Click image above to purchase the 2016 / 2017 Dragon Forecast
Note: In ELECTION DAY November 8th 2016 SOS TO THE WORLD!
I wrote; “A few days before the election be aware of ///////: Use extreme caution. The ///////////many and the deadly fight for power will be boiling in all dark corners. The next two weeks are going to be /////////////////.”and Russia will make big time news too! “A suivre.”
A SUIVRE! and this is what I meant with the latest news on CNN…
Trump rushed off stage at campaign rally; protester says he was roughed up
Update: 11/6/2016 – The “shocking” piece of new involving Trump and the FBI is NOT an accident, but more of an omen of what the Cosmic Code (God cosmic will) will impose during the very original 2016 elections.
You may recall this warning issued October 29, 2016 in“ELECTION DAY November 8th 2016 SOS TO THE WORLD – Part 2.Memo;“Just before the elections Hillary Clinton is suffering her 2016 negative personal cosmic biorhythms…
The good news for her, is that; a few days before November 8 (elections day) Trump will also experience one of his 2016 negative cosmic biorthyms!
Those cosmic winds will affect and change the political tide in Clinton’s favor as the reptilius are in need of fear, chaos and disorder to survive and the oblivious mass of unconscious people will respond to the destructive will of the reptilius.
After this election all hell will break lose from the opposition and both Clinton and Trump will be both in serious danger of assassination…
But how far should I go divulging the divine?”The reptilius are relentless and need all the fear, the chaos, the greed, the depressions, the abuses, your gullibility and your skepticism in their deadly agenda to succeed…
Update 10/21/2016 – Disturbing reports from Russia and Israel.
Update: 10/15/16 – World War 3?
Prediction #1: – This dragon will induce ///////////, while promoting the very new and imposing exceptionable technological discoveries as well as ////////////////////
Update 10/23/16: Ex-Kodak Engineer reveals why he doesn’t use his professional camera anymore: “What a waste of money, all I need is this tiny lens on my phone.”
The test run of a futuristic elevated bus cruising over the top of cars in China has generated a lot of buzz.
Check my past, visit the future!
This is a modified introduction sample to what you will read once you order your new “2017 Nostradamus Personal Horoscope and Predictions.”
You can order it today by following the directions offered below!
We brought the price down to $5.00 so everyone interested in their 2017 personal and Universal horoscope and predictions can afford our cosmic work.
I did also brought the 2016 Nostradamus Dragon forecast for all signs to $5.00 so more people can check its values and invest in the new 2017 version.
This is now a downloadable E book version(ORDER NOW!)
but if do not like to use your credit card on insecure websites I understand you well! Our order site is VERY secure but you may rather have your personal file emailed to you, then you MUST ask for it via email by using
Terania will take care of your credit card transaction safely and the large file will be emailed to you via send – space.You may also use PayPal, or send $5.00 cash to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix AZ 85016. Credit card options for any other services are available on our website.
Click here to purchase the 2016 Dragon Forecast for only $5.00
I will soon stop offering my full cosmic code articles educational material and my predictions because following a few predicted terrorist attacks, not many people, including the secret services; seemed to care about… “July 16 2016 Deadly Window.”
As of 2017, Terania and I will be concentrating only on our paying VIP’s within the Cosmic Code private website and continue sharing all our traveling experiences, with pictures and videos; while offering you, accurate personal and universal guidance and predictions available on the Internet throughout the year 2017…
See those pictures…Lastly there will be NO MORE full articles, predictions or SOS to the world deadly windows offered to the public. Only short bulletins with old articles links posted on our Facebook page!
Thank you,
Dr. Turi
Introduction;September 20th, 2016Dear readers;Thank you for investing in my cosmic wisdom and your trust in my work! I hope you will make good use of my warnings involving the 2016 Neptunius Dragon still cursing the world.Its impact upon your life, your loved ones and the world at large is obvious if you can incorporate all the deadly news with my predictions. Since then horrible terrorists acts have plagued the world, including in my own country in Nice, France. All those evil acts took place during my 2016 “SOS to the world deadly windows. Read more in my last publicized article titled; “July 16 2016 Deadly Window.”
Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poisonis Mad SpiritusRead the article –
76 billion gallons of oil waste dumped into the Gulf in 2014 alone
national radio August 3, 2015 – Some of you may recall my words to George Noory on Coast To Coast am, ” I see a lot of problems with water and poisoning…“
Published February 11, 2013
“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, dams, water, inundations, flooding, etc.
”Check my past, judge my the future – 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal ForecastTime for Dr. Turi to be back on CTC and reach George and his producers.
– (When signing up for Coast Insider, you have special access to George Noory via a private e-mail system. George often uses listener emails in presenting the show. With this system, you can communicate your thoughts and opinions to George as he makes each night’s broadcast.) If it sounds like something worth talking about on Coast to Coast AM, the producer may call you. It’s that easy.
This cosmic poisoning fluid has engulfed the entire world and the Middle East fulfilling a “religious war” prediction I made back in March 2005 on the Art Bell Show and many more times on the George Noory national radio programs.
The sad reality is now obvious and seems unavoidable with ISIS plaguing the Middle East and the world at large.But this is how a Cosmic God imposes his will upon his children to acknowledge its cosmic divinity.
This nefarious Neptunius Dragon is very illusive, very deceptive, extremely addictive and very religious and marks the end of Age of Pisces and the true awakening of the New Age of Aquarius.
Many lost souls from all walks of life and nations, including the US, are joining the dance of evil lead by (ISIS.)
Many infected souls and their innocent victims will perish in the process and nothing has been done originally by the secret services to find a solution to anticipate, prevent and stop those awful terrorist attacks. When, a few years ago, I first saw this picture, BOY POSES WITH SEVERED HEAD I knew the “Spirit of Hitler’s legacy” working through the 2015 Arian Draconis was going to do serious damage to humanity, and God was I right!
Here are the very latest 2016 attacks on humanity! 2016 Nice attack – ISIS targets minority group; 80 dead, 260 hurt – Munich killer 18; most victims teens.The battles on earth is a reflection of the same type of battles taking place in the heavens with the reptilius infecting souls (ISIS/killers) aiming for humanity psychical poisoning and absolute power over this world.
There are solutions available to end this phenomenon but those in power also control the information and ignore my cosmic work.An inefficient stubborn secret services still refuse to investigate new ways to re-mediate this unstoppable cancer.
The future depend on the unifying spirit of God’s cosmic divinity, as religions and other ridiculous belief systems are used and the core of humanity psychical steady decay is imposed by those nefarious entities.
Introducing the world to God real cosmic consciousness
Your support counts towards helping battle the “reptilius” to make the world cosmic conscious before the next 50 years and avoid humanity total self destruction.
The world should become “cosmic” educated outside of the religious and scientific matrixes monopolizing all forms of education but the corrupt system own you! A godless worlds run by atheists and science is as bad as ISIS ruling this world!
I am sure more curious souls will join our “cyber cosmic university” and enjoy our articles, forecasts, personal and universal guidance and predictions and particularly my 2017 SOS to the world deadly windows.
Show your support by suggesting all your loved ones to join and, if you are not yet, become a VIP to the Cosmic Code website.
The battle to save humanity from the nefarious reptilius poisoning the psyches of billions of people on earth cannot be helped without your support.As of today I will only post bulletins from Draco the Draconis benevolent ET’s Face book page and if you never heard of this spirit before, please take the time to read all about our divine connection…
Welcome to Your Personal Horoscope for 2017
Memo: This is not yet a currently a downloadable E book version, if you want your personal file emailed to you BEFORE the year 2016 expires, you MUST ask for it via email by using and the large file will be safely emailed to you via send-file.
You may also use PayPal, or send $5.00 cash to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix AZ 85016. Credit card options are not available or set just yet in our website.
Because of the price break, we are expecting a very large response, thus be patient with us, you will receive your file within a week or so.
Important note:Born and raised in Provence, France, I rekindled and exercise only Nostradamus’ 16th-century Divine Astrology method. This formula does not reflect the modern astrology disciplines you may use, study or practice. Realize that over 500 years ago the famous Prophet did not use a watch or any sophisticated computers.Like the great seer, I investigate the cosmic code with my inborn spiritual telescope.
A “microscopic attitude” will not help science or anyone gain the key to spiritual wisdom or cosmic consciousness. This limited expletive attitude is for scientists and astronomers alike who have long lost their spiritual values and replaced it with stationary scientifically oriented minds. We have all heard of missing the forest looking at a tree.
Every one of them is aware of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac; somehow it is impossible for them to pass the limitation of their five rational human senses and enter the intuitional domain of the stars or accept the cosmic code jurisdictions as a reality…While many use astrology for manipulative purpose or black magic. To penetrate the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness is a serious task that demands curiosity and a inborn advanced UCI (Unique Celestial Identity).
Decoding the subtle meaning behind the symbols of the Zodiac within the structure of the Universal Mind involves more than a logical mind. You may learn much more about any and all subjects under the stars from my cyber cosmic university – More and more spiritually advanced souls are joining our work, slowly discovering God’s Divinity speaking through the signs.In time, in space millions of “young” scientists or religious souls are simply unable to see pass their 5 limited human senses during the course of this current incarnation.
They do have eternity to bring forth their own cosmic consciousness other incarnations as human are immortal spirits re-birthing and operating on a dense physical world called Earth.Realize divine astrology, is an extremely old celestial art and a very complex art and science and must be practiced as such. Not everyone is blessed with the “gift” of perception needed to assimilate, understand and translate correctly the divine order of the creator and read the hieroglyphs of the universe…
“I will talk to you; but you won’t hear me!
I will present myself to you; but you won’t see me!
God speaks to us within his own celestial creation and through his Divine cosmic spirit; only advanced souls will perceive his will.
But the human will (or the part of God in each one of us) is stronger than fears or skepticism and with education humanity can expand its own cosmic consciousness enabling the human mass with time, to “perceive and receive” the real manifestation of God cosmic divinity.
For those born on the cusp of any zodiacal sign, simply refer to the month of your birth, which reflects the exact constellation of your nativity. If you know your rising read your forecast for your ascendant too.
Divine astrology, as practiced by Nostradamus is the creation of Astropyschology/Astroforensics and its unique software enunciate a more accurate and simplistic way at handling and looking at the stars through signs and symols.
You may join our star student family by taking the Astropsychology course by mail.Another article on Nostradamus
There should be no reason for you to feel or be alone in this wonderful world. Soul mates do exist. I found mine, regardless how hard and deceptively; sophisticated the forces of evil are.I survived cancer, valley fever, pneumonia, deadly accidents and violent enemies in both the open and hidden worlds.
Those forces are real and can only be explained and removed by a gifted soul doctor. There is no denying the existence of both the physical and spiritual realms. The benevolent Draconis hear your prayers and somehow, stimulate you to land on us because the depth of your questions or situations can be attended and remedied through this cosmic expertise.
Indeed you are in good hands with us but your biggest challenge is your fears, or what those nefarious reptilius need to keep you trapped in darkness.Once you are done here, you will join thousands of other seeking souls who have only the beautiful truth to say about the regenerative, values of my cosmic work.…
To counteract the negativity found above with my upcoming SOS to the world deadly window warnings, we are rekindling our July 4th deal but for only 48 hours. Make the most of it!
- Get a 90 mn taped Full Life Reading for $210 (usually $310) or a VIP live Skype consultation for $350 (usually $700). Please DO NOT CALL. E- mail instead and she will e-mail or call you back to set up your request.
- Deal #2: We are also offering all readers to join us in the Cosmic Code private website for 3 months for only $10 as another trying period! Order now then email Terania right away!
If you need to develop or refine your cosmic vibrations, attract love and light, UFO’s, luck, health, wealth, or repel bad luck, the reptilius infestation and curses I can only strongly recommend you to read all about “The Power of my Talismans.“
Health Talismans deal – Regularly a Universal talisman cost $1500, with a live VIP Skype session, but you can get it for half price or $750 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
Regularly a UFOs (or health, work, love and career ) talisman cost $500 but you can get it for half price or $250 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first. E- mail:
Again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the cosmic code, God cosmic divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell!
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Modern Astrology classifies the Dragon’s Head and Tail as the South and North Nodes of The Moon. The Moon directly affects the world and human affairs including Nature’s forces at work.
The North Node of The Moon or the Dragon’s Head, is a positive energy, a form of protective “Wheel of Fortune,” pushing the soul towards self-realization, opportunities, safety, success and sure happiness.
There is more power, more opportunities, more predictions, more success and more information in your natal Dragon alone than the entire complexity of your astrological chart!
How will the 2017 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using the “Power of the Dragon” at your advantage.
Order the 2016 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast
For All Signs on sale for only $5!2016 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs: reduced to $5 (This is a downloadable Adobe Acrobat file, not a shipped book)
Important note; If you prefer hard copy of any of Dr. Turi’s books please order directly from or
“For those who know me, my UFO’s predictive legacy and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the future! Dr. Turi