“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13.13
From Betazoid; “I did attend your radio show Dr. Turi and it was pretty good really! There are two dates given I am concerned about and they are the 17th (Shemitah and blood moon) and the 29th. Can you clarify more on these two dates please.”
Shemitah “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a relinquishing of debts. This is the manner of the relinquishing: Every creditor that has loaned anything to his neighbor shall relinquish it. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s relinquishment.”
Before anything acknowledge the solid facts about my prediction of the US economy outside of inserted religious beliefs – “US Economy & Dr. Turi Undeniable Prediction“
Did the Shemitah offered anyone those well documented and dated predictions involving world’s economy? But con artists are everywhere… Common sense apply! Sean Hyman Biblical Money Code Ridiculousness …
There is only a very thin hair between divine cosmic translations and archaic dogmatic religious convictions. Dr. Turi
First and foremost the reader must assimilate my latest article titled “Unconfirmed and Ridiculous -2.5 Mile Wide Comet expected 09/15-28, 2015” and make an effort to control unfounded fears needed by the reptilius to survive in the “Dark Matter black wind.”
All ET’s groups are cosmic conscious and the malicious ones use not only the cosmic code but the superconscious to hurt humanity’s future. Luckily for us the benevolent Draconis or the “Gardeners of the world” are making sure to keep their ships away from earth by blowing them up from the sky.
Do not expect traditional astronomy to remotely accept the ET’s agenda and all they will come up with is their logical usual answer; “The disintegration of a meteorite through the earth atmosphere.” Mystery fireball lights up sky over Bangkok.
The dates mentioned by unconscious, religiously poisoned fools are September 15 and 28. Be sure, nothing unusual will transpire during those dates, meantime my own dates of September 17th and 29th are close to my usual SOS to the world Windows.
I also gave Bob and the audience the dates of September 9th and 25th which is also another of my SOS to the world negative windows. During the radio show of 09/7/2015 I gave all the information needed pertaining to those 4 dates and explained more about the superconscious and the reptilius agenda.
This show is now available and I am asking my supporters to leave a comment there. Doing so will allow me to serve you better next time I am on the air.
So now that we know nothing unusual will take place what will happen on September 15 and 28, the 4 dates I offered on the radio will have significant effect upon the US and the world at large and of course ALL human beings will also be touched at a personal level by house and sign.
But one must order a full life reading or see me on a live Skype consultation to find out more on the “Blood Moon” impact upon their personal lives.
While all VIP’s already have access to those SOS to the World for September, much more details on what will transpire on those days are also available from September 2015 Daily Guidance and Predictions including the Moon transits and the Lunation impact on all signs:
Again the readers must acknowledge that all the non cosmic conscious God fearing lost souls are infected and “subconsciously’ feeding the reptilius agenda by steadily maintaining the flow of religious dogmatic fears.
Thus there is absolutely no way for any of those lost souls to offer any form of predictions or be accurate because they have no solid cosmic wisdom in which to base their imaginative apocalyptic fears. All they are doing is regurgitating bible passages and sinking deeper into Neptune deceptive waters…
I can only offer my usual quatrains and keywords to back up the dates offered on Bob’s Charles radio show and, as usual, I will post all the results when the future proves me right again… And when its all said and done, hopefully many readers will exit their fears, gather more cosmic consciousness and stop feeding the evil of ignorance.
September 17/29 (24 hours centering the given dates)
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Death News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism Mob / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up call.

September 9/25 (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.
Saudis: 107 dead in crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque – Shocking?
Los Angeles grieves for three brothers found stabbed to death outside school
Mourners have mounted a prayer vigil for three young brothers found stabbed to death in a car beside a school – a gruesome case of apparent family homicide that has left Los Angeles in shock. Shocking?
Japan floods: City of Joso hit by ‘unprecedented’ rain
Widespread flooding and landslides in north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their homes.
Severe floods demolish homes – Red Fire Wind Water To Dance?
Baby hospitalized after drinking vodka mixed in formula – Shocking?
