Over the years, the police has grown drastically with weaponry but not in spirit… There are cosmic reasons for them and their public victims to invite a premature death! Astroforensics must be taught at the Police Academy. POLICE REQUIEM
Terror attacks on 3 continents, including 28 killed at Tunisia hotel.
Update 01/31/2016 CNN Boko Haram kills dozens in raid near Nigeria refugee camp (click on image)
Dear readers;
Knowing the veracity of my “SOS To The World Windows,” I was torn inside between warning the secret services authorities and risk another possible visit of the FBI, or simply post’s Draco’s channeling on his facebook page!
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction
As you all know, usually I spent hours reaching all US (and France) FBI’s offices’ personal pages with my warnings but so far, it has served no real purposes! It only give those educated idiots another option to ridicule my work and I!
Regardless of my undeniable accuracy, I am not about to wake them up on the reality of the cosmic code code timing inducing those attacks (and all other news.) Indeed the Police Agency Administration and Performance are too blind and deaf and like science and religion, unmovable.
All I can say is, all the secret services personnel are truly poor investigators and, in spite of their helplessness to detect and prevent terrorism, they will never try anything new! Indeed I feel like beating a dead horse and can only post and report the well documented results in their faces, but it will not stop, detect and prevent the next terrorist attack.
But when the majority of those cops are kids cursed into the “OCD Generation,” all born scientists and atheists, assume I am another “Mrs Cleo” (and ET’s are the product of my imagination,) the world can only pay the heavy price of their spiritual educated pride and cosmic ignorance.
But I do not intend to trash my 65 tedious years of independent researches on Astropsychology and Astroforensics! Though I intend to keep offering my pearls of wisdom to those willing and able to assimilate such rare cosmic wisdom but still as you all know, a “subhuman” is psychically ill equipped to enter the intuitional domain of my work, and only those above intelligent souls can appreciate my work!

Dylan Storm Roof born killer
I killed them all because society created a monster
And, let’s face reality, there are not too many smart or curious people on this planet. The police bureaucrats could not give a damn about the cops facing death and the criminals killing innocent people in the streets everyday! The police executives are quite safe in their offices laughing about ET’s and Astrology and will not budge to save a single cop’s life by doing something different for a change!
But this miracle will not happen soon when idiots are at the top of the police pie! You are blocked (Dr. Turi) from following @FBIAgentsAssoc and viewing @FBIAgentsAssoc’s Tweets.
“Don’t give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls to pigs.” Jesus Matthew 7.6
Police, DSH, FBI, CIA, NSA DETECTIVES – Mediocre at Best!
K-9 dies in hot police car in GA! Charleston, SC Cop killer …
SOS Police, DSH, FBI, CIA, NSA – Terrorism, dramatic news …
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack …
False Prophets – Will the FBI visit Dr. Turi again soon?
Draco explain why police can’t fix urban America’s violent …
Police Requiem
Those who are supposed to serve and protect us against terrorism and the crooks are mediocre detectives to say the least and, while I respect the police, dealing with subhumans is indeed a curse I endured since 1991. Google “Dr. Turi FBI” for more articles on this subject.
But be sure not all cops were born psychically, intuitively incapacitated, I dealt with many of them over the years, and I understand the fear of the ridicule is what paralyze the brains and actions of their superiors. If they took a chance on my software, maybe the entire Police Administration would be allowed a total “educational” revamp and anticipating terrorism would become a reality.
But like any rational soul would/should request, proof of my claims that must be investigated! While I own more proofs of my predictions than what the police could handle, all I can do is to offer new ones! And hopefully, once it it all said and done, my “predictions” will create enough wonder and curiosity in the process and open a new door to them! While my chances of being accepted or CORRECTLY investigated by the FBI are extremely slim, at least some of the general public will know, Dr. Turi was right all along!
So what I am going to do is to share the next SOS To The World Window publicly and take another chance to upset our trusting VIP’s who are paying us for our cosmic pearls of wisdom.
Remember readers, your choice of “psychics astrologers, mediums and spiritualists” are unlimited on the Internet, but never forget, finding a true gifted Prophet is as rare as uncovering a diamond.
All I am asking my supporters to do is to share the following and, in the process offer warnings that could make the difference between life and death to many. Note, you could be in the middle of a war, an earthquake, a tsunami, a tornado and still escape with your life! Thanks your “Positive Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” to avoid an early demise.
The sad reality is; in the name of religious convictions or skepticism, billions of now dead people could have avoided such “fate” because…
There are no accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances at work, yet unknown to science and humanity.” Dr. Turi
June 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows
July 3/4/5
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.
As usual, I will be there to post the dramatic results of my visions right here for you to acknowledge, and for me, to once again, prove my claims. This world has yet to learn ET’s, UFO and Astrology are as real as reality itself! In the name of science and religions, those ancients truths were removed, replaced, altered, and propelled the world in the terrible state we find it today!
Children are not regenerating, adults are hopeless and the human spirit is drying fast. Legal and illegal drugs are used and abused to soothe the endless pain of being alive because you are jailed into a relentless system that sucks life out of you body, mind and soul. Human have forgotten the gift of life, happiness, plentiness, joy, peace, security offered by a violated Cosmic God transformed into a money making machine maintained by fear, greed, abuses and endless misinformation!
Best for last! June 26th, 2015 “New York prison escapee Richard Matt shot; Sweat being pursued“
Memo posted June 9th 2015: Grant Williams – “They will get caught but one will be on the run for a long time maybe a couple of weeks.”
Reply · 1 · June 9 at 1:15am
I am Alien, UFO are real Only a few days ago around June 13 or **** June 26.****
Like · June 10 at 10:57am
MEMO FROM June 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows
June 14 – 26 (48 hours centering the dates)
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.
Indeed the Police Agency Administration and Performance, science and humanity at large, would benefit dramatically from our host’s rare cosmic ingeniosity.
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Its time for you to free your spirit with us and work in harmony with God Cosmic Divinity like the ancients did, for if you keep ignoring my warnings, self and world destruction is inevitable! And who can deny the obvious? Your concern is crucial in educating the children and offer them a future!
Dylan Storm Roof born killer
I killed them all because society created a monster
Use your cosmic energy positively work with us
Talk to Draco Learn all about extraterrestrials groups
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show – Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
My good friend Gary Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…
What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
UFO – An Open Mind Production, Conspiracy and Dr. Turi
UFO”s Are Very Real – And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)
2015/2017 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2015/2017 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP ONLY)
2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
“I have a dream; that is to bring back God’s Cosmic Divinity to humanity for the sake of all children of the future.”