Dear Readers;
Before elaborating on terrorism, neuroscience and the FBI, let me share some nice pictures taken at Canyon Lake last week end. It is important to connect and regenerate your spirit with nature, especially with the negative ion.
Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale … they break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. Thus if you were born like me a ADHD supercharged mentally and physically person, regular trips to the lake is a must. Once the surplus energy has been burnt on the waves, its time to relax and have real fun…
The scenery is formidable!
Even weird in some places

Omar Omsen — a.k.a. Omar Diaby — is France’s “super jihadist,” responsible for recruiting about 80% of French-speaking jihadis heading to Syria and Iraq.
Hidden secrets sex, money, crimes come to light?
Dear readers;
First, if you are a newcomer to my work, please realize all my “predictions” are issued to my VIP’s on the cosmic code private website on the last day of each month. Note also, while I am automatically lumped with Mrs Cleo, I am not a psychic! I use the word on my website for a lack of definition because Astroforensic and my software have not yet been investigated nor accepted as a solid reliable discipline.
When I feel it appropriate, I also publish my “visions” on my Facebook page to warn the public. I also blast every single FBI offices in the US hoping for them to pay attention to the critical values of a futuristic science that will be widely used in the future to anticipate upsurges in terrorist activity.
And while I have been correct each time over the years, including my famous 911 prediction on the N.Y. twin towers, nothing has ever been done by the secret services to investigate my methodology! Watch the video!
To the “Internet idiots” this will probably be another wasteful attempt for me to explain my predictive methodology found in my SOS to the world deadly window using my quatrain and obvious keywords!
Vern Black “Your local pharmacy may sell some drugs that may help you with your reptile obsession.”
George W. Wasson II It’s worse than that Vern. This guy wants to sell you his oh so special info. that is free all over the internet. Talk about cold blooded.
While the majority of an indoctrinated religious or atheist society can not relate, nor assimilate my cosmic work, a tiny fraction of more spiritual people do! And this makes it worthwhile for me to keep offering more explanations to those blessed with an inquisitive brain. A day after posting my warning and harassing the FBI directly, as usual my vision came to pass…
A day later or EXACTLY on the given date of 08/09/16 the news speak of France’s super jihadi recruiting teens to Syria – And the keywords used .i.e. Secrets to light and Terrorism speak of the news I was expecting during those dramatic deadly cosmic winds.
Those terrorists are infecting all gullible vulnerable souls through a technology used by the reptilius. Only a smart, intelligent curious human beings can appreciate my God given predictive gift! Sad enough those intuitive souls are very rare and idiocy reign supreme on planet earth…
And while I explained the working of the mind outside of conventional psychological disciplines, my ingeniousness offering the real answers to why terrorists recruitment is unstoppable is ridicule by all “educated idiots.”
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
From August 2016 SOS to the world deadly WindowsPosted by Dr. Turi on July 30, 2016 at 1:28pm in Cosmic Coders Only
August 9 – //
Hidden secrets sex, money, crimes come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / FBI / CIA / Secret services / secrets / sex, money, crimes / Porn / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Life and death / Serial Killers / human / Undiluted truth / Wake up Call.
Newspaper calls for Trump to end campaign Wake up Call?
Arkansas deputy killed in gunfight – Police?
New Clinton emails released – Secrets to light?
ESPN’s John Saunders dies – Famous death?
‘Grim Sleeper’ killer sentenced to death – Famous Death?
Woman dies in shoot/don’t shoot drill – Death?
New Clinton emails released Secrets to light?
Justice Department finds Baltimore police violate civil rights Police?
Teen boy accused of killing 3-year-old brother in Arizona Death news?
Hospital blast kills at least 70 Terrorism?
France’s super jihadi Terrorism?
Russian athletes hit with boos at Olympics Russia?
Married 63 years, died minutes apart Famous Death?
Humans and animals are infected and responding to the negative stars
If the FBI visit me again, maybe this time they will pay more attention to my cosmic work and anticipate an upsurge in terrorist activity all over the world when I post my predictions!
Terrorism Predictions and the FBI
AMBUSH – Will you be a victim of the next terrorist attack?
BE SAFE, be smart read Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
There should be no reason for you to feel or be alone in this wonderful world. Soul mates do exist. I found mine, regardless how hard and deceptively; sophisticated the forces of evil are.
I survived cancer, valley fever, pneumonia, deadly accidents and violent enemies in both the open and hidden worlds. Those forces are real and can only be explained and removed by a gifted soul doctor. There is no denying the existence of both the physical and spiritual realms nor reality and experts on both worlds are rare!
The benevolent Draconis can hear your prayers and somehow, will stimulate you to land on me because the depth of your questions or situations can be attended and remedied through my cosmic expertise.
Indeed you are in real good hands with us but your biggest challenge is your fears, or exactly what those nefarious reptilius need to keep you trapped in darkness.
We are the light we speak and teach all about in cosmic light. We are the beacon you saw from far away, in the world of darkness you sank in. Let me help you rejoice, find the reasons for you to be a child of the universe, explore your karma, your past lives, your gifts and even your sins.
Let me do the crucial cleansing and tape our conversation; offering you those vital cosmic teachings and my predictions for your future. Let me turn you into the captain of your life and sail your ship safely away from typhoons and to the islands of paradise.
Once you are done with me, you will join thousands of other seeking souls who have only the beautiful truth to say about the regenerative, exceptional values of my cosmic work!… What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
Use the latest deal offered at the bottom of this article.
Dr. Turi on air with Chris Kehler September 22, 2016 from 6 pm to 7 pm
have questions about a dream, a wish, fears, a job, a decision to make etc. But again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi