2012/2014 Universal Predictions
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Dr. Turi
Dear Readers,
“CME’s or “Coronal Mass Ejections / Solar Flares have NOTHING to do with natural disasters, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Furthermore the Sun is much too far to affect humanity or the earth entrails physically apart from warming up its surface with its powerful rays. The sun is a “luminary” a star and not a planet. Our closest satellite, the moon (moody/lunatic/tides) which is much closer to earth and the sole responsible for all natural disasters, including large earthquakes and all human affairs. But depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, science, religion and conspiracy theories can only offer you erroneous answers…”
Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!
So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts or emails.
Neil DeGrasse, I am a non cosmic conscious educated agnostic Libra
More and more people are in need for answers and more people discover Dr. Turi every day. Thus what the subhuman perceive as an ego trip is the only way I have to prove my predictive claims. It is important for me to compile my earthquakes predictive work for the children of the future benefit!
Remember keeping a well documented, dated record of prediction is a must for more intuitive future generations willing to explore and create Astrogeology!
Ridiculous science and correct prediction of big earthquakes and next volcano eruption!
March 8/9/10 – 27/28/29
Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
Beginning / Ending of War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.
03/29/14 – 5.1-magnitude quake hits L.A. area – Earthquake?
2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
2014-03-11 02:44:06 (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 20.0
2014-03-11 02:44:05 (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0 (cfa3)
“Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions
From Sheryl; https://www.facebook.com/drturi.drturi “Record breaking heat in CA Sunday followed by a 6.9 in Northern CA tonight, 50 miles off the coast. This is in alignment with dates you’ve posted.”
You can also check my latest predictions of the Philippines deadly typhoon!
Listen to Dr. Turi on Coast to Coast and Rob McConnell X Zone radio shows giving the prediction of tropical Cyclone Phailin in India, both Philippines Nari typhoon, the 7.2 Earthquake, the Indonesia Volcano eruption etc. It seems ALL my predictions came to pass if you check my claims and the undeniable facts!
From: C///////////@aol.com
6.6 quake hit Russsia
The three hours radio show on “Ground Zero” with Clyde Lewis last night was quite intense where I divulged what the future has in store for the US and the world at large. I repetitively warned the audience to expect large quakes within a day or two and as always my prediction came to pass…
My beautiful wife Terania was also in the chat room battling a bunch of young souls asking them to be patient before cutting her husband in pieces with their ignorance and vile comments…On The host was absolutely great to work with, as an Aquarius/ Pisces like me, we indeed “vibrate” at the same speed and we both feel the same way on so many topics.
But as you all know I also have a “black List” made of top scientists, cops, FBI?CIA agents, radio and TV announcers and some are directly involved with the government, ALL in position to help me. For months now I keep sending them my “visions” ahead of time and on December 22nd I sent the following email to them all…
The reason why I do this is to also keep my good friend Gorge Noory and Tom his producers posted on all my moves and predictions while assuring George of my appreciation for his many public endorsements. I do not expect much from all others “Big Educated Heads” but that’s how I teach people…By stuffing the obvious truth down to their tiny brains…
Dear Sir, Madam; “I am expecting a quake / explosion a day or 2 after the broadcast from “Ground Zero” radio. I have 22 very specific major predictions for 2012 to discuss with Klyde Lewis , they are currently posted at www.cosmiccode.drturi.com for my paying VIP readers only. You may sign up and I will comp you in free if you are interested to read them before hand -The world needs to be prepared for what is next to come! ”
Some of those well read skeptics are also top scientists, teachers, professors at very well respected Universities and some are top government officials and when I wrote for you NOT to count on them for help or to better education, I must be right yes?
Again in “Do Something Original For The World in 2012” when I wrote “A year of extreme weather is what CNN posted today, something I saw over a year ago making the NWS, NOOA, NASA the AMS and the entire science community aware of what they perceive as a “pseudo-science” is actually much more efficacious and reliable than their sophisticated electronic equipment and conventional education. If they could only open their minds, my wisdom would add so much more to their own repertoire of educated wisdom and offer them the option to be much more accurate doing their weather development researches. I wish they were not afraid of the “ridicule” and for once stand strong with me…” I did indeed once more made my case…
Now chances are they are still skeptical so if you (and them) missed the show the unarguable proof of ma latest “prediction” of a large earthquake within 2 days is there for you – simply click on the banner to listen.
Note also this is not the first time I did this, the same thing happened on Coast To Coast with millions of listeners when I said to George Noory “Be ready for a BIG earthquake to take place WITHIN TWO DAYS!”
Note TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.
“I have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Dr Turi since the early years of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show going back to the 90s. He has always been a true, dedicated and professional wanting only to make positive changes in the world that we live in and to his fellow humans. On Wednesday, September 7 from 2 pm – 3 pm Eastern, Dr. Turi was a guest on The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show which I am the creator, host and executive producer when he accurately predicted the earthquake that hit Vancouver and The Islands in British Columbia, Canada on Friday, September 9, 2011. You can listen to our interview at The link to the show is up and working – it is http://traffic.libsyn.com/xzone/20110907_seg2.mp3.
“When Dr Louis Turi speaks, people should pay attention! It is without hesitation and great pleasure that I fully endorse and recommend Dr. Louis Turi.” September 11, 2011 – 1st Rob McConnell, Host & Executive Producer, The ‘X’ Zone Radio / TV Show
From: Jeff Rense –http://www.rense.com/
To: Louis a Turi
Date: Fri, 24 Sept 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Show
I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvellous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit.
Jeff Rense
Again those who do not know me will assume I am on an ego trip but how can I reach them or the world if I stay silent? Offering the proof of my work is the only way to make my point!
Hi Dr. Turi;
We heard it first here on your show “COSMIC HEART”! You predicted the major China earthquake on live radio. absolutely amazing!! (I knew about your previous predictions from Coast to Coast with George Noory, but now I can attest to your accuracy myself.)
Dear Dr. Turi:
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to appear on KLAS-TV’s Morning Show. The interview was both entertaining and fascinating. We especially appreciated you taking the time to prepare the astrological chart of the city of Las Vegas for us. You predicted problems with water and our police force during your appearance. Interestingly enough, a week after you left, the city faced a sudden, potentially serious water crisis and more embarrassments came to light involving our local police department. Some viewers have called the station to say they found what you had to say extremely interesting. It was a pleasure having you in KLAS-TV and I look forward to speaking with you again. Next time you’re in Las Vegas please call us here at the station.
“Alternative Future” Radio from Ireland!
“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting man’s cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”
Dr. Turi
“Dr. Turi is a man of high integrity and an astrologer who means business and doesn’t BS around. He is detailed, accurate, and a wonderful keynote speaker to listen to. He is gifted beyond measure and understands the inner-weavings of the fabric of the Universe.” April 12, 2011
William Constantine, Celebrity Psychic Medium, William Constantine
But what can I do or say I did not do or say (write) before? In order for science to take anything seriously first my “predictions” have to be well documented, dated, printed and in my case they are also published usually a year ahead of time. But most of all they have to be REPETITIVE and this is all I did since 1991.
I challenged NASA, NOAA USGS establishments since 1991 and the emails exchanged with Pasadena Seismology Institute are MUCH TO EMBARRASSING I may add and MUST be repressed, laugh at, ignored and kept away from the media!
There are so many unarguable predictions I made on national radio but this is a Memo from prediction page 1: But what can I do or say I did not do or say (write) before? In order for science to take anything seriously first my “predictions” have to be well documented, dated, printed and in my case they are also published usually a year ahead of time. But most of all they have to be REPETITIVE and this is all I did since 1991. Are you ready for the best of the best in my efforts to reach the scientific community readers? here it is… Scientists Lies – Tornado prediction is NOT advancing nor evolving!
So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.
Sample of Proof:
WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>
Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>
DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 drturi@goodnet.com says… “ POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”
From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”
Results – Full proofs of predictions:
1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th
2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th
More Proof from NASA STUDENT
Kudos to you Dr. Turi!
I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!
Appreciatively, G//
Yes and I did all this without stealing hard working American citizens taxes but readers did it occur to you how many BILLIONS were wasted since 1991 when I offered my services to USGS?
Its now 2015 and 24 years later with all the scientific researches and sophisticated electronics equipments they developed they need more of your money to convince you they are about to offer you a 10 days warning? ARE YOU JOKING? The fact remain ALL major disasters since 1991 transpired in one of the numerous ”SOS To The World” or my “windows of high probabilities!”
Understand my frustration readers, 24 years is a long time trying to reach and show those “mentally” superior scientists, they need to look upward, in the cosmic code jurisdiction for real answers. After so many years, I have the right to bypass diplomacy because I have a serious problem with their educated stupidity!
All the scientific community has to do is to INVESTIGATE my claims openly, because rest assured readers, many geologists are scratching their BIG heads wondering how the hell I can be so damn accurate!
But remember doing so mean accepting defeat and the fact that an “uneducated” French man who uses the cosmic code has and will ever always be able to do better than them all combined! And that is a real big step for both science and religion to acknowledge and accept God’s cosmic will!
Now this does not mean science is bull, I love science and respect the tremendous work they achieved to serve humanity! But reminding them of their non existing, pathetic earthquakes predictions methodology shows a serious inefficiency against my unarguable “mystical” methodology!
for years, your tax dollars has gone to those well-established scientific governmental and private institutions offering you neither the location or the right timing to when the next large quake will take place! I am ahead of science, at least as far as timing is concerned, and I did it all for free, don’t you think its time for geologists to try something different?
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“ (Albert Einstein)
Memo from ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” debating with a young soul;
“When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those they DO NOT happen everyday.“ Check the dated, printed published undeniable proof! Ask USGS why 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – There won’t be no answers from them, but they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to prepare the world!
- Updated – May 23/2013 – Region: SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS – Magnitude: 7.4
- Updated – May 23/2013 – Region: TONGA – Magnitude: 6.6
- Updated – May 24/2013 – Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude: 6.8
- Updated – May 24/2013 – Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude: 8.2
- Updated – May 25/2013 – Region: EASTERN UZBEKISTAN – Magnitude: 6.0
I gave 6 dates but actually what I am doing is to point out the MAXIMUM concentrated energy and add a day on each side which comes up to MAY 22/23/24 and May 28/29/30 2013 .
Thus, this is what you would read if I only offered you a single digit date- “MAY 23 and May 29 2013″ – But I have to add 2 more days on each side of the projected date, because there is such a thing as TIME ZONES and I am trying to cover all time zones at once (and I do) making my ”SOS To The World Universal Dates” valid for Asia, Australia, Europe and not only the US and this clearly explain my cosmic timed methodology…
Then some people will demand me to offer them also precise locations, to them I say ask USGS or NASA or any other institution not Dr. Turi because I do not receive nor use your tax dollar to do the researches. With the current Scorpius Draconis in charge of the world, forcing ALL that is kept secret, covered and underground MUST come to light and Dr. Turi’s voice and “predictions” is getting the world’s attention it deserves.
If I could work in harmony with the scientific community investigating both the physical and spiritual studies, we would soon make significant progress because I have the right timing to work with…They have nothing at all and by the time the little needle the very expansive technology tools you paid for start moving, its much too late! Your roof collapse on your head and you and your loved ones die in the tornado, earthquake or tsunami wave.
Instead of ignoring and classify my outstanding methodology as a “pseudo-science” only, the scientific community should nut up and face the facts that I know something they don’t! And it is the tax payers’ right to use this money where ever answers that can save lives are, especially when the proofs of my are “windows of high probabilities” are steady and unarguable.
I can assure you readers, since 1991 millions of scientists, geologists, astronomers, students of astrophysics, cops and the curious norm read my work trying to uncover my secrets…All they have to do is to take my home course, its that simple, but this mean also divulging their identities! Add the fear of the ridicule and they just missed the boat that could bring them the answers God has enslaved them all to uncover!
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”
This deplorable attitude does not serve anyone, especially the taxpayers in terms of preparedness and this really makes me sad. My own cosmic wisdom saved me from being part of the statistics of the terrible Asia/Thailand tsunami where I was supposed to travel to a couple of days for a fishing trip in Phuket with my friend Owen.
Yes I could have easily be part of the statistics on that tragic day! Both Asia tsunami were expected and predicted a year earlier in my yearly/daily guidance book Moon Power.
All I can do is to again offer you a solid proof of my claims and hope for your support to give me a broader voice and start investing in the right direction with Dr. Turi and the cosmic code jurisdictions so I can really offer ample warnings to the media and save countless priceless lives.
So far I can thanks George Noory, Betsey Lewis my friends Allen and Jeffrey at Paranormal Central, Pete Santilli radio show and countless of other radio and TV hosts for helping me warning you.
May 28/29/30
Shock Surprise Nature Upset
Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill
Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night
Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder
Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics
“Its a pure miracle than simple curiosity survive traditional education.”
Humility and curiosity will lead the rational born UCI kind upgrade to a more spiritually refined human being able to recognize and use God’s mysterious cosmic will! And I am there for you, willing to teach you what your human eyes and “educated” minds are not yet able to perceive and appreciate …
In the process, may the sceptical soul trusting our infantile science realize the truth and support my mission to salvage the human spirit and lead you to become a “Light Fighter.“
If you are a Cosmic Code VIP or if you perceive my spiritual mission, please offer my work to all the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a radio station, on television magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes and real warnings leading to more security to mankind.
Famous and powerful personalities will be starting or ending a very important part of their lives. Events: Foreign governments will have to make important decisions soon thousands have and will be obliged to start new parts of their lives, due to forced relocation.
Bush orders Marines to join Haiti multinational force
President Bush ordered U.S. Marines to Haiti, after the resignation and departure of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
These are events that occured during the Supernova Window of Dec. 10, 2003 to Jan. 12, 2004. During a Supernova Window communications falter, appliances and technology fail. The weather turns deadly and produces earthquakes, volcanic activity, and other violent trends. People and events from the past re-surface. Become a Cosmic Coder and be informed on all future Supernova windows. “Save your life, knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!”
Go Back into the old Dr. Turi website to read the Asia Tsunami unarguable printed proof!
Many famous psychics make predictions that supposed to take place sometime “in the future” but my readers can appreciate my impecable timing and dated prognostications much more. Don’t let those who have a name fool you or let you believe they are better by charging you a fortune for their service when they are not. Use common sense and logic when requesting anyone’ services and trust only those who have well documented predictions and take chances with the public. Psychic accidents are also very real and unless you have solid proofs or their talent do not offer anyone your fragile psyche. Before engaging with any psychic, astrologer or medium
Click Here and First Read This Thoughtfully
NOTE: Many people emailed me wondering why my predictions are so depressing. First it seems that people tend to remember negativity better than positivism, but understand that I am not responsible for the world’s ignorance and its misfortune. 99% of the world’s leaders and the masses in the name of ignorance or religious poisoning are totally oblivious of the Universal rules. Simply imagine going shopping and completely ignore man’s laws or all stop signs and red lights in the streets?Igoring the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or God’s Celestial rules is not a valuable excuse for ignorance and the penalty is very real. Do not blame me for omitting those celestial regulations, remember “knowledge is power, ignorance is evil.”
Do not feed evil or misuse the Supra-conscious in time and space because Instead brings forth your own cosmic consciousness and work in harmony with God’s celestial design to avoid becoming a victim.
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet conceive.”Dr. Turi
As much as I can point out your God given gifts, your shortcomings and point out your fate; when I perform a live VIP or a 90 MN taped Full Life Reading I focus much more on the positive reflection of your and offer you precise timed guidance and predictions. I also teach you those implacable cosmic laws so that you do not become a victim of ignorance. You have a choice to live a more safe and productive life and establish emotional, financial and spiritual stability. But without “Cosmic Consciousness” you can not apply God’s will which is much stronger than the stars and robotically, unconscious act out your own sign.
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”—Paracelsus-
Dr. Turi’s predictions, forecasts, horoscopes and many of his educational articles are available upon your request. If you need solid guidance for your magazine or website simply contact Startheme Publications Promotional Director. Terania Dr. Louis Turi is forever inviting those who don’t believe in the powers of precognition to check his predictions against real events and judge for themselves the true values of his unique work in predictive astrology. The books publishing printing process and dated televisions and radio programs makes these predictions totally unarguable!
Note: You may pass on those predictions to all the people you know and offer my premonitions to the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a magazine or a newspaper simply forward my forewarning to the editors, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate and prepare the world for the year 2012 and bring hopes to mankind.It is imperative for the reader to acknowledge that my methodology is totally unique even well ahead of conventional psychology and Psychiatry accepted disciplines.
Dr. Turi’s expertise is utterly scientifically oriented where a similar software used by NASA is utilized to make predictions and accurately “read” potential terrorists criminals and the common person using the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. Dr. Turi’s Halloran software is also used to help our courageous Law Enforcement officers in need of guidance or spiritual encouragement. Again, I do not predict anything, I am not a psychic and all I am trying to do is to make you aware that unseen powerful forces are at work. We all know, the weather, calamities, history and the news repeat themselves and I happen to know the exact timing.
Channelling The Greatest Prophet O All Times “Michel De Notre Dame”
Because of the severity of these predictions (and the current state of the US economy) I have decided to publish these predictions for free. If you are a regular reader, you know my accuracy in predictive astrology approaches 98%. Thus I can only suggest the reader to take me seriously and pass on these predictions to the world for the future has always and will always be my true faithful witness. While the following predictions are numerous they are generated for the mass only and as a child of the Universe you are a vibrant part of the whole Cosmic Code manifestation.
If you cannot afford any of my readings at least become a VIP for I have much more in store for you to read when you become a Cosmic Coder.
Once you sign up I will take care of your monthly forecast, transits and upgraded personal horoscope for the next 12 months. You will also be taught all the Secrets of the Cosmic Code through my writings.
Every human being is directly touched by the Cosmic Code these and knowing what the new Universal Dragon has in store for you personally can make the difference between becoming a victim or lead a productive safer life. Find out what the stars have in store for you and those you care this year, its very affordable. No one is above God’s jurisdiction and he created the stars to be used as sign each and every one of you must acknowledge and follow. Trust me to take good care of you and point out specific laws that apply for you personally and where your natal and Universal Dragon is in your chart; for knowledge is power and ignorance is evil. Order a reading or become a VIP but for your own sake heed God’ signs to own his protection.
You have my permission to pass on this material and watch some of those TV shows broadcasted April 15th where I gave the date of April 20th, 2010 and prepared the world for “shocking” news and explosions (Gulf of Mexico oil spill)do so from my Ning website Click here
May the creator protects everyone of my readers and may you find in this work what the future holds for the world at large.
The new transiting Dragon (already in action) DEMANDS the world to cooperate and communicate in a Universal manner. This draconic energy will force a general restructure of ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATIONS; this includes the printed spoken words, magazines, newspapers, radios the wood/paper industry forcing a new “Universal” electronic means of communication. This “Act Of God” will allow the world to reach a “liberal” wider type of education preparing humankind for greater changes in communication/education as we approach the year 2012.
Update:July 9.20102 – CNN Announces Digital Election Partnership With Facebook
Update: February 1, 2012: Facebook files for $5 billion IPO
Update: December 1st 2010: CNN – WikiLeaks is an international non-profit media organization that publishes submissions of otherwise unavailable documents from anonymous sources and leaks. Its website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press. Within a year of its launch, the site claimed a database that had grown to more than 1.2 million documents.
Continued -The transportation industry, car makers, trains, airlines, buses including the post office (Updated – UPS) are also about to undergo a a full restructure and the serious changes will affect every one of us directly. The broadcasting industry, the telephone industry, the transportation industry,the deforestation industry the paper industry and so many others corporations related to these endeavors (large bookstores Chains) will be directly/indirectly affected by the dragon/changes where many people will gain/lose their positions or their lives.
Update : 06/29/12 – Postal Service closures start next week
Update: 03/14th, 2012 – Encyclopedia Britannica to stop printing Update: 07/25th 2011: CNN – USPS aims to shut 3,600 offices Update: 05/25th 2011: CNN – Oprah Winfrey signed off after 25 yearsUpdate: 05/25th 2011: CNN – Spirit may be fading on Mars, NASA says
Update: 05/10th 2011: CNN – Microsoft to buy Skype for $8.5 billion
Update: 04 17th 2011: CNN – Another air controller caught sleeping
Update: 04/17th 2011: CNN – Amtrak to shut down ticketing system
Update: 03/28th 2011: CNN – ‘Oprah Winfrey Show’ to say farewell Update: 03/22nd 2011: CNN – Japan Tragedy Impacts Car Prices
Update: 03/22nd 2011: CNN – AT&T Purchase T-Mobile
Update: 03/17th 2011: CNN – House End Federal Funding for Public Radio
Update: 02/16th 2011: CNN – GM Hy-Wire Concept Car
Update: 02/16th 2011: CNN – Borders files for bankrupcy
Update: 02/8th 2011: CNN – Biden announces53 billion high-speed rail plan
Update: 02/ 7th 2011: CNN – AOL aquires Huffington Post For $315 millions
Update: 01/24th 2011: CNN – Post Office to close another 2,000 locations
Update: 09/27th 2010: CNN – Southwest to buy AirTran
Update: 09/4th 2010: CNN – Race to Nowhere Documentary!
Update: 09/3rd 2010: CNN – Ferrari Recall Super Car!
Update: 08/18th 2010: CNN – High Speed Train in The Us!
Update: 08/3rd 2010: CNN – Barnes & Noble UP for Sale!
Update: 08/8th 2010: CNN – iPhone on Verizon January 2011
Updated December 15, 2011
Forty-six transportation projects will share $511 million in federal funding, the Transportation Department announced Thursday. DOT received 848 applications, requesting $14.3 billion.
A few years ago the human race and Mother Earth experienced a “fire” dragon producing serious heat waves and firestorms(California/Australia fires) producing over 15000 deaths in France. Click hereBack in 2004 we experienced a “water” Dragon producing a series of deadly hurricanes “predicted to the day on Coast To Coast AM radio with George Noory” and the devastating Asia tsunami. Note also, every one of these calamities were fully predicted in my yearly Moon Power publications.
You may check what I wrote for the Asia Tsunami back in 2004 and check my claims.Click hereAs you read my well documented, dated set of predictions you will also notice the prediction of the Full restructure of the secret Agency FBI/CIA and of course, 911 including the prediction of the US economy to name a few.
Why So Many Tornadoes Fires Are Striking the US?
“We are fast moving to an “AIR” dragon that will have the “weather man” wondering what the heck is going on and all the fire fighters on their toes. I see quite a lot of tornadoes; wind storms, sand storms, fire storms stopping traffic (check 2011 Moon power Supernova windows for most impact) and such a “wind” activity can only make the upcoming hurricane “season” a very busy one.”

UPDATE August 8, 2012: Government forecasters today increased their predictions for the current hurricane season to 12 to 17 named storms and five to eight hurricanes.
I guess I am not only accurate but a few months ahead of NOAA in terms of predictions, I still wonder why after blasting their websites for years with unarguable natural disasters predictions they still did not request to investigate my methodology. Again do not expect the NWS, NOAA USGS, NASA or science at large to remotely understand the inner workings of the Cosmic Code or God’ sign plaguing the world.
2013/2014 will be a water year, the cycle never end, the stars do not lie but depraved of cosmic consciousness our infantile science is at loss…Stand by for 2013/2014 Universal Predictions that will be posted at http://www.drturi.com
How more precise can I be?
UPDATED JULY 3, 2012 – Wildfires on the rise, researcher warns
(I warned the world about those fires last year! Your tax dollars should go to my research instead of being wasted)
UPDATED JUNE 28, 2012 Fires may be worst in Colorado history
The Denver office of the FBI, meanwhile, has joined local authorities in investigating reports that an arsonist may have set the fire.
Updated April 3rd, 2012
Tornadoes tear through Dallas-Fort Worth area
Updated March 3rd, 2012
Iowa county declared disaster area after tornado
28 dead as ‘enormous outbreak’ of tornadoes tears through U.S.
Fire may be worst in Texas history
Update: June 9th, 2011: CNN – Arizona wildfire” 2nd largest in history
Update: April 17th, 2011: CNN – Storms, twisters kill 125 in Joplin MO
Update: April 17th, 2011: CNN – Storms, twisters kill 342 in 4 states
Update: April 9th, 2011: CNN – Fire may be worst in Texas history
Update: April 9th, 2011: CNN – Iowa county declared disaster area after tornado
Updated: April 10th, 2011: CNN – Germany: Freak sandstorm causes deadly multiples motorway pile-up
Update: November 23rd, 2010: CNN – Midwest hit hard by extreme winds, flash floods
Update: December 2nd, 2010: — Shifting winds from the storm front that is moving through the eastern United States produced heavy snow has shut down Interstate 90 near Buffalo, New York, leaving motorists stranded for more than 12 hours as of Thursday morning, with more snow on the way.
Update: December 3rd, 2010: –Haifa, Israel (CNN) — Police said Friday that they suspect arson in the wildfire that has killed at least 41 people and injured 17 in northern Israel over the past two days.Changing winds made the fight against the fire very difficult. Officials called the wildfire, which had scorched more than 7,400 acres and continued to burn, the worst in the nation’s history.
Then as of August 2010 onward we will be on for an interesting dance where all the forces of EVIL will battle the force of LIGHT! This is where it will pay off to become a VIP Cosmic Code subscriber and be prepared! I am fully aware of the current state of the economy and I am doing my very best by offering samples of my Cosmic Code Newsletter for free to the public and as the economy improve, if you are into my work you will have to become a VIP to read more of my predictions. I indeed did much more than anyone else in this field for my readers by offering my book Moon Power and my VIP newsletters for FREE for too long and like everything else this is now over. JOIN US Click here
I understand the financial situation of people produced by this terrible economy but the reality is when you offer too much for free people tend to expect more and do not realize how valuable (if not priceless) REAL predictions really are and lose interest. But once my works disappear from your mailbox you will then realize how important my work and I were in your life.
You must realize how, at 60 years old I am now very tired and my terrible experience with cancer made me aware how precious life really is. I guess I chose working 24 / 7 for you instead of going fishing and enjoying what is left of my life with my new wife Terania but how long this will last? One day I will have to slow down and write only for my VIP’s because they have invested in me and trusted my work.
Continued – On a more positive note I see an explosion of electrical wind mills, new water/air car technology and a mind boggling 3D photography technology but serious challenges still for the general printing industry and associates.
2011 Jupiter / Mercury Impact
America, born July 4th 1776, will receive the Dragon’s Tail on her 12th house as of March 2011 forcing a total re-structure of the working force and its basic physical organizations. On a spiritual US / world meaning this dragon will induce a serious increase in mental problems (dementia/depressions/schizophrenia etc.) where medications will make the situation worse. Expect dramatic news and a serious increase involving suicides.
Update August 16, 2012: Army sees highest suicide rate in July
Update July 7th, 2010:
Two months ago I believe there were 72 – last month I reported 80 (?) if my memory serves me.I just pulled up the stats for the same area for the 8/7 to 9/7 time frame. Unbelievable! 122 lost souls took their lives! This should confirm to all your prediction of more suicides. Have others check their areas. And our poor officers who have to roll up on these day after day must be taking its toll as well.
Susan K.
Update May 16th 2012 – Autopsy: Mary Kennedy died of asphyxiation due to hanging
Update May 2nd 2012 – Former Chargers star Junior Seau, 43, dead in apparent suicide
Update December 12th, 2010 – “Madoff’s son committed suicide in his apartment in N.Y.”
Update December 9th, 2010 – “Justin, one of our close friend committed suicide in his apartment in LA.”
Update June 2nd, 2010 – “Inside China factory hit by suicides”
Update July 15th, 2010 – “Death Of Texas Mayor/daughter ruled as SUICIDE/homicide.”
Update July 15th, 2010 – Army Officials “Troops are committing suicide at a record rate.”
Update July 15th, 2010 – State Prison Officials ” Inmate are committing suicide at a record rate.”
Update July 15th, 2010 – Workplace Suicides in the U.S. on the Rise?
Update August 16th, 2010 – Border Patrol Sees Rise in Suicides
Update: October 18th 2010: – Surge in Gay Teen Suicide
Read more from Click here
Continued – Many victims will be a portion of the religious poisoned mass awaiting the “end of times.” Our infantile science will be at loss wondering why the weakened human spirit became so lost and desperate so fast.
Harold Camping Demented Spirit – David Darling and Megacatastrophes!
To make the situation worse, the prescribed medications will be channeled by the nefarious Mercurial dragon into the human respiratory system producing numerous fatalities. Much of the investigations and scientific findings will be kept secret but in time will come to light.
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army Ret.)’ sent his Estimate of Situation at Fukushima, Japan, focusing on the immediate threat to the Northern Hemisphere emanating from the highly radioactive ruins of the 5 Fukushima nuclear reactors.
Gen. Stubblebines prognosis is dire: “When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far. Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk.”
United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans (Mostly babies) have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.”
Update 09/24/2012 New SARS-like virus poses mystery
Whooping cough making a comeback
Before the first vaccine was developed for whooping cough in 1939, the respiratory infection killed thousands of Americans each year. Hundreds of cases are now being reported in eight states including Washington, which has declared an epidemic.
The right lung had been destroyed,” he said. That child died within 24 hours of being admitted to his hospital. The other died within 48 hours. He said their symptoms included difficulty breathing, high fever and coughing.
Did poison kill these tourists?
Did poison kill these tourists?
There’s an ongoing investigation of Rick Scott in Florida on a Tuberculosis outbreak. Rick Scott Shuts Down TB Hospital Amid “Worst Outbreak in 20 Years”
Remember 2 years ago when I predicted the Dragon was aiming for famous people and their children? Time has proven me right with this prediction too as we lost a record of famous people and children last 2 years. (see 2009 Universal Predictions long list.
I see the real estate booming again, as the country infrastructure is changing . The old road / signal / bridges systems will be replaced by “round points”, the stock market will experience a slow but sure recovery especially in July / June and January / December 2011/2012.
Updated March 15, 2012: NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Stocks finished higher Thursday, with the S&P 500 topping the 1,400 mark for the first time in nearly four years, as investors considered a batch of better-than-expected economic news.
Updated February 3, 2012: U.S. stocks rallied as investors cheered a much stronger than expected jobs report, with the Dow rising more than 150 points to its highest point since 2008.
Updated December 15, 2011: Forty-six transportation projects will share $511 million in federal funding, the Transportation Department announced Thursday. DOT received 848 applications, requesting $14.3 billion.
A US state city will suffer a natural disaster bringing millions to surrounding states, especially Arizona. This calamity will take place during one of my SOS Deadly Uranic / Moonic or Plutonic Window.
Note: I have so much more to write, so much more to predict and so much more to teach you reader. Let me guide you, become a Cosmic Coder, you are in good hands with me!
Note to my 2009/2010 VIPs ONLY: If you are an old Cosmic Code VIP subscriber and want to join please chose the $24.95 level 2 option and I will comp you to level 3 TOP VIP once you email mail me directly with your old password at dr.turi@cox.net Don’t miss anything or a single of my Cosmic Code newsletter they will stir a bran new consciousness or and even save your life.
“I see a serious terrorist gas attack and/or a pulmonary diseases coming from birds or poultry. This Mercurial energy aims for the birds, fishes, bees and will manifest its negative power in the air and water (MX predicted oil ill).”
Natural causes killed penguins along Brazilian coast, scientists say…
What’s killing the honey bees?
2,300 birds found dead along Chilean beaches
Why are thousands of dead birds suddenly falling from the sky?
Update: December 15, 2011 – Read Dead Birds Don’t Talk!
About 200 birds found dead in Arkansas city for second straight New Year’s Eve
Update: January 1st, 2012 – Read ET’s Birds and Human
Five thousand blackbirds died in Arkansas. One hundred pelicans died near Jacksonville, North Carolina. Three hundred doves died in Italy. Seventy bats in died Tucson, Arizona. Thousands of fish died in Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Sweden, Brazil and the United States.
Continued: I also see the worse aeronautical disaster and this is why it is important to plan in respect of the Universal Laws of the Moon found in all my Moon Power books. Again the “energy” will manifest itself during a Supernova window and after any of the 2011/2012 full moon.
The US financial situation will see serious improvement as we move on into the year 2011/2012. Back in December 2007 I prepared the world for what would become the current crisis with US economy and gave the date of March 2011 for the end of the full restructure of the real estate. It will take a few years to go back normal but ultimately America will be back on track financially and lead the world again.
“Jupiter impact will force Mexico, Spain, Italy, Portugal and all Latino countries to undergo a total change of regime where bloody revolutions will take many lives. I see a form of “revolution” in the US too.
This prediction was made in June 2009 for July 2010/2011/2012 where politicians will battle with themselves and the media to get reelected. The finger of evil is pointed at the US around July 2010/2011/2012 and I can only hope to be wrong in the upcoming disturbance and / or calamity.”
The new administration is doing all in its power to control the abusive unconcerned greedy capitalist’s corporations and our President is a target for assassination by self absorbed groups. I see President Obama doing serious work in foreign land resuscitating the US image to the world. But I see him also in danger while flying Air Force One. I see a lot of bad press against him with caricatures and jokes that will vex many. The President is writing a book (secret) that express the depth of his wishes and fears, his hopes and wishes for his country and the world at large, knowing *subconsciously he is a serious target for assassination. One of his children will make difficult news and the first Lady will get sick (or contract a disease) and will be forced to rest (June/December 2010/2011/2012)
Parts of the world (even a US city) will suffer seriously due to food shortage/medications as mother earth restructures her entrails right under it. Helping the victims will become a serious challenge due to the total destruction of the local infrastructure.
