“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
Why you should speak up for slain blogger and Dr. Turi!
People all over the world, not only in India and Mexico, are killed because they advocate for the truth. But the truth also involve taking serious chances by expose names and deplorable situations… The truth has only one face while the masquerades disguising all matrixes cover ups are limitless. The reptilius infiltration and infection touches all human affairs where death is the penalty many “truth Seekers” have to pay!
Atheist (science) and religious groups (the God fearing souls) etc. will never ever walk hand by hand! They are on a deadly course since for ever!
The logical (atheists/science) and the spirituals (religious people) unwillingness or ineptitude to embrasse a unifying cosmic God, can only fuel more wars, endless disagreements and an unstoppable flow of victims from both sides! But where do you stand in this battle?
While free speech is the glorification of the progressive and gifted ingenious mind presenting new concepts and new ideas to the world as well as the wind of freedom battling against archaic unproductive, it is also very dangerous highly controversial religious teachings along with many other unaccepted disciplines like science…
When I started in the global fight for free speech by introducing “God’s Cosmic Identity” to the world I endure the painful resentments and blockage of a mass of fearful misinformed dangerous subhumans.
A subhuman is someone cursed with an underdeveloped UCI ready to battle to the death, and stop someone they perceive as a threat to their faith, beliefs and the institutional matrixes their belong. I don’t think we would last too long in India, the Middle East, North Korea, Russian and many other places where freedom of speech is non existing! And given a chance, many sick lost souls living in the US would not hesitate to kill us because of their own psychopathic psyche!
Indeed it is a very dangerous world, and trust me do not fear hell, because you already live on it!
Atheists believe science has all the answers, while religious souls use faith to get to the answers a cosmic God has enslaved them to uncover! Both are right and wrong at the same time because of the “tunnel vision” the lack of curiosity, and the subconscious paralyzing induced fears.
If you have not taken a side within our growing “cosmic free speech” global fight, maybe the time has come for you to change your attitude, that is if you understand that a new form of spiritual (non religious) universal education is the only way to reassemble humanity under a single celestial God!
I think as there are 875 different religions and counting, all build by men’s folly, did not do much good for humanity. But in the name of love convictions and religions, a leader can bring its people to sacrifice, death and bankrupt the country…
Taj Mahal Marvel
While this monument is extraordinary beautiful in nature, it was built with the blood of Indians “slaves” to satisfy the ego and lost love of a single person in power. And to some, it’s all worth but would they think the same if they were part of the thousands of starving, abused builders who died in the project?
All religious buildings on the planets were built for two major purposes, one was to to impose a steady mental conditioning, the others offer more control to the rulers by jailing the spirit away from God true cosmic Divinity! Human are machine of habits and this makes its easy for matrixes to confine them into spiritual submission…
“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.” Napoleon
Ananta Bijoy Das was killed in Bangladeshi city because, he was a blogger born with a free mind who promoted secular views! In other words, he was an atheist imposing his own scientific beliefs in India! And while no one should die for their convictions, consciously or unconsciously, many chose to do so by entering the cage with wild animals without protection…

Last March, another blogger — who advocated secular government and opposed religious fundamentalism in Bangladesh was killed. The sad reality as long as they are atheists and religious fanatic people alive, the deaths will never stop anywhere and everywhere on the planet!
While I am one to advocate cosmic free speech safely in the US, world wide atheists and religious souls feels it is a global human rights issue to their particular cause. And no one will ever win…
ISIS is a perfect example to what universal atheism movement would become if they manage to kill the opposition or a good chunk of humanity. You can not stop, nor kill the “Neptunians” period! There will always be souls born with an afflicted Neptune prone to religious (or pot) addiction.
You can not stop the “Saturnians” either, there will always be souls born with a rigid mind suffering a lack of intuition, prone to scientific (or engineering) addiction.
We have been working so hard to help keep the flame of cosmic Enlightenment alive for you every day, something not only America, but the world need to survive! I chose America because this county was set cosmically to be the world’s leader for freedom with great respect for freedom and the First Amendment.
Sad enough, not enough people stand up to fight with me just yet, regardless of my many trials to reach countless of influential radio and show hosts cowards in the controlling media! Asking them to exit their comfortable religious and atheist zones is completely impossible!

Charlie Hebdo was deadly and a predicted event the French and US secret services authority decided to ignore! But using this atrocity to propel “Le PEN” free speech secular organization will never work and produce even more problems with all Muslims living in France and all over Europe!
Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English)
La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)
The Charlie Hebdo gifted cartoonists had many personal reasons to do what they did, but all those victims were cosmic unconscious, some were born with a rational secular UCI and many were part of the atheist “OCD generation!”
In any case, in the name of freedom, cultural intolerance or satire of Islam or any religion is inappropriate! But when deep emotions and deep seated fears are triggered, there is no room for reasoning…
Imagine if an atheist or a pious soul was trying to kill your mother or a close family member, what would you do? Emotions always talk first!
Both atheists and religious need to reach a common ground about their rigid beliefs to what a real cosmic God is all about! It will be difficult to reverse 2000 years of misinformation, or the early religious conditionnement if you were born in the Middle East or India and maybe even the US. This is the deadly end results of the religious matrix who poisoned the human spirit for centuries.
In the name of fame, greed political aims and wealth, the opposing scientific matrix is doing exactly the same with its numerous fabricated astrophysicists and “cosmos” programs on TEL.evision!
Thus, battling religions because you were born agnostic, i.e. Neil Disgrace and company, and using science as a mean to insert more atheism in the vulnerable minds of children is nothing else than a cover up for them to rage their own religious war in the US!
This may mean you are no better and an “educated” cosmic unconscious subhuman ready to kill anyone who does not comply with your own beliefs!
For atheists and religious souls to be able to perceive and acknowledge the “Soul of the Cosmos” and upgrade their perception of what GOD is truly about, is an incredible task that demand sacrificing countless human lives from both sides.
You are either part of the solution if you understand me or part of the problem if you don’t and refuse to upgrade psychically on your perception of the divine purposes of our local solar system as well as many other issues!
Allowing this universal stupidity to grow like a cancer is offering ISIS or the atheists the option to behave like the Nazis SS once they get in power! The ruling party will become the new masters and force you to live under their rigid commands.
Hoping for Jesus to save the day, or using science to nuke and exterminate the opposition is not the answer! Love and be loved and go along to get along will not work either, and this is why you should take a stand with us about the real identity of God and what the magic of creation stand for in the heavens above!
Atheists, Christians, Muslims A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!
America is like everything else, under the jurisdiction of the stars above, and when the nasty winds blinding her from the top cease to push downward, America will regain her leadership position! All set by a cosmic God to lead other nations into the future and universal freedom.
America is home for me and for a cosmic God to lead me in the US to export my own spiritual teachings for a universal purpose is not an accident! Indeed, at time I feel like Jesus promoting his altered cosmic ministry!
It is a serious responsibility to help amplify the voice of reason. While many victimized by the religious and atheists matrixes are going to waste, you must re-post any of the articles I write if you resonate on all social media!
You do not need to jail your spirit deeper into any man made religions or convince yourself that; there is no God through atheism. Instead investigate my work and discuss a different “cosmic” option with friends. We need not agree with anyone’s religious or atheist ideas but to agree that we must not let any human being, regardless of his belief, die in vain!
Removing all religions from the face of the earth will never happen during your lifetime! Replacing ignorance and fears with more “educated” rational stupidity and ignoring or refusing to acknowledge the truth purpose and effect of the stars upon humanity, can only slow down your psychical progressive welfare and the promised universal peace!
Free speech is a gift, this great nation is offering us all, and while we should protect it, we should not use it for atheism / political propaganda.
Memo – Ron Reagan, I am an unabashed atheist, and I’m alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government. That’s why Atheism – I’m asking you to join the Freedom From Religion Foundation — the nation’s largest and most effective organization of atheists and agnostics, working to keep state and church separate. Reagan, lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.” Ron Reagan, born atheist! Astropsychology at work!
The sad reality is like 99.999% of the the world, Ron is totally unconscious of his rigid UCI and was born a “ lifelong” atheist! And what is scary he know zilch about it but will use it to “seduce” your votes! Nothing is more dangerous than to elect or trust anyone depraved of cosmic consciousness because fears or deep seated stubborn convictions lead to drastic emotional responses…
In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi
The German people elected Hitler and the world had to pay an incredible bloody price for such error! Hitler was set by the cosmic code do do exactly what he did but rare is the spiritual gifted soul able to read the signs correctly!
Those in power will do whatever they can to gain more power, but Mr. Reagan is a real born dangerous atheist dedicated to eliminate your spiritual rights by imposing his own BELIEFS on you! Then once in power my vision for a real SS nightmare will unfold!
Radical extremist atheism is the same form of mental religious conditioning used to what produced ISIS! The danger is very real for spiritualists, paranormal phenomenon UFO researchers, psychics, astrologers, gays, lesbians, mediums, artists, deep innovating creative thinkers and religious people! Atheist or religious caliphate are unconscious and dangerous human beings loaded with deadly Plutonic wind, all lured to use, abuse and control others…
America has its own self proclaimed scientists caliphates and like many Muslim states, almost all of them hereditary monarchies, have claimed to be caliphates. Nothing ever changes it’s all about power!
Somehow, like the American Indians who were on the way to “progress” all were sent to reservations. They became exonerated, eliminated and taught to abandon their spiritual rituals to honor and respect Mother Earth!
While I do not endorse cults atheism and religions, do not throw the baby with the water and eliminate real gifted souls and their perceptive cosmic wisdom! Indeed I have been treated like American Indians by the majority of American…
My predictions always come to pass, atheism and religion are designed to infringe your spiritual growth and freedom! Both the religious and scientific matrixes are engaged in a deadly battle, aiming for total supremacy and future conservative political control.”
“Science and atheism kill ingeniousness If this evil is allowed to grow it will destroy the world within 50 years and and all spiritual gifted people or religious souls will become a voiceless target and sought as mentally inferior!” Dr. Turi
Prediction #21 of 24 – New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series’
Spread the wisdom of the stars and let their light illuminate humanity to a new perception to in his God divine cosmic glory! For if you don’t, humanity will stay on its steady course to self destruction. The answer is right there and I need you all to help me!
Other news... Rasmus Larsen, Danish Basketball Prospect, Dies at Age 20 – If you are a VIP and want to know the reasons for his premature death, find his DOB and let me use Astroforensics to divulge all the facts! Join us to read more!
If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law …
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.” ~ Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi