“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the future!
Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi
Calm Deception To Strike!

Dear readers;
Yes, like an incalculable amount of cosmic unconscious, scared human beings, Stephen Paddock was reptilius infected and hated the world! He had no idea why he felt so depressed and driven to kill many people. The awful psychical forces he was dealing with were much too strong for him to handle… He was totally possessed by the reptilius!
Be sure, like all other mass killers before him, his mind will be dissected by science who will never, ever uncover the golden keys to what it means to be human… Oregon shooting, Obama, Guns, The FBI and America!
Stephen Craig Paddock was born April 9, 1953 , I will offer his FULL UCI to our VIP’s soon! Join, become a VIP to read the real good stuff!
The traditionally educated idiots are well known for missing the forest for the tree,” I may add!
While Mr. Paddock will joins the “Hall of Shame,” he like all other criminals who made infamy a reality, were also victims of a corrupted , infected, religious and scientific system denying the real option for spiritual regeneration. Thus, Stephen Paddock was lead to a total mental degeneration, infestation, murder and suicide mission.
And there will be more to slave for the reptilius as such. Its not if but when and you know it too! And science, religion or the FBI will never do anything to anticipate such deadly acts.
Your children are indoctrinated by the same evil system stopping our warnings and those who I thought were our supporting friends have abandoned us.
Indeed the force of evil reigns supreme upon our world and most of you do nothing. God is watching all that you do or do not do. Especially when your conscience and guilt act as a beacon for well deserved karma!
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
Even when using obvious sentences like “Be ready for one of the most shocking “man made” and/or natural disasters to curse humanity!” it seems , those who never bothered to check my claims, do not realize the gravity of my visions…
Until it all comes down right in their faces and suffer the predicted calamities personally.”
I don’t think people will ever be able to accept the reptilius are hijacking “normal” human beings body mind and soul and turning them in to mass killers. Are you next?