For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Timeline to ‘Retribution’: Isla Vista attacks planned over years
(CNN) — The Isla Vista killer wrote in his “twisted world” journal that when his “life took a very dark turn” at 17, he began fantasizing about punishing “all of the popular kids and young couples for the crime of having a better life than me.”
Dear Readers;
I am sure many of you already read the full explanation of Elliot Roger UCI through my Astroforensic work. All I can do is to again emphasize the importance of reaching all the children before, during or soon after puberty and offer them the option to ground themselves PSYCHICALLY and control what our non spiritual science would classify as “hormones changes” only.
There is so much more involving our spiritual evolution and its inner connection to the stars because the cosmos itself has a soul and reflect God’s cosmic divinity. Indeed something today’ science as yet to uncover.
Please do not portray those innocent victims of the adults/teachers cosmic ignorance as mere criminals only, indeed all the past, present and future monsters are the end product of a detrimental lack of Universal wisdom.
The moronic, uneducated news writers and TV “Talking Heads” describe Roger as living in a “twisted world” and then his “life took a very dark turn” at the age of 17.
This confirms my theory to reach those children before, during or soon after puberty and my legitimate wisdom. Do not accuse nor let the moronic news-media matrix make you believe only those children were born killers. Without spiritual cosmic grounding ALL kids have the potential to mature into killers including YOURS!
Any of those lost kids could have been YOURS and all are victimized and produced by the scientific and religious matrixes controlling educational system. It is time for you to take notice and help me reaching the media!
My work is read all over the world by millions and a good chunk are teachers, school masters and curious medical scientists. I am willing to lecture for FREE anytime, anywhere so you can appreciate not only the impact but the demand and need for such a “controversial” topic. Again it is only a matter of time before another innocent kid or young adult suffer his over emotional UCI and initiate another killing spree.
‘Retribution’: Roger Elliot Isla Vista Attacks Started at Puberty
There are thousands of kids just like Adam Lanza and Roger Elliot ON THE VERGE to commit horrible crimes and its just a matter of time before acting out their nasty stars when, the dance of evil or their cosmic biorhythms falls in the perfect place.
How long will it take for the “educated” scientists, parent, and teachers alike including the US Department of Education to ACCEPT their failures and try something new?
Dr. Turi Recovered Article – Proposition for discussing Spirituality in Schools
By Vicki Zakrzewski and Dr.Turi
Research suggests that spirituality may be a natural developmental process—so what does this mean for secular schools?
“I believe in reincarnation because it just makes sense!” exclaimed 10-year-old Jesse in the middle of a lesson that was on anything but reincarnation.
Dear Readers:
Knowing that I exhausted every possible avenues to reach Vicki and her friends privately on her Facebook page, the chances for them to read my 45 years of independent researches on the subtle interaction between the human mind and the “Cosmic Code” are grim; but a response from her or any of the medical experts I reach regularly with my work would be a miracle.
Thus, while she is definitely on the right track, I hope to bring Vicky and the scientific community a better understanding of the mechanics involving the Universal Mind and its impact upon human with my famous rebuttals… In ‘NFL Star Junior Seau Huge Medical Cover Up” I gave a few valuable links on the subject, but knowing it is a miracle for curiosity to survive education I wonder how many people really took the time read my work. As a rule women are much more perceptive/intuitive than men but this is not a rule because it all depend on the inherited UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.
Continued: This wasn’t the first time one of my students had brought up a topic related to spirituality or religion. In fact, I found during my years of teaching that most of my students were both curious about and eager to discuss these subjects—a bit of a conundrum when schools generally consider these to be taboo subjects.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Does Vicki’s comment speaks for itself and dictate a very strong conscious and subconscious drive to dig into metaphysics, astrology, Astropsychology, meditation or anything else classified as “pseudo-science” by our infantile scientific community? The very taboo they are talking about is the cosmic fluid they all need to balance out the endless rigid rational educational material enforced upon a burgeoning fragile psyche.
Continued: Interestingly, however, scientists are beginning to find that just like cognitive, physical, and emotional development, spirituality may also be a universal developmental process—which, given that teaching is informed by child development, raises the question: Can spirituality play a role in secular education?
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Thanks Dr. Turi for blasting the Internet since 1991 educating parents and teachers alike but rest assured like Vicki and the 20 TOP mind experts and other elites from all walks of life making up my “Internet “Black List” sucking my rare wisdom is OK but acknowledging the source of their learning is out of question!
Continued: What is spirituality?
Before I go any further, though, I want to fully acknowledge how divisive and tricky the topic of spirituality in education can be for very legitimate reasons. That is why I am approaching the subject through a scientific lens.

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmic circumstances the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.
– Dr.Turi
To start, there is no definitive agreement among researchers on the separation between spirituality and religiosity. In general, however, spirituality is viewed as beliefs, practices, and experiences that shape and create a way of knowing and living that may or may not be informed by religious ritual, tradition, and doctrine. A person often inherits religion, but makes the conscious choice to practice spirituality by seeking answers about the self, universe, and meaning of life.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Yes Vicki is on dangerous ground here dealing with spirituality and religiosity for two reasons! First she does not want to upset the status Quo (or the Christian) secondly like all of her cosmic unconscious scholar peers, she does know nothing of the critical difference between the two… One is based upon accepted religious doctrines created by man’s folly and based upon faith only, the others speaks of the Glory of the creator through his zodiacal celestial design, something I use with the help of a software to make my “predictions” or investigate / expose anyone’s UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.
Vicki wrote “A person often inherits religion, but makes the conscious choice to practice spirituality by seeking answers about the self, universe, and meaning of life.” Wrong Hun, if you are were born in the constellation of Capricorn or a Libra , if you were born a Neptunian or Pisces I.E. Joel Osteen, or own a rising, moon, natal or hidden dragons in any of those signs, you are set “cosmically” to “addict” yourself towards the codification of thought (the books) naturally. There is NO conscious choice because the “pull” is already there and often impossible to ignore! However the current generation is ill fitted to “absorb” any type of religion and will turn around soon after puberty! Watch In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims
Continued: While numerous scientists propose that spirituality is a developmental process, they disagree on how the process occurs. Some suggest we are born with spiritual capacity that is cultivated (or not) through interaction with parents, teachers, and/or our culture. Others think spiritual development occurs in stages as we integrate our beliefs with our feelings and actions.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: This is truly laughable because ALL scientists are cosmic unconscious to star with and as I mentioned so many times before, those who are perceived as the “experts” in their field of expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the topic they are enslaved to uncover. Yes there is a big difference between education and intelligence and PhD’s don’t really mean nothing! This is particularly true with UFO something a bit too “taboo” for any scientists to conceive – yet!
I would strongly recommend all teachers to watch these videos then let their students watch it too!
Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show
Continued: To determine if there is a universal developmental process of spirituality, the Search Institute—led at the time by Peter Benson, an expert in positive youth development—collaborated with scientists from around the world to study the spiritual and religious beliefs and practices of young people. The Search Institute took their definition of spirituality from a paper published in 2003 by the journal Applied Developmental Science:
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: How old is Peter Benson and how many religious or traditional books he read from his accredited colleges? Can a 63 years old gifted man and his 45 years of independent research on the human mind know better? You bet I do and I would love to meet with anyone of them and prove my claim. This simply mean the utmost shock “wake up call” ever but what are the chances of this to happen? I wish he or any other mind expert would meet on national TV to debate, so the world could benefit drastically from the experience too! Those who are perceived as the “experts” in their field of expertise are often the least knowledgeable on the topic they are enslaved to uncover. Yes there is a big difference between education and intelligence and PhD’s don’t really mean nothing! To me they are all unconscious kids fresh out of colleges with no real understanding or real wisdom of what it means to be human and not a challenge at all… And this why this will never happen…
Continued: Spiritual development is the process of growing the intrinsic human capacity for self-transcendence, in which the self is embedded in something greater than itself, including the sacred. It is the developmental “engine” that propels the search for connectedness, meaning, purpose, and contribution. It is shaped both within and outside of religious traditions, beliefs, and practices.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Again this assumption is wrong because there is a big difference between applying religious faith to make sense to this physical world instead of using cosmic consciousness which is based upon a solid structure only my students can comprehend and use appropriately after a full week 7 hours a day crash course.
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
Continued: Almost 7,000 persons aged 12-25 from Australia, Cameroon, Canada, India, Thailand, Ukraine, the U.K., and the U.S. took part in the study that included surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The sample represented a broad range of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, and every major religion as well as Paganism, Sikhism, Native or Traditional Spirituality, atheism, agnosticism, other religions, and those who did not identify as religious.
What they found strongly suggests that a spiritual development process exists that transcends the boundaries of culture and religion and that does not necessarily require engagement in religious practices.
For example, approximately 64 percent of the sample indicated that they were actively pursuing spiritual development without strong adherence to a religious path—with more than half stating that they had grown in their spiritual identity in the last two years. Their main means for spiritual growth included creating positive relationships through prosocial (kind, helpful) beliefs and actions, discovering meaning in life, practicing mindfulness, and aligning values with actions.
Findings also suggested that the majority of young people would welcome the opportunity to explore the topic of spirituality in a safe, caring, and non-judgmental setting.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: I do not want to sound redundant but this has already been answered and sometimes repetition is a must to assimilate new information… All human beings inherited a UCI and are cosmically programmed very differently, thus if you are were born in the constellation of Capricorn or a Libra , if you were born a Neptunian or Pisces I.E. Joel Osteen, or if you own a rising, moon, natal or hidden dragons in any of those signs, you are set “cosmically” to “addict” yourself towards the codification of thought (the books) naturally. There is NO conscious choice to make because the “pull” is already there and often impossible to ignore! While the environment, early teachings and experiences will stimulate the soul in a specific direction, regardless of the geographical region the younger generation is ill fitted to “absorb” any type of religion and will turn around for more spiritual/cosmic food soon after puberty! Depraving the children of this option creates serial killers unable to apply the will against the pull of their karmic UCI!
Continued: What does this mean for teaching?
Many consider the sole purpose of schools to be cognitive development. Yet, any effective teacher will tell you that every student is a “whole package” of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, family, culture, economics, etc., (and now, potentially, spirituality)—all of which directly influence a student’s learning. For example, science has clearly determined that a child’s social and emotional skills impact academic success.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Simply explained she is confirming the fact that your children are much more than BBBF or made of bone, blood, body and flesh – They have a spirit science has lost a long time ago! The problem is science has not yet realize in the eternal battle between emotions and reason, emotions will always win and they know nothing of the emotional/spiritual cosmic structure involving a child’s UCI overriding his/her psyche turning into explosive, destructive monsters.
Continued: So here comes the tricky question: If spirituality is indeed a universal developmental process, how do teachers account for this process in their classroom where separation of church and state is paramount? Interestingly, many teachers are probably already doing it—without even realizing it.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: Gee I should have read her article in full before engaging the topic! Same type of question deserve the same answer…Yes Vicki is on dangerous ground here dealing with spirituality and religiosity for two reasons! First she does not want to upset the status Quo (or the Christian) secondly like all of her cosmic unconscious scholar peers, she does know nothing of the critical difference between the two… One is based upon accepted religious doctrines created by man’s folly and based upon faith only, the others speaks of the Glory of the creator through his zodiacal celestial design, something I use with the help of a software to make my “predictions” or investigate / expose anyone’s UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.
Continued: If we use the definition of spiritual development given above, then teachers who…
- provide experiences of awe for their students through art, music, nature, or studying great people are helping their students connect to something larger than themselves.
- teach prosocial skills such as gratitude, compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and altruism are helping their students develop positive relationships.
- relate the content of their classes to students’ lives and who take the time to get to know and cultivate their students’ interests and passions are helping their students develop meaning and purpose.
- incorporate service learning into their curriculum are providing opportunities for students to make a worthwhile contribution to society and grow their empathy and compassion for others.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: INSANITY AT BEST! Hun you and all the teachers are doing this already! You are given the WRONG food, it does not bring the right spiritual regeneration they desperately need! You are talking basic psychology alone here, NOT metaphysics or Astropsychology and its desperately needed therapeutic values! Did you HEAR the child comment? REINCARNATION! They could not care less about music, gratitude, compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and altruism or studying great people!
“I believe in reincarnation because it just makes sense!” exclaimed 10-year-old Jesse in the middle of a lesson that was on anything but reincarnation.
But what do Vicki or all teachers and experts alike know about this topic? You need to learn to listen and decipher the OBVIOUS subconscious wish / needs of this child because she speaks for ALL the children but you and your educated peers have not been trained to LISTEN to the subconscious and omens Niki! Doing so will stop those kid becoming lost monsters, because you will allow for the proper developmental of their fragile psyche and control of a myriad of powerful destructive/constructive emotions!
Continued: How to talk about spirituality with students
But what about the finding that says young people are deeply interested in discussing spirituality? When students do bring these topics up, understanding that spirituality may be developmental can help teachers respond in ways that are both respectful and affirming to students’ growth process.
”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the video once you read this newsletter please.
~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi
For example, a simple response to Jesse’s newfound belief could include first asking him how he came to that conclusion and then validating his thinking about the larger questions of life as a positive and natural thing many people do.
A more formal example is thePassageworks program developed by the late Rachael Kessler. After years of listening to students’ stories and questions, Kessler wrote in her book The Soul of Education that “certain experiences—quite apart from religious belief or affiliation—had a powerful effect in nourishing the spiritual development of young people.”
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: NO cosmic unconscious teachers can help in the spiritual development of any child! I tried for years to reach Race To Nowhere #1 executives all in vain…Since 1991 I am still batting to reach all the mind experts I collected in my Internet “Black List” all in vain…the Law Enforcement, educational, governmental elites and YOU the readers begging for your help so I can help your children… ALL IN VAIN!
My Astropsychology schools and my reality show are still dreams, all the while endlessly building innocent children into future deadly monsters, all in the name of science, religions and education ignorance and religious fears…
But I wont quit for my mission to free humanity from fear and ignorance cursed me to work endlessly for the mental welfare and benefit of all the children of the future!
Continued: These experiences came through students’ needs for connection, silence, meaning, joy, transcendence (sometimes mystical, but also through extraordinary arts, athletics, academics, or relationships), and initiation into the next stage of life. Passageworks helps teachers establish a classroom environment in which students feel safe to explore these needs.
Spirituality in education is a potentially contentious area, and yet recent scientific findings on spiritual development encourage us, at the very minimum, to ask the question: Do we need to pay attention to this? Perhaps it is apropos of the topic that there are no definitive answers—only big questions.
Dr. Turi Rebuttal: The students needs are desperate calls to the adults Niki, to sceince, to education and the reason why “subconsciously” they pick colleges and Universities to display their frustrations through deadly acts… Adam Lanza made it clear by killing first his first teacher, or his mother then he killed the Scool master then the school psychologist! Nancy Lanza, science and education killed Adam first!
To me this is as clear as can be but to 99.09% of the world’s population still a mystery but again who’s to blame you all when the teacher was never there? Is this why God forced me out of school at the tender age of 12 years old forcing me into a series of crazy hands on experiences? But its easy to assume and dismiss my rare wisdom if you do not make the effort to get to know me! Read Beyond The Secret –
http://www.drturi.com/store/books/ teachers from all walks of life, help me fix this nightmare, pass on my work to a wider audience and start to learn for yourself what you need to teach the children first! Then once your build enough cosmic consciousness we will start to make some real progress at last!
”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the video once you read this newsletter please.
~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain
listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world
Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!
If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”
Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit