some predictions. I asked the host and his audience to write down the date of January 16th predicting a terrible earthquake on that day. On the very date I gave over 5000 people lost their lives in the Kobe Japan earthquake. Now the very next day I did the same with Ted Loman on his televised show "UFOAZ" in Tucson giving the same exact date. You may also contact Ted at

From: Ted
To: Dr.Turi
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 7:45 PM
Subject: Spot on

Dr. Turi, This letter is being sent to you because of the chatter caused by that disastrous Tsunami a half a world away. It was brought to my attention by a long time viewer, that you, while being a guest on our then Syndicated T.V. show Off the Record, taped out of Tucson AZ, that you predicted Spot On the Japan Quake some years ago. I would have to run through my tape log to find the exact words but let say for now, that other predictions aired that night, showed themselves to be also found factual. And now I hear that you've done it again, well my hat's off to you great job, and please stay in touch... Your friend, Ted Loman

From The list goes on with another professional broadcaster Jeff Rense who following another earthquake hit wrote…
Subject: Re: Show
I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20.... I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. Marvelous, the nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. I had another fine program with John Hogue last night. Be well, my friend.


An amazed NASA scientist wrote
///////> To:
Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again! If possible, I would really appreciate your sending me a copy of your "free" 1996 Top Universal Predictions. My email address is: ////

Keep up the good work.


It appears that Dr. Turi has "hit" one...later computations on the Fiji quakes of 1/27/98 place at least one of those quakes above the cases catalog is updated, percentages etc. will appear in the regularly appearing Dr. Turi report. Good job Dr. Turi!!!!!

Jr. John

Dear Dr. Turi:
I'm impressed. You were right on with the recent earthquake. On page 147-149 in your moon power book for August 17th thru the 21 you write "Pluto does not care much about the new Moon and could disturb the earth's belly, producing a bad earthquake."


Now for those who really want to have solid proofs and are willing to investigate the internet through "dejanews" here is the best one…

WWW -INTERNET - USGS - Message -ID: -sender (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi> Newsgroups - sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps - WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 - 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute - in rticleDG1t4H.v> DATE-Oct 6h, 1995 says...

POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995) -

>From Dr. Turi - Dear Sirs: - On Oct.8th and Oct.9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. <> Respectfully- Dr. Turi
SUBJECT: RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report results - Full proofs of predictions:

But please do not think for a second I am boasting by offering you unarguable proofs of my predictions. They are after all printed in my books and the dated printing process make them simply unarguable. I am offering these AS PROOF, it is in the hopes that you will want to know more, to learn the Universal Laws for yourself. The list goes on and on with the WTC drama, the WA sniper attack on innocent people, the FBI restructure, SARS disease, both shuttle destructions (regardless of my many attempts to reach NASA executives!) and so many more predictions that any reader can read by visiting I am only trying to show you the reader that you can trust me and my methodology is solid and reliable. I need your help so more lives can be saved in the future. Giving love, faith, hope and money to those in need is a must. However in the long run, it will not stop ignorance, and more deaths are to be expected in the future not only in Asia but anywhere in this world. The fact is that religion sets man against man for his beliefs, and sometimes creates more conflict and death than the combination of natural disasters and diseases; thus this can not be the answer. Sadly enough my very message will also be misread or misunderstood by some religious lunatics, insecure or small minded people. Again my message is for intelligent people that can perceive my aim, my honesty, my drive to help others with education. I am of course expecting some angry emails writen by ignorants incapable of vibrating to my level and will accuse me of using this dramatic situation to my advantage. Read me well and listen to your intuition and you will know this is not the case.

The same energy that produced both the deadly Asian tsunami following a 9.0 earthquake and the devastating Kobe earthquake were produced by the gravitational pull of the Moon. Also MANY other natural devastative forces.

Let's hope someday scientists will study astrology. Presently for fear of ridicule they are afraid to investigate this ancient science. Can you imagine what a contribution it will be to add the astrological timing of events to their knowledge? Right now by the time that seismographic needle starts to move it is much too late for people to flee the area and death is upon them. At this time I can foresee the markers for natural disasters and am sometimes frustrated that I cannot relay my message to the scientific community.

All that I do is scientific; it's logical and based upon 35 years of my own research, careful observation and information. I have developed a system with my software that allows me to make fast and accurate observations. By reviewing many endorsements and previous predictions anyone can judge the values of my predictions. Seismology has NEVER predicted an earthquake or even gotten close to predicting an earthquake. So far it has only been able to tell how strong the quake has been, and that is after the quake.

The same applies for the NWS in forecasting tornadoes or serious weather systems. Using Astropsychology, it is possible to pinpoint the most likely times dates years ahead. I have the forecasts in print and post these dates on my site, so anyone who wishes to track them can prove it to themselves. All vital branches of the government conducting weather research without exception could have so much more to offer if they would add my methodology to their forecasts. I am not saying or denying the value involving their systems and schooling, but it is incomplete without a more spiritual approach to the puzzle. That denial of the spiritual has become a liability to science. They can only do what they can because of their education and personal experiences but again if they knew more, they could save more lives. Nature's forces cannot be controlled but anticipated…If Astropsychology can contribute (and it does) certain window periods that have been so far VERY accurate, why not give it a chance? How many more deaths do we need to suffer? Do you really think a "sophisticated" electronic advisory system will be good enough to evacuate the entire West coast of California if a 9.0 hit a few miles west in the pacific ocean? Why not honor the word science and explore all avenues, including my methodology.

Some people have asked me but what is the point in doing your predictions if you can not give us a location? Well first realize that timing is everything and if I was allowed by the Seismology Institute to check on the faults activity I would also be able to give locations. But I do not have access to this very important data, just as they have no access to my timing. The scientists have the probablle locations using their sofisticated electronic equipment and I have for sure without no doubt the right timing. They could save so many lives if they would combine their methods with mine. In the name of ignorance this lack of understanding on their part allows for more deaths to occur when they could send advance warnings. Another thing about locations. There aee millions of locations. It would be a full time job for me to check every city or country in the world, every day. This could be done with sophisticated equipment that was set up to work automatically and flag possible trouble spots.

The very same energy that produced the Kobe quake took place again just before 7 a.m. (midnight GMT on Saturday December 2004). A massive earthquake -- at 9.0, the strongest in the world since 1964 -- struck just 160 kilometers (100 miles) off Aceh's coast. Sri Lankan authorities increased its death toll BY THE THOUSANDS ON A DAILY BASIS.

In all, at least 11 countries -- including the Maldives, Myanmar, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Tanzania -- were affected by the monstrous waves.

The moon is the closest heavenly body to the earth, and therefore has the strongest influence. She pulls the tides and affects the fluids in our bodies. That is why I warn people to be aware of the moon's fluctuations (or the moon passing through your dragon's tail). Note also that if you had gotten a taped Full Life reading from me you would know when the best and worst times to act would be. Knowing all this you could have cancelled your trip or waited for better auspices. That is what makes the difference between me being alive today or being one of the thousands of victims. But again Christmas holiday season dictates the timing you would say! Well guess what, its obvious that nature does not care about artificially created vacation times, or the birth of a religious figure. This reinforces that there is much more behind the words, "act of God" for any intelligent person.

My book Moon Power has real value to be able to save a person's life. It deals with present dates. Other biblical references or religious books can't do that and dwell only with the past or a gloomy future where mankind will perish because God is mad at them. This is why I am asking you to examine my work and perceive the value of it, and see it as not as promoting archaic material that has no grounding in the present day. Those religious references and doctrines apply only for a long gone God-fearing uneducated mentality largely made of pious peasants; NOT modern man. Too many people died in this tragedy and they had books with them, but mine was not there to heed them about the dangerous upcoming full moon. Many hotels all over the world have books for you to read in the privacy of your room, mine will not be there unless you know about my work and me.

You will get what you pay for and again many religious books are offered for free, I can't afford to give mine away and it is with all my heart that I wish I could do so, trust me. I get these kinds of offers daily: Free Bibles. It would have done more good for those people to avoid the water that day, than any religious book. My book could have done the job had they been given a chance to choose better timing. The island of Sinuelue was spared deaths because of a long-standing tradition. A superstition that has been handed down from their ancestors is to run to the hills whenever there is an earthquake. Because of this tradition, the islanders were in the mountains at the time the flooding would have taken many of their lives. This tradition did them more good than their religions, and was probably based on a tsunami that took place far back in history. Call it practicality but in this case it saved many people while others were praying their gods much too close to the beach and died in the process.

How and why did this tragedy take place on December 25, 2004? Some fanatically religious souls will blame it on that region's sexual activity and will say God punished them by cleaning out the entire area. The plain truth is that the moon was full, and the gravitational forces of our close satellite moved trillions of tons of water putting more pressure than usual on the tectonic plates producing abnormal seismic activity. But science will refuse to acknowledge that the moon plays an important part in our lives, period! It plays a part in our emotional response to life (Lunatic/Moody/crabby/etc.). In times of a full moon there are higher tides. Emergency departments become more active as the moon wreaks havoc on the Supraconscious of the masses.

The moon was full but other planets played a part in this tragedy too. The powerful planet Uranus is now in Pisces squaring Mars. Uranus rules earthquakes, the sudden release of energy, surprises; Pisces rules oceans, exotic places. These planets at a difficult aspect to Mars, added to the building of the energy. But again my students are aware of this fact not any religious group or traditional science, who are missing a wealth of important information that could significantly help in earthquake prediction.

One of my students wrote -

Dr. Turi;
When reviewing my ephemeris for 12/26/04 the Dragon was changing signs and occurred simultaneously with the full Moon in Cancer. Pretty amazing.

Millions of dollars are pouring into parts of the world touched by this terrible tragedy and that is the first thing that must take place to bring about relief to the victims. We can all donate materials or money to our favorite relief funds. However this calamity will happen again in the future and don't expect science or God to help you…ONLY EDUCATION will save well-informed people. My wish is that the whole world can learn the Universal Laws so that we can all live in harmony with nature. Nature doesn't have to kill us but until the celestial knowledge is understood and respected millions more will lose their precious lives.

There is a divine order written in light, a Universal code and the true language of the Divine coming from the heavens. No man commands the celestial power of creation, action and reaction and those laws are rigid and cannot be altered to fit a man made religion. Omitting those laws will bring more deaths in the future. Mankind by the order of the New Age of Aquarius must be made aware of that Universal code. It must replace the dogmatic religious teachings that have plagued this world of religious wars for centuries. These laws are NOT man made but written in light in the stars. It's my gift and hopes to offer it to the humanity. When will the world finally realize that God never wrote a book, man did; but man never wrote the universal laws, God did. Each of us is enslaved to rise to a higher vibration as we uncover the true language of God and his celestial will. The message got lost somewhere in time and has been replaced by man's foolishness imagination, fears and controlling evil spirits. The time is NOW and we can all do our part to pass my message along.

My own purpose is to promote cosmic consciousness to this world. I wish to someday build many Astropsychology schools for the children of tomorrow. Understand the importance of my mission and be a part of it in the unfolding world karma. Please help me, and invest in the future by promoting the true knowledge of the stars. For centuries many resources have been used to advance wasteful scientific research or religious doctrines while ignoring the deep, true spiritual side of life and its implications with natural laws. Times have changed and with the Age of Aquarius now upon us, the stars above do impose a new consciousness for mankind. Be a promoter of light and invest in the true light. The children of tomorrow need to gain cosmic consciousness and use the stars to live more productive and safer lives. Please communicate my work and help those in need to find guidance, comfort, direction and assistance in the celestial order. I hope in my books, courses, my website, and newsletter, that you will find the pathway to the stars and the realization of God's ultimate will throughout the Universe.

I would like to sincerely thank you for your patronage and wish all of you a very successful New Year. It has been my privilege, with my website and my newsletter to bring more cosmic consciousness to your life.

Walk in peace with your new knowledge of the stars

God bless you all

~ Dr. Turi

Do something to CHANGE your life; INERTIA is your worse enemy. Think of a top, you were born with a tremendous power to accomplish all your dreams but if you do not beat inertia by doing something special, anything unique you will fall on your side at the same place your started, DO SOMETHING, TAKE A CHANCE, "ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE" doing so will bring a possibility to use the Universe to work on your favor.

~ Healing With Love DVD Offer ~
Click here for descriptions and to order

Buy this DVD and get a free 90 mn hypnotherapy introduction tape


Let Dr. Turi locate for you personally, the most lucky dates for each month of the year 2005. The power of the Dragon is very real and riding his head will bring A GUARANTEED best chance for success. There are no accidents in life. Being at the right time in the right place to find love, sign a contract, travel, invest, get married or plan a very important event is a true possibility. Many of you have undoubtedly perceived my ability to predict negative events over the years with uncanny accuracy. Realize also that I can also pinpoint the BEST timing for you. Remember ignorance is evil while knowledge is power. You would not dare crossing the traffic light when the light is red. You must wait for the green light then proceed safely. Because you are NOT aware of the Universal law doesn't give you the right to either ignore or omit those subtle laws. In both the physical and spiritual worlds those laws are intolerant and must be obeyed. If not be ready for a heavy penalty, even loss of your life.

Those merciless Universal Laws were cast aside in the name of ignorance, mental snobbism, scientific elitism, religions, and fear of ridicule. However, you have an option to really test me and make the most of my wisdom. Unless you ask you will not receive your blessings. Ascending towards those celestial laws will build a solid cosmic consciousness. And with it your option to be at the right time at the right place. Take a chance on me and find out for yourself that I am real in my guidance. To all my subscribers I am offering you this option.

I will investigate your UCI (unique Celestial identity) and point out the best (green) and worst (red) energy for the full year. I will also point out your best months for success in 2005. Find your options to look for love, to start a business, to invest and to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right people that will promote your wishes. Be curious; do things you never tried before, take chances. Life is like is a great adventure where originality and inquisitiveness is the essence for success. Unless you make that decision nothing will change, but if you take a chance on me you will for sure be amazed.

SPECIAL Holiday deal: $160.00 S&H included I offer you a;

  • Full year Dragons' Head peak dates
  • 12 months Astrological transits
  • A 90 MN Hypnotherapy tape
  • Your personal 2005 Dragon Head and Tail predictions (date and place of birth needed)

ORDER   your service by filling out the form and faxing or emailing it to Dr. Turi.
A Breeze from the Stars
NASA spacecraft are monitoring an interstellar wind coming from the constellation Ophiuchus.

Keeping you Up to Date


Dr. Turi will be on these programs:

Your House is Your Home

Listen to the most relaxing cosmic music, visit our good friend Koz's website


Happy New Year, Dr Turi!
I forwarded your earlier message to many people on my email address list. I had a feeling that you had predicted something major for that recent time period when we had the tsuommis. You were shockingly on target date-wise.


Hello Dr. Turi:
Greetings from south Ga. I trust that all is well with you and your staff. Absolutely, there it is in print, your prediction on just what happened. When will mankind wake up, and get beyond silly religions, etc (that has proven not to work) ?????? Well, at least there are some of us out there who has gone beyond these foolish beliefs that the greater masses believe and follow. I'm really enjoying reading my 2005 MOON GUIDE. Again, Millions of Thanks for ALL THAT YOU ARE DOING TO TRY AND AWAKEN PEOPLE. JUST KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY OF US OUTHERE OF WHOM ARE MOST THANKFUL TO YOU....TAKE SPECIAL CARE.. WISHING YOU A MOST WONDERFUL AND SPECIAL HAPPY NEW YEAR.....

B// K/////

Dr.Turi's prediction of an earthquake is right on the dot. As of today over 14,000 people have been killed by tsunami across South East Asia from Malaysia, Thailand, Mildives, Sri Lanka and India.

The Holiday Season has turned into a tragedy and let's join our hand to pray for the all the victims and their families.


Hi Louis,
I just finished listening to Joseph's tape, it was wonderful, so insightful, I hope he get's your message, and changes his life. Because you mentioned if he doesn't change, this could happen again. Since tomorrow is a big party night, I told him, he must listen to this tape, today. I am bringing it to him today. Thanks for helping my son, see the light, I hope he listens. Thats all I can do, if he chooses not to listen, there's nothing else I can do, but be there for him, when he falls (like a Mother) hopefully he will take your messages and change. His next court date is Jan 25, the girls parents are thinking about whether they want to go through with this, and put their daughter through this. Hopefully it will turn out in Joseph's favor. Well love and Happy New Year to you , thanks for everything.


Below is my letter to CNN
YOur knowledge blows me away
I will buy the whole packages including
the lessons
I will spread the word
your site is invaluable
I even mentioned it to CNN

Keep up the fantastic work
your day will come

Sh///// L//
in Toronto Canada

(to CNN:)

In a perfect world this would be the only purpose for an Army
and the Navy, War against Disasters.
People are definitely moving too slow on this with their decisions. The President is more worried about replying
to comments made, rather than shirking it off and getting very busy. I know it's easy for us outsiders to sit and watch
and say, however it's also unbiased. We know they need
to bury the dead RIGHT away. And like Mel Lastman
did one winter in Canada where he brought in the army
to fight the snow. This is simply all that needs done right
now. No hesitations. Unfortunately due to shock and grief
these people are too horrified to make the corrrect decisions.
Others must come to their immediate rescue.
Prevention is the best cure, What about a cheap
Siren type alert from the olden days. A simple
evacuation signal.
And if they say this couldn't have been warned
it's simply untrue
I've just spend most of the weekend
reading Astrologers predictions almost to the very day
of this type of event.

one quote that Ignorance is the truest evil
couldn't be more true.

we're praying for all this suffering and those devastated
people that have been kept in 3rd world conditions
and suddenly all this money is available to them.tsk tsk..

How about giving it before hand to prevent this.
I guess the world thrives on disaster...
Too unfortunate

Sh//// L//
Singer and Artist
all musicians automatically pray for the less fortunate

Dr. Turi,

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. I've followed your work for the last 4 years. I've been astonished by your ability to predict our universal movement. I've referred many people to you and plan to do all I can, to get your word out in the future. Now, that the Head and Tail of the Dragon have finally moved I'm praying for more clarity and abundance!!!! As I mentioned, I live with a birth date of 8-31-47. I live in a progressive area, Asheville, NC. I believe you would be received very well here. Please connect me with your assist and we can begin brain storming. Any assistance you can give me, I assure you, will be returned 10 fold.


Dear Dr. Turi,
I am shocked with the subject earthquake.
Did u ever predict this quake in this region.If so why u did not alert the Govt.Agencies?I feel very sorry for this vast disaster.
So many people will go mad and mentally disturbed for years to come.
May I request your reply.? With regards.

J V J////

Dear Dr Turi,
Would you consider publishing predictions relating to the stock markets? There is an astrologer who makes his predictions using Vedic astrology.

His name is Mahendra Sharma. His website is He has been right on some predictions but he can also be very wrong too so it is hard to make any money using his system.

If you had one chapter in your Moon Power book specifically related to the markets (including futures markets like grains etc.) it would be interesting to read. (Or maybe a separate book for this purpose).

I saw on your site some predictions regarding the stock markets so I will be ordering your book as a result.

Thank You for sharing your amazing ability!

Wishing You All the Best for the Coming

New Year,

Dr. Louis Turi
Startheme Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 45257
Phoenix, Az. 85064-5257
– Tel (602) 265-7667 Fax: (602) 265-8668



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Artwork, editing and assembling by Madeline Rosenstein

"The stars are the elixir of life"

"All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds" "A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness "

- A. Einstein

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© Dr. Turi