Dear readers;
CHECK MY LATEST PREDICTIONS ABOUT NATURAL DISASTER! Locate Events AND Environment for JUNE 22, 23, 24, 25 below: “The Moon’s Waxing energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people may be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters.”
New Moon — June 24, 2017 in Cancer: With the Moon so close to the earth, this specific lunation will have an important effect on //////////////////////////// This lunation could represent a very significant part of your destiny, even for the United States of America, a Cancer nation (July 4th 1776). You may be forced by the universe to/////////////////////// Many will be affected and forced to move on due to war and/or natural catastrophes or simply to further specific wishes.
Storm makes landfall, threatens millions
Posted by Dr. Turi on June 1, 2017 at 10:30 am in Cosmic Coders Only
June 23 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
America / Beginning / Ending of War / Real Estate / Families / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.
The fact is the timing for my predictions (quatrain and keywords) is simply unarguable and make my forecasts not only reliable but also ahead of time. Millions of Americans on the road today were NOT able to avoid the costly, dangerous chaos they are in fleeing nature because the famous “talking heads” and the religious or atheist souls who could warn others with my cosmic work are afraid of the ridicule or going to hell!
Meteorologists Idiocy!
Billions of dollars are going into the wrong researches, the wrong endeavors to feed the reptilius infected religious and scientific matrixes while the news-media and my enemies will make sure my warnings is ridicule and never reach you.
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” — Swift
Update – 6/22/2017 – 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala – “It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside!” Who will dare to deny my earthquakes (above 6.0) predictions? Only illiterate idiots, religious fanatics or atheists morons!
VIDEO of another 6.0 (and above) quake prediction no one can deny!
Show your support for a modern prophet!
Help spread the signs and save lives. Share GOD COSMIC DIVINITY with humanity!
Show your support by BECOMING A VIP!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi
Do not expect the scientific indoctrinating matrix run by the spiritually brain dead majority of Millennials to remotely grasp the importance of my work and its critical benefits offered to the secret services and the general public!
Thus, after reading my work, share my work widely and help save lives with our monthly forecasts offered to all our VIP’s!
The gift is real, the connection with ET’s and the extraordinary Divine should be accepted and promoted by all… Times are changing fast, help fight the news-media, religious and scientific monopolizing matrixes controlling the information…
Continued: Did you hear about secret? Did you engage an emotional fool on the road or at work? Did you deal with the cops? Did you lose your job? Did you lose your temper? Any drama in your life OR THE WORLD lately? Time for a wake up call…
This is one of our few forecasts offered to our VIP’s every month of the current year! The guidance is real and solid and well above what the well designed Facebook astrology/psychic/tarot websites could ever deliver a cosmic unconscious society! Facebook websites are automatized and make millions with advertisements and not by serving their misinformed audience with true Divine Astrology forecast!
If something dramatic happened to you last few days, be sure it was all written in light in this forecast! All you have to do is to recall the day (s) search and read below! And if I was right “predicting” the changes or the dramatic experiences you endured, then be smart and join thousands of other well informed readers who signed up to the cosmic code private website!
You may also only spend $5.00 and get much more than you could ever bargain for as far as personal and universal predictions are concerned! What 2017 will bring you and those you care!
Divine Astrology is an art, Stay with the Master!
June 2017 daily guidance and predictions…
Posted by Dr. Turi on June 1, 2017 at 10:30 am in Cosmic Coders Only
CONTINUED: Remember, new VIP’s joined us and read the following for the first time… And as always, we may sound redundant to our older VIP’s who have been with us for years. Some newcomers may also post questions in the chat room and we ask our cosmic family that if you land on it before we do, to provide them with the help they need to navigate this website.
So please bear with us, the proper introduction any of our forecasts is very important.
If you ordered your 12 months “Cosmic Biorhythms,” do not expect those cosmic winds to be obvious in your life right away. Some people expect immediate gratification but, because of other cosmic code influences, some of those life changes are much more subtle while other will be very obvious.
One needs to practice patience and observations to make a good use of this service.
If you do not see anything unusual during those windows, it is mostly because you are not yet trained to perceive the changes taking place during your 2017 given dates.
But for Terania and mines trained eyes, ALL our cosmic biorhythms, personal and universal never went unnoticed.
One must be patient, as it may take weeks even months before you realize how crucial it is to be aware of that Universal/Personal cosmic timings and how to use this work properly.
All long lasting planets information and predictions for each personal sign only – such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto; are incorporated in the new and improved “2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Dragon forecast for all signs.”
This eBook is now available and we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to get it. You may notice some deep psychological changes taking place in yourself or on your loved ones and knowing where those cosmic winds affect you at a personal level is the option to control the outcome.
As we know cosmic unconscious people will run to traditional psychologists who will prescribe dangerous antidepressants making the situation much worse. A natural chemical imbalance could be the result of both the effect of the previous 2016 Neptunius Dragon which will always fade away naturally after a few months if you know about it.
And if you don’t, those depressions will turn into panic attacks and dementia. Thus my sad prediction of an upsurge of drugs, alcohol abuse, untimely deaths, and suicides… RIP Patty Duke another victim of medical prescriptions!
And in the years to come if humanity makes it, many of those new laws will be retracted. It’s all about lobbyist’s corporate money and making you the docile zombies they need to dominate and survive.
This Universal watery, nirvanic dragon is very deceptive and will lead to the legalization of weed all over the US because the greedy lawmakers can NOT think rationally! This dragon allows for many Americans, including women to be treated without respect publicly by those unruly, bully politicians also aiming for the white house… It doesn’t seem that the whole world will wake up before its too late.
Thank you again VIP’s.
The invasive, aggressive 2014 /2015 Arian Draconis devastating war like energy is now over but its legacy is still cursing the world each passing day with more wars, fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more racism and more human political stupidity suffering the power of the stars! Read more and share Pls.
“If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code” ask and you shall receive!
June at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of the “Divine astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.
The red dates should not be used as a part the SOS to the world 3 days windows (universal) or as your negative (personal) cosmic biorhythms days.
The following is the current / monthly modern astrology calendar, complete with universal astrological information, including planetary aspects, void of course Moon data, and Moon signs. Note: Time is Eastern Time (Daylight Savings Time is observed).
Astropsychology is very different and uses no time… Only for rising readings if requested or Astro-Carto-Graphy relocation charts involving precise longitude and latitude.
We always use the time you provide us with but divine astrology methodology is much more objective and undeniably accurate, in forecasting natural disasters and personal events.
Welcome to Your Day – to – Day Guidance for June 2017
The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony. — Dr. Turi
New Moon — May 25, 2017 in Gemini: Now is a good time to start begin or finish a book, learn photography, a foreign language, find a publisher and communicate your feelings to all. With the New Moon upon us soon, you may plans to invest in vehicles or anything related to communication. Traveling and foreigners may play parts of this lunation. Plans made to travel under this New Moon will bring excitement and many wishes. On a larger scale, combined with the New Moon, witty Mercury should help in promoting better relations with other countries around the world.
Lunation impact on all signs:
Aries -//////////////////////
Taurus – /////////////////
Gemini – ////////////
Cancer – ///////////////
Leo –/////////
Virgo – ///////////////
Libra – ///////////////
Scorpio – ////////////
Sagittarius – ////////////
Capricorn – ///////////////////
Aquarius – ///////////
Pisces –//////////////////
THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. —MAY 25,26,27,28,29,30,31 RULERS — Mercury (Information) the Sun (Children) the Moon (New beginnings)
Work, Career and Business: We are on New Moon timing, but you may find it difficult to concentrate on your duties as your mind will wander over everything you must accomplish. The deserving hard-working souls will benefit from bonuses or new
opportunities to promote their careers. Some may face the ultimate end of a portion of their business lives. Whatever happens, you must accept the changes with faith. Your desires or dreams may not fit your present situation and the stars may decide to shut you down. It’s for your best interest.
Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away from you, or you yourself may decide to relocate. Expect the beginning or ending of an important phase of your life. Watch the drama of life taking place, as the old must be replaced in many aspects of the human experience.
Family and Friends: You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway dear friends or family members; use this opportunity to get closer to them. This New Moon trend may prove to be both sad and great for many. You and some friends get together to socialize; you may be the one doing the entertaining. A family member or a child needs your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from their point of view; avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion on others. Most of all, provide spiritual support.
Love Affairs: With a Waxing Moon upon us, expect much progress in the area of love. But some people from the past may become heavy in your heart and could produce stress in your life. If they bring good memories, have fun, but don’t get too caught up in the nostalgia. If they were negative in the first place, stay far away from their charms the second time around, unless the hard lesson has been learnt from both sides. If you were born on one of these days, happy birthday to you and count on some really good times ahead. If you were born in December, a Leo or an Aries may find you too depressing lately. Listen to a friend born in October; you may learn something. Don’t let guilt drag you down; life must go on. Many will enjoy a trip to Europe, France and Italy.
Travel and Communication: Local errands keep you busy and bring you in contact with interesting people. This trend will bring surprising news and reminds us of our responsibility. Mostly, be cautious and prudent in driving, as people may not see you. Drive slowly and enjoy the trip.
Environment: Nature may also go berserk and news could be significantly large and destructive. TEHRAN, Iran — A powerful earthquake jolted Iran’s rugged Khorasan province, killing nearly 2,400 people and injuring an estimated 6,000. The U.S. Geological Survey told CNN the quake had a magnitude of 7.3. Nature may also show her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate. Many unaware daredevils or unlucky souls will lose their lives because they have no knowledge of the stars’ impact on human affairs. You may suggest or offer them to read these monthly moon power excerpts; a little information is better than none, and that is the purpose of this publication. They will probably love you forever because of this practical, thoughtful gesture.
Famous Personalities: A famous person or his child could make dramatic news. Expect interesting news about many famous people. The church could also make sad news such as in FAISALABAD, Pakistan. A 67-year-old Pakistani Roman Catholic bishop shot himself to death outside a court, to protest against a death sentence on a fellow Christian for blasphemy. Some will work hard providing housing or clothing to the world at large.
Events: Under the same celestial energy in LIMA, Peru — Twelve people survived and 75 were killed when a Peruvian air force Boeing 737, chartered by the Occidental Petroleum Corp., crashed in a northern Amazon jungle. Blackout, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, including rough weather is high on the list.
Shopping: Don’t overspend, no matter how glittery the gift in question is. You can find a good deal on a big-ticket item by comparison shopping. Some will want to use the Waxing Moon and visit Las Vegas’ casinos and may strike luck. Better make all your plans now and go with the New Moon. Don’t stress; understand and use the stars; they are there to be used and make life easier. Share this valuable forecast with accurate guidance or offer a reading for someone’s birthday or offer a comparison chart for a newly wed couple.
THU., FRI., SAT. — JUNE 1,2,3,4,5: RULERS — Mercury (Intercommunication/cars) and Venus (Tenderness/love).
Work, Career and Business: The Moon is still Waxing (positive) and much can happen as long as you understand how to use her energy constructively. Promote your business life now, advertise, reach the people, travel and participate in universal growth. If you do, soon your telephone will be busy and the mail will bring promising news. Get going in all your communications; use Mercury’s wit to find a solution to your problems.
Partnerships: Use this trend to make plans…Acquire new equipment for your office or reorganize your environment. Nothing can go wrong if you aim high and do something about it. Use Venus’ “tact” to get what you need from others. Enjoy the evening with a romantic dinner talking about a potential business venture.
Family and Friends: Expect news from your brother or sister; you might get in touch with some of your friends for a good chat. Don’t let Mercury get out of hand; avoid gossip; you may end up sandwiched between two friends. Use the positive Moon to promote your life and try to excel in all your wishes. Appreciate your loved ones; plan a dinner at home, or maybe rent a great movie. Kids need attention; give them some time especially if they ask for help.
Love Affairs: With Venus in the air these days, candlelight, soft music and words of love are pretty much on your mind. This is a trend loaded with good energy, where nothing wrong can happen if you know how to play your cards right. A foreign person will play a considerable part in your future. If you were born in January, a Virgo or a Taurus may want to know you… Perhaps listen to a Scorpio friend’s advice.
Travel and Communication: Driving away from the city would be a good idea. The call of nature will be strong and the fresh smell of the out-of-doors or seascape will regenerate your soul. Enjoy the water and make plans for fishing trips, the river or sea, but keep an eye on the young ones. Drive slowly; don’t spoil your day with trouble.
Environment: Many Mother Earth supporters will march to be heard by government officials and they will succeed in their request to save the environment. Nature may surprise some of us with a quake above 6.0 – 6.8 magnitude, 8 km depth or a volcanic eruption.
Famous Personalities: A famous entertainer may take an important legal action. Large corporations will find strength in their new associations. Concerned groups will do much work for the welfare of children.
Events: Parts of the US, France or Japan may make interesting, even surprising news soon. The government will make important decisions to change or establish laws that will benefit children or the arts.
Shopping: You may invest in anything that will further your education or the arts. Cameras bought now will last long and take incredible pictures. Good books can also be bought and used positively for your own progression and mental exploration. Spruce yourself up by brightening your wardrobe or, if you can afford to, invest in expensive jewelry.
Full Moon — June 9, 2007 in Sagittarius: Disturbing news from foreign lands is to be expected. Jupiter, the Lord of law and religion, will impose his righteous, dogmatic views on some lost souls. Dramatic transformations in the world of faith and the church are ahead. The previous wake-up call provided by Pluto’s impact will induce a form of financial death for the Vatican and a rebirth for some people’s psyche where exploitation, fear, religious poisoning and ignorance won’t prevail for long.
Pluto will bring to light the shameful manipulation, sexual and financial secrets deals of organized religions and some of their religious leaders. Pluto is still interacting with Uranus to further the truth and the new Age of Aquarius against the dying Piscean Age and the world has a long way to go.
Keep in mind that Pisces (Neptune) remains as the “sole” basis of the world and in some area of one’s celestial identity…What is a Neptunian? There is still a war in heaven while the Middle East and Asia are re-birthing through death, diseases and wars.
Note: Attention: Pluto doesn’t care much for the Waxing Moon, he is back with us — Expect dramatic happenings all over; control is a must. Don’t be on e of his ignorant victims: be aware of Pluto’s destructive power.
Lunation impact on all signs:
Aries – /////////////////
Taurus –////////////////
Gemini –//////////////////////
Leo – ///////////
Virgo – /////////////////
Libra – ///////////////
Scorpio – /////////////////////
Sagittarius – /////////////
Capricorn – ////////////
Aquarius – ////////////////
Pisces – /////////////
June 5, 2017 — July 20, 2017 Mars enters Cancer:
Many follow interests enthusiastically, but many avoid a direct approach towards facing them. As well, plans are subject to unaccountable change of mood and indecision. Many are defensive rather than openly aggressive. Much of what one does is based on mood of the moment.
June 6, 2017 — Venus enters Taurus: This information can only benefit and touch you personally if you know in which house and sign this changing cosmic wind will bless your life. Order a progressive reading to know how ALL about the transiting planets will affect you personally. This forecast is generated for all our VIP’s and not personal. E-mail mailto:teraniapromodir@gmail.com or call Terania 602-265-7667.
Souls born with this celestial gift will need emotional security at all times. Unless the partner is solid and strong insecurity will bring about a swift break. Great ability is often found in money-making schemes, the arts, poetry, writing, photography and drawing. Perfect time to order a money or love talisman!
A natural zest for diplomacy and diplomacy is often found with this position. The soul could also marry wealthy and operate in an artistic environment during the course of this reincarnation. Expect presents, love and general uplifting news where your Venus transits your housing system.
This is a perfect time to concentrate on improving your wardrobe and shape the body, invest in your desire for beauty and perfection. Souls born now will be possessive in matters related to love, and lucky with money.
As the Bull is stubborn, many of them will have to detect wrong relationships and learn to let go and trust again. This is the ideal celestial position to invest in an artistic study. Empower yourself with spirituality and display your creativity to the world. Souls born now will inherit natural gifts in music and the arts. This is a top position to become a leader in the artistic fields for some.
When well assisted by other celestial bodies, this is a perfect position for total commitment and endless love. This position makes for one of the most beautiful woman of the Zodiac. A sincere gift in loving, creating and a distinguished magnetism will lead her to a successful career.
These souls were born to reach emotional, financial and spiritual security, teach genuine love and be loved back. A top position involving financial security, communication, writing, and success in any artistic fields is offered to these lucky souls.
MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — JUNE 5,6,7,8,9,10: RULERS — Pluto (Terror/dramatic news) and Jupiter (Religion/ foreigners)
Work, Career and Business: Hopefully the New Moon energy will make all of those changes positive in the long run. Push forward for the next few days; make the most of this lunation. At last the negative Supernova trend that has plagued many of us is over. You may also find out why you had to go through so much stress. Be ready for a form of rebirth and accept your limits. A new business proposition may further your entire business life. This is the time to review all your accomplishments and the reasons for your failures. Meditate on improving your future and if you feel you need to educate yourself in some area, do it now; there is no time like the present!
Partnerships: Money will play an important part in your life now, and you are advised to keep a close eye on your bank account. You may inherit a few expensive items, and this will help relieve a form of stress you had to experience. Commitments made now could become fruitful in the long run. You may also make a commitment on paper as we are still under the blessing of the New Moon. You may decide to spend some time in nature or to visit an old Church in response to Jupiter’s religious nature. Some may decide to go to the desert and “see” the creator display his face of lightening to the universe. We will all receive God’s full support from the stars.
Family and Friends: Many will be enjoying foreign places and the different cultures of these people. Expect news from brothers and sisters from afar and let yourself be immersed in this great summer season. The circle of friends will be extremely busy as we are all enjoying the best of what life has to offer. Children are very excited and will be enjoying the festivities. Uranus may make them restless, and a trip out of the house is in order. Watch over them, especially close to the water. Use diplomacy at all costs; Pluto will make everyone around very susceptible to your comments. Control emotions and watch what’s going on in the house, especially if there are children around. A great time is ahead of you, if you listen to your intuition. A friend may bring a stranger into your house; watch the young ones closely. Be aware of Pluto and don’t let him upset your life. Enjoy it all.
Love Affairs: Expect secrets of a sexual nature to surface to light and new secret affairs to be born. The planet of passion will make you feel good about yourself and will give tons of charm. Be aware of mysterious Pluto and his sensual magnetism. Do not drink too much during the evenings. Accompanying Jupiter could transform you into an irresistible sex magnet with a passionate foreigner. The Moon is still Waxing, but trouble may come your way if you let your passion express itself with unprotected sex. If you’re born in August be aware at home and avoid drama, an Aquarius or a Sagittarius could mean love to you.
Travel and Communication: Pluto rules ultimate power, the Mafia and the police force. News pertaining to the police force will always appear during his ruling days. I can hear Police Executives of the future, in the training Academy warning their officers’ of the impact of the power of Pluto and how vulnerable they all are under his destructive jurisdiction. If the system ever is able to disclose the advanced perception of the human psyche outside of the limited field of mental research, the use of divine astrology might be able to be used to pinpoint suspects by using the natal profiles. The impact of Pluto to a sensitive house may predispose the suspect for murder. Most of all, in the name of ignorance, many public servants might not have to waste their lives… Time will tell.
Environment: Keep in mind that Pluto does not care much about the New Moon and could disturb the earth’s belly, producing a bad earthquake or a volcano eruption. Update 06/08/2017 – Mt St Helen volcano recharging?:
On my newsgroup weeks before the following events, I had posted this note and quatrain. “Please make a note and save this post and explore my predictions on the given dates: May 11th, 18th, 24th, and 30th, 1998. ‘The tenth day and when the moon will shine in her fullest, in the month of the Bull. A digit of one’s hand of destruction will rule upon the human race. Water, wind and dirt will blind many with the smell of death. Rage and destruction is the legacy, nature will speak to the mortals.’
