“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
12 Dead in ‘Terrorist’ Attack on Paris Satirical Newspaper
1) – Memo from “Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” The Lord of War will rule the world, danger, conflicts, large accidents and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the children, the soldiers, the Army and the Navy.”
(2) December 7, 8 and 9 2015 were the exact dates I gave to to Christina George on her radio 11/12/2014 radio show.
(3) December 7, 8 and 9 2015 were the exact dates I gave to Janet Kira Lessin in her Aquarian 12/21/2014 radio show.
Dear Readers;
I warned French Police in Paris days before the attack!
Posted at Police Nationale – January 1 at 12:07pm
Un Francais en Amerique! Chief on leave after wife is shot! REJECTED FOR TRYING TO SAVE COPS LIVES! Officers.com Police shame and disgrace – 2015/2016 SOS POLICE WINDOWS | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. RTpls
Posted at Police Nationale January 4 at 6:41pm
Un Francais en Amerique! Funeral of NYPD officer Wenjian Liu sees police gather in Brooklyn WHEN WILL THEY LEARN? http://www.drturi.com/police-requiem/
Knowing those predictions are dated and well documented, I am not sure what type of excuses the skeptics will come up with to deny my work and tarnish my name!
I also gave the dates of *December 30, 31 2014 – *January 14/15/16 – 24/25 and *February 20/21 2015 on two different radio shows offering the skeptics a chance to prove my claim. I suggest all of the young souls to read the newsletter and make notes of those those dates. As I continuously do, I will be there to refresh their very short memory because; the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness…
Memo December 30, 31 2014 SOS police results
Over the years, the police has grown drastically with weaponry but not in spirit…
There are cosmic reasons for terrorist acts and for the police and the public to invite a premature death! Astropsychology – Astroforensics must be taught at the Police Academy if it isn’t because, when handled by gifted people, Divine Astrology is a solid reliable science society has yet to recognize.
If you take the time to listen to those shows, I clearly warn the audience for a “Beginning or ending of lives and terrorist activity.“ Only yesterday I felt the urge to update “Police Requiem” article offering more public explanations to how I translate the cosmic hieroglyphs and, as usual blasted the article on my face book pages, Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google and all over social media and hundreds of US police websites.
Furthermore, I also posted in the Paris Police Nationale, starting with “From a French Man in the US” but only a few people were able to read my warnings in English… Indeed the deadly 2015 Arian Draconis warlike predictions confirm my visions of an endless chain of a world wide terrorist activity.
Exposing the fact of my predictions will be perceived as an egocentric act from all the envious young souls but, for others, it is more of another desperate act to warn the police and society to pay attention and invest in the cosmic code and heed my warnings.
Be prepared, this window is not over yet…
Remember, while I gave specifics on the radio, all I can do is to translate the signs preparing you for horrific happenings killing cops, criminals and innocent people. Who’s to deny the exact dates I gave a month ago are not deadly with what happened today in France?
Furthermore, I am again offering you the option to decipher God cosmic Divinity speaking his will through the signs by offering you a glimpse of what the news will be on January 14/15/16/ 24/25 and February 20/21 2015! The least any intelligent human being should do, is to make notes, read the quatrain and key words below and try to upgrade psychically.
January 14/15/16 – 24/25 and February 20/21 2015
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia/ Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police /FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.
While I was very precise on the air, my 2015 Moon Power also offered all my VIP’s with the same dates promising a very disruptive deadly cosmic wind. In fact, this makes this predicted terrorist act a quadruple predictions!
From January 2015 Daily Guidance and Predictions – posted in the Cosmic Code website
Events: “Prominent political personalities either from the Russia, US, France or Japan will make an important announcement. Due to natural disasters, thousands will be forced into a new life and the government may come up with drastic news or decisions that will affect thousands and their families. Let’s hope for the best. Remember, this window is not over yet...
Just be ready to accept the upcoming changes with faith in your new future. Be ready to provide a supportive shoulder to the victims. Nature may also decide to do some nasty tricks in some states, promoting bad weather, tsunami or large earthquakes. The government will have to take serious steps to keep peace in some parts of the world. The Moon rules this sign, watch her whereabouts regularly in the cosmic code website. The dramatic impact will affect many families in the long run. Keep a positive attitude and have faith in the government decisions for the future.”
There is no reason for me to offer you (and the police) more of my ramblings, or even try to convince the skeptics of the reality of my work! This is why I decided to offer my cosmic pearls of wisdom only to those who will ask for them.
All I am hoping for is for my supporters, especially if you are a cop or know a police officer to pass on my warnings widely. Not only the police but the public at large should heed the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. None of the billions of wasteful horoscopes generated world wide prepared you for such a calamity in Paris, but Dr. Turi did!
I cannot emphasise enough to my readers to invest in your 2015 “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” because if the moon is waning, during one of my “January 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows” you will be driving under a collapsing bridge and meet with a premature death in the next earthquake.
I cannot emphasise enough to all police officers to invest in their 2015 “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” because if the moon is waning, during one of my “January 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows” you will be engaging cops killers and meet with a premature death during a terrorist attack.
I cannot emphasise enough to all my readers to invest in their 2015 “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” because if the moon is waning, during one of my “January 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows” you will be at the wrong place at the wrong time and meet with a premature death on the road.
I cannot emphasise enough to all human beings to invest in their 2015 “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” because if the moon is waning, during one of my “January 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows” you will be attracting troubles and meet with a premature death anywhere.
How can you judge the veracity of my work if you do not exit your religious or scientific convictions? Staying in denial is not helping you or your children and your false God will never hear your prayers for protection because you do not hear, see, speak nor heed God “heavenly signs.”
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
I spent hours yesterday blasting various police websites, even some from my own country, but I can only wonder how many people will be able to recall the “weirdo” and his police warnings? Human have a tunnel vision and an extremely short memory and this is why we have to keep steady to the tasking mission…
Divine Astrology is an Art, Dr. Turi is the Master!
I will be there very soon or on January 24/25 and February 20/21 2015 to offer the skeptics and the general public the deadly results of current or future SOS Deadly Windows. I must keep track to those dates and bring you back and forth into the future, then the past so you can appreciate the gift and make a good use of my warnings…
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting hook, and interested in learning more about God Cosmic Divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology (Astrology, psychology and astronomy combined), just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join my VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide