God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Posted by Dr. Turi on November 30, 2016 at 9:13am in Cosmic Coders Only
December 3 -// (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To StrikeKEYWORDS
Japan / Asia / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (at or above 6.0) / Tsunami / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO.
Update: 12/13/2016: Chinese state tabloid warns Donald Trump: “Pride goes before a fall‘ – “Weiss said it remained unclear whether Trump would carry his “wild talk” on China into the White House. But the tycoon’s arrival in power had raised the prospect of a dramatic and potentially catastrophic falling-out between the world’s two largest economies. ” it warned, calling on the Chinese government will respond with SURPRISE MOVE! Read more!
Trump rewrites US foreign policy on the fly
Donald Trump President? | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- 12/08/16 Powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits off Northern California coast
- 12/06/16 6.5 in Reuleuet, Aceh, Indonesia
- 12/05/16 6.3 in Maumere, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- 12/04/16 – 6.0 in Near Islands, Aleutian Islands
- 12/03/16 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Huarichancara, Arequipa, Peru
How is it possible for anyone to deny my “SOS to the world deadly windows” with such SHOCKING news?
Football star found dead in park SHOCKING news.
Caddie dies at Dubai golf tournament SHOCKING news.
56 patients escape from mental facility SHOCKING news.
How can world leaders reign upon others, bring peace and progress when they know nothing of their own selves, their destiny, cosmic make up and karmic UCI?
Update: 12/13/2016: Chinese state tabloid warns Donald Trump: ‘Pride goes before a fall’
“Weiss said it remained unclear whether Trump would carry his “wild talk” on China into the White House. But the tycoon’s arrival in power had raised the prospect of a dramatic and potentially catastrophic falling-out between the world’s two largest economies. ” it warned, calling on the Chinese government to respond with SURPRISE MOVE!
Asia’s most dangerous flashpoint
China to US: ‘Be careful’
Trump stars are dangerous for America and the world and do not endorse safe foreign relationships Donald Trump President?
Trump reigniting Asia’s dangerous flashpoint Prediction
CNN: Regardless of the nature of the call, it’s an act that bucks normal diplomatic protocol, and in the eyes of critics, could pose a dangerous threat to the United States. Trump’s conversation with President Tsai Ing-wen marks the first publicly reported call between a U.S. President or President-elect, and a Taiwanese leader, since 1979, and Hill said it represents a scary tendency to act without a proper understanding of diplomacy.
- Update: 12/05/16 – Trump takes fresh swipe at China after controversial Taiwan call
- Update: 12/05/16 – Fears US-Japan ties may fray under Trump
Dear readers;
Once again reader, please realize my work is not politically oriented and all my articles serve only as a spiritual message to those able or willing to make good use of them!
Are all the skeptics finally pay attention to my predictions about Trump’s presidency? Maybe those people should investigate my past to realize they should trust those visions. America need changes but electing any president means also sharing his/her fate.
I make predictions that are impossible to deny if you investigate them properly and without a preconceived attitude. Skepticism is healthy but letting your religious fears or your traditionally educated guesses stop your curiosity doesn’t show any basic intelligence. I am not asking you the impossible but keep an open mind and investigate my past.
Memo posted 6/22/2015 in “Donald Trump President?” That is 18 months ago and before CNN announced “China lodges complaint over Trump-Taiwan call.” Is it a good idea to risk China’s wrath because an spoiled, bully entertainer is playing a dangerous role of a US President irritating foreign powers?
MEMO POSTED NOVEMBER 25 ON FACEBOOK: “Trump SHOCKING news ahead. Super Moon effects will last years to come…More predictions! The upcoming lunation will fall on Trump’s natal Dragon, making December an interesting month where he will have to battle his urge to tweet too much and engaging the press who could mess with his presidency before it begin. But Trump is a DUAL and nothing can or will happen only once with him but this particular lunation, his words and decisions will affect foreigners and foreign affairs in the US and abroad. There is much more in store for him that I can only describe with another quatrain!”
I skipped the introduction and went into explanations of Trump’s negative Dragon’s tail (past lives residue) Pay attention because if I saw tomorrow accurately many months ago, then you have the proof of a reliable predictive work and you should heed and share my warnings.
Dragon’s Tail 20Sag48 (7) (public life/others/partners) Donald Trump’ Sagittarius unrefined Dragon’s Tail (Bull in the China shop) is spoiling, tarnishing his image with risky remarks about political foreigners and foreign affairs.
In fact, this Dragon is a “troubles magnet” that could create a negative chain reaction impossible for Trump to control but America is not only a “God fearing” young and immature nation but cosmic unconscious and the majority of the world is unwilling to listen or trust a French modern prophet’s cosmic wisdom.
Trump’s Dragon does NOT support anything involving foreign, political foreign affairs or emigration i.e Joe Arpaio!
Read the infamous Sherrif UCI.
Trump’s unlucky Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail is a red light warning that will force America into a financial or physical wars that might could have been avoided with caution, diplomacy or patience. But Trump is famous for listening only to himself, no reason.
Furthermore I have predictions involving the 2017 “SHOCKING Dragon” and those can only become public if I decide to divulge them to the public.
Published in the United States of America
Change of cosmic guards will take effect ////// 2017
Uranus Lord of Explosive Future Rules
Never Seen Before, Impossible Becomes Real
Nature Cosmos Rebels Speak God Shocking Will
New God King Born Lost Humans Space Brothers Hearts Join
Children Shocking news / extraordinary / nukes / UFO’s / impossible / unimaginable / unbelievable / discovery / tremors / fires / volcanoes / earthquakes / Tsunami / earth changes / tornadoes / cosmos / scientific discovery / televisions / technology / humanitarianism / astrology / the very old / the very new.
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions(public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions(public)
Here is a sample of my condensed Universal interpretations for the 2017 Dragon. The main cosmic energy is ////// in nature, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving ////////////////////////////////////////////
The countries targeted by this dragon are; //////////////////////////////////
God’s cosmic will impose ////////////////and bring about ///////////////////////:. The danger will reside in ////////////////////////////////
Souls born in //////// and ////////// or those born with a moon, rising, a natal or hidden dragon in the sign of //////////// or ///////// (i.e; David Icke / Madonna / Obama/ Schwarzenegger etc.) will be ///////// or //////////// by this dragon, all depending of /////////////. Any affairs by house and sign ruled by /////// or /////// will undergo a full positive/negative restructure.
Have a reading to find out more on how this //////////// will affect you at a personal level. We are asking all our VIP’s NOT to share those channeled information with the public. Doing so will result in your immediate expulsion of the Cosmic Code private website with no chance of joining us again. Remember the public is NOT able and usually unwilling to accept such visions and predictions.
I see news about //////////////// and an explosion of //////////. The dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new, dangerous Age of Aquarius and /////////////// or //////////// and the sad fate of the /////////////// come to my mind…
With your support our radio friends will realize the dangerous times we are in and as in the past, have me back on Coast to Coast am with George Noory, to warn everyone of our impending future and start using the supraconscious creative forces positively.
Not only will I expose the future of America and other nations on air but also make universal predictions for EVERY of the zodiac. Since I stopped offering predictions to the public, this would be the only way to hear them for free.
If you trust my wisdom, or If it sounds like something worth talking about on Coast to Coast AM, the producer will call. E-mail: CoastProducer@aol.com
George Noory
Lisa Lyon
Producer, Coast to Coast AM
Tom Danheiser
Producer, Coast to Coast AM
More terrorist attack prediction – “Dr. Louis Turi is our first time guest and we cover his ET contact throughout his life, in detail. We then discuss how he developed his ability to do predictions…with such accuracy. He had sent us info on May 20th and what may happen…that it would be terrorist related and during the show the Egypt Air dropped off radar…very interesting…”
David Icke special warning * Posted 12/03/2016 * Heed a real Prophet visions. David Icke will suffer a heart attack in February or August 2017 or 2018… If you attend his lectures warn him to slow down or suffer the price of his cosmic ignorance.
Read more Souls born in //////// and ////////// or those born with a moon, rising, a natal or hidden dragon in the sign of //////////// or ///////// (i.e; David Icke / Trump / Madonna / Obama / Trump / Schwarzenegger etc.) will be ///////// or //////////// by this dragon, all depending of /////////////. Any affairs by house and sign ruled by /////// or /////// will undergo a full positive/negative restructure.
This dragon and the reptilius are against him and those born in //// and //// I am warning him. My previous prediction about his legal battle took place and he must heed my warning so he can keep his work to the world * Read more in 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may live a safer more productive life.” Nostradamus
“Millionaires do not use Astrology billionaires do.” J.P. Morgan
- Cabalistic Healing $1000
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- Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
- Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading.
- Taped progressive reading $210
- Lucky dragon window dates $125
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Dr. Turi