
There are no accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work, yet unknown to science and humanity just yet.” Dr. Turi
2019 Nostradamus’ 16th Century Natural Healing Sedona / Hawaii Live Courses
Mastering Nostradamus 16th century natural healing methodology
LIVE: Officials update on deadly limo crash
At least 20 killed in accident in Schoharie and the authorities are doing all they can to find the reasons and who’s responsible. You can read all the rational reasons to why this horrific accident took place and pray for all the victims readers, or you can educate yourself through my cosmic work and avoid being the next victim.
Update 10/12/18: Be ready for more deaths, drama, secrets to light, FBI/police news, assassination, terrorism, the FBI, Russia news because the same deadly cosmic winds who produced the “accidental” death of 30 people, hurricane Michael and all the latest dramatic news will be back on October 25th and November 7th 2018!
SOS to the world deadly window 10/25 and 11/7/2018! Be warned!
Update 11/07/18 – 12 dead in California bar shooting
Family found dead, child missing, near vehicle in Australian outback
Teacher, Student shocking video fight, is it too late for us all? The reptilius use my SOS to the world deadly windows to create fears, chaos and death!
Will the general public, the police or the FBI ever learn?
Continued: Be certain they are NO accidents but unavoidable and controllable cosmic circumstances at work science and society at large are oblivious of. Before anything, this cosmic code newsletter is not designed to promote my business nor benefit from anyone’s suffering or other PREDICTED death such as, famous radio host Art Bell’s suicide.
This article is offered to the general public diligently and its FREE “Dr. Turi Blog” and with it, the option to upgrade your own psychical vibrations by investigating my claims and benefit from our services, home courses and various published books.
Pious religious or critical atheist idiots, who are unable and unwilling to benefit from my cosmic work are everywhere! They will immediately assume and be “vexed” reading any of my articles instead of doing the required mental gymnastics needed to prove my claims. Or something that could drastically improve their life and even prevent them from dying I may add!
Then the next thing you know, on a click of a button, their complaints are heard on Facebook which never read anything, and I am banned for days at the time. Nothing new and in the process, over the years, I was first muted then fired from all major medias websites. I learned the hard way to…
Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi …
No, I do not rejoice when natural calamities or “accidents” kill people, in fact just the opposite I become very upset. Just because as I said in this TV show “I could have warned and prevented the death of so many people had they listened to me!”
But the general public can’t hear me when I am muted by the forces of evil who have battle me for years and joined forces to finally mute me…
I want you to be the judge and tell me how many of all the deceased people riding this limousine on this tragic night, would have refused the invite reading the following posted a full week before they died! That is providing a smarter family member or friend decided to become a VIP, heed my warnings and shared my work…
The answer is ZERO!
I am 100% certain that none of the victims were VIP’s of ours or read anything about the previous SOS to the world deadly window… And most importantly, chances are, many of the victims were indoctrinated into a religion or brain-washed by science and would have fear or ridicule my cosmic teachings. I hope you can handle the undiluted truth my friend, because I am only speaking the facts!
Once again, as I did so many times in the past, let me offer you the opportunity to understand how I “predict” the future knowing in reality I predict NOTHING! I only translate the cosmic code using the same methodology used by Nostradamus in the 16th century. Note also I spend a good chunk of my 68 years on planet earth rekindling his cosmic work!
Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi
With the only difference that, in 2018 I do not have to worry about the inquisition and end up on the burning stake perceived as a witch by religious fanatic idiots. Note also, unlike Nostradamus, who HAD to keep his cosmic work in check using complicated blurry verses, my dated, published quatrains are very clear and the keywords used quite OBVIOUS.
Posted by Dr. Turi on September 30, 2018 at 3:43pm in Cosmic Coders Only
October 2018 SOS to the world, deadly windows..
October 9 / November 7/ and 25(48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services /Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
Update 11/08/18 m- 12 dead in California bar shooting
Boy, 11, kills grandma then himself after he’s asked to clean room, grandfather tells police
Read more – http://www.drturi.com/justin-bieber-children-and-the-reptilius-infe…
11 people killed in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, official says
Update – 10/24/2019 – Time Warner Center, Clintons and Obamas receive suspicious packages: Live updates
The reptilius are against famous people and children in 2017/2018
The nefarious reptilius are cosmic conscious and uses all deadly cosmic winds (my SOS to the world deadly windows) to hijack the body, mind and soul of their victims and lead them to commit horrible crimes against society! Knowing about your PDD or the UDD becomes a major contribution to avoid becoming a victim and lead a safer more productive life! Read more and Order your 2019 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates.
What group will they target in 2019/2010? All will be explained in the new 2019 Nostradamus Universal and personal Dragon forecast. (soon available)
This window just started comeback for more dramatic news…
Sad enough one of the most famous UFO speakers and one of my best Pisces friend has died! Robert “Bob” Dean passed away on this SOS to the world deadly window. Rest in peace my friend, in the countless UFO’s events we both spoke at, you always had time to speak to me and endorse my cosmic work publicly. I am deeply hurt but I know he is watching all his friends from the heavens…
BREAKING Los Angeles Chargers owner dies at 95 Famous death?
The San Bernardino Diocese releases a list of priests accused of child sex abuse Sex/Secrets to light?Owner of limo in horrific crash was wire-wearing informant in FBI terror stings FBI?Body in Maine woods confirmed to be teacher – Secret to light?
Planet only has until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn – Wake up call?
And as I always do I will post more of the upcoming dramatic news, so comeback to read more… And be ready for the same deadly cosmic winds on October 25th and November 7th 2018!! –
If you are curious or in need to get undeniable facts, the most important thing you can do right now reader, is to go back in time to the September 28, 2018 SOS to the world window and realize the same deadly cosmic winds were at work. And the same deadly cosmic winds will be back on October 25th and November 7th!
‘Miss Baghdad,’ shot dead – What and where is God?
13 dead after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri- Predictions no one can deny!
Check also April 23, 2018 video explaining my methodology! Again I do not “predict” anything, I simply translate God’s universal will by reading the signs and offer them to you so you can be warned ahead of time, plan your life and be safe!
Update 10/12/18: Be ready for more deaths, drama, secrets to light, FBI/police news, the FBI, Russia news because the same deadly cosmic winds who produced the “accidental” death of 30 people, hurricane Michael and all the latest dramatic news will be back on October 25th and November 7th! Pay also attention to the news about Money/banks/stock market/large corporations failing… Comeback then to read the results so I can prove my claim to all the skeptics!
Continued: Added to the 2019 Nostradamus’ Personal and Universal Predictions for all signs, I have decided to provide a new service ! So watch for my new “2019 Universal SOS To The World Deadly Windows.” This work will give all my clients the warnings they need not only a few days before any hurricanes or natural disaster but a FULL YEAR before!
I will produce the ENTIRE YEAR 2019 Universal SOS to the world deadly windows and make it available to all the people who trust my cosmic work before 2018 is over in an E book form you will be able to download and check regularly before making any traveling or personal plans!
Planning your way around those dates will assure you a much safer life with no waste of time, costly expenses and serious frustrations, if not your life!
Remember, “Knowledge is power ignorance is evil!” you do not have to be part of the statistics if you can avoid it and you can apply your will to bypass those upcoming 2019 deadly cosmic winds.
I will offer 36 dates well ahead of time where the worse of nature devastating forces producing earthquakes above 6.0, tsunamis, volcanoes eruption, tornadoes and hurricanes will plague the world.
Do not blame me for not giving you a precise location, instead thanks me for giving you a PERFECT, and unarguable precise timing! And this is much more than what NASA, NOAA, USGS, NSIDC and all combined geologists on the planet have done or will ever be able to do!
I will keep the original dated, published article and update it with the results of my visions as they unfold throughout the year, as I did above. Thus not only our infantile scientific community but all skeptics, agnostics and atheists alike will realize what a real Modern Prophet is all about.
13 dead after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri- Predictions no one can deny!
The idea behind suggesting you to read the above articles is because I offered my readers more SOS to the world deadly windows warnings and for you recognize those dreadful cosmic deadly winds are the SAME and will always comeback to KILL misinformed, uneducated, religious or atheist UN- evolved humans! You may also google Dr. Turi SOS to the world deadly windows to read more of all the predicted disasters that have killed so many people since I started producing them.
Again do not attend a birthday party, get married, sign a contract, take a trip or a cruise when you feel like or because your human calendar give you no other options! Same with investing in a new car, a house etc. There are RED lights in the heavens too and because you refuse or ridicule my cosmic work does not immunize you to any and all accidents you could easily avoid by being smarter than the moronic “educated” or religious human being… Be smart, let me prove my claims and once available get my new service, or my “2019 Universal SOS To The World Deadly Windows.”
“God created the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life!” Dr. Turi
If you are not able or willing to take on my complex cosmic teaching, AT LEAST get a protective talisman to avoid the reptilius manifesto! But again is any investment in my services or products worth your life or those of your loved ones? Had the devastated parents of all the victims been offered ANYTHING to protect their loved ones took a chance on me? You bet they would but it is much too late for them and those they have lost. But it is not for you!
The Magical Power of Talismans
2019 Nostradamus’ 16th Century Natural Healing Sedona / Hawaii Live Courses
Mastering Nostradamus 16th century natural healing methodology
Those and countless of other victims of human errors or natural disasters did not have to die! But how could I reach them and give them the option to use their will and plan anything, everything in accordance to the cosmic code jurisdictions or a cosmic God’s will?
The human will and his aptitude to make sound decisions are well above the pull of the stars and the reptilius agenda. The pure essence of God in every human beings on this planet is much more powerful than the stars and the cosmic code jurisdictions. But those entities will do all in their power to make sure you live in fear, stay misinformed, uneducated, brain washed, indoctrinated and cosmic unconscious in this low earthy vibrational system!
But how can you fight what you do not know and fear? Once more readers I need all the help I can get to save lives and I often wish that my supporters were much more active than my reptilius infected enemies.
Mysterious ‘ghost’ radio emissions found … and no one knows what’s causing them
Not so fast, I DO know, why, what and where those radio emissions are from and used for! But if both the scientific community and the FBI communities is not able or willing to dig into my cosmic work who will?
And be sure soon, all my VIP’s will immensely appreciate those cosmic information. Find out what those radio emissions are all about, prepare for all future SOS to the world deadly windows and enjoy our daily guidance and predictions – join us, become a VIP!
And do not expect the scientific community or the FBI to offer you the real answers when they are blind and convinced my cosmic work is worthless… Even with the obvious in their faces!
You my curious readers; only you can reach for the truth to what’s going on but it is part of your own mission to help me share those information and all public articles.
Again if my cosmic work resonate in your mind and soul please share ths article and help me warn and save lives… Thank you all.
Dr. Turi
In any future conferences, I intend to teach the secrets involving the Supraconscious in time and space and how you can harvest this phenomenal power to heal your body, mind and soul. After the session and if you are able to reach this magical flux like me, you will know you have been touched by the Divine when inexplicable, wonderful, magical experiences like mine will bless your life…
History, applications and success using the Superconscious to reach all your wishes:
Part one: Teach the truth about the inner power to heal the body, mind and soul while building self confidence in rising to a full supra-cosmic consciousness. Astropsychology and Nostradamus natural healing methodology are used in the presentation. All attendees will be guided to perform a safe cleansing sacrament before entering the room.
Part two: Introduce the Supra-conscious, and prepare, relax the audience with my soothing New Age musical composition. Various Canvass Healing artworks used on stage.
Part three: Induce a very light and very safe trance, dim the lights, soft music and words to take the audience into a full relaxing, very safe self healing mode.
Part four Interaction: Teaching how to use your feet to heal others, bring a tower or a blanket to the event. Tutoring all the secrets of “Natural Blood Transfusion” which allowed me to build a very strong immune system avoid chemotherapy and beat cancer!
Lastly; Saturn “the Great Malefic” is still in the sign of Capricorn and Jupiter” The Great Benefic” will enter Sagittarius on October 8th 2018… Those two planets are afflicting (challenges) or blessing your life in ways you MUST know in order to face all the challenges ahead of you or reach all your wishes if you know in witch of the 12 houses the transition is taking place… Count on me to explain it all to you… Please Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com to set your appointment to benefit and discuss the current super deal available to all our readers.
Dr. Turi
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…