Month: January 2013

Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio


Dear VIP Reader;

Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi

In my last TV show in Tucson I emphasized how,  unknowingly Rep. Gabrielle Giffords  (born June 8, 1970)  mishandled the Superconscious  forces and subconsciously fed evil for many years before the “accident” ultimately materialized.  Especially with the Tail of the Dragon moving into the sign of Gemini (she is a Gemini) . It is part of the fate of politicians born in June to arouse death from their 8th house of drama, traditionally ruled by sign of Capricorn who rules politics and the government.

(Update 1/26/2016) – Knowing Ted Cruz is a Capricorn, the stars endorse him fully to become heavily involved with politics and one day, may become the President. 

Donald Trump President?

Trump: Ban abortions, punish women who get them


“In a 1999 interview, Trump called himself “pro-choice in every respect,” though he said that he did not like the concept of abortion.”

There are millions of people born in June including Trump and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio that will feel this karmic impact as the Dragon moves endlessly throughout the belt of the zodiac.  An astrological system our infantile science has so much to learn and knows NOTHING about “Astroforensics.”

(Update 1/26/2016) Gee this article was published 01/30/2011 and since then Joe Arpaio felt the full impact of my visions… Sheriff Joe Arpaio ignored legal advice on following judge’s – Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Facing More Legal Troubles – Top Ten Reasons to recall Joe – Sheriff Arpaio –  Arizona sheriff denies targeting illegal immigrants by skin

Everyone including the police missed the obvious physical “signs” predisposing Jared or Adam Lanza  to fulfil their horrific act,  but who’s heeding the warnings or the teachings I am trying so hard to convey the world?

The reality is like 99.09% of the world’s population,  the toughest Sheriff in the US is cosmic unconscious and know nothing of the Cosmic Code! He, like the oblivious mass, act out his stars. In fact his  natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity is what propelled him to become a top cop…

This does not mean the Police Agency Administration and Performance will ever stop wasting cops and law obedient citizens lives and WE the people, tax dollars fighting endless legal battles?  Will the police ever honor the world INVESTIGATION and become better detectives? No way, there is no fixing religious fears or atheist “educated” convictions. 

Police Requiem

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

(Born June 14, 1932)

So using the futuristic science of Astroforensics let me expose Joe’s psyche and explain his UCI and his fate,


Sun              22Gem43  (1) Soul’s purpose – Dual life, two lives in one – and you wonder why Rep. Giffords got spared? She is like a cat and benefit from a few lives!

Moon          20Lib20     (5) Creativity, speculation emotional response to life – Note Libra rules the Law and Astropsychology and you wonder why Joe always wanted to become a cop?

Mercury      23Gem36  (1) The self – Critical thinking, a talker, likes jokes, a writer a teacher, argumentative.

Venus         14Can39   (2) Money, self esteem – Emotional, sensitive with kids, pets and family

Mars            23Tau59  (12) Detriment  -secret money affairs, guilt danger/surgery neck area.

Jupiter        18Leo37  (3) Jupiterian Mind/communication, lucky/growth/philosophical/bossy – Opportunity for fame (Jupiter rules the law, pets and Latino people)

Saturn         04Aqu02  (9) Dignity  – Higher learning, teachings, originality applied with legal structure – Unbending perceived as unconstitutional

Uranus        22Ari35  (11) Friends/groups – Original / friendly (walking talking with TV (Uranus) dealing with convicts.

Neptune      05Vir25  (4) Detriment  – Tough stressing/traditional/religious upbringing/serious parental (the Mother) regulations impact.

Pluto            20Can55  (2) Money/self esteem regulated by the planet of power, Pluto the ruler of the Police force and criminals – No wonder why he is a good cop and feels at home with criminals.

Midheaven 22Sag43  (7) Face the world as a teacher/philosopher with a powerful love and respect for animals and nature/

Dragon’s Head – MNNode     21Pis33  (10) Career/accomplishments – The head of the Dragon (protection/growth) is in Pisces, this sign rules jails/drugs/religions and confinement. No wonder he run AZ prisons… But those explanations can only make sense to my smart students  and to all those curious people who took my home course! In no way will the cosmic unconscious soul make sense to such an advanced, spiritual material.

Dragon’ s Tail – MSNode     21Vir33  (4) Home base – The tail of the Dragon (negative/restrictive) is in Virgo inducing the puritanical, cleaning, cleansing process upon inmates. Joe is like Trump, a perfectionist who wants to “clean” the world. This is the top position for racist born souls.

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Moon in Libra   Venus in Cancer – Emotional response to life – Dedicated to justice

RULER OF CHART: Neptune  – This planet rules jails, prisons, hospitals, churches confinement, drugs, religions, deception, fishing, boating the ocean and exotic places. Joe Arpaio is a true Neptunian lead by  a Cosmic God to operate where drugs, criminal,  deception, suicide, religion reign, or PRISONS!

PLANETARY HOUR LORD: Mars This planet rules danger, guns, machinery and all the police work with and represents his competitive, aggressive nature.


Cardinal      5 42 % wanting to become build and structure (HIGH)

Fixed             3 25 % Fixity of purpose (Balanced)

Mutable      4 33 % Adaptable (Balanced)


Fire        2 17 % Ego

Earth    2 17 % Logical

Air         6 50 % Intellectual

Water   2 17 % Emotional

MOON PHASE:   First Quarter Lucky and protected as long as the Dragon is in good aspect. (That will change in March 2011 for about two years.) There are strong chances of assassination and/or a full restructure of his base of operation (moving) and career (retirement) ahead of him. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is seriously prone to get bad repercussion for his acts from the mass or a criminal born “Death Wish Generation.”

Like Rep. Gifford, and Trump, his 6th house of work is Plutonic (working at night) and extremely dangerous while his 8th house of retirement plan/paycheck/death is located in the government sign of Capricorn ruling the US government, careers and political endeavors.

The Tail of the Dragon in Gemini makes him particularly vulnerable in June or September especially during one of his “unlucky” dragon date windows. 2011 Universal Dragon Dates


In many of his past lives Sheriff Joe Arpaio was a woman, a nun to be precise where the puritanical legacy and cleanliness is quite obvious in his hidden celestial karmic make up and endeavors.

His/Her life was spent then in  total confinement where the bare minimum was all she had (food/shelter) living in numerous convents promoting the good words of the Lord. The drive to clean off our society of the wrong, guilty, dirty “scumbags” is deeply encrusted in his psyche but could cost him in the long run where he could either meet death or find himself in the same very jail or confined in an hospital bed…

Again do not expect his superiors, or the “educated” police psychologists/psychiatrists  doing the cop’s hiring to remotely understand the true power of Astroforensics just yet.

For the sake of our Sheriff, if you are a cop or one of his supporter direct Joe towards my work, email him this newsletter and hopefully the Sheriff (or  any US Marshals) will heed my warnings and do some real detective work on Dr. Turi”s methodology which happens to be a million miles ahead of conventional psychological teachings.

Indeed the police academy should incorporate my work but as always my offer to teach them my methodology and use my software for FREE went nowhere…

Take the time to email Arpaio (or Trump) and tell them why they should heed my warnings while traveling on foreign ground or against their personal cosmic biorhythms. Even with a very strong security, their stars could induce an untimely death they do not need. And you can be sure, a foreigner will be to blame!

Yes “Piling Higher and Deeper” educated cops hire souls that are NOT supposed to be cops and they are the first one to die or become rotten, abuse their position and cost  “WE” the people tons of wasted taxes in legal disputes. That is if the crooked cop does not rape or kill law obedient citizens victimized by their own personal stars by being at the wrong place at the wrong time!

Remember my “secret” email list is made up of many very powerful police executives i.e. ; but NOTHING has been done to save the lives of our brave police officers battling criminals or the public dying for no reasons.

I have NO fears for the TRUTH must prevail and I wish more people had GUTS like I do to investigate my claims and support my cosmic wisdom, because it is REAL!

Yes I do have the technology, the know how, the wisdom acquired in my 61 years of independent research, but did any of those who are supposed to serve and protect us tried me yet? NOPE!

”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” – Albert Einstein

The sad reality is Sheriff Joe Arpaio like the Law Enforcement Agency and ALL the people making up the executive branches are totally depraved of Cosmic Consciousness and do not know or respect the Laws of the Divine.

Something they will all have to oblige as it speaks of the Glory of God and his ultimate Universal will. The crucial help we can provide to the cops personally and the police universally is ridicule and totally denied…

Is God enforcing a serious plan for us to move forward in life and stop beating a dead horse? Should I enjoy the few years I have left enjoying Terania’s love and go fishing or keep trying to wake up humanity about God cosmic Divinity and all his impartial celestial rules?

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

VIP’s only: Before enjoying your “2011 February Transits” and read your “Elaborated Personal Horoscope for Each Signs” from catch up on the Cosmic Code platform website for the latest news about my last TV show and some unlucky celebrities.

More on the Tucson TV Show About Gabrielle Giffords, Christina Green, Jared Laughner

Then as predicted, more on Sheen

Yes while Sheen is rich and famous he has no clue of who he is and how to apply his will against his Virgo destructive UCI, he is not as lucky as you are reader because you can read all about what it means to be a Virgo, enjoy the gifts or suffer the shortcomings of this sign from – Note also that Jared Laughner and Christina were also born in September and as explained in my last TV show, this sign is prone to induce or suffer a violent death…

Your donations to beat the EVIL of IGNORANCE and  save this world from total spiritual collapse are welcome

Sharing emails


You will not be insulted when I call you a mensch if you put that word in Google. Regards,


Good Morning Dr. T,

Monday morning my phone was ringing off the wall from local listeners wanting your email address again and asking me tons of questions in light of Moscow terror attacks and police shootings. Now …I”m working very hard to have everyone listen to old shows and I posted that on cosmic code. I’m doing it all again this Sunday and you are always invited as long as in coincides w/ your schedule. Keep me posted .

Luv Linda

Dear Dr. Turi;

I was at the Cosmic Chronicles public access TV show tonight and bought a book from you. You said in a past life I was in Germany and in the military. This could seem kind of open ended except that my first regression session I ever received yielded that I had been in Navy intelligence in Germany AFTER the war and died at the hands of Nazis by torture in 1948. This made no sense until recently when I found out about the Illuminati and their use of Nazis after the war. Where I was taken was a remote location in Germany so I don”t know what you saw in me but you had tapped into a primary and recent part of my history. Here”s something to ponder, my website and where I will be on 9/11/11 Thanks for the book and looking forward to reading it –


DT – Hi Tom thanks for being in the audience last night and for the note of confirmation…Yes I can do that and you will see much more in the reality show I am working on to launch, it was my pleasure meeting you my friend.





Dr. Turi on Project Camelot

TV Show In Tucson AZ – January

The Cosmic Code Reality Show  February – MAYBE! STILL HOPE!

Dr Turi’s Next Global Teleclass

March –

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –602 265-7667

February Universal Transists


Dear VIP Readers;

Just in case you get confused with my newsletters the FREE “Dragon Newsletter” is dedicated to the public and my way to say thank you to many readers supporting my work that have bought T-shirts to keep my basic website “roundtable” operational.

If you still have problem or need more information on other newsletters or websites go to

Please, become a participant DON”T MISS ANYTHING, my work is real and your financial support/donations are saved to produce my TV reality show project.

Please take the time to investigate my predictions from my website  located at and pass them on to all the people you know. Most importantly if you are one of those unlucky souls feeling abnormally depressed, remember to read the so very important newsletter titled “A note From Terania published May 23rd from


This forecast will touch everyone, please pay attention to the transits as they unfold.


The following pages describe the major transits that you will be experiencing for each months of the year 2011. This regular monthly report will give you insight into the challenges that you will encounter for the current month and the underlying lessons that they offer you. There are literally hundreds of positive and negative transits occurring for you each year, so my “Cosmic Code” newsletters report focuses on those for the current month of the current year. Note that I am using Nostradamus Divine Astrology and this methodology do not compare to the jargonized mathematical approach used by modern astrology. Astrology is an art and must be used as such with intuition and symbolism where objectivity plays a vital part in interpreting the heavens.



– Please mention THIS DEAL with your order and mail your payment to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85016.

For your birthday I am offering any of my VIP born in FEBRUARY a 90-mn taped Full Life Reading for $210 save $100) This deal comes with your FREE career report and another tape of your choice: Make sure to copy print and insert this deal when you order if you are a VIP.


  • Hypnotherapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
  • Astro-Therapy – For the Body Mind And Soul
  • Dr. Schuze Natural Wonderful Health Tips
  • Dr. Turi – George Noory Top UFO Show
  • Radio Shows Soup On The Dragon



DR. TURI – Skype or telephone Taped VIP Celebrity Reading for $450 – Regularly $700 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.

NEW TERANIA– Skype or telephone Taped VIP Celebrity Reading for $100FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.

DR. TURI – Skype or telephone Taped Astro-Tarot for $250 – Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.

DR. TURI –Taped Full Life Reading $275 – Regularly $310 – Add $10 S&H Add $10 S&H to receive your tape and all the material you need to regenerate your body, mind and soul.

NEWTERANIA – Your Astro-Carto-Graphy for $150 – regularly $210 – S& H included – If you plan to move away under better stars to enjoy a more productive life you must have this service done.

NEWTERANIA –12 Months Personal Lucky Dragon Dates for $50– regularly $100 – email service only. Indeed a very important service so you can be at the right place at the right time or avoid disasters.

Next LIVE course in Phoenix – Spend 7 days with Terania and Dr. Turi for $1000 (SAVE $500) *if you are a VIP ONLY.

Read it all here –

Astropsychology course by mail books/CD/DVD and materials for $810 – Regularly $1500


Remember the Dragon *as predicted back in December 2007 is about to move away from the US 2nd house of money and the karmic ending process will change  by March 2011. Remember to REGULARLY visit my astrology group read some of the Free Dragon newsletters you may have missed and to check on Special Announcements.

The “Exact” transit dates immediately prior to those dates are the times when the energies described will be felt most strongly and when actual events related to the transit are most likely to occur. Many transits will have three “Exact” dates listed. This is because the transiting planet goes retrograde (R) and then direct (D) again, causing three “hits.” When this is the case, the issues associated with the transit will surface on the first hit, there will be some progress toward resolving these issues on the second hit, and the third hit will bring final resolution.

Read this Universal transit report for the current month once now to get a general overview of the coming period. Then, as the issues described in this report begin to appear in your life, you can refer back to this report for suggestions on how to best handle the changes that you are experiencing. Even the worst transit can be a valuable experience if you are fortunate enough to “get” the lesson that it offers.

The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. Astrology can give you a “weather report” on the energies influencing you, but it is up to you to decide how you will react. Some people can benefit greatly under normally difficult transits because they eagerly meet the challenge head on. Others will not benefit from the most positive transits because they did not pursue opportunities presented to them. To learn more about your UCI and your fate you may request a personal reading or personal Dragon Window dates for the next 12 months if you would like to examine your upcoming changes more thoroughly and more personally. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Lastly I want to personally thank the so many old (and new) VIP subscribers that have decided to stay with us in 2011. I will make sure to offer you more “star food” by finding new ways to serve you.

Blessing to all


Now on to the transits report for the month of February 2011

Universal Transit For All

Mars trine Saturn: 2/6/2011 12:04 PM, Exact

Tackle that difficult, exacting job now and be patient, Saturn takes time to pay back. Superiors may become demanding and will reward sacrifice and accomplishment. Activities are favorably structured if you plan with care. Your energy is well placed in a long standing dream, go for it.

Mars sextile Venus: 2/18/2011 7:37 PM, Exact

This is a time for entertainment, parties and physical love but be careful, Mars means also danger. Artists feel creative and strong willed. Relationships with the opposite sex prosper, make the most of this transit after the New Moon you may find love if you are single.

Mars conjunct Neptune: 2/19/2011 11:00 PM, Exact

Tired? now you know why, put off demanding tasks until energy returns. Odd sensations may accompany fears or phobias. Stimulants should be avoided  and do NOT feed evil with fears.

Jupiter square Pluto: 2/22/2011 4:14 PM, Exact

At this time you are inspired to achieve great things and feel more confident than usual in your ability to do so.  You are highly ambitious now and will set your sights higher than usual in pursuing your goals in life.  If you keep your nose completely clean and exercise only the best of intentions toward others, you can indeed achieve much power, success and social status now.  However, you may encounter opposition or resistance from others in your efforts, particularly if you have used shady or underhanded methods to achieve your success.  If this has been the case, people will begin lining up to throw mud at you and expose all your darkest secrets.

Even if you do nothing wrong, others will challenge you now.  You may experience problems with authority figures or be involved with conflicts and power struggles on the job, particularly if you work with education, religion or foreign cultures.  You may be forced to take a stand for what you believe in and will have to re-examine your own values in the process.  Avoid becoming dogmatic or having a “holier than thou” attitude.  You may feel the need to lead others, but first be sure you know where you”re going.

Another way to express the energies of this transit is to repair or restore an old building, piece of artwork, etc.  It is also a good time to become involved in groups working toward beneficial change in society.  Be sure that you keep your ego out of any group projects now; otherwise you will also encounter opposition there.

This transit sometimes indicates legal conflicts or lawsuits for some.  You may also have difficulties regarding taxes, alimony, inheritance, insurance, or corporate holdings.  No matter what the situation, be sure you are completely honest and straightforward.  If you have anything to hide, you won”t be able to now.

Mars is in Aquarius

Be ready for serious explosions and news of nukes soon. Be cautious flying, check Moon Power for better auspices.

Jupiter is in Aries

Jupiter will offer you the opportunity to learn much more about yourself , on a negative note avoid taking chances with fire or dangerous sports.

Saturn is in Libra:

This is a culmination of great importance as disciplinarian Saturn is very happy in Libra the sign of justice. Efforts of the past and those of the future will pay off as Saturn is very karmic in nature. The drive to do something with the law, psychology *Astropsychology and become somebody in the mind field will be quite strong and one should act upon it. The good and the bad returns for redemption and career matters are foremost. Keep working hard and you will collect in time.

Uranus is in Pisces:

More surprising and unexpected news/events involving religious figures or the Pope are ahead. With the dying Age of Pisces numerous religious front will try to adapt or make a good use of technology to attract lost souls or keep their followers at bay. Yes indeed expect more weird news from this religious crowd. On a more productive note listen to your intuition and learn to recognize how God speaks through the stars, with my help you are on the right track.

Neptune is in Aquarius:

Uranus (Aquarius) in Pisces or Neptune (Pisces) in Aquarius inhabits the same sign and will produce more of the above mentioned type of news. Neptune rules imagination and the art, Aquarius technology thus expect more interesting movies and the use of technology for medical use as Pisces (Neptune)  rules also hospitals. One will feel or understand such powerful transits drastically when ordering a personal transit report or ordering a reading of course.

Pluto is in Capricorn: And you wonder why politicians  and talking heads behave like hyenas – Chance of assassination increase i.e. Rep. Gifford… Pluto (power) In Capricorn (Uncle Sam): Yes the government and large wealthy corporations are having a blast…Blame it all on the Illuminati! The people challenge authority too…

Tens of thousands defy curfew
• At least 38 dead in protests, state TV reports
• Intelligence chief appointed vice president
• Mubarak”s government resigns

Pluto *death/rebirth In Capricorn *politics/corporations/police

Modern astrology says that; this transit will not occur during a person”s normal life span but on the Universal scheme of things we are all in the same bag. Thus anything involving power, sex, money, metaphysics, secret services, finances, and investment including witchcraft will undergo a full overhaul. But the area most affected will be governmental and financial changes. Wherever this transit takes place on your rising expect a form of life and death energy that can only serve you better in the long run

Be sure the “death” planet will force many of you to “die” in the house Pluto transit and all the affairs of this particular house. Thus if Pluto transits your 7th house of marriage be ready for a divorce, if Pluto transit your 2nd house of money be ready to rebirth yourself in this house etc. In the 10th house of career all matter related to the police, metaphysics, the medical field, investments, finances, life and death including your career will be on the fore. Unless you are educated in the housing system regulations or an Astropsychologist chances are you will not know what just hit you so dramatically. If you are mentally and emotionally prepared the “transformation” can and will only be beneficial. Your best shot is to let me do your 90 mn taped Full Life reading (or progressive reading) and make a good use of the FREE 90mn of Hypnotherapy tape I will join with your order because you will need it badly.

Mars sextile Venus: 2/18/2011 7:37 PM, Exact

This is a time for entertainment, parties and physical love. Artists feel creative. Relationships with the opposite sex prosper. Use Moon Power have fun use that New Moon fully.

Mars sextile Jupiter: 1/11/2011 7:20 AM, Exact

Cooperative efforts progress smoothly the stars are on your side. Enthusiasm boosts business and career interests. Supervisors are helpful the energy is good and if you experience troubles or challenges chances are you are in one of your own negative Dragon date. Get this service via email, it is incredibly accurate, unique and quite cheap.

Mars sextile Uranus: 1/11/2011 6:46 PM, Exact

Innovative actions enhance the dull routine. Independence and freedom are strong attractions. Stimulating associations offer excitement and you should make the most of these days.

Mars sextile Moon: 1/19/2011 4:47 PM, Exact

Emotional issues involving people and places you have a strong attachment to from the past take the foreground for the next couple of days. Passion finds an outlet. Objective reasoning is poor, due to intense feelings. This is a good time to work at projects that benefit your children, family or home. Read Moon Power for much more explanation of these days, if you are a VIP you should have this book.

Neptune is in Aquarius: Neptune (the sea/oil) in Aquarius (explosions/shocking news) or Uranus (explosions/shocking news) in Pisces (the sea/oil) display the same power. Thus through the Cosmic Code there is no accident by misunderstanding and misuse of the stars. Spiritual and intellectual growth and expansion are possible if one is willing to build Cosmic Consciousness as this transit supports intuition. Young souls may suffer confusion and religious misunderstanding. Travel by sea may bring about food poisoning (unless planned and experienced during a waxing (protective new moon). Stay clear of Neptunian gurus or deceiving religious groups and their Leaders, you may end up deceived you in the long run. Be practical in your spiritual research, try using your subconscious at your advantage “Beyond The Secret” is a great start and be amazed by the results-

Saturn In Virgo: This transit (called the “Saturn Return”) for some of us can be one of the most important in life. Virgo rules the 6th house of health and work; this could mean a total renewal, upheaval of your service to the world and health in general. This transit occurs first close to your 30th birthday and again in your late fifties. This transit indicates that Saturn has made a complete revolution around your chart (and the Sun), bringing its stabilizing and maturing influence to each part of your life. You”re now making life decisions based on what you want rather than what others think you should do. The increased responsibility and lessons Saturn brings are annoying little “growing pains,” but they are worth it. This transit both begins and ends a new cycle in terms of your career. If you have built up your profession steadily over the years, you will receive a handsome payoff now. If you have not, the steps you take now will greatly affect your future. Don”t be afraid to make a sudden career change if you feel it is a wise move. You may feel as though you have lost time to make up for and must make every minute count to build a better future.

You will eliminate many circumstances, things and people from your life now, which are not contributing, to your growth. The truth is that you are no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory conditions in your life you”ve tolerated but will make changes to achieve your own goals in life. Marriages will endure this transit if you are being honest about your needs and if the relationship is a strong one. Otherwise, you may examine your domestic life and find that you have been putting up with it more than enjoying it. Don”t hold on to outdated people and things, which will pass from your life now. Their passing will only make room for others who will be more in line with your new goals in life. Cutting ties to circumstances or people who are holding you back will only facilitate your own growth. Changes may seem scary now, but they are needed more than ever. If you have held onto circumstances in your life which are not good for you, you will experience this transit as a time of crisis. The things you hold onto the tightest will be ripped from your grasp in order that something new and more appropriate can take their place.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Cosmic Code newsletter Transits are UNIVERSAL, if you need your Personal Transits please order from or call Terania at 602-265-7667

12 months Personal Yearly Transit Forecast 30/35 pages email
(What the stars have in store PERSONALLY for you every day of the year)
Price: $25.95

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi

You may send your blessings to help humanity and build our first Astropsychology school to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST Phoenix, AZ 85016. Please go to and donate for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you for your donations.

Or call Terania with your credit card (602) 265-7667

February 2011 Personal Horoscope and Predictions For All Signs


Dear VIP Reader;


After 3 years of highly spiritual relationships she is very confident and knowledgeable enough to take on the many souls that can not afford my very high astrological prices. Her readings will last between 30 to 45 minutes and will also be taped and the printed material (and other goodies she feels you will need) will be mailed to you following your consultation.  Call her at 602-265-7667 or email her directly at

This introductory price is good for the entire month of February… Hurry!

Finally, the New 2011 hard cover copy/paper bag of my 2011 Moon Power  will be available withing 1 or 2 days from

First let me thanks all the Tucson people making up the audience, the studio was packed. The show was a total success where my passion, explanations of this horrific day act, my wisdom of the Cosmic Code affecting Gabrielle, Christina and Jared common  fate and my findings were very well received.

This very educational 60 minutes TV show is being edited and will be ready for you within the next few days. The DVD and your 2011 VIP subscription is available for a donation of $50. The money will go towards the production of my reality show “The Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi.” Please show your support, thank you.

Also I did not have the time to talk about the next SOS To The World and offer the public with the dates – Here they are, be cautious…

Thank you all





I will also take this opportunity to thanks ALL those super souls who already donated for our common cause and will encourage others to do the same so I can finally see my first Astropsychology school being build and become operational. For when this happen I know humanity will be finally on the right course of action where love, respect, peace and harmony will bless this world.

Now on to your personal horoscope VIP”s and all the goodies I have for you…This is indeed a very long newsletter and you may have to read it a few times to digest the tons of information I generated for you. I also added a limited amount of pictures just in case you decide to print it and save Mother Earth.

VIP realize that many newcomers joined us since last months and all I am trying to do is to help them to catch up with the Cosmic Code, thus if I sound redundant there is a reason and I thank you for your understanding.

Uranus the planet of technology/nukes/cosmos/UFO is now in Pisces the sign of religions promising both positive (using the Internet to bring God to lost souls) and negative actions (terrorists trying to get nukes) in these areas and very important changes on the way security and future conflicts will be conducted. Forget the sword a briefcase loaded with nukes is so much better to Satan’s children drive to kill for ignorance. On a more personal note this transit will enforce serious changes in many of you where ever the transit is taking place by house and sign. Indeed a very interesting celestial move that will produce more and more shocking news and shocking behaviors with religious figures comments and actions as experienced with the Pope views on child molestation and TV religious talking heads about using pot lately…

Lunation impact on all signs: Note: While many of you received Moon Powermany new comers have the option to choose one of the 3 items when they join with their $50 donation.

1 – A CD of my latest Tucson  TV show

2 – 2011 Moon Power

3 – Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for All Signs.

Of course other VIP”s who have it all can also get the CD of my latest Tucson TV show for $25 by sending their payment to Dr. Turi, 4411 N. 23Rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85015.

Welcome to Your Day – to – Day Guidance For February 2011

February 4, 2011 — Mercury enters Aquarius: If you inherited this Mercury position you are an advanced, original free thinker. You also regenerate in investigations, health, metaphysics, and anything related to electronic, electricity UFO and New Age matters. Work on your inventiveness and don”t be afraid to use computers. You will gain fame because of your originality, your outstanding perception and your ability to communicate with others. Invest or design some software and investigate Astropsychology and astrology. The near future promises to divulge surprising news pertaining to television, Japan, France, electronics, aeronautics, NASA, the cosmos, inventions and UFO’s. This Mercurial position creates geniuses or people born with an original mental gratification, they are the thinkers and the mental leaders of the future, I, Dr. Turi your spiritual leader was born with this Mercury dignified position.

February 4, 2011 — Venus enters Capricorn: The great planet of love and wealth is in the practical sign of Capricorn. On a positive side this position produces high-classical musicians and great artists that will work hard to bring their classical talents to the world. It produces people who will show their love through their work, and give them great patience. On the negative side Venus will make them promiscuous and they will use people with money and power to gain positions of authority or recognition. However Saturn is watching and karma is always repaid. They tend to find love late in life and need to socialize more after each new moon to reach their wishes.

New Moon — February 3, 2011 in Aquarius: The New Moon will mature in the futuristic sign of Aquarius. Expect surprising developments everywhere. The waxing “positive” moon means it is a progressive time to launch any new project. The next two weeks are going to be full of surprises, and a good chance to move forward will be offered to those asking for progress. Try anything now, aim as high as you are capable; coincidence be will magical. Don”t waste this great lunation; be original, ask and you will receive! Expect incredible news involving explosions and Nature”s destructive forces at work, electronics, UFOs, celestial bodies, (yes Pluto is a planet and belong to our solar system!). Airport news such as the August 2006 London impeded terrorist attack on UK airliners etc.

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP will you read supplemental horoscope information and monthly transits. Visit:

Aries – A good friend will bring a great opportunity to grow and travel. You’re lucky.
Taurus – A new career opportunity is ahead of you, master computers, TV soon.
Gemini – More opportunities to travel and study will be offered to you.
Cancer – A wealthy partner will offer financial support and will promote your business.
Leo – Big changes in your business and emotional life is ahead of you.
Virgo – You are due for some significant changes at work, be ready.
Libra – Your love life will turn surprisingly positive, opportunities are ahead for you.
Scorpio – You may be forced to move and your home life will undergo positive changes.
Sagittarius – Be ready to travel physically and spiritually. Learn and use computers.
Capricorn – Positive financial changes are ahead, electronic knowledge is a must.
Aquarius – A new door is about to open to you, be ready, you can’t lose.
Pisces – Your perception of the future will be right, be positive. Swim upstream.

A month loaded with surprises and large natural disasters…


ELABORATED HOROSCOPE FOR EACH SIGN: I have decided to elaborate each months of the year on all my VIP personal forecast and will do so to help each and every one of you to be prepared of what the “Universal Code” may throw at you. This newsletter will also add more information of what the Cosmic Code’s energy is all about.

Note also your rising or your natal / hidden dragon can also seriously affect this general forecast. Very personal forecast with exact timing can only be generated with your precise time of and birth location, thus if you undergo serious challenges you will need a 90 MN taped Full Life or live VIP telephone Reading. Call Terania at 602-265-7667 to set up your appointment  with her or me or order directly from


After 3 years relationships she finally feels confident and knowledgeable enough to take on the many souls that can not afford my very high prices. Her readings will last between 30 to 45 minutes and will also be taped and the printed material (and other goodies she feels you will need) will be mailed to you following your consultation.  Call her at 602-265-7667 or email her at

New Moon Personal impact on all signs

Aries –This lunation will mature in your 11th house of wishes and friends, you have the stars on your wishes/friends area and you may be forced to reevaluate some of your goals and some of your friends. Some new people will come to be real good friends and provide you with golden opportunities while others may seem to stop you moving forward or deceive you. Some children artistic projects or new wishes could become a reality if you work hard and have faith in you and the universe.  While kids may prove to give you stress and problems you need to develop more patience with them. New friends from the past will show up and some will open new doors. You may also need to do some clean up with some of these friends and listen to other more or lose them. Indeed if you ask you will receive not only the protection of your angels but also many of your wishes for your children will become a reality. So go out more after the New Moon to collect! Be cautious with investments and love after the Full Moon and be ready for some secrets to come to life. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally.

Taurus – This lunation will mature in your 10th house of career and you will be lead to some real good but trying times however great changes will take place in your future.  Start something artistic or spiritual to regenerate and don’t worry about your health. Don’t be insecure because this means all the affairs involving home, general security and family could also mean moving or force you to endure more than usual stress. Those challenges are set to get you a stronger better position in the world and a fantastic future, have faith be patient. Be cautious with your partners after the Full Moon while many of you will be ready for some serious changes. There is no future in your past, learn to move on and realize life is a constant process of these changes. It’s very much a blessing in disguise really. Some serious changes at home, with family or the real estate will come to you, be prepared and watch the moon… Get Moon Power. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Gemini – This lunation will mature in your 8th house of investments and contracts and lots of work is needed to fix your finances. You were forced to spend against your will and repay some karma. Now that the tail of the dragon is slowly removing itself from the US financial world and better financial deals and great changes are expected. You had to *apathetically speaking die financially but the new you will emerge stronger, wiser and better with great opportunities to make more money and gather more wisdom. Do not nurture negative fearful thoughts regardless where you are at in life and use my Moon Power daily for true guidance and support. News of sex, death and drama is ahead of you; act accordingly, the rebirth is needed and will make you much stronger in so many ways. Be cautious after the full moon with your words, driving and keep an eye on your children. Some secrets will come your way and they will upset you a bit. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Cancer – This lunation will mature in your 9th house of higher learning, religions, foreigners and foreign lands. Be prepared for a foreigner “connection” and/or a very important study or a physical or spiritual trip that will change your life. You must avoid a state of confusion and let go of all the religious junk of the past and avoid both guilt and unfounded fears. This lunation is a major one where your connection to God will improve if you dare to face your fears.  Forget the past and build your future with a newfound faith and wisdom and have confidence. Many far away people love and miss you and some of them will play a very important part in your life and your future. You may be forced to travel or take a study that will benefit you in the long run. An opportunity to reach a different world and be heard will be offered to you. Blame it all on your hard work and good karma. Be cautious at home and general communication with loved ones and how you handle siblings after the full moon. Changes at home and/or the real estate will be forced upon you. Think positive and relax and all will be fine. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Leo – This lunation will mature in your 7th house of marriage and partnerships and some people must exit your life. While some of you are undergoing harsh situations do not lose faith for a better or a new and improved wonderful love relationship. Remember to use your head not your heart and make a good use of the lesson learned from your past. Some people will experience a break take it as liberation, not a loss.    Be confident the future has so much more to offer you especially with the new Dragon sitting right on the house of contracts, marriage and facing the world. Serious work is needed on your spirit walk and meditate by the water. A great contract, a marriage or a business proposition is ahead of you and will bring joy in your life. Be prepared for some drama involving sex or finances after the full moon and keep a cool head at all time of bring the cops into your life. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Virgo – This lunation will mature in your 6th house of work and your health. You must use this lunation to realize your potential and do something about as to regain good health and regenerate with a good job well done. The full power of the Moon is upon you and much good can be accomplished. Natural food and positive thoughts can only heal you faster especially with lots of guardian angels around you. Let go of your fears and your past build your future faithfully and you will be amazed of your own power. A much stronger, wiser and better you will soon be ready for the world and lots of money will flow your way. A new you will be born after the full moon, be ready for drama and secrets to come to light. Control is the key or pay the price. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Libra – This lunation will mature in your 5th house of creativity, love, children and romance. Give more attention to those who care and if you are single keep your eyes open on attractive older/younger foreigners. Listen to some friends because losing friend is also losing wishes and good deals. If you worked hard karma will repay you with success in the efforts you put in a grandiose project. Some good and solid friends will open great doors for you and your wishes will be granted in time. You are a very spiritual sign watch and respect the Universal Law of the Moon with Moon Power. Be ready after the full moon to avoid guilt, affairs of the past and uncontrolled imagination. Don’t become self destructive, don’t feed evil with fears and all will be fine. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Scorpio – This lunation will mature in your 4th house of home, real estate and family members where the current economy could make the situation strenuous but things will change for you soon. Some of you may be forced to move or deal/visit family members. Meantime your career needs a serious “cleansing” because you need to induce those changes and they are indeed on the way. You should be confident even if you don’t like the imposed changes they are needed to better your life. A trip will offer you the option to make a good use of a career opportunity. It’s time for you to see the facts and realize your home and your career need serious changes. If you don’t make the changes willingly the Cosmic Code will force you to act. Stand strong and make your decisions you are about to start a new life or move soon. Be cautious with some friends or groups that have not your best interest at heart. A wish may come through a form of death and rebirth. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Sagittarius – This lunation will mature in your 3rd house of communication where traveling and studying new Age material will become a great opportunity to grow spiritually. You may also look into new wheels or a new technology or even a telephone but wait for the new moon to do so. Avoid depression and stay clear of any form of deception alcohol or drugs because it does affect your mind and your decision-making. This is a perfect time to realize where you are in life and make some serious decisions for your future. A trip or an advanced spiritual study is the key because knowledge of the “Cosmic code” is something you always knew and used during your Indians past lives. Your plan to write, teach or travel far away will bring you joy and luck in many ways. Don’t be afraid to take on some study that could better your life in general. Be cautious after the full moon not to let the past, guilt bug you down and be ready for secrets to come to light. Important if not drastically positive changes are ahead pertaining to your career and your position in life,, all depending on your karma. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Capricorn – This lunation will mature in your 2nd house of money and this could lead you to some real good deals. You will find yourself consumed to find a way to make more money and the wise ones will invest following tier intuition to win later on. Be more practical and trustful with money because now that the Dragon moved in your favor and slowly building back the US economy all will be fine soon again. An order involving your self-esteem and your finances has been passed by God himself and your investments are karmically targeted but if you have a good karma do not worry. A new or more education is the key! You may learn about a death or inheritance. Be cautious about your dealing with religions, foreigners and studies. Be practical with your studies and keep your head out of the clouds. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Aquarius – This lunation will mature in your 1st house right on you. Take care of yourself the stars wants you to live a long steady wealthy life. Lots of progressive changes are happening also on your partnership area but you need to let go of the past and start fresh with some new people.  The stars will be with you after the next new moon and taking chances will bring its rewards. People will admire your beauty, your gentleness and your energy as a whole as you become more magnetic to the world. Avoid worrying about food and health and don’t over exercise. A better health often comes from a better attitude with life in general. Make the needed changes to improve your physical and spiritual life and if this means a new partner so be it. Your intuition is particularly accurate and so are your dreams. Listen to them carefully. Be cautious about money matter after the full moon as you will have to find a way to make more money, it could also mean a new job opportunity coming your way. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Order your personal Dragon window dates from to know more. Be prepared for some serious changes in relationships as a secret may upset you. It’s only a blessing in disguise anything else you could pay a heavy penalty. Control, forgiveness and love is the key. Please email me your feedback at to confirm my forecast when it touches you personally. Thank you – DT

Pisces – This lunation will mature in your 12TH house or your subconscious where you will be realizing that what you think is real may not be the fact. Open your mind and feelings for life can only be better for you with the right information. Think of taking a deep study or improve your subconscious’ wisdom. Try my book “Beyond The Secret” to rebirth your spirit to the real God. A cruise to an exotic place or close to nature would heal your spirit. If your natal or hidden dragon resides in the subconscious house serious depressions may take place. You are strongly advised to stay clear of any form of legal or illegal drugs religious fears or guru / psychics séances and if you nurture suicidal thought contact me ASAP. 602-265-7667.

Thank you all

– Dr. Turi

Full Moon Personal impact on all signs

Full Moon – February 18, 2011 in Leo: Be gentle with affairs of love and watch over the children. Keep Mrs. Pride and Mr. Ego in control if you intend to sustain your loving partner’s relationship! Disturbing and surprising news with children are ahead be ready for agonizing happenings but learn not to dwell on them. Life is a constant process of change; the future has better to offer. Expect earthquakes above 6.0, and avoid flying. Bad news may come from Japan France or Italy. Be patient, take chances and as a rule promote your life only after the next New Moon. Expect the incredible soon, EXPLOSIONS, NATURAL DISASTERS AND NUCLEAR NEWS!

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP will you read supplemental horoscope information and monthly transits. Visit:

Aries –
A rebirth of your love life or stress with children is ahead. Accept the changes.
Taurus – An important decision about home or family matters is ahead. Have faith.
Gemini – Your mind is on love, children, and your family. Don”t get too stressed.
Cancer – Serious financial or emotional stress is ahead. Changes are needed in your life.
Leo – Let go of your past, move on. It’s time to look for that position or a new love.
Virgo – A secret love affair can only bring you more trouble. Clean it all start fresh soon.
Libra – Some friends will put stress in your life. Go or look somewhere else.
Scorpio – A decision about your home, career and love must be made. Use your intuition.
Sagittarius – A study or a trip or sad news could bring depression to you. Be patient.
Capricorn – News of legacy or death is ahead. Hopefully it is just a contract for business.
Aquarius – An opportunity to look for a new business or emotional partners. Move on.
Pisces – A chance to improve your health or your work is offered to you by the stars.

Aries –This lunation will mature in your  5th house of love and children. Don’t over concern yourself with your children and trust the divine to guide you to a better person if the one you are with does not seem to fit the bill.  Great opportunities to reach more interesting people “electronically or spiritually and at a higher level will be offered to you. Listen to your dreams there are messages in them for you to uncover. Work on letting go of the past and accept the future with trust.

Taurus – This lunation will mature in your 4th house of home, real estate and family members. Life is a process of continuous changes and moving may be the option given to you to lead a better life with more opportunities. Make sure to investigate your Astro-Carto-Graphy before any relocation. The economy is still tough and money problems will go away with time. You like to talk and this is fine as long as you remain positive with everyone around you.

Gemini – This lunation will mature in your 3rd house of communication where siblings could offer challenging news. Your car or anything use to communicate may decide to give up on you, avoid eating when upset and get active physically to avoid health problems. Don’t be afraid to take on some study that could better your life and your spirit in general. Avoid depression; don’t feed evil with negative thoughts of the past.

Cancer – This lunation will mature in your 2nd house of money and this mean a great option for you to find good deals or even run your own show. Ideas are all over but one or 2 will pay off and often education is the key. Philosophy, foreigners or foreign affairs could open these doors stay vigilant for the opportunities coming your way. If you have exhausted all options so far you may be in the wrong place with the wrong people.

Leo – This lunation will mature in your 1st house right on yourself. Give a good look to your physical and spiritual state of mind and work to change what you don’t like.  Watch the moon closely she will affect your moods drastically. As the matriarch of the family do not everyone heavy weight bother you and realize to work on your own independence. You want the best for everyone what about you?

Virgo – This lunation will mature in your 12TH house or your subconscious affairs. Don’t let past failures or old love affairs bother you, in time you will find out it is more of a liberation that a loss. Do not nurture negative thoughts about children or some deals you want. Karma and hard work always pay off all you need is more time. Don’t drink, stay positive the future has much better in store for you.

Libra – This lunation will mature in your 11th house of wishes and friends and some of them must go with or without your permission. Check also on the groups you are with and don’t be deceived with gurus or religions. Avoid being too critical for losing a friend means also losing a wish. Sarcasm is not the way to reach your goals, be more positive with everyone around you and you will make serious progress.

Scorpio – This lunation will mature in your 10th house of career where you will be forced to reevaluate your career. Your drive for success is real but you made some judgmental errors or behaved the wrong way and this need to be adjusted. Great changes must take place in your attitude, your behavior and habit to talk too much and not listening to others. Use more diplomacy you can’t lose if you do.

Sagittarius – This lunation will mature in your 9th house of higher learning, religions, foreigners and foreign lands. Yes you may learn something fantastic with from these “weird” people who do not share the same traditional or “engineering views” of life. You may be forced to re evaluate all you have learned and accepted as reality. To the advanced Scorpio *eagle, slow down with metaphysics or money matter and investment before your brain explode…

Capricorn – This lunation will mature in your 8th house of money, sex, death and secrets. Time for you to think of making your own paycheck and invest in metaphysics and something hidden about money or sex may come to light; take it as a serious message for your future. You may have to deal with tough news but karma spares no one. Have faith don’t let nothing get you down because you much more resourceful than what you think.

Aquarius – This lunation will mature in your 7th house of marriage contracts and partnerships. Indeed some people who do not fit the bill have to go. Show affection and compassion so your partner realizes you actually care. Yes family matters tend to obstruct your aim for a better position in life and many of you will move in or out of homes and situation soon. Watch the moon and the stars and learn how God really speaks to you…

Pisces – This lunation will mature in your 6th house of work and health. Don’t over work yourself and trust the divine to guide you to a better service to the world. A new way to reach more people and service them “electronically or spiritually and at a higher level will be offered to you. Listen to your dreams there are messages in them for you to uncover. Work on both your body and mind to get a better health, don’t put it off any longer.


All Is That And That Is All

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe.

Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi


Please go to donate for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Or call Terania with your credit card (602) 265-7667

Blessings and thank you for your donations.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689

Gary Busey, Las Vegas and UFO


Dear VIP Reader;

Life can be quite demanding for the Turi being in high demand by the world including taking care of Draco, Tessa, Cezar and Blako the family wonderful loving and protecting pets. Thus now and then Terania and I must exit our responsibilities and escape to the lake, the desert or anywhere surrounding AZ State. And Vegas is one of our favorite places to go especially when a good friend I had not seen since 1984 awaited us. The few hours’ drive through the AZ/NV pittoresk desert scenery is always enjoyable and my smooth Mercedes top drive adds to the pleasure.

Beautiful Terania

Terania is always ready to shoot any pictures and I had to remind her to slow down and save the battery, yes once more I forgot the charger )*&^(&*%&^%$… The plan was to meet with Cress at the flamboyant Flamingo and we were very excited, but with the Turi anything can and will happen! By this I mean, what are the chances of missing one of the biggest hotel on the strip (including Cesar’s Palace) driving North on Las Vegas BLVD?


Yes it happened on January 9th, 2010 near our house a few days before my trip to Thailand and the horrific cancer experience. Terania and I are not strangers to UFO abductions, read what happened to us then from and more at

The fact is as mucH as I was abducted in Anaheim California back in August 1991, this time, the same experience took place I the heart of Las Vegas. We drove by the very church where Terania and I got married last April 21st and we were looking at each other’s faces smiling recollecting  great memories of those days where my entire family also visited Las Vegas. We were driving north looking for Cesar’s palace knowing the Flamingo is right in front of it.

But for some reasons Terania and I, as it happened before, we began to  get confused and uneasy wondering where we were. I had called Cress  three times already and she told me how the hell we could miss the hotel casino. I did not want to call her again and look stupid, thus we stopped at a gas station where Terania asked for directions. We were going North and in the right direction on the strip and I wondered why or how we both got so confused…We gave a very specific attention to the left side of the strip while looking for Cesar’s palace on the right side but after a while, I stopped again and asked a man for more directions. He told we drove pass both hotels wondering if we had have too much to drink I bet!

I was amazed and told Terania well Honey; it happened again we’ve been abducted and in no way would a very impatient Cress remotely believe what just transpired with us. After hugging and kissing her in the lobby where she was waiting for us I tried to explain why we were so late but she could only laugh at us… Terania and I could only look at each others and accept our fate.

We went to our room to refresh and took a picture of the  phenomenal view from our room.


What Happens in Las Vegas does not always stay inLas Vegas

We then met my wonderful friend Cress and her friend in her 25th floor suite then to the restaurant…

We caught up after so many years, spoke, laugh and joke for a while then we enjoyed a great show!

Next morning breakfast by the Flamingo Garden

We had previous arrangements to meet with Gary in Los Angeles and we left Cress a bit too fast but we promised her to return and have more fun together. Following my bad experience with a couple a abusive, greedy people I have been nurturing the idea of using my supreme wisdom for gambling and my tested theory has proven just impeccable to win serious chunk of money in Las Vegas.

But using metaphysics for personal gain is prohibited unless one wants to lose his powers… but what is the point for me to crucify myself 24/7 for  a selfish  world when the majority don’t care or too greedy to help me financially? Nothing happens by accident reader, and if one day you see all my websites closed down you will know that I have decided to use my wisdom selfishly and dedicated the rest of my life to my wife and my family (and fishing.)  After all who would blame me? I am going to give a last shot to get donations for my TV project after that Dr. Turi may simply disappear…

We took 15 south on the way to Los Angeles and I took a picture of the “Death Valley” and its famous thermometer.


134 °F (56.7 °C) at Furnace Creek on July 10, 1913

We drove a long way to get to Malibu on the 101 HWY and we enjoyed every moment of it, we finally made it to Gary’s HUGE whitehouse in one of the most upscale area of Malibu. Gary was on his balcony when we arrived and he flew down the stairs to greet us. We caught up on so many things, especially, discussed some of his movie projects and his book “Buseyism.”

Of course Gary is from the old school and while he is a true genius with words it’s not exactly the same with computer, disciplinary writing and publishing. Thus he and his attorney Melinda are working on an agreement/contract  with me to produce a book or his bio and his mental genius. “Buseyism.”  Gary is a very special man and very gifted in so many ways and far from the bad press the public who do not know the real Gary Busey portrays him. He showed Terania a few pictures taken on the set fighting Mel Gibson and other movie shots with Steven Seagal and so many other celebrities.


Yes I told Gary than in the fifties, sixties and seventies the world was dealing with real stars, those souls were true artists, sophisticated, gifted and wonderful, all lost in time./ That is before the reality shows explosion where crooks, low life and sexual dirt of spoiled rich brats easily gain overnight notoriety. He is from the old school like other true stars out of job.

Yes another Gary”s old school good friend…

ROBERT REDFORD” holly Wood Won”t Put Me in Movies Anymore!

Well the controlling Hollywood wealthy pigs can only offer a rat population the type of “spiritual” food they demand yes? And I seriously wonder, being myself so ahead of time if it is all worth working towards bettering a lost society knowing that 99.09 % of the world’s audience would rather watch “Gangland” or Paris Hilton/Kardashian etc.than my highly spiritual Cosmic Code TV show?  Billions of dollars are invested daily to produce more deceiving religious programs and/or repulsive television series and I wonder why it took me so many months; begging for $2000 that ended up being stolen by two crooks from me. Is God trying to talk to me?


Well that is the price I have to pay for my head being totally destitute of tricky maneuvers, deception and lies I guess! Having my head in the stars   and trusting the wrong people is a lesson I had to learn but what is the blessing in disguise here because there are NO accident remembers? Stay tuned reader, hopefully I will tell you more in the future…

I love Mrs. Turi

Gary is a very friendly guy, honest, direct and open, very much a replica of myself I may add  and he certainly did not hesitate to show his affection for Terania before we left. Luckily for her I prepared her very shy, introvert suspicious nature about Gary”s natural show of affection. He posed for her and wrote a dated, signed personal “Buseyism” that she will cherish for the rest of her life being the fist human being to own such a precious gift and it goes this way…








Then just before living Terania asked him for the picture of his son Luke. And to my amazement Gary offered Terania two pictures of his beautiful son and this gesture really showed us he was much more than a friend but a part of our dear family.

When I asked Stephanie why she choose this name she told me her Dad’s name is Louis… Luke was born February 23rd, me February 26, yes there are no accidents readers and meeting Gary is as karmic as can be, where he and I have to help each others in our own respective ways, and this is exactly what we are doing…

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Note to my all my VIP”s: The February transits and February Elaborated Personal Horoscopes For Each signs will be generated before the month of January is over and available from

This VIP Cosmic Code Newsletter will NOT be available to the general public. Join us now don”t miss anything –


 Sharing emails

Good Morning Dr. T,

Monday morning my phone was ringing off the wall from local listeners wanting your email address again and asking me tons of questions in light of Moscow terror attacks and police shootings. Now …I”m working very hard to have everyone listen to old shows and I posted that on cosmic code. I’m doing it all again this Sunday and you are always invited as long as in coincides w/ your schedule. Keep me posted .

Luv Linda




The next twelve months “Universal and Personal transits” including the “Personal Elaborated Horoscope for all Signs” Be prepared you all for what to expect for the future. Learn how God speak to you, master the signs, understand and use the Cosmic Code rules. Be at the right time at the right place, be smart be aware and heed the signs.  I did generate the full year “SOS To The World” deadly window dates soon asking you to either be extremely cautious, work around or totally avoid traveling during these upcoming windows.

God unbending will speaks through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and let skeptics and ignorant alike become the future statistics.  As you know there are NO accidents but circumstances that are yet to be uncovered by science and with me as a guide you are safe and in good hands.  Remember being a VIP means you also vibrate at my spiritual level and concerned with the facts of life… Join the world and build your own Cosmic Consciousness with me.

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi on Project Camelot

TV Show In Tucson AZ – January

The Cosmic Code Reality Show  February – MAYBE! STILL HOPE!

Dr Turi’s Next Global Teleclass

March –

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –602 265-7667



Dear VIP Reader;


It is with great sadness that once more police “accidents” that could have been prevented by the Law Enforcement Agency executives took the lives of so many public servants lately. What really saddens me most is the many years spent offering unarguable dated “predictions” on my many radio and television appearances. While I regularly send emails, inviting as much as  fifty highly placed powerful police and other influential people .i.e ; etc.

I also regularly invite them to  listen to my show with Linda, but none of these people ever acknowledge my emails and desperate calls to try anything unconventional that could save a single cop”s life. And you wonder why I find extraordinary difficult to be decent or show any form of respect for the people we pay to “serve and protect us when they can even protect their own…

Furthermore they are not the one facing the crooks, the killers and risking their lives in these very difficult times sitting safely behind their desks. Has the lives of their officers ever meant anything to them? Are the cops  lives that dispensable part of an unstoppable ” collateral  damage?”

Rest assured as they all read this newsletter today they must not feel terribly good about themselves reading the truth about themselves and knowing all the cops I know including the rest of the world will never get help from their bosses…  But did anyone of them, instead of assuming I am another Mrs. Cleo read the comments of their cops at

Had they listen to last Sunday broadcast the OBVIOUS  “predictions” about what was to unfold with the police and Moscow terrorist attack should have been more than enough for any decent FBI agent not to finally see/hear the  facts but to give me job lolol. For indeed I would be their most precious utmost powerful agent and what is really amazing, my students and I am the only ones to appreciate this fact!

Good Morning  Dr. T,

Monday morning my phone was ringing off the wall from local listeners wanting your email address again and asking me tons of questions in light of Moscow terror attacks and police shootings. Now …I”m working very hard to have everyone listen to old shows and I posted that on cosmic code.I”m doing it all again this Sunday and you are always invited as long as in coincides w/ your schedule. Keep me posted .

Luv Linda

Well lets extend this invitation for next Sunday, just in case any of those “responsible” souls decides to do something decent and stop this carnage and listen to something different than what their “accredited” schools and universities they graduated from wants them to believe…


May God bless all WASTED souls!

While crying and wondering is a natural human instinct to release both pain and frustration only a DIFFERENT TYPE OF  EDUCATION will save the lives of future officers and until then as immoral it may sound to anyone depraved of Cosmic Consciousness, including the cops themselves, the Law Enforcement  Executives are FULLY responsible for all past and future casualties.


For me to literally EXPOSING top members of the FBI shows how desperate I am to be heard while the collected crowd of cowards making up my secret email list of other BIG people simply watch / read from distance. How can anything productive, such a saving the cops lives or growing spiritually canbe accomplished when those very people have NO guts and fear the ridicule? yes taking chances trying to save lives like I do  is not something they do too well I guess and this list is getting smaller as some of those  “Piling Higher and Deeper” educated heads politely ask to be removed…

– Gee was Einstein right when he wrote…

”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

– Albert Einstein

It is easier for them to assume anything about my 61 years of independent research and classify me as a “psychic” than to honor the word science and do some real police “detective” work  investigating my claims reader! Meantime the wave of black death will not stop and yet another newsletter venting my frustration will reach them all at no avail…

It is this insidious FEAR of the ridicule that stops them but when unarguable proof is offered and the option to do something about it is concerned this is where WE the people and the unheard cops should ally and help themselves, because their superiors will never move in their favor!

Thus if you are a cop or involved with the Law Enforcement Agency, right now, GIVE THEM A CHANCE to anticipate the evil and make a good use of my Astropsychology software. This software can be  incorporated in the trooper computer and all police stations. In case of an emergency give the 911 operator a chance to learn the dynamics involving Astropsychology  and before hand “investigate” and offer the cops on duty the UCI *Unique Celestial Identity of the person/suspect in question.

The crucial information on the UCI of the dangerous rats they deal with is such a powerful tool that is missing in the force and refuted by the egocentric well read  current crowd of police psychologists who thinks they know better than a little French man they erroneously believe has nothing to offer the Department.

I am still offering MANY cops my assistance for FREE and always find the time to answer their desperate emails. Indeed they are human like you reader, they have fears and they want to comeback home to their family safe and sound after their shift.


Thus if you are a cop let me give you YOUR private Dragon dates for the next 12 months and during those “Black Windows” see what happens to you and to your police comrades. If you are a wife, a sister or a concerned mother of these brave courageous public servants, GET those dates, and make sure to call them to remind them that these days the evil forces will challenge them  with DEATH and many more unaware cops will be killed during those windows.

Then when you listen to the lucky ones” stories you can check those dates and remind them of the next ones. Time has changed when the  current police supervisors  where working the streets, PLUTO was NOT in Capricorn and they were NOT dealing with “The Death Wish” Generation. NO, the police executives did not,  THEN, face the same deadly criminals and those “achieved” cops loaded with medals are now in charge of your loved ones lives. I trust they are VERY concerned regardless because , chances are they have also been touched by the death of a very close friend (s.) But life is a constant process of changes and while the technology has improved drastically their true spiritual wisdom is latent.

I am still offering to teach anytime anywhere there are Police gatherings and prove my claim to them all, all you have to do is to email me at and I will be there for FREE. Yes I am not a cop, I am not a police executive but I work closely in private with many of them and I am much more concerned with the cops dangerous endeavor and welfare  than ALL the  “Law Enforcement Agency”  executives combined, do you feel that reader?


Yes there is a BIG difference between education and intelligence!  But do the psychologists/psychiatrists  who hires, comfort and deal with the cops and their families know that? Are you joking they  truly believe knowing  better than Einstein himself! Gee I wish I could be more diligent and forgiving in the choice of my words when dealing with this educated crowd but damn I have such a low tolerance for STUPIDITY and COWARDS!

In many of my previous newsletters I offered all the explanation on how to incorporate those “plutonic” dates, responsible for the black wave of cops death lately and be well prepared for the next wave.  NO it is NOT everyday that cops get killed and it is the same type of evil energy that produced ALL terrorists “accidents.”  But there are NO accident reader and that”s all I am trying to convey to them all and the world at large for years now.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination does the rest. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

But HOW in the world can we stop this carnage if the same Police Academy standards, learning and teachings don”t improve?

We can”t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analysis of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”


~Albert Einstein*

Since 1991 – “All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”

Dear Dr. Turi,

A tragic wave of violence against America’s law enforcement officers started this past Sunday, with 11 officers shot within a 24 hour time frame.

DT rebuttal: Yes I predicted it in my 2011 Moon Power book well over a year ago – check the bottom sample at and I also mentioned the real possibility in many of my radio shows, well before CNN finally proved me right again –

I ask you to join me in standing shoulder-to-shoulder with law enforcement, and Stand with the Thin Blue Line. The Memorial Fund is compiling a list of Americans to show our law enforcement community that we stand by them, as they work tirelessly protecting our communities.

DT rebuttal: I did my friend but in total sincerity I wish they all read this Cosmic Code sample newsletter because while we all sympathize with the families those courageous cops did not have to die. I have for years been offering the desperate answers the police need  without any success…Thus expect many more future victims unless something is done in the right direction with my wisdom.

The recent spate of violence began in Detroit, MI, when a gunman entered a precinct and shot four officers; next two Kitsap County, WA Sheriff’s Deputies were shot at a Wal-Mart while responding to a call reporting a suspicious person; and police officers in both Indianapolis, IN and Lincoln City, OR were shot during traffic stops. The officer from Lincoln City is still in critical condition, but the officer from Indianapolis succumbed to his injuries. The attacks continued on Monday when three officers were shot — two fatally wounded, and one injured — while serving an aggravated battery warrant at a St. Petersburg, FL home.

DT rebuttal: disturbing indeed this is terrible news and I gave you my own educated feedback pertaining to the very active the “Death Wish Generation” and what our cops are dealing with nowadays. But traditionally educated or religious cops may have difficulty to grasp the reality of my advanced unusual teachings and the severity of my warnings.

A couple weeks ago, I shared with you the disturbing news that law enforcement fatalities rose in 2010. Unfortunately, 2011 continues in a similar fashion to 2010 – with 15 officer fatalities in the New Year, 11 cases where officers have been shot and killed.

DT rebuttal: Yes I do recall such announcement and posted pretty much the same analogy and warnings of many more deaths and the reality  of my “visions” is now even more obvious, but what has really been done apart from crying, sobbing and wondering? I can only repeat myself on an inner, unknown, unheeded Cosmic Code ruleship divine laws, the Law Enforcement  and 99.09 % of the world refuses to acknowledge my friend. I wonder if my lifetime of total commitment to my mission will be enough to be heard and helped to make the difference. Especially when two crooks sent by evil itself stole $2000 donation – Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy –  Shaping Up The Human Spirit!

Because of these terrifying trends, I also ask that after you sign your name to our pledge, please send this pledge to your friends and family, neighbors and colleagues.

DT rebuttal: I did just that and will ask my trusting, supporting readers from all over the world to do the same and MOST OF ALL to pass on this newsletter so I can be heard and offered a chance to teach at some police gathering because, the reality is;  I have lost total faith to be heard or helped  by the police executives, or  those in charge of the lives of  all our brave police officers.  May God bless the victims of those who fear the truth…

The following officers are the most recent gunfire-related fatalities:

  • Clark County (OH) Sheriff’s Deputy Suzanne Hopper
  • Rainier (OR) Police Chief Ralph Painter
  • Baltimore City (MD) Police Officer William H. Torbit, Jr.
  • Lakewood (NJ) Patrolman Christopher Matlosz
  • Livonia (MI) Police Officer Larry Nehasil
  • Miami-Dade (FL) Police Officers Roger Castillo and Amanda Haworth
  • St. Petersburg (FL) Sergeant Tom Baitinger and Officer Jeffrey Yaslowitz
  • Indianapolis Metropolitan (IN) Police Officer David Moore

These men and women put their lives on the line for us every day, to ensure our safety, and we must stand in support of law enforcement. Please Stand with the Thin Blue Line and add your name to the growing list of individuals who are tired of the violence against America”s law enforcement heroes. Help show the law enforcement community that we stand by them, at a time when they are under attack.

Craig W. Floyd
Chairman & CEO


Please be as committed as I am helping the  cops for without their sacrifice , the forces of evil would destroy your world. Be a participant and email  everyone involved with the police force and especially your local police department. Do not expect the “statu quo” to change or science to remotely grasp my message just yet. You are ALL alone to save your loved ones, to make those desperately needed changes and save future  cops” lives.

It is a shame that those we put in power to make a difference are the very people ignoring us thus join me to a website I created today,  solely dedicated to the police

There you can start reading the messages of those cops and as of today, everything dealing with the police and Pluto will be discussed there.  Show your support, show your concern and learn ALL about the very essence of Pluto that RULES the police force  – Join “SOS TO THE POLICE” or  – NOW!


C.O.P.S. provides training to law enforcement agencies on survivor victimization issues and educates the public of the need to support the law enforcement profession and its survivors. For more information, visit

Email this newsletter to all cops and all police chiefs

Steve Groeninger

“There are other universes of multiple dimensions unidentified to our earthly senses, but affluent with superior forces. Behind the cosmic curtain God hides all the answers of all pre-existing things only a few will be allowed to access.”

Dr. Turi


‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’

– Albert Einstein

Show your support emotionally and financially please

VIP, please tell the people you send my newsletters to join us in this great memorial movement – MAKE A $50.00 DONATION  AND BECOME A 2011 COSMIC CODE VIP READER.


The next twelve months “Universal and Personal transits” including the “Personal Elaborated Horoscope for all Signs” Be prepared you all for what to expect for the future. Learn how God speak to you, master the signs, understand and use the Cosmic Code rules. Be at the right time at the right place, be smart be aware and heed the signs.  I did generate the full year “SOS To The World” deadly window dates soon asking you to either be extremely cautious, work around or totally avoid traveling during these upcoming windows.

God unbending will speaks through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and let skeptics and ignorant alike become the future statistics.  As you know there are NO accidents but circumstances that are yet to be uncovered by science and with me as a guide you are safe and in good hands.  Remember being a VIP means you also vibrate at my spiritual level and concerned with the facts of life… Join the world and build your own Cosmic Consciousness with me.

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi on Project Camelot

TV Show In Tucson AZ – January

The Cosmic Code Reality Show  February – MAYBE! STILL HOPE!

Dr Turi’s Next Global Teleclass

March –

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –602 265-7667

Shaping Up The Human Spirit!


Dear VIP Reader;



HOLMES MILL, Ky.—The U.S. Postal Service plays two roles in America: an agency that keeps rural areas linked to the rest of the nation, and one that loses a lot of money. Now, with the red ink showing no sign of stopping, the postal service is hoping to ramp up a cost-cutting program that is already eliciting yelps of pain around the country.

Beginning in March, the agency will start the process of closing as many as 2,000 post offices, on top of the 491 it said it would close starting at the end of last year. In addition, it is reviewing another 16,000—half of the nation”s existing post offices—that are operating at a deficit, and lobbying Congress to allow it to change the law so it can close the most unprofitable among them. The law currently allows the postal service to close post offices only for maintenance problems, lease expirations or other reasons that don”t include profitability.

When my first vision occurred back in 2009 of a restructure of the Post office, general communication etc. very much like when I predicted back in December 2007 the US restructure of the economy, no one really either heard me or took my warnings seriously, then as always CNN (like science) with time as my most fateful ally, finally realize and announce the obvious.

And this is why over the years those who truly know of Dr. Turi’s prophetic gift/curse became VIP, students, patients, clients and readers. The newcomer is still at the exploratory state and while still suspicious, at least for a short while, the facts of my legitimate “talent” are poring. Your feedback and support is also endless and keep piling up at and the Phoenix Voyage website and this is where I realize that my message is finally being heard. Yes, in the name of greed, while Mr. Conman and Mrs. Pride threw their evil malignancy trying to stop the light the same evil force is lurking back at them, but like science and astronomy, what does the “real” world really knows about hidden  intrinsic energy, the spirit and the stars?

What sadden me is that the world has yet to learn to hold on preciously to the truth, real values, honesty, and legitimacy and oblige to trust the forces of light. But the reality is the forces of evil are also there because I can see the deplorable results not only affecting me personally but also all over the human affairs and it is not a pretty picture…

Abusive established wealthy corporations are sucking away the life line of America with a tremendous waste of time and resources that could be applied to uncover and use the “light” instead of behaving like a dirty selfish, greedy bunch of hyenas. Yes I wish Mr. Conman and Mrs. Pride where the only human born with tainted spirits but when an obvious killer likes Jared gets the AZ court to enter a plea of not guilty on his behalf Loughner Pleads Not Guilty in Arizona it sickens me and  I can give you the true reasons behind it.

BEFORE – I love You Mommy

First Loughner is a victim of a seriously failed education and I made my case quite clear if you read “Jared Lee Laughner “The Mind Of A Killer”


Second, the judicial system may think of the tax payers being less than morons, we all know without reasonable doubt with TONS of witness present that Jared OBVIOUSLY killed these unlucky souls. Again I made myself clear if you read A Little Angel Called Christina Green

But why entering a not guilty plea in his favor when he is guilty as hell? because we want to save his butt? because we are sorry for him or because he like every one of us has legal rights? All of the above but No reader, while the judicial system is set this way and expedite “normal” criminal case like a wild train daily, UN – famous cases (i.e. O.J. Simpson and others) get a special treatment.

What a legal waste, millions will be gone the wrong way making the economy  recovery more painful.  Because my friend, the legal Hyenas system wants the Lion to share…and gain fame with UN – fame (that’s always good for business) and also make a huge bundle of our our tax dollar in the process! The ugly guilty money making American capitalist attitude that drove Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy to behave like rats with me has no shame and they will hold on to their evil soup (your stolen donation or taxes) as long as they can.

Become and criminal get on TV watch and lean NOTHING!

The news media works on the same principle and if it brings fame and fortune to some dark souls, and get people to talk and watch TV, its good business period! Now who cares what dirt you are forced to watch every day  with  those reality shows honoring gangs, criminals etc. where one must be or come out of jail to access fame…  I think Mrs. Greedy would have a hell of a time “polishing” those characters when in fact, she is subconsciously teaching her victims (you and I) how to project the dirty true image of herself and teach how to manipulate others for the sole purpose of gaining money…

The stars don’t lie

Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Natasha Richardson etc.

But reader you really want to be amazed about those two  abusive characters ? What do you expect when Mrs. Greedy shares the SAME DRAGON”S TAIL in Taurus ($$$$$$) than Bernie Madoff and when Mr. Conman was  also like  Bernie BORN LATE APRIL and shares ALSO the same type of  UCI and fate?  Yes there is a God and he interfered with those evil souls because they are masters of manipulation and do NOT deserve Dr. Turi ”s future the blessings, that”s all…

Bernard Lawrence “Bernie” Madoff” was born April 29, 1938 and is the former Chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange and the admitted operator of the Ponzi scheme that might be “the largest investment fraud in Wall Street history”

Mrs. Greedy teachings…“You never know where your money is coming from,” she informed us,” so always be prepared with your 30 second pitch.”  She told us what to present after youhook the investor – your wish list casting, your return on investment and comparison of other films similar to yours and how they did in the market place.  “It’s never about you; it’s all about the deal.”

What do you think the judge will think reading this? Do I need this type of image? Are your stolen donations in the right hands?

While at the meeting Mr. Conman was repeating “we will make you famous and rich” I stopped him in his track and said ” I am NOT doing this TV show for money or fame but for a mission imposed to me by God to help the world.”

Indeeda magnet will not attract a piece of wood but I can”t help wondering why the hell opposites attracts each others?  Aren’t you disgusted yet reader?  Don’t you thing the human spirit should  teach and feed on something more productive, healthier, and educational that will with time bring us closer and offer respect, love and harmony? Am I the only one thinking this way or what? Why everything is about fame and wealth  and where did humanity fell into and how deep is this evil hole?

Let’s throw every criminal to rot in jail and speedily dispense of every obvious sick killers instead of spending billions feeding the legal rats I say. Give me the money for my schools so my “teachers of Light” and I can start educating and refining society into decency and honesty, if not waste more of your tax dollar building more jails. Until then, rest assured the endless line of convicts will never stop but get longer.

I hate waste let use those low calculated evil souls, those who use insanity to escape karma as scientific “experiments” instead of harming little rabbits and other innocent, beautiful rodents and other defenseless animals I say.

Can you Hear the Call of Justice?

What did these God creatures did to hurt society and where is real justice? Oh but your “philosophy is inhuman Dr. Turi you may feel but you would NOT think this way if your child was raped, tortured and shot in the head by any of these so called human… got me?

The problem is for those religiously poisoned souls in power, they have been trained to forgive and offer the other chick and without Cosmic Consciousness they will never be able to accept or conceive  the evil that inhabit EACH human being deteriorated UCI. Their Neptunian deceiving holy teachings as much as the leaders of an inefficient legal and educational system keep failing the rest of us. This deplorable attitude and lack of real spiritual food victimized and created all evil souls of the present, past and future. As long as human build religious and sports buildings alongside must be build the jails because they do go together. And I do not see the end of this Universal stupidity stopping soon reader… Especially if God keep reminding me of more dirty rats like Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy!

Now I know I have tons of support out there and I cannot afford to let the public donations go to waste, thus for legal purpose I am asking every one of you to participate against the injustice I suffered a few day ago by filling this form for me. I will submit this pack of emails and letters of support to the judge to help my case and get your donations back.

Remember I am a very committed man, I am very tenacious in all I do and I will NOT quit because this is YOUR donations and MY mistake to trust others and a good friend”s judgment  too fast. After all why should I doubt my 25 years relationship and the judgment of my trusted friend Elayne who dates the man? The fact is he never fulfilled my request to tape me because he never produced any reality show or know anything or  have editing  facility and misleads me right from the beginning. All he did was to bring another person in to “shape my image” and asked for another thousand dollar for her service.

I thought the $2000 was to incorporate both the “shaping deal” and the taping of the TV show as agreed and discussed earlier, but not so, instead Mrs. Greedy had plan to meet and make another payment plan for her services, while Mr. Conman hang up on me and simply disappeared…To be continued.

The fact is NOTHING of your donations, regardless of my planned expectations and agreement will ever go to the TV taping next February in Phoenix because the money is gone to someone who has done absolutely NOTHING to deserve it.

While I have a good case against them the judge will indeed appreciate your feedback, thus the reality is, I need new donations from you or your help to get it back. Please act in my favor for the world and the children of the future. Thank you all for your help…


Please copy, paste fill up and mail (or email) to: Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi

4411 N. 23rd St

Phoenix, AZ 85016



Your Name: _________________________________________


Last Name: __________________________________________


Your City and State: _________________________


Your Country_______________________________



What do you think of Dr. Turi?






Why do you endorse Dr. Turi’s work?








After reading my newsletter titled Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy Dr. Turi posted January 24th 2011 8:23pm about my experience what would you tell the judge?











Date and signature__________________________



”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

– Albert Einstein


Kerry Lynn Cassidy interview With Dr. Turi On Project Camelot

Wednesday March 23rd 7pm PST to 9pm.

Show your support emotionally and financially please

VIP, please tell the people you send my newsletters to join us in this great memorial movement – MAKE A $50.00 DONATION or use the $25 deal (ENDS TONIGHT)AND BECOME A 2011 COSMIC CODE VIP READER.


$25 deal got to order then locate the $25 “2011 Moon Power” option.

The next twelve months “Universal and Personal transits” including the “Personal Elaborated Horoscope for all Signs” Be prepared you all for what to expect for the future. Learn how God speak to you, master the signs, understand and use the Cosmic Code rules. Be at the right time at the right place, be smart be aware and heed the signs.  I did generate the full year “SOS To The World” deadly window dates soon asking you to either be extremely cautious, work around or totally avoid traveling during these upcoming windows.

God unbending will speaks through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and let skeptics and ignorant alike become the future statistics.  As you know there are NO accidents but circumstances that are yet to be uncovered by science and with me as a guide you are safe and in good hands.  Remember being a VIP means you also vibrate at my spiritual level and concerned with the facts of life… Join the world and build your own Cosmic Consciousness with me.

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi


Dr. Turi on Project Camelot

TV Show In Tucson AZ – January

The Cosmic Code Reality Show  February – MAYBE! STILL HOPE!

Dr Turi’s Next Global Teleclass

March –

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –602 265-7667

Mr.Conman and Mrs. Greedy



Dear VIP Reader;

Update  – Sharing more of real good news… Is God and karma working in my favor or what?

GEE there is indeed a God!

Hi Dr. Turi,

This is Chickie, the Administrator of NAPPN writing to you. I”m impressed with your website and content that you have shared with the NAPPN community. I”d like to offer you, your own show here on NAPPN TV for a weekly spot! Would you be interested?

Let me know your thoughts.


Update  – OMG! I CAN”T BELIEVE what some of you already found out on Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy (fictitious names) professional accomplishments and ILLEGAL endeavors. Its really amazing what one can find  about anyone”s secrets and I want to thank a couple of people who are gifted in this type of “detective” work.

You will be amazed when I divulge it all after this case comes to an end…This is amazing , Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy” uncovered  information really made my day! I feel so much better already. Mr. Conman”s butt is indeed cooked and a sorry  Mr. Greedy will learn more about his and her own secret past  (unless they decide to be honest for a change with me and other people). But one thing sure  born with a Taurus (money) Dragon”s Tail (negative)  she won ”t  be able to hold on to the money she did not do anything to deserve. THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH for your emails of legal / emotional support andthe incredible findings I can not divulge here. Already my attorney has more than needed for this case which seems to be going to court sooner or later if Mr. Conman and Mrs. Greedy do not act as decent human beings with all of us and return the stolen money…

I am on the air tonight with Linda, the show will be about explaining the forces of evil against the forces of light and what and how good or bad karma always unfolds. I will also approach Rep. Gabrielle Giffords” miraculous recovery, Christina and Jared stars and fate.  I will also perform mini readings for some lucky listeners. See you all tonight.

The sad story of Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy

”HAD” kind of a bad news to share with you reader: A good chunk of the public donations or 2000 dollars was stolen from me by Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy and I am waiting for my friend Gary Busey”s attorney feedback to help me recover the money I so badly need to produce my TV show “The Cosmic Code” with Dr. Turi. Before telling more to the big world I have decided to let you know how terrible I feel about the entire deal as to release some of my frustration and share this sad experience with those who are a little more closer to me first.

After all you signed up because you trust my wisdom and some of you have given me donation for the show. You may wonder after telling you in my public newsletters I was making great progress  and why I don”t talk about it anymore and in time why the TV show  may not happen. Thus I have to give you some explanations to cover myself before hand. Damn I hate myself it took me MONTHS to accumulate this sum and it was gone in less than one hour…

Well, all my plans were shattered  with those two people, their names, addresses, emails, telephones,  business etc. can not be exposed to the general public for legal purpose and I will refer to them as Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy. That is if I do not get your donation back of course. But what happened? After all I should know better yes, you bet I do…

Being an ADD and extremely fast why should I doubt Elayne, a 25 year of great friendship and her  judgment when she dates the guy? She called me last week telling me how wonderful he was and how knowledgeable he was with television etc. Little did she know the guy never handled a camera, did not know anything about editing or sound system.When we first met in my office I had a suspicion when Mr. Conman told me he could sell “fridges to Eskimo” and he never had a problem gathering people and equipment he needed.

The bell rang loud and clear but again why should I doubt my good trusted friend Elayne and his words?  All I wanted was to spend the money for the TV production in my next UFO event in Phoenix, that”s all. I was so excited, so happy to finally have found someone one of my best and long standing friend knew so well… Right away Terania, listening from the bedroom told me, NO honey, no don”t deal with him I have a bad feeling…damn she was right and why did I doubt my wife”s feelings?

Gee people I HATE Myself now for being so trustful, so stupid, so innocent and I learned that not everyone is as honest and real as I am for sure…

But the fact is, being a Taurus Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy, his partner in crime being a Scorpio, there is an obvious and very strong attraction and he probably wanted to impress her and make some money in the process too.  Yes his very words while talking about Heather on the phone were, “Yes indeed I would love to F…her.”

Mrs. Greedy is running a business from Phoenix, AZ and you will know all about it if she does not reimburse YOUR money, note also that many of you may be attorneys or could give me some help in this case, the more legal advise I get the better yes? So I will email you all that I have if you decide to see deeper into this mess and provide me with your help. Gee  be patient because I am expecting tons of emails from many of you, once you read this sad “adventure.” But I will try to explain it all next… Basically her job is to shape up people so they become at their best on television and dealing / facing the public and her first move was to remove everything  I had to do with Nostradamus. But there is no lies there, I was born in Provence France, under the same stars, rekindled and use his 16th century methodology and my unarguable set of predictions and the tons of support and feedback speaks for me when people baptized me ” Nostradamus reincarnated or the New Nostradamus” or what have you.”

In fact this has always worked for me and I would not be Dr. Turi without it. Damn I have your money stolen to RE-shape me? Into what” do you actually see the type of people and programing going on on reality show today reader? Do I or do they need shaping up lolo –  Let me know what you think of that idea ( and the best feedback will be used in the public newsletter I will generate to warn the large public in my city and those all over the world reading my work about Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy. Also all the people that have offered me donations, please send me an email ASAP I need this if this case goes to court.

All the emails have been saved for legal purpose just in case I need to show the legitimate documentations.  Then I will elaborate of course of the reasons why she wanted to clean off the Nostradamus thing from my “image.”

At the meeting in my house (I had no idea) she began to tell me how important it is to be top knock on TV and she started to correct “my speed” yes indeed my weakness is that sometime I do not listen…and she knew it well. Then after a while Mr. Conman simply asked me for the sum of 2 thousands dollars, when we AGREED on the phone to launch the project with only 1000 dollars. I did not think much about it because I thought well this money is incorporated for the TV show and this investment will go the right way.

Then the next day I demanded  Mrs. Greedy for a contract and a receipt for  tax purpose… note that Mr. Conman sent me an email where he emphasized how much I needed to be “shaped up” and money but NEVER mentioned a contract or the TV show. He went further and told me on the phone that I said we did not need a contract lol damn, I knew I was in trouble right there… But what really made me suspicious is the email I received from Mrs. Greedy saying “I need to see what is involved to come up with a PRICING structure.” This means of course Mr. Greedy had plans to suck more money from you and me” Shaping me up” for what ever period of time she judged necessary and this could be taking months for what I know!

Then I realize that your donations did not go to my primary TV show production request but to her business… We had a meeting the next day where she would start her first shaping up session with me, luckily for me my fist attorney saw thought the mascarade and was quite pissed off at me for giving money away without a contract and asked me to STOP immediately until I get a form of agreement (which I still do not have received /SAME WITH THE RECEIPT from any of them.)

When I asked explanation and confronted Mr. Conman he told me he had nothing to do with the money and  the check was made up to and Mrs. Greedys” business name not his. Thus he got his share of the Lion and simply removed himself from all responsibilities…This type of guy must be either in trouble or hiding something  yes? Then my attorney checked his background and he had ONLY a year invested in graphic design and his page, after our conversation,  like by magic is not available anymore on the net…

I emailed Mrs. Greedy, explained my case, telling her that my expertise on TV and radio, while still wild was acceptable and my image is just fine. I am sure many of you saw my last TV show and I think I did well, apart from the shades due to allergy congesting my eyes. Then I told her where your donations should have gone as I thought it would go, but they had another plan to use your donations I guess. My plan was quite clear and simple, all the money should be invested for the TV production ALONE, and if she wanted to “shape me up” a small amount of it could have been used for that purpose and NOT all your donation or the 2000 dollars. You see reader, do you get what happened here?

Of course I told Mrs. Greedy, because she has done absolutely NOTHING for me, to return your donation but so far nothing…Gary”s attorney is in N.Y. right now and she is very busy and  while she will friendly look into this situation but one of you reading this personal private note can jump in or advise me legally.  Her retainer is above $2000 thus she can only stay back…If this was my money I would let it go, karma always comes at the end, I know so much better than them two, but this is the public money, this is your money so I feel right to expose these two to you to my private list now then the world later if the money is not returned.

If I had the time and the money, or more of your donation, I am certain with the little time I had to check their stars, both Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy have the right stars, dedication  and experience to deliver the goods and  I know that for sure. But GREED took over, they knew my intention from the get go. Indeed in both the Entertainment Industry and politics the dirty ugly games of manipulation and back stabbing and sweet talking,  Mr. Conman, the artist nature is perfectly designed to sell me well and not “fridges to Eskimo” as he mentioned when we first met.

When I suggested him and Mrs. Greedy to keep the money and work another deal with me as “partners” he refused. Yes he managed to steal 2000 dollars  from  the public”s donations when he could have made millions with me had he fulfilled my initial request, instead of conning me into a deal to appease his ego to “shine” with a Lady he is interested in and gain from both of us. I explained to  Mrs. Greedy we were BOTH victims (or not?) but she still refuses to heed my perceptive nature. I guess she must be financially starving and totally unashamed to steal the public”s money and done NOTHING to deserve it…

Indeed I donot wonder why Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy attracted each others but in my case who has to learn something me ot them? or both maybe? Time will tell for sure but  while being sorry to thave trusted these low spirits, I still have a really good feeling about it all…

I will keep you posted about Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy story goes on reader and hopeful she will realize this money should be back to you, to me so I can use it as I fist intended to, and that is to produce my TV show and help the world at large. It is my duty, it is my dedication to do ALL I have to do to get your donations back reader.

Blessings to all

A very sorry, sad Dr. Turi

Sharing emails:

DT. Thanks for sharing this with me, I am sorry this happened. It”s a lesson though that you will never forget, and a lesson for all of us that we should not be so trusting, should listen to our wives (ha ha!) and if something seems to be too good, it probably is! Stay strong and good luck with this, I hope this gets resolved peacefully. That was brave, egoless and courageous of you to tell everyone the whole story. Keep me posted please


Dear Louis , sorry to hear about the misfortune. There”s a lot of sleazy people out there, and you know that, you just caught up in it all. Don”t be so hard on yourself, you”ve unselfishly helped people for so long, I believe good things will still come to you. You”ve just had a learning experience, I believe you will recoup. Blessings, Cheryl

Dr. Turi:  Even when a website is taken down, many times there are “cached” mirrors of it saved on servers.  (This is a back-up mechanism in the event a server goes down, it has a mirror.) In doing a standard background check, this might not have been looked into.  If you can send me the name of the website, I”ll do a quick check to see if there might be a back-up of the website.  If so, I”ll save a copy of it and send it to you. Remember, there are a lot of decent Taurus people out there! 🙂

Love , Juanita

Dr.T and Terania,

I am so so sorry. What has happened to you is a criminal act and I can only hope the people will be brought to justice. Please don”t be too hard on yourself as you are human and we all make mistakes in life…I”m here for you as a friend and loyal VIP. And remember you always teach your students this .Karma is bitch and they will get theirs in the end. I know you will get that reality show up and running very soon . This is a minor setback. Luv


DT, you see, special things happen to u, if u didn”t post the wrongdoing , maybe Chickie wouldn”t have had a reason to offer u the show. Kudos my friend. Everything happens for a reason. Now all I need is the NY Jets to win today. Love,


Should You Fear Witchcraft, Black Magic and Voodoo?


“Victimus Reptilius Dritus Satanus” – The powerful spell I cast upon my enemies…

  Dear VIP Reader;

Yes, I can heal and offer real guidance and predictions, offer hopes and love to people but never forget a razor blade has two sides reader, at least when it comes to me. I can also use my cosmic wisdom and the Plutonic deadly power against my enemies.

The curse generated against a person can only be cleared upon his/her request and, under very specific ritual requests from the creator! Or Dr. Turi. Fear and guilt from the perpetrator are my strenghs!

Never think for a second you are safe from anyone blessed with the power of the stars or the superconscious. Such power can be used and directed against anyone in time and space and distance is not a problem when handling the dark forces of Voodoo or Black Magic!

If a master of the Divine is knowledgeable he will own your subconscious creative /destructive forces and such a person knows also how to influence its dark forces against its owner.

Indeed black magic and Voodoo deadly practices should be taken very seriously and, when handled accordingly can and will seriously hurt the fate or even kill people from distance…

Rational people (scientists/atheists etc.) don’t believe in the science of “Black Magic” and its vile nefarious power yet, “fear/skepticism” is still subconsciously generated by its infected fearful owner.  

For years I have been fighting the ugly forces of greed, lies, manipulation, and the evil generated by various people I encountered in my professional and personal life. Greed is the most obvious evil force cursing the mind of humans who will find any excuses not to reward my intellectual gifts. These “low life” truly believe they can get away from well-deserved karma and my expertise with witchcraft!

While I could ignore stupidity, I prefer trying to educate lost souls and I will follow up on my promises only with the manipulative unevolved tainted souls psychically!

Unevolved souls will rejoice thinking they won a battle because they do not know of the evil forces they created witch will always come back to the ones who generated the evil flux!

Create a negative situation, abuse a person, refuse to pay for a service, and be ready to suffer the curse I will put in your subconscious. Call it karma or the perfect justice imposed by the universal rites and cosmic ceremonies that so many young souls ridicule!  Little do they know that; there is no space in time and the “force” they fear so much or simply deny will always find its creator.

My cosmic wisdom is real and astrology, magic spells,  witchcraft, black magic, voodoo, and  The Magical Power of Talismans! may be sought (like my cosmic work) as pseudo-science only, but the fact is the power coming from the underworld is as solid as the world you live on. The power can be channeled for humanity’s progressive purpose or channeled to punish an unconscious enemy.

In fact, I had a few “forced” occasions in my 71 years of metaphysical endeavors to thread on both sides of the coin. I tested and witnessed this awful magic power in action and the results can only scare the hell out of any unlucky recipients.

It is only when you experience it mentally and physically in your dream state or in this dense physical world that you realize there is much more to the world of metaphysics than you know or what science could never explain!

Countless people are victimized daily by reptilius infected people’s envious, destructive thoughts knowing nothing of the dreadful channeled Plutonic energy poisoning their lives. But before explaining how the force of darkness (negative) can be cleaned out or channeled safely, let me start by explaining how the forces of light (positive) work through white magic.

“God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

While I am a master in handling all forms of metaphysics, I was born with the gift of a true “lightworker” and I refuse to teach Witchcraft to anyone and for good reason. Because its horrific power is very REAL and always reaches its target! In life, we are forced to cross the path of certain evil, greedy people for specific karmic purposes that can and must be fulfilled with their interaction.

Refusing to remunerate my cosmic work, offering you light, love, wisdom, direction, and helping you to lead a productive life means you are NOT ready for me and, landing on my curse is not an accident! You need to learn all about the DARK forces I generated against you to teach the lesson to be decent with other human beings who gave you their best!

A young, greedy, unconscious soul can never learn otherwise, and landing on me is set by the Divine or God himself! Not learning about the reality of Karma (and the power of witchcraft) means this deceptive person will do evil it again and again to others…

Some souls are real blessings, sent by God to offer true help and further unselfish wishes while others are sent from the infested dark forces to abuse you and stop your progress.

But in all, a very serious lesson has and will always be learned from all parties involved,  usually imposed by the unfolding drama. Maybe you know someone who never had to deal with enemies or someone who has not been a victim of a con man or got lured into a situation where he/she becomes a victim of an abusive greedy soul.

Certainly, everyone has and while karma always takes its sweet time to show its ugly face to the perpetrators, only a real gifted metaphysician has the cosmic wisdom to direct and control both the constructive or evil dark forces at their advantage.

So if you are doing something wrong, you do not need me to tell you about it. Your very conscience (your safeguard) is just trying hard to save your butt.  And if you think you are safe from karma or the evil eye, think twice because there is no time or distance in space!

Once launched, the evil eye will reach its target and its victim forced to experience a streak of bad luck, sleepless nights, cold sweat, depressions, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, health problems, accidents, and in extreme cases, even death.

Some people rely on a deity and pray to God to stop the poisoned flux to reach you, but most of them do not have the wisdom needed to stop the evil cursing your life. They will begin slowly deteriorating from the inside out as soon as the dark spell is carried away in the insidious Plutonic wind.

 One of the utmost metaphysical rules is the very clear reader. Shared knowledge means also loss of power unless you are me of course and know more about the supra-conscious, the stars, metaphysics, and the reptilius agenda! The unevolved, pious, skeptic, common, unwise soul maybe lead to a cross path with me but can never benefit from my supreme cosmic wisdom, period!

So much power hidden in this symbol.

But before going forward and explaining more about the Plutonic sinister world, realize that life itself; is based on two equal forces, that could not exist without each other’s or its equal counterpart: i.e.

God – Devil

Good – Bad

Day – Night

Yin and Yang

Male – Female

Front – Back

Positive – Negative

Astrologers – Astronomers

White Magic – Black Magic – etc.

Thank you world for your “white witchcraft!”

As predicted then in my newsletter titled Astrology Versus Astronomy,“ Gabrielle Giffords made significant progress and was moved to a rehabilitation hospital in Houston.

That’s good news but God isn’t really the one making the miracle, it’s the part of God inside each person and their thought who did the job!

But as explained in FEARS feeds Evil, in the “accident” she suffered is a form of powerful  “Wicca” against her own self. Only our VIPs are allowed to read this section by clicking on the link above.

However the doctors the scientific community and the world at large were perplexed and very clear, Giffords’ progress ‘not normal.’ So what really happened there, magic?

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination does the rest. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot perceive.” Dr. Turi

Rep. Gifford magical recovery had to do with forces she and science could never assimilate because the “Soul Doctors” are nowhere to teach society! Indeed the “magic spells” of millions of positive healing thoughts geared towards her fast recovery paid off and did the job!

This is why it is important to avoid doing wrong things to people you do not know, because some people are naturally set (gifted) by the stars to stimulate the subconscious manifesto and do direct those energies to produce things you could never imagine!

Evil and good people alike can and will  “use” the super-conscious and subtle thoughts forms you know nothing about to work for or against you!

I deal with hundreds of thousands of readers that are wishing us well on a daily basis and when my supporters found out I was battling colon cancer, all the “white light” poured to me and my doctors were also wondering how soon after my surgery, I recovered fast and the cancer is now totally gone!


Avoiding karma is like throwing a rock above your head and hope it will never go back down and maybe you’ll be e smart enough to stay clear from it. This means as much as a person can be nice to others and give the world his best, the same person can become reptilius infected and “switch” then do the extract same opposite.

Intensity, steadiness, pain, passion, revenge, and guilt are the perfect fuel to channel the power like a laser beam right to the target.  In other words, the more pain, wrongdoing doing or guilt a person inflicts to others or generates upon himself; the more hateful psychic  “fuel” is available to launch and maintain the evil wind.

 Usually, this intense telepathic hideous soup is cooked on a subconscious level and NOT directed willingly, safely, and steadily by the “novice” thus taking away a good chunk of power in the process. Do you feel lucky?

There’s more to learn about handling and generating this power in my 550 pages book “Beyond The Secret.” But remember it is all at a karmic risk because the stars and the subconscious will not rationalize with you! Thus make sure you read the sections properly and understand the risks involved in dealing with Plutonic forces!  

The good news is; Some evil eye reptilius infected souls, are only interested in learning and using witchcraft to destroy their enemies, yet, do not have inherited Plutonic UCI needed to handle the sinister forces properly nor they possess enough of the “deep dark” cosmic knowledge to safely avoid the karmic repercussions.

Indeed hurting someone from distance is dangerous for both the evil creator and the unlucky recipient. Unless you know all about witcraft stay clear from handling it!

But there are vengeful situations so intense that some people will sell their soul to evil in order to become Voodoo Master and they are very dedicated to psychically destroy their enemies. These people are busy fulfilling diabolic requests and get paid really good money doing so.

As soon as I suffer one of my enemy’s wrongdoing; the super-conscious evil forces I carefully handle do not need a physical address to find you…  And the evil wind act as a solid spiritual wake-up call that will do quite a lot of damage to them.

In a million years, a greedy, deceptive person will never connect his/her  “bad luck” with the master generator!

Indeed all my enemies have “infringed” the universal laws and brought to themselves an inescapable well deserved karma! Google, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions, and Dr. Turi

So to summarize, Rep. Gifford and I, including any other well-known people, i.e. actors, singers, etc. politicians, they are tremendously loved and hated by the public!

The human spirit has its imperfections too. Ultimately I used the examples of what happened to us, to show and prove to you that, black or white magic exists and can be manipulated for good or for worse, period. You can learn to master the power at your advantage with good intentions or you may stay in your comfortable religious or atheist zones!


End of all religions, birth of a real God


This may be a sensitive but very real “witchcraft” topic that may easily offend or scare the uninformed or god-fearing religious reader! But understanding the conscious or subconscious process involving witchcraft practices should again, be taken very seriously because it’s happening all the time and is very real.

Become a VIP and learn about metaphysics and the cosmic code jurisdictions with us! And with it, all about the real cosmic God will!

Deciphering the mechanics of  Astropsychology, magic spells, Wicca, witchcraft, black magic and voodoo, divine astrology, etc. is only for the wise older souls! Again my bookBeyond The Secretis a good start.

While I teach how to generate and control the creative and destructive forces of the subconscious and how the supra-conscious works, I do not teach how to channel the dark forces of black magic to anyone, only those who have integrity and own the right stars to delegate evil itself!

The right “Wicca/Astropsychology/metaphysics” education is the only key to apply such power over others, and this is why the Illuminati use, own and guard the mysterious black key secretively.

Imagination plays a very important part in directing the “evil” Plutonic energy and some well-read black magic practitioners use or draw pictures and stab them repetitively at a very precise time.

The power intensifies drastically when the “incantation” is performed during the victim’s negative cosmic biorhythms, especially after midnight and after a full moon on the day commanding the hidden dragon of the intended victim. At least this is what the Draconis do to all unconscious humans to control their thoughts and actions…

There is such a thing as being at the right/wrong time and the right/wrong place reader. Like a well-oiled gearbox, the Cosmic Code rules are impartial and knowing when and how to use those celestial winds can be used to channel the power to avoid or “create” what humans call accidents.

Again when write “Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil or does not feed evil” the reader must understand and acknowledge these words to their full extend. Would you trust a drunk or brand new pilot to fly you and your loved one across the US? Would you trust someone with legitimate wisdom to guide and help you to handle those dangerous forces?

All I have to say to the scientific community and skeptics alike is; beware because you are not informed on certain subjects does not mean the essence of these phenomenons are not real, nor can be applied to benefit or hurt you in our daily life.

Now because our infantile science classifies astrology, magic spells, Wicca, witchcraft, black magic UFO;s the universal reptilius infestation and voodoo as a joke; does not mean it’s true, because scientists are well known to “retract” and constantly prove themselves wrong.


In the medical aspect of divine astrology, the location of Saturn “The Great Malefic” in a chart can also be used to pinpoint the weakest area of the body. Because Virgo rules the colon, the elimination principle, and nefarious Saturn is in this sign, Astropsychology medical aspect dictates a natural weakness in the digestive tract.

Mars “the Lord of War” is also perceived as a dangerous evil planet by the ancients and Rome’s Master  Astrologers used this planet’s devastating energy to successfully win all battles.

Mars was surnamed “Gradivus”, which has been translated as he who precedes the army in battle”. In the late 1st century B.C., the emperor Augustus erected the Temple of Mars Ultor (“Mars the Avenger”) in Rome, to give thanks to the god for his victory over the assassins of his adoptive father, Gaius Julius Caesar.

“To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust“

Thus in the hands of a cosmic conscious evil master, the location of Mars by sign and house can be channeled to create an accident, break a leg or become the victim of violent death.

Neptune “The Lord of poisoning” can be used for bringing infectious organisms to the intended victim who ends up dying mysteriously.

Uranus can be used to create a freak accident and those cosmic winds are used by the reptilius ETs to curse humanity!


If Mercury (driving) is badly affected in the victim’s chart with Mars (danger) then this celestial aspect can also be used to create an “accident” and the list goes on and on. But again unless the practitioner has your date of birth and owns cosmic consciousness, understanding of the dragons, housing system, planets, and aspects, etc. the black magic side of Wicca astrology cannot be used quite efficiently.

Again, one must be highly skilled in the supra-conscious forces at work, paganism, astrology, hypnotherapy and the medical aspect of Astropsychology to perform this type of evil work from distance.

Great consideration must be taking place, especially in the avoidance of the returning residual karmic energy. Remote viewing is also a form of white witchcraft, where the subconscious is used to psychically travel in time and space and spy on the enemy.

What can I do for you Dr. Turi?

The immense power of the Hidden Dragon is the utmost destructive conducting energy to use in black magic. Mostly because the soul is already stuck in the pool of negativity, fears, guilt, uncontrolled imagination, etc. and that is where the soul must swim out or avoid it like the pest. So its location by house and sign is deadly and vital information at the hand/spirit of your persecutor.

Thus using astropsychology and armed with the date of birth there is a myriad of aspects and possibilities available to start the evil work and get rid of your enemies. And while I am offering the reader the “Wicca for Idiots” this practice is common in Africa, the US, and many other places in this big world.

The purpose of me explaining such dark forces is to make the reader aware that; not only karma but the evil forces you ridicule or deny will always reach you if you do evil to anyone around you, period.

Again when I write “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of EVIL or POSITIVE thoughts” I mean it…

Damn, why me?

For instance, someone born with the dragon head or tail in certain signs is very vulnerable on the heart area and the black flux can be channeled rapidly to produce a clog and a heart attack. The more skilled and focused the “Magician” is, the more power will be generated for or against a person! Very much like a dynamo generating a slow or fast, but steady killing psychic electrical current.

Being fully aware of the housing system and the sign ruling a particular house can also act as a “spiritual” dagger carefully directed to hit the far-away target.  Other evil souls stick needles into a puppet endlessly, subconsciously looking for the perfect celestial energy and the perfect timing. These evil souls’ obsessive infected minds will only stop channeling the power when they are notified of their victim’s demise.

Remember reader there are no accidents, heart attacks are not only coming from bad eating habits, lack of exercise, or what science wants you to accept, heart attacks can also come to you because someone wishes you evil for whatever damage you did to that person.

And you thought you won a battle and it is all over with them? How wrong you are! Thus let’s say you screwed someone of $2000, be sure you will have to pay thousands of dollars worth of stress, depressions, panic attacks, bad luck, and medical bills! That is if; you are lucky enough to escape with your life.

Life is NOT all about love and Light

With me as a  paying VIP, you will get only the truth to what’s really going on behind your rose-colored loving glasses. All I am doing is giving you a chance to assimilate into another world! The one I deal with every day and where I shine and reign supreme by helping you to correct your thoughts and actions as to avoid the karmic Wicca’s power.

As a rule, the more skeptical or fearful an infected person is; the easier the target will become to feel the hideous Plutonic power flowing through their doomed spirit.

Most of the time, the evil power is practiced subconsciously; But when the wisdom and the will is applied precisely and steadily the results are guaranteed. Only a spiritual cleansing, a powerful incantation, or a “anti possession”  talisman can reverse and stop the spiritual damage.

Thus if you feel you have done something wrong to someone and you feel somehow guilty, chances are you are already under this person’s conscious or subconscious spell.

Hello is this a evil or healing spirit reaching you?

  The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Think for example of a person and, all of a sudden the telephone ring, or think of someone and it appears in your dreams or in real life just around the corner. This happens all the time but you are probably unaware of it.

This is nothing else than a benign form of witchcraft all humans are able to generate, experience and handle at a subconscious level.

And you think just because you are a Jew, a Christian, or selling your soul to Neptune’s deceptive religious world you aren’t dealing with the “occult?” Think again!

Do you think your local cosmic unconscious religiously infected minister or priest knows about metaphysics and will “sermon” you on how to understand the forces of the “occult” (or your prayers) at work and teach you how to avoid getting hurt from the underworld? How much does an ecclesiastic know about Pluto, the cosmic code, the supra-conscious, the reptilius infestation, and Astrology? Here is your answer readers!

Stolen light

In time,  the Plutonic demonic, possession, or karma will reach its creator and the perpetrators alike!  If you are not educated in metaphysics, your fears and cosmic ignorance will bring about more depressions, dementia, panic attacks, schizophrenia even suicide.

I can only hope for you to never cross and experience the awful destructive power of a real witchcraft Master. To all who offended me and those who will, in the name of your innocence I can only warn you!  Be very aware of the serious karma you brought to yourself by nurturing and propagandizing evil against anyone. And to the skeptics, just wait and see and if you happen to be a victim of such evil power disturbing your dreams at night!

White healing Moon Stone Positive


While I get paid to service my clients and patients with God’s healing white light I sometimes come upon some very peculiar requests.

Once this gentleman called me from New York and asked me if I could do a love spell on someone he fell in love with.

While I do perform physical, spiritual cleansing, and healing with a series of Cabalistic rituals, I have also collected over the years a tremendous amount of nefarious energy in a rare black crystal ball that can be safely used/channeled for *black magic purposes if needed.

To charge the negative battery while cleansing the person’s auric self and accumulate the negative Plutonic energy! The person MUST hold on to a black ball *vacuum and empty his/her aura before *recharging the ethereal body, with the white Moon Ball.

It’s pretty much like your telephone battery, you must let it completely die before recharging it. This black ball gets its DIRTY power with the awful collection of many years of spiritual dirt removed from my clients” spiritual residue and wrongdoings. Thus my black ball gets a supercharged surplus of Plutonic energy under certain astrological auspices that I can use against my enemies if needed.

The power intensifies, drastically especially at night during a full Plutonic moon while the white crystal ball recharge itself endlessly facing the full hot Arizona day Sun in my backyard.

While I could make conscious use of my accumulated *black powers against my enemies, and able to handle the karmic residue safely, I would rather use love and understanding than battle them. Dealing with jealousy, ignorance, envy abuse or stupidity is not my forte.

God’s power is within the cosmic code secrets and becomes the only safe and reliable way to handle life and my hidden enemies.  I trust forgiveness and love is the only answer.

But in a few cases, I was cornered and had to use Wicca to make a point; And what is any sum of money stolen from me compared to your health, your fate, or your mental sanity?

Time is the answer reader and as much as the Voodoo or Black magic practitioner tries to control himself consciously, the subconscious deep emotional connection accentuates the motivation and becomes more problematic! Too late, the witchcraft process is already gone and already reaching its victims.

In this case, the telephone session was set for the next day where I advised this gentleman to avoid any form of difficult love rituals. Rituals can be used for money, career, health, and protection against evil forces, and like the majority of people, he had no cosmic consciousness and no awareness of the Wicca power. Thus I strongly suggested him invest in my “love Talisman.” The Magical Power of Talismans!

Of course, science can only deny or even laugh about this nonsensical witchcraft pseudo-science but rest assured, no one is safe against the force. Ask any voodoo or witchcraft (spared) victims for more information if you want to learn more about such diabolic energy.

There is a “magic” ritual and the right talismans for absolutely anything you need, but most people are all unconscious and will not request the information. meantime, subconsciously (or consciously) all are performing these rituals daily.

Thank God, it is more on autopilot that the majority of people operate and practice witchcraft. I also explained to him that forcing a love spell is sometimes okay but building the seat of attraction would be my first choice.

I suggested to him how to improve his own *animal magnetism and attract her *naturally by drinking the Universal Blood Transfusion and using a love talisman. He was perplexed and interested in my “Wicca” expertise and even though I can perform both good and evil at will, I will always steer my client to a more safe approach.

It’s more demanding, more time-consuming but very much safer and with time the results are the same at the end.


It is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Louis is “famous warrior“.

Many people instinctively realize or feel they are recipients of a nefarious evil wind, some are directed consciously or subconsciously at them by other gifted but often unaware souls *God thanks for that! But ultimately the results are dreadful where the soul endures a physical or spiritual hell bringing challenges and setbacks regardless of the will used to turn things around.


With the dragon’s tail moving soon in the US chart and more evil thoughts generated by billions of envious people against America “We the People” must unite against the upcoming reptilius attacks. My visions will unfold because I do not have the stage and the support needed to change the thought process cursing this great country…

Conscious or not, many of you will fall for this nefarious power and if you feel you and America are victims of such evil forces, chances are you are!

First, make amends and do the right thing ASAP, the reptilius can not survive with positive thoughts and hopes.   STOP the evil force poisoning our lives… 

The US is not doomed but the enemy is intangible and desperate for troubles, discord, guilt, anger, fears and your inaction against this cosmic evil is unacceptable. Dealing with God’s Cosmic Divinity is re-birthing into a wiser soul, protecting us all against all evil forces!

Start by investigating how those 2017 cosmic winds will affect you and your loved ones!


Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.


Dr. must

Image result for Terania

Question? Help? Talk to Terania – 602 265-7667

Children Of The Future


Dear VIP Reader;

In the tumult produced by our infantile science and their logical, mathematical perception of the Universe I decided once more to challenge their limited educated opinion. Again debating the spiritual language of the stars with an astrophysicist and astronomer is like trying to explain to them why the sun’s ray can penetrate through a glass window without breaking it. Another word they are not mentally/spiritually fit by God and nature to comprehend the intuitive domain of my work.

Tattoo parlor owners must be salivating. An assertion in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article that our understanding of the zodiac is off by about a month – and that therefore people have been identifying themselves with the wrong sign – caught fire on the internet Thursday, and many folks are in an absolute panic on social media.

DT Rebuttal: For the writer to start an article with Tattoo parlor owners” and their wild characters seem to classify those reading the Star Tribune newspaper horoscopes representing the uneducated mass’ true perception of a very rare and dignified lost science he knows nothing about. Indeed  an extreme minority of  supremely intelligent people such as my students, clients and you reader are enjoying and benefiting from real astrology. But again the writer must protect himself from the “ridicule” and emancipate himself from all the Tattoo parlor owners and their wild clientele…

“If my zodiac symbol has been changed to a Libra, what am I supposed to do with my Scorpio tattoo?!?!,” read one tweet Thursday.

DT Rebuttal: Again little do theTattoo parlor owners and their wild clientele” know that they are made of a composition of twelve signs of the zodiac that affects a specific housing system in a specific order, thus because of this lack of education, the world is now in a panic mode? This is so funny, it’s like trying to concentrate on a insignificant point in the for ever endless cold universe because OBJECTIVITY is not science or the common mortal reading newspaper horoscopes forte.

Some vowed to get their tats removed. Others groaned about losing the sign with which they’ve identified themselves for years. The zodiac and related terms – including Ophiuchus, said to be a 13th and neglected sign – were trending Twitter topics much of Thursday.

As much as science removed or “thwarted” Pluto as a planet, the same educated astronomers are discovering new planets on a daily base…laughable really when these planets have always been there but they never saw them until last week! Removing tats is like agreeing with yet another wasteful scientific discovery that makes sense to them only…but don’t you dare asking any astronomer to bypass their logical limited perception of astrology  when all they are doing is to try hard to hurt its integrity and ridicule all the people interested in Astrology.

But before astrology fans scrape the ink from their arms because they think they”re now a Virgo instead of a Libra, they should consider this: If they adhered to the tropical zodiac – which, if they”re a Westerner, they probably did – absolutely nothing has changed for them.

DT Rebuttal: Again, those educated heads are discovering the fact that the number of people interested and dealing with astrology override astronomy by one million to one and the millions of “lost” people complaining about it forced them to RE evaluate their findings and offer a new peace of mind. The fact is there are 85 different way of drawing a horoscope and the scientific community investigated the physical aspect or the movement of the stars within the Tropical against the Sidereal Zodiac. 

Again they are NOT talking Astrology but Astronomy and by radicalizing/ridicule astrology they got bitten in the butt.  Astronomers have NO clue of the spiritual essence emanating from the stars they consider and perceive only as solid rocks. Indeed astronomers should never ever approach a subject they know nothing about, or at least do some spiritual gymnastics with real pro like my students and I before looking like real Astro-jerks in the eyes of the world.

Do not expect NASA and the scientific community to explain what the reptilius agenda is all about when they are clueless of the spiritual values involving our own solar system and the rest of the cosmos!

Bizarre ‘Dark Fluid’ with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe

It’s embarrassing, but astrophysicists are the first to admit it. Our best theoretical model can only explain 5 percent of the universe. The remaining 95 percent is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material dubbed dark energy and dark matter.

Once more readers, the reptilius travel in time and space through black holes into  countless of dimensions. They resides in “Dark Matter” and can only survive with your negativity.  If you have a radio to TV show contact me at  and help me educate the masses of this incredible but real phenomenon. 


That”s worth rephrasing: If you considered yourself a Cancer under the tropical zodiac last week, you”re still a Cancer under the same zodiac this week. That”s because the tropical zodiac – which is fixed to seasons, and which Western astrology adheres to – differs from the sidereal zodiac – which is fixed to constellations and is followed more in the East, and is the type of zodiac to which the Star Tribune article ultimately refers. Two zodiacs. That”s nothing new.

DT Rebuttal: Again the writer must be directly or indirectly involved in the “cleanup process” to have his “essay” on CNN and available to the entire world. It’s amazing reader what transpires behind the scene and what has to be done to clear off science own integrity when the population becomes “vexed.”

Imagine that introducing the “Power of the Dragon” to astronomers?The dragon is representing the South and North node of the Moon but so little has been written or used by modern astrology. Yes scientist’s andf astronomers alike knows only so much of the lunar nodes or the physical “Dragon.” The lunar nodes are the orbital nodes of the Moon, that is, the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic (which is the apparent path of the Sun across the heavens against the background stars). The ascending node is where the moon crosses to the north of the ecliptic. The descending node is where it crosses to the south.

But do you think any astronomer would ever consider reading the 525 page book to improve their Cosmic Consciousness I wrote on the subject? – It’s amazing how truly robotic / neurotic humans of all kinds really are and unconsciously respond to their own UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. It’s so much in their faces but without the proper introduction and education the ability to auto analyze oneself accurately and recognize the dragon’s impact is simply impossible.

“This story is born periodically as if someone has discovered some truth. It”s not news,” said Jeff Jawer, astrologer with The hubbub started with Sunday”s Star Tribune article, which said the following: “The ancient Babylonians based zodiac signs on the constellation the sun was ”in” on the day a person was born. During the ensuing millenniums, the moon’s gravitational pull has made the Earth ”wobble” around its axis, creating about a one-month bump in the stars” alignment.”

DT Rebuttal: First I wonder what Jeff Jawer does really know about the Astro/Tarot or if he ever dealt with it? Maybe if one of my students introduced him to Nostradamus 16th century Divine astrology that uses that specific methodology.Second, why would the writer gather information from a Tarot website when astrology is in question?Meantime Jeff’ scientifically oriented answer denotes a modern Astrologer’s logical, mathematical perception or the astrometry involving the planet’s movement and NOT the spiritual essence coming from them.   And while I am at it, where is Jeff’s dated printed posted predictions on the net that would encourage anyone to trust his gift and perception?  You aren’t going to find such real proof on

“When [astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, it’s really not in Pisces,” Parke Kunkle, a board member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society, told the Star Tribune. “Indeed,” the article continued, “most horoscope readers who consider themselves Pisces are actually Aquarians.” The article also asserts Scorpio”s window lasts only seven days, and that a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, used to be counted between Scorpio and Sagittarius but was discarded by the Babylonians because they wanted 12 signs per year.

DT Rebuttal: Parke Kunkle knows nothing of astrology or [astrologers] and uses the Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations through his own logical unperceptive UCI. All he can offer the reader is yet “windows that last only seven days” in a timeless, shapeless, sightless divine manifesto he is not designed to comprehend or explain outside of his five limited human senses.

True enough, Jawer says, the sun doesn”t align with constellations at the same time of year that it did millennia ago. But that’s irrelevant for the tropical zodiac, codified for Western astrology by Ptolemy in the second century, he says. In the tropical zodiac, the start of Aries is fixed to one equinox, and Libra the other.

DT Rebuttal: Again this discussion is NOT about the values of astrology but the correctness of its so called erroneous timing which can only be measured by astronomy mathematical understanding. Astrology is an art, and art demands creativity, intuition, symbolism, *signs, perception and an advanced, sensitive, perceptive UCI or the real spiritual qualities/blessings both Jawer and Parke are obviously missing.

“When we look at the astrology used in the Western world, the seasonally based astrology has not changed, was never oriented to the constellations, and stands as … has been stated for two millenniums,” Jawer said.

DT Rebuttal: And this is the big problem because life is a constant process of changes and those who dealt with astrology for so long with the same “perceptive” tools used by a rational astronomyare missing the forest for the tree and get lost into a humongous mathematical jargon that evades the divinity of God speaking his implacable will through the heavens.

People who put stock in astrology can ask whether they should adhere to the tropical zodiac or the sidereal zodiac. Jawer argues for the tropical. “Astrology is geocentric. It relates life on Earth to the Earth’s environment, and seasons are the most dramatic effect, which is why we use the tropical zodiac,” he said.

DT Rebuttal: Well it is not the scientific method that is used to plot the planets orbiting the earth that Astropsychology concentrate on. Those constellations while moving a few insignificant degree last two millenniums means nothing to the essence of the timeless zodiac itself. But it is the methodology used that is important for it spiritually translates the core of those planets accurately in the 12 specific areas of the human experience.

Nope there won’t be 13 months in a year soon to go by, nope there won’t be 13 Apostles, and 13 tribes of Israel or 13 mortal sins to fear and nope there won’t be 13 hours in a day or 13 months in a year soon.


You can use the best technological, sophisticated, reliable scientific tools created by man and still fail to explain “the accident” or the fatal error that produced the plane crash in the Hudson River and its precious human cargo in the cold water. It’s all about the right timing, a second that will make the difference between life and death, success of failure by acting in perfect harmony between the Cosmic Code and the supraconscious in time and space. The difference between Divine Astrology is Modern Astrology is so vast just because modern astrologers want to be accepted by science and use the same misleading UN spiritual approach.  Well here is your chance reader, if you missed it, to read more about the “accident” of January 15th 2009 using the true intuitive power of the stars. What Makes An Hero?

So rest assured reader, the very people that deal with the old science of astrology are NOT equipped or able to debate its powers because they do not have God’s permission to dwell into the spirit and the future of humanity just yet… and I do!


Astrology Is An Art Stay With The Master

Sharing emails:

Anyone who questions you about the recent publicity given to the zodiac or a new sign, tell them that is claimed by an astronomer who knows nothing about astrology or even what the tropical  zodiac consists of. Western astrologers became dissatisfied with the sidereal zodiac of the constellations by the 5th century CE, and switched to the tropical zodiac that astrologers in the West have used ever  since. The tropical zodiac coincided with the constellations in the year 221 CE.  It took a couple of centuries, but astrologers did figure out those planets, signs, and charts should be measured from the equinox, not from a particular star. Western astrology starts the signs from the north or ascending  node of intersection between the ecliptic and the celestial  equator, the zero Aries or equinox point. Nodes are the intersections between planes and have always been important points in astrology.  The resulting ecliptic hemispheres are then divided into the four quadrants and each quadrant has a beginning space, a middle space, and an end space, just like life.  These are the signs of Western astrology.  They are mathematically and geometrically elegant, as opposed to the irregular groupings of stars known as the constellations, which is what the Minnesota astronomer and media talking heads are ultimately referring to.  You have permission to quote any of the above for any purpose. Thank you very much for the many birthday wishes.

John Halloran

4 million grant?

Will they ever see the light?

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) – A Memphis organization is battling the teen pregnancy crisis by targeting teen boys.

Be Proud! Be Responsible! Memphis!” is new program that”s reaching out to teen boys as it is introduced to Trezevant, Northside, and Frayser High Schools.  According to Michael Massey at Le Bonheur Children”s Hospital, says the five-year teen pregnancy prevention program was funded by a $4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

DT Rebuttal: Again and exorbitant amount of money totally wasted because the “Plutonic” generation they are dealing with cannot be either persuaded or molded in what  the Trezevant, Northside, and Frayser High Schools executives want them to.


These Plutonic kids are walking sexual magnet and the dilemma their tutors are faced with was fully explained and anticipated in my book “The Power of the Dragon.” but again what are the chances for those in charge of these kids to bypass the ego, the ignorance and dig into something else than firing thousands of committed teachers and replace them with the same crowd? This is totally insane and so detrimental for those unspoken kids born with Pluto (power) in the sign of Scorpio (sex/regeneration.)  How can anyone lacking Cosmic Consciousness really help anyone else when the over helming Plutonic energy is not taken in consideration and overriding the spiritual values and the body of those often tameless kids?

The program will focus on teenage boys ages 13 to 18.

DT Rebuttal: The age group aged 13 where all born with the Dragon’s Tail in Pisces (drugs/drinking/addictions) and are Neptunian in nature.These kids were born OVER emotional and OVER sensitive thus easily manipulated into their Neptunian quick sand traps and the subject of sex is NOT the right way to reach their critical, health oriented progressive Dragon’s Head.

Yeah Baby.. what our teachers know about the sensual dragon…

Those aged 16 to 18 were born with a Cancer (home/family/children) Dragon’s Tail and both the boys and girls will run full speed into their karmic Dragon’s Tail and give birth as soon as they can. This group needs to understand the pull produced by their Dragon’s Head in Capricorn and secure they luck break in any chosen career.

But again when the executive sitting right at the top are ignorant of God’s rules and the Cosmic Code making up the psyche and fate of those kids NO amount of money will ever fix their problem. Getting a bunch of kids without considering their natal, karmic UCI is a terrible error of judgment from the teachers themselves. This is why I can wait to produce more “teachers of Light” to educate everyone concerned and approach the kids in a way they will naturally and happily respond. Human, your educational system is seriously messed up and the inefficacy is deplorable but who cares, we are only talking about the fragile psyche of the children of tomorrow yes? OMG in what a young world did I land on?


Are You Gay? Do You Want to Understand Why?

Furthermore, the 18 year old age group where all born DUAL with a Dragon’s Tail (karma) in the sign of Gemini. Those kids will be wondering why both male and females will be attracted to them because a magnet will not attract a piece of wood. Who”s teacher can deal and educate the child on this Dragon that lead so many of them to commit suicide so far? Your current teachers???

Thus the tail of the Dragon will force many into sexual experiences others kids would never attract and the females aged 18 are already set to bear 2, 4 or 6 children. Thus many will start very early and wonder why they feel this way regardless of the wasteful costly ($4 million grant program) ‘Be Proud! Be Responsible! Memphis!”  Imagine how many Astropsychology schools and how many “Teachers of Light” positions I could offer society with $4 million reader? But nothing will ever happen until this nonsensical childish careless type of programs is replaced by the teaching of God ‘s Universal Laws and the understanding of the uniqueness of each and every child borrowing life on earth.

“It”s part education, it”s a lot of interaction, and it”s small class settings.  Each Le Bonheur educator will have basically 10 to 15 kids,” Massey said.

DT Rebuttal: Indeed in order for“Le Bonheur educators” to reach these kidsis for them to acquire the right type of spiritual education and not a lot but correct education…I need more students to teach them – Indeed each Le Bonheur educators” should adapt to the specific age group they are trying to reach but rest assured if the teacher’s Dragon’s Tail plagues the 3rd house (communication) or the 9th house (education) of any of these kids, you can be sure of a total failure right from the start… But what the heck do I know yes?

The program is designed to eliminate or reduce risky sexual behaviors among adolescents and teaches them how to develop healthy relationships.  The program will focus on risky sexual behavior, decision making, and establishing good relationships.

DT Rebuttal: In all honesty I can already hear all of those kids laughing their head off, because they ALREADY either know about sex or are heavily involved, and this is why the educated “worried and ignorant” adults are trying to do, stop an unstoppable sexual party? Who are they kidding? The “six Packs” mom and dad who have lost control over their kids a long time ago? I am telling you when dirt is already at the top of any organization, in this case the US department of education; it’s not the kids that will benefit from the $4 million grant but those who have access to it. What a masquerade, what a disaster for a future humanity where the victimized kids are 4 million time worse than the brainless teachers and parents who raised them and no one knows about it…

Worse what if “the bonheur educator” land on a bully? Did they fix this problem yet? well let hope one of them decide to enrich his/her spirit and read these newsletters.

“If you teach them how to navigate and make better decisions, not only are you helping kids now, but you”re helping them in the future,” Massey said.

DT Rebuttal: Indeed the ancients navigate using the stars and this is what helped them to get places safely…Asking Massey to consider a different highly spiritual source of “navigation” is already a lost cause, simply because to those who do not know me, assuming I am another Mrs. Cleo or a deceiving Sylvia Browne is all they can do!

The program includes skill-building classes using videos, games, and role-playing to help build a sense of pride and responsibility in reducing teen pregnancies. “It”s just another way of caring for the kids outside the walls of the hospital,” Massey said. The program will target more than 1,200 students in its first year, and 2,500 kids in years two through five.

DT Rebuttal: Well these are wonderful but worseless words Mr. Masseybecause substituting the Cosmic Code reality and God’s celestial creation with video games is NOT a game to any of my students and I. This is a very serious situation that may sound like a joke to you but a deadly serious reality to those born with a spiritually advanced UCI. My turf is the future and it has always been my most faithful witness I may add, thus I can already assure you reader, this imposture is a total waste of time and money.  For the numbers of teens visiting the hospital (or committing suicide) will still improve drastically. And these are the lucky ones for those born dual will end up in jail because of stealing and those  born Neptunian will end up abusing legal or recreational drugs and dead, and that is a given because…


Your government, your churches and your failing educational system is inadequate and stubbornly refusing to recognize the reality of our celestial communion with God, the stars and the Universe with an open mind. The US department of Education, all school Masters, teachers and parents alike, your kids NEED to know WHO they are and WHAT God has in store for them. Remember Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, Christina Green and all the victims of Jared Laughner reader. It is because of this type of horrific ignorance that innocent children are NOT allowed to regenerate their spirit and become self destructive and end up killing others.


The school has always been the chosen place where the past and future awful drama have and will take place, yet am I the only one reading the children’ subconscious cry for help? Their spirit is seriously depleted, forced daily to swallow 2000 years of a speedy human evolution. Indeed this rigid physical world demands them to exhaust their spirits to please their peers and own a brilliant place in productive, educated society.    But the educational pillars of this spiritually starved society are crumbling under the weight of dogmatic religious teachings, taking away the true answers of what it means to be human and the children’s Universal identity. This is a direct blow to God’s higher order which intended his children to use his sign and heed the signs.

Tucson police, college and students MISSED one of the most OBVIOUS physical sign pertaining to Jared lost spirit and the spiritual sign I have to offer you are much more subtle and very complex. Thus there is no time to waste in reintroducing the Divine and Astropsychology in all our colleges and Universities. Accepting and teaching the kids the rare science of Divine Astrology as a serious discipline that will bring wonderful and healing results.

once upon a time I was an innocent child…

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analysis of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

~Albert Einstein*

It may also be a good idea to emailJamel Major – and offer him a different perspective to what real astrology is all about because the fruits of pure wisdom are desperately needed to bring love, respect, understanding and peace to this world and as always I cannot do this by myself alone…

Help me to reach those involved in educating and molding the future of your children

“Religious War” and Race To “Nowhere”

Please if in any shape or form you can grasp my vision and realize my crucial mission helps us. The project in now in motion right now and we all work hard at it and we all feel real good but more funds are needed. Thus, in order to bypass EVIL himself and finally see my wisdom spray for a better world go to and give what ever you can. Please realize you are NOT doing this for me but for the children of your children and if you feel right about investing in the future spiritual health of humanity and I it’s simply because you are.

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’

– Albert Einstein

I am sure many of you read my predictions of a “Full Restructure of Education” from and this does not have to be only with your kids learning to speak a sponsored foreign language,(did you read my last newsletter posted at but also other forms of “cosmic ” material only a handful of highly spiritual people are blessed with, and I happen to be one of them. At least when you finally see me out there you will reward your spirit knowing you did the right thing for humanity.


Show your support emotionally and financially please

VIP, please tell the people you send my newsletters to join us in this great memorial movement…




The next twelve months “Universal and Personal transits” including the “Personal Elaborated Horoscope for all Signs” Be prepared you all for what to expect for the future. Learn how God speak to you, master the signs, understand and use the Cosmic Code rules. Be at the right time at the right place, be smart be aware and heed the signs.  I did generate the full year “SOS To The World” deadly window dates soon asking you to either be extremely cautious, work around or totally avoid traveling during these upcoming windows.

God unbending will speaks through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and let skeptics and ignorant alike become the future statistics.  As you know there are NO accidents but circumstances that are yet to be uncovered by science and with me as a guide you are safe and in good hands.  Remember being a VIP means you also vibrate at my spiritual level and concerned with the facts of life… Join the world and build your own Cosmic Consciousness with me.

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi


On The Air

TV Show In Tucson AZ – January

The Cosmic Code Reality Show  February

Dr Turi’s Next Global Teleclass

March –

602 265-7667

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –

Pluto Lord of Hades


Dear VIP Reader;

Nope I did not forget to write about the “new zodiac and new 12th signs” stand by…Thank you

My name is Pluto “Hades the Lord of Hell”

I wonder how many of my reader watched “Decoded” last night on the history channel with Brad Meltzer but my God this is indeed ignorance and fears at its best…How dangerous and unaware both the “actors and experts” really were in this program.

But I started boiling up inside when I saw the faces of innocent people and their children dropping with fears from a Baptist Minister promising HELL to the audience. This is exactly what I have been battling for years on Coast To Coast with George Noory, the total ignorance and misuse of the powerful Supraconscious in time and space and the proliferation of fears coming from yet, another religiously poisoned young soul…

Nothing of value was “decoded” in this show than a total and dangerous ignorance of the Universal Code with the mishandling of the destructive Superconscious forces. Call it karma for a lost world if we do not act together to stop all this nonsense and bring spiritual health back to humanity.

This is insanity at its best where everyone from both side of the production  were totally obnoxious and ignorant of the damage they are inflicting on the future of humanity by manipulating dark forces they have no clue of!

I wonder how many newsletters I will have to generate before I die in order to reach and change the Universal negative attitude of plaguing humans and turn this nonsensical awful tide into a positive more creative flux.  Indeed my mission to free humanity from their own DARKNESS and Satan himself seems unreachable at time…

Ignorance is evil, knowledge is power but without the proper education and true wisdom  to guide humanity to their limited senses all lives seems to be doomed. I guess my predecessors were aware of the humongous  challenges they faced with Satan and fears and felt powerless to change anything .i.e. Nostradamus, the Hopi Indians the Mayans etc.


I am the king of the underworld

Because of the content making up the production of yet another national religious “sermon” in disguise, the  financial support is indeed coming from YOUR donations well invested by some religious groups proclaiming an upcoming “apocalypse” and how crucial it is for you not only to join their congregation but to repent and offer more of your donations.
But again, do not expect the “Joe Six Packs” to see pass anything the envisioned colorful depicted HELLor be able to use critical thinking. Indeed the perception of this masquerade is missing especially when I saw some “actors” who had me as guest in their own shows in the past. Indeed those people knows exactly where I stand with religions  and the proliferation of fears and ignorance and this is why they will never invite Dr. Turi and his perceptive nature to go against the fearful dirt they force the US population to “digest”  while eating watching TV.

Where”s the human critical spirit gone?

One of them was talking about a scientist using numbers and code to “predict events” scientifically and at this point, anything goes but NOT anything of anyone that uses the stars like I do, got me reader? . The Cosmic Code, the Torah Code and the Bible Code Dr. Turi Jun 10th 2010

The End of the Pisces Age

Realize also that I actually predicted many events  back in 1995 well before the scientist”s delusional work event existed; .i.e. the 911, Katrina etc. and those predictions were dated, printed and offered in PLAIN English in my books and on Coast to Coast with George Noory –

I wonder where the Torah code or anyone doing predictions were in 1995 when I predicted a “religious war” was to plague America and all that transpired with Iraq, Iran etc. in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Indeed the real solid proof and unarguable predictions I generate, the  controlling Illuminati can not and will not promote on national TV – Enjoy –


Stay Clear Dr. Turi You Know The Truth!

Knowing my ability and unarguable God given gift/curse I could only steal the show and they know it and it”s a big NO! NO! Indeed the show demands the producers to get those dated, printed predictionsand expose them nationwide, and this mean a HELL of a lot of people would in time wake up to the truth I offer and  negatively affects their future ratings and productions, got me reader?

The financial support to produce those television shows is endless and available to any producer willing to endorse religious beliefs and “sell them” unconsciously spilling the very core of  SATAN”s destructive stinky breath upon the ignorant God fearing uneducated mass.

So next time you watch such terrible “apocalyptic” programs that kills the fragile psyche of children think of me reader and realize it”s NOT about real education or changing the world but ratings , money , sensationalism and fears.

Tapping on the natural human instinct of conservation always worked for the Church Inc.  and with it the slow psychological destruction  of an already spiritually sick society. OMG will I be ever to fix the increasing damage inflicted regularly by the Illuminati working to control the information? Pinning down the truth under the blade of ignorance is what”s going on reader…


Lenn, my producer, Heather my publicist and other advanced technical / spiritual  souls (Bryant, Sarka, Martin, Trevor and many others, are working and planning with me to produce my own TV show with the meager donations some of you offered me in the past combined with my own money.

But gee do I need you to help me to get this done. It is practically impossible to measure up to the established  wealthy religious corporations that keep investing your donations to FEED EVIL on the national plate.

Please if in any shape or form you can grasp my vision and realize my crucial mission helps us. The project in now in motion right now and we all work hard at it and we all feel real good but more funds are needed.

Thus, in order to bypass EVIL himself and finally see my wisdom spray for a better world go to and give what ever you can. Please realize you are NOT doing this for me but for the children of your children and if you feel right about investing in the future spiritual health of humanity and I it”s simply because you are.

”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

– Albert Einstein

I am sure many of you read my predictions of a “Full Restructure of Education” from and this does not have to be only with your kids learning to speak a sponsored foreign language,(did you read my last newsletter posted at

but also other forms of “cosmic ” material only a handful of highly spiritual people are blessed with, and I happen to be one of them. At least when you finally see me out there you will reward your spirit knowing you did the right thing for humanity.


Show your support emotionally and financially please

VIP, please tell the people you send my newsletters to join us in this great memorial movement…




The next twelve months “Universal and Personal transits” including the “Personal Elaborated Horoscope for all Signs” Be prepared you all for what to expect for the future. Learn how God speak to you, master the signs, understand and use the Cosmic Code rules. Be at the right time at the right place, be smart be aware and heed the signs.  I did generate the full year “SOS To The World” deadly window dates soon asking you to either be extremely cautious, work around or totally avoid traveling during these upcoming windows.

God unbending will speaks through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and let skeptics and ignorant alike become the future statistics.  As you know there are NO accidents but circumstances that are yet to be uncovered by science and with me as a guide you are safe and in good hands.  Remember being a VIP means you also vibrate at my spiritual level and concerned with the facts of life… Join the world and build your own Cosmic Consciousness with me.

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are know by science,  my message to them is;  this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.

Blessings to All

Dr. Turi



On The Air

Dr Turi TV Show In Tucson AZ

January –

The Cosmic Code Reality Show

February –

Dr Turi”s Next Global Teleclass

March –

Sharing Emails;

Hi Dr Turi, This is Louis Acker again. I have been trying to set up my E-mail all day with tech support. It has been a frustrating, exasperating, grueling process (I try not to tear my hair.), that has taken all day, well over 8 hours. When you have the time read some of the articles on my web site . I fully understand that there is little time to do all these things these days. I have the same problem. You asked me how I was doing, and I don”t know if you received my reply with all the computer problems I have been experiencing, so i will attempt to reconstruct what I sent you here. I turned 70 last year on June 2 last year. My activities and interests relate to the astrology of world trends, quantum physics as related to consciousness and so called paranormal phenomena, UFO-ET interactions with humans, my metal working shop, and alternative energy. You might want to check out my article ” Para physics and new energy technologies” on my web site. This gives a summary of the theoretical basis of much of my work.

I currently and for the last 7 years live in Crestone, Colorado. My mailing address is ///// Crestone, Colorado 81131-1077. My phone number is /////. My e-mail address is . My web site is .
Thanks for the reply,

Louis- Author of ” The Astrologers Handbook,”

Dr. Turi;

Good day to you , Media promotional letter for you.

Sending good vibes and sunshine from warm and sunny Miami Florida.  I am at a seaplane base ( I enjoy flying) and was checking my emails. I feel the urgency , from one educated human being to another, to enlighten you on some very essential information. Perhaps “Information” isn”t the correct term. “Way of thinking” “Reality” “truths” is simply a better way of putting it. A true grain, salt of the earth person is telling you, that I put my skepticism aside and listened.

Unfortunately, with the likes of people like Mrs. Cleo and Sylvia Browne, most of us have turned our heads or completely shunned anyone as soon as they mention the words “Stars” or “Astropsychology” . Simply put, hear this man , bring an open mind to the table and feast. Your efforts nor time will be in vain unless you choose to make them so. At the end of the day, “why not” If we will take an hour to watch the discovery channel and the migration of penguins, why not hear a true soul and the information they can bring.?

I will and can tell you that Dr. Luis Turi is legit. The real deal and no scam artist. For I have seen him personally and was given information for free, which has all come to pass. No bull patties, no exaggerations. I hope this weighs heavy on your heart and mind, it had to for me to get through to the thicker parts of my skull . I have no mal intentions in reaching out to you, only spreading the love and the energy that was given to me that I”m still pursuing further.  Best to you and I hope this reaches you in the best of conditions, I must do my pre flight now and get to enjoying my day!  “Clear Prop” ….


Prior Skeptic, Current Believer.

“There is only one thin air between Divine information and pure imagination.”

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination does the rest. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot perceive.”

602 265-7667

Question? Help? Talk to Terania – 602-265-7667