The year’s brightest comet streaks by Earth this weekend
Do not miss my next radio shows
Dr. Turi on the air with Joe Montaldo UFO’s Under Cover 01/16/19
Dr. Turi on the air with Suzanne Ross The fringe Radio 01/09/19
Dr. Turi on the air with Brooks Agnew X-Squared Radio 01/06/19
If you know someone wit a radio or Internet TV show please refer my cosmic teachings by sharing this sample article and help us reach more truth seekers, expose and fight the reptilius. Turitrue@gmail.com
Do not expect NASA and the scientific community to explain what the reptilius agenda is all about when they are clueless of the spiritual values involving our own solar system and the rest of the cosmos!
Bizarre ‘Dark Fluid’ with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe
It’s embarrassing, but astrophysicists are the first to admit it. Our best theoretical model can only explain 5 percent of the universe. The remaining 95 percent is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material dubbed dark energy and dark matter.
Once more readers, the reptilius travel in time and space through black holes into countless of dimensions. They resides in “Dark Matter” and can only survive with your negativity.
As mentioned on Dr. J radio show “Thousands of people will be forced to relocate because of bad natural disasters that will take place during the holidays” I was right again… Note ASIA is AHEAD of us making this December 24th SOS to the world deadly window operational because of its local longitude and latitude. Listen to my spoken words… Note this window is STILL operational.
Indonesians worry of another tsunami as 5,600 are displaced and hundreds are dead or injured
Dr. Turi famous 911 prediction
Check “terrorist prediction” on Fade to Black radio
“Dr. Louis Turi is our first time guest and we cover his ET contact throughout his life, in detail. We then discuss how he developed his ability to do predictions…with such accuracy. He had sent us info on May 20th and what may happen…that it would be terrorist related and during the show the Egypt Air dropped off radar…very interesting…
Dr. Turi on the air with Joe Montaldo UFO’s Under Cover 01/16/19
Dr. Turi on the air with Brooks Agnew X-Squared Radio 01/06/19 (Sunday 8 to 11 ET) Share pls
Indeed the “experts” are clueless and all wrong about astrology and I will prove it to you once again! I already, efficiently and accurately made my point a few day ago by forecasting earthquakes above 6.0 on Dr. J national syndicated radio show. If you are a skeptic, be my guest, LISTEN and judge for yourself!
On to Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology using quatrain and obvious keywords.
December 2018 SOS to the world, deadly windows
Posted by Dr. Turi on November 28, 2018 at 10:07am in Cosmic Coders Only
December 24 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
America / New Beginning of new decisions / Ending of War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / New Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Destructive Actions / Destructive Weather / Natural Disaster / A new Planned and / or Unplanned life For Many.

12/24/18 – ISIS claims deadly bombing in Iraq
Another Guatemalan child dies in US Border Patrol custody End of Life?
Millions of Americans will be driving on treacherous roads after Christmas Destructive Weather
Thailand approves medical marijuana New Beginning of new decisions
High-speed trains are coming to the US New Beginning of new decisions
12/24/18 – Etna erupts in Sicily amid dozens of tremors

12/24/18 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Ust’-Kamchatsk Staryy, Kamtsjatka, Russia
12/23/18 – 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Nuku‘alofa, Tongatapu, Tonga
12/22/18 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Sola, Torba, Vanuatu
Indonesia tsunami kills hundreds after Krakatau eruption
Yes there was many warnings,on THREE radio shows, on my Facebook page, to my VIP’s on the cosmic code website, and to the thousands of people who signed (for free) to read my bulletins sent directly to their mailbox! Note I also predicted the previous Thailand and Japan deadly tsunamis…
But the general public and the scientific community does not take me seriously! When I ask you to share my warnings to save lives, those selfish readers who did not will have now to pay karma!
Government Shutdown – Unplanned life For Many?
Trump was mad at coverage of Mattis’ resignation and therefore forced him to leave early – Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life?
Andy Cohen is going to be a dad New Life?
Humans have no business on Mars, the Moon or Venus period! The scientific community should instead concentrate on our fast depleting earth and the only planet that can support life naturally in this solar system. Those abusive, extremely wealthy and organized infected corporations do only care of their atheist, agnostic “educated idiots” kind…
And the secret service is as curious and as “brilliant” as Mister Brad Tucker or any cosmic unconscious Astronomers or Astrophysicists out there! “FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction”
May be the the Australian National University Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics should investigate more about the true spiritual purpose of the cosmic code (or the stars) and honor the word science and investigate my earthquakes predictions? Or will they behave like USGS and the Seismologist Institute morons in Pasadena, CA?

December 19 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Spies / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
US President’s move to leave Syria fulfills one of Vladimir Putin’s goals and will spark fresh speculation about Trump’s motives and relationship with Russia
Vladimir Putin bows to his most dangerous enemy Russia
Florida deputy announced on police radio killing of 3 relatives in murder-suicide Police news
Policeman found guilty of condom ‘stealthing’ in landmark trial Police Sex news
Prosecutors weigh sex assault charges for Chinese billionaire Sex news
She opened a sex shop for women, then the backlash started Sex news?
Eliza Dushku breaks silence on alleged harassment on set of ‘Bull’ Sex news
Actress breaks silence on ex-‘NCIS’ star sexual harassment allegations Sex news
10-year-old girl dies after FGM Death/Sex News
Harvey Weinstein sexual assault case will move forward, judge says Sex news
Arrests after tourists murdered in Morocco Death news
Kishori Amonkar: Legendary Indian singer dies Famous Death
Chinese spies stole info from US gov’t, companies over 12 years: DOJ Spies
Former CNN ‘Journalist of the Year’ admits faking stories, resigns Secrets to light?
Crowded airport shut down by mystery drones with tens of thousands of passengers travel chaos Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Continued: Are those two upcoming SOS to the world deadly windows confirming another vision I had for President Trump? If you look at the quatrain and *December once again my timing is simply perfect! In order for any of my readers to build cosmic consciousness, repetition is a must, so forgive me if you already acknowledged the following, newcomers did not!
“Millionaires do not use Astrology, billionaires do!” J.P. Morgan
President Donald Trump’s UCI
*December* 15/2018 – Weeks of devastating revelations have left the President’s political career clouded by criminality and his life under a legal microscope
Blooming flowers mid month of June icy *December*
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
World rejoice infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 6/11/2016
Indeed President Trump is reptilius infected and Mr. Trapper is “subconsciously” and creatively stimulated by the “Draconis” to offer the full proof of my claim!
Dr. Turi is right, maybe our President is reptilius infected!
It seems my original quatrain written in 2015 above is quite obvious and the timing accurate as far as our President’s political affairs are concerned! It is also important for all my readers to realize my work is NOT political but spiritually oriented and well before serious troubles started for our President, I read his fate by translating his natal karmic stars.
Unless you apply Astroforensic you will be left in the dark, thus trust me to do the job and fully expose his cosmic identity! “Donald Trump President?“
In my latest national Dr. J syndicated radio show, I warned the American people that; “electing a President mean also experiencing and suffering his fate! Indeed Trump Dragon’s Tail (negative) in the sign of Sagittarius (foreigners) will bring troubles with all affairs involving foreign affairs!” Indeed there is no denying the true values of my visions if you keep up with the news…
Like oblivious Americans, the non cosmic conscious Germans people elected Hitler and the entire world sank into the most destructive wars of all time killing more than 60 millions people. Currently, the US and the entire world MUST witness and endure the fate, the chaos, the lack of respect, the lies, the greed, the conspiracies and the penalty imposed by the elected, most powerful man on the planet!
Born with as a Gemini (communication/gossips) with a Gemini dignified Dragon (all news medias) it is simply impossible not to TALK about President Trump. But the reality is; our President mind (critical thinking) has been hijacked by the reptilius who found the perfect subject to create serious havoc on earth!
However, without cosmic consciousness, 99.9% of the people reading my cosmic work can only assume, I hate religions, science and President Trump when my mission is to challenge people outside of their five limited, “educated” rational senses and realize “I speak to God!” or read the signs!
God is Divine eternal cosmic entity and he does not speak to fools!
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Albert Einstein
What is in store for the world and you in 2019?

Do you believe an advanced civilization did and will have to interact with humans beings in the future? I have those answers… Join me, start planning right away and listen to top speakers on a UFO cruise!
Announcement – Hello students, VIP’s and friends;
Make plans to join us in Sedona next year and get 10% off your ticket…Also, mention my name (Dr. Turi) to Suzanne and you may also email her directly suzanneross64@yahoo.com if you need more info. Sedona is a magic place, where I taught many students over the years and seeing a few of you there would be wonderful…
Mark your calendar: Tuesday & Wednesday – March 19 & 20, 2019 – Sedona Creative Life Center
333 Schnebly Hill Rd, Sedona, Arizona
For inquiries: Suzanne@SciSpi.TV
Do you want to attract and connect with UFO’s? Can you handle the Divine?
Dr. Turi on the air with Jeffrey Pritchett… December 14, 2018
Dr. Turi on the air with Dr. J Andy Ilias radio live December 18, 2018 from 8 pm to 9 pm
Dr. Turi on the air with Joe Montaldo UFO’s Under Cover January 16 2019 7:00 CT – 8 PM EST
Dr. Turi on Age of Truth TV with Lucas Alexander Los Angeles – Stand by for 2019 dates
Join thousands of VIP’s on the cosmic code ASAP ITS FREE. Get this type of newsletters directly in your mail box from mine, join us!
Be part of this cosmic movement and show your support for humans, nature, its wild life and our oceans. I have the ONLY solution to beat the reptilius’ agenda and if you did not yet, please listen to this you-tube radio show and share this newsletter.
You will become a VIP only when you are ready and read non publicized Cosmic Code Newsletters, our solid guidance and prediction for 2019 – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world, be warned!
Dr. Turi
Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Questions? 602-265-7667 – Teraniapromodir@gmail.com