Oregon judge faces ethics probe over Hitler portrait, same-sex nuptials – Shocking?
Golfer dies after being stung by bees – Shocking?
France to launch Syria airstrikes – Humanitarianism?
Here’s Apple’s big announcement – Technology?
ISIS advertises hostages for sale – Shocking?
11 days, 11 shootings on highway – Shocking?
British Airways plane catches fire at Las Vegas airport; 2 injured – Coast to Coast Predictions “and I see an aeronautical disaster“
While this show and the above is for the public, the work posted on the Cosmic Code is not and, as always I am asking all our VIP’s NOT TO SHARE any of the articles posted on the cosmic code by respect to those who have paid for their subscriptions. I am still channeling Draco and I will soon elaborate more on the upcoming “Shemitah/blood moon” for all my VIP’s. Join us, knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
EXTENDING the Super deal for Labor Day until tomorrow 9/9/2015 7 PM PT
But before investing in your spirit and your future, I want to prove to you that I am legit and real! Pick a topic below, something you want me to elaborate on and listen to what I have to say! You will then realize my outstanding perceptive gifts and why you should trust my priceless wisdom.
ALL PSYCHICS, MEDIUMS, SPIRITUALISTS, TAROT READERS AND LEGITIMATE PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGERS SHOULD DO THE SAME and offer proofs of predictions to their clients before asking for remuneration! This is why my work is always recorded.
Email Terania at teraniapromodir@gmail.com, give her your telephone number and a good time to reach you! DO NOT CALL the office, Terania will call you to set up FREE your mini reading “test drive.”
And when you decide to proceed with a Full Life Reading, this is what I will answer for you, there won’t be nothing I will not talk about, discuss or teach you!
- I will make you aware of your true soul’s purpose during this reincarnation.
- I will point out your best options to make money and stimulate your potential to become multimillionaire.
- I will tell you the top gift God blessed you with at birth and how to assimilate it easily.
- I will tell you what type of energy is in your home and cleanse it for you and where you and your family can live and feel secure.
- I will explain your best shot at creativity and fame assuring success for your children.
- I will point out the type of man/woman and what type of love you will attract and, if you are looking for love how to build more magnetism to become more attractive to the opposite sex.
- I will make you aware of the type of ailments/diseases you are prone to endure and the correct natural healing methods to enjoy a healthier life.
- I will tell you what type of long lasting partners you are fated to attract and when/where to go to find your soulmate.
- I will divulge your soul”s age and how much mystical power you were born with and if you are a white Witch and a medicine woman.
- I will tell you where is your best shot at higher education and what to expect with foreigners or in foreign lands. I will expose some of your past lives, where you were, what you were doing and your inherited spiritual gifts.
- I will lead you to the best career God has set for you and the real possibility for you to become famous.
- I will point out the type of friends you will attract and those that will help you reach all your dreams.
- I will make you aware of your worse weaknesses, your hidden enemies and clean off any form of possession by low entities. I will also tutor you on how to make the most of your super-conscious creative forces.
- Now to the utmost crucial information: You must acknowledge the current dramatic Scorpius Dragon Head and Tail and how, apathetically speaking it will force you to experience a total rebirth on some areas I mentioned above. There is no chances to escape its power period. The question is; will you suffer ignorance and pay the price of ignorance or will you be prepared to make the most of this Dragon?
Act Now! Get the deals right away to avoid waiting or email Terania!
CALL 602-265-7667 ONLY IF YOU ARE READY TO ORDER otherwise emailTeraniapromodir@gmail.com for your mini reading test drive.
If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny! You are a child of the Universe and there is a reason for you to be, you are in good hand with me!
Get a Live taped VIP Skype Consultation for $350 instead of $700
Get a taped Full Life Reading for $210 instead of $310
Become a VIP for $20 instead of $50 for 90 days (THIS DOES NOT APPLY FOR CURRENT VIP’S)
teraniapromodir@gmail.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602- 265-7667
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi