Dear readers;
I still wonder how anyone can deny my visions when they are dated and published but some people are just unable and unwilling to accept my God given gift. I also understand some of my visions of the future are very scary but I can not be blamed for the world’ stupidity or their cosmic unconsciousness.
And the truth is, from top to bottom; all powerful world leaders, politicians and 99.9% of the humans are cosmic unconscious and ignorant of the super-conscious nor will never be able to accept the detrimental reptilius agenda dictating their doomed destiny.
Humans are indoctrinated by all abusive religious, scientific, sports and political entertainment matrixes… Trump, Clinton wage scorched reptilius infected debate or the loss of Kim Kardashian diamonds necklace and NASA Mars idiocy will immediately make international news.
And a real cosmic God’s work to help and warn humanity of it’s impending fate is ignored. Thanks to Satan minions my work is confined and ridicule… Google, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi – Dr. Turi MDUS People can’t handle the truth period!
It also seems human beings can’t exit their accepted comfortable idiotic zones or realize the power they own over their own destiny. Nor are they able to accept the mission of clarifing who and what God and the reality of UFO’s is all about… Help to fight the reptilius
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” – Albert Einstein
Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness
Back in July 2015 I published a set of predictions on the cosmic code private website for our VIP’s and specifically asked everyone of them NOT to share my visions. I also made my work dirt cheap and brought the personal and universal 2017 Nostradamus predictions to only $5.00 so everyone could afford it.
Prediction #4: The fear of cyber and nuke attacks and our vulnerability will become a reality prompting the secret services to take drastic actions calling out the world best ingenious, gifted brains to stop China, Russia future cyber warfare. I did not have to wait for 2017 to see one of my visions to become a reality…
Memo from Facebook – Look at the date… Louis Turi ·
“WAR READY Putin orders all Russian children and relatives studying abroad to return to the ‘motherland’ as he ‘prepares for WWIII’ – Be warned of the upcoming Full Moon in Aries (war/explosions) and use the stars and the moon as God intended humanity to discover and use instead! How will this lunation affect the world, you and your loved ones? Become a VIP to read and learn all about the 2017 Universal Predictions http://www.drturi.com/st…/books/nostradamus-dragon-forecast/ and the cosmic code secrets https://www.drturi.com/store/cosmic-code-membership/“
Update 10/21/2016 – Disturbing reports from Russia and Israel.
Update: 10/15/16 – World War 3? Barack Obama Could Take A Major Step Toward War With Russia On Friday – Obama administration asks CIA to prepare revenge cyber attack against Russia
Update 10/11/2016 – Russia moves nukes to Europe border! Update 8/2/2016 – South China Sea dispute heats up — Feds probing Clinton campaign hacking – Hackers preying on US companies send the cash to China and Hong Kong
2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast (public)
Check my past, visit the future!
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio August 3, 2015 – Some of you may recall my words to George Noory on Coast To Coast am, ” I see a lot of problems with water and poisoning…“

August 11, 2015 a few days later EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange
Russian river turned red by waste
Matthew: Devastating flooding proved me right again!
Floods cause disaster in N. Korea
Deadly Floods Hit North Korea, Eastern China and the Russia
Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy
Historic Louisiana flooding
Heaviest rain in 100 years swamps city
Record rain floods Miss. homes
Disastrous flooding continues to swamp Texas, Louisiana
If I was right in the past maybe you should heed my warnings for the future to help save the world while we can. Are you able to deal with the truth or challenge my predictions?
George’s guests are interesting and entertaining but can he and his guests accept the undiluted truth and what the future hold? Time for Dr. Turi to be back on CTC and reach George and his producers.
George Noory george@coasttocoastam.com – (When signing up for Coast Insider, you have special access to George Noory via a private e-mail system. George often uses listener emails in presenting the show. With this system, you can communicate your thoughts and opinions to George as he makes each night’s broadcast.) If it sounds like something worth talking about on Coast to Coast AM, the producer may call you. Write to: CoastProducer@aol.com
Try also Lisa Lyon producer, Coast to Coast AM – lisa@coasttocoastam.com and Tom Danheiser – producer, Coast to Coast AM – tom@coasttocoastam.com
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Modern Astrology classifies the Dragon’s Head and Tail as the South and North Nodes of The Moon. The Moon directly affects the world and human affairs including Nature’s forces at work.
The North Node of The Moon or the Dragon’s Head, is a positive energy, a form of protective “Wheel of Fortune,” pushing the soul towards self-realization, opportunities, safety, success and sure happiness. There is more power, more opportunities, more predictions, more success and more information in your natal Dragon alone than the entire complexity of your astrological chart!
How will the 2017 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using the “Power of the Dragon” at your advantage.
Order the 2016 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs on sale for only $5!
2016 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs: reduced to $5 (This is a downloadable Adobe Acrobat file, not a shipped book)
Important note; If you prefer hard copy of any of Dr. Turi’s books please order directly from www.lulu.com or Amazon.com.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi