“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
Take cover heed my warnings!
Next Universal SOS to the world window is set for January 30th February 2nd then 21st – This cosmic wind will displace thousands of people and stir man made dramatic news. The software I use to make my “weather Forecasts” is a life saver to those heeding my warnings living in dangerous zones. I am expecting serious natural disasters with the high possibility of earthquakes above 6.0.
Meantime unless you are aware of your 2015 Personal cosmic biorhythms those “Acts of God” have no personal values for you. God speaks only through the signs and to those curious enough to learn how to decipher the cosmic code rules. As I did in my last few radio shows and articles, today, January 24, 2015 I am once again warning the public!
My good friend Jeffrey Gonzalez is giving me another opportunity for “an encore” on his show and I can only appreciate his gut! No many radio or TV hosts are as concerned with the truth as he and others radio and TV hosts have demonstrated in the past. I am so thankful for offering me the voice I need to expose the conspiracy against Divine Astrology and Dr. Turi.
Only a few months ago, had you googled Dr. Turi, the staggering numbers were around 7 millions, today the results are 230,000. I am posting endlessly all over social media, I have been on coast to coast for years and enjoyed a few national TV shows and instead of coming up, the numbers are going down. Indeed the “electronic” Iluminati are slowly shutting me down…
And this is why I know, sooner or later, I will be forced out of the public, because my undeniable predictive work is seriously offending science and disturb the status Quo. Soon I will only be allowed to reach and educate my VIP’s on the Cosmic Code website only, and this is why I did not stop feeding your spirit just yet!
You have yet to realize Astrology is far from a wasteful pseudoscience when practiced by gifted people. However, If you are an atheist or religious, all you have to do is wait for God cosmic divinity to speak through me and, as usual, see all my “predictions” unfolding on CNN!
The insecure young soul will perceive my ultimate confidence as an ego trip while the atheist’s intelligence always end up vexed by the reality of my work and my direct approach to life!
“The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness!” Dr. Turi
Translating and comprehending the hieroglyphs of the Universe is not for the dry atheist mind or the deceived religious fools…
From January 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows
Jan 30, Feb 2 – 21 (48 hours centering the dates)
Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.
If you know someone with a radio or TV show, submit this article and my email address turitrue@gmail.com – Do you part please, share and help me warn the world! Thank you.
Dr. Turi
Join my 8000 VIP list ASAP. Read Dr. Turi endless Cosmic Code Newsletter solid guidance and prediction for 2015 – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with us for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world, be warned!
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

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