Let’s hope this “vision” is far from materializing (but it did in Japan!) as I also see danger with wild animals running free. Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of June/December 2011/2012 as Jupiter and Mercury will make hard aspects to other destructive planets. England is a Capricorn country and will undergo the same changes where many of the members of Royal family will experience dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer a death by malady or accident.
Britain’s Prince Philip Taken to Hospital
London streets filled with protesters
UK residents will find themselves jobless bringing more stress to the government and its political decisions. This impact will resonate in Australia, India and other countries who have a strong connection with the UK.
Update November 21st, 2010 – In Birmingham, a UK city hit hard even before the recession and one that displays many of the tensions experienced across Europe, suspicion and hostility toward asylum seekers, especially Muslims, is much in evidence.
The century’s old man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.
August 22nd, 2012 – Prince Harry naked in Vegas photos – Pics: From boy prince to naked partier
Updated 09/13/2012 – (CNN) — Just weeks after the scandal about pictures of Britain’s Prince Harry naked in Las Vegas, a magazine has sparked fresh controversy by publishing pictures of Prince William’s wife, Catherine, topless while vacationing.
PLEASE READ Prince William Princess Catherine and the UK Fate
November 18th 2010 – CNN – Royal engagement reveals less deferential, more meritocratic Britain.
On a more personal note Gemini all souls born in June and December (Check What’s Next for Sheriff Joe Arpaio? also born in June) or those born with a natal/hidden Dragon’s Head/Tail a rising in any of these signs will undergo a full restructure of their lives until August 2012. Then souls born in May and November will be next targeted by the Dragon. The Jupiter/Mercury impact will affect general relationships and partnerships at large. Affairs involving brothers/sisters could become also a source of conflict or worse produce fatalities. Accidents could take place driving or in foreign lands be cautious.
Use moon power or pay the price like millions of people victims of the Icelandic volcano. My family arrived safe and sound and in time a day before the eruption; it pays to know and use God’ signs. I see the 2011/2012 “Supernova Windows” to be particularly deadly, thus its a little investment with my book Moon Power or a heavy price to pay.
Remember the “Supernova Windows” printed in my 2010 Moon Power mentioned exactly the dates producing the Icelandic volcano grounding millions of people. The WIND carrying the volcanic particles was the “signal” I was waiting for ; to make you aware of the new Dragon , it is already in motion and will plague this world even more in 2011/2012. Where ever this Jupiter/Mercury impact is in your own natal chart, (combined with the new Dragon’s Head and Tail) you can indeed expect very serious positive/negative changes. There are people who would rather ignore God’ signs than to seek help with my services and avoid future catastrophes.
Vote for the ‘politics of hope NOT the politics of fear!
Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and using the Cosmic Code at your advantage is the main reason why God created the stars and the heavens; TO BE USED AS SIGNS! Ask and you shall receive… A smooth operator, a concerned priest, a soft spoken or gentile psychic will perceive your fears and your needs to hear only good things. But doing so may only assure him/her your $$$$ return but you will surely lose in the long run.
Remember the truth never intended to please anyone and often the truth hurt! Sugar coating readings are not only futile but dangerous and will live you unprepared, especially if your psychic is depraved of Cosmic Consciousness. When I do a reading I will insist on passing on BOTH the good and bad news, because I will give you also the potential dates for any tragedy (EVIL) that could get to you. Armed with such timed reality will permit you to be much more cautious and even advise those you care to AVOID tragedy.
Read this… Linda May 6, 2010 at 11:34pm – Subject: Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
“Dr. Turi, you are right again…I just lost my beautiful nephew this morning to lung cancer and life sucks right now….the cosmic code waits for “no one”….and as the world turns, so do we….you predicted a “death” in my twelve month reading and I was hoping it wasn’t so….he was so young Dr. Turi.”
DT – I am so sorry for your loss Linda and my heart goes to you…Jeff is in a place where we all will meet one day and he is now your guardian angel.
But in reality this “death” did not have to happen, yes it did not have to! Had Jeff known his relationship to the divine, his dragon the physical weakness of his karmic UCI, chances are he would have had enough information to BEAT death. I would have counseled him appropriately and told him where EVIL was hidden in his body, mind and spirit and from there guide him in the light, in the right direction before it became too late for him. But that is the problem with people who would rather live in denial and in the dark hoping for a God’s protection they do not know, cannot hear or see. The disease that killed Jeff was inside me too but I beat it off…
I know now the reasons of “attracting” this evil physically and emotionally and corrected myself since then as to keep it away from me for good. A few years ago when Jeff’s body and spirit were much stronger I could have made the difference but Jeff did not know me. Call it fate…But you know me and facing your fears of the future and letting me perform a spiritual MRI, a spiritual cleansing on your UCI *Unique Celestial Identity could make the entire difference between living a happy, healthy successful life or stay into ignorance and may God be with you. When you’ll be ready for me I will be there for you but again be sure that I will let you know when the road could be rocky for you and what to do to avoid it well before this nasty trail comes around the corner. LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU NOW!
Important note: The negative Dragon’s Tail in Cancer will change sign in March 2011 then enter Gemini in March 2011 and stay in this sign until August 2012 – Many of 2010/2011 predictions have yet to come to pass before August 2012.
MONTHS OF CAUTION – June / December 2011 until August 2012
1.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.
2.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to battle Mother Earth depleting health.
3.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to battle drug trafficking and gang violence.
4.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to gather a better control of its citizens.
5.Many large established Corporations, (Church Inc.), will “merge” to avoid bankruptcy.
6.Many large established Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their act and methodology.
7.Many large established Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth.
v 8.Many large established Corporations will suffer the iron fist of the IRS.
v 9.Many large established Corporations, including the IRS, will be forced to restructure.
10.Many large established religious Corporations, (Church Inc.), will be forced into paying taxes.
11.Many large established religious Corporations, (Mormons, cults, Scientology etc.), will be targeted by Uncle Sam.
12.Many large established oil and pharmaceutical Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.
13.Many large established food and farmers Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.
14.The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Cancer (US infrastructure) and Gemini (the subconscious of the US) has since 2007 (and will until August 2012) drastically affect the US economy and many others countries inducing depression /suicides due to awful natural disasters such as floodings, fires, quakes tsunamis etc. Months of caution June / December 2011 until August 2012. Remember Camping ridiculous religious exodus?
15.The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) was in in Cancer (general security), now in Gemini until August 2012 will bring about depressions, internal unrest in many countries including the UK and the US.
16.The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Cancer (general security/USA), now in Gemini until August 2012, will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars.
17.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Governments), now in Sagittarius until August 2012, (foreign grounds/foreign affairs) will force the power itself to fight back internal abuses/unrests and avoid collapsing on itself.
18.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Government), now in Sagittarius until August 2012, will force the Army and the Navy to restructure and grow drastically in power and technology. Serious possibility of restitution of the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats.
19.The Tail of the Dragon in Cancer now in Gemini until August 2012, will bring serious insecurity to the poor, where the same very people will demand drastic decisions to be taken.
20. On a positive side the governmental waste and political abuse will seriously decrease watched by its own internal police. Information produced by the Internet induced by the new Dragon’s Head in Sagittarius (foreign education) could also be targeted, controlled or eliminated in some countries.
21. On a positive side foreign wealthy abusive corporations hiding behind and manipulating the law will be forced to expose scams and participate with the redistribution of wealth.
22. On a positive side America’s image and security will return but will take all the way to August 2012 to re-establish. Soon after December 2011 and until August 2012 the entire legal / educational / religious system will be on the way to implode and restructure itself.
23. Cancer will be conquered as we approach and pass August 2012.

09/20/2012 – Research center launches major initiative to cure cancer
This Universal restructure of abusive power and obvious greed must stop! ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE. The truth can not be hidden anylonger and those greedy corporations (and CEO’s/FCO’s) that banrupted America are no safe anymore on foreign grounds where American sweat, pain and suffering was stolen and invested.
Much more incredible informations and predictions from 2012 to 2014 are available to my VIP’s only – Join the world, be prepared, be informed, Dr. Turi is indeed CNN before CNN!
UPDATE 02/11/2011 – CNN – Egypt President Mubarak Steps Down!
Memo of 2008/2009 Dragon’s Head and Tail Predictions
Note – Date of prediction 9/9/2007
Memo *Printed in 2008/2009 Moon Power – Not only children but EVERYONE, especially every FAMOUS person will be a target for the Dragon’s Tail(Fateful/drama) in the magnanimous sign of Leo (fame) in 2008/2009. It first spoke its deadly power on November 26, 2007 (a date to be cautious and printed in my book last year and posted on both my website and on CTC.) when Redskins’ Taylor was shot in his home died and again when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and Bill Gwatney, chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, died 8/13/08. Here is a memo of the long list of departed famous people in 2009.May God Bless All Souls
Actor Heath Ledger – Actor Brad Renfro – Anna Loginova – Actress Shell Kepler – Chinmoy Kumar – Jeff Healey – Tim Russert – Charlie Jones – George Carlin – Bill Gwatney – Suzanne Tamim – Paul Newman – Choi Jin-sil – Joerg Haider – Eileen Herlie -Ralph Joseph – Paul Harvey – Richardson – Jade Goody – Ted Hughes’ son – Nick Adenhart – Mike Tyson Daughter – Martin’s wife, Kerry – Farrah Fawcett – Michael Jackson – Billy Mays just to name a few, so how more precise Dr. Turi has been in his 2008/2009 predictions?
This section of course does not include the full unarguable prediction I made of “the full restructure of the US economy” broadcasted on Coast To Coast with George Noory well before anyone ever mentioned the word economy. You may also watch any of my television show or listen to any of my radio show from my website orCosmic Code, or Utube if you need more proof of my claims.
Again knowledge is power and ignorance is evil. Raise your cosmic consciousness and enjoy a happier existence this is why God gave us the stars.” To be used as signs so that you can enjoy a more productive and safer life”. Note while everyone without any exception will feel the tremendous impact of the Dragon in a specific house and sign, those born in July and January or those born with a rising in these signs, or souls who inherited a natal or hidden Dragon in Cancer / Capricorn will be DIRECTLY affected in 2010. More than any other souls they all, will be forced, *apathetically speaking, to endure a form of physical / spiritual death and rebirth. A progressive or full life 90 MN taped reading would give you all very important way to regenerate your spirit and use the vital information as how the Dragon’s Head or Tail will affect your entire life this year, you better be aware and prepared.Try me and be amazed!Click here for your reading
Again, let me bring you in the past just for a while so you can understand the progression of the Dragon each year. Thursday June 22nd, 2006 The Dragon’s Head entered the sign of Pisces and this was a very important “change of guards!” where God’s dictates his will through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. August 2006 marked the beginning of the re-structure of the Middle East with both the invasion of Lebanon by Israel and the cease-fire of august 13th 2006. As anticipated my prediction of a full restructure of the Middle East is in full motion and it is far from being over and was fully predicted on Coast To Coast, Art Bell show March 26, 1995. You may listen to this UNARGUABLE prediction on you tube too.Utube
This was my first time on the air with Art where “including my prediction of the RE ELECTION of President Clinton” then and the upcoming war! Art literally screamed” EXCUSE ME? A religious war between the US and the Middle East?”
In the 2006 Moon Power I wrote; Pisces rules the Middle East and will bring more attacks by terrorists worldwide. August 2006-Scotland Yard in the UK and other secret services in Germany managed to defeat many plots. For those of you who have the 2006 copy of Moon Power simply read my predictions for these days in August. This Dragon in the deceiving religious sign of Pisces brought serious pain and many deaths with the recruit of god-fearing Muslim people ready to die for the religious purpose. This religious Dragon also increased the church desperate need for Christian followers poisoned with dogmatic teachings believing in the “last days” and the return of Jesus reflecting the last breath of the dying Pisces age. Be also aware that the year 2012 will NOT bring the end of the human race as proclaimed by the religions or Indians prophecies incorrectly translated and destitute of true “Cosmic Consciousness”. Many people have already emailed and called me with distressing messages wondering why they should keep going or have any hopes for the future when everything should end soon. It breaks my heart to watch these vile programs on television only dedicated to bring financial revenue to the moronic producers and the idiotic actors Regurgitating their own fear of the future.Remember there is only one thin air between Divine information and pure imagination and this is what you are dealing with in the majority of all these TV talking heads. None of these souls are aware of the damage they are inflicting not only to the God fearing religiously poisoned population but also to the Superconscious in time and space. Humans have not yet understood they are the ultimate creator of their common destiny.
“The future is the reincarnation of the thoughts”– Dr. Turi-
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
– Albert Einstein
2012 is nothing else than a welcome progressive window offered to humankind allowing the uninformed mass to raise its own vibrations and perceive a different reality involving the Divine UFO and its accompanying Universal rules. 2012 will come and go then hopefully by then my message and premonitions will be read and accepted as legitimate. This does not mean some other religious lunatics may not comeback to aunt us with another year promising the wrath of God and the total destruction of this world. If you must trust someone’s predictions be smart enough to investigate the producer of such and if you have as much confirmation of legitimacy as I have produced over the year then you should be very sacred. But it seems as I the only one posting my work on all major websites, so you are in good hand with me.
I would suggest you to stop watching this junk, take a big breath and enjoy your life. Providing you respect God’ celestial signs there are no reasons for you not to live a long and happy life trust me. Meantime expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fuelled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.
The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity. That’s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one’s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign. The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dagon’s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.
Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom
– Paracelsus
2010 Capricorn Head Cancer Tail Universal Predictions
America, born July 4th 1776, receive the Dragon’s Tail on her first house (right in her face) until March 2011 forcing a total re-structure of the real estate, the country infrastructure where the market will experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all. A California natural disaster will bring millions to surrounding states, especially Arizona. This calamity will take place during one of my SOS Deadly Uranic Window.
The US financial situation will see serious improvement in the Real Estate market as we move on into the year 2010. Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy. The new administration is doing all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus. Parts of the world will suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails. Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn will “protect” the most powerful structured organizations using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate. However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive enterprises will be forced to the ground or restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.
Updated 05/23/2010 – CNN -London, England (CNN) — A British tabloid posted a video on its Web site Sunday that appears to show Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, accepting money from an undercover reporter in exchange for access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, a U.K. trade envoy.
1.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.
2.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to battle Mother Earth depleting health.
3.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to battle drug trafficking and gang violence.
4.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to gather a better control of its citizens.
5.Many large established Corporations, (Church Inc.), will “merge” to avoid bankruptcy.
6.Many large established Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their act and methodology.
7.Many large established Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth.
8.Many large established Corporations will suffer the iron fist of the IRS.
9.Many large established Corporations, including the IRS, will be forced to restructure.
10.Many large established religious Corporations, (Church Inc.), will be forced into paying taxes.
11.Many large established religious Corporations, (Mormons, cults, Scientology etc.), will be targeted by Uncle Sam.
12.Many large established oil and pharmaceutical Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.
13.Many large established food and farmers Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.
14.The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Cancer (US infrastructure), will drastically affect the US and many others countries due to awful natural disasters such as flooding, fire, quakes etc. July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011.
Memo:January 12, 2010 a 7.0 Earthquake Hits Haiti, Leaves Heavy Casualties.
Read what my book Moon Power say ON THE DAY of the earthquake!
Environment: Gloomy news may come from Mexico (GOLF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL?), Japan, and some faraway continents. Nature may decide to stretch herself and do harm to people in different places. She will produce a bad earthquakeor a volcanic eruption within the next few days. ICELANDIC VOLCANOE ERUPTION?
MEMO from 2010 Moon Power – April / May: Second SUPERNOVA window
From Thursday April 15th 2010 through Monday May 17th 2010
UPADE – The exact dates for the Mexico oil spill, the Icelandic volcano eruption and the terrile Japan eartquake/tsunami were printed in my book 2010 Moon Power back in June 2009 and posted on all major websites weeks ahead of time for April 2010 and in my “SOS To The World” window dates Ning website. Furthermore both dates were broadcasted on 2 television shows – watch them on my site as to prove my claim to you.”
CNN – 03/11/2011 – Massive Earthquake strikes Japan
CNN – 02/27/10 – 7.0 Earthquake strikes off Okinawa
CNN – 02/27/10 – 8.8 Earthquake strike Chile
CNN – 04/04/2010 – A 6.9 quake felt across Baja California, Arizona and southern California.
CNN – 04/06/2010 – 7.8-magnitude quake strikes Indonesia –
15.The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Cancer (general security), will bring about internal unrest in France, Italy, Japan, China and the US. July 2010 / January 2011.
16.The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Cancer (general security/USA), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars.
17.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Government), will force the power itself to fight back internal abuses and avoid collapsing on itself.
18.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Government), will force the Army and the Navy to restructure and grow drastically in power and technology. Serious possibility of restitution of the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats July 2010 / January 2011.
19.The Tail of the Dragon in Cancer will bring serious insecurity to the poor, where the same very people will demand drastic decisions to be taken. July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011.
20. On a positive side the governmental waste and political abuse will seriously decrease watched by its own internal police.
21. On a positive side wealthy abusive corporations hiding behind and manipulating the law will be forced to participate with the redistribution of wealth.
22. On a positive side America’s image and security will return soon after 2011. Soon after June 2011 the entire legal / educational / religious system will be on the way to implode and restructure itself.
23. Cancer will be conquered following an increase due to electronic exposure.
This Universal restructure of abusive power and obvious greed must stop! ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE.
This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!
There will be four major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the year 2010. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period. Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time.
December 2009 / January 2010: First SUPERNOVA window From Sunday December 20th, 2009 through Saturday January 23rd, 2010
April / May: Second SUPERNOVA window From Thursday April 15th 2010 through Monday May 17th 2010
Note: The Icelandic volcanoe grounded millions of people on the day it erupted! Don’t be a victim use Moon Power “Universal Guidance and Predictions” when planning your trips.
August / September: Third SUPERNOVA window From Sunday August 15th 2010 through Saturday September 18th 2010
December 3, 2010 / January 7, 2011: Fourth SUPERNOVA window From Sunday December 5th 2010 through January 7th, 2011
There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent while driving and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes, volcano eruption and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA canceled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates. Note we are today 1/7/2010, under such a window and BA once more made the news with the possibility of strikes during the holy-days.
Double-check all your appointments, and if you can postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”. If you must fly like I do very often simply make sure to purchase your ticket and make your reservation during a waxing moon and the stars will not bother you. Remember the Universal Laws do not care for birthday or religious holidays or else, simply think of crossing the street while the light is red or ignore a stop sign, then see what will happen to you. Those laws are impartial and written by God not men and messing them up will bring about serious penalty. Note that; I flew only a few days before the Full Moon in August 2006 to Thailand during a “Supernova Window” to write this book and I traveled safely and avoided all trouble. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil!
Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these “tools” will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another. The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble “or news” from the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoner’s escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again. Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions.
In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”. Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts.
Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind’s affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science’s purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars.
Earthquake Predictions
Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!
So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.
Sample of Proof:
WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>
Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps –
WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>
DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 drturi@goodnet.com says… POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995) –
>From Dr. Turi – Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully– Dr. Turi
Results – Full proofs of predictions:
RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th – Oct. 8th a 7.0 EARTHQUAKE HIT SUMATRA (INDONESIAN ISLANDS)
RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th – Oct. 9th a 7.6 EARTHQUAKE HIT MEXICO.
More Proof?
Read Dr. Turi’s prediction made worldwide on Coast To Coast radio preparing the world for a BIG earthquake to happen WITHIN TWO DAYS!
Note TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.
Kudos to you Dr. Turi!
I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!
E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.
Appreciatively, G//
More Proof:
From: /////@///om
To: Louis a Turi
Date: Fri, 24 Sept 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Show
I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvelous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. I had another fine program with John Hogue last night. Be well, my friend.
Jeff Rense
“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.” Dr. Turi
Sad enough your tax dollars is going to those well-established governmental institutions and they will never in a million years give you the right timing of when a bad quake will happen, while my valuable research and my obvious findings (and predictions) are not taken seriously or even endorsed. Well I am well ahead of those scientists and that is the fact. Once more help me to pass those 2010 predictions to all the people you know and offer them to the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes to mankind. Simply mention my website.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi