“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
Dear Readers;
With an endless pieces of intriguing news such as “4 people stabbed on Amtrak train” many people are wondering what’s going on in this crazy world. Indeed choosing one of the many articles generated last week for my VIP’s in the cosmic code website and “cosmically” explaining the main reasons for such madness in your Sunday FREE sample newsletter is also a challenge.
Thus I decide to pick a subject that explain many topics at once. While I will concentrate mainly on the Ouija board, I will also delegate with Pluto’s, mystical, supernatural nature and its relationship to the sexual behaviors and endeavors of all the “Suicide girls.”
All I will divulge today is; those girls, were once upon a time practicing astrology, and knew all about the stars and God’s cosmic divinity. Those wise spiritual ladies were feeding the world with the milky way wisdom. The location of any tattooed artwork on the human body speaks tons to me, something the young souls can not decipher!
While I am using my brain to fed your supreme wisdom, any girls who uses dragons, stars, moon and the sun are legitimate white witches. Others tattooed curious ladies need to approach me to explain more on their chosen symbolic tattoos!
“Neck Tattoos on Women Explained.”
All Suicide Girls” used their cosmic and herbal wisdom (thus the term of white witches) or more precisely medicine women, to heal the sick, guide the lost souls using God’s Divinity appropriately but; ultimately they paid the heavy price at the hands of religious fanatics and the inquisition.
Something that happened to us and all my VIP’s… And, given a chance, even today in 2014, the hard core born Neptunians, would not hesitate to burn us as witches because Witchcraft counts as heresy!
Sad enough many of those incarnated evil souls keep inflicting death to the women who escaped them in previous past lives. CAUTION CAUTION not for children! Live witch burning in South Africa.
As a rule many souls chose to reincarnate very close to their previous tormentors, some become the cursed parents forced to suffer guilt all their lives separated and not understanding their child behaviors. In fact the very parents and close friends were, once upon a time part of the inquisition and responsible for their traumatic demise.
All suicide girls ended up beaten, burned alive, drowned, raped and sexually abused by the religious authorities, all in the name of a false God still honored and feared today by Christianity.
All they are doing today, is taking revenge the best way they know how, sensually and sexually by doing exactly what they were not doing then… The physical and spiritual attraction they have for each other’s is well pass sexuality and commemorate the trauma they were forced to experience being burned alive, and what better way than to passionately love each others?
Every single parts of their bodies experienced extreme brutality, slashing, burning, shame and a pain only a white witch can feel. They are all committed to love each other as a “universal” remedy to heal their body, their spiritual mind and loving soul.
They become the essence of love and respect for each others, by each others… Again in no way will the scientific community remotely comprehend the depth of the human soul, the reincarnation principle, the “subconscious” recollection of trauma brought back in this current life and karma itself!
In no way could traditional neuroscience explain the rebellious, sexual attitudes of those young girls, while puritanical Christians perceive them all as possessed by the devil. And while many still manipulate the power of witchcraft too… Miley Cyrus is one of the true reborn witches Christians will never understand leading the revengeful dance.
Incidentally, Pluto rules the underworld and all affairs related to life and death, the essence of metaphysics, witchcraft and sex.
Those souls are largely part of the anti social “Death Wish Generation” and all inherited a strong Pluto in Scorpio or a moon, natal or hidden Dragon in Scorpio. Astroforensics and Astropsychology are futuristic sciences the traditionally educated young souls can not yet decipher nor comprehend, but all Suicide Girls in the world can and will easily relate to my work and will share it with each others.
Since my “cosmic” work is not public anymore, all the nuts and bolts depicting the inherited witchy character of all suicide girls, and the power they were born with is available for anyone to uncover in Halloween Suicide Girls Born Witches.
Meantime my articles do not fit the pious or atheist young souls but only those who ask will receive my deep cosmic work. Thus if you are the confused friend or parent of a born white witch or a “suicide girl” the answers to fully understand your child are offered to you when you join my Cyber Cosmic Code University.
Now on to explaining more about the ouija board.
As always read the article then my rebuttals… I could not expect better answers than the ones produced by my wife and a few VIP’s! I will add their thoughts at the bottom of this article which is offered as another sample of a cosmic code newsletter sample to the public. I will also make sure to keep my VIP’s identity private.
Note Moon Power 2014 is now a FREE download!
Dec. 1, 2014 10:15am
And it’s a development that has some faith leaders warning of potentially disastrous repercussions.
Attributing the recent resurgent rise in popularity of the Ouija Board to the October release of a movie called “Ouija,” Google reported on its commerce blog that online searches for the board game are up 300 percent since the film reached the big screen.
DT Rebuttals; As you know there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances cursing and blessing humanity! Currently Saturn (structures) is in the sign of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto (Lord of the underworld/ death / metaphysics) stimulating Hollywood movies producers creativity stipulating the general public interests.
Note also, the current OCD generation or the “The Baby Buster Generation” is largely made of scientists and atheists (the young souls) preceding by the much more spiritual oriented “Death Wish Generation” or much older souls incarnated between 1983 and 1995 with Pluto in Scorpio.
The “Death Wish Generation” own a dignified (powerful) Pluto and regenerate with metaphysics, astrology, the Ouija Board and as Pablo wrote “Pendulum, Runes, a Medium, chicken bones, stones, livers, trees, tea leaves, Tarot, etc.”
My name is Pluto “Hades the Lord of Hell”
Moon Power 2014 is now a FREE download!
2014 Dragon Forecast is now a FREE download!
Pluto in Gemini: “The hypnotized Generation” (More in The Power Of The Dragon)
- Pluto in Cancer: “The Wasted Baby Generation” (More in The Power Of The Dragon)
- Pluto in Leo: “The Baby Boom Generation” (More in The Power Of The Dragon)
- Pluto in Virgo: “The Baby Buster Generation”(OCD Generation /The Power Of The Dragon)
- Pluto in Libra: “The Gang Generation.” (More in The Power Of The Dragon)
Continued; An Irish priest who serves as an exorcist spoke on condition of anonymity recently, telling Ireland’s Independent that this development is anything but positive.
“It’s easy to open up evil spirits but it’s very hard to get rid of them,” he said. ”People, especially young people and teenagers who are likely to experiment with Ouija boards on a whim, can be very naive in thinking that they are only contacting the departed souls of loved-ones when they attempt to communicate with the dead using the boards.”
DT Rebuttals; My VIP’s can can easily detect the religious matrix “teachings” and warnings to stay clear from supreme cosmic wisdom or this sin will lead the gullible pious souls straight to hell. But the irony is the obvious lies to maintain their position and power over the masses. Of course one has to still suitably use the supreme cosmic wisdom or else expect karma three-fold.
But one of Pluto’s remittances is to EXPOSE the undiluted hidden truth so many God fearing souls can get a wake up and realize God’s cosmic Divinity speaking his will through the signs.
Continued: He warned that using the board could open the door to demonic and evil spirits that pretend they are deceased loved ones, infecting the lives of individuals who use the game.
Others are in agreement, including Church of England vicar, the Rev. Irwin-Clark, who told the Daily Mail that avoiding the Ouija Board and other similar paranormal items is paramount.
“It’s like opening a shutter in one’s soul and letting in the supernatural. There are spiritual realities out there and they can be very negative,” he said. “I would hugely recommend people not to have anything to do with the occult. People find they are having strange dreams, strange things happening to them, even poltergeist activity.”
DT Rebuttals: The deceptive Neptunian matrix tenacious tentacles have a grip on ALL areas of your life and the religious poisoning (condiment) start during the innocence and vulnerability of childhood. Its propaganda is as strong today as it was in the past, mostly because today’s technology and the Christian/Mormons etc. writers own and whore around with the news media matrix-es *FOX/CNN/Google etc. There not a single corporation today not benefiting financially from the religious matrix.
When the Swiss Guards (world banks locale) are in charge of the Pope and the Vatican security, there is doubting the power, the control and the wealth stolen from all gullible God fearing souls on the planet!
I can assure you readers, religious fanatics (ISIS) and the 785 different religions, and growing “Andrew Keegan starts new religion” have killed many more people than all Ouija Boards ever sold! In fact I never heard of a single Ouija Board killing anyone, did you? But there are still laws which apply to its use safely.
Continued: Another faith leader, the late Rev. Tom Willis, is quoted by the Daily Mail as saying in 2012 that he personally saw the board game cause a great deal of harm to those who used it.
“A lot more people are dabbling in the occult and having seances, and that is causing a lot of problems,” he said. “In the Sixties, the Ouija board caused so many problems — people ending up in mental hospitals because of what they have experienced.”
DT Rebuttals: How many people you know ended up in hospitals or committed suicide because of the pharmaceutical corporations poisonous medications? How many people you know ended up in hospitals or committed suicide because they used the Ouija board? I know a few close friends who suffered such ailments and none of them ever used the Ouija board but ALL were as religious as Mother Teresa.
Furthermore, a collection of the late-Mother Teresa’s letters has been published and that her writings reveal that in her life, she suffered through crises of faith, which are referred to as “dark nights of the soul.” Thus did Mother Teresa used her Ouija board? Of course not, see my point yet?
So, it is not a surprise when we hear that Mother Teresa struggled in her faith, at times wondering even at the existence of God in the face of what seemed like prolonged absence of God, because she was in the throes of spiritual warfare. She was “fabricated” by the religious matrix and made a “Saint” because she represent the wise grandmother we all love!
It’s a fact that made the headlines. “Exorcism performed on Mother Teresa.” It sounds like something out of the movies — and has to have created shock to the religious community. How could a woman seen already to be a saint and a sure thing for canonization have been possessed by the devil?
Mother Teresa, was not cosmic conscious and her Neptunian UCI made her prone to “psychic attacks” and the antidepressants she ingested regularly to function for the Vatican did the rest!
She had no clue of the Super-conscious forces at work and what the exorcists did with Mother Teresa was to chase away a “demon” that was assaulting her and this happens often with religious fanatics i.e. Phil Robertson) in their final days.
She was “attacked” like I was self victimized so many times following long and painful depressive period of time in my life enduring a divorce, loss of a family member a job, a pets etc.
And this is a time when we are all prone to be attacked because we are inviting evil through self-destructiveness. We’re constantly hearing from people complaining about how the evil one has infiltrated their homes, caused division, or led to psychological problems and sickness.
Consciously or unconsciously do not permit fear, ignorance, imagination in your life and do feed evil! But religious books are not designed to do so, just the opposite! Check this video instead and use your educated will!
We’re hearing devastating deadly news, experiencing nastiness at places that are supposed to be holy, harshness among those who are supposed to be on the same side, tremendous jealousies, competitions, and an absolute explosion of spiritual pride. Suddenly, everyone, scientists and atheists alike become important and believe they do not need a false God. And who’s to blame them when their perception of a religiously fabricated God is wrong?
Suddenly, everyone is a big deal and enter the rat race, and that’s an invitation to degenerate the self centered spirit and attract “demons” because where there is cosmic ignorance and pride, Satan rush to own your spirit as a legal territorial right.
The sub-human or the young souls are psychically ill equipped, gullible, misinformed and unwilling to perform mentally to recognize then accept God cosmic divinity. Some are even reluctant to learn about the superconscious creative forces responsible for all evil psychical manifestations. Asking religious people or atheists to exit their safe comfort zones is somehow impossible!
Many are jailed into their own deep Neptunian UCI where the soul has lost all critical thinking and sank deep into madness. Dementia, schizophrenia and all mental diseases can only prosper with fears, ignorance and an uncontrolled imagination.
This is what happened to Mother Teresa and the millions of sick religious people living in a rose colored glass world or for some, in a world they can only perceive as hell… Just because it is HELL!
When I read the endless chain of articles generated by Satan’s unconscious children on BIN such as “Dead Prophet Returns To Warn USA-and His Message Is Not Only Cryptic, But Spot On! Mystery Babylon, Earthquakes, and Destruction of Epic Proportions! When the Living Can’t Wake Us, the Dead In Christ Must Rise! (Chilling Videos)” I can not help to witness the unstoppable mental deterioration sucking the life away of all those lost souls!
The super-conscious creative forces are perpetually misused because those people do not know that; “The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought!”
For some karmic purposes, I am not allowed to bring forth the critical spiritual remedy to your children because the religious and scientific matrixes or “Satan, the honored, feared fabricated false God” and its associated fears, rule and own this world…
NYPD Cop Believes Demon-Possession Is On The Rise – End of the World Silly Predictions
Religious and atheists souls are engaged in a war of ignorance that will destroy them both!
Continued; Of course, many believe that the board is simply a harmless game with no supernatural connection at all, dismissing the previous sentiments as silly or unfounded. That said, warnings abound.
Renewed interest in the game follows the release of “Ouija,” a film with an official description that reads: “A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.”
Read more about the Ouija Board’s complicated history here.
DT Rebuttals: I am not sure who has more imagination, the Irish priest, Rev. Irwin-Clark all current faith leaders, the God fearing mass or Hollywood movie writers? All I can tell you is; my entire life and career has been about practicing and teaching metaphysics, white witchcraft, astrology, tarology, chiromancy and use all natural forces to help, guide and heal myself and countless clients and students worldwide…
Those who benefited from my work are endorsing my purposes and will continue doing so until God call me back home. My natural instinct is based upon my highly advanced spiritual UCI, a formidable perceptive, predictive gift given at birth by God himself and stimulated by four incredible UFO experiences!
UFO”s Are Very Real – And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?
All along my journey to uncover and find God true cosmic identity lead me to deal with so many people, some very influential in position who have helped me to build a national stage and reach your children. Others maybe less glamorous but as important in my heart… All dedicated to support my mission to battle the evil of fear and ignorance!
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness
My good friend Gary Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
I have been handling the Ouija Board since childhood and contrary to what the cosmic unconscious God fearing fools are saying or promising trough their deceptive Neptunian faith, it is safe!
I am not insane, I suffer no depressions, I am extraordinary perceptive, at peace and clear in thoughts when using Astrology, the tarot cards or the Ouija Board for divine clairvoyant purposes.
This tool is as safe as can be, but not to those who know nothing of its miraculous property. In reality, the very ignorance of all metaphysical rules and the cosmic code jurisdictions make Ouija boards practitioners at risk of “psychic invasions.”
Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, this apply for it all and all is that, including handling Ouija boards. Would you dare to fly an airplane when you know nothing of the rules? An airplane fly above into Uranus “The Lord of the Skies, astrology, technology, aeronautics, the future, geniuses etc.
Pluto rules the underworld, death, deep metaphysics, secrets, life and death and unless you know the rules, this world is forbidden. In their ignorance and fears, all religious people are forbidden to reach all the blessings of all Gods of antiquity.
It still amazes me that all “God’s experts” who are pretend to be the connection to the divine, know nothing of God celestial creation and Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune etc. mystical powers.
I am glad this rare wisdom is still unreachable and available only to the adepts. Imagine for a second if everyone was able to practice black or white magic at will without learning the risks of the trade?
Victimus Dritus Satanus Dr. Turi’ spell on his unconscious enemies
But the LIGHT of supreme wisdom does not shine for those who are running away or afraid to ask for it… But somehow and to a certain degree, God is allowing all his children to “subconsciously” use white or black magic through KARMA!
Pluto’s depths and its deadly underworld is not for everyone to tread on, but anyone can learn to “see” in the dark and avoid the demons. Under very deep religious circumstances, or the effects of hallucinogens, unwise or religiously poisoned souls .i.e. Mother Teresa, will get a glance of parallels worlds and where poltergeist activity can be stimulated.
Lost souls did and will suffer the horrific results of the creative or destructive afflicted mind. This is also where healing miracles, powerful omens are offered and good angelic apparitions will transpire because there is no light without darkness or a God without a devil. This is the opposite physical and spiritual worlds, atheists and scientists alike are forbidden to experience…
A Powerful Message To The World
Asking any young souls to heed omens is like asking a Fish to breeze air, they simply can not enter the archetypal realms of supreme cosmic consciousness…
In all areas of the human experiences, elites from all walks of life, i.e. Einstein, Mozart, including, you and I were born with incredible gifts that will, depending on the circumstances, bloom or not! God’s will speak through the inherited natal UCI/stars leading the soul to investigate, study and dedicate themselves to a profession, while others will fear and reject certain occupations.
Thinks as your natal karmic stars as a tree in need of sunlight, water and a rich ground to mature into a majestic size. Some seeds landed close to the water, in a warm rich geographical location, some never got the wind, the water is frozen most of the year the sunlight is too weak to bloom and they never will…
These are the religious people starving or decaying spirit who can not wait to die because a pitiful life on earth is the hell they created for themselves… Indeed there is not hell to go to, its right there in your own paralyzing fears and your own spiritual darkness…
Elijah Jefferson Bond (January 23, 1847 – April 14, 1921) was an American lawyer and the inventor of Ouija boards. Using Astroforensics, I will guide my VIP’s to understand who and why Elijah Jefferson Bond was ordered by God cosmic divinity to create the Ouija board! But this cosmic wisdom can only be appreciated by those who vibrate at Dr. Turi high cosmic velocity.
I am sure, maybe if I had a national stage, millions of curious souls would follow my wise VIP’ steps and Join my Cyber Cosmic Code University, but there would still be millions who wouldn’t.
We certainly don’t want to be owned by any matrixes feeding evil. But it is in full confidence that I assure all my readers that; God has a plan for everyone of us…And it is only when the student is ready that the real teacher will appear!
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Sharing Emails:
Reply by Tina; All these religious people are afraid of losing more “church members” and $$$$.
My Grandma used the board with only those believe there is a God.
Those who are afraid of the “dark side” (stars, planets, etc), atheists & evil people’s will only bring evil.
Reply by Pablo;
To me, a Ouija board (relatively modern concept) is no different than any other divination tool (such as: Pendulum, Runes, a Medium, chicken bones, stones, livers, trees, tea leaves, Tarot, etc), used in facilitating communication from “other dimensions”, thou I use that phrase in broad, loose terms. Some folks have “spiritual gifts” if you will in those areas, others don’t or haven’t yet recognized them in themselves.
The above mentioned items are physical items and have no power other that what we give them or believe someone else gives them yet they can grow to have it’s own “consciousness” in manner of speaking.
Other than it’s natural energy, it has the energy others put into it or one expects it to have, or has “faith” in it to accomplish a purpose. An exception would be if it was a “tool or technology” given to man from ET, then it would depend upon which ET group and what their agenda was pertaining to earth man’s best or not best interest. That’s a tough one for man to interpret in our current state, IMO.
Our intuition is also a tool of divination and creation, thou some choose NOT to allow themselves permission to use it as such while trusting or not trusting other methods.
It seems as humans, each one of us is living in our particular/unique national inculcated; political, social, religious, culturalized bias’s and that affects the effect of how each person interprets their experiences. Thus, each one proclaims their way it the “right way”. Well it may be for them, as long as that is recognized. Ya know, many roads lead to Rome, just gotta find one that works for you.
Agendas abound in all systems, though a person may or may not agree or conform to the expected agenda, by choice. However, controlling agendas are powerful in swaying the minds of the masses in general, even to the point of establishing what you might call “consensus of” or “agreement of” opinion which become the “root assumptions” of their existence, their paradigm. The validity of the point is irrelevant because of the prejudice involved in the original agenda.
The Powers that Be (religious/political) want control over how we think and what we know, thus disinformation (mind poison) is belched out for maintaining overall control and ignorance of knowing our greater selves, as many of you here already know.
When I see the ying-yang I think of duality, all encompassed in one whole circle. It’ all good (though I don’t feel the word good is the proper word to express the concept as it implies a counter part of bad but that’s all I can come up with at this moment – it needs something more neutral yet expansive, IMO)
So why the big push for Ouija boards? Good question – an obvious agenda. Perhaps folks are tired of the standard BS and want a different experience. On the other hand it’s big business seeing a way to make a fortune, though it may become their Achilles heel.
Well, that’s my 2-bits 4 tonight (while reserving the right to change my mind when receiving further light and knowledge.)
Respectfully; Pablo
Reply by John; Dr T., would love to hear your perspective on this reemerging cult phenomenon. History repeating itself? What omen does this spell for society? thank you!!
Reply by Britt; My opinion – Ouija boards is good for ghost hunters / paranormal investigators who report paranormal phenomena especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates. Stay clear from “Ouija boards” haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit that lead to risk of psychological harm. Elijah Jefferson Bond (January 23, 1847 – April 14, 1921) was an American lawyer and inventor of Ouija boards.
Reply by Mrs. Turi: It’s shouldn’t be difficult to understand that Hollywood is regulated by the satanic Luciferian cult known as The Illuminati…Yes, we all illuminate because we are all born into this hell – matrix (E- stands for the sum of the infinite series) But it’s the misuse of the divine order (I – commonly used to designate electric current in these regimens) A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- when combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.
So it is not really a shock that around Samhein (Halloween) the real witches New Year, there was a movie coming out about calling all demons into place. The brainwashed masses will only watch it as innocent fun but they are really just being deceived into taking part in further evil activity when they are unaware of the supra conscious forces in time and space as well as how to use all with good intentions.
Nothing is wrong with some innocent fun and/or watching movies and I would rather see a Ouija board in a movie than blood guts and gore. But the majority of people are careless to the signs and spiritual laws before participating in something and then can ultimately pay the price just because of their weak psyche.
Then again, there is common sense and good ethics which should come first…Staying away from trouble and keeping your faith in something is a vital element towards achieving a goal because the angels do exist if you believe, and the force will help guide you out of the dark and into the light if you feel like you need help, regardless of any semi-obscure deity / mathematics or anything like so.
But what it all boils down to is that the system doesn’t care, and most the time nor does the individual. What makes money will sell…That would be sex/drugs/rock and roll mostly.
It’s like an overweight person continuing to shove Twinkies down their throat…The allowing and making of bad snack junk food. The ones eating it all are only living in delusion. Kind of like the round fat Buddha and those who worship him – yet many live in poverty and of course he’s happy because he’s the only one getting it all. Gee, how smart?
It really is about whoring around within the matrix and many dignitaries are already pompous and very rude as it is. I am not mentioning any names…lol But this is all kind of like the matriarch goddess of whore-dom because of the idea for promoting sexual freedom. For instance why do you think the ‘Statue of Liberty’ is said to be the biggest queen of heaven? And it’s real representation within the colossal trade we have going on about one’s so called job…Doesn’t mean you have to sleep around with every Tom, Dick and Harry. One day you will just have to run into your own match…Remember that of Jezebel’s shocking downfall.
One good girl’s value is equal to that of a ton of ole broads anyway, if you know what I mean.
Besides, many can’t handle the truth so they follow what the rest follow anyways. Which most the time is just an idiosyncrasy in itself anyways because maybe the subject is not easily understood. Like that of which is foreign aka ‘ALIEN’.
Why do you think they only show themselves to certain people?
On that note, I too am glad this exceptional insight is still inaccessible and ready for the use only to those very wise. Think for a minute that if just any body was able to practice black or white magic; at will, without educating the chances taken within the work/ Think of what could be the end result?
Many deserve what they get in the end because, I am really not sorry – but when you act without thinking, what do you expect? Guess there are too many easy – simple minded people around who let their imagination become the leader and let it’s adverse effects mentally guide the naive soul towards looking for answers through a more a more pious lifestyle or simply taking the hand of the first spiritual adviser that comes along or goes through the many gurus out there, like a box of cookies. Just because you may know your past doesn’t make you genuine.
How easy can you be?
This is why a lot of the time, emotions over rule logic but it really isn’t worth it for a minute…Then again, in some cases, an eye for an eye. It all depends, like in a case of self defense.
At the same time, there are those already skilled and still manipulating it. This is perhaps why, they say the real witches keep quiet because people will always have something to talk about and if you get it, they say that the devil was once an angel in heaven too you know?
While everyone has their free will and karma to pay as that is the way the infinite spirit pre-planned it to be. This school is hell…Change is unavoidable while progress is optional.
I say while too many are arguing about photons, miracles and Ouija boards, I’d much rather be on the beach under a couple coconut trees, not even waiting for an answer because sometimes when one forgets and let’s God, the most incredible experiences take place.
*Mrs. T*
Listen to Dr. Turi show on Aliens – UFO’s and Beyond with Host Christina George Show aired November 12, 2014
November 12th, 2014 from 6-8 PM PST…DT will be discussing the Neptunius Draconis Energy Predictions for 2015 along with that of discussing further on that is cosmic and magic including Aliens / UFO’s and Beyond
December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…
The Magical Power of Talismans!

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This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…