Result: – May 8, 1998- Tornadoes, windstorms sock U.S. South again- EDGEFIELD, South Carolina – In four Southern states, thousands of people began a task Friday, that has become somewhat routine during this year’s severe storm season. As usual with Pluto in charge, be ready for many interesting secrets to surface and remember to use these secrets to your own advantage.
Famous Personalities: A famous personality may be called to God and many will miss the soul. It will be a reminder of our own mortality and the real power of Pluto’s impact upon the earth and humans below.
06/06/2017 – Adam West: TV Batman actor dies at 88
06/09/2017 -Actress Glenne Headly Has Passed Away; Was Shooting Hulu Series ‘Future Man’
Events: October 7th, 1970 – Pluto will take many people away; expect this type of news again. Gene Marshall’s sports information director and play-by-play broadcaster was among the 43 players and coaches and 32 administrators, fans and crew who died in a plane crash 25 years ago. To survive their Plutonic awful deal, the victims had to eat raw human flesh and walk through the mountains in pure, cold hell. Pluto rules death, drama and does not usually spare anyone’s life.
In this case the sheer will for life did the horrible trick. The Moon was New when the plane crashed and is the only reason why a few “lucky” people survived Pluto’s deadly will. Do NOT TRUST any strangers now, as Pluto stirs man’s animal tendencies. Pluto rules the crooks and the cops, or the infinite forces of good and evil constantly teasing each other.
Thus, the villains will become more active and the police will be busy trying to stop them. Of course if you are a Police officer and on duty now, don’t take chances and let your fellow officers’ know about Pluto’s jurisdiction of the police force. Make good use of this knowledge and realize that your “bosses”, regardless of their high position and accomplishments, are NOT aware of this fact. Many lives have been wasted in the name of ignorance; you can make a difference and even save your life, by being aware of this wisdom.
Shopping: Invest in anything that can kill pests. Use Jupiter to find a great traveling bargain or start a spiritual course in the metaphysical world.
THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. — JUNE 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: RULERS — Neptune (Oil/ Middle East), Mars (danger/men), Venus (docile / women):
Work, Career and Business: Combined with the Full Moon, Neptune may make you feel depressed and overemotional at work; this could lead you to think about doing other things. Keep your eyes and ears open; with Neptune’s “dreamy” nature, you are prone to making serious errors or forgetting something important. Do not sign anything now; in the long run, you will be sorry if you do. Be patient and wait until the next New Moon. Think twice before committing to an investment program. A powerful hunch might save you trouble if you are unsure about a person or a business scheme. Don’t let Mars affect your judgment; be patient with everyone around. Expect upsetting financial news; don’t let it get to you, you can only do so much. The future will offer better opportunities. Wait patiently for the next New Moon; right now just clean up and reorganize.
Partnerships: As usual with Mars’ aggressive personality, expect some sorts of trouble with partnerships. But as always, with the Lord of war around these days; you are seriously advised to use discretion in all you do or mention to avoid serious complications. Keep in mind that the Moon is Waning (negative) so don’t expect progress in any of your endeavors for now. Use your will; be positive in all you say. Expect possible disturbing news by mail or telephone but avoid fears, as insecurity could take over your common sense; all will be fine, there is a divine plan for you. This timing is ideal for meditation and renewing your faith in each other and the universe. You must control negative thoughts, even if many things around you do not seem positive. Have faith in yourself and those you care for during these days. Finish up a project or re-evaluate a situation, but most of all, be patient.
Family and Friends: Spend some valuable time with your family. Do not expect the affairs of the heart to progress or get better for a while, and teenagers may get themselves in trouble. Watch for the use of drugs, as Neptune will lead them towards wrong friends. Give them solid direction and be ready for some friction. Depressed friends may call you asking for spiritual support or direction. With Neptune, confusion and deception is in the air. If you socialize during the night hours, keep your eyes on your possessions as they may disappear. Don’t misplace your keys. Avoid complaining about life’s problems to those who care about you. Use Venus’ loving touches with practical advice to provide spiritual help to those you care for, but realize your limits. You need your own spiritual strength to face those tough stars and you can do it.
