“ There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of a divine cosmic power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Both President Trump and Mitt Rodney were born a Gemini sun sign with the tail of the Dragon (negative) in Sagittarius making them extraordinarily unlucky with anything related to the law, religions, pets, religion, foreigners, foreign lands, and foreign affairs. Donald Trump President?
Romney’s near-death experience in France
CNN August 24, 2012 – The Romney family discusses the car accident that almost took Mitt Romney’s life during his missionary days in France.
Indeed President Trump is reptilius infected and Mr. Trapper is “subconsciously” and creatively stimulated by the “Draconis” to offer the full proof of my claim!
Dr. Turi is right, our President is power-hungry, egocentric, uncaring about children GREEDY and reptilius infected!
“After his term, President Trump, his close colleagues and his family will be brought to justice by the IRS, the FBI due to its correlation with Russia… The tail of the Dragon (negative) in his 8th house of corporate money (secret financial deals) makes him GREEDY and power hungry! The Dragon will ruin him in time and he may pay the ultimate price in the process… He and his family may be forced to flee to Russia or North Korea… His racist legacy will curse the world for years to come – Opinion: World stunned by explosion of hate”
Grab Her by the Pussy! The stars at work!
Memo published 6/22/2015 “You have been warned. Trump will bring troubles and wars to this country because his stars do not bring luck with religions, foreigners, foreign powers, religions pets, wild life, general education, the law and karmically supports all America’s enemies.”
Trump’ stars are dangerous for America and the world and do not endorse safe foreign relationships – Trump’s tendency to act obnoxiously or egocentrically doesn’t show a wise understanding and use of diplomacy. For unconscious people electing such a person to become the next US President is a reflection of those people dangerous, inconsiderate, egocentric, capricious, bully racist like character! You have been warned! Troubles in the US and War is inevitable!”
there are two repetitive predictions I made on my You Tube channel, something you can not ignore or deny! The first one is “Your children will never go on Mars” and the other “Its gonna get MUCH worse!” Of course I was referring to President Trumps cursed natal UCI forcing the US and the world at large to experience the plague of racism.
Former Obama national security adviser says Trump’s ‘raw racism’ is a global issue
And again ITS GONNA GET MUCH WORSE! because the reptilius hijack the body, mind and souls of humans from all walks of life and not only powerful people in charge of your life! i.e President Trump!
German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
NBC’s Brian Williams doesn’t question guest’s Trump-Hitler theory
Update: May 19, 2019 – Dr. TURI; Your SOS WARNING ABOUT SECRETS WAS ACCURATE AGAIN ! Congratulations for predicting things before anyone else has. A new story just broke in the NY Times that Donald Trump and his son in law Jared Kushner were laundering money for the Russians . It may not be so long before we see the Presidents tax returns ! Great Job You Tube video Pete
World War Three Facebook page
Read what’s next because of President Trump’s Cursed Cosmic Legacy Imposed Upon the World
Trump Mocks France for World War Losses
Will the entire European communities be forced to ally with our enemies like Iran, Syria, Russia and China to fight America and the UK in the future? A scary vision that will unfold if my vision for Donald Trump below does not materialize soon enough! In his past-life President Trump was a NAZI soldier living and fighting for Hitler in Germany. I made this prediction 11/13/18 on Aquarian radio and I did not have to wait too long to see it already unfolding… Read more!

Blooming flowers mid month of June icy *December
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
World rejoice infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 4/10/2018
Update 11/07/18 – CNN Analysis: Trump reckons with new realities!
Dolores FinneyLouis Turi “You are a fabulous astrologer. I have copies from all your reports from years ago. I am rather a prophetic dreamer and have dreamed some things about Trump I can’t even talk about. I assume you see the same things in his chart – no doubt in my mind we are seeing similar things about him.”
The month of June (and December 2018/2019) something very important and negative will take place involving our President’s karmic work on the world’ stage, the FBI, our allies, the Middle East and Russia! His actions and unwise decisions will force him to tone down, declare war or apathetically speaking “die.” Let’s pray for the safety of our President and hope the reptilius will not harm his body, mind and soul from the many infected, crazy souls walking among us dedicated to silence him…
Update 6/22/18 – CNN – Analysis: An utterly disastrous week for Donald Trump -There’s nearly a Nixon ’74 level of public support for impeaching Trump – Read the details posted on my Facebook page well before the news unfolded! Indeed my cosmic work is not for all the “educated/religious” idiots who ridicule my work and I a few days ago!
So if I was right for June 2018 should you pay attention to my warnings for December 2018 too? Do not assume just yet, you are unknowingly yet, dealing with a real modern prophet! Simply make notes and see you in the future for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…
Before anything, it is important to realize as an astrologer and a modern prophet my task is to warn people of their own impending fate! This include the fate of America and the world at large.
Using the futuristic art and science of Astropsychology / Astroforensics, I am only exposing people’s karmic UCI to warn you of the strengths, motivations, sins, virtues and fate of the person you put in power. Because once in power, you will be karmically forced to live and experience this person’s fate.
There is no political motivation in my work! There is only a drive and concern to warn a cosmic unconscious society and a legitimate drive to raise the reader’s cosmic consciousness.
While this article is a direct request made from a VIP, I decided to share this cosmic code newsletter with the public! Important note! My work is NOT politically oriented but spiritual in nature. My cosmic work should not influence your choice and decision to vote for any politician!
When our own President is reptilius infected the situation for the world and the human race is in serious trouble! Donald Trump for President… Remember my work is cosmic in nature and has nothing to do with politics or your political reasoning and choice. One thing I truly appreciate with President Trump is his powerful drive to remove all infected deadly criminal souls from America and make this great country great again!
Read also ” Secret Service whisks Trump – ASSASSINATION PREDICTIONS!“
Gemini Forecast & Donald Trump New Political Career and The US Fate
Sun 22Gem46 (1) (Self) Experience a dual life Read more about Gemini‘s characteristics from my website by clicking on your sign on top of the page!
Moon 19Sag14 (7) (Partners) The moon regulate all Trump’s public contracts, his public dealing and handling, partnerships and political friends and foes. Sad enough his moon (emotional response to life) is located on his nefarious obnoxious Dragon’s Sagittarius Tail. This is what makes him “the Bull in the China shop!”
The moon represent’s the domestic scenery, the base of operation and on the Dragon’s Tail (negative) there is no “connection” nor a drive to own a pet!
Update – 10/22/2017 Trump family breaks with White House pets tradition
Note also the moon represent sensitivity, care, food, security, home and women in general and with the tail on his 7th house (others) he can only mess up in his public appearances, especially with women. A very bad position for a politician who’ success and approval depend on diplomacy and “savoir faire” with everyone.
Mr. Trump is cosmic unconscious and could make drastic costly move in a waning moon or, un-supportive “cosmic winds” especially in relationships to his Personal Cosmic Biorhythms. I anticipated his obnoxious behavior and warned my readers about it.
You could NEVER, ever change or refine Trump’s or anyone’s UCI or his character period! And be sure he will mess up over and over again until people finally wake up to my cosmic teachings!
Memo – “Trump: Ban abortions, punish women who get them“ “Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. Expert: Trump’s idea to kill terrorists’ families would be a war crime!
Only blind reptilius infected subhumans who vibrate at a low cosmic speed would enjoy troubles, endorse death, war and destruction” i.e. ISIS soldiers!
“People electing / endorsing politicians like Hitler/Trump are a reflection of their fears of foreigners, this makes them dangerous, inconsiderate, egocentric, capricious, bully and racist!” Dr. Turi
“A brainless herd is not only an easy target for Dictators but a dangerous rogue force seeking changes for the sake of changes!” Dr. Turi
Mercury 08Can33 (2) (Money) This house rules money making schemes while Cancer rules general real estate, food, hotels, restaurant, commodities, family members etc. To be a mogul in these areas is a given knowing Mercury rules all interests of the critical mind. Update: 10/3/18 – Trump’s ‘small’ loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT – Unlike many of us, Donald had more money available to start his own business. He said, he got one million from his dad, but I am sure his father left him much more! Yes it takes money to make money! Who would not become a billionaire starting investing in the real estate in N.Y with a million bucks (so he said!) so many years ago? Note Ross Perot was born in July under the sign of cancer and enunciate why he also made it big in the real estate industry!
Venus 25Can33 (2) ( Money) Venus in this house mean love for the art, and expansive luxury tastes and depict why Trump gets help from women and female family members. I trust his daughter is a CEO of his company. Donald Trump has true deep conservative feelings for his family. His country is (like his finances) ruled by the sign of Cancer (July 4th, 1776.) In time, President Trump, his close colleagues, and his family will be brought to justice by the IRS!
Mars 26Leo40 (3) (The mind) Mars (Lord of War) is extremely aggressive in the 3rd house of critical thinking while Leo is egocentric and bossy. This placement is a sure contribution for Trump to go and “declare war” with anyone particularly foreign powers hastily! People like Vladimir Putin who was also born with negative Leo egocentric Dragon’s Tail, already know a nuke war is in the making.

The personal ego battles of those politicians would cost millions of lives if no restraint or cosmic consciousness is missing. And the chances of Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin taking my course or asking for a consultation is non existing! Meantime I took care of his ex-wife by telephone many years ago and explained why she felt “betrayed” by her husband! While famous match makers like Patti Stanger need serious help herself! My experience with this woman was insane to say the least!
Jupiter 17Lib27 (5) (Speculations) Jupiter’s protection and expansion has worked its magic in the US and would work in favor of Mr. Trump doing very large business with foreign powers. Sad enough Jupiter is also the ruler of his karmic, Dragon’s Tail neutralizing much opportunities by opposing his Mercury in cancer. Only troubles will come from foreign grounds with him in power.
Saturn 23Can46 (2) detriment (Money) Donald Trump suffers a serious insecurity complex with Saturn (fears) in the home, food, security oriented sign of Cancer. Saturn (the engineer) in his second house of money makes him cold and dedicated, even consumed to amass fortunes to beat his fears of losing everything.
While he is a billionaire, this position makes him very shrewd in business, even selfish. Deep fears of foreign power inserted by his Dragon’s Tail in Sagittarius (Latinos/China/Russia/Europe) add to his drive to bring wealth and power to the US, rebuild the Army/Navy, the police and bring more security to his many secret bank accounts. Update 4/4/16 – What are the Panama Papers? – Mr. Trump may be very rich and influential, but knows nothings of his cosmic identity his fate and the inner fears of foreigners propelling him into politics.
Uranus 17Gem53 (1) (Self) Like my friend Gary Busey, Donald Trump, is perceived as a “genius” bordering madness by cosmic unconscious people. This position can only reflect his originality and eccentric nature. Uranus rules technology, aeronautics, and television. Thus there is no wondering why, with money and such Uranic UCI, the cosmic code worked on his favor on The Apprentice traveling the world in a top airplane loaded with gold. Trump’s extravagant lifestyle and outspoken “obnoxious” manners have made him a celebrity for years, a status amplified by the success of his NBC reality show, The Apprentice.”
Neptune 05Lib51 (5) (Love/children/speculations) Neptune is religious and deceptive in nature making Trump’s imagination fertile and keeps him busy with many new projects. This position makes him guilty, deceptive or confusing to his kids and deceptive in some business (or religious) endeavors, all endorsed by his codified Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail.
Pluto 10Leo02 (3) exalted (the mind) Pluto, while being the farthest and smallest of all the solar system planets is also the most powerful one in the Zodiac family. This bring an enormous investigative power, more fixity of purpose, directness (and more obnoxiousness) in his spoken words. Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration and was able to “hypnotize” the German population with his passionate speeches.
Pluto in the second house means the opportunity to amass tremendous wealth and incredible perceptive powers to make money. If badly aspected ruthlessness, deceptiveness and criminal elements are present and the fortunes must be shared or lost through bad investments.
While Donald is non cosmic conscious, and rough with the public, he is far from being a total idiot. He also regenerate with true metaphysics if approached with solid proofs. He should contact me if he land on his Astroforensic report! I may be able to save his life and refute a few personal or universal terrible visions. Even the risk of assassination on foreign grounds or at the hand of a foreigner.
Ascendant 12Can02 (2) Donald’s ascendant cuspy/Leo (ego) and Cancer (security) egotistic wealth display shows in his public money making schemes.
Midheaven 21Pis02 (10) Career/public standing Pisces is artistic and there is no way to stop the fish swimming upstream, especially is cosmic consciousness is reached. With the 2016 negative cosmic winds against him in this house he could suffer serious setbacks that could hinder his chances to reach the White House.
Dragon’s Head 20Gem48 (1) (Self) I own the same talkative “hidden” dragon as Donald Trump , this is why I am an ADHD (gift of the genius!) and write, teach eternally. But my lucky Aries (mind leader) Dragon’s Head is a good aspect to Sagittarius. This mean I can be as direct and obnoxious as Mr. Trump but I own cosmic consciousness.
This makes Donald Trump a serious talker, someone always active, physically and intellectually enjoying all Mercurial winds he was born with. The problem is repetition and not being able to crystallize the thought process. A perfect position for “adaptation” in any speaking engagements, teachings when needed. The moon represent’s the domestic scenery, the base of operation it is located on the Dragon’s Tail (negative) thus, there is no “connection” nor a drive to own a pet!
Update – 10/22/2017 Trump family breaks with White House pets tradition
This DUAL dragon stimulate gay tendencies something he ” subconsciously” fight by showing extreme masculinity and rough behaviors against women. This explain a lot about his overbearing bully attitude with the opposite sex.
Trump: “I could ‘shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters’ Trump has joked about killing people before CNN. I teach my student s that; there is ALWAYS a bit of truth in ALL jokes… DO YOU KNOW TRUMP SHARES THE SAME DRAGON AS O.J. SIMPSON and Sheriff Arpaio? Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio
The moon represent’s the domestic scenery, the base of operation and on the Dragon’s Tail (negative) there is no “connection” nor a drive to own a pet!
Update – 10/22/2017 Trump family breaks with White House pets tradition
In fact many DUAL (serial killers) were born with this Dragon… Read more! Are those comments really “Presidential?” Those who endorse and promote a politician vibrate at the same speed as the person they endorse.
Dragon’s Tail 20Sag48 (7) (public life/others/partners) Sad enough Donald Trump’ Sagittarius unrefined Dragon’s Tail is spoiling, tarnishing his public image with emotional remarks about foreigners and foreign affairs. Note Pope Francis shares the same dragon as Trump!
In fact his Dragon is a serious “troubles magnet” that could create a negative chain reaction impossible for Trump to control, but America is not only a “God fearing” young and immature nation but cosmic unconscious and the majority of its citizens, unwilling to listen or trust a French Modern Prophet’s cosmic wisdom…
Trump’s Dragon does NOT support anything involving FOREIGNERS AND ANY AND ALL RELIGIONS!
Update – 5/15/17 – CNN “President Donald Trump shared highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US in a White House meeting last week.”
(Trump’s big, bizarre religious day) foreign, political foreign affairs or emigration i.e Joe Arpaio!
Trump’s unlucky Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail is a sure red light warning that will force America into wars that could have been avoided with diplomacy and patience.
Update 12/03/2016: Risking China’s wrath
How can world leaders reign upon others when they know nothing of their own selves, destiny, cosmic make up and karmic UCI?
The year’s brightest comet streaks by Earth a powerful omen for the world!
US President’s move to leave Syria fulfills one of Vladimir Putin’s goals and will spark fresh speculation about Trump’s motives and relationship with Russia
The soul will not be allowed to go back in its past-life RELIGIOUS” residue, Trump was a puritanical priest abusing women and enjoying the power he had over them while wearing the black robe in Spain and Portugal. He is also fighting his duality or deep encrusted secretive gay tendencies. Astroforensics is a phenomenal science not yet assimilated or recognized by conventional science who can only ridicule my astonishing findings of Trump’s real idiosyncrasies.
This is why he covers those feminine feelings with a masochistic robust, masculine personality but today’s psychologists are not trained to read between the signs. His early past lives also involve, Hitler, Europe Germany…
Thousands of Trump University students file to get their money back
Donald Trump’s Liberty University speech inspires laughs, cheers
P_Fortune 08Cap30 (8) This is the house of corporate investments/contracts. This position add more luck and bring more money and more business to its fortunate recipient.
BlackMoon 04Sag24 (7) (Public service house for a politician.) This is a very serious sign to keep Donald Trump away from the ultimate power his over-sized ego need.
Donald Trump has more money and power than any human being can handle and his changing DUAL UCI is designed to entertain endlessly and not rule America. Trump inconsistency is obvious and he changes his chameleon mind too often for comfort!
DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Mercury
Jupiter disposited by Venus
Moon disposited by Jupiter
Saturn disposited by Moon
Mercury disposited by Moon
Uranus disposited by Mercury
Venus disposited by Moon
Neptune disposited by Venus
Mars disposited by Sun
Pluto disposited by Sun – This is squeezing the cosmic lemon to its last drop and Pluto (power) and the Sun (ego) clearly enunciate Donald Trump’s subconscious drive to rule the world.
CNN – Veteran strategists from both parties say Trump (Pluto) has completely redefined the rules of the political debate (in Capricorn–) ushering in an era when statesmanship is out and the rules of professional wrestling may well apply. Get ready for the fight.
RULER OF CHART: Moon – The moon (July 4th 1776) rules the US and stimulate Donald Trump political / real estate tycoon careers. Sad enough Trump does not know, nor respect or use the Moon’s passage through the belt of the Zodiac. Neither does he know or heed his personal cosmic biorhythms. It is not if, but when he will be at the wrong time at the wrong place… Let’s pray for his safety as the end of December 2016 will speak of the power of the stars upon the fate of a man dedicated to change America.
PLANETARY HOUR LORD: Sun – Fame offered to the soul.
ASPECT PATTERNS: Talent Triangle Sun
Mars – focus Jupiter – Aggressive competition, luck!
SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 5 42 % – Building power
Fixed 2 17 % – Fixity of purpose
Mutable 5 42 % – Adaptability
SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 4 33 % Ego
Earth 0 0 % Rationality
Air 5 42 % Curiosity
Water 3 25 % Intuition
Midheaven: Mutable Water (Adaptable)
HOUSE ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Life 5 42 %
Substance 3 25 %
Relationships 4 33 %
Endings 0 0 %
ANGULAR PLANETS: Mercury P_Fortune – Popularity
IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
Venus Love
Uranus eccentricity
Ascendant Accident prone on foreign ground/danger from foreigners.
BlackMoon Misfortune accentuated by unawareness of Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
MOON PHASE: Gibbous – Caution advised after the full moon
MOON DISTANCE: 405262 km. Far Distance
MOON SPEED: 11.84963 deg/day Slow Speed
OUT-OF-BOUNDS DECLIN.: Mercury / Pluto Traveling risks.
Read also
- Republican Debate Carly Fiorina Versus Donald Trump and …
What’s Next For The Multi Faced Gemini Donald Trump … - Gemini Forecast & Donald Trump New Political Career and …
- Donald Trump New Political Career and The US Fate – This …
Trump: Ban abortions, punish women who get them
“In a 1999 interview, Trump called himself “pro-choice in every respect,” though he said that he did not like the concept of abortion” because Trump was a Spanish priest in his past life! He is also fighting his duality or deep encrusted gay tendencies by constantly behaving like a male chauvinistic idiot!
Learn To Speak God Divine Cosmic Language
Read Also – The tussle between Trump and Francis explained!
Joe Arpaio endorsing Trump? Another obvious racist!
Gemini Forecast & Donald Trump New Political Career and The US Fate
Donald Trump’s ‘blood’ comment about Megyn Kelly draws outrage and a predicted “WAKE UP CALL!” Read more!
Update 11/21/2015 – From: Patricia Subject: Mr Trump
“It is 1 thing for Dr Turi to always talk negative, but when he talks shit about my Beloved Donald Trump that is Enough already! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Oh, its free speech when Dr Turi speaks about Anything he wants to but nobody else can speak their mind!
F You, Dr Turi! UNsubscribe Me Immediately!!! And take a Good long look at YOURSELF asshole!!!”
Dr. Turi rebuttal; This is an obvious sample on how true idiots react when they can not perceive my cosmic work! Again my work is not about politics but about exposing the truth and the UCI of people in the public eye so the voters can make a wiser decision… Donald Trump is a proficient salesman, but Astro forensics does not lie!
But it does not always work!
My cosmic work is designed to expose the truth and in Trump’s case avoid giving power to people like him (or Patricia) who can not handle themselves in public. Who would want to mess with someone who’s using a barrel of ink a day to write to the world?
Indeed Patricia limited vision ( and pea brain) speak for itself but the question is; will she learn from her mistake to attack my work she is unable to comprehend and use wisely for the fate of America?
One thing is true is sure, Patricia’s acidic, lack of control, lack of perception and moronic personality made a point I tried to convey to so many of my readers about some voters who can only see to the end of their noses!
Memo “People electing such politician to become the next President of the US are a reflection of this person’s dangerous, inconsiderate, egocentric, capricious, bully racist like character! You have been warned…” How more clear her nasty email can be, knowing I told my readers countless times, my work is NOT about politics but Astroforensics..
Sad enough Trump’s unconscious supporters vibrate at the same racist pitiful insecure low cosmic speed and all fear a foreign “invasion” and hate foreigners. Blame it all on Saturn (the great fear malefic) in Sagittarius (anything/everything foreign.)
Update 2/6/2016 White supremacists back Trump
Indeed you can not fix stupidity! God Have Mercy for America, when all I do is to warn the people who (like the unwise Germans) elected Hitler!
Inside Donald Trump’s German roots
“But you know what? I love Kallstadt also. They grow ’em well in Kallstadt … Very well. Believe me, it’s good ****”RACIST**** stock! Read more
Indeed this cosmic code newsletter “Donald Trump Hitler Reincarnated!” is crucial for America surviving my vision of a nuclear war.
Prepare Month of Blooming June
White Moon Twentieth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
James Comey the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was born December 14, 1960 right on the dragon’s tail (negative) of President Trump! This implication will have serious consequences on his Presidency! The secret services ( and the world) need to investigate the real “Power of the Dragon” and the science of Astroforensics.
Update: 6/7/2017 – COMEY’S BOMBSHELL
Prepare Month of Blooming June
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
Result – Donald Trump had the absolute worst week in Washington
Update 2/28/2016 – Donald Trump wouldn’t disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke’s support for his presidential bid, saying Sunday that he knows nothing about the white supremacist leader. Read the undiluted truth about Trump racist UCI!
Update: 12/3/2015 – Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. Expert: Trump’s idea to kill terrorists’ families would be a war crime! Only a blind reptilius infected subhuman who vibrate at such low cosmic speed like him would endorse death, war and destruction.
The more Trump speak like an obnoxious dictator the more a target he becomes for ISIS and the more America should heed my warnings! It’s not if but when the cosmic winds will blow against him and find himself at the wrong place at the wrong time!
He is not in power yet and exterminate people he hate is far from Presidential! Be warned, if elected, under his political “diplomatic” attitude America will be at war on many fronts and lose millions of his children. This behavior is reflected in his natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity” and does not depict courage but an obnoxious racist ideology. Many politicians are no better than ISIS! Remember I am not into politic, I am a Prophet and you should trust my visions.
Update: 12/4/2015 – Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.
Jeb Bush ends presidential bid after Donald Trump wins in South Carolina – Bush finally realized he can not win the uneducated, idiotic herd! Sad enough the visions and warnings of Prophets have always been subject of ridicule or ignored!
“A brainless herd is not only an easy target but a dangerous rogue force imposing changes for the sake of changes!” Dr. Turi
There only ONE reason to why Trump lead the poll! America is a still a racist country that feel, think and endorse an obnoxious dangerous racist fool afraid of foreigners. Amazing when you know America is a nation of foreigners built by foreigners!
Second; Trump will FEEL the power of the stars in JUNE 2016 when they align against him.
But America and the world are cosmic unconscious unwilling and/or unable to heed the visions of a true Prophet just yet! Mid- June 2016 will see Donald Trump numbers considerably up but something he will say or do will get him down mid June! And as we approach election the cosmic winds won’t support him anymore. In fact December 2016, a month after the election will be a month Trump will never ever forget! I am glad he can afford the best security services because he is also the direct target of the reptilius infected group of ISIS and the Mexican mafia!
How far an idiot can go to piss off people is unknown but we are all watching the show.
Ex-Mexican President drops f-bomb in criticizing Trump’s wall
Save this post if you doubt my words but be sure; the future HAS and WILL ALWAYS be my utmost faithful witness… Make the most of my last warnings before my retirement day, because Google, Wikipedia and Facebook wealthy news-media elites like Donald Trump and hate the truth I represent…
Clinton’s campaign manager: Russia helping Trump.
You have been warned. Trump will bring troubles and wars to this country because his stars do not bring luck with religions, foreigners, foreign powers and karmically supports America’s enemies.
Update; 7/8/17 – Lonely US role at the G20 summit is consistent with President’s ‘America first’ foreign policy
Update; 6/7/17 – Trump is hurting American tourism
Posted 6/22/2015 – Update: 5/30/17 – Tension between Berlin and Washington reached new levels Monday after German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel accused the Trump administration of standing “against the interests of the European Union.”
TRUMP WAS BORN IN JUNE UNDER THE DUAL SIGN OF GEMINI! Can he be trusted? Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail – invitation to war with foreign powers?
Posted 6/22/2015 – Update – 5/15/17 – CNN “President Donald Trump shared highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US in a White House meeting last week.”
Trump’s outlook going from bad to worse!
Trump breaks his own rule, uses teleprompter
From Ben a VIP!
Dr. Turi It is very sad that some people are so closed minded that they cannot see the forest for the trees. I do not understand all of your work but I get it on a higher level. You are straightforward and most subhumans cannot handle a realist with God’s cosmic UCI knowledge. Shake it off and know I love you and your work and Terania also it may take 5 % to save the world or less but it can happen keep up your Great work I see says the blind man I see. God Bless!!!
But electing someone that has a negative chart; i.e. Hitler, could be devastating to the people under the jurisdiction of his natal stars. The fact is; when you elect a person to power, you will be karmically share this person’s fate! This is why becoming cosmic conscious is a must for all concerned voters.
It takes money to make money and rich parents always offer opportunities many of us could only dream of. Benefiting from a huge financial legacy, like Mr. Trump did is a certain contribution to what he became today! Benefiting from others’ fame and fortune like the Kardashians did, does not make the person a true business genius or a gifted person with values to share who “landed” on national fame karmically.
Because America is fed up and suffering and because its image is messed up, its popularity as a true world leader has been diminished while many are ready for all the badly needed changes. This could lead a cosmic unconscious mass to elect those who were born with a dozen of gold spoons in their mouth and think that just because they are rich, they will make others rich.
I wish it worked this way, but it does not! Riches are available to anyone, as long as hard work, dedication, education and a strong purpose lead the way. But be sure, even with all the above, many will never reach emotional, financial or spiritual stability. The fact is; some people are just FATED to experience wealth! And even that doesn’t mean having it all. But if you gather cosmic consciousness and learn all about your cosmic nature and what a Cosmic God has in store for you, your chances to succeed could improve drastically!
But the same obnoxious political mouth can also cost this great country great misery! After reading my Astropsychology report, the choice will be yours to make your own decision. Remember I am French and I can not vote for anyone in the US. Though my concern is legit and so is my cosmic wisdom.
Read also Bernie Sanders For President?
Update 07/13/2018 Donald Trump gets trolling of a lifetime
HOW MORE PRECISE CAN I BE THREE YEARS LATER knowing this article was published 6/22/2015
Update: 5/9/18 – Unbridled Trump storms global stage
Palestinians say at least 43 die and 1,600 injured in Gaza clashes, marking deadliest day since 2014
In the aftermath of the president’s decision, the rhetoric between the two sides has heightened sharply. And while Israel and Iran have been conducting a shadow war in Syria for months under the cover of the civil war there, the conflict has now burst into the open.
Update – 6/22/2018
World War Three Facebook page
Blooming flowers mid month of June icy *December
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
World rejoice infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 4/10/2018
This month of June (and December 2018) something very important and negative will take place involving our President’s karmic work on the world’ stage, the FBI, our allies and Russia! His actions and unwise decisions will force him to tone down or apathetically speaking “die.” Let’s pray for the safety of our President and hope the reptilius will not harm his body, mind and soul from the many infected, crazy souls walking among us dedicated to silence him…
Update 6/22/18 – CNN – Analysis: An utterly disastrous week for Donald Trump -There’s nearly a Nixon ’74 level of public support for impeaching Trump – Read the details posted on my Facebook page well before the news unfolded! Indeed my cosmic work is not for all the “educated/religious” idiots who ridicule my work and I a few days ago!
So if I was right for June 2018 should you pay attention to my warnings for December 2018 too? Do not assume just yet, you are unknowingly yet, dealing with a real modern prophet! Simply make notes and see you in the future for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…
Continued – I am trying to be positive with Trump as our president but just a little worried because the new conservative, religious oriented government will also rekindle the dying age of Pisces and bring back the witches hunt as far as Astrology is concerned but hopefully we will be able to serve our VIP’s without suffering any new laws that would limit our profession.
Update – Trump to bar abortions at facilities receiving federal family funds
Memo: “Trump’ stars are dangerous for America and the world and do not endorse safe foreign relationships – Trump’s tendency to act obnoxiously or egocentrically doesn’t show a wise understanding or use of diplomacy.”
Update 1/11/2018 – Trump decries immigrants from ‘shithole countries’ coming to US
Update 11/27/2017 – Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos
Trump makes ‘Pocahontas’ crack at event honoring Navajo
There is no denying President Trump dragon’s Tail (negative) in Sagittarius (the Indians) when the reptilius take control of some of his words! To people supporting the President, this is not a political attack, just the facts involving his natal UCI or “the Bull in the china shop!” Share this link Donald Trump President?
Fareed’s Take: Why I called Trump a BS artist
Mercury Governs the Nervous and Witty Dual Constellation Of Gemini
“The Lord of the Thieves”
Freethinking and intelligent
You will not find me under rigorous management
You may think you know me well
Then my other half over you casts a spell
Biographer: Trump has lied since youth
I am a DUAL – Born June 14, 1946 under the fast and witty sign of Gemini
“This is where I will ask my readers to save and share this article, because when my “visions” unfold, my intend to offer you another solid proof of my God given gift will be confirmed! Remember readers, more and more people are reading and learning about Dr. Turi, regardless how dedicated our Internet enemies are to stop us reaching you.”
“The future has, and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi
Posted by Dr. Turi on March 3, 2016 at 12:27pm
Next negative cosmic biorhythm for President Trump
Posted 6/24/2017
Prepare Last Month of the Year
White Moon 3rd Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
12/9/2017 –Obama invokes Nazi Germany in warning
August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Predictions
This solar eclipse will affect our President’s critical thinking, he will make drastic, dramatic, shocking decisions during my upcoming SOS to the world Windows. You have been warned by a real Modern Prophet!
Here’s how the solar eclipse affect the world! Predictions by Dr. Turi
What has the dragon is store for you in 2017?
Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire?
The American Dream is Alive! Let me make you a billionaire!
Trump reigniting Asia’s dangerous flashpoint Prediction
CNN: Regardless of the nature of the call, it’s an act that bucks normal diplomatic protocol, and in the eyes of critics, could pose a dangerous threat to the United States. Trump’s conversation with President Tsai Ing-wen marks the first publicly reported call between a U.S. President or President-elect, and a Taiwanese leader, since 1979, and Hill said it represents a scary tendency to act without a proper understanding of diplomacy.
- Update: 12/05/16 – Trump takes fresh swipe at China after controversial Taiwan call
- Update: 12/05/16 – Fears US-Japan ties may fray under Trump
Indeed this cosmic code newsletter “Donald Trump Hitler Reincarnated!” is crucial for America surviving my vision of a nuclear war.
Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast
24 hours extension of the current deal, save money…
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Dr. Turi
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Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

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