Hello Readers:

Well the date of 5/13/06 given to George Noory on his show in January 2006 has proven (as usual) to be a special one. Mandatory evacuations are under way on the island of Java, as scientists warned that an explosion from one of Indonesia's most dangerous volcanoes could be imminent. Again remember my Dragon dates are designed to make you aware of a very special timing for nature’s destructive forces.

These window also involves men’s affairs and all explanations and current news are on my website. Make sure to let George Noory know about the dates I gave him and my predictions when they come true.

Email him at george@coasttocoastradio.com

His Producer at coastproducer@yahoo.com

Next time I am on the air with George I will offer my 2006 Moon Power for FREE so everyone can read Moon Power and make a good use of my real wisdom for the rest of the year.

On may 18 the movie “Nostradamus” and my segment/predictions will air on the Discovery channel all over Europe. So if you are in the UK or anywhere in Europe watch the show.

Here is two special announcements for you.

Summer Solstice in Chaco Canyon - June 20-23, 2006

Greetings! This is the first of many emails for those attending, or still contemplating the Chaco Canyon excursion. We will need to submit room deposits this week so it is important for those who want to join the fun to let us know in the next few days. We still have room for 10 more who want to camp in the Canyon the night of the 20th. We have room for a few non-campers who will have dinner with us in the Canyon then head up to Farmington to the Travelodge.

This year is very unique in that the exact solstice point is reached at 6:26am and we will be at Casa Rinconada for the 6:05 am sunrise observance. We can allow ourselves to travel in our minds to be with those who marked the solstice many times in the past. A civilization not unlike others, who acknowledged that without the cycle of the sun which includes the northern and southern treks to 23 degrees from the equator, we would not experience the seasons as we know them. The seasons allow us a time for planting and harvesting and for reflection.

A message from Ken Opkins

You may reach Ken at sportsastrologer@prodigy.net

Coming soon we will be taking a survey for your meal choice for the canyon dinner. Some who would like to camp may need a tent mate or if someone has an extra tent that can be used for a night be sure and let us know in case we need you to bring it. Also we'll need two or three cook stoves for breakfast preparation.

Celebrate the Summer Solstice in Chaco Canyon (Commitments needed by Monday, May 17th! )

Chaco Canyon, located in northwest New Mexico, is called America's Stonehenge as the ancients established a way of observing the solar and lunar cycles. This is the only ancient civilization that we know of that tracked both cycles!

The excursion begins early on Tuesday, June 20th. Thirty participants will camp at Chaco Canyon for the evening while others will go on to Farmington and motel rooms for the night. Telescope viewing of the night sky will be available at the observatory. The ancients had a solstice marker at Casa Rinconada and that is where campers will have the opportunity to welcome the solstice sun at 6:05am.

Native celebratory dancers will be there for the daybreak ceremony. Everyone will join for a picnic lunch on the 21st in the Canyon and have other opportunities to see the dancers and. view of several ruins and a trip to the park service store and theatre. All will spend the evening of the 21st in motel rooms in Farmington. The next day after breakfast, the group will head for the Four Corners area so all will have the opportunity to stand in four states at once. Then it's on to Chinle, Arizona where we'll spend the afternoon taking in the sites and sights of Canyon De Chelley.

We'll have dinner at the motel restaurant that features Navajo, Chinese and American fare. The evening will be time for a short gathering then we can enjoy the indoor pool, small group discussions, or retire to the rooms. The 23rd we'll get back on the road after breakfast and begin our trip back to the Valley of the Sun. We 'll have a brief stop at The Hubble Trading post at Ganado. We should arrive back at the church about 4pm.

SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Louis Turi, frequent guest on George Noory's Coast to Coast program. Dr. Turi specializes in an astrological system used by Nostradamus. Dr Turi will be staying in the Canyon June 20th and be with us for the day on the 21st. He will do everyone’s forecast for the next 2 years using the location of the Dragon in your chart and teach the Power of the Moon. www.drturi.com Cost: $240 if paid by May 15th. Campers are limited to 30 so let us know ASAP if you want to camp with us, otherwise, you'll be staying in a motel room that evening. Cost covers rooms (dbl occ), gas, transportation, permits to the Canyon, and the picnic on the 21st.

Cost: $240. After May 15th, $260 You can secure your spot with a non-refundable 50% deposit received by May 15th. :. Total number of attendees limited to 50. Make checks payable to: Interfaith Unity Church, and mail to 1731 W. Baseline, Suite 108, Mesa, AZ 85202. Please designate check for Chaco Canyon trip. Contact: Ken Hopkins 480-516-1960 All attendees will receive an information packet and survey when we receive payment. The Travelodge in Farmington and Best Western at Chinle are the motels. Adult singles, couples and well-behaved children six and over welcomed.

Here is an email from a movie produce friend Jose Escamilla

Many of you know about my four incredible and SOLID UFO experiences and what transpired on August 11, 2001. All was divulged in great details in June 2005 on the George Noory Coast To Coast international radio show. Then and there I prove to George the “downloading” of the Universal Mind’ secrets by giving him the exact dates of ALL hurricanes and made a solid prediction for him to do a TV shown early 2006. He did not know then he was going to produce a movie for pay per view television for his world wide humongous audience with tops psychics including myself.

So far for those who have investigated my premonitions, EACH of those given dates has been significant including the tremendeous Latino movement that took the US by surprise an dmost of the major news.

For those who do not know what happened to my ex wife Brigitte and I in the belly of flying saucer I am offering you the chance to realize how real and dramatic this UFO phenomenon really is. I am offering you both a 90 MN tape of that incredible show with George of my four UFO experiences and a set of DVD titled “Fate of the World” for only $ 40.00 and NO S&H. Do not use my website for any deals you get from my newsletters the system will not give you any break. Next newsletter deal will be about ACG or when and where to relocate an duse the best of the stars in any city in this world to find love, money, health or a great career opportunity.

For the current deal please send your check or money order to

Dr. Turi
4411 N. 23Rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85016 - or fax your credit card information at 602-265-8668.

Please read his and contact Jose at Jose@theUFOmovie.com if you need information or wnat to participate in the UFO movie.

Louis, My Brother!

Jose Escamilla here! I want you to look at the first 20 minutes of my film! Send the Press Release to everyone you know, I want to make it be known this is
coming up!

Check out the Press Release and hit the links! I want you to be with us when we premiere the film here in LA, so let's stay in touch okay? YOU are my brother and always stay in touch with you okay?

Best wishes always,

Jose Escamilla

===========PRESS RELEASE===========

UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied Somewhere in the back of your mind you've always known it was true

Attention: UFO Researchers / UFO Groups / Organizations / Web Site Owners!


UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied is the film that for the first time in the thousands of years of documented sightings and decades of official denial,proves that UFOs are real and that they have been among us all along.

We are urging all UFO organizations, groups, clubs and individuals to join us in hosting screenings of the film on July 8, 2006, during the 59 Year Anniversary of the Roswell UFO Crash.

There are screenings already being planned by UFO and Paranormal groups and organizations such as MUFON LA (The Mutual UFO Network-Los Angeles branch), screenings in Canada are being coordinated by radio and TV networks, screenings in Kansas City, New York, Denver, Seattle, London, Hong Kong and other cities are being planned. My premiere screening in Roswell, New Mexico, which is my hometown, is in the works.

The film, to this point has been funded through my web design company, sales of Rods DVDs and through personal loans. There are costs involved in the promotion and publicity of the film worldwide. In order to facilitate the release we need funds to market the film worldwide. So I have decided to do what other filmmakers are doing to get their controversial films distributed.

One of the most creative means that independent filmmakers are using is selling credit listings in their films. People that have been supportive of our film and it's message have already started buying credits that are listed in the end credit roll of the film.

For $ 50.00, your name will be included with the Producers of the film during the end credits under the heading of Special Thanks. You or your club / group members will be listed in the end credits of the film.

Whether you list your name, or remain anonymous, is your choice. We can also make a dedication "In Memory of a Loved One."

Our goal is to include as many names of people from all over the world who have known UFOs are real. All credits will be listed on the web site and other printed materials about the film. Even if the credits take twenty minutes to roll out it makes no difference to me (Jose Escamilla). We have had sixty years of Official Denial and it's time to share with the world the numbers of people worldwide who have wanted the truth finally revealed. This is the film that delivers the end to over sixty years of official denial. I have a special link for you, or members of your group or organization, to purchase a credit space.

Buy as many as you want! We also have Co-Producer Credits and Associate Producer Credits available.


For every member that purchases a credit in our film, your organization or group receives 20%.

I am including a link for you to see the first 20 minutes of the film. Keep in mind this is a rough cut with a scratch voice narrative. The film will be approximately 100 minutes in length and there is an enormous amount of NASA, Moon UFOs, RODS (for those who thought they were nothing but insects you're going to need some very large nets), and other mind
blowing footage that is going to shock the world and put to rest sixty years of official denial. A DSL or faster connection is required for this to be viewed. Or you can view the faster loading movie trailer.

Please join in the grassroots movement that finally proves to the world what we've known all along.

The Official Web Site: theUFOmovie.com

View the 20 minute rough cut of the film:


View the Movie Trailer:


Purchase a Credit space:


Host a screening of the film:


If you are not interested in this film, please excuse the intrusion. Pass this on to someone you feel would see the movie.

Email: Jose@theUFOmovie.com

NOTE: We are not a non-profit organization. You are purchasing screen credit and this is not tax deductable. You are receiving this message because you signed requesting the Borderlands Network, interested in Rods, or contacted Jose Escamilla requesting more information, or purchased a DVD. If you wish to unsubscribe reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and you will be removed immediately. Jose@theUFOmovie.com


Meet Samantha and I May 27, 28 at the CONSPIRACY CON SF Bay area.


Greetings to all truth-seekers and freedom-fighters!

Thank you for visiting the official website for CONSPIRACY CON. This annual conference is a bold and serious approach to serious issues, dedicated to providing a forum for those who say what few are willing to say and facilitated in an atmosphere of goodwill, integrity and fun. Each year several of the most controversial speakers in the world gather to share their knowledge of many different issues (rarely or never addressed by our controlled media), which profoundly affect us all. Just some of the subjects covered are: Mind Control, Secret Societies, Shadow Government,

The Federal Reserve, 9-11, Occult Technologies, Suppressed Knowledge, New World Order, etc. This can even include looking to the manipulation of humanity by non-human intelligences... be they alien, inter-dimensional, demonic, satanic... whatever consciousness it is, operating on (and in) this planet, that looks upon humankind as sheep and cattle to be herded and slaughtered at will.


Join me and celebrate the Summer Solstice in Chaco Canyon. I will teach you the Secret of the Moon and how to use our closest satellite to get all your wishes by respecting her wereabouts.I will also do YOUR personal predictions, so join us and have a blast!


Chaco Canyon, located in northwest New Mexico, is called America's Stonehenge as the ancients established a way of observing the solar and lunar cycles. This is the only ancient civilization that we know of that tracked both cycles!

June 20-23, 2006 - drturi.com/2006-ChacoCanyon.php


I have only four seats left for my Live course in Hawaii next June. HURRY let me change your life for the best!