Love Affairs: Love and romance may suffer as during a Waning Moon. Family and Friends: Spend some valuable time with your family. Do not expect the affairs of the heart to progress or get better for a while, and teenagers may get themselves in trouble. Watch for the use of drugs, as Neptune will lead them towards wrong friends. Give them solid direction and be ready for some friction. Depressed friends may call you asking for spiritual support or direction. With Neptune, confusion and deception is in the air. If you socialize during the night hours, keep your eyes on your possessions as they may disappear. Don’t misplace your keys. Avoid complaining about life’s problems to those who care about you. Expect some secrets to be divulged, especially the ones related to sex or financial scandals. Venus’ gentle nature will reward you if you use her diplomatic, loving powers to smooth things out. Better stay home and enjoy good food during the late hours. A great movie with the one you care about this weekend is your best shot. Many will fall prey to con artists and weird sexual endeavors. If you are a Virgo someone born in March, a Taurus or a Capricorn could be looking for you. A Cancer friend may give you good advice, but do not complain too much if you want to save your friendship. Stay clear of alcohol consumption.
Travel and Communication: Mars rules man’s animal instincts and he could stimulate one of his aggressive children (Mars in bad aspect) to hurt you, given the occasion. With any trouble on the highway, stay inside your car with the doors secured. Many violent crimes have been reported during this type of energy, especially when drugs or alcohol are involved; take no chances. This is the perfect time to pass on the light and talk about these moon power excerpt guidance. Avoid drinking and driving at all costs; many accidents happen under Neptune and Mars’ energy. If you have to play or travel be aware of the ocean or the river these days.
Environment: Soft Venus will try to stop her violent brother Mars and his friend Pluto from stirring the earth’s entrails and producing earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes and disasters. In time of a Waning Moon she might not have much influence. Be ready for destruction from both Pluto and the red planet, Mars, “The Lord of War.”
Family and Friends: Spend some valuable time with your family. Do not expect the affairs of the heart to progress or get better for a while, and teenagers may get themselves in trouble. Watch for the use of drugs, as Neptune will lead them towards wrong friends. Give them solid direction and be ready for some friction. Depressed friends may call you asking for spiritual support or direction. With Neptune, confusion and deception is in the air. If you socialize during the night hours, keep your eyes on your possessions as they may disappear. Don’t misplace your keys. Avoid complaining about life’s problems to those who care about you. A difficult trend is taking place right now but don’t let it get to you…Use your will positively.
Famous Personalities: This same type of energy has taken the lives of many famous people, sometimes dramatically. Drama, sex, and scandals of all sorts will go public and may induce suicidal tendencies in some prominent people. Stay clear of any chemicals and be aware around the water. Stay clear from the oceans, Neptune may take you in the deep!
The reptilius will use humans’ lack of cosmic consciousness (the stars) to kill humans, be warned!

Events: Mars is like Pluto in some ways and will stimulate the villains; expect them to be nasty and active during this trend. Again, do not trust strangers and do not put yourself in any situation that could make you a potential victim. The police will make disturbing news and many officers will be dispatched to cool off situations, especially those of domestic violence. If you are in law enforcement, beware; Mars or Pluto could hurt you; don’t take any chances. Let’s hope for the best!
Update 6/19/17 – Memo from above… Full Moon — June 9, 2007 in Sagittarius: Disturbing news from foreign lands is to be expected. Jupiter, the Lord of law and religion, will impose his righteous, dogmatic views on some lost souls.
Update 6/19/17 – Car rams police van on Champs-Elysees, armed suspect dead
Both dramatic events were anticipated and the exact dates (and quatrain below) offered to all our VIP’s!
Posted by Dr. Turi on May 31, 2017 at 12:58am in Cosmic Coders Only
June 19 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
Terrorism Predictions and the FBI
Shopping: Provide spiritual guidance and support to all in need. Many will fall victim to Neptune’s deceiving wills.
Do not start any medical prescription now; you would further a disaster on your health later on. Do not deal with finances these days. Avoid investing in tools or sharp instruments. Some will get bad news from their creditors and bank accounts or credit cards will be a source of trouble. Do not open a bank account now; the negative energy will induce unneeded financial stress in your life. You may invest in our work for them, mention or offer them these moon power excerpts as this can and will save them trouble.
New Moon — June 24, 2017 in Cancer: With the Moon so close to the earth, this specific lunation will have an important effect on //////////////////////////// This lunation could represent a very significant part of your destiny, even for the United States of America, a Cancer nation (July 4th 1776). You may be forced by the universe to/////////////////////// Many will be affected and forced to move on due to war and/or natural catastrophes or simply to further specific wishes.
Update 6/22/2017 Storm makes landfall, threatens millions
Lunation impact on all signs:
Aries – //////////////
Taurus –//////////////////
Gemini – //////////////////
Leo – /////////////////////
Virgo – ////////////////
Libra – ///////////////
Scorpio –/////////////////
Sagittarius – //////////////////
Capricorn – ///////////
Aquarius – ///////////////////
Pisces – /////////////////////////////
THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — JUNE 22, 23, 24, 25: RULERS — Mercury (Good News/travel) and the Moon (New beginning/Moving)
Work, Career and Business: Great news is to be expected soon at work and progressive changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s intellectual powers to review your work and do some financial planning. Concentrate on everything important, and then go for it with faith. Lots of progress is ahead, make the most of this positive trend. As always drive with caution, don’t let speedy Mercury ruin your day with the police.
Partnerships: The Moon is up and happy for the next few days; do all you can to further your partnerships and if you have to, let go of your past and look for someone else. Use Mercury’s strength to take a trip with your partner.
Family and Friends: Your maternal instinct will show itself to your children. Share your knowledge with friends; help them to understand some of the secrets of life and make them understand their emotions, which are regulated by the Moon’s passage through each and every sign of the zodiac. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behavior or moodiness” and right now she will make you and others feeling happy. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your or others’ life. Expect some surprising news from the children. A close friend needs your attention to deal with an emotional situation. Give help.
Love Affairs: Realize your limits with the wrong people, be honest with your feelings and make the needed changes. Your own future, positive or negative, is mostly based upon your decisions, and is the reincarnation of your thoughts. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you, use Mercury and write those letters. The mail could bring you great news and everyone will want to talk to you. If you are a Virgo a Capricorn or a Pisces will want you. Someone born in July needs to spend some time with you very soon.
Travel and Communication: If you have to travel for business, do it now and always use the two weeks following a New Moon to do so. Expect the mail or telephone to bring you possible interesting news. Many will be going back home while others will have to go away.
Environment: The Moon’s waning energy could induce stress on the faults, so that many people may be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters.
Update 6/22/2017 Storm makes landfall, threatens millions
It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside.
Update 6/22/2017 – 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala
Famous Personalities: Tose famous will be investing or planning reunions to feed the children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit many generous organizations. Some other crazy famous people may make surprising news trying to use Mercury’s (the press) power to gain free publicity.
Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas. Nature will begin to feel agitated and under this celestial manifestation — 2007 Wildfires that had burned nearly a quarter-million acres in the Western United States remained out of control Thursday, June 14, 2007 in at least six states. The same energy was active in SIDON, Lebanon — five people died and 15 were wounded when explosions sparked by an electrical fire ripped through a house used as an arms depot, Lebanese security sources said. Seven other houses were also destroyed.
Shopping: Buy anything that your home or garden needs. You are under the protection of the New Moon, thus signing anything related to real estate, hotels or restaurants is okay. Share our valuable forecast or offer these star guide excerpts and its accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.
MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI. — JUNE 26, 27, 28, 29, 30:
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Dr. Turi is a real psychic, a real UFO contactee and indeed; CNN before CNN!
Blessings to all our readers
Dr. Turi and Terania.
If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law …
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.” ~ Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi