For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Dear readers;
Note: This article was produced 01/23/13 and has been updated in parts.
The universe is expanding and accelerating each passing day, thus human affairs and natural disasters will feel this upsurge of madness in politics, earthquakes, weather and abnormal natural disasters intensity.
But, without cosmic consciousness (the understanding of the cosmic code via Astrology) it is impossible for today infantile dry science to connect the dots. While logic dictate that messing up with Mother Earth can only aggravate various locations such as Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Arkansas “Fracking fallout: 7.9 million at risk of man-made earthquakes” it is impossible for the scientific community to truly point out the real “cosmic” reasons for such acceleration.
It is only when science reconnect with God Cosmic Divinity and its creation (above and below) and raise its spiritual vibrations that; a clear understanding to what the SHOCKING, technological (UFOs/ sudden release of energy) Age of Aquarius is about to unleash upon earth.
Today’s Neptunius watery dragon speaks of the many predictions I made and already came to pass but humanity is slow to learn!
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public).
For now all you have is Dr. Turi cosmic awareness ingeniousness, something none of the young “educated” or idiotic souls could never assimilate! Back to the original article…
Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A ‘Giant Brain’

In my January 23 Cosmic Code radio show I explained I great detail how the Universal Mind, interact with the human mind and I can only suggest the reader to listen to the program archives and learn more on the topic. Meantime I did certainly elaborate much more on January 26th on the Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show!
I guess blasting the Internet since 1991 and being a favorite guest on George Noory Coast To Coast am radio show heard by millions of people has paid off for science.
While I do not expect then to ever acknowledge where they first heard the idea of the human mind being directly “connected” with the Universal Mind or getting a ” Nobel Price” from the scientific community, the facts is my mission to introduce humanity to the Cosmic Code jurisdictions is making progress. Yes back in 1991 I was well ahead of them all…
While they are on the right track, the scientists are still millions miles away from getting full Cosmic Consciousness, the question is will anyone of them contact me to teach them what took me a lifetime to acknowledge? Neuroscience Long For Answer On the Mind – Update – The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true. In a sense. According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies.
DT Rebuttal: Human are a microcosm of a much larger macrocosm – Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient GreekNeo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos. Thus if this crowd of erudite men mentioned below knew and used the stars chances are our infantile science will humble themselves for a change and accept the difference between education and intelligence…
Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine – Paracelsus Mental genius- DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach – Author Paul Kiritsis – Nostradamus Seer, and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students use the stars!
And of course the educated idiots and the subhumans truly believe they know better than all of us…
Some of these new scientists own a more advanced UCI or Unique Celestial Identity than the ones of their classmate peers and are moving in the right direction.
Continued: The results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole. A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways.
The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain. The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said. “For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” he told Space.com. The team’s simulation modelled the very early life of the universe, shortly after the big bang, by looking at how quantum units of space-time smaller than subatomic particles ‘networked’ with each other as the universe grew.
DT Rebuttal: But what is amazing is I knew all about it at the tender age of 10 years old and luckily for me my Grandma was there to talk to me about the moon and the stars…
Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show
As mentioned before unless science breach the gap between the physical and spiritual manifesto and stop distancing themselves from the spirit with a cosmic conscious teacher all the secret of the Universe can become theirs… I have a few videos dedicated to introduce you to the old science and all you have to do is to click on the links. Hopefully the scientists will be lucky enough to land on my work and save a lifetime of questions and make a good use of my 45 years of independent researches.
Dr Turi: Journal of the Unknown
Cosmic Code Reality – Part 3: Astro Tarot
Continued: They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections. For instance, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites – and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo. No, it doesn’t quite mean that the universe is ‘thinking’ – but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there’s more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.
DT Rebuttal: No the universe is not thinking, its God’s celestial rules, its a universal matrix, a gear box, a universal mind and like the creator like the universe does not think, rationalize, fear or feels, it simply does. This is why, following a tragedy such as the CT massacre of 20 children and 7 adults all cosmic unconscious human beings are baffled and call an “Act of God!”
Meantime this HUGE Universal Mind affects all human being at a very personal level through their inherited karmic program or their “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.” But science has yet to recognize the unseen cosmic forces at work are only felt and generated by our local solar system… All other solar systems supports a very different type of life far from the 5 limited human senses, its limited perception and understanding of what infinity, time and space is all about. Or what I attribute to the effect of “Dark Matter” as to make sense to their unsophisticated underdeveloped non spiritual natal/rational/skeptical/logical UCI.
As we move forward into the Age of Aquarius (Google/Yahoo/technology/UFO) more and more scientists born with a more perceptive UCI will be allowed into the archetypal real of consciousness and make a good use of the intuitional domain of my work. By looking at the article and the author explanations above, there is still a very long way before cosmic consciousness blesses all scientists of the future. And since 1991, my dedication and endless creative work will somehow reach those willing to learn how and what the Universal Mind is all about from a 63 years old man.
More answers on the Universal Mind on the January 26th Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show where I explained more on UFO and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and offered more predictions!
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The giant brain universe makes me think of aboriginal Australia myths of the dream time. They thought we were inside a dream. Looking at the simulated models of the universe it is easy to see why they think that. It looks like a massive set of neural points like in a brain cascade. Then I think of the old saying “as above, so below” It makes you wonder, the solar system seems like a single cell moving around its center in a collection of cells making up the Galaxy. Then the Galaxy’s are connected to each other with filaments of matter. It is really beautiful. Like this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-UyFViiOkg&feature=endscreen
DT- Wonderful now you have to realize that nothing either start of finish within the mind but all start and finish in the Universal Mind. Watch these videos to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4BX3TzPUt08 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xnA1fy4Qm6A
NOTE My “2013 Moon Power Universal Guidance and Predictions” and my “2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast” have been reduced to $15 a piece and now available to the public – Enjoy the most reliable guidance and predictions in the Internet.
Updated – 01/26/13 – ‘Anonymous’ threatens Justice Department – It seems my vision is accurate!
“(CNN) — In anger over the recent death of an Internet activist who faced federal charges, hackers claiming to be from the group Anonymous threatened early Saturday to release sensitive information about the U.S. Department of Justice.”
But the sad reality is both the group and the Homeland Security are cosmic unconscious and “Anonymous” blame the government for Aaron suicide and took his side against its legal battles. All induced by his natal Dragon’s Tail *negative in Libra (Laws.) All human participants, would it be the FBI or the activists are simply neurotically, robotically, subconsciously acting out the part of their natal stars without a remote understanding of the inner reasons why they are implicated in a variety of emotional human affairs. Cosmic unconsciousness starts with the first teachers battling their closest family members UCI differences in the nucleus of their own homes.
This humongous universal ignorance then follow the subjects all throughout education, their lives, aims, career, accomplishments and actions… YET 99.0009% of the world’s population does not know why they do what they do or react for or against against each others in the cosmic nonsensical voyage of their existence on this dense physical world! This evil dance of ignorance turns into the endless chain of dramatic news…
Read why Aaron Swartz committed suicide!
In a newsletter titled North Korea Nukes Race – A wake up call to America! I wrote about the December 12, “North Korea carrying out a controversial rocket launch”, in fact not only did I give the exact day for dramatic news to come public on November 14 on the Roxy radio show and created a huge panic and bad reaction from a bunch of scared people but I also made the same Predictions with George Noory 7 years ago (full TV special in 2006) warning of foreign power to develop nukes and this was well before Iran ambitions became public. (24 minutes into the program.)
Furthermore electing a President dwelling endlessly on his unlucky Aquarius (NUKES) Dragon’s Tail can only “attract” the Uranic explosive energies cloaked in his UCI. In Roxy radio show I fully explained this nuts and bolts of President Obama unusual fate thus if you are able to handle the truth I can only warn America of its impending fate for ignoring the cosmic code jurisdictions. Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!Our infantile science and the world’s population are totally cosmic unconscious and oblivious of the cosmic forces at work in charge of each and every human being living on planet earth.
The more power you give a soul, the more his fate will be felt upon those he rules. History spoke the truth of my supreme wisdom with evil souls such as Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Joseph Stalin etc. Asia own a very strong “Aquarius” technology energy located right on the Dragon’s Tail of President Obama and those energy speaks a language he and his cosmic unconscious advisers are not trained and ill fitted to translate. This Uranic /Aquarius “sudden release of energy” produced the December 7, 1941 “surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and will manifest again in the future. 2014/2015 will be crucial months for my vision to unfold unless the entire Obama administration become cosmic conscious and act appropriately and timely, something simply impossible because I am not there to guide them!
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was born January 8, 1983 and own the SAMECapricorn (the Goat/head of evil) Dragon’s Tail (negative) as Hitler and his moon (North Korea infrastructure/his people) is located in the deadly sign of Scorpio! Exactly like Saddam Hussein who did not hesitate to kill his family members to own and stay in power… And we all know what happened to Iraq since then… What is scary is that Saturn (the great malefic) happens to be close to his deadly moon in Scorpio meaning the attack will be planned and conducted in secret then delivered while a lot of “secret talks” to act as a unit is taking place with Iran…
President Obama’s fate and the one of America has to unfold in accordance to the Law and rituals of the divine… Knowing the Scorpius deadly Dragon is until February 2014 ridding North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s Scorpius Moon I can only hope President Obama will stop dreaming and hope for a peaceful world and strike them before they strike us…It seem diplomacy is out of question and time is running out! more in the Roxy radio show
Blessings to all my reader
Dr. Turi