If you are into UFO watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54S6TJz0upM and http://youtu.be/q2pz_fwus5o
5th Kind UFO Contactee, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Motivational Speaker, Cosmic Consciousness Teacher, Author, Speaker
If you are into UFO watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54S6TJz0upM and http://youtu.be/q2pz_fwus5o
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea working on EMP weapons for devastating attack on US
12/18/14 – North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors This IS The Beginning of End of America!
1/24/13 – Cyber/Nuke attack only a matter of time! – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
Updated 01/26/13 – ‘Anonymous’ threatens Justice Department – It seems my visions are accurate!
(CNN) — In anger over the recent death of an Internet activist who faced federal charges, hackers claiming to be from the group Anonymous threatened early Saturday to release sensitive information about the U.S. Department of Justice.
Updated 06/06/2015 MASSIVE HACK induced by the reptilius group. Join to ask questions and get answers that are too sensitive for the public.
CNN – The massive hack that may have stolen the personal information of four million federal employees appears designed to build a vast database in what could be preparation for future attacks by China against the U.S., cybersecurity experts advising the government.
Note: This is an old newsletter published 01/23/13, before the “Induction.”
But the sad reality is both the group and the Homeland Security are cosmic unconscious and “Anonymous” blame the government for Aaron suicide and took his side against its legal battles. All induced by his natal stars and nefarious ET’s.
All human participants, would it be the FBI or the activists are simply neurotically, robotically, subconsciously acting out the part of their natal stars; without a remote understanding of the inner reasons as to why they are implicated, in a variety of emotional human affairs. Cosmic unconsciousness starts with the first teachers battling their closest family members UCI differences within the nucleus of their own homes.
This humongous universal ignorance then follow the subjects all throughout education, their lives, aims, career, accomplishments and actions… Yet 99.0009% of the world’s population does not know why they do what they do or react for or against against each other, in the cosmic nonsensical voyage of their existence; on this dense physical world! This evil dance of ignorance turns into the endless chain of dramatic news…
Read why Aaron Swartz committed suicide!
Dear readers:
In a newsletter titled North Korea Nukes Race – A wake up call to America! I wrote about the December 12, “North Korea carrying out a controversial rocket launch” In fact, not only did I give the day for dramatic news to come public on November 14 on the Roxy radio show and created a huge panic and bad reaction from a bunch of scared people but I also made the same predictions with George Noory seven years ago (full TV special in 2006), warning of foreign power to develop nukes and this was well before the Iran ambitions became public. (24 minutes into the program.)
Furthermore, electing a President dwelling endlessly on his unlucky Aquarius (NUKES) Dragon’s Tail can only “attract” the Uranic explosive energies cloaked in his UCI. In Roxy radio show I explained this nuts and bolts of President Obama unusual fate. Thus; if you are able to handle the truth; I can only warn America of its impending fate, for ignoring the cosmic code jurisdictions. Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!
Our infantile science and the world’s population are totally cosmic unconscious and oblivious of the cosmic forces at work in charge of each and every human being living on planet earth. The more power you give a soul, the more his fate will be felt upon those he rules. History spoke the truth of my supreme wisdom with evil souls such as Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Joseph Stalin etc.
Asia own a very strong “Aquarius” technology energy located right on the Dragon’s Tail of President Obama and those energy speaks a language he and his cosmic unconscious advisers are not trained and ill fitted to translate. This Uranic/Aquarius “sudden release of energy” produced the December 7, 1941 “surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and will manifest again in the future. 2014/2015 will be crucial months for my vision to unfold unless the entire Obama administration become cosmic conscious and act appropriately and timely.
North Korea makes new threats against U.S.
North Korea says it plans to carry out a new nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, all part of a new phase of confrontation with the U.S.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was born January 8, 1983 and own the SAME Capricorn (the Goat/head of evil) Dragon’s Tail (negative) as Hitler and his moon (North Korea infrastructure/his people) is located in the deadly sign of Scorpio! Exactly like Saddam Hussein who did not hesitate to kill his family members to own and stay in power… And we all know what happened to Iraq since then.
What is scary, is that Saturn (the great malefic) happens to be close to his deadly moon in Scorpio meaning the attack will be planned and conducted in secret then delivered while a lot of “secret talks” to act as a unit is taking place with Iran… President Obama’s fate and the one of America has to unfold in accordance to the Law and rituals of the divine… Knowing the Scorpius deadly Dragon is until February 2014 ridding North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s Scorpius Moon I can only hope President Obama will stop dreaming and hope for a peaceful world and strike them before they strike us…
It seem diplomacy is out of question and time is running out! more in the Roxy radio show
SOURCE CREDIT : Huffington Post UK | By Michael Rundle
In the January 23 Cosmic code radio show I explained how the universal mind, interacts with the human mind and I can only suggest the reader to listen to the program archives and learn more on the topic. Meantime, I will elaborate more on January 26th on the Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show!
I guess blasting the Internet since 1991 and being a favorite guest on George Noory Coast To Coast am radio show , heard by millions of people has paid off for science. While I do not expect to ever acknowledge where they first heard the idea of the human mind being directly “connected” with the universal Mind or getting a ” Nobel Price” from the scientific community, the cosmic code jurisdictions is making its mark upon the world. Yes, back in 1991 I was well ahead of them all… Scientists are still millions miles away from cosmic consciousness. Seems they will never heed my warnings!
The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true. In a sense. According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies.
DT Rebuttal: Human are a microcosm of a much larger macrocosm – Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient Greek Neo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system, the midpoint is man; who summarizes the cosmos. Thus, if this crowd of erudite men mentioned below knew and used the stars; chances are our infantile science will humble themselves for a change and accept the difference between trdaditional education and intelligence.
Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine – Paracelsus Mental genius- DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach – Author Paul Kiritsis – Nostradamus Seer, and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students use the stars!
It seem some of these new scientists own a more advanced UCI or Unique Celestial Identity than some of their classmate peers and are moving in the right direction.
DT Rebuttal: But what is amazing is I knew all about it at the tender age of 10 years old and luckily for me my Grandma was there to talk to me about the moon and the stars…
Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” show
As mentioned before, unless science breach the gap between the physical and spiritual manifesto and stop distancing themselves from the spirit; the secrets of the universe can be theirs. Here are a few videos that introduce you to the old art and science. Click the links. But doesn’t seem the scientists are wise enough to grasp use of my 45 years of independent researches.
Dr Turi: Journal of the Unknown
Cosmic Code Reality – Part 3: Astro Tarot
Continued: They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections. For instance, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites – and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo. No, it doesn’t quite mean that the universe is ‘thinking’ – but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there’s more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.
DT Rebuttal: No, the universe is not thinking. Its God’s celestial rules, its a universal matrix, a gear box, a universal mind and like the creator like the universe does not think, rationalize, fear or feels, it simply does. This is why, following a tragedy such as the CT massacre of 20 children and seven adults all cosmic unconscious human beings are baffled and call an “Act of God!”
Meantime, this HUGE universal mind affects all human being at a very personal level through their inherited karmic program or their “UCI or Unique Celestial Identity.” But science can’t recognize the unseen cosmic forces at work are only felt and generated by our local solar system… All other solar systems supports a very different type of life far from the five limited human senses, its limited perception and understanding of what infinity, time and space is all about.Or what I attribute to the effect of “Dark Matter” as to make sense to their unsophisticated underdeveloped non spiritual natal/rational/skeptical/logical UCI.
As we move forward into the Age of Aquarius (Google/Yahoo/technology/UFO) scientists born with a more perceptive UCI will be allowed into the archetypal real of consciousness to make a good use of the intuitional domain of the stars. By looking at the article and the author explanations above, there is still a very long way before cosmic consciousness blesses all scientists of the future.
Don’t miss the January 26th Jeffery “Church of Mabus” radio show where I will explain more on the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and do more predictions!
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Cashan Mozambique///////////// wrote:
Thanks for this – So Dr Turi how does a poor humble being like me get access to your cosmic code pages?
I have no bank account and don’t want one
I have no credit card and don’t need one
I believe cash or trading for goods is the only way to go
I live in Mozambique Africa far away from conflict or harmful energetic rays of society
Currently I am the happiest man alive
I am but a handful of white people living in a rural African village on the beach in a spectacular setting
Support the mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance…
Dr. Turi
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
Dear Readers;
Yes as expected the “gene/protein” found by science in the brain tissue of professional football players after death is responsible for depressions leading to a series of suicides. OMG! this is yet another fabricated lie designed to save their educated faces and keep the donations poring… in NFL Star Junior Seau Huge Medical Cover Up I explained the real reasons behind those studies a gullible society accept now as facts. But may I remind you readers, as expected the abusive deceptive scientific community is only assuming and as always “More study is needed to confirm the findings!”
“Researchers find a protein called tau in the brains of living retired NFL players”
Even though the results of this research are unfounded the researchers did not waste time to fabricate another scientific name or “TAU” that will require costly medications in the future that will only benefit the pharmaceutical corporations , the scientists and the NFL are all whoring around in the same dirty bed.
Shortly after this report was released, the NFL issued a statement on the findings, saying its teams have committed $30 million in grant money to the National Institutes of Health. The NFL, both directly and in partnership with the NIH, Centers for Disease Control and other leading organizations, is committed to supporting a wide range of independent medical and scientific research that will both address CTE and promote the long-term health and safety of athletes at all levels. Thus if you think they care about the players or your children for that matter, you are dreaming! Its all about the MILLIONS of dollars changing hands but staying in the same purse! So now let me give you some of my own facts about the new findings…
Concussion finding may be ‘holy grail’
“Its pattern is identical to that found in chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases”
DT Rebuttal: But the reader must remember they are currently doing the same type of researches on defrosted brains such as the one of Adam Lanza and if they can prove he once fell on his head they will have found the key for his criminal behavior, and if they don’t they will, in the secret of their laboratories “find” TAU or make up another gene.
CTE can only be diagnosed after death
This is the best one so far, CTE can only be diagnosed after the soul’s demise? Doing so guarantee the idiocy of those cosmic unconscious educated heads who can only miss the forest for the tree… It is indeed a great cover up for their inability to present you with the real reasons behind all suicides. But if any sportsman visit them they will undoubtedly start the same antidepressant regiment prescribed to Seau!
David Leon Moore and Erik Brady of USA Today reported that for several years before his suicide, Seau was unable to sleep and would take “powerful sleep aids.”
It seems Michael Jackson suffered the same “Tau” problem as he was hooked to take more pills to dance and more pills to sleep and give $300.000 to his physician to inject him “legally.”
More study is needed to confirm the findings
Continued – Los Angeles (CNN) — An insidious, microscopic protein that has been found in the brain tissue of professional football players after death may now be detectable in living people by scanning their brains.
Researchers say they found tau protein in the brains of five living retired National Football League players with varying levels of cognitive and emotional problems. “It’s definite, we found it, it’s there,” said Dr. Julian Bailes, co-director of the NorthShore Neurological Institute in Evanston, Illinois, and co-author of a new study that identified the tau. “It was there consistently and in all the right places.”
Using a scan called positron emission tomography, or PET — typically used to measure nascent Alzheimer’s disease — researchers injected the players with a radioactive marker that travels through the body, crosses the blood-brain barrier and latches on to tau.
Then, the NFL retirees had their brains scanned.
“We found (the tau) in their brains, it lit up,” said Dr. Gary Small, professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA and lead author of the study, published Tuesday in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
What was startling, said Small, was the specific pattern of the tau they found: “It was identical to what’s seen in a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, CTE, that has only been diagnosed at autopsy.”
CTE is the disease that most likely played a role in the deaths of former NFL players like Dave Duerson, Ray Easterling, Shane Dronett, and Junior Seau.
What has stymied researchers for years is that tau can only be uncovered after death. Finding it in living players is considered by many researchers to be the “holy grail” of concussion research, according to Bailes.
“After a while it gets old and not so fulfilling to take the brain out when (an athlete) is dead,” said Bailes, a neurosurgeon and director of the Brain Injury Research Institute, which focuses on the study of traumatic brain injuries and their prevention. “At that point there is no solution, no answer.”
DT Rebuttal; More study is needed to confirm the findings translate into more millions is needed to confirm the findings because $30 million in grant money is not enough… Secondly if someone got his head beaten to death its Mohammad Ali and all the MMA full contact sports boxing celebrities and those guys do not use protective HELMETS! But is it because the MMA is not yet whoring around with science and the pharmaceutical corporations? Come on readers this deceptive financial oriented politic has nothing to do with NFL players suffering fabricated brain diseases, but Dr. Turi is not allowed to reach the media with the truth remember?
They took the millions yet “at that point there is no solution, no answer” and there wont be, only lies…
Continued: More cases of brain disease found in football players
The research provides the beginnings of an answer, according to Bailes and Small. But the study is tiny, and poses looming questions. “This is a very exciting but preliminary study,” said Robert Stern, co-founder of the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at the Boston University School of Medicine. “The researchers did what so many of us have been wanting to do for the last couple of years.
“The problem is that the type of PET scan they used is really not specific to what we’re looking at with chronic traumatic encephalopathy.” The marker used in the PET scan — the one that binds to tau — is called FDDNP. The problem with using that marker, said Stern, is that it is not specific enough. It binds not just to tau, but also to another protein called beta amyloid, which is commonly seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients.
DT Rebuttal ; But how come Mohammad Ali born in January (or other famous boxers) never committed suicide and instead suffers Alzheimer for so many years? First he is from a generation that did not ingest tons of nefarious drugs and his religious faith kept him in line… But there is so much more involving Mohammad Ali Neptunian psyche and his natal UCI or Unique Celestial Identity
Mohammad Ali was born January 17, 1942 and Junior Sean was born January 19, 1969 is this an accident? There is so much our infantile science could learn from Dr. Turi Astropsychology expertise but those cosmic unconscious educated kids could never benefit from my 45 years of Independent researches, because their microscopic minds knows better than me… Its all above in the stars that God speaks his glory and offers the keys to what it means to be human to those wiling to ask in order to receive…
Muhammad Ali hospitalized – Once this Dragon reach him in 2016, he will be a matter of time for him to suffer one of my “Famous Death” SOS to the world deadly window and be called back to God.
Let me offer a little Astroforensic tuition to all my readers and all the scientists reading my work…
Laila Ali
Laila Ali (born December 30, 1977 in Miami Beach, Florida) is a professional boxer. She is the daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali and his third wife Veronica Porsche Ali. She was their second child and is the most famous of the nine children born to Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali is one of the world’s best-known sportsmen … instantly recognizable for his gift of the gab, as much as his fancy footwork and phantom punch.
His life story transcends boxing and his ongoing struggle with Parkinson’s disease raises troubling questions about boxing’s safety. But to my knowledge certain souls are “programmed” to suffer certain diseases regardless of their professional endeavors. I know a few old ladies who like Mohammad Ali suffered Alzheimer and never made it to the ring…How ridiculous! When one of his daughters chose to box, she became a new reason for the media spotlight to focus on women and the sport.
First let me inform you that born with the Dragon’s Tail in Pisces *religion in his 3rd house, like ALL Capricorn Ali is prone to mental addictions, not only to religious poisoning. Once this Dragon reach him in 2015, he will be a matter of time for him to called back to God. Like Rush Limbaugh, Mel Gibson and Joshua Aaron also born in January and prone to chemical poisoning. In the case of Mohammad Ali his negative Pisces Dragon’s Tail position plaguing his mind induces or predispose his unlucky owner to Parkinson’s disease.
Thus the beating he received during his career is NOT the main reason for Ali’s ailment but what today’s traditionally educated cosmic unconscious doctors kids who knows nothing of The Cosmic Code’s jurisdictions and Astropsychology methodology. Furthermore his daughter Laila Ali (born December 30, 1977) is not into boxing because of her dad’s wishes but because her masculine UCI dictated her to follow and use her dad’s footsteps.
Foolhardy and daredevil Dragon’s Tail
Laila was born with a Dragon’s Tail in the competitive masculine, aggressive sign of Aries *the fighter. She is both Sagittarius and Capricorn and like her dad she did things bigger than life with lucky Jupiter as a ruler. Meantime like her Capricorn dad she has also the 6th house of work and health in the sign of Gemini *the hands, the speed, and the gift of the gab to sale anything from herself to nails. Remember Aries rules construction material and she once sold nails… Her Saturn *fear and career is located in the health fanatic sign of Virgo and her commitment to the children is from her hidden Dragon located in the sign of Leo *fame/children/ego.
Traditional Aries Dragon’s Head / Tail Traits
Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
On the red side…
Aggressive and dangerous
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil
Note I was born with the Dragon’s Head *positive in Aries in my 3rd house of communication/critical thinking – thus I am a relentless mental warrior breaching the impossible on the human psyche secretively educating the scientific community!
Dr Turi is now connected to/////////////////, at Private Practice – Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
Dr Turi is now connected to////////////////, PsyDand Experienced Psychologist
Mars, the Lord of war/fight happens to be very close to her Mars, ruler of her Aries Dragon’s Tail in and represents much of Laila past lives as a male warrior. Et voila how anyone can easily and accurately translate any celebrity UCI *or Unique Celestial Identity accurately and the reason why they do what they do.
My book “The Power of the Dragon” has all the secrets revealed but armed with such a rare and real wisdom forces science to stop whoring around and be truthful to the fact they know nothing of spiritual conception the human mind. The wisdom I possess is REAL, unarguable and unchallenged and should be mandatory in all our colleges and Universities and accepted as a solid real discipline. My Book “The Power of the Dragon” is indeed a supreme wealth of information for anyone’s interested in the discovery of their own natal Dragon and will divulge much more than what today infantile science could ever teach you. The only problem is I am only 50 years or so ahead of time of science not yet ready for my wisdom. Are you?
Continued: “In CTE, only tau is found in abundance,” said Stern, an Alzheimer’s expert. “What researchers saw was parts of the brain lighting up and showing abnormal findings. … But we don’t know if what is lighting up is tau alone, or beta amyloid, or both.”
It’s the location of the protein that is important, Small said. In Alzheimer’s disease, tau is typically found in the outer part of the brain, called the cortex.
“It’s different from Alzheimer’s,” said Small, director of the UCLA Longevity Center, adding that he found tau in deeper structures of the brain.
“The patterns of the scans are identical to what’s seen at autopsy in other people (with CTE),” like Seau, Duerson and Easterling, he said. “And we know at autopsy it’s primarily tau.”
When tau lodges into those deep brain structures — for example, the amygdala, which is associated with rage and other emotions, or the hippocampus, a seat of memory — it causes major disruptions to those areas.
DT Rebuttal: Do you really believe amygdala are responsible for rage and emotions? I had my amygdala removed when I was 11 years old and since then, during my wild days, my fiery, aggressive Aries Dragon’s Head helped me kick a few asses… I wonder how many people who had this surgery became zombies and could never become choleric or emotional…This is totally insane and ridiculous, MARS ( the Lord of war) regulate aggression while the Moon regulates human emotions! OMG those kids needs me so bad to build cosmic consciousness and start looking into the Universal Mind away from their microscopes to find real answers … Its amazing how far the new scientists have removed themselves from the spirit and God’s celestial divinity!
“No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness!
Albert Einstein
But a good chunk of this crowd of cosmic unconscious educated morons truly THINKS they know better than Einstein himself!
Continued: Questions linger about long-term impact of subtle hits to the head
That disruption may be related to depression, memory problems and suicidal behavior common in cases of CTE studied thus far — not just in retired NFL players, but in athletes in other sports and members of the military.
DT Rebuttal: Remember MARS regulates the Army, Navy, dangerous sports, weaponry. Germany and if the soul own (like Mohammad Ali daughter) a strong Aries or Mars position, the attraction to violent sports, accidents even violent death is already written in their natal UCI or their karmic stars!
Continued: The hope among the study’s authors is that a diagnostic brain scan might one day detect burgeoning CTE in all sorts of people who suffer concussions. But the current study is drawing some skepticism, doubts that likely will not ebb until future research examines a larger study group.
DT Rebuttal: and they will make progress by becoming cosmic conscious and select the MARTIAN/NEPTUNIAN groups prone to those diseases and accidents….but as you know, there are NO accidents only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…
Continued: “Sometimes I wish (study authors) would hang on and wait until they have a more meaningful sample size,” said Kevin Guskiewicz, a concussion expert and director of the Center for the Study of Retired Athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “I think that then people would be less skeptical of the findings.” Still, Guzkiewicz is encouraged by the study results.
DT Rebuttal: Still, Guzkiewicz is encouraged by the ample millions of dollar donations and yet another wasteful study results! Like all experts, those who are supposed to know the best in their field are the least knowledgeable and all you have is ridiculous scientific assumptions. Only time will prove me right and may be then I will get the Nobel Price for challenging the “experts” findings and exposing their humongous stupidity and cosmic ignorance!
Continued: “Unfortunately we tend to identify these (CTE) cases when they’re already on the slippery slope toward dementia and it’s too late to do anything,” said Guskiewicz. “I’m all for trying to build on studies like this.”
DT Rebuttal: ” I am totally against trying to build on studies like this so we could finally stop wasting time and precious tax dollars to enrich and support all those morons’ lifestyle. The fact is its never too late for the scientific community to dig into Astropsychology, specifically my “desiccation” work on the human UCI or Unique Celestial Identity and recognize the “signs” predisposing all human beings to those ailments and specific careers endeavors. Those insignificant cosmic unconscious scientists are millions miles away from finding the answers of what it means to be human! But rest assured in their spiritual educated mental pride they already know better than all those erudite men who practiced the ancient art daily like Dr. Turi does!
Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine – Paracelsus Mental genius- DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach – Author Paul Kiritsis – and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students used the stars!
Continued: Building on the research — expanding the study population — is what Small and Bailes are working on now. In the meantime, they are optimistic about their findings. “Right now, the (FDDNP) PET scan is the only method that we know of that can measure tau protein in living people,” said Small. “It’s not the perfect holy grail … but for now it seems to be showing us what we’re looking for.”
Football players more likely to develop neurodegenerative disease
DT Rebuttal: No readers, it is not the perfect “Holly Grail” far from it because it is not with a microscope that a “Holly” answer can be found! It is with the essence of the spirit itself only that those kids will get the answers God has enslaved everyone of them to come up with…And in the process realize their own mental/psychical limitation. The main reason for realizing “CTE or TAU” can only be diagnosed after death can easily be explained…Think of what the human mind is all about, a sophisticated computer made up blood and flesh reacting to an outside stimuli produced by the Universal Mind, I classified as “Dark Matter” for the cosmic unconscious scientists!
Now imagine an old computer that has been through a few “accidents”in your office, chances are some of the components will be either broken or suffer the consequences of falling from your desk! I have to use very simple terms to educate not only my readers but also the scientific community of the obvious they can not yet perceive because of their own latent, non spiritual, underdeveloped inborn logical UCI!
And this being said honestly I don’t think stating the facts in this manner will bring me their stewardship but it is only when you make people really think HARD they will hate you.
With their silence and refusal to help me, my Internet “Dark List” made up so many mental influential doctors experts reflects not only their spiritual pride but how really lost they all are… But I still refuse to believe all of them are born morons and will stay morons all their existence….But why don’t they connect with Dr. Turi?
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”
All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness…
First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!
*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”
~Albert Einstein*
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Dr. Turi
Dear Readers;
When I warned the world to be ready for an upsurge of suicides, terrorism activity and clearly mentioned this Scorpius dragon is aiming for children and the police the latest CNN suicide news speaks of the reality of my work! While I work closely and help many police officers the Law Enforcement Executives do not know much about “Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!” and more than ever they all should read how concerned our civil servants are.
Algeria attack alters terror landscape
:The deadliest terror attack since militants rampaged through Mumbai, India, five years ago raises the alarming prospect that al Qaeda affiliates and other jihadists could turn parts of Africa into no-go zones.”
Furthermore if you take the time to scroll down, my prediction page #1 clearly emphasize all the dramatic news that have unfolded with the police.
Memo: Prediction # 17. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (police/local governments), will force the police itself to realize its own limits of power as to avoid its own collapse. Serious internal/external police abuses / secrets will make the news and direct public challenges will kill many police officers. Many police Chiefs /FBI/CIA executives will be entangled in a secret deal that will bring disgrace and a serious wake up call for all. 2012/2014 could become a death record for the police and many new public Leaders will take on the challenges to bring justice and protection to the people. Many will be found assassinated.
“There was an incident today involving one if Metro’s lieutenants,” a somber Gillespie said in brief statement to reporters. “Several bodies were discovered.”
How can I reach the police elites and the families looking for answers and explain to them all, there are no “incidents” only cosmic circumstances leading to yet another carnage? The logical reasons leading to the murder suicide are endless, stress on the job, legal/illegal drugs, marital, financial problems or the usual humanistic plausible reasons while the real “cosmic” answers for becoming a monster (like Adam Lanza) can only come from Dr. Turi.
If I had the lost soul DOB I would pin point exactly what and what produced this drama. The reasons could be the cop was born with a natal Dragon’s Tail in Scorpio and should never be allowed to work in the Law Enforcement. But one thing is sure reader, the killer was as usual, under one of his Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates and lost it! This is where I wish all the police detectives would become more curious and INVESTIGATE my work. But refusing to hire a cursed soul the option to become a cop would never be taken seriously and is against the law meantime people are dying because of killer cops, tax payers are wasting fortunes battling crooked cops and many of them suffer an early demise or commit suicide taking their family with them… Yes this cosmic unconscious world is much to young and spirituality unaware to make a good use of my work yet and offer my rare pearls of wisdom to future generations…
Imagine that, electing a President that is cosmic conscious and work in perfect harmony with his productive Dragon’s Head? Yes after 4 years under Obama’s Aquarius humanitarian nefarious Dragon’s Tail America lost its place, its integrity, its world leadership with a national dept of …
Obama team makes it official: Budget Deficit hits record. By a lot.
The reality is right in your face with such astonishing numbers but for Obama and its cosmic unconscious team to dance against the Cosmic Code jurisdictions is a crime against the UCI, the essence of America and its future generations… Yes the Scorpius Dragon is not only killing the children, the cops but also the greatest country on earth! And this is where I wish I had a bigger voice and could reach the media to warn the world of its impending fate if humanity (in the name of science and education) keep distancing itself from the spirit and God’s celestial rules.
Yes this cosmic Scorpius flux is with humanity until February 2014 and I am expecting more and more deaths and dramatic news such as the Algeria hostage-taking crisis that killed 37 innocent people. I warned also of the Scorpius Dragon stimulating the mob and producing an expansion of terrorism and the endless dramatic news are only serving me as undeniable facts!
While this Dragon is affecting the world stage, it is also affecting you personally… I wish my readers would comprehend the gravity of such a cosmic killing flux where lies, dirt, manipulations, murders sexual, financial secrets, abuses, disrespect, masquerades and the foreseen 2012 Rigged Election speaks of this cosmic dance of evil!
If you see it as clear as I do and its impact on the world stage with so many dramatic news the same very Dragon is also lurking above your head and those of your loved ones. But how many of my readers are like me fearless and wise and also willing to acknowledge its impact on a personal level?
A warned man is a much stronger man, had the latest victims of the Scorpius Dragon invest in my “2013 Dragon Forecast” what would they do or try to avoid their fate? But would any of the victim TRY anything or be curious/lucky enough to perceive my warning and act responsibly?
The fact is I am in despair trying so hard to warn, guide and even save the lives of my readers (and their loved ones) on this deadly dragon but the majority will only assume I am only trying to sell a book! I can only shake my head in disbelief and wonder how people can expect to go through life safely not knowing or refusing to know the signs…
I know dealing with the reality of life and your own mortality is something many will find disgusting and would rather play the usual ostrich game by burying their heads in the ground or read sugar coated articles. And while I can not agree more with the readers because its positive in nature, ignorance is evil knowledge is power at the end… I know what suicide mean in technicolor readers, been there done that!
I used to work as a trainee nurse in Saint Mary’s Hospital in England in a terminal ward where I endured the most difficult time in my life working at the mortuary to generate more money. I know what it means to be totally depressed, to suffer periodical panic attacks running along the sea front thinking of suicide as the only way out to stop the mental untenable continuous pain.
I wish then I had known someone like Dr. Turi today then, and benefit from his spiritual wisdom, but I had no one to turn for help as I watched my own close friends becoming schizophrenics and contemplating suicide.
In fact, in those now gone unforgivable days, it is a miracle for me to have escaped the Scorpius dragon deadly pull plaguing my mind and my subconscious for months…yest I survived it all without no one help and no drugs because I could not afford them! Doing so my 45 years of hand on “psychical” dreadful experiences paid off and gave me the understanding of the human psyche receiving periodically this timely Draconus “suicidal” impact. All I can suggest my reader to do is to actually re-live those extraordinary painful psychical invasive experiences by reading the book of my crazy life titled “Beyond The Secret.”
“Incredible experiences, breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share”
Dr. Turi
If you suffer psychical panic attacks, chronic depressions and suicidal thoughts, order this book and let me offer you a 90 mn tape of hypnotherapy so I can re-carve your subconscious and make it more friendly and productive for you. This is much cheaper and less dangerous than a regiment of nefarious drugs prescribed by a doctor kid, fresh out of college that will make your situation much worse in the long run.
Human are very complex machines made of BBBF “Blood, Boons, Body and Flesh” but the essence of being a mentally healthy human being is within the conception of his spirit or the underbidding power of his/her UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”
There is much more involving the human mind and its psychic secrets I hope you will join me in my free, January 28, 2013 from 6pm to 7pm upcoming teleclass How To Unleash Your Psychic power
Blessings to all my readers
Dr. Turi
If you are one of the thousands of public subscribers with a limited access to the cosmic code website and want to become a VIP please READ about the different options offered to join!
Forward this page to your friends and family
PLutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’S AND DONT”S
What”s Next for Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
What happened to a man that decided to shoot motorists in plain daylight in a Hollywood California intersection in December 2011? Why such tragedy took place? Imagine if all the cops did anticipate this new tragedy and all were forewarned? These would be the lucky ones… only a few days ago and for the second time in four years, Virginia Tech has fallen victim to an unspeakable act of violence, as two men — one being Deriek W. Crouse of the Virginia Tech Police Department — were shot and killed.
In Tyler Brehm”s case all I had was his age and by subtracting 26 to 2011 I recognized his deadly natal Dragon”s Tail. If you are a student of Astropsychology by looking at this dramatic picture you should be able to know what fatalistic Dragon’s Tail Tyler inherited. Yes you got it right… SCORPIO! This sign rules not only the police, the criminal elements but also death and drama and it is indeed the most fixed of all the signs. Thus the “accident” can be fully explained logically to all my students who possess Cosmic Consciousness. Keep reading…
”I woke up to 14 texts and he was dead”: Former girlfriend of Hollywood gunman tells how her lover transformed into deranged man behind shooting rampage.
Tyler Brehm, 26, was filmed firing randomly at motorists before he was shot dead by police
”He wasn”t a bad guy, he just got fed up. He was like “Ah, I”m over it, I”m over it,” but I could tell he wasn”t over it” Friend Christina Mesropian.
Had Christina, Tyler, his family, ex girlfriend, the public, especially the police knew about his natal deadly dragon and the Plutonic “window” running the days everyone would have been prepared or anticipate the horrible consequences of becoming a victim of such nefarious stars. Luckily for the police, this time round only the lost soul expired and no cops died…
Most importantly as seen with similar deadly cases .i.e. Jared Lee Laughner, Tyler is also from “The Death Wish Generation” . This mean he was born with Pluto (death/drama/police) in Scorpio (death/drama/police) located directly on his Scorpio Dragon”s Tail. But what do you think “experts” such as Dr. Drew know about my unconventional wisdom?
This type of Plutonic energy concentration brings about a deadly fixity of purpose unmatched by any other celestial curses. Tyler was not a “normal” guy but without Cosmic Consciousness there is absolutely no way for anyone, including the cops to know the difference.
“In the battle between logic and powerful emotions, emotion will always win!”
Dr. Turi
And there are millions of supremely emotional Plutonic deadly souls walking the streets waiting for the “right” condition and evil star alignment to flip…Let’s hope you are not around when this happen because you will, in the name of ignorance become a victim.
Any Plutonic soul becomes infatuated with very deep uncontrollable feelings of love, jealousy or death that produce passionate serial killers, sexual predators nurturing suicidal tendencies where death becomes the only way out. This scenario can become totally out of control especially if other celestial afflictions and the use of drugs is present, this disturbing neurotic cocktail induces devastating psychological changes impossible to control.
The fated situation finally unfolded during the last “Deadly Plutonic Window” stimulating all the above and was posted on my websites. Imagine if ALL the police officers on duty knew about the “timing” I proposed and offered the Police Administration for years?
Yes this is the fact I sent certified mail to ex police Chief Daryl Gate preparing him for the tragic Rodney King dilemma and the terrible development following the failure of the legal system finding those bad cops not guilty. I gave plenty dated unarguable information telling him and his cops lives will be changed forever…I did the same with San Diego ex- police Chief Burgreen telling him and giving him the exact date of the capture of the Torrey Pines cop killer, did anyone of those two police Chiefs ever answer me? Nope and that is very painful because the entire tragedy could have been avoided, had they heed my warnings…
What really upset me is the Law Enforcement Agency could make such a good use to these information for investigation/cases purposes involving born killers and criminals alike. Too many cops died in the name of their superior’s lack of Cosmic Consciousness because they still erroneously perceive my work as a “pseudo science.” Since 1991 all I did was to offer my wisdom but all my pearls of wisdom were and still are wasted…
Last few days were not different and yet another example of the repetitiveness of a series of deadly events involving the police and criminals. I “predicted” these events over and over again and all was submitted to my email “black list” made up of so many unconscious FBI agents and police elites. As mentioned so many times, each time a cop dies THEIR superiors are fully responsible and THEIR ignorance or fear of the ridicule produced over the years the premature death of thousands of brave public servants. What did they do to save a single cop’s life so far NOTHING! Absolutely anything should be investigated, no matter how weird it may appear to their educated heads, if it can save a single police officer’s life. The very core of being a good cop or a real detective is ignored by the very police administration’s Elites, thus I am expecting many more premature police officers deaths before a real cop hear my desperate pleas to save them.
Spending time in the cemetery crying and showing compassion with the family”s victims or offering rewards to the dead heroes is honorable but not enough. This lack of curiosity cost tax payers billions that could be used not only to save future cops” lives but to bring the science of Astropsychology to the Police Academy. The software I designed is actually the best preventive weapon the Law Enforcement Agency and the secret service could ever have and ALL police officers should be trained to use it. My 62 years of independent study involving the human mind cannot be wasted but used wisely to save lives because of the police Administration lack perception or fear of the ridicule. The fact is many cops who have NO business in the Law Enforcement Industry will turn bad cops or will get killed only after a few days on the job. Those “accidents” cost precious lives, pain, legal battles and a serious waste of precious resources. If the UCI of anyone applying for a job with the police does not confirm as safe it should not be trained in this field.
This could be classified as “discrimination” but it’s like offering a child molester a job as a school bus driver. Some of the hiring Laws have to be restructured and with the entrance of the Dragon’s Head in Scorpio the entire police force will be forced to a full upheaval. Yes you heard me I “foresee” a full restructure of the Law Enforcement Administration from top to bottom. I already proved my claim with the unarguable prediction of the secret service restructure a few years ago if you take the time to read it (top right side of the page.)
Time is soon for the Law Enforcement Administration, all Police executives and many cops to wake up and with the stars on my side the future has and will always be my outmost faithful witness…Yes I see so many of you becoming victims with a serious upsurge of cops killings as we move into 2012. All I can do now is to wait for you to realize Dr. Turi is real! Do not expect the police educational system to change easily, the gap between the scientific accepted methodology and spiritualism *Astropsychology is much too wide to be accepted as a solid discipline just yet. Thus WE the people, especially all the COPS have to act for their safety and build a powerful voice that will get the attention needed to make the badly needed changes.
~Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways.
Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.” ~
Jared Lee Loughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
How many police “accidents” did I foresee, posted and emailed to my “black mailing list” is just insane but even with steady repetitiveness the police Administration still did not budge. How many more cops must die before a real “detective” take a chance on Astropsychology and realize the seriousness of hiring the wrong “cops” for the job?
Knowing traditionally educated psychologists and psychiatrists are depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, they keep hiring the wrong crowd where more cops, criminals and innocent people will met with an early death on the job. Not only the families of the victims but he tax payers will have to suffer and pay the consequences of the current Police Administration’s ignorance.
Over the years I dealt directly with so many cops from all over the world but even with their requests and endorsements the fact is; the police Administration could not care less about doing anything to improve a tuition that would save any cops’ life. While I should be more diplomatic with the police my obvious frustration is the result of years of endless worthless attempts to get their attention, thus creating a group reaction and bring more cops together is my only option to get their superiors’ attention. With this in mind, I am convinced to be much more concerned with any cops’ life than all police executives combined together. Thus if you are a worried police officer, please help me reach your superiors so that you do not become part of the next tragic increasing statistics. Too many public servants died in the name of ignorance and I want to make sure you comeback home safe and sound after your shift.
An endless river of mothers, wife, sisters and girlfriends tears has been wasted with the sacrifice of loved ones while the “executives” are safely behind their desks making up your schedules. They will all be back home because they do not have to face the crazy crooks out there, YOU are the one in the front line everyday, not them, thus help me to help you with a wisdom that I know is very real and crucial for your safety.
Have you tried absolutely everything to stop my tears and save our lives, Sirs?
This section is dedicated to all the past and future courageous police officers who gave their lives to protect us from criminals and have fallen victim of violent tragedies. The Law Enforcement executives” unwillingness to honor the word “INVESTIGATION” has and will cost the lives of many more public servants facing dangerous criminals in the future. It is my sincere hope that the Law Enforcement Agency will take my expertise and the Astropsychology software I created seriously so our public servants can be fully prepared to handle any criminals” and be forewarned about future “Deadly Plutonic windows.”
And if science could / would acknowledge, use or predict behavior within the UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” software system I developed, might they (our politicians/the police Administration and humanity at large) not also find a way to control their mental shortcoming?
Dr. Turi
Attention, Law Enforcement administration please take some of your precious time to read the feedback of some of your own concerned police officers at the bottom of this page. I can only hope you will take their words at heart and, as any good police detectives, investigate my claims. If you are involved in the Law Enforcement professions please join other concerned police officers and express yourself freely. If a single cop”s life can be saved it is worth to try absolutely anything new, including the science of Astropsychology or what your superiors may classify as impractical, a pseudo-science or even “ridicule.” I answered some emails I consider important for all police officers to read. I am offering my speaking/teaching expertise to the police force free of charge, please call the office at (602) 265-7667 to set up a lecture at your next local police event. My teachings will amaze many of you while offering crucial information that could make the difference between life and death. Cops are dying endlessly and these “accidents” can and must be prevented.
In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
Your dangerous profession your life depends on making fast and accurate decisions and be accurately informed on all levels. If you are a police officer, I am offering my wisdom FREE of charge. Go to www.cosmiccode.drturi.com to SIGN in and become a VIP Cosmic Code subscriber level 3. I will give you those window dates because I want you to come back home to your loved ones safe and sound. Please email me at dr.turi@cox.net so I can COMP you in for the next 12 months and it will not take you very long to realize those “Plutonic days” are very different and could snap your life if left unprepared. Lastly the privacy of all the police officers who will or have emailed me their concerns and identities will always be kept concealed.”
“Four sheriff”s deputies were fatally shot today in what police described as an ambush in a coffee shop near Seattle, Washington.”
Back in November 29th 2009 four police officers died during another Plutonic window I posted to the world weeks ahead of time and this carnage could / SHOULD have been anticipated and avoided had the dead cops read my warnings. This MUST NOT happen to you too, you have the power to use your will and avoid any of those “unforeseeable accidents.” Please read “Police Requiem” and my emotional pledge to the Law Enforcement authorities soon after this carnage. Did they hear me? No!
Please DO NOT lump Dr. Turi with another Mrs. Cleo! Dr. Turi is NOT a psychic!
It is imperative to understand that Dr. Turi”s teachings are totally unique, revolutionary and well ahead of conventional psychology and Psychiatry accepted disciplines. Dr. Turi”s expertise is utterly scientifically oriented where similar software used by NASA is utilized to accurately profile the UCI of both criminals and Law Enforcement officers. Note the simple term “Dragon” Head and Tail is used to symbolize the North and South Node of the Moon reflecting a tiny proportion of the mystical dynamics involving the complexity of Astropsychology methodology.
My synergetic quatrains depict all 2012 major “Deadly Plutonic Windows” but the reader must first understand the length, timing and the simple legends I use. During those windows expect dramatic news and be sure that not only our brave police officers will die but also innocent victims and the criminals themselves. Please observe these dates and remember only the future has and will always be my true witness. Timing is 48 hours centering a given date for maximum impact.
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man”s religion bloody folly reign
Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.
Be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives too. Please DO take my warnings seriously! Please make a copy of those dangerous 2012 Plutonic windows dates depicting extreme criminal activity, terrorism and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reign on earth!
Please be part of this movement, do not expect the police administration to remotely understand or accept my theories. You are the ones that must uncover the solid reality behind my research, please join other police officers, parents and submit your concern and support to dr.turi@cox.net
Dear Dr. Turi and Terania,
Thank you for sending the link to last nights radio show. A lot has happened the last few months good things and a big scare of Stage 4 Cancer as I told Terania last night in the Chat Room. I have been out of work since July, but had enough of time to get me to the end of 2011 of having a pay check and not disability. I hope to be back to work by mid February 2012. I plan on working maybe a few more months and then finally after a 31 year career in Law Enforcement retiring and enjoying a more Peaceful Life. All that I know that my career as a supervisor keeping my Police Officers safe and returning home to their families each day, means a lot to me.
Since I have been home for many months now, when I listen to my police radio here with all of the bad police responses to robbery calls and police pursuits, I pray that these officers do not get hurt and make it home to their families. The last year many NJ Police Officers have been shot and never made it home to their families. Due to budget restraints there have been many lay offs and retiree position”s haven”t even been filled, in this entire Metro Area.
WELL ANYWAY I had Stage 4 Colon Cancer and I had the best support and many Prayers were said for me. I had the best Doctor”s that anyone could ever want during that bad news time. When I was told the bad news my wife just about dropped to the floor and I stayed Positive to get this over with ASAP, lets get this operation over with!
I Can Not find the 2012 Moon Power Star Guide E-Book can you send me the link for it?
Have a Happy New Year and Also Your Great Dog’s
Thank You, Paul /// Lyndhurst,NJ
DT – Hello Paul:
Well I know how you feel my friend .. been there and you will be fine…Chances are the stress of your job or the inability to provide more help stimulated the cancer growth because all disease are coming from a “blockage.” Did you check my TV show on what happened to me? Check this page – http://www.drturi.com/cosmic-stem-health/ also make sure to offer this link http://www.drturi.com/police-requiem/ to all the cops you know, they can become VIP’s for free and get access to the 2012 Plutonic Dragon Dates by signing up from www.cosmiccode.drturi.com The 2012 Moon Power will be published any days now, standby I will let you know…Dogs are just fine Paul and I wish you many more New Years…
Blessings my friend
Dr. Turi,
Yes one of those officer”s from Jersey City Police, NJ are a cousin to one of my own brother officers, on the Lyndhurst Police Dept, NJ, who I have been the best of friends with him & his wife for years. His CAT scan as of today, his brain is dead. But he is breathing on his own. It”s so hard to get through on C2C, to do a worldwide prayer, for both of these Law Enforcement Officers, see below! Also another NJ Police Officer, from the Hasbrouck Heights Police Dept, is also in serious condition, after being run over, while doing a traffic detail, on NJ Route 17, since a new fast food place was opened, which is a Sonic Restaurant. Reports now, doctors are saying that this officer may not be able to walk again. PS – I know that you always look out for the law enforcement officers, on certain dates, and all of the dates that you give out, NJ seem to have casualties of police officers. NJ has been very hot with all of this negative energy, the last few months. I do spread your words to my officers, on a daily basis. I”m hoping for a promotion to Captain, sometime this summer
Good Bless,
Lt ///// Lyndhurst Police Dept. NJ
Dr. Turi,
Thank you for these dates, for COPS, I will review it later on. Also Thanks for Your Guidance! Since these 16 Promotions of the Lyndhurst PD, NJ, on 09-1-2009 we have been out in Full Force, on all of our main roadways, enforcing Traffic & Safety Laws, and School Zones. We Are Watching Out for Our Younger Generation here. On the day of my promotion, I had a lot of Emptiness in My Heart, because of My Best Friend, in Life died on 9-11-01, at the WTC. I Miss Those Days, because we both would Guide One Another, during bad working conditions.
Your Friend,
DT – Dear Paul: First my prayers are with you my friends and I can only admire your concern and bless your support. With your and other souls” help many more police officers in the future will benefit from knowing and respecting the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Blessings my friend…
Dr. Turi,
Police officer killed near Albuquerque while on a stake out at approx. 4 am while attempting to apprehend a man who for about 10 years had been terrorizing people in the area. Both the officer and the assailant were killed. The officer was a good solid police officer and family man who had been on the force a number of years. This story is quite big news here. I live in Santa Fe. Every time the Dragon”s Tail energy is in the air I feel it strongly. There is always an unusual tension. I feel “wired” and can see an intensified agitation in the people around me and in the situations they are in. I use quantum physics in my work and heal people around the world, so I am much more aware of the energies, even the most subtle ones as they change in the cosmos. The Dragon”s Tail is perhaps the most intense. Sincerely,
L//// Santa Fe, NM
DT – Sad my friend very sad…had this soul knew about the *Deadly Plutonic Window and be more cautious on the given dates he may have spare his life. Thank you for the support.
Dear Dr. Turi,
I have been a full-time police officer for 25 years. I am now a sergeant in the patrol division. I have been involved in several incidents in those 25 years whereas divine intervention could be the only reason I wasn”t killed or seriously injured. I work different shifts and have had the fortune to hear you several times on coast to coast throughout the years. I am a strong Christian and at first was very cautious of your work. I now understand that your work and how it is performed does not contradict my Christian beliefs (quite the contrary). I believe that the knowledge (blue print) on interpreting the Cosmic Code had been given by God to man. However, I believe ancient religious leaders and others have concealed to this day or destroyed specific scriptures and writings that contain, if you will, the Cosmic Code.
You are a gift and have been chosen to educate the masses. Everyone loves the firefighter (me included) but few people really like the police outside of the police family. It is a blessing that someone with your knowledge & gift has chosen to devote the amount of energy you are devoting to ensure that police officers take all necessary precautions so that they return home to their loved ones. I constantly caution my officers, whereas complacency is their worst enemy and that violent events are going to increase dramatically as well as the level of violence that people are going to resort to. I am now 54 years of age. I stay as strong and as fit as someone my age can, but I”m still at a disadvantage when dealing with the younger criminal element. I missed your special police show on coast to coast and I”m not quite sure what is available to me in regard to the “Plutonic Window” dates. But any knowledge that is available to me would be greatly appreciated.
I work a second part-time police job and assistant coach a local football team along with trying to be the best husband, father and grandfather and tending to two elderly parents. I am not crying the blues, what I do is a labor of love. I”m just saying, I don”t have much time left to truly study your work and educate myself with the materials and classes you have made available. I can”t imagine how many police officers are asking for their Plutonic Window dates. So if by some chance you find time to respond to my email, I was born on /////.
Thank-you Dr. Turi, really,……Thank-you.
Sgt. G////
Poland Township Police Department
Poland, OH
DT – Dear G; First let me thank you for your support and trust in my work…The good news is that you are very perceptive and very details oriented and this add to the protective natal Node. Just be aware of any and all domestic calls, especially after the full moon where you become vulnerable with speeding. You are subconsciously running way from your own disturbing tough upbringing and my Book Moon power will do miracle to you, pass it on to your friends. You are a very emotional person and stress will get to your stomach and knees do not eat when upset. You do understand the importance of my mission and how it could change the lives of children and help the police and for this thank you my friend. Be safe,
Hello Dr. Turi~
My name is Ryan///. I am a Full Time Police Officer and I also host a paranormal based Radio Talk Show that airs on blogtalkradio.com. I was listening to you on Coast to Coast the other night while I was on duty. Part way through, I was called to a Domestic Incident in which a male subject was threatening his wife with a shotgun. It all ended fine, but it was amazing to me that this happened just as you were talking about the dangers currently facing Police Officers. I would love to feature you on my show sometime in the near future. You can get information about my show and me at www.ryanlindsay.com. Also, my birth date is August///. I would appreciate any personal information you could pass along to me. Thank You~
DT – Dear Ryan;
First let me thank you for the invite, it would be an honor for me to be able to reach more of your spiritual listeners through your radio show. Indeed submit some dates and I”ll be there with you. I will elaborate more on those Plutonic windows and the science of Astropsychology. Your Saturn (career) is located in Gemini (driving/general communication) while Uranus (New Age matters) is in your 3rd house (thinking/talking process) and denotes your natural interest and highly spiritual UCI. Meantime your powerful Dragon resides in the world of Aquarius reinforcing your mission as a Leo to run your show and bring the light to the world. Your karmic Tail is on yourself, thus be very cautious when responding to any calls relate to domestic violence, love, romance and children affairs. You belong to television…Your nodes will always be active in the month of February and August and your personal dates and my book Moon Power 2009 are on the way…
Blessings my friend
Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi,
I would like to thank you for your support of Law Enforcement. I am sending this e-mail in return from your phone call yesterday. You needed the following date, /////. I am requesting the information on the dragon dates that you listed on your web site. I first heard you on coast-to-coast am and am interested in this information. I am also interested in attending one of your training seminars. Could you send me information on this also? Thanks for your support and concern for all law enforcement.
DT – Dear Paul; like the two Police Chiefs investigating my claim you were also born with a protective Dragon Head in Scorpio and this sign rules the Law Enforcement Agency and all positive and negative criminal affairs. Intuitive and spiritual Cosmic Consciousness will come easy to you and my goal is to teach if for FREE at any Police Academy, thus if anyone of you can help me to lecture and accomplish this let me know. www.drturi.com/astroclass.php. Danger is around banks or facing criminal stealing cash especially in one of your personal window, be very careful then. Thanks for your courage and protection.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I am not a VIP, but am saving my $$$ to become one. I am the Mother of a Deputy Sheriff born //// on a Sunday 12:34 p.m. Negative things are happening in his and my life. I read all your newsletters and think you are right on. So naturally, the law enforcement windows have me very upset. Can you help me. My birthday is////. I am terrified, can you help?
Thank you JO
DT – Dear Jo, as the mother of a police officer I can understand your fears, however right now the Tail of Dragon is right into your 3rd house (critical thinking) and mess up your thoughts. Note also your very sensitive natal Node in Pisces (imagination) does play havoc on your mind and makes you very vulnerable intellectually. First never forget the future is the reincarnation of the thoughts and learn to send your protective thoughts (thoughts are things) to your son while at work. Your dare devil must use patience and diplomacy dealing with others on the road. He is a great driver but danger is coming from speeding and coming from water and/or drunk drivers. Advise him, he will listen and thank you for his courage facing crimes on a daily base. Ask him to email me for the free book and the 2009 Plutonic dates. Dr.turi@cox.net
Thank you Dr. Turi for your quick response. I will have him go to your site, as I am his mother I am so concerned. He is a helicopter pilot, and water could be so possible as we live in /////. Thank you so much.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I heard your radio show on Coast-to-Coast AM the other night. As a police officer, I appreciate you giving all of us brothers and sisters a heads up. This world seems to be changing by the minute and it is getting very dangerous for us out on the streets nowadays. I was on your web site and wanted to get personal dragon window dates for my birth date of ///.
Thanks and God Bless.
Baltimore Police Department
DT – Dear R; Indeed the world is changing rapidly but the Police Academy archaic teachings are not helping any brave trooper to rapidly detect the dangerous UCI of a criminal. You share the same natal positive Node in Scorpio than one of the local Police Chief I am working with and this is very lucky for your profession as a Police officer. Use those dates cautiously and be very aware close to banks or anything that involve crooks and cash, especially at night. I am also emailing you a free copy of my 2009 Moon Power to master the section “Universal Law”. Thank you for risking your precious life for society…Thank you for risking your precious life for society…
Dr. Turi;
How do I go about ordering my window dates? I am a police officer and was working the graveyard shift when I found myself intrigued after listening to you on Coast to Coast with George Noory on 4/7/2009. This year has been especially violent, lots of fights, car crashes, complaints, etc. It feels like someone is trying to kill me…but like I said, this show resonated with me. I”ve been a police officer with Payson City, Utah since 2003.
Thanks, R//.
DT – Hello M; We have a very similar UCI *Unique Celestial Identity, I was born Feb 26 and both our career is “Plutonic” this mean life and death, investigations, police work and healing type of energy. The risky node (dragon) is located on your 6th house of service to the world and you are strongly advised to be VERY careful when responding to any domestic disturbance calls, especially during a negative window dates and when the moon is waning or full. Your high critical observing nature is a plus but your emotional response to life for peace and harmony makes you too nice to some dangerous people you may come in contact with when you arrest them. Be aware when dealing with any gang members and make a good use of your 2009 Plutonic dates and my book 2009 Moon Power. By the end of the year you will understand how important it is to be aware of the *Cosmic Code. Thank you for your dedication to serve and protect all of us and good luck to you my friend.
Dr. Turi;
My husband is a police officer and I want to know how to get the free information you mentioned for police officers but I can”t figure out how to do so. His name is R/// and his birth date is ////.
DT – Dear Anne; Like any concerned wife advising your husband and reminding him, of those dangerous days is a MUST to make sure he returns home safely after his shift! Trust me my own police officers friends have recognized this dangerous *energy and today are still alive. Tell him to be particularly cautious with foreigners, animals and anything related to religion and politics to avoid the worse. Thank him for risking his life daily to protect us. Go to www.drturi.com and click on the *Cosmic Hand in the sky and tell all your friends to do the same.
Dear Dr. Turi;
Although I have never heard of you, my mom is an avid listener of George Noory. Tonight she told me about your show last night.06 APR 09. Being a sheriff”s deputy with the Cook County Sheriff”s dept (Chicago),Il I am very concerned about the universal windows, especially for myself personally. I was born on /////. Please inform me on my personal dragon windows dates. I work in the warrant unit for the dept., and our job is very critical at times, not to mention Chicago leads the planet in murders. Please advise, any info would be greatly appreciated.
DT – Well S, Your Mother, like mine, is very concerned with all their children safety and welfare and I am glad you listened to her accurate intuition…While investigating your UCI *Unique Celestial Identity would require some time I will only point out the major aspects of your Divinity. Your Sun sign in Libra (Justice) becomes your soul”s purpose for you to enforce both the laws of men and those of God. Your perceptive, highly critical, perfectionist mental aptitude will always work for you, as any type of investigation becomes your spiritual regeneration principle. Your highly advanced UCI is set by birth to learn and teach all about the Cosmic Code too. You are indeed a very valuable element to further the Police Academy”s limited curriculum by thoughtfully investigating your own personal Plutonic window dates. FYI my top students were all born in September! Thank you for working hard bringing security to all of us.
Dr. Turi:
I am a police officer in the City of Batavia, Il. I work the midnight shift and heard your program on Coast-to-Coast last night. Thank you! Finally, someone who cares about us! How do I receive the forecast? Thanks in advance, Officer////
Batavia Police Dept, Il
DT – S, you were born within a Plutonic window right on yourself, subconsciously you feel you are in grave danger, please be VERY careful during your personal Plutonic dates. Armed with this rare wisdom you will be well prepared to avoid the worse by applying your will. Your most dangerous months are May and November during the full moon period. Thank you for your courage and dedication to protect us in your dangerous profession. I sincerely hope your Superiors will make it mandatory for all the courageous police officers out there to learn and use Astropsychology software to avoid fatalities. Blessings.
Dear Dr. Turi;
I am a Police Officer in New York and spoke to you on the phone about obtaining my personal dragon window. I was born on ///// 1968 in the city of Buffalo, NY. As a law enforcement professional I greatly appreciate all that you are doing to protect the men and women in law enforcement. Thank you, and I wish you and yours the very best.
R///- East Aurora Police Dept.
DT – Dear R – Your natal lucky birth node in Aries protects you from violent death my friend if you use your personal Plutonic window dates carefully but be aware of the moths October and July (for ever) as the Plutonic energy intensify then. Don”t drive too fast and be very careful doing so, your tendency for speeding could be fatal. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for risking your life daily to protect all of us.
To all the brave men and women in Law Enforcement:
Let this letter serve as a letter of praise, endorsement, and recommendation of Dr. Louis Turi, whose unique talent can save your lives. Dr. Turi is a gifted Astropsychologist. This means that he can precisely, and with 100%accuracy “predict” things to come – that is, what events CAN and WILL take place (negative or positive). I placed the word “predict” in quotes because, as Dr. Turi himself will tell you, he does not predict anything, but, rather, can forecast events that WILL take place under the manifestation of certain planets” movements. This is a very rare and unique talent, and, as far as I know, very few people have this talent except for Dr. Turi and some of his most gifted students. I am not one yet, but I hope to be (we can all master this talent with a little time and more patience with ourselves and each other).I used to take martial arts and even earned my black belt in 1995. Many police officers joined our class as a supplement to their training and to hone their skills. I know that every day you go out and arm yourselves with guns, bullets, pepper spray, vests, K-9s, etc, but yet you fail to arm yourselves with the proper knowledge – knowledge that Dr. Turi can teach you. At first it is very easy to be dismissive of what Turi has to say.
It”s very easy to be dismissive of astrology, psychics, clairvoyants, etc, because we all have been taken advantage of at some point in our lives and so we are very cautious. We especially don”t want to admit to our friends and co-workers that we really believe in this kind of stuff (trust me, I”ve been laughed at more times than I care to admit, and accused of being drunk or on drugs – both of which I do not take), but if you just give Dr. Turi a chance and track what he says with what you see on the news days, weeks, months, years later – with 100% accuracy – then you will begin to understand. Dr. Turi gives exact “windows,” or dates when you can expect positive or negative energy to affect your lives. Time and time again I have seen for myself when Dr. Turi “predicts” a negative energy having to do with law enforcement, sure enough cops die. It”s the truth, and something that can easily be avoided by allowing Dr. Turi to teach you his unique gift. You won”t regret it. I was going to end this letter by saying you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, but the truth is that you have everything to lose; you have precious lives to lose. Despite what we see happening in Oakland, California (Killers being glorified), there are so many people out there (Dr. Turi and all of his students and so many more) who deeply respect and care for the many brave officers who risk their lives for us every day. Please give Dr. Turi a chance. I thank you for your time and your service to your community.
ATTN: Chief of Police; Lieutenants, Detectives, Sergeants:
Due to the massive amounts of officers killed in the line of duty lately, it is imperative that methods even unusual as they may seem be employed to protect officers. Back in 1992 I worked as a victim advocate for a large city police department and was married to a K9 officer. Around 1998-99 I worked at a radio station co hosting a program which the guest was Dr. Louis Turi. Being rather ignorant of astrology, I was startled and shocked at what the good doctor had seen in my astrology chart. Amazed by this information, I began to look into it a bit more only to find out that Dr. Turi”s method was far more accurate than the mainstream form. I wouldn”t say he ”predicts” rather, I see it as his ability to read a ”map” (so to speak) and thus he is able to see the ”bridge is out” sign and helping others detour from a deadly situation rather than ignore the sign and end up in the river. I would highly recommend him to lecture, teach and with his concern for helping others, to be a light in a dark world that is so full of ignorance. His talent to foresee ”something coming” is uncanny and very accurate! If those of you in Law Enforcement took time to examine Dr. Turi”s knowledge, many families of officers may not be shedding tears for their loved ones. Personally, I have found him to be informative and intelligent thus, I do believe those who need ”proof” much like myself, would be impressed by how Astropsychology works!
A Vision For the Police Of The Future:
Hey DT,
I just had a though as I really hope your work is finally being heard by Law Enforcement. Just imagine this fictional story some day in the future; A police car with two officers gets dispatched to a domestic dispute between a husband and wife. The persons involved in the domestic birth dates are entered into the police computer at the station. While the officers are en-route, an Astropsychology computer analysis is done and recommendations are made to the desk sergeant. Given the fact that the current date falls in a deadly Plutonic window and a waning full moon and the two persons involved are at a deadly intersection in their UCI”s , all officers responding to the call are required to wear heavy body armor bullet proof vests no matter how minor the argument seems.
Note that in this future story, all police officers UCI”s are stored in the Police database and the computer recommends that one of the officers in the patrol car is in a very bad personal window and ordered to stay in the car. A back-up car is sent and an officer with a much better UCI for today is assigned to go up to the door with the first officer. They ring the bell, the door opens, one officer takes a direct shot to the chest, but luckily his body armor saves him and they both retreat. A SWAT team is called in to subdue the man as SWAT is prepared to handle such situations and no-one dies as a direct result of an Astro-analysis computer at the station. End of Story….. Some day DT…..Some day….!!!!! I would love to see a movie based on this scenario.
Do well on C2C my friend.
Talk soon,
To The Police Chiefs,
I want you to know that I highly endorse Dr. Turi”s work. I started with Dr. Turi in 2008 as a vip following his newsletters. He is the real deal. His predictions from last year have been confirmed in the news. I am in awe of his amazing gift. I”ve learned to definitely take him serious. He can be of great service to you and your department. I”ve had a reading done by Dr. Turi about my career path and I want to tell you I have never had a reading about me from anyone that was even close to being this accurate. This report also included things about my personality that only I would know, strengths and weaknesses, things I would not go and tell just anybody. That”s how real his gift is. He truly does know all about me without even meeting or talking to me. I am planning on a full life reading and learning more about Astropsychology. This is definitely not the horoscope you read in the newspaper. He truly will make a difference. I am very appreciative of all that Dr. Turi does and encourage him to continue. You won”t regret it sir.
Thank you for your time.
Attention to police Chief
Dear Sirs:
Far too many cops are losing their lives as of late. People in general are behaving very erratically for all kinds of reasons. Some are losing their jobs others their homes and many are emotionally unstable to start with, and a crisis of any kind is triggering irrational behavior. The police are called onto the scene and by so doing are putting their lives in danger. As a concerned citizen I am taking the liberty to inform you about a man by the name of Dr L.Turi, who lives in Phoenix Arizona. I got acquainted with his work about two years ago. He is an Astro psychologist who has spent over 35 years studying the planets and their transits and can tell with uncanny accuracy the times of the month when certain planetary energies are at their deadliest. I believe it would be very beneficial to invite him over for a lecture so he can advise the police department when these deadly forces are at their peak. I am certain it can save the lives of a great many in the police force who are called out during emergencies. His accuracy is remarkable. I have read all of his books and I must say they are all extremely informative. As a retired person who has worked as a professional in the medical field I must admit that Dr. Turi knows what he is talking about. So I hope that you will give him a chance to lecture to the department and also the chance to get to know him as a person. I can assure you that you will not regret it. Thanking you and the department for all your efforts in keeping us citizens safe.
Dear Dedicated Police Chiefs,
Thank you for being open minded and giving Dr. Louis Turi the opportunity to teach you and your valued police officers his incredible knowledge. I am a teacher, counselor and mother of two sons. My oldest is 18 and has friends who will be joining the police academy. It is my plea as a mother that urges the tremendous need for the safety of the officer”s precious lives. I”ve been a supporter of Dr. Turi for over 5 years after first listening to him on Coast-to-Coast AM radio show with George Noory. I did my own due diligence and read his work on his content filled website. I ordered a full reading and have read his life-saving Moon Power books. To my astonishment, I found him to be a true messenger of God. He”s by no means a Ms. Cleo type pseudo-clairvoyant. I am passionate about saving lives and tell as many people as I can to investigate his works to help themselves and their families. I”ve been successful with friends, acquaintances and members of my own family even though I met some resistance from a few skeptics who called it wackology until they realized that it is the truth that Dr Turi is all about! Now they don”t even book flights without conferring with him 🙂 I will continue to avidly advocate Dr. Turi”s work, which will spare all of our police officers, firefighters and children”s lives. There”s so much to gain and nothing to lose by giving him the opportunity to share with you his scientific software and true knowledge that will save your lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Liz //// NY 10704
To The Police
I have been following Dr. Turi since 2000 – I first heard him on Coast to Coast radio and would listen to every show he was on. He is amazing – I receive his emails giving warnings and advise – what is incredible about Dr. Turi is that not only is he correct in his predictions but more importantly he does REALLY CARE and alerts his email followers and on the radio/internet radio to warn EVERYONE. I have always had a high respect for police officers and firemen – not just because family members have been in both but because they put their life on the line every day – Nothing is too good for these dedicated individuals – Dr. Turi is a gift to us in these especially trying times and we all need his insight and his ending mission to help everyone – Please endorse him in teaching the Academy – it would be a very worthwhile project for you to enact. We need to pray for our officers and firemen every day – they are our Angels on Earth. Thank you.
To the police Dept.
Dear Sirs;
You need to read everything Dr. Turi has to say, this is a very important message to save the lives of innocent police officers and innocent people trying to live their lives everyday in this world. This man can help you save the lives of your police officers. Without a doubt he”s 100% accurate, everything Dr. Turi has predicted has come to pass when he speaks I listen and I spread the word to all of my friends and family. Please read his newsletters and join his VIP not only for your day at work to be safer but your family also, Doesn”t your family deserve to be safer, to be forewarned is to be prepared for those bad days when it pays to listen to him. He is not by any means a cult leader he”s an honest educated man that knows the planets and the UCI of everyone on earth and a very honest man too I might ad. His predictions in his book moon power will help you plan for the future with 100 % accuracy. You will not be disappointed at all please give him a try and read up on his newsletters. You”ll be happy you did! Thank you.
To the Police Chief;
Dear Sir: I am writing you about Dr. Turi. My life has changed for the better since I started listening and learning from Dr. Turi 2 years ago. I first heard him on Coast 2 Coast radio program. From the very first time I heard him something clicked in me. I knew he was sharing and educating us, the masses. He was telling us how it really is. In my soul I knew he was right. Ever since then I have been a VIP member and also read his books and receive Moon Power. I follow Moon Power every day and have educated my family about him. I believe so strongly in what he is doing. I don”t make an appointment, a doctors” visit, even my court dates without following him. I have not be let down once. He tells you how to get thru what is coming your way, be it good or bad. There is no flying without making reservations during the new moon or you could be in trouble. I promise you that if you give Dr. Turi a chance and you listen and follow his advice, you will not regret it. What do you have to loose? You have everything to gain. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You and your fellow officers will not regret that this great wise man is in your life. What a blessing and a gift he is to us all. My brother is a former police officer. I know what you go thru on a daily basis. Don”t let this gift of Dr. Turi slip by you and your men. You will be amazed how much better your lives will be all around, not just on the job. His educating you and your force will be a blessing to the rest of us also. For a better world and understanding.
Please forward this note to the Police Chief Dr. Turi.
Please take the time to check out Dr. Turi and what he is about. I have been reading his books, VIP newsletter, and personal requests for a number of years now. This man is phenomenal. All you have to do is follow his newsletter for a while and you will understand that he knows what he is talking about. Allow him to lecture and you will gain so much and save lives at the same time. What is there to lose? FYI I am a 70-year-old woman, married, has children, and grandchildren and worked in the Real Estate industry until I retired. I am a very down to earth person, and have had a successful life.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cheryl in New York
Please forward this note to the Police Chief Dr. Turi.
Dear Sir (s), I have a nephew that is a Sheriff and another nephew that is a Firefighter. I have sent them information from Dr. Turi to make them aware of how intense/dangerous their jobs are during the Full Moon and especially when Pluto is around. Yes, it all sounds Greek, it did to me too, but I take the risk of them laughing at me for listening to the stars, if it will spare their lives. We have found no other way to combat the extreme amount of violence and deaths, have we? Dr. Turi has taught us what can happen during these times and how to possibly avoid it or be extra careful. The knowledge will not hurt any of you and will save lives. Please give Dr. Turi a try before you say that his knowledge will not help.
Sincerely, a student of Dr. Turi,
Dear Police personnel,
I’ve spoken to many police officers regarding the moon and its trends. And not a one officer will controvert that your crime goes way up in degree of severity and frequency in concurrence to the full moons and the immediate wax thereof. I”m not kidding, start watching the trends for yourself of waxing, waning and full moon, be mindful of when you do your transactions and chart just like a scientist the date results of all your major transactions to this moon trend. YOU will see and you will eventually start retooling your major transactions initiations, once you effect your own proof of how hellish it is when you don”t go by/plan by /transact by major lunar trending cycles as Dr. Turi teaches.
Hi Dr Turi regarding the Police;
Just wanted to acknowledge what a shame it is that more officers hadn”t heard your plea. Have a friend whose son is on LA PD and I told him weeks ago to tell his son to watch his back and every move etc. I even sent him a copy of my free newsletter that was your first “warning” newsletter. He was remarking tonight show “weird” it is that all these officers are being killed right now. I said,” Not weird REAL”.. Next time he won”t laugh at my weirdness. His son is safe so far….Be Well
Update 07-21/09 – Jennifer Morrill said Officer Marc DiNardo, who was wounded last Thursday *July 16th in a shootout, passed away Tuesday morning. This is the exact DAY or July 16th given for the Deadly Plutonic Window…
Dr. Turi,
Yes one of those officer”s from Jersey City Police, NJ are a cousin to one of my own brother officers, on the Lyndhurst Police Dept, NJ, who I have been the best of friends with him & his wife for years. His CAT scan as of today, his brain is dead. But he is breathing on his own. It”s so hard to get through on C2C, to do a worldwide prayer, for both of these Law Enforcement Officers, see below! Also another NJ Police Officer, from the Hasbrouck Heights Police Dept, is also in serious condition, after being run over, while doing a traffic detail, on NJ Route 17, since a new fast food place was opened, which is a Sonic Restraunt. Reports now, doctors are saying that this officer may not be able to walk again. PS – I know that you always look out for the law enforcement officers, on certain dates, and all of the dates that you give out, NJ seems to have casualties of police officers. NJ has been very hot with all of this negative energy, the last few months. I do spread your words to my officers, on a daily basis. I”m hoping for a promotion to Captain, sometime this summer.
Good Bless,
Lt ///// Lyndhurst Police Dept. NJ
Dr. Turi,
Thank you for these dates, for COPS, I will review it later on. Also Thanks for Your Guidance! Since these 16 Promotions of the Lyndhurst PD, NJ, on 09-1-2009 we have been out in Full Force, on all of our main roadways, enforcing Traffic & Safety Laws, and School Zones. We Are Watching Out for Our Younger Generation here. On the day of my promotion, I had a lot of Emptiness in My Heart, because of My Best Friend, in Life died on 9-11-01, at the WTC. I Miss Those Days, because we both would Guide One Another, during bad working conditions.
Your Friend,
Dear Paul: First my prayers are with you my friends and I can only admire your concern and bless your support. With your and other souls” help many more police officers in the future will benefit from knowing and respecting the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Blessings my friend…
Dr. Turi,
Police officer killed near Albuquerque while on a stake out at approx. 4 am while attempting to apprehend a man who for about 10 years had been terrorizing people in the area. Both the officer and the assailant were killed. The officer was a good solid police officer and family man who had been on the force a number of years. This story is quite big news here. I live in Santa Fe. Every time the Dragon”s Tail energy is in the air I feel it strongly. There is always an unusual tension. I feel “wired” and can see an intensified agitation in the people around me and in the situations they are in. I use quantum physics in my work and heal people around the world, so I am much more aware of the energies, even the most subtle ones as they change in the cosmos. The Dragon”s Tail is perhaps the most intense. Sincerely,
L//// Santa Fe, NM
Sad my friend very sad…had this soul knew about the *Deadly Plutonic Window and be more cautious on the given dates he may have spare his life. Thank you for the support.
MEMO – Deadly ”Plutonic Windows”
First hour guest, seer Dr. Louis Turi outlined four “deadly Plutonic windows,” upcoming dates where police officers and law enforcement (Coast To Coast Police Message #4) will be particularly vulnerable to violent activity from crazed individuals: April 10th, April 25th, May 8th and May 23rd, 2009.
“Knowledge is Power Ignorance is Evil. Ask And You Shall Receive”
The FBI, Criminals and The Cosmic Code
Gary Andrew” suicide and the Cosmic Code
Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”
Email me at turitrue@gmail.com or call 602-265-7667 for more information
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…
Dear Readers;
I have decided to offer full access for $50 instead of $100 to all the spiritual souls who signed up into the Cosmic Code website in the past ( invite your friends to get this deal http://www.cosmiccode.drturi.com/?xgi=1llJpevK20kDho ) The Cosmic Code website has currently 5955 subscribers and many of you are NOT VIP’s yet. Make a good use of this deal NOW!
One of the main reason for me to go to a public and attend a gun show with my two friends is because we are currently under a waxing (positive/protective) new moon. I knew nothing serious or dangerous was to happen to me, mostly because I was also under one of my Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates!
As you know there are no accidents, only cosmic “circumstances” predisposing human to certain “accidents” unknown to science and the world at large.
Where in the hell will you politely ask a stranger waiting online behind you to hold on to your guns to free you hands to reach your ID? Only in a gun show… Not only did he agree but everyone was handling other people firearms for what ever reasons. Many people goes to gun shows to either sale or buy guns before entering the gates where all weapons must be inspected and tagged for safety! Many people had signs on their back and on the weapons boxes with all the pertinent information and suggested prices. Do you know that over 25000 people showed up at this event in Phoenix? Twice the amount expected by the organizers…
I never felt so secure in my life surrounded by so many weapons, I also knew if a lost soul was to act inappropriately he would be put out of order very fast with thousands of guns and ammunition all over! Not exactly the right place to try killing innocent people… Meantime the reality is morons are everywhere and they are plenty of them near you and for anyone of them to come to a gun show with a loaded weapons tell you of his/her latent intelligence and why some accidents will take place regardless. Let me tell you about my great experience but before doing so, read the news…
5 injured after firearms go off at Ohio, N.C., Indiana gun shows
Memo from my 2013 Moon Power (soon available from www.drturi.com
SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — JANUARY 20, 21, 22, 23:
RULERS — Venus (Love) Mercury (Traveling)
Environment: Expect the weather to be decent or windy and Venus to show off her finest garments. Control speedy Mercury to avoid freak accidents.
Travel and Communication: This week promises to be worthwhile for the more creative souls and your writing skills will improve dramatically. Under Mercury and Venus’ auspices, especially in time of a new moon, a new book could be started or finished. A trip to your past will pay off for some. Don’t let Mars make you impatient or accident-prone on the road; (or in a gun show?) be patient and don’t trust other drivers.
I was planning to own a couple of AR 15 but the prices was up to the roof and something I have learned is to never purchase anything because of fear or on the spur of the moment. Indeed it is not the right time to get those powerful weapons and knowing life is a constant process of changes, some people will be forced by life to compromise with the price (as we all did with our homes during the bad economy) and experience a serious loss in their investment in those weapons. Thus revolution or not, millions of those AR 15 will be put on sale for a much affordable price in the future.
Instead I got rid of my PM 45 – KAHR a gun that is not as powerful or precise as my HECKLER & KOCH 9 MN guarantee to never jam by the German manufacturer. With 18 rounds available this gun is all I need for our protection against any home invader, that is if they can pass both Draco and Macho in my backyard.
Instead I bought a double barrels hunting rifle that is more useful, less dangerous and looks pretty good in the house for now as Terania was not exactly excited for me to own an assault weapon perfectly designed to kill human.
In the old western days, it used to be a horse, now its 500 horsepower, times have changed but they are things in the US constitution 2nd amendment that should never be changed unless humanity psyche is changed totally! I love my guns, my guns are safe with us and they send a clear message from a decent law obedient tax payer citizen because I am my own trained cop. The day all citizens of the world drops their guns will be because every guns amassing in all colleges and universities in view or hidden are turned into cosmic conscious teachers in every classes. This will take time but it will happen only with time when Astropsychology is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught in all colleges and universities…
Terania is a machine of love and killing anything has never been in her agenda! She owns her own gun and I trained her to defend and protect her family in case of an emergency.
Sleeping beauties
While my prediction for “an internal revolution” may come physical within the next few months these weapons prices will keep rising like gold. But another of my prediction 2013 US economy on the rise may bring hopes instead of fears as Obama is benefiting from the Cosmic Code Universal clock movement allowing finally for the economic numbers to raise in good favor. Yes, another of my prediction about the “freedom tower” marking the end and the rebirth of America when it becomes operational…
As long as President Obama does not abuse the US constitution or his executive orders habits the “revolution” can be contained to verbal/legal battles only because adding or removing guns and putting more restrictions on gun owners has never and will never stop an unconscious science and failing educational system creating more young monsters….Please watch “In Memory of The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Victims.” and if you are into future prediction watch “2012 Mayan Cosmic Activation.”
15-year-old charged with killing 5
As expected it looks like we did not have to wait to long for yet another massacre to unfold and what will science do next? look for the responsible gene? What will the elites and experts do start the confiscation of guns next? Sad enough another victim of education and science turned into a monster at PUBERTY exactly as I have tried to explain to a,long list of educated PhD’s owners making up my “black List” of mind experts.
When will they stop wasting our tax dollars with ridiculous scientific experimentation and start to look into the cosmic code and the spirit for answers. If you are a newcomer to my work, get real information read Newton CT Here Is Your Answer… All those people believe my work is only a pseudo-science and truly believe they know better than spiritually advanced human beings who used astrology and made history…Yest they won’t budge or be curious because like donkeys they were born to never change their latent “educated” mind!
Plato – Philosopher – Albert Einstein – Physicist – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet – JP Morgan – First Billionaire – Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author – Hippocrates- Father of Medicine – DH Lawrence – Author – Louis Pasteur – Scientist – Pythagoras – Mathematician – Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America – Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff – Raymond Domenech, French soccer coach – Author Paul Kiritsis – and of course Dr. Turi and all his Astropsychology students!
In this case a 63 year old man was killed by teens because he was black!
A 61-year-old black man was killed by a white teen. The victim’s family thinks it was a hate crime!
First this teen is from the “Death Wish Generation” but what the cosmic unconscious experts know of Astropsychology? Second this is the end result or another “monster” or what science and education keep producing because they refuse to dig deeper into the human psyche outside of their microscopic mind depraved of any form of spiritual cosmic information. Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!
Note the victim was born in 1950 like me, but in October, this mean right on his dangerous Dragon’s Tail snapping away the full protection against violent death promised by his natal Aries Dragon Head. Furthermore when this “accident” happened as expected the victim was yet again under one of his Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates et VOILA, again! But what do I know when the entire world, apart from my students only are able to read the hieroglyphs written in light by God himself via the signs?
Science, the police and the rest of the world are missing so much of the real answers to what it means to be human and why children become killers… But what do you expect our children to become when all the elites and all the experts’ cosmic ignorance is found right at the top?
Do you have to deal with a teen or soon to be teen? well you are watching a time bomb parents if you are not allowing this child to drink at the cosmic fluid to regenerate his spirit. Asking traditional counselling or psychology for help is a total waste of time because the psychical improvement will only be temporarily. But if legal or illegal drugs are involved the situation can and will only get worse with time.
Is your relationship with your child, his mental health and fate worth my wisdom or would you rather trust your infantile science, your religion and educational system? If you and your kids are NOT happy its because you and your teen is NOT living its nativity or destiny! And who’s to tell them all about their inborn strengths, and shortcomings and all about their fate if all of you are cosmic unconscious?
When will you realize the values of my work and how therapeutically crucial it is to get this type of information for your family? Do you really think anti depressants or traditional counseling will help you and your teens?
WAKE UP readers, the Illuminati have hijacked your and your kids minds by controlled the information for so long you are yourself turning into a submissive, cosmic ignorant zombie. Stop trusting science and realize what education is doing to your kids, WATCH THE NEWS they are all about KIDS turning into cold killers. The two deadly articles mentioned above speaks the obvious truth of what this Scorpius Dragon is doing to humanity and this is all only pseudo-science? Don’t you think its time to change gears, change your perception of the spirit or will you and the “educated” experts wonder about the responsible ridiculous assumption this is all the results of a ridiculous “gene?”
All criminals were once upon a time salvageable, innocent, beautiful trusting children, every single one of them! Regardless of the particular ugly crime they committed against other children or adults. As much as a bunch of adult morons hurt themselves in gun shows, it seems the right education on handling firearms was missing. Your kids are not different and you can teach them all security measures and take all precautions needed by removing all guns or adding more guns and security in their colleges and universities, this will never fix the problem when more monsters are being generated by science and education ignorance of your children karmic UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”
We do not need more guns, we need more of my Astropsychology students, in the long run those highly spiritually advances souls will become the future teachers that will educate your children and allow full regeneration of their spirits. Yes your teens needs to know who they are, where they come-from and where they are going outside of traditional religious or educational teachings. Those new generations are NOT like you and have urgent / different spiritual needs that will allow for total psychical control over their deep super emotional nature. No one is understanding them psychically, not the parents, not the teachers nor the preachers and all the elites can do is to talk about gun control? Wake up people its your children spiritual welfare I am fighting for and I need your help?
Its such a shame for me to know the many mental experts reading my work, especially those making up my “Internet black list” are doing nothing what so ever but gather my information for themselves (if they have the right UCI) when this is exactly what they should provide the children. But lumping my work and I with Mrs. Cleo’s psychic deceptive endeavors is where they are at because they still assume my services based upon 45 years of independent research on the human mind and its cosmic interaction is only pseudo-science…
All I can say to you is to at least invest in my “2013 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Sign” and check how the “dragon” will affect you, your kids, your friends and everyone around you until February 2014 so you can at least be prepared to guide them.
If you already have this book your next step is to INVESTIGATE your Lucky Dragon Window Dates and be at the right place at the right time and again benefit from my 45 years of dedication to humanity welfare.
While those services are affordable and priceless only souls that are ready for me will order one of my more expansive top services but is your life, your health, your fate, your welfare and the one of your loved ones worth investing in supreme wisdom? You will never know until you decide to aim for God’s celestial divinity divulging your fate the right way!
Again I have decided to offer full access for $50 instead of $100 to all the spiritual souls who signed up into the Cosmic Code website in the past ( invite your friends to get this deal http://www.cosmiccode.drturi.com/?xgi=1llJpevK20kDho ) The Cosmic Code website has currently 5955 subscribers and many of you are NOT VIP’s yet. Make a good use of this deal NOW!
“God created the stars and the heavens to be used as signs so you may lead a safer more productive life!”
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
”If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate violence and ignorance from the world within one generation.”
~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi
Dear readers:
Update – 02/02/2013 – NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks rose to five-year highs on Friday, with the Dow closing above 14,000 for the first time since October 2007, after jobs and manufacturing data showed the economy’s recovery remains on track.
This is a note for all the newcomers only. Back in December 2007 I was on Coast to Coast with George Noory and said on the air with million of listeners. “The Tail of the Dragon will be forcing a total restructure of the US economy that will last all the way to 2012.” I did the same in all my radio and TV shows since then and even published the following in my moon power books and in my numerous newsletters and website – US Economy Prediction . Sorry my website is still down and can not offer you the direct link yet!
“From my prediction page! “I see the real estate booming again, as the country infrastructure is changing . The old road / signal / bridges systems will be replaced by “round points”, the stock market will experience a slow but sure recovery especially in July / June and January / December 2011/2012.””
Now it is important for the reader to acknowledge I do not use the five limited human rational sense to deal with the human affairs but the cosmic code jurisdictions and offering you the undeniable dated, printed published facts does not make me an egocentric and should serve the reader as yet another proof of my gift in predictive astrology and why you should trust Dr. Turi as a legitimate source of predictions.
Fed was blind to crisis in 2007 (and so was the world)
Click the chart for more stock market data.
Dear VIP Readers;
Welcome to the March 2011 VIP Cosmic Code Newsletter, it is with great pleasure that Terania and I wish all our new and old subscribers much luck and protection from God and the Cosmic Code . Trusting us to serve you is an honor that we will fulfill with the best of our abilities. Terania and I will continue decoding and improving your understanding of God’s celestial message to each one of you. Once more, thank you for your trust in my work and May God protects each and every one of you and your cherished family.
Dr. Turi
Please take the time to investigate my predictions from http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php and pass them on to all the people you know. Most importantly if you are one of those unlucky souls feeling abnormally depressed, remember to read the so very important newsletter titled “A note From Terania published May 23rd from http://newsletter.drturi.com/
This forecast will touch everyone, please pay attention to the transits as they unfold.
Public Announcement: There are still people asking me to bring my prices down due to the current state of the economy. I have then once more decided to bring the VIP Cosmic Code subscription price down from $99.00 to $35.00 for the rest of the year. Thus if you received this “Cosmic Code newsletter” from a loved one or a good friend please consider JOINING US and reward Dr. Turi for his efforts to give you his best. Doing so will get you also the new 2011 Moon Power E-book for FREE and also your FREE personal 2011 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast. Seniors pay also $35. All the money goes towards the production of my reality show, “ The Cosmic Code” with Dr. Turi.” Thank you for your donations. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html
Top of Form
The FREE “Dragon Newsletter” is NO MORE only my ‘round table” website http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/ offers now and then free goodies.
Thank you – DT
MARCH 2011 Universal Transits
The following pages describe the major transits that you will be experiencing for each months of the year 2011. This regular monthly report will give you insight into the challenges that you will encounter for the current month and the underlying lessons that they offer you. There are literally hundreds of positive and negative transits occurring for you each year, so my “Cosmic Code” newsletters report focuses on those for the current month of the current year. Note that I am using Nostradamus Divine Astrology and this methodology do not compare to the jargonized mathematical approach used by modern astrology. Astrology is an art and must be used as such with intuition and symbolism where objectivity plays a vital part in interpreting the heavens.
Please mention THIS DEAL with your order and mail your payment to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85016.
For your birthday I am offering any of my VIP born in MARCH a 90-mn taped Full Life Reading for $210 (save $100) This deal comes with your FREE career report and another tape of your choice: Make sure to copy print and insert this deal when you order if you are a VIP.
Hypnotherapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
Astro-Therapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
Dr. Schuze Natural Wonderful Health Tips
Dr. Turi – George Noory Top UFO Show
Radio Shows Soup On The Dragon
Skype or telephone Taped VIP Celebrity Reading for $450 – Regularly $700 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
NEW – Skype or telephone Taped Astro-Tarot for $200 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
Taped Full Life Reading $275 – Regularly $310 – Add $10 S&H Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.
Your Astro-Carto-Graphy for $150 – regularly $210 – S& H included – If you plan to move away under better stars to enjoy a more productive life you must have this service done.
12 Months Personal Lucky Dragon Dates for $75 – – regularly $100 – email service only. Indeed a very important service so you can be at the right place at the right time or avoid disasters.
Next LIVE course in Phoenix – Spend 7 days with Terania and Dr. Turi for $1000 (SAVE $500) *if you are a VIP ONLY.
Read it all here – http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
Astropsychology course by mail books/CD/DVD and materials for $810 – Regularly $1500
Remember the Dragon *as predicted back in December 2007 is about to move away from the US 2nd house of money and the karmic ending process will change by March 2011. Remember to REGULARLY visit my PLATFORM website http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/or www.drturi.com/newsletter/to read some of my Free Dragon newsletters you may have missed and to check on Special Announcements.
The “Exact” transit dates immediately prior to those dates are the times when the energies described will be felt most strongly and when actual events related to the transit are most likely to occur. Many transits will have three “Exact” dates listed. This is because the transiting planet goes retrograde (R) and then direct (D) again, causing three “hits.” When this is the case, the issues associated with the transit will surface on the first hit, there will be some progress toward resolving these issues on the second hit, and the third hit will bring final resolution.
Read this Universal transit report for the current month once now to get a general overview of the coming period. Then, as the issues described in this report begin to appear in your life, you can refer back to this report for suggestions on how to best handle the changes that you are experiencing. Even the worst transit can be a valuable experience if you are fortunate enough to “get” the lesson that it offers.
The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. Astrology can give you a “weather report” on the energies influencing you, but it is up to you to decide how you will react. Some people can benefit greatly under normally difficult transits because they eagerly meet the challenge head on. Others will not benefit from the most positive transits because they did not pursue opportunities presented to them. To learn more about your UCI and your fate you may request a personal reading http://www.drturi.com/readings.php or personal Dragon Window dates for the next 12 months if you would like to examine your upcoming changes more thoroughly and more personally. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Lastly I want to personally thank the so many old (and new) VIP subscribers that have decided to stay with us in 2011. I will make sure to offer you more “star food” by finding new ways to serve you.
Blessing to all
Now on to the transits report for the month of March 2011
March 2011 – Universal Transit For All
Mars (war) is in Pisces (Middle East) : 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 4 in a 30 Degree House
Remember Mars rules wars and Pisces rules the Middle East and the results are pretty obvious…
A Libyan military jet bombed a base in eastern Libya today, as embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi fought to hold onto his regime.
Tunisia prime minister resigns
Sultan of Oman: Hire 50,000 citizens
Indeed the Age of Pisces and the predicted implosion of the Middle East is taking place. Read more in my prediction page http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php
Jupiter in Aries: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 7 in a 30 Degree House
Jupiter increases luck in any area he is now in your chart. This mean if you have this planet in the 2nd house of money now, increasing opportunities to expand income and material possessions will come about. Career or investment interests may pay off handsomely, but overspending is a pitfall. A reading can help drastically to make a good use of this Jupiter lucky touch because I cannot translate the 12 areas and signs Jupiter occupy right now. This mean I would have to write a book about it or writing all day long just to translate this section only. In the next section “Horoscope for February” you will find more personal information but personal transits demand you to order the service via email. One must understand my limitation when I do Universal transits. Mean time if you soon strike lucky in one of the 12 departments of your life you will know that great Jupiter is for something…
Saturn in Libra: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Backwards at Degree 16 in a 30 Degree House
Saturn means hard work, pain, karma and Libra rules the law. Incidentally I am suing those two evil spirit that stole your donation and got confirmation that my case is pending court decision to appear. Shared resources, taxes and transitions will require adjustment and attention. Dependency on others is not recommended. Rely on yourself and good luck if you have bad karma to pay off..
Uranus in Pisces: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 29 in a 30 Degree House
Uranus rules explosion, aeronautics, bombing and fully explain what is again happening in the Middle East. Rebellious tendencies emerge. Read for more information in my 2011 Moon Power about the exactitude of what is happening with the current news. Events may be upsetting. The status quo must change… More surprising and unexpected news/events involving religious figures or the Pope are ahead. With the dying Age of Pisces numerous religious front will try to adapt or make a good use of technology to attract lost souls or keep their followers at bay. Yes indeed expect more weird news from this religious crowd. On a more productive note listen to your intuition and learn to recognize how God speaks through the stars, with my help you are on the right track.
(CNN) — A plane crashed Sunday night shortly after takeoff from the United Arab Emirates, killing the four people — all of them Americans — who were aboard, officials said Monday. MARS/URANUS IN PISCES?
Neptune is in Aquarius: Uranus (Aquarius) in Pisces or Neptune (Pisces) in Aquarius inhabits the same sign and will produce more of the above mentioned type of news. Neptune rules imagination and the art, Aquarius technology thus expect more interesting movies and the use of technology for medical use as Pisces (Neptune) rules also hospitals. One will feel or understand such powerful transits drastically when ordering a personal transit report or ordering a reading of course.
Neptune is in the subconscious house: 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 28 in a 30 Degree House
The art, water, exotic places and religion is in your mind, spirituality deepens. Compassion grows and solitude beckons. But it can be a time of self-undoing, delusions and secrets. Remain realistic.
Pluto (power) In Capricorn (Uncle Sam): 2/28/2011 12:00 AM, Moving Forwards at Degree 7 in a 30 Degree House –
Pluto *death/rebirth In Capricorn *politics/corporations/police read more in my prediction page http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php
Modern astrology says that; this transit will not occur during a person”s normal life span but on the Universal scheme of things we are all in the same bag. Thus anything involving power, sex, money, metaphysics, secret services, finances, and investment including witchcraft will undergo a full overhaul. But the area most affected will be governmental and financial changes. Wherever this transit takes place on your rising expect a form of life and death energy that can only serve you better in the long run
Be sure the “death” planet will force many of you to “die” in the house Pluto transit and all the affairs of this particular house. Thus if Pluto transits your 7th house of marriage be ready for a divorce, if Pluto transit your 2nd house of money be ready to rebirth yourself in this house etc. In the 10th house of career all matter related to the police, metaphysics, the medical field, investments, finances, life and death including your career will be on the fore. Unless you are educated in the housing system regulations or an Astropsychologist chances are you will not know what just hit you so dramatically. If you are mentally and emotionally prepared the “transformation” can and will only be beneficial. Your best shot is to let me do your 90 mn taped Full Life reading (or progressive reading) and make a good use of the FREE 90mn of Hypnotherapy tape I will join with your order because you will need it badly. Group activities will have a profoundly dangerous transforming effect. Hope, wishes and goals undergo transitions. Avoid manipulators and be aware.
Saturn in Libra: 3/1/2011 9:02 AM, Exact
This transit is dramatic as it involves serious karma where justice for all must be established and reflect what is taking place with some Middle Easter political abusers. The people feel as though they have lost time to make up for and must make every minute count to build a better future for themselves and their country. On a personal level you will eliminate many circumstances, things and people from your life now which are not contributing to your growth. The truth is that you are no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory conditions in your life you”ve tolerated but will make changes to achieve your own goals in life. Marriages will endure this transit if you are being honest about your needs and if the relationship is a strong one. Otherwise, you may examine your domestic life and find that you have been putting up with it more than enjoying it.
Don”t hold on to outdated people and things which will pass from your life now. Their passing will only make room for others who will be more in line with your new goals in life. Cutting ties to circumstances or people who are holding you back will only facilitate your own growth. Changes may seem scary now, but they are needed more than ever. If you have held onto circumstances in your life which are not good for you, you will experience this transit as a time of crisis. The things you hold onto the tightest will be ripped from your grasp in order that something new and more appropriate can take their place.
Uranus sextile Venus: 3/3/2011 7:44 AM, Exact
This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. You will attract new relationships during this transit–lovers as well as friends–and will benefit greatly from them. These new acquaintances carry a new air of acceptance with them that answers your need for freedom at this time. Your new friends will be an unusual departure from your friends of the past. They may be quite different from you in terms of their social background, age, race or culture. You are using better judgment in forming friendships at this time and can choose your friends more wisely. If you begin a love relationship under the effects of this transit, it will surely allow you a great deal more personal freedom. In order to last, any such partnership must maintain its original excitement and spontaneity. If it were to become dull, boring or too routine, it would never work. At the very least, your social life will be quite active now. You are trying to break away from any boring situations in your life, especially in your relationships. You will want to experience new depths of friendship and will seek partners who are more spontaneous and exciting.
Unexpected business opportunities may also arise now. This is a good time to explore those original (yet zany) ideas you have for making money, especially if they involve areas ruled by Venus (such as entertainment, the arts, music, luxury items) or Uranus (science, electronics, metaphysics). Your heightened intuition will help you find the best way to market your ideas.
Mars sextile Pluto: 3/3/2011 5:59 PM, Exact
Tremendous energy can be applied to group activities. Remodeling and renovation projects activate. Personal renewal is possible. Be very aware of the next SOS to the world, plutonic days…read moon power.
Mars conjunct Sun: 3/8/2011 9:10 AM, Exact
The energy is especially high and dangerous for many people depraved of Cosmic Consciousness. Much can be accomplished if ego energies don”t get out of hand. Do something physical but be aware of the danger.
Mars conjunct Mercury: 3/13/2011 5:39 AM, Exact
A tendency to speak with conviction could develop into a sharp tongue if challenged and this is a promise of many troubles ahead. There is a risk and danger of explosions in travel. Slow down and be cautious if you have to take a long trip..
Neptune is in Aquarius: Neptune (the sea/oil) in Aquarius (explosions/shocking news) or Uranus (explosions/shocking news) in Pisces (the sea/oil) display the same power. Thus through the Cosmic Code there is no accident by misunderstanding and misuse of the stars. Spiritual and intellectual growth and expansion are possible if one is willing to build Cosmic Consciousness as this transit supports intuition. Young souls may suffer confusion and religious misunderstanding. Travel by sea may bring about food poisoning (unless planned and experienced during a waxing (protective new moon). Stay clear of Neptunian gurus or deceiving religious groups and their Leaders, you may end up deceived you in the long run. Be practical in your spiritual research, try using your subconscious at your advantage “Beyond The Secret” is a great start and be amazed by the results- www.drturi.com/books.php
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Cosmic Code newsletter Transits are UNIVERSAL, if you need your Personal Transits please order from www.drturi.com/orders3.html or call Terania at 602-265-7667 – This service is performed the same day you order it and come to your mailbox via email.
12 months Personal Yearly Transit Forecast 30/35 pages email
(What the stars have in store PERSONALLY for you every day of the year)
Price: $25.95
The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
Dr. Turi
You may send your blessings to help humanity and build our first Astropsychology school to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST Phoenix, AZ 85016. Please go to http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html and donate for OUR cause and for the children of the future.
Blessings and thank you for your donations.
(602) 265-7667
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Dear VIP Reader;
”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
– Albert Einstein
Pastor Lindsey Williams broke into the Alex Jones Show today to put the events in the Middle East into a global perspective. He then said he received information over the weekend that “shook him to the core”. He will reveal all on Tuesdays show 2-22-2011. Tune and tell your friends. The Alex Jones Show airs live 11am to 3pm central.
It amazes me when people refer to the terrible “things” that are to come in this world not knowing they are themselves the very promoters of evil’s dark energy. I also wonder where a pastor can “receive” any type of information and from what sources? When the divulged information is coming from a priest, a minister, a pastor or anyone representing God on earth, I am already very skeptical because they ALL endorse the “end of the world“coming from the Middle East anyway.
Landing on one of those relentless inconsiderate schizophrenics lost souls scaring children with their destructive sermons on TV did it for me reader…I also wonder how ignorant and careless the parents also are to bring their own kids to such regular dirt feeding is simply unimaginable, and you wonder why this country breed so many sex offenders?
But how many “talking heads” and their religious guests knows about the destructive power coming from the Supraconscious in time and space and their “subconscious” participation in feeding evil the endless plate of dirt? Little do they know that; with time this horrible evil energy will ultimately become humanity’s future, I wish people could really understand the depth of my warnings when I write “The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” and stop feeding evil right away.
Secondly the predictions made by pastor Lindsey Williams and its numerous compatriots “working for God” are the same one as generated by the fearful spirit of my friend David Icke, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and so many others through their troubled UCI *Unique Celestial Identity loaded with a fear of losing control usually produced by the location of Saturn (fear) in Scorpio (power) or in Capricorn (the government.) Yes if you were born with Saturn (fear) in Aquarius (aeronautics) and you would not give a dam about politics or the government and your fears would be about boarding a plane and flying… Do you get me? With 12 specific Saturn “fear” placement by sign and house imagine the tremendous amount of legitimate Astropsychological information your “educated” psychologist is missing. Remember reader…
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination generates the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
What is taking place right now with oil and the Middle East is nothing else than a prediction I made back in 1995 on the Art Bell national radio show – Please acknowledge it first if you are a new comer to my work…
This prediction of a “religious war” was made MANY YEARS AGO and WELL before Pastor Lindsey Williams and David Icke, Glen Beck etc. careers dedicated to feed people with more fears became what it is today. While conspiracies are a reality on this physical plane the inner but real karmic reasons are left for people born with an advanced UCI to comprehend and translate accurately. It is so easy for anyone to let fears and imagination rule first his/her psyche then propagate into others’ reality.
But the problem is with time their accumulated fears somehow incorporate with forces unknown to their rigid logical mind and will be experienced “globally” on a later date. All that has ever transpired in the human history since the dawn of time is karmic in nature and pre-set by the creator himself. In this case what I saw back in 1995 or the tremendous changes taking place in the Middle East since then. But for anyone to appreciate the fact of a legitimate predictive gift one has to be either present from the first days of these predictions on national radio or be a faithful reader of my yearly Moon Power “Universal Guidance and Predictions.” And the sad fact is people are a bit too fast to assume anything and very slow in doing the mental gymnastics needed to investigate my past and appreciate my unarguable gift.
To those who know me well I also predicted ALL major news that followed since Art Bell and George Noory Coast To Coast radio show had me as a guest. And we are talking giving a series of exact dates for large earthquakes, 911 N.Y Terrorist Attack – Iraq War – SARS – Asia Tsunami – Mexico Oil Spill – Icelandic Volcano Eruption – Haiti Deadliest Quake Ever, Deadly Hurricanes, Shocking News, Nukes, California Fires, Deadliest Tornadoes In The US History, ALL major calamities worldwide including the full restructure of the FBI/CIA, the US economy, Mumbai India UK terrorist Attacks etc. In fact, ALL Major Earthquakes above 6.0 were FULLY and UNARGUABLY predicted in my book Moon Power and on my radio and television shows. But unless you listened to these shows or read my books you have the right to be skeptical about all the claims I am making.
A Libyan military aircraft crashed today southwest of Benghazi after the crew refused to follow orders to bomb the city
The fact is one must be able to offer solid proof of his “predictions” and make it available to the public BEFORE he/she could be trusted for more, it’s that simple! Where are Pastor Lindsey previous, dated posted predictions on FB or MySpace? I am still looking for so called famous psychics and astrologers alike posted predictions on all major websites the way I do… But what is a bit more complicated to assimilate is the “change of guards” or the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/oil) and indeed the impact produced on Middle East being a Pisces country.
Indeed this region, where ALL major religions were born is being FORCED into the Age of Aquarius. This “New Age” rules technology, the future of mankind, humanitarianism, freedom, explosions and no Age went away without serious war and lots of victims. People like Pastor Lindsey Williams, David Icke, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and so many others dirt speakers and conspiracy promoters are only peons of their own unperceptive UCI and verbally act out their fears. And the worse is, THEY DO NOT KNOW ZILT about it!
But that is nothing new in my book because every human being is; for good or for worse, “computerized” to subconsciously act out or react their natal stars… While man shoots satellites above and our infantile science discovers new planets and constellations daily, this world is so spiritually depraved…
This image from the Hubble Space Telescope indicates that a ring of dark matter likely exists around the center of CL0024+17, a cluster of galaxies
The True $$$$$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA
Published Feb 19th 2011 2:39pm
Thus, much of the “Talking Heads” especially the religious ones, are dealing with lower vibrations and not the archetypal realm of consciousness where true wisdom and the eternal “Cosmic Gears” and God divinity can be perceived in action and explained to the mortals. Regardless of their accomplishment on this hard physical plane, God’s highest spirit and celestial secrets are is only available to a minority of Cosmic Conscious advanced spirits and not available to the regular “educated/achieved Talking Heads” period.
Thus all the media elites, including Pastor Lindsey Williams can do is to deal with the present current affairs plaguing this world and subconsciously allow a mixture of religious poisoning and fears to dominate their psyche. The insanity is that; the very people that supposedly represent God on earth have absolutely NO clue of God himself… Thus without Cosmic Consciousness all these people can do is feed evil and let their fear rule their lives.
I will speak to you, you won’t hear me- I will present myself to you, you won’t see me…
The sad reality is that regardless of my endless warnings for years on Coast To Coast to STOP feeding evil, much of the radio and television media programs are nothing else than a river of malignant cancer cells being served to humanity on a regular base and no one seems to understand the gravity of my warnings. All the “Talking Heads” wants is RATINGS and attention where ego and greed rules, all at the expanse of humanity’s future.
I have been involved in metaphysics since forever and I was “picked” by extraterrestrials to take over and deliver Jesus’ altered celestial message but the forces of evil against me are getting stronger by the day. Evil spirits stole your donations for my proposed reality show and others envious souls managed to remove me from Wikipedia and Yahoo where I wrote for years.
I have lost a few battles against evil but not the war and this is why the emergency to get to the media with my message before it’s too late for humanity is so crucial. Until my birthday (Feb 26th) I have asked for a $10 donation, this is a supreme discount to join my VIP Cosmic Code subscribers list. But I must warn the reader again and again, without much interest or drive to help me all I can do is to write this type of newsletter to make you aware of the serious consequences awaiting humanity.
Updated – Indeed God is listening or the people of America are finally waking up! Glenn Beck’s fear-mongering is no longer on NYC radio – Let’s keep it that way – How many more are on the way? Remember my predictions about a “full restructure of communication? http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php
DON’T FEED EVIL! Stop the nightmare!
Glenn Beck’s radio show is now off the air in New York City — but two New York radio stations are thinking about picking it up, despite Beck’s continued fear-mongering and hateful rhetoric. Can you join us in telling station executives not to add Beck to their line-up? And after you do can you ask your friends and family to do the same and instead promote positivity and my work for a change? Thank you reader.
I will battle evil with or without your help because this is what God “crucified” me to do and I can only push forward hoping for your help… As unreal as it may appear to the reader, producing this reality show may be the only way to bring back sanity and save this world from its own spiritual collapse. But again, how can I appear non egocentric or mentally sane when I profess to be the only one who can prevent such a terrible future?
And this may be a bit too much to the envious or those who are depraved of Cosmic Consciousness or never witnessed/investigated my predictive gift. If I was right each time and unarguably “predicted” all major catastrophic news it may be a good idea to trust my “vision” of the future. And this is why the force of evil are working overtime to erase any trace of my wisdom and I to reach you before it is too late….Thousands of my newsletters (and obvious, dated, printed predictions) were removed from the Internet, years of writing evaporated from yahoo and FB is not allowing more friends to join my page…this should make you think reader. But thinking is not what I truly need, now is the time to act and help me to help you and your children…Yes reintroducing the face and the tools of God is exactly what EVIL cannot afford because it is the only real spiritual and physical salvation available to humanity…
Please join us, get your 2011 monthly personal horoscopes, transits and so much more spiritual guidance and predictions for $10 donation before the price goes back to $99.00 on my birthday or Feb 26th.
Since I predicted the restructure of the US economy back in December 2007 things took a serious nasty turn for America and all of us…As a matter of fact many lost their home, jobs and life as they knew it has gone. Now while this dated, printed “prediction” came obviously to pass forcing karma to reach the financial and political abusers in high places WE the people suffer much more. Do you know that some elected officials YOU PAID to help you have a better life get over $600.000 in their retirement plan?
Do you know that the American aristocracy currently in power is sucking whatever is left of America to the point where no hopes is left in the hearts of the general population? Crimes have exploded, gangs and drug lords have no fears anymore and pirates kill innocent people knowing the US Navy is sailing the same waters near them. What’s going on here people? What’s going on is that; people don’t seem to care about their welfares as much as they should do and people do not seem to care about the own survival of the sprit itself.
Religions have killed so many innocent people and are still abusing the ignorant God fearing mass. Yes those greedy “well intended” help the children EVIL ORG.anisations and thousands of others are only financially motivated! These self concerned greedy Illuminati based corporations are still operational and sucking more from YOU. But as much as revolutions, wars and its victims seem to be the only way to change things, the current Status Quo is totally misleading and extraordinary abusive. The overworked over abused soul is trapped but has done NOTHING to get rid of the fleas, the hyenas or the force of evil in charge of their lives. I recall a prediction made that many people remember about a INTERNAL REVOLUTION, in the US and is the Middle East burgeoning religious war the starting point?
May God Bless Their Lost Christian Souls
A round-the-world boating adventure ended tragically today for four Americans, whom pirates shot to death after hijacking their yacht in the Indian Ocean last week, U.S. officials said
When the mighty above refuses to protect those traveling the world passing on “the good words of the Lord” something quite obvious is taking place as far as omens are concerned reader. The question remain, can you read the signs or omens as good as I do? The very Bible they so enthusiastically gave away to the easy ignorant targets serves only the Illuminati purposes and in some deadly ways God is interfering.
I wonder what these dedicated; God fearing “young souls” were doing in those dangerous Neptunian waters selling Christianity to Somalis knowing the majority are Sunni Muslims? Finding the pile of Bibles in the boat fired hatred (the obvious result of any and all religions) and yet another “religious local war” took place in the boat and like many of their predecessors they met with an early death that could have easily been prevented had these souls read my warnings in my book 2011 Moon Power. Acknowledge the obvious reader…
Memo from my book – Pluto is back with us; Be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reign on earth!
Furthermore acknowledgment making Dr. Turi the real thing…
Travel and Communication: Be smart and patient on the road we are under a dangerous “Super Nova Window”. Avoid the sarcastic remarks of others, and be aware of Pluto’s desire for drama. Some people may call you for advice or share their secrets. Better keep it a secret for now, as Pluto does not like to talk. Pluto may decide to take many human lives in dramatic accidents or terrorists act. The full year of Plutonic, Uranic and Moonic window dates are available to my VIP”s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at (602) 265-7667 Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW! http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html
Thus reader, let’s use logic and intelligence here for a change, is there anywhere in the wasteful biblical “Illuminati” produced religious junk any REAL – SOLID advise that could have been used for those specific “Plutonic” days at sea?
Did any of those lost souls knew about the waning moon and the “Plutonic window” OBVIOUSLY printed and dated in my 2011 Moon Power publication? NOand this is where the problem is with the world today, religious people from all walks of life would rather be deceived and pay for it than to wake up and rise to the real God and his Universal will I offer my readers on a daily base. None of the “sacred books” ,mentioned under will EVER come close to the simplicity and accuracy of my work. Tell me, even with the English exact translation if in any of those “sacred” books would have warned them about what I explicitly noted above for the days death took them all away?
For the sake of humanity this pile of old Junk must be discarded – Time to get a lap top and read Dr. Turi’s facts about God’s true manifestation
The Analects
Bhagavad Gita
Five Classics
New Testament
Old Testament
While very spiritual, comforting, wise and soothing this Neptunian material is for the spirit, it does NOT offer tangible answers or obvious proofs of God”s Universal manifestation or “translate” any of the signs in a practical way that can be used in this dense physical world PERIOD! My book does translate God”s divinity in a splendid and unarguable way, unless the reader is RETARDED! Excuse my French my natal problem with stupidity tends to haunt me at most appropriate moment reader…
Yes the Age of Pisces with its deceiving religious teachings, illusion and ignorance is on its way OUT and YES the Age of Aquarius, intelligence, brotherhood, humanitarianism and God’s Universal Laws is birthing. Do you see it the way I do reader?
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi’s FREE Global Teleclass
Hilton Johnson Productions, Inc.
Monday, March 7th at 10:00 pm ET
(8: pm AZ time)
This Global Teleclass and the Cosmic Code trailer will be taped in Studio in Los Angeles by Movie Producer Edmund Druillet.
Please tell Edmund how you feel about him helping me in this project – Email him with your feedback – edmunddruilhet@gmail.com
All about the Moon, emotions, domesticity, depressions, suicides and how the moon rule women. I will also talk about Ophiuchus constellation and the 13th sign of the Zodiac. The moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty…Her shadow upon the earth is mysterious, powerful and regulates the sins and virtues of all human beings.
During my next teleclass I will elaborate on the dynamics of Astropsychology, explain more on the so called new zodiac, the 13th sign dilemma then elaborate in great details on how the moon affect the 12 signs of the zodiac and affect all living things particularly the sensitive human psyche. I will also explain the purpose of the moon in the belt of the Zodiac and how those 12 houses making up the 12 specific areas of the human experience works. Thus get your pen and paper and be ready to raise your Cosmic Consciousness further as to handle your natal moon position properly.
We thank you again Louis for putting it on your newsletter.
Tom / Cathy
Cosmic Chronicles
Website – http://azaliens.com/
Question? Help? Talk to Terania – 602-265-7667
Dear VIP Subscriber;
Now realize that my PERSONAL views of Mr. Ron Paul are based upon his “UCI” or (Unique Celestial Identity) and can be FULLY UNDERSTOOD ONLY if the reader possess enough “Cosmic Consciousness.” To grasp my “vision” and the PRE– disposed fate of any person discussed in my newsletters one must be aware of the full impact of the Cosmic Code upon the human psyche. In these last free VIP Cosmic Code samples I am offering the reader the option to pass the limitation of the 5 human senses and expose people”s true faces and values. I will use simple terms so the reader can comprehend how God “designed” his children and imposes his celestial will upon them.
Remember the “Cosmic Code” do not care about your logic, your love or your reasoning, your education, your experiences or any of the deceiving religious doctrines you have accepted as fact. Human operates at a 99.09 % subconscious ratio and are totally unaware of the divinity making up their fate, actions and beliefs. Another words human of all walks of life are simply the “robots” of their own stars…
Most of your reasoning, judgment and decisions are based upon the above-mentioned reasons. But ultimately when it comes to my work one must be able to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and this may be impossible without the gift of an advanced UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. The uneducated God fearing gullible mass is an easy target for the “Illuminati” in control of this world and the information reaching the broadcasting media.
Let’s hope I don’t get killed before I can expose the truth by reaching the media for they are indeed over working to keep my unarguable predictive talent silent and my teachings to reach you . http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/forum/topics/sos-to-the-world-3
As a matter of fact, I have right now thousands of requests from my Facebook account seating there but the option to accept them is forbidden and I cannot fulfill those many friends’ requests – My Internet enemies *Illuminati have ruined my accounts on FB, Yahoo where I was a contributor for years and lately manged to remove me from Wikipedia – Wish me luck and if you like my work simply join us at http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/
To those of you who heard me on Coast To Coast (and ALL my other shows) I REPEATEDLY and for years told George Noory to be ready for a SERIOUS INCREASE in UFO activity. Incidentally, they did not call me back on the show at the beginning of the year to do my usual 2011 predictions and have not asked me to be on the air since last November when I did the show from the South of France. The Illuminati at work against Dr. Turi?
When I mentioned previously that; “the mass is uneducated, manipulated, gullible and an easy target for the “Illuminati” in power and in control of the information and the media, I did not exaggerate anything. When I also AFFIRM that UFO’s are REAL I also exaggerate nothing especially if you take the time to read in great details what happened to me since the tender age of 6 years old.
I hope to see a few of you at my next event on my birthday in Phoenix http://ufocongress.com/tag/ufo-congress/ and if you want to know what the extraterrestrials did to me and my ex- wife Brigitte either get the DVD titled “UFO Legacy” (and a FREE 90 mn tape of my CTC, UFO show with George Noory) from http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html or get the book “Beyond The Secret” and read ALL about the reality of UFO.
Now let’s start the long Astropsychology profile of Ron Paul where I will explain his strengths, both is spiritual and physical weaknesses and his fate , all based upon his natal UCI. But before I do so, realize that your political or religious views are well understood, respected and like me and thanks to the 1st Amendment, we are still “allowed” in this great country to express ourselves freely.
Sun 26Leo32 (1) The self – Soul’s purpose – Fame – Stage – Children – Kings
Moon 18Tau32 (10) Career – Public Standing – Accomplishments
Mercury 06Vir48 (2) Money Spent/Made – Self Esteem
Venus 22Vir39 (2) Money Spent/Made – Self Esteem
Mars 12Sco34 (4) Home – Real Estate – Family Affairs – Security
Jupiter 15Sco42 (4) Home – Real Estate – Family Affairs – Security
Saturn 07Pis38 (8) Death – Corporate Endeavors – Pay Check
Uranus 05Tau29 (10) Career – Public Standing – Accomplishments
Neptune 13Vir39 (2) Money Spent/Made – Self Esteem
Pluto 26Can28 (12) Subconscious – Hidden Enemies – Deception
Dragon’s Head – 19Cap59 (6) Work – Service to the world – Health
Dragon’s Tail – 19Can59 (12) Subconscious – Hidden Enemies – Deception
IN CRITICAL DEGREES: Pluto (Assassination/drama).
MOON PHASE: Disseminating (waning moon – negative – heart attack /accident by air or assassination)
Ron Paul has been described as conservative, Constitutionalist, and libertarian.[2] He advocates a non-interventionist foreign policy, having voted against actions such as the Iraq War Resolution, but in favor of force against terrorists in Afghanistan.
Again looking at his religious upbringing there is no surprise why he would not endorse any form of death. With no awareness of both the “Universal Code” and the subconscious pull Ron Paul does not know anything about astrology or the “sign” of LEO!
I teach my students that All Leo’s have a subconscious fear of death and decay and he, “subconsciously” like many of my accredited doctor’s students, chose a medical career.
Paul considered also becoming a Lutheran minister like two of his brothers and his poisoned religious upbringing add to his reluctance of letting women be in charge of their body.
In 2005 and 2007, Paul introduced the Sanctity of Life Act, which would remove federal court jurisdiction over abortion cases arising from state laws and effectively negate Roe v. Wade as binding legal precedent. Also, for the purposes of statutory construction over the jurisdictional limitation imposed, the bill declares, “human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.”[77][78] Paul has also introduced a Constitutional amendment with similar intent. Also in 2005 and 2007, Paul introduced the We the People Act, which would forbid all federal courts from hearing cases on abortion, same-sex marriage, sexual practices, and government display of religious symbols, texts, and images. The Act would make federal court decisions on those subjects nonbinding as precedent in state courts,[79] and would forbid federal courts from spending money to enforce their judgments.
This is very serious because now Ron Paul is IMPOSING his religious views on all the FREE spirits because of his OWN fears of death and diseases. But who can blame him; he is also a victim and a religiously poisoned Leo making the situation and his vital political position (and a future law maker) very serious for all the spiritually advanced women in this country. Your freedom of choice has been snapped away Ladies and before you can realize what happened to you, your kids would have the Christian bible showed down their throats at school and will be trained and later on “subconsciously” victimized and ready (like the poisoned radical Muslims) to die for Jesus. What a mess!
Like all Leo, Ron Paul faces the world as an Aquarius (aeronautics) and was lead by the “Universal Code” to serve in Vietnam as a flight surgeon. Again there is NO accident with the stars and ALL is PRE set in the subject’s life! To understand more about the housing system and how those 12 specific houses interacts in one life and fate you will find the key of what it means to be human in my latest book “Beyond The Secret”. Remember I can only teach you so much in my newsletters and knowledge is power ignorance is evil. http://www.drturi.com/books.php
Paul was the first Republican representative from the area; his successful campaign against Gammage surprised local Democrats who had expected to retain the seat easily in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Gammage underestimated Paul”s support among local mothers: “I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he practiced, because he”d delivered half the babies in the county. There were only two obstetricians in the county, and the other one was his partner. Paul continued to deliver babies on Mondays and Saturdays during his entire term as the 22nd district representative.
Paul continued delivering his constituents” babies even while serving in Congress. In 2001, he was one of only eight doctors in the House; even fewer continued to practice while in office. He is occasionally approached by younger area residents to thank him for attending their births.
Again with no “Cosmic Consciousness” Ron Paul does not know why he worked so hard delivering children. The answer is clear if you are an educated Astropsychologist because Leo rules LIFE and CHILDREN and the 5th house of creativity where a woman will “create” her child.
Paul sponsors many more bills than the average representative, such as those that would abolish the income tax[64] or the Federal Reserve; many do not reach the House floor for a vote.
Now only a bunch of unwise souls would either endorse or believe this political move (junk). No government EVER has or will EVER survive without your taxes but is this fact something too much to ask the mass? Your politicians will cry, lie, or make you believe what EVER you want (like any Ministers) to get YOUR VOTES! But in this case he truly believe he is right and will enforce HIS religious views if elected.
Like religions politics STINKS right from its core but it is a “Capricorn” (seen as the head of evil/goat by the Christians) crucial part of the human experience. The only difference is seeing the truth and if you are into any religion (or believe Ron will get rid of the IRS) you may as well stop reading my advanced spiritual material right now…
With his Sun (life force) in Leo (fame) Ron Paul (like Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson or Schwarzenegger – also Leos ) has the stars to build his stage.
His Moon (infrastructure of the US) in Taurus (money, stability) his stars promise wealth and progressive financial business for the US and all of us. Incidentally Ex-President Bill Clinton was also born with the same moon position while Saddam Hussein was born with a Moon (families / infrastructures of his country Iraq) in Scorpio (death/drama). Now we all know what it means to elect a President with the wrong stars do we? I can only hope for your reader…
Ron Paul’s Dragon’s Head (luck) is located in the sign of Capricorn (politics) and the “Cosmic Code” can either destroy him before the election day or open the door wide to power. With Pluto (power/drama) in currently in this sign politicians are behaving like a bunch of wild hyenas and are not as Diplomats I may add. Note Obama (and Capricorn wife) is also a Leo and could suffer the same fate (or Democritus attacks) as Ron Paul.
This is terrible, unsophisticated, irresponsible, irrespective and represents Pluto (power/sarcasm) at its utmost legally destructive best, when is the last time a President and his wife got so hammered so bad by other Plutonic heads?
Note – 1/15/2008 Clinton and Ron Paul both called for an end to the bitter fight – yes politics really stinks…
Ron Paul Mercury (the mind) is located in the critical medically oriented sign of Virgo (the Virgin Marie) depicting why he is such a perfectionist, a doctor and a religious poisoned soul.
His Venus (perception of women and love) is ALSO in this VIRGO PURITANICAL sign and enunciate his critical “expectation” of all women in general. Yes take care of your own womb Ron… Women have a voice and the right to do what is best for them, stay clear from women wish and respect their choices.
His Mars (danger/drive) is in Scorpio (SEX) and denotes a lot of nasty secrets involving his close family members and the fight for control and powers between the brothers. Many religious leaders and ministers are Leo, the thirst for control and power (negative Leo ego trait) is allowed in the dark corner of a church where the Plutonic power (sex/manipulation) is set free by RAPING innocent children under the cover of the “robe” of the good priest. Check the billions of dollars spent by the church to cover up this fact or pay off the victims of sex abuse!
Ron Paul’s Saturn (discipline/structure) is located in the pious deceiving sign of Pisces (religion/deception) right in his 8th house (secrets/sex) and again enunciate serious secret sex endeavors, motivations and deep-seated religious fears.
Ron Paul”s natal Dragon’s Tail is in Cancer (America is a Cancer country) and depict a karmic totally innocent dedicated work with the American people. In his past life Ron Paul was a women where (as a nun and a midwife) his main occupation was to deliver, protect and feed babies. Many of his lives were spent in France, Italy, the Middle East, India and England. In many ways electing a President with a fated Dragon’s Tail in his country of birth will damage women freedom in the long run and reinforce a (beyond the scenery) politically oriented church running the show.
Ron Paul HIDDEN Dragon’s Tail is ALSO in Pisces (religion/deception) and while totally committed to bring stability, security to this country his hidden agenda is also to bring back morality and more power to the Church Inc.
Saturn (the great malefic) in his house of death can only suggest a very long life and dying in his hospital bed or a cloudy death where NO one (like the assassination of Kennedy) will ever find out what really happened to him.
His Dragon’s Head in Capricorn suggest a RE-building of the old America as it once was politically, proud, rich and strong. But Ron Paul PISCES HIDDEN Dragon’s Tail (religion/deception) an upsurge of religious battles will take place here in the US to keep the same abusive corporate religious “statu quo” alive. But what is worse is Ron Paul HIDDEN Dragon’s Tail (troubles) in Pisces and this sign rules the entire Middle East. Thus electing him is also a sure demise for many young soldiers in a currently “broiling” predicted religious war future conflicts.
His Dragon”s Tail is a serious danger for America and could lead this country into a nightmare on so many fronts as God”s higher order imposes a “change of Guards” between the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/lies/abuses) and its counterpart, the Age of Aquarius (freedom/humanitarianism/technology/UFO). himself does not endorse the future of humanity. The sad reality is that Ron Paul is a Leo and this sign carries a subconscious fear of death and make them all prone to subscribe to a religious beliefs. But without Cosmic Consciousness there is no room for auto analysis from his part of a better understanding of his / America”s fate. Good luck to you people when he gets in power…
This inner ideology while very tactful for America”s religious mass to get elected has always worked. However this does not help to free the world”s Universal spirit from future oppression and competitive religious fanatics ready to die in the name of their own erroneous convictions. A dead end for humanity until obliteration of fear and ignorance is replaced by a universal awareness with the right education where ALL religions of the past will not interfere with the future of humanity.
Ron Paul’s most dangerous ground is his own misleading pious self maintaining the energy of endless religious conflicts currently plaguing the entire world. His stars will bring the people that vibrates at his archaic level and America deeper into the unlearned karmic lesson humanity has failed to heed during the last two thousand years.
Sarah Palin (AN AQUARIUS!) said “the Constitution is based on the Bible and the Ten Commandments.”
Sarah Palin (AN AQUARIUS!) think ” I”ll do and say what ever the hell I have to get on that stage again and show off…
Is Sarah using the system to gain more fame and more power or is she omitting her souls” purpose as an Aquarius and promote the FREE spirit of humanity? and this is where the real problem is when your political and religious leaders are depraved of Cosmic Consciousness.
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination generates the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”
Dr. Turi
“The future has and will always be my only faithful witness”
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
To All my students who took the Astropsychology course by mail
We are planning an ADVANCED course in Phoenix, AZ next April. I will start from the scratch thus advanced or not if you want to master the Cosmic Code secrets email us at dr.turi@cox.net to reserve your seat. 35 people maximum – ALL the students will communicate and introduce themselves before meeting in our Star room just in case you need to share a room, rent a car, travel etc . Read more from http://http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
SUPER DEAL – Remember you have until my birthday or February 26th to become a VIP for a $10 donation, after this date the price will be back to $99http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter
Dr. Turi’s FREE Global Teleclass
Hilton Johnson Productions, Inc.
Monday, March 7th at 10:00 pm ET
(8: pm AZ time)
This Global Teleclass and the Cosmic Code trailer will be taped in Studio in Los Angeles by Movie Producer Edmund Druillet.
Please tell Edmund how you feel about him helping me in this project – Email him with your feedback – edmunddruilhet@gmail.com
All about the Moon, emotions, domesticity, depressions, suicides and how the moon rule women. I will also talk about Ophiuchus constellation and the 13th sign of the Zodiac. The moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty…Her shadow upon the earth is mysterious, powerful and regulates the sins and virtues of all human beings.
During my next teleclass I will elaborate on the dynamics of Astropsychology, explain more on the so called new zodiac, the 13th sign dilemma then elaborate in great details on how the moon affect the 12 signs of the zodiac and affect all living things particularly the sensitive human psyche. I will also explain the purpose of the moon in the belt of the Zodiac and how those 12 houses making up the 12 specific areas of the human experience works. Thus get your pen and paper and be ready to raise your Cosmic Consciousness further as to handle your natal moon position properly.
We thank you again Louis for putting it on your newsletter.
Tom / Cathy
Cosmic Chronicles
Website – http://azaliens.com/
Question? Help? Talk to Terania – 602-265-7667