Important announcement
Dear Readers:
I made the decision NOT to go with the ECTV Cruise to Belize because I do not support Mitch Batros "Apocalyptic" deadly message in his newsletters involving earth changes.
To his views all those changes are scientifically based but again none of those scientists and apocalyptic promoter possess cosmic consciousness and have NO clue of the stars implication in those recurring earth changes.
God did not put all of us on earth to simply die in a horrible death. Nature's power cannot be controlled but we can comply to her will with education. Remember my philosophy "the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought" and I truly believe in the human will power to generate positive thoughts that would alter the course of mankind's destiny.
The Mayan Calendar and the year 2012 predictions are NOT Apocalyptic in nature, the message is to emphasize only a change of consciousness that will affect mankind and the world at large. I recall a few year ago around the year 2000 when people thought of the end of the world and the YTK dilemma. Here I was on TV and radio dismissing the messages of those lunatics saying that we are approaching the end of times and that the coastlines of California will still be there and that your computer will function perfectly the day after the year 2000. Of course I was right again.
Well again and again let me say this to you; where were all those great and famous psychics and astrologers' predictions of the Iraq war? The 911 and the re- election of George Bush? What about President Clinton health, the assassination of judges, the Asia tsunami and the SARS virus?
Again if you are to follow someone's predictions common sense dictate to check his past and READ a well documented set of predictions all of those predictions mentioned above were printed in my books (the printing process makes them unarguable) and are available for you to read on my site under "predictions.
The problem is that many people are there to feed on your fears and regurgitate their own fears and ignorance on a God fearing uneducated population. With respect to the Mayan elders and their teachings one MUST be practical and INVESTIGATE if the predictions or teachings are well founded. Using the intrinsic human instinct of preservation for religions or to sell a tour is a good technique but there is more than what the eye can see. Going to a cruise should be pleasant and positive and not the last cruise you will ever attend.
I am completely against any form of negativity and sending out collected videos and deadly pictures of the tsunami to the world is not positive. I am strongly cautioning you to change your thought process and START to generate love, hope, faith in all that you do as the collective Superconscious in time and space (call it god) will bring about our fears or wishes.
Be a participant of light, you have a CHOICE, why succumbing to more fears, more poisoning in the name of financial gain at the end? See through those people and their message and STAY with the light, promote the light as we are intelligent productive humans and we are NOT doomed.
I am right now working on my own cruise where my message will be love and light and where my healing and teachings will regenerate each one of the attendants. IF you signed up to my newsletter all the details schedule, location, pricing etc. will be available soon. I will offer much more than a deadly message, instead my very personal touch FOR FREE!
I will take care of your body mind and spirit in the setting of an incredible Mexican spa retreat where all the best of the best will be offered.
So now you know that I cannot be a participant and a promoter of a message I don't support, endorse or teach. The choice is yours to go in a cruise and comeback healed, smarter and completely regenerated.
Note that I will be on Coast To Coast on Wednesday June 15 from 11 to 2 am PT.
Don't miss this incredible show and be ready for some serious information and fun time
Blessings to all
Subject: Dr. Turi Calendar
Are you Someone Who:
· Wants a Clearer Vision of The Future?
· Yearns to Have More Knowledge Regarding What's Really Going On in Our World?
· Would Feel More Comfortable With a Bit More Security Around?
· Is Open to Explore Options with Other Light Workers Regarding the Higher Work That Needs to be Done?
· Is Ready to Move Into Worldwide, Spiritual Service?
· Wants to Become Empowered (Overnight) with Knowledge, Light, and Strategies for Action?
Then, this conference is for YOU.
Come to this "once-in-a-lifetime event" at the Airport Sheraton in Phoenix,
June 25-27, 2005.