”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the video once you read this newsletter please.
~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi
Dear Readers;
“This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff said. But, family members say, Nehemiah Griego is no monster. They can’t fathom what could have gone so terribly wrong.
As anticipated another “monster” teen or the product of today’ science cosmic ignorance whoring around with the pharmaceutical corporations, religious poisoning and an inadequate educational system.
But this teen (like Adam Lanza and all man made monsters killers) suffered not only the current Scorpius Dragon impact but also an over emotional UCI… If you are as newcomer you have a lot of catch up to do and unless you take the time to read more about my work the chances of understanding what going on with children killing children, their families and adults will never be possible… And the question remain how many readers will take some of their precious time to read my work when many of them are saying my articles are much too long to read?
OMG! and these are mentally lazy the people I am trying to help understanding their children and the world they live in? Only a minority of my readers will click on those provided links…Thus when I write my work is not for the feeble minded I made my point! Imagine if, instead of reading, they had to WRITE those newsletters the way I do everyday and in a foreign language? I am sure many of my more intelligent readers got my message and agrees with me that this world is overloaded with incurious, lazy morons and the perfect target for Joel Osteen deceptive, sugar coated Neptunian sermons….
Do you want the truth, can you handle the truth then do the requested mental gymnastics to become a smart, refined, spiritual human being.
Newton CT Here Is Your Answer…
Dr. Turi’s Proposition for Discussing Spirituality in Schools
New Mexico teen accused of gunning down family ‘lost sense of conscience’

Police charge teen in deaths of five
Family asks public not to use the incident in national debate on guns “To be clear, our family has differing views on gun rights and gun control,” they say –
- Griego will face charges as an adult in the deaths of his parents and three siblings
Gee why the experts, the cops, the adults can not realize this is the end results and the product of drugs, religions and science? Punishing a child or treating them as adults reflects the humongous stupidity of all the cosmic unconscious adults missing the forest for the tree!
- “This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff says
Wait a minute here, let me correct your Sheriff, behind YOUR, the educated “experts” and the world’s logical human reasoning or understanding, but if you would stop assuming that my work is only pseudo-science and become a REAL detective for a change, you and the rest of the scientific community would start to see the light on this phenomena. Did this Sheriff ever read “Police Requiem?”
(CNN) — The chilling acts the 15-year-old boy is accused of defy imagination:
Pumping his mother, brother and two younger sisters with bullets.
Gunning down his dad when he returned home.
Texting a picture of his lifeless mother to his 12-year-old girlfriend.
Plotting to kill strangers outside a supermarket.
But, family members say, Nehemiah Griego is no monster. They can’t fathom what could have gone so terribly wrong.
DT Rebuttal: Isn’t funny that “subconsciously” the family members said “Nehemiah Griego is no monster?
Isn’t hilarious that the very word “monster” was used so many times came in to play in this case? But why? because the family members can only remember Nehemiah as an innocent, loving, smiling CHILD like all the other monsters killers, including Adam Lanza where all produced by the “experts” cosmic ignorance!
Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first! – Science & Education Failed Sandy Hook Children
Continued: “Whether it was a mental breakdown or some deeper undiagnosed psychological issue, we can’t be sure yet,” his uncle, former New Mexico state Sen. Eric Griego, said.
“What we do know is that none of us, even in our wildest nightmare, could have imagined that he could do something like this.” The family statement describes the boy as a gifted athlete and musician who was active in youth services at church.
DT Rebuttal: How many times I wrote that this generation, unlike their parents, is hill equipped to deal with religion? Does being active in youth services at church. speaks the facts of my claims that Nehemiah did not regenerate his spirit with this archaic deceptive religious material? In “Newtown Massacre – A Warning to All the Children of the world” I tried again to explain the need for our children to have access to this “Cosmic Fluid” before puberty because their most pressing questions “Who am I?”, “Where do I come From?” Where will I go?” “What is my Destiny?” is much more important than mastering science, algebra, mathematics, history etc. Should You Raise Your Children Without God? If you did not yet, please watch ‘ In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims” to get a better understanding of the problem.
Continued: It said the teen accompanied his father on mission trips to Mexico and wanted to continue a long family history of military service by becoming a soldier.
The family disputed any media characterization that the teen was a loner and said he had many friends and was a wrestler in state tournaments. His father was a champion wrestler and coach.The family also said they did not want anyone to use the case in the nation’s unfolding debate about guns.
“To be clear, our family has differing views on gun rights and gun control. What we do agree on is that those who wish to score political points should not use a confused, misguided, 15-year-old boy to make their case,” the family statement said.
DT Rebuttal: Doesn’t it sound familiar? Let me refresh your memory readers… On December 15, 2012 I divulged Adan Lanza ARIES UCI in a newsletter titled “Why, Why Adam Killed children – Let Me Tell You Why!” I mentioned his interest in the Army and on 12/23/2012 the news validated my work. Reporter: Military fascinated Lanza The only problem here is; I do not have Nehemiah DOB thus I can not expose his UCI! but I do not need it, I have enough experience to tell you he had a very strong Mars (gun/aggressive/danger) in his chart ET VOILA! my work is only pseudo-science!

Continued: “We ask those in the media and those who would use the media to make their political case, to not use Nehemiah as a pawn for ratings or to score political points. He is a troubled young man who made a terrible decision that will haunt him and his family forever.”
But authorities painted a far different picture of the teen.
Sheriff: Teen planned shootings for at least a week
Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston said Griego was “involved heavily” with violent video games and that he “was quite excited as he got the opportunity to discuss that with our investigators.”
He said that the boy planned the shootings for at least a week. That he told investigators he was frustrated with his mother. That he contemplated killing his girlfriend’s parents. That he hoped to continue his killing spree at a Walmart “with mass destruction” and die in a shootout with police.
The teen’s demeanor, as he shared all this, was “stern, very unemotional,” Houston said.
Now, Griego will stand trial as an adult in the weekend killings, prosecutors announced.
He was arrested Saturday night, after deputies found the bodies of his mother, father, brother and two of his sisters in their home on the outskirts of Albuquerque.
Opinion: How a boy becomes a killer
DT Rebuttal: It is so obvious to my Astropsychology students and I that Griego was not only inherited a violent Martian but also a deadly Scorpius UCI. Again had he been coached on this “Cosmic overwhelming Fluid” before puberty he would have been able to apply his will and direct the powerful destructive emotions constructively in the army or navy. But knowing the egocentric “educated” attitude displayed by the scientific community all thyey can do is to wait until Griego dies to perform yet another ridiculous brain dissection looking for the faulty part! And if, like in the case of NFL Seau Concussion “Holly Grail” of Lies and Stupidity! they can prove Griego and Lanza suffered a concussion or an accident on the head, “CTE” or “TAU” will be blamed for their actions… OMG! in what a yound world did I land on?
The tragedy unfolds
Continued: The tragedy unfolded early Saturday morning, when Griego carried a .22-caliber rifle to where his mother and 9-year-old brother slept side by side, an arrest affidavit said. The teen fatally shot his mother, waking his younger brother Zephania in the process.
DT Rebuttal: This is very sad but also hilarious, do you see the repetitive pattern here? Who Was Nancy Lanza and Why Adam Killed Her First!
Continued: When Griego told Zephania that their mother was dead, the younger boy did not believe him, the document stated. “So Nehemiah picked up his mother’s head to show his brother her bloody face,” the affidavit said. “Nehemiah stated his brother became upset, so he shot his brother in the head with the same rifle used to kill his mother.”
After that, police said, “Nehemiah stated he lost his sense of conscience.”
The boy went on to kill his sisters, 5-year-old Jael and 2-year-old Angelina, before his father Greg came home from a volunteer graveyard shift at a homeless shelter. Authorities believe the father, a former pastor at an Albuquerque church and a chaplain to the city’s fire department, was the last to be gunned down in the home.
DT Rebuttal: Like in the case of Adam Lanza, I have noticed that; families with a very strong religious background are prone to “stir” the evil and turn those children into monsters much faster. God knows how more confused and fearful a child can become with such unconscious, Neptunian born parents promising a hell that, with time becomes a tragic reality!
KRQE: Security officer — Boy was a ‘great kid’
‘Beyond any human reasoning’
Continued: Most of the victims were shot with the .22, but a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle was also used in the killings, sheriff’s Lt. Sid Covington said. Authorities said the weapons appear to have been purchased legally.
The Griegos also had five grown children, none of whom lived at home, Covington said.
After the slayings, Griego “spent the majority of the day with his girlfriend,” Houston said.
He even sent his girlfriend a picture of his slain mother, Houston said.
Authorities arrested the teen after he attended his family’s church with his girlfriend, and a staff member called deputies.
Pastor Skip Heitzig said father Greg Griego was also a pastor for a number of years who did prison ministry at the Metropolitan Detention Center and helped to rehabilitate convicts. Greg Griego also helped them re-enter society.
DT Rebuttal: I will never be able to emphasize how deceptive and dangerous it is for one cosmic unconscious religious generation to impose a certain conduct, rules and induce fears on any child. It is obvious that; Nehemiah Martian/Scorpius character was rebellious and ready to inflict his deadly revenge for the mental calcification he did not agree, not accept or comprehend endured for years. In fact I believe , with such a given name, ” Nehemiah” was totally religiously poisoned and acted out (like Adam Lanza) his boiling frustration.
“Nehemiah (pron.: /ˌniːəˈmaɪə/ or /ˌniːhəˈmaɪə/; נְחֶמְיָה, “Comforted of/is the LORD (YHWH)“, Standard HebrewNəḥemya, Tiberian Hebrew Nəḥemyāh) is the central figure of the Book of Nehemiah, which describes his work rebuilding Jerusalem and purifying the Jewish community. He was the son of Hachaliah, (Neh. 1:1) and probably of theTribe of Judah, and his career took place probably in the second half of the 5th century BC.”
Its all about a serious Neptunian energy regulating the body, mind and soul of all the unlucky participants slowly poisoning the psyche of Nehemiah and killing them all was its only way out because nothing made sense to him… Of course I do not expect the “experts” or religious people to either understand or agree with me on the refined spiritual material I generate. In fact I will probably steer a lot of resentments by those unable to benefit or grow with my work.
“The news stunned us all,” Heitzig said of the shooting.
Continued: “We are doing what we can as a church body to minister to the remaining family members. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can heal this type of pain and heartache, and He is faithful to do so,” he added in a statement. His church, Calvary Albuquerque, is scheduled to hold a prayer vigil Wednesday at 7 p.m. for the Griego family.
DT Rebuttal: Without being cynical what the HELL do you think the prayers, lamentations, pain, tears and guild will do when the bible clearly mention…
“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present myself to you, you wont see me!”
But who’s to blame anyone when God’ and Jesus’ representatives on earth are the least informed on his celestial divinity and can not read the “signs?” God will never hear anyone or answer anyone’s prayers, at least not this way! Unless humanities of course upgrade to understand, hear and see God in action through the Cosmic Code or his creation like my students and I do! This is where I could never ever recommend enough to all those uneducated God fearing souls to read and share The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls from http://www.drturi.com/dr-turis-posts/
Continued: Griego was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday to face two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death, but the hearing was waived, KOAT reported.
The affiliate said Griego’s case will go to a grand jury within 10 days.
“This is beyond any human reasoning or understanding at this time,” the sheriff said.
CNN’s Leslie Holland and Michael Martinez contributed to this report.
DT Rebuttal: Did Griego used or had he access to drugs? was he ever prescribed anything? I wish I knew more…Yes the same old story we heard so many times in the endless crimes committed by children and a puzzling dilemma for the “experts”, the police, the parents and the media to reason with! I gave my best shot to give you the answer your infantile science could never breach but the question now is: WHAT WILL YOU DO TO HELP ME to build my Astropsychology schools?
Something I have asked since 1991 without any success so far! After all we are only talking about your children yes? I wish my readers would be as committed as I am to bring an end to this nightmare but I guess it is in God’s hands. But I have stopped praying because while he and Jesus can hear me loud and clear humanity did not!
It’s a Little Easier to Understand Why Many Crimes Are committed When See it in a List……Rx Drugs, religions, science and your deplorable educational system, not to forget the medical mind “experts” unwillingness to help me making up my Internet “black List.”
What | Drug | Date | Where | Additional |
School Shooting | Prozac WITHDRAWAL | 2008-02-15 | Illinois | ** 6 Dead: 15 Wounded: Perpetrator Was in Withdrawal from Med & Acting Erratically |
School Shooting | Prozac Antidepressant | 2005-03-24 | Minnesota | **10 Dead: 7 Wounded: Dosage Increased One Week before Rampage |
School Shooting | Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant | 2001-03-10 | Pennsylvania | **14 Year Old GIRL Shoots & Wounds Classmate at Catholic School |
School Shooting | Zoloft Antidepressant & ADHD Med | 2011-07-11 | Alabama | **14 Year Old Kills Fellow Middle School Student |
School Shooting | Zoloft Antidepressant | 1995-10-12 | South Carolina | **15 Year Old Shoots Two Teachers, Killing One: Then Kills Himself |
School Shooting | Med For Depression | 2009-03-13 | Germany | **16 Dead Including Shooter: Antidepressant Use: Shooter in Treatment For Depression |
School Hostage Situation | Med For Depression | 2010-12-15 | France | **17 Year Old with Sword Holds 20 Children & Teacher Hostage |
School Shooting Plot | Med For Depression WITHDRAWAL | 2008-08-28 | Texas | **18 Year Old Plots a Columbine School Attack |
School Shooting | Anafranil Antidepressant | 1988-05-20 | Illinois | **29 Year Old WOMAN Kills One Child: Wounds Five: Kills Self |
School Shooting | Luvox/Zoloft Antidepressants | 1999-04-20 | Colorado | **COLUMBINE: 15 Dead: 24 Wounded |
School Stabbings | Antidepressants | 2001-06-09 | Japan | **Eight Dead: 15 Wounded: Assailant Had Taken 10 Times his Normal Dose of Depression Med |
School Shooting | Prozac Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL | 1998-05-21 | Oregon | **Four Dead: Twenty Injured |
School Stabbing | Med For Depression | 2011-10-25 | Washington | **Girl, 15, Stabs Two Girls in School Restroom: 1 Is In Critical Condition |
School Shooting | Antidepressant | 2006-09-30 | Colorado | **Man Assaults Girls: Kills One & Self |
School Machete Attack | Med for Depression | 2001-09-26 | Pennsylvania | **Man Attacks 11 Children & 3 Teachers at Elementary School |
School Shooting Related | Luvox | 1993-07-23 | Florida | **Man Commits Murder During Clinical Trial for Luvox: Same Drug as in COLUMBINE: Never Reported |
School Hostage Situation | Cymbalta Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL | 2009-11-09 | New York | **Man With Gun Inside School Holds Principal Hostage |
School Shooting | Antidepressants | 1992-09-20 | Texas | **Man, Angry Over Daughter’s Report Card, Shoots 14 Rounds inside Elementary School |
School Shooting | SSRI | 2010-02-19 | Finland | **On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself |
School Shooting Threat | Med for Depression* | 2004-10-19 | New Jersey | **Over-Medicated Teen Brings Loaded Handguns to School |
School Shooting | Antidepressant? | 2007-04-18 | Virginia | **Possible SSRI Use: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech |
School Shooting | Antidepressant? | 2002-01-17 | Virginia | **Possible SSRI Withdrawal Mania: 3 Dead at Law School |
School Incident/Bizarre | Zoloft* | 2010-08-22 | Australia | **School Counselor Exhibits Bizarre Behavior: Became Manic On Zoloft |
School/Assault | Antidepressant | 2009-11-04 | California | **School Custodian Assaults Student & Principal: Had Manic Reaction From Depression Med |
School Shooting | Prozac Antidepressant | 1992-01-30 | Michigan | **School Teacher Shoots & Kills His Superintendent at School |
School Shooting Threats | Celexa Antidepressant | 2010-01-25 | Virginia | **Senior in High School Theatens to Kill 4 Classmates: Facebook Involved: Bail Denied |
School Violence/Murder | Antidepressants* | 1998-05-04 | New York | **Sheriff’s Deputy Shoots his Wife in an Elementary School |
School Knifing/Murder | Meds For Depression & ADHD | 2010-04-28 | Massachusetts | **Sixteen Year Old Kills 15 Year Old in High School Bathroom in Sept. 2009 |
School Stabbing | Wellbutrin | 2006-12-04 | Indiana | **Stabbing by 17 Year Old At High School: Charged with Attempted Murder |
School Threat | Antidepressants | 2007-04-23 | Mississippi | **Student Arrested for Making School Threat Over Internet |
School Suspension | Lexapro Antidepressant | 2007-07-28 | Arkansas | **Student Has 11 Incidents with Police During his 16 Months on Lexapro |
School Shooting | Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL | 2007-11-07 | Finland | **Student Kills 8: Wounds 10: Kills Self: High School in Finland |
School Shooting | Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant | 2004-02-09 | New York | **Student Shoots Teacher in Leg at School |
School Threat | Prozac Antidepressant | 2008-01-25 | Washington | **Student Takes Loaded Shotgun & 3 Rifles to School Parking Lot: Plans Suicide |
School Shooting Plot | Med For Depression | 1998-12-01 | Wisconsin | **Teen Accused of Plotting to Gun Down Students at School |
School/Assault | Zoloft Antidepressant | 2006-02-15 | Tennessee | **Teen Attacks Teacher at School |
School Shooting Threat | Antidepressant | 1999-04-16 | Idaho | **Teen Fires Gun in School |
School Hostage Situation | Paxil & Effexor Antidepressants | 2001-04-15 | Washington | **Teen Holds Classmates Hostage with a Gun |
School Hostage Situation | Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL | 2006-11-28 | North Carolina | **Teen Holds Teacher & Student Hostage with Gun |
School Knife Attack | Med for Depression | 2006-12-06 | Indiana | **Teen Knife Attacks Fellow Student |
School Massacre Plot | Prozac Withdrawal | 2011-02-23 | Virginia | **Teen Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Columbine Style Plot |
School Shooting | Celexa & Effexor Antidepressants | 2001-04-19 | California | **Teen Shoots at Classmates in School |
School Shooting | Celexa Antidepressant | 2006-08-30 | North Carolina | **Teen Shoots at Two Students: Kills his Father: Celexa Found Among his Personal Effects |
School Shooting | Meds For Depression & ADHD | 2011-03-18 | South Carolina | **Teen Shoots School Official: Pipe Bombs Found in Backpack |
School Shooting Threat | Antidepressant | 2003-05-31 | Michigan | **Teen Threatens School Shooting: Charge is Terrorism |
School Stand-Off | Zoloft Antidepressant | 1998-04-13 | Idaho | **Teen [14 Years Old] in School Holds Police At Bay: Fires Shots |
School Shooting | Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL | 2007-10-12 | Ohio | **Teen [14 Years Old] School Shooter Possibly on Antidepressants or In Withdrawal |
School Threat | Antidepressants | 2008-03-20 | Indiana | **Teen [16 Years Old] Brings Gun to School: There Is a Lockdown |
School Suicide/Lockdown | Med For Depression | 2008-02-20 | Idaho | **Teen [16 Years Old] Kills Self at High School: Lockdown by Police |
School Threats | Prozac Antidepressant | 1999-10-19 | Florida | **Teen [16 Years Old] Threatens Classmates With Knife & Fake Explosives |
School Stabbing | Med For Depression | 2008-02-29 | Texas | **Teen [17 Year Old GIRL] Stabs Friend & Principal at High School |
School Hostage Situation | Prozac/ Paxil Antidepressants | 2001-01-18 | California | **Teen [17 Years Old] Takes Girl Hostage at School: He is Killed by Police |
School Knife Attack | Treatment For Depression & Strattera | 2009-03-10 | Belgium | **Three Dead in School Day Care: Two Children & a Caregiver: Happened Jan 23, 2009 |
School Shooting Plot | Antidepressants | 2009-09-22 | England | **Two English School Boys Plot to Blow Up High School |
School Arson Incidents | Paxil | 2002-04-12 | Michigan | **Unusual Personality Change on Paxil Caused 15 Year Old to Set Fires inside High School |
School Bomb Threat | Med For Depression | 2009-06-29 | Australia | **Vexed Father Makes Bomb Threat Against Elementary School |
School Violence | Antidepressant | 2005-11-19 | Arizona | **Violent 8 Year Old GIRL Handcuffed by Police at School |
School Violence | Celexa Antidepressant | 2002-01-23 | Florida | **Violent 8 Year-Old Boy Arrested At School |
School Threat/Lockdown | Lexapro* | 2008-04-18 | California | **Violent High School Student Shot to Death on Campus by Police |
School / Child Endangerment | Antidepressants | 2008-02-27 | Canada | **Wacky School Bus Driver Goes Berserk: Also Involved Painkillers |
School Violence | Paxil | 2004-10-23 | Washington DC | **Young Boy, 10 Year Old, Has Violent Incidents at School |
School Threat | Wellbutrin Antidepressant | 2007-04-24 | Tennessee | **Young Boy, 12, Threatens to Shoot Others at School |
School Hostage Situation | Med for Depression | 2006-03-09 | France | **Young Ex-Teacher Holds 21 Students Hostage |
School Shooting/Suicide | Celexa | 2002-10-07 | Texas | **Young Girl [13 Years Old] Kills Self at School With a Gun |
School Hostage Situation | Paxil | 2001-10-12 | North Carolina | **Young Man Holds Three People Hostage in Duke University President’s Office |
School Murder Attempt | Med For Depression | 1995-03-04 | California | **Young Woman Deliberately Hits 3 Kids with Her Car at Elementary School: Laughed During Attack |
It is the mental state of this country and the world that is the problem, not guns. Join me for more about the spirit – How To Unleash Your Psychic power
Blessings to all my readers
Dr. Turi