Dear readers;
Before getting into “Roswell’s New Mexico secrets divulged and Muslims in America” and to those who just landed on this article, I’d like to remind you of a warning I posted on my Facebook page Louis Turi.
10/29/2017 6.0 in North Of Franz Josef Land (always at or above 6.0)
10/30/2017 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia
10/30/2017 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Tadine, New Caledonia
Indeed a legitimate UFO’s contactee like me, channeling my inner ET (Draco), while offering regular proof, is something all unconscious, famous UFO’s “Talking Heads who never saw nor dealt with ET’s and UFO’s physically or psychically… Will feel very uncomfortable with!
No wonder they never support my claims and all “alienated” themselves from me. If you are looking for the truth and real answers about ET’s and UFO’s you certainly landed on the right material and the real thing! However this is for me to know and you to find out!
Again this does not mean all UFO’s speakers’ messages are worthless and this is not what I am trying to convey to you. Millions of people from all walks of life dealt with UFO’s and the majority of those cases are real!
Thus, UFO’s researchers serve you with the best of the best cases they share with you. But acknowledging some facts about them, can help you deciphering and trust the source of information.
Anyone with deep pockets, with a well known parent’s legacy or benefiting from an influential “scientific” position, can talk about UFO’s but this doesn’t mean they own valuable facts you should pay attention too!
I do not talk about UFO’s only or deal with an ET (psychically) for fun. My work serve a serious purpose for humanity. Though you may be able to relate to me and my predictions or not…Because this is more than any and all, famous UFO’ speakers can do!
They all know, as experienced as I am on coast to coast am radio with our friend George Noory and when I gave a prediction, it happened each time! To the point where trying to warn the FBI “Federal Bureau of Idiots” to anticipate terrorist attacks, I also attracted the wrong attention!
I am not bolstering or asking for your admiration. Though many feel it’s my egocentricity speaking! I am only asking you to use critical thinking and realize I deal with ET’s very closely and I have something important you should pay attention to!
And for this, I should not be feared, eliminated nor sought as an egocentric lunatic by the UFO’s community! The choice is yours to make the difference between being entertained and scared to death with UFO’s stories or make a good use of my extraordinary extraterrestrial experiences and predictions.
Instead of fearing UFO’s and ET’s, I am just legitimizing myself with what I went through in my life and the obvious predictive legacy, channeled from the ET “inside me!”
As mentioned before, I channel my inner ET (Draco) and the pictures of its entrance in my body mind and soul can’t be denied! It is otherwise impossible to manipulate those photos which my wife, Terania took… These are real!
A Powerful Message To The World
Note also, it is important for the critics and skeptics alike to remember this SOS to the world deadly window date and the pertinent information were Posted by Dr. Turi on August 30, 2017 at 1: 48 am in Cosmic Coders Only or a month earlier.
First, assimilate the truth about Draco working through me. Those orbs do not lie and are impossible to manipulate. Then, check the dated window in question and how and what Nostradamus’ 16th century predictive methodology is about, in using divine astrology, then read the compiled news…
Note also, this astrology has NOTHING to do with the modern astrology or mathematical, confusing jargon you may know, learn or teach and the financially oriented Facebook, deceptive horoscopes you read!
it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to connect the quatrain and its obvious keywords, to the type of shocking news plaguing the news-media and websites during the window.
Note this SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY window is still operational, come back to read more…
October 29 (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Asia / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity / Uranium / Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.

8 dead in New York terror attack – SHOCKING?
10/29/2017 6.0 in North Of Franz Josef Land (always at or above 6.0)
10/30/2017 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia
10/30/2017 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Tadine, New Caledonia
- President fires on Fusion, Uranium ‘collusion’ announcement Uranium?
- Rouhani says Iran will keep producing missiles, state TV reports Nukes?
- North Korea conducting evacuation, blackout drills amid growing tensions with US Nukes?Michigan buggy crash: 3 children killed, 6 hurt after truck slams into carriage Shocking?
- Woman intentionally drove off cliff, killing herself and her 3 children, police say Children?Kentucky couple, 3 young children killed in car crash during family trip Children?
- Husband and wife plead guilty to abusing, filming attacks on 17-month-old girl Children?
The reptilius are after FAMOUS PEOPLE your Children?
- NASA doesn’t know where this came from NASA?
- 6,000-year-old skull found Discovery?
- London airport’s security files found on a USB stick on street – Shocking? Airports ?
- North Of Franz Josef LandNBA team’s plane gets massive dent Aeronautics?
- ‘Most advanced’ stealth sub is America’s answer to rivals Technology?
- 10 dead in Mogadishu car bombing Explosions?
- Soldier dresses as firefighter, stuns wife Stunning?
- Wolf kills cow in California for the first time in more than 100 years Shocking?
However, while I am keeping a record of my undeniable earthquakes predictions, (and some!), when they get too much attention, the “reptilius infected” people REMOVE THEM from their websites or deny the facts.
Unlike my supporters fearing the ridicule, my enemies are relentless and very active…
Yes, these immature, cosmic unconscious atheist “young souls” assumed I don’t like science and mingled my cosmic work with religion, leaving me no choice but to defend and explain myself publicly!
And with such “publicity,” its no wonder why this show and my obvious prediction was removed!
Instead of inviting me again to offer them (and the little brat) more proof of my claims, they behaved like senseless mongols. And I did so many times by leaving links to my large quakes predictions following this show…
But confirming my predictive gift is not allowed to do anywhere it seems and both the show and all the links from “Paranormal Central” were removed…
The uncomfortable truth about Gaia
Back to my warnings and the quatrain (above) and key words explanations.
This may be our first visitor from another solar system
EARTHQUAKE! SOS TO THE WORLD! TIME FOR SHOCKING NEWS, EXPLOSIONS, NUKES NEWS , COSMIC PHENOMENONS AND LARGE QUAKES… Check the values of my predictive work this week end! I will post those dramatic shocking news in time, just make note of the time and date! Warning posted 10/26/17 at 5:15 pm AZ Time!
Once again, I do not predict anything. I read a cosmic universal God’ signs to make those forecasts! To do so, I use the same type of software NASA uses to plot the movement of the planets… But obviously I known something they don’t.
The reality is a religiously and/or scientific indoctrinated (infected) society, has lost its connection with God and the divine. All they have left is man made religious doctrines created and enforced by the reptilius.
Keep reading its going to get better…
Why American prisoners convert to Islam
First and foremost, once infected via legal or illegal drugs, all those lost souls, criminal or not, are forced into Neptune’s confinement. There, the body, mind and soul of the convicts becomes a wide open door for a total psychical infestation.
Neptune rules all man made religions and all places of confinement .i.e. churches, synagogues, temples, prisons, hospitals, funny farms etc. Neptune rules the oceans, oil, drugs, alcohol and the deceptive, poisonous pharmaceutical corporations.
Once imprisoned, the degenerated and to avoid depression, the soul seeks freedom through the use of narcotics and/or religions. However not all human beings, including inmates will fall pray of the reptilius through religions, it all depend on their natal UCI.
If the chart of an infected person is loaded with Neptune deceptive winds, the jailed own an addictive personality and the soul will depend on a regular dose of drug and/or sign up for religion! Meet some famous modern Neptunians.

The reptilius are after your children! When will the world finally realize my visions as true and the emergency to help me reaching more people? I have the answers and the know how to stop the current suicide epidemic, something science and religion could never offer you.
Reptilius infected artist’s work! When the creator use drugs the super-conscious offer’s horrific evil images from the archetypal realm of supra consciousness – Yet the world will never realize my visions as true and the importance of my warnings –
Do you realize as of today the scientific community has no clue and wasted millions trying to find out why INFECTED Maddock killed so many innocent people in Vegas? Stephen Paddock, “why I did it!”
Imagine how much people I could reach and educate about this cosmic phenomenon by offering my teachings will save countless lives . You must put your religious or critical, skeptical atheist attitude aside or watch more infected teens commit suicide each passing day. You must acknowledge the gravity and urgency of this deplorable suicide epidemic and help me ASAP.
The infected corporations (or drug Lords) could not care less about anyone and will keep making and selling their nefarious addictive products and make billions.
I need your help to reach more families because it is just a matter of time before the reptilius takes your own child. Your prayers will never be heard or answered when the devil own the body, mind and soul of so many degenerated, depressed infected souls.
Do not think for a second this could never happen to your loved ones! Watch CNN videos one and video two this is reality and no one is doing the right thing to stop this nightmare!
Help, and invest in my cosmic wisdom do something for the sake of humanity read how the reptilius operate and hijack the mind of a human being in the offered article and most of all, share our cosmic work! UFO’s – Roswell new Mexico Mind Boggling Secret Divulged!
MAKE A LARGE DONATION OR BECOME A MEMBER PLEASE HELP ME GET A WIDER STAGE WITH MY CRITICAL MESSAGES AND OFFER THE SOLUTION! If you do not act soon you will witness the horrific vision I dare not to share with you all… Thank you Dr. Turi
You should also stay clear from any religious infected Neptunian stimulating fear and preparing you for the “last judgement day” nonsense! Those lost souls never gave any explanations nor offered you with true, verifiable predictions like mine!
AND THOSE INFESTED SOULS ARE EVERYWHERE unconsciously fulfilling the reptilius agenda nurturing your fears!
A deadly heartless Plutonic UCI soul will join various gangs and kill for power and control instead. The rules are set for all to oblige by and fear reign supreme in our over loaded prison system. Visit the underworld and where the reptilius also resides…
All I can do is repeat myself and warn you again. Maybe you will take me seriously and share my message with your loved ones, especially if they are imprisoned!
Be sure readers, the “attacks” and dreadful man made and natural destructive news we have experienced lately, will intensify as those entities will gain more control over the minds of their victims.
Even if you are a law obedient, productive member of this lost society, do not assume you are free from them! They may come in the middle of the night and poison your dreams or induce more fear and depressions than usual in your life.
Those entities love darkness and can only survive in “Dark Matter” with your fears. They hate the light with a passion! Thus, make sure to have a small source of light in your bedroom to keep them away and to avoid nightmares.
They are patient, shrewd and relentless much like all my infected Internet enemies and you must NEVER give up to fear and surrender your body, mind and soul to them.
Be prepared to fight harder. The battle just started and nothing can be done to stop the reptilius in knowing how the general public ignores my warnings and those who have abandoned us.
Traditional religion refer to those entities as “fallen angels” and if you believe a crucifix , a picture of Jesus, a visit to your local church will protect you… You are wrong! It is nothing else than a positive thought process you must nurture at all costs! Perhaps one of my protective talismans will help you…
Most importantly, do not give the reptilius a single chance to suck more of your psychical strengths by fearing them, because not all ET’s are bad! You may not be ready for my warnings but understand their agenda first. For if you don’t, they will sooner or later manage to infect and enslave your spirit!
Do not fear the only true source of information you have with us about those invading extraterrestrials. Instead apply your will or the force of light a cosmic God is providing you by leading you to us.
Criminals, religious or not, are much too “infected” to receive any form of psychical help and at this advanced depleted stage, they can only seek what is available to them in prisons, or various religions! Only a protective talisman will work for some of you experiencing panic attacks and/or dementia! The Magical Power of Talismans
Being so indoctrinated since childhood with “fear of hell” if you don’t deal with us or what religions refer as “the occult,” is a well planned way to get you deeper into the hole of fear and stupidity!
Chances are, you will reject the truth we own and share to help you battle Satan’s deadly cosmic entities. But only YOU can SAVE YOURSELF
You have yet to acknowledge you are already on hell and aim for God cosmic divinity instead!Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness

The reptilius are cosmic conscious. This means they know ALL about the cosmic code rules and your UCI or your psychical program!
Once they lure you with religions and / or legal or illegal drugs and vices “Regular marijuana users have more sex, study says“ those nefarious entities will induced drama, insecurity, fear, depressions and chaos in your life!
Once again – You should stay clear from any religious infected Neptunian preparing you with the “last judgement day” nonsense or any other ridiculous belief system! Those lost souls never gave any explanations, nor offered you with true, verifiable predictions like mine! AND THOSE INFESTED SOULS ARE EVERYWHERE fulfilling the reptilius agenda nurturing more of your fears!
They also use the SOS to the world deadly windows, (SEE ABOVE) and then wait for your own personal negative cosmic biorythyms to act.
They will do so when you are at your utmost vulnerable and hijack your body, mind and soul… And the results are dreadful and usually end with death!
- Radio Host Delilah Reveals Her Teenage Son Killed Himself – The reptilius at work!
- ‘SNL’ star: I’m depressed all the time – I am scared and enraged, what’s going on?
- Stephen Paddock, “why I did it!” The life and fate of an Infamous soul…
- The Real Plutonic Story of Halloween outside of Christianity Deceptiveness!
The point is; the FBI, the scientific community and “all knowing sub-human educated brats” will never be able to accept nor conceive my Astropsychology / Astroforensic work! And asking them to read, as to understand the cosmic code jurisdictions or the reptilius’ agenda, is a total waste of my time.
- The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi | Dr. Turi …
- Terrorism, neuroscience and the FBI
Now may share this newsletter or discard it as another piece of spam. It all depends of your natal UCI or where you are at in this current stage of human evolution… Either a truth seeker or the victim of an abusive religious or scientific system.
Feed the religious or scientific reptilius infected matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
In any case as you read me, may my cosmic message sink into your consciousness and make you a more informed, decent and concerned human ready to share such rare wisdom to the world at large.
For rejecting God’s cosmic divinity speaking through me or ignoring my warnings about the reptilius, can only support something you are not able to understand nor willing to accept! And this is very dangerous for everyone.
Blessings and divine protection to all,
Dr. Turi
L’oeil du droit a la force d’Airain
“Let who ignore my warnings about the reptilius be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.
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