Year: 2014

Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology


  “If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

 Sir Isaac Newton and Astrology

Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade

In his controversial tweeter battles against Christians Neil deGrasse wrote; “On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642,” the StarTalk host tweeted.

Tweet gets unequal, opposite reaction

Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!

Isaac Newton produced many works that would today be classified as occult study… Astrology has been a determining factor in the decisions and actions of millions of men of all ranks and stations and persist even today!  Astrology is experiencing a “Renaissance” thanks to the critical work of dedicated people to bring it back to where it once was and accepted as a solid discipline.

At the begin of the 17th century, great scientists as Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Pierre Gassendi – now best remembered for their roles in the development of modern physics and astronomy – all held astrology in high esteem. 

Many others, including Sir Isaac Newton had their own reasons, I will explain, for hiding their curiosity to a cynical scientific community.

At the end of the 17th century, the scientific community made mostly of  rational souls born with an underdeveloped UCI, start turning away and ridicule astrology. Remember I am French doing the impossible in a foreign country, thus the term “underdeveloped” does not mean scientists are idiots, but psychically or spiritually inferior to those born with a more spiritual, intuitive advanced UCI.

*UCI stand for “Unique Celestial Identity” and represents the spiritual inborn cosmic DNA of each and every single human temporarily residing on planet earth. Thus do not get offended by the title alone and educate yourself first on what the term UCI mean.

Before anything let me explain the difference between traditionally educated doctors, or people like Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse and Dr. Turi. I can not recall how many times “young souls” accused me of being con man, a gloom and doom character even a false Doctor…

It seems the perception of what a doctor mean changes with every encountered UCI on the planets.  Its like saying  to the Christians Jesus or Nostradamus were false prophets or knew nothing of the stars because they never attended an astronomy class.

There is not such a thing as a false doctor with me,  its just your misperception of my inherited cosmic essence, my work and my spiritual gift! I am a Soul Doctor, something that makes no sense to the misinformed well read souls landing on my work.

Luckily for my clients, students and patients, “real” doctors kill  nearly a quarter million people a year! Furthermore, not only do I teach some of those Doctors brilliant minds, but as a Soul Doctor, operating since 1991 in the US, I never killed anyone! Furthermore saying I use and abuse uneducated, gullible people is certainly false, for I could only dream to own the position and respect of some of my dear students.

The fact is there is no schools or accredited universities on the planet your child can attend to become a genius. And this is why, thousands of extremely successful people were dropout and never attended any college or university… The College Dropouts Hall of Fame.

When I wrote “There is a BIG difference between education, intelligence or a solid gift,” you may now be able to relate to me better.

“Young Souls” tend to put traditionally educated people like Neil deGrasse, Carl Sagan or any of the scientific matrix “experts” on a pedestal just because they spent a few years gathering someone else wisdom and graduated! Being a professional students and work your ass off to get a diploma does not show ingeniosity nor intelligence.  Nor does it promises happiness, freedom or wealth.

Neil deGrasse was “fabricated” by the scientific matrix because of the fat financial impact he offers corporate America. And the way he behave on Twitter confirm his education, not his intelligence and public “Savoir Faire.”  I am sure his sponsors are worried sick of his endless stupidity and public explanations…

I am not in the public eyes, this allows me to be real, to be me and to offer the undiluted truth to those willing or able to benefit from it.

 One of my doctor psychiatrist students, told me once, Dr. Turi Learned more in your week long course  than the 7 years I spent in colleges.  I do not lie, these were his very words that made me realize, only very smart people can assimilate my wisdom. And this is why religions, sports and entertainment matrixes attract the norm or billions of people.

What about Dr Turi,  at 65 is still learning and teaching new things everyday?  My lifetime work can not be appreciated because it is well above today unperceptive cold science.

The rewards can only come in the future, if the scientific world ever allow themselves to manage to catch up with me and while I am overqualified for a “Nobel Prize” those who offer such recognition share the same educated, non perceptive UCI than the rewarded scientists and can not enter the intuitional domain of my cosmic work.

Again it is important to remember, I admire everyone who deserve to be respected because of their contribution to humanity. I am not saying I know better than them all, I only know DIFFERENT because I am a different type of scientist myself.

Lumping me with snake oil vendors, leaves readers and CA psychics is not who I am and reading the Tarot is an art that demand a full understanding of the Dynamics of Divine Astrology!  It took me years to master a trade so many are oblivious of and fast to judge as ridiculous.

“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said: “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.“ All prizes are awarded for real achievements… “

If you read the above critically, there is no way to deny all the attributes qualifying me for a Nobel Prize! Not only do I make people laugh, I also make them think real hard.  And when you make people think at your cosmic low speed,  like Neil deGrasse did on Twitter, those people can only love you… However if you really make them THINK out of the box, like I do through my articles, they will HATE you!

And real achievements can only measured, checked, investigated but WHY DON’T THEY DO THIS WITH MY WORK? Because my cosmic work is well over their capability for understanding, that’s why! Again this does not mean they are idiots, only cursed with an immature rational UCI predisposing any scientist to accept only what can be seen or touched! And God knows there is much more the human brain is capable of doing when blessed with an advanced genius UCI. 

But in no way can the scientific community relate to me because they know nothing of my expertise.  Then comes the spiritual pride and the vitriolics from people suffering an intellectual  inferiority complex…

God made me a ADHD like UCI, so I would not be able to sit and control my turbocharged mental and physical selves in class. Science perceive ADD as a mental disorder, I see it more as a sign creating geniuses if allowed to mature naturally. And turning your child into a zombie with medications  is allowing the scientific matrix to kill the curious, undisciplined, wild spirit, and the option for his ingenuity and originality to mature.

The bunch of moronic teachers I had to “educate” me in the sixties, did not know anything about the human UCI, or the cosmic spiritual DNA! They where not only inflicting serious abuses to the children, but also told me I would never write nor speak a foreign language. Perfect opportunity to prove them wrong, and I did!

God did not want me to learn any “old” knowledge, instead he gave me that supercharged competitive Aries Dragon’s Head personality! He ordered me “psychically and subconsciously” to become a leader of the mind and to challenge all that has been accepted about the working of the human mind and the  cosmos!

Had I follow the same traditional path as Neil deGrasse or any other scientists, I would be a famous man, or a well respected doctor today poisoning your children with medications, but the Cosmic Code (*God’s will) decided otherwise…

God did not want me to become either religious or another conventional scientist regurgitating the tons of books reflecting the established accepted disciplines.  They are billions of doctors, astronomers, astrophysicists,  professors of astronomy on the planet doing exactly the same thing as Neil deGrasse does today! And there is Dr. Turi challenging them all on the reality of the “Soul of the Cosmos!”

Your fate is already written in light but the source of such a wisdom is not for everyone and has been ridicule for centuries…

“In the case of Newton, the astrological literature presents a different view and even claims that Newton was in secret an ardent student of astrology. As evidence the following anecdote is often quoted: when the astronomer Edmond Halley (1656-1742), of comet fame, once spoke depreciatively on the subject of astrology, Newton is said to have berated him with the remark: “Sir Halley, I have studied the matter, you have not!”

How much value may we store in such a testimony? The first questions that should be answered are: what is the source for this statement and what evidence is there that Newton ever “studied the matter”.

But rest assured, the evidence is there but as usual, hidden from the public… Its like asking the Vatican Council who taught astrology to all the Popes to come public with this fact! The scientific and religious matrixes will do all in their power to keep the truth away from you…  The arrow point to the belt of the Zodiac.

The sign of Leo is directly above the Pope’s head. Leo rules Fame/France/Italy/Light/Love Kings and the throne.

The Vatican council explains the procession of the Zodiac to the Pope. 

“During this interview, Newton confided to Conduitt that his interest in science had first been roused in the summer of 1663, when, as a young student at Cambridge, he purchased a book on astrology at the midsummer fair at Stourbridge.  

Baffled by the incomprehensible astrological diagrams and calculations in this work he then studied some books on geometry and calculus (such as by Euclid, Frans van Schooten and René Descartes) and was “soon convinced of the vanity & emptiness of the pretended science of Judicial astrology”.

Using Astroforensics, I checked Sir Isaac Newton UCI, his Mercury (critical thinking) Jupiter (education) Uranus (ingeniosity)  Mars (drive) and the position of his natal Saturn (science/skepticism) and I can affirm, he did profoundly study Astrology.  I am so ashamed of the people who purposely put in writing this nonsense.”

“Baffled by the incomprehensible astrological diagrams and calculations in this work he then studied some books on geometry and calculus (such as by Euclid, Frans van Schooten and René Descartes) and was “soon convinced of the vanity & emptiness of the pretended science of Judicial astrology”.  

Whomever wrote the above is obviously a young soul, with either a religious or atheist UCI! It seem this person is putting those vile words in Sir Issac Newton’s mouth and reflect mmore of his own problem dealing with Astrology.

Astrology is an art and demand a sophisticated, spiritual, intuitive UCI mind to master. Astronomy is a rigid science that demands an extreme rational UCI mind to handle its complex mathematical mechanics.

Both endeavors are very different and were created by  by different UCI. My astro turf is forbidden for the young souls and can only benefit more spiritually advanced souls and these differences does not make astronomers or astrologers stupid or ignorant, simply different scientists!

Astronomy has no problem dealing with any other form of arts, such as painting, dancing, photography or music because it does not infringe on what they believe is their scientific turf only!  There is no need for intuition nor imagination with astronomy, just a good eye, a good telescope and complex maths!

Little do the world know that Astronomy is a byproduct of Astrology who existed and was practices well before the birth of any Christ! But do not tell this to Neil de Grasse, and like astrology, religions interfere with his scientific turf and facts!

Old Sumerian Astrological tablets were stolen and used by the first rigid scientists UCI to precisely calculate the time of eclipses. Indeed Astronomy is a very young science truly born with Sir Isaac Newton birth in 1643 which he became a key figure in the scientific revolution. 

All you had before the new scientists contested God was ASTROLOGY! What do you think Carl Sagan or Neil deGrasse would say about it?

  Indeed the stars  do not lie and dissecting anyone’s psyche correctly using Astroforensics is unsurpassed! At least to my students who handle it properly!  Indeed  Sir Isaac Newton had all the cosmic gifts he needed to study, comprehend and use the mother of all science.

But if you ask people in the street about Neil deGrasse Libra Sun sign  (the educated professional student) or Sir Isaac Newton Capricorn Sun Sign  (the engineer) or even their own cosmic identity, there is no much plausible wisdom left.  But there is an inserted uneasiness dealing with the stars because  the public is being conditioned/trained by the scientific matrix schooled puppets to ridicule the art.

Indeed not only Neil deGrasse but the entire humanity can only benefit from this artistic science when handled by real gifted professionals like Dr. Turi’s students.

But like all respected Capricorn, Sir Isaac Newton’s public standing and the image presented to the scientific community of his days was extremely important! He also knew, like I do today, a rational mind can not be easily refined nor influenced upward without the advanced UCI, especially when no time has been invested in the study!

He then decided to put it on the back burner and kept the science in the box for his own mental exploration.   I will soon offer my VIP’s a full explanation of his UCI on the cosmic code website.

Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1643

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

Saturn rules the UK and the practical “scientist born” sign of Capricorn  controls the month of January. Thus it is not an accident for Sir Isaac Newton to be born in the UK to be fated to become the most influential scientists of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution.

But this fact can only make sense to those who are familiar with Divine Astrology and while extraordinary popular,  modern astrology has turned the art into a confusing mathematical jargon, just to get look like and get the approval of science…

There are thousands of Astrological conferences going on all over the world, but none of the promoters will ever invite Dr. Turi to speak. All I have is my Youtube videos but the content is more of an entertaining values than real teachings and this does not help my case.

Thus, if in any way shapes or forms you can relate to my work,  save time, save money and take the 16 CD Astropsychology home course for $500 instead of $1500.  You have until 01/01/2015 to get it. 

Hard core scientists are psychically “irrecuperable,” this is due to the cosmic “wiring” and the early educational conditionnement steered by a earthy impenetrable UCI. My obvious past and future predictions including my teachings will always be challenged and negated by any scientist deeply encrusted intellectual pride.

Imagine Dr. Turi a “Soul Doctor” facing a “real” doctor who has absolutely no cosmic consciousness or wisdom on the aptitude to discuss nor challenge my original cosmic wisdom and the truth about the “Soul of the Cosmos?”

The spiritual cosmic language I speak is the results of a lifetime work and my perceptiveness to transcribe the cosmic hieroglyphs in plain English to a mass of people who have been brainwashed to think astrology is worthless…

There are no schools today able to produce another Einstein, a Mozart, a Beethoven or a Isaac Newton. All erudite men and geniuses were created by the cosmos itself and not a single human being was born physically or spiritually and intellectually equal.

We simply became who and what we are because of an inborn leading UCI, the same cosmic program phenomenon that make a bat a billion time smarter than any and all scientist combined together.

A bat can direct its flight safely in total darkness but no scientists can do that naturally!  The smart ass will immediately object saying our pilots uses complex technology to fly and land planes at night safely! But how many bats ever collided in their overpopulated flying congregations in  mid air or crashed into each others?

  • How can you explain to a scientist like Neil deGrasse that ALL the stars, and not just the warmth of the Sun are in involved in a perfect harmonious dance that affect, control and support life on earth?
  • How can you explain to any atheist and scientists like Neil deGrasse that; they are not allowed, nor able to master such a spiritual cosmic dance during their insignificant lifetime on earth?
  •  How can you explain to the public God’s cosmic plan  does not involve living on unreachable dead planets and ignore Mother Earth serious signs of distress?
  •  How can you explain to the public the financial masquerades of corporate America speaking their will through TEL E-vision?
  • How do you explain to any neuroscientist that the human mind is a fleshy computer responding to the Universal mind subtle stimuli only cosmic conscious souls who took the time to master Astropsychology or the “Soul of the Cosmos” can acknowledge?
  • How can you explain to all astrophysicists the importance of  challenging themselves outside of their rigid education and upgrade their perception of the cosmos outside of what their educated mind impose?
  • How can you explain God’s cosmic Divinity to all the God fearing souls when all managed to sank into Neptune’s deceptive waters?

If the opportunity was presented to me, I would say to Neil deGrasse, “as a Libra, the negative Tail of the Dragon in Aries is cursing your 7th house (open enemies) making you obnoxious with the public! This will cost you greatly in your career in the next couple of years, especially if you happen to produce  “an encore” on twitter or anywhere else publicly during one of your negative 2015 Cosmic Biorhythms.” 

“What the hell was that?” he would say… and if you are one of his fan, do him a favor email him my predictions…

Neil deGrasse would probably challenge me with a predictions I just generated “on the set” because of all the public outcries… This is where I would say, “No Neil, I made this prediction for Libra last year, well before your latest stunt on Twitter.”  Then I would offer him a copy of his forecast from my2015 Dragon Forecast on TV.

But, regardless, it is only when my “vision” come to pass that Neil may wake up to the realization that; Astrology is not a pseudoscience but the mother of all science.

For now it is very easy for him or anyone else to deny God’s Divinity and deny Astrology its righteous place as another reliable science because the real gifted soul is muted or absent on the national stage…

I trust only donkeys do not change their mind, but ultimately, the inherited cosmic UCI (or the human spiritual DNA) depict the true mental potential of any human being, including all his sins and virtues…

Be sure readers, knowing deGrasse has absolutely no ammunition to challenge anyone like me,  his well read astronomical education is not match to me! His publicists will never, in a million year invite me to a direct challenge. In fact exactly like James Randi, he would rather ignore someone like me and all my direct emails…

But it is a different story when you involve the wide social media and expose the truth about Astrology and Neil deGrasse Libra UCI. And this is why I am today, offering another sample of my cosmic code newsletter to the general public!

Its easy to deny anything anyone produce when the Messenger is not real or offer no options to prove his claims. Well it is very different with Dr. Turi! My confidence speak of  an unsurpassed cosmic wisdom that should not be perceived as an ego trip!

I am asking my readers to listen to my latest radio show where I explained the cosmic code and offered direct warnings to the police and in this article, you may find the dates and my expectation for upcoming natural disasters.

Not that the police will wake up to my real predictive values of my work especially when the dates I offered are already active “December 30, 31 2014″  *Police shot at in Florida, LA!

 Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology! “If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

My wit and perceptive UCI can only infuriate more hard core educated morons or offer a new platform for the more advanced curious souls looking for a more spiritual understanding of the stars…

The atrocities imposed by the Inquisition during the Pisces “Dark Ages”,  against countless of Astrology practitioners are immeasurable. But do not think for a second it is over! While today religious and scientific matrixes can not burn me on the stake for my practice, I am still crucified for knowing better than the mass of  ill informed, non educated God fearing and atheist communities…

And as mentioned in my last newsletter, as of January 2015, I will stop offering my articles to the people unwilling or unable to benefit from my rare pearls of wisdom… This article sample is one of the last ones reaching the public and my last attempt to bring you into my Cyber Cosmic Code University to learn more about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

Indeed you can bring the horse to the water, this does not mean he will nor can drink  at the source of all wisdom… Happy New Year to all our readers, may you end 2014 and start 2015 with the blessings of  the light of the stars above. I will produce the first 2015 forecast for my VIP before the year is over and  expose the stars and fate of Sir Isaac Newton as soon as I can.

Remember you are a child of the Universe and there is a reason for you to be,  I am here to bring light to your soul and guide you back to God Cosmic Divinity –

Note the Holiday special (AND THE DEAL ABOVE) live Skype consultation deal ends 01/01/2015 then my prices will be right back to $350 and $700 for the same service. Hurry, reserve your session email or call Terania at 602-265-7667 and be patient, because as expected, at the very last moment, we are getting tons of calls.

Get all SKYPE details from Terania and it will be up to you to record the full conversation and the next 4 years predictions. My teachings of the cosmic rules blessings your UCI must be heeded and acknowledged so emotional, financial and spiritual stability become yours.

While I will STOP posting FULL article like this one publicly I will offer regular bulletins on  Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

Mrs. Turi’s feedback and scepter from her e-book in progress:

There have been many mathematicians and philosophers who have involved their supporting beliefs in the explanation of this life’s big question. And while many were to have been set aside from their usual gift of high intellect, there have been those who were to have made large offerings towards advancement in geology, physical science, natural science / social science and that of our past events.

At that, there were many who depended on that of Isaac Newton’s dream t up system of mathematics.

Given approval of the correct version of the Roman calendar (Julian calendar) they claim Newton to be born on December 25, 1642(NS 4 January 1643), though if one is going to speak on these terms, might as well bring up all implied comparisons whereas many other deities who have claimed December 25th as their own and born of a virgin like that of Jesus, Mithra, Osiris, Prometheus, etc.

I hope the reader is smart enough to understand this by now because it’s all part of the game.

But moving along, there were also those who have had a persistent strong interest in the medieval science of alchemy and while some of the people had thought of this as to be like that of Cabala or narrative of truth. Some other theorists considered it to be very esoteric in character and was said to be ruined by a dark number of individuals collectively; with the resolute goal on the guarantee, that many of those valuable disclosures would never be heard of.

These are the private so – called high brows that do business with or who are assembled within this class of existing beings antagonistic to the Illuminati. So you see that there is the normal crowd who just goes along to get by and then there is a more loyal crowd and it’s the inventor usually composes any presentation to intentionally be this way.

Some of these groups are in competition against each other…As a matter of fact, some visionaries of previous times had been convinced that they were being watched by another and while much of the settlements had been true, some went as far as to committing self-murder to escape any threat.

For some, the close observation and charges of wrongdoings, accusation of any abnormal doctrinal belief; was just too much to handle and there were those who passed away in total darkness and those who were to have been  put to rest under a blank tombstone.

They say the rival was Sir Isaac Newton, and colleague of the adversary yet traditionally educated academics.

Though regardless of Newton’s mathematical experiments; it was known that he used a lot of his time carrying out witchcraft practices and even had written quite a bit on the matter. There were also known to have been many excerpts written by other people that have been said to exemplify Newton’s eccentric curiosity.

Isaac was also known to have spoken about the laws within alchemy and the location of one’s Mercury (reasoning mind) and by how it has been brought into being within ones makeup, it has been thought suitable to be hidden by those who may have been familiar with it.

It was also to have been stated by Newton that this and other aspects could have in many ways be a way into someone’s private innermost in thoughts and that it mustn’t be mutually exchanged to any, especially if there be any truth in any possible occurrence from the esoteric writings.

There is also a lot of other stuff apart from the transformation of lustrous chemical elements, however it is to be much too advanced for the entire masses to really grasp or appreciate.

The disagreements between Newton and other secret opposes apparently turned about many hostile arguments about who had the first concerns in the findings of all those numbers.

It was known to be Newton, with many authoritative confidants who had succeeded in the fight and they were to have all blamed the rest of copying his work. But present day has it that though Newton was one of the earliest in order to have printed his conclusions on calculus; it was also that for some countless years in which others too had individually devised some calculations of their own before Newton’s and it is those written remarks devised by the others, which are to have been passed down through this more up-to-date order of math.

 Actually, the conflicts between these secret groups had become burst up with much anger in the hidden world of wizardry. And Newton, along with the shady class of people in which he connected himself were noted to have been counseled to twist the real meaning of alchemy as well as banish the others and their advocates who he and they believed to be against them.

 It was said that Newton and his supporters would secretly watch the others and their close friends actions, badger them and try to do all they could to force their way in on these alleged intellectuals.

 The outcome was that these eggheads had to exchange all kinds of information with the other mathematicians by way of a secret language system established on twofold arithmetic’s.

 This was also known to be the time when the secret scholars had retracted from their connection in pseudo science and was to have alternatively started the development of brotherly institution that was to follow its cause to the local brotherhoods of stonemasons, which sometime around the completion of the fourteenth century was to have controlled the ability of these secret knowledge builders and their interactions with authorities and customers.

 This would be their restored motion to bring about their concepts to society who will need to use their own sound judgment and attention span in order to pick up on what is real and / or not.

 This is also to be set up in the likeness of those who don’t agree with the Illuminati or who get by misrepresenting alchemy for what it has been destined to be.  Thus they were ultimately able to achieve in their benefit of misrepresenting their old-boy network all together

 Between these odds; one has been able to read or look at briefly the hidden fights which have influenced our obvious past events. And while there have been and still are those who were to have never taken notice to the underground pull of events; this is why the clandestine high-brows had thought seriously about calling up on those types of people but then were to have changed their minds, because they figured mostly that perhaps these individuals were not really an acceptable fit when they could easily depart from their accepted line of authoritarian discipline – within their organization and revert back to their  free-spirited lifestyle with a chance to tell off on all.

 And while there have been many skillful rationalists of current day, it seems they haven’t been incorrect yet whereas there are many menacing associations out there; who have taken their curiosity towards those of the ordinary mass and those faithful or dependable. 

 Those mischievous factions are still made evident and the conflict vs. them carries on still in recent times.


*Mrs. T*

Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!


  “If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

I can only see to the end of my fingers because that how far I can see and touch!

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
What do you really know about Neil deGrasse and Isaac Newton?
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Radical Extremist Atheism the world new deadly mental plague!
Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

“Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours. In every one of them, there’s a succession of incidence, events, occurrences which influence its future. Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time. And our small planet, at this moment, here we face a critical branch-point in the history. What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants. It is well within our power to destroy our civilization, and perhaps our species as well. If we capitulate to superstition, or greed, or stupidity we can plunge our world into a darkness deeper than time between the collapse of classical civilization and the Italian Renaissance. But, we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth, to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet. To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars.”

~ Carl Sagan ~

Dear Readers;

Knowing this is one of my last public cosmic code sample newsletters, I decided to give the public my best shot about Carl Sagan and the scientific community immature perception of our solar system and the cosmos at large!

This newsletter is quite long and will challenge the intellectual potential of all the skeptics landing on my work.  All I am trying to do is; communicating a different perception of  the cosmos so the average person can possibly distinguish Divine Astrology from pseudoscience…

Remember my work is designed to stimulate your mind and your curiosity, something hard core skeptics are lacking.  Do not assume, read first, then come back and click on all the provided links. Do not trust anyone “educated” judgement, only your own, then make up your own mind about Divine Astrology!

Note I painted these artworks in 1985 on canvas, I then painted all the walls in my house following my 1991 Los Angeles 4th abduction and started my career! I used my first computer and opened my website  in the year 2000.


Note; Our work is based upon Nostradamus 16th century Divine astrology methodology and do not resemble any of the modern astrology techniques. Our work while very different will become real if you take the time to upgrade your perception and investigate my past and especially my future predictions.  Why not starting right now and make notes of a few dates posted in this article and my expectations?

Do not let inserted religious fears or established scientific convictions trap you into the comfortable zones you soul and spirit are stuck in. Be curious, you will learn something new with Dr. Turi.

Knowing higher education bring also an egocentric spiritual pride, I tried as hard as I could to offer the undiluted truth in a more diplomatic way. And if my English is not perfect enough for you, sorry I am French trying my best in a foreign language! Thus I am asking you not to judge my orthography and concentrate on the message instead! Thank you all…

Carl Sagan also wrote “Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours. In every one of them, there’s a succession of incidence, events, occurrences which influence its future.” 

And its own fate and future including his psychical perception of the cosmos may I add, but is Carl Sagan’s name and his authoritative position being abused by today’ scientific matrix? You should consider the possibility knowing he died 19 years ago and the ridiculous scientific experiment conducted about astrology were published fifty years ago! It was more of a lynching conducted against Astrology and an  ill informed society than anything else!

Knowing  we are the children of the stars and “impregnated” with the physical / spiritual composition of those stars where its logical legacy gone? Knowing Sagan karmic UCI Scorpionic critical thinking, I do understand why he can not accept the fact that we are directly, physically and spiritually connected with the Universal Mind.  Not a single astrophysicists deny this fact, thus if we are, they are also influencing humanity affairs… But it is also a well known fact for science to miss the entire forest for the tree…

Some will use their rational logic and say” Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are much too far away to have an influence on earth… Little do they know in the realm of the spirit there is no distances to consider and everything is omnipresence…

 Incidentally the same very educated people, when suffering the impact of a Full Moon on earth .i.e. “lunatic, moody, crabby”  will be the first ones to deny its effect! How ridiculous, but this is how it is in the underdeveloped rational mind of over educated scientists… Do not think for a second the moon or any planet affect human on earth? Aren’t you lucky some more advanced scientists are on my side?  Science; Full moon may disrupt dreams Dr. Turi says it does!

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

It is only if and when one build enough cosmic consciousness that; one will realize like my students and I, they are NO accidents or coincidences, nor “acts of God”  but an incidence of cosmic events producing those  occurrences translating into my endless unarguable predictions. Again why not starting upgrading your perception of the cosmos right now and make notes of a few dates posted in this article?

Eric Garner, Kendric McDade, Tamir Rice, Darrien Hunt, Michael Brown, Jonathon Crawford and Jonathon Farrell I were also living on earth and all felt victims of the police cosmic ignorance or the power of the stars as Neil deGrasse may understand and Carl Sagan describe them above!

Carl Sagan wrote; “Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours.” 

What Carl Sagan does not know is; ALL Suns you see above (or all brilliant stars) have many planets revolving around them,  and EACH one of those “inhabited” worlds are somehow like earth, supporting various life forms. Something the hubble telescope nor the five limited human senses of today famous spiritless astrophysicists can perceive…

 Carl Sagan wrote; “And our small planet, at this moment, here we face a critical branch-point in the history. What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants.” 

Indeed life is a constant process of changes that does not stop with science finding new planets everyday that were there in the first place! Expanding the human mind rationally and logically is as important as widening its spiritual perception and connection to the cosmos.

Why would today astronomers and astrophysicists alike bother and wonder about the cosmos at large when they know nothing of the spiritual values involving their local solar system? Propagating a “Godless” world and a new breed of cold thinking atheists is very dangerous for humanity’s future.

More from Mr.Sagan;  “What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants. It is well within our power to destroy our civilization, and perhaps our species as well. ” 

All children MUST acknowledge their spiritual conception and relationship with their local stars when they are able to do so! And this is just before, during or after puberty! Science is magnificent to explain the physicality of all the planets and the cosmos at large but not at the expense of the spirit left behind or ridicule. Without this crucial balance science will destroy humanity within the next fifty years…

Carl Sagan mentioned ” If we capitulate to superstition, or greed, or stupidity we can plunge our world into a darkness deeper than time between the collapse of classical civilization and the Italian Renaissance.”

But this is exactly what the world, including Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse, James Randi and all atheists  at Godlike Productions”  are doing!  Capitulating to superstition (religions) , or greed, (all scientific matrixes)  or stupidity (The misinformed people of earth!)

” In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.”

Dr. Turi

dr. turi

There is no way for me to make Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse, James Randi and all atheists  at Godlike Productions”  to realize they were not born with the advanced curious and imaginative UCI  needed to enter the archetypal   realm of cosmic supra consciousness.

Sagan’s misperception does not justify nor validate  the spiritual work of the Italian renaissance geniuses and all the erudite men of antiquity! Instead it enunciate the widespread educated spiritual pride of all knowing scientists and atheists alike I regularly encounter on the Internet, who erroneously think they know better!

 “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”  (Carl Gustav Jung)

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Do Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse, James Randi and company understand the human mind subtle interaction with the universal mind? NO THEY DON’T! Nor will they ever in this lifetime.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy heads and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi

Carl Sagan wrote; “But, we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth, to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet. To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars.”

compassion and our intelligence,” mean honoring rigid science by doing the investigations needed to prove me wrong! And this is why in “Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!” I purposely changed his words in his famous quote!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

 Indeed as Einstein mention above, it is their EDUCATION  that interfere with their learning capabilities, especially when all they can do is assume instead of  working with me so I can prove them all wrong!

Carl Sagan wrote; To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars.”

No human scientific ingenuity will ever bring a human being pass the closeness of the moon… Human are not designed to live on Mars or Venus nor take on the journey to those far away planets. While it is not a necessity nor an emergency like millions,  and  for the sake of curiosity, I am for every Mars/Venus/Pluto missions if it weren’t for NASA lies to the gullible mass to get their financial support. These miracles can only become a reality through our phenomenal ever expanding technology and unmanned missions!

One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons

The only way human will ever visit those planets is when our celestial brothers decide to show up and provide the help we need to enjoy a glimpse on those planets. But they wont when too many are unbelievers. How can today infantile scientific community refute the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence and visit our solar system when he is unable to acknowledge  HE IS part of a physical and spiritual manifesto well above his mortal understanding?

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

ET’s can only use their own cosmic consciousness and use specific planets energy, particularly Uranus to now and then pop up in this dense physical world… Looking for the best psychical experiment to fulfil their own agenda to populate vast areas of the cosmos. Did you listen to my latest radio show where I elaborated on this topic? 

For now, “God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

God created and designed fishes to safely live in their watery element, would you take a fish out of the ocean and force him to experience life on earth?  What are the benefits for humanity to know all about the physical manifesto of the planets then make the public believe they can take on the billions of miles to experience life on Mars?  In what a young world did I land on?

But this world will never be short of egocentric, exhibitionist morons wanting to take the “dream” trip and the scientific matrix is fully aware of this fact!  Indeed I was born with a serious problem handling stupidity but as Einstein wrote…

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”  (Albert Einstein)

When the “Young Souls” accuses me of  abusing the gullible, non educated, I can only laugh at their own humongous ignorance of the worlds they are part of.  Especially when my “victims” like me, are part of  a superior and rare breed of gifted human beings!

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

Don’t you think those vast precious resources are misplaced and should instead be invested on our own living, breezing spaceship? My predictions for the future speaks of a suffocating, fast depleting Mother Earth and you still endorse, promote Carl Sagan’s purposes and his rational limited perception of the cosmos?

Don’t you think its time to wake up and realize the scientific matrix obvious financial masquerades “The Smithsonian Channel original programming” and “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA?”

Carl Sagan’s meteorite like perception and explanation of the cosmos is phenomenal, no doubt about it,  and should be endorsed for the children to scientifically understand  the cosmos.

But discrediting astrology spiritual science and God true mystical cosmic purposes is detrimental to humanity at large! In fact, how many television program you watch,  such as cosmos,  ever mention their mortal enemy, astrology? But who’s to blame them, knowing the know NOTHING about its subtle dynamics? The fact is, Astrology  like  the psychic deceptive matrix is abusing the ancient art in its deplorable financially oriented Neptunius horoscopes. 

If you ask any scientist about their astrological despicable wisdom they can only ridicule it. Why not facing me and learn it instead or at least show an healthy curiosity on the topic?

Archaeologists find ancient ASTROLOGICAL floor mosaic!

  This is astonishing to me and shows the deplorable mental performances of the “educated” scientific community… Indeed, the only thing that interfere with any scientist learning is their education!

The subtle impact of all the stars making up our local solar system is imposed upon humanity by God cosmic divinity, (or the cosmic code) something Carl Sagan and all the “educated” young souls are unfamiliar with and cursed to uncover…

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Then watch my video exposing the end result imposed by  the scientific matrix and the US department of education upon your children creating more disturbed “monsters of the future” bred by science to eliminate God, curiosity and intuition.

Knowing your inborn cosmic identity becomes a major contribution to control the deadliest cosmic wind any human being can endure and did perished in…

Front runners like Astronomer Carl Sagan, skeptical James Randi, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse and today’s selected medical “geniuses” are the moving parts of a wide conspiracy contributing to the scientific matrix aim for monopolizing and establishing educational supremacy. All the while lumping me with psychics and God fearing mass of  Neptunian religious souls…

But what is astonishing to me most is that; they all truly think and believe the mother of all science of Astrology is only a pseudoscience…  And I must be the only one “Cosmic Cop” on the planet dedicating my life to prove them all wrong.

In fact Neil deGrasse current  personal religious war on Twitter is another proof validating my work and my 1995 predicted “religious war” and how ridiculously subjective HE IS responding egocentrically and rationally to the cosmic code…

But what are the chance for deGrasse to acknowledge  the forecasting values of Divine Astrology when he never read “ISIS captures coalition fighter pilot prediction” posted on the Internet or my December 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

Memo Events: Uranus loves accidents and explosions; under his power expect surprising and original pieces of news to take place.  Do not take chances with the children and be safe.

“The tweet racked up thousands of retweets and made it his most popular, and seemingly most controversial, tweet yet.” And Astrology is a pseudoscience?

But Neil like Carl like 99.99% of a misinformed world, do not know the Planet Uranus and the sign of Aquarius rules the Internet, aeronautics, the cosmos, the UFO phenomenon, astrology, the real geniuses transcribing the future of humanity and my mission on earth?

Unlike them, I do not have the national stage to challenge the scientific matrix or help the pious souls to understand God cosmic divinity yet. I will get it when I will be 6ft under though…

While I have exhausted all avenues to convince any producer to consider any show explaining  “The Soul of the Cosmos” I will never be able to overcome the scientific  “front runners”  and rekindle the integrity of Astrology. Once this is done, it will be much easier to re- introduce humanity to God cosmic divinity.

And this is why, as of January 2015, I will stop trying to bring cosmic consciousness to the people unwilling or unable to benefit from my rare pearls of wisdom… This cosmic code article sample is one of the last ones reaching the public and my last attempt to bring you into my Cyber Cosmic Code University to learn more about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.

Indeed you can bring the horse to the water, this does not mean he will nor can drink at the source of all wisdom…

Happy New Year to all our readers, may you end 2014 and start 2015 with the blessings of  the light of the stars above.

 Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning  – Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect more food poisoning. Death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy.  Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes  –

Search resumes for missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501, READ WHY THIS PLANE WENT DOWN!  Currently dangerous Mars (the planet of accidents) is in the sign of Aquarius (technology/aeronautics) and the effects are  the same as a what science refer as a  “Solar Storm. ”  Unlike flight 370 the cosmic auspices for this “accident” are very different.  Read more of what is coming to earth very soon producing awful weather and more deadly “Acts of God.” You must know when this deadly cosmic wind will start and end in 2015 so you can fly safely! Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!  See the deadly results of an old “SOS to the world window” I generated for September 2014!  Join us learn more of the cosmic code jurisdictions for 2015.

Since 1991 – “All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting men’s cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many misinformed people.” Dr. Turi

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi

There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Join  “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google

James Randi Versus Dr. Turi’s predictions nine years later!

May 10. 2012

” To those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice… A few things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, Astrology, UFO and the truth.”- Buddha & Dr. Turi Dr. Turi

 “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google

en:Image:RANDI.jpg (Original text : James Randi)
“It is very easy to ridicule Astrology when the gifted soul is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi  

Dear Readers:

Nine years later, James Randi and Company should be able to re-evaluate their position by checking the predictions I saved at the bottom of  page!  Four years ago, someone from “International” on JREF Forum, started delegating the predictions I posted to the world for March 17, 2006.    I decided to clean up and update this old article today, December 12th, 2014 but the original newsletter is still on the Internet. 

I was also asking people then to…If you did not yet check my latest Utube video.

“What do you think The Reason Rally Bull! promoters, James Randi and a bunch of unconscious “educated” Talking Heads and skeptics alike would say or think if they were reading my latest unarguable prediction of “SEXISM” slowly taking over America air waves?”

DT rebuttal: First I must convince the skeptics and atheists to behave like normal intelligent curious  human beings and investigate the 23 set of predictions saved for that purpose on

KnowingThose Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public” , blasted all over social media and posted on April 3rd, 2013 on “Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis,” the predictive work is simply undeniable because ALL my visions did actually made it to CNN.

To be accepted as a solid undeniable science,  Astrological consecutiveness and repetitiveness must apply and in my case, my well documented, dated, published predictions become as solid as rocks. In fact, I am today offering James Randi  and company the very option to “ridicule” me again by listening to my latest radio show where I again,  offered dates and predictions that have as today’s date, not yet unfolded!

While I have repetitively challenged James Randi and all skeptics under the Sun to prove me wrong since 1991, not a single atheist nor scientific organizations arranged the confrontation! Am I too real and too confident for this crowd of “educated” young souls and do they already fear the ridicule I can inflict upon their egocentric so sure public attitude?

While the world was awaiting the results of my predictions, I posted the bolted following asking James Randi and company to behave like normal inquisitive people… But did they? and if they did, I knew time could only be in my favor. As usual, in their dismissals, the vitriolics  started pouring again…

Memo from my prediction page: (Scroll down please)

 Universal Predictions from August 30th 2012 to February 19th 2014

 Scorpio Dragon’s Head Taurus Dragon’s Tail

Note: Those Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public

2012/2014 universal predictions

Note: I will update this page regularly when my predictions come to pass

 2012 / 2014  US SEXUAL WAR/ FREEDOM


Occupy wall street?

Back in October – during our first week of shows – we noticed this strange trend: Naked and pregnant women occupy the cover of magazines a lot.

I even chose pictures that might be considered controversial enough to stimulate the large puritanical and Christian group offering a glimpse of the “signs” depicting God celestial will and the things to come on CNN. Who can, in his critical thinking deny today, I am “CNN before CNN?”

What do you think those young souls depraved of Cosmic Consciousness  have said, wrote  or what type of excuses they found in their ridiculous attempts to deny my predictive gift?

And you wonder why the organizers of the “Reason Rally” or any other atheist organizations never had me to prove them all wrong? Furthermore  James Randi, his crowd and top scientists are all parts of my not so “secret” email list and received ALL my newsletters for years! But I realized I was wasting my time and stopped what they could only perceive as SPAM…

Servicing Pathetic Atheist Mind for free

  James Randi Founder    
  D.J. Grothe President    
  Michael Blanford Director of Education    
  Banachek Challenge Administrator    
  Sadie Crabtree Communications Director

But exposing the undeniable facts that Astrology is a reliable science and educate those spiritually unevolved human beings on the “Soul of the Cosmos”  means also a certain death of the “Reason Rally” financial endeavors and the end of Mr. James Randi career! Now do you understand why they would rather ignore me?

The fact is; Mr. Randi has already lost is famous “James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge” with me, and if he did not yet, he would with time. And again, this is why he will find every possible excuses not to deal with me publicly!

Incidentally if you ever read the ridiculous set of rules involved in the “challenge,” even Jesus would fail predicting the end of this world, as we know it today within the next 50 years or so. That is if; this crowd of skeptics (and the God fearing Christians) do not wake up and fail to use the Supra-conscious creative forces positively!

But these people are also part of the long list of skeptics elites dedicated to breed a dangerous, cold scientific godless generation of atheists… The “monsters of the future” will then create their own REICH and bring the world back to experience, the deadly and cold spirit of Hitler.

Spirituals, psychics, astrologers, mediums, spiritualists, religious, creative and gifted souls like Dr. Turi,  will be perceived as inferiors people  by the sub-human cursed to never enter nor perceive the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness…

 Be sure they will never invite Dr. Turi nor even mention my name as to challenge them. Its a disgrace and this is why I am asking all my supporters to act in my behalf and post this newsletter to all the skeptic groups and organizations you may read or be part of.

I welcome any of those organizations to have me prove them wrong because Carl Sagan “scientific” endeavor to “test” Astrology reality conducted in April 1968 is a direct attempt by the scientific matrix to ridicule and destroy the old science.

Society for Psychical Research:
Society for Psychical Research (USA Version):
Institute of Noetic Science:
Peer review Neurology magazine:
American Academy of Neurology:

 Some of the most skeptical (I say cynical) people will come up with serious lies against my work and I trying to convince themselves by convincing you that; they are “educated” and know better than Einstein himself, Dr. Turi and all erudite men of antiquity. These are some of the most hardened skeptics unconscious young souls on the planet who will not even honor the word science by investigating or contact me!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

 With thousands of people signed up to those conference, if some of my supporters who attend had made a flyer with the link leading to this type of newsletter and stockpile it all over the conference room and the hotel for the unaware public to acknowledge, it might force them all and Mr. Randi to deal with me.

I was banned from all their public websites and they keep trying very hard to bury the facts that I am the real thing. In fact I have so much proofs of my work posted to the world, on radio and television, in my books, that it is simply impossible for them to ignore my predictive gift,  and I scare the hell out of them all with a well documented large earthquakes predictions.

But I am ready for an encore, all you have to do is to listen to the show or note the dates published in this cosmic code newsletter.

When I first posted “TOPLESS” ON THE RISE!”  a few weeks later or November 2011, I added some semi naked women, they were all laughing at me, hiding their ignorance and spiritual pride behind the word ridicule. Are they feeling the same way today so many years later when all my premonitions came to pass?

But since my first direct contact and emails exchanges with  Mr. Randi’ s “Communications Director” Sadie Crabtree they went into hiding and removed my very existence from their lives.

 Or it appears so…Knowing that Sadie, James Randi and all his supporters read and forward my work to them, they had ample time to suggest my name to the promoters or invite/challenge me in public at the  “Reason Rally” in Washington, D.C. on March 24! But this never happened because the real thing (Dr. Turi) is simply missing and the challenge has no true competitors.

Dr. Turi Versus James Randi 

My powerpoint show presentation on my endless chain of unarguable dated , printed, published predictions and  research on the Internet shows all the facts are frozen in time and space for ever. Do I really need to do so when my work is so obvious?

Currently millions of people read my work and witness my accuracy, this infuriate  the envious skeptical, atheist “Young Souls” including James Randi and company.

But  Dr. Turi much too  real and dangerous for their business or too competitive for them all. Yes the cosmic truths I own alienate me from those only interested in making money on your gullibility, your misinformation and your lack of perception.  Only those curious enough willing to honor the word science, those born smart and with integrity would have me to speak more about the reality of Astrology and God cosmic Divinity.

I was wondering then, how this skeptical crowd would react to my show Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show and I made sure to explain in great details the specific producer demands  to prove my predictions solid!  And I did so allowing the show to take place. Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

 In  Predictions with George Noory produced in 2006, I warned the world of Iran aiming for nukes well before CNN ever mentioned it.  Back in 1995, on the Art Bell show, well before the 991 attack on the twin towers in N.Y. I warned the world of an impending “Religious War.” Who can today deny ISIS cutting the heads of their victims on national TV? Who can deny my  “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” or my upcoming  “2015 Neptunius Draconis Predictions?”

And with such an incontestable  “resume” accumulated since 1991, are you still wondering why it is in the best interests of the scientific, religious matrixes and  James Randi “Reason Rally” to avoid me?

While my chances of an invitation to prove my claims are quite remote,  one can only hope to change the conference name to the “Spirited Rally” where the Cosmic Code, the Soul of the Cosmos and Astrology, the mother of all science secrets are discussed and taught to a more progressive, intelligent and curious attendance.

Indeed, James Randi has NO RIGHT to talk about spiritualism, astrology or real psychic power simply because he knows NOTHING of this phenomenon.  His dry, cold, infertile and underdeveloped, disruptive inborn atheist UCI offers NOTHING to humanity’s progressive psychical welfare. I offer solid cosmic investigations then the acknowledgement of a practical cosmic God that can further humanity future… Atheists have NOTHING to offer but dry criticism…

Imagine if the entire world was atheist? What chances for progress humanity would have when science freezes imagination, ridicule God’ cosmic spirit,  and finally end up destroying the world? Do you really think I am making this up? I am not, its already in the making if you look at Mother earth obvious and distressing signs…

Those who are the least knowledgeable of a specific topic like Astrology or the UFO phenomenon  attracts each others to debate and ridicule the gifted in their own sub-humanistic ignorance… all I can do is to reaffirm my position and my undeniable predictions readers, but where do I start when they are so many?

 SOS to the world for December 2014
Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!
JetBlue’s engine ‘exploded’ PREDICTED by Dr. Turi! Will you die in a plane crash?
Challenging all Atheist organizations and media agnostics to deny my predictions!

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi


More of the idiosyncratic views on the Divine produced by James Randi’s UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”

James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge
James Randi Versus Dr. Turi – Have we lost God?

Again readers those who are completely destitute on the subject of metaphysics, psychic phenomenon, UFO, astrology are gathering at the The Reason Rally Bull! and will be lecturing endlessly on something so divinely deep reflecting the ignorance of a cosmic manifestation they can not comprehend nor can benefit the cursed logical mind!

Entering the spiritual domain of my work is not for the “debutants.”

In one second, after glancing upon James Randi UCI “Unique Celestial identity” I saw his entire psyche at his lifetime work – He is a Leo and like ALL Leo he nurtures a subconscious fear of death and diseases.

Thus he is prone to suffer, directly or indirectly a “psychic” accident that traumatized him and lead him to use his Dragon’s Head (luck/Growth) in curious Gemini (the talking head/writer/communicator/the challenger/critical thinking) to negate the essence of his natural inborn fears.  However I will use the science of Astroforensics to uncover his deep seated idiosyncrazy and expose his psyche and his fate to my VIP’s.

MAKE A NOTE!   Between 2015 and 2016 the Tail of the Dragon will resides in his 8th house of death, he will START DECAYING VERY FAST then called to face God…

Do not expect James to EVER tell you about his private “negative psychic experience” or suffering a traumatic death experience as a child, but knowing his UCI, and his like and dislike about “magic” at the autumn of his life he still has a lot of things to learn pertaining the the spirit!

Worse the manifesto could also be subconscious and the results of previous past lives…

His Dragon’s Tail (negative/past lives) resides in the sign of Sagittarius (the eternal student/bible/codification of thoughts) adding more “inner” fears coming from many of his religious pious past lives where he may have been destroyed a few times by strangulation and fire inflicted by the Spanish and French inquisitions.

His disdain directed at the psychics  symbolize his dealings with the  born Neptunian and NOT Dr. Turi. Even nowadays and since 1991 only a few Leo souls managed to battle their inner fears of the future and asked for my services.

One has to become an advanced Astropsychologist to appreciate the art found in my unique methodology to uncover the fate, idiosyncrasy and fate of anyone on the planet.

It is so amazing to see people neurotic tendencies at work while the subject himself is totally unconscious of the energies producing his fate, beliefs and fears. Indeed Astropsychology will save this world and will be widely used by the children of tomorrow, if we make it!

This is an email exchange between myself and Sadie Crabtree – Communications Director, James Randi Educational Foundation |


Sadie Crabtree is the Communications Director of the James Randi Educational Foundation. She has nearly a decade of experience helping labor unions, community organizations, and progressive nonprofits plan and win campaigns that change laws, change minds, and improve people’s lives. Her goal at the JREF is to share the skeptical movement’s investigative spirit with a broader audience than ever, and help the media expose the pseudo-scientific con-artists who profit by deceiving others.

Again, what is subconsciously motivating Sadie Crabtree to hate psychics could be her own religious convictions, investigating her natal UCI would also clarify much of her own inner fears and idiosyncrasy.

This is her answer following my predictions of Osama Bin Laden demise!

 Sadie Crabtree  “Are you kidding? That’s ridiculous. “Someone famous may meet a sad fate in the water or on the road?” First, that prediction is so vague it would apply to most accidental deaths. Second, bin Laden wasn’t in the water when he met his fate. He was shot in a building. Third I don’t see how you can call it a “sad” fate when so many people are cheering over it. In spite of an incredibly vague prediction it seems like you got this one pretty wrong anyway.”

 DT Rebuttal; Well if it was you who died Sadie I would call it a bad /SAD day alright!  And while America rejoiced, the Middle East and his family did not. I am sure your family would also feel sad if you were shot and died at home. Osama Bin Laden may have been religiously poisoned to the core but he was still a human being victimized by Neptune! The point is I gave the exact date of his demise many months before in my book and you forgot to read “This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.”

 I also think somewhere Osama Bin Laden was a BIG world wide “political figure” for the terrorists groups he directed  and the world at large was he not? My prediction is specific if you read  all the details,  not just the obvious or his body being thrown at sea as I wrote.

The fact is I wrote; “This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.” – “Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water!” and a very IN – famous person named Osama Bin Laden did meet HIS sad FATE in the ocean thrown out from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson.

By the way how many times did you read on CNN about anyone famous or not being thrown in the ocean from a US NAVY ship? This is quite uncommon and not an accident, especially when the famous person was Osama Bin Laden.

I wonder what excuses would  Sadie Crabtree find to deny my 911 prediction posted on the Internet by non religious people that are not afraid of the truth.

Anyway let’s get more specific then, what do you have to say about the taped prediction of the reelection of President Clinton on national radio and my warning of a religious war in the Middle East? Indeed ISIS and the heads cutting on national TV did not happen in 1995 but they are quite repetitive today Mrs. Crabtree!

Well did you also forgot about the serious mess that took place in the Middle East well before 911 or Osama Bin Laden came into the picture?  Again check my Iran “Nukes” Predictions with George Noory produced in a  2006 television show?

This old newsletter was published May 3rd, 2011 but if any James Randi’ supporters and skeptic Mrs.Crabtree need more proofs of my undeniable predictions, they are tons to investigate and some were aired on the Discovery Channel.

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

 Unedited original – “With the new Dragon’s Head moving in the sign of Scorpio next August 2012, these people will get their wake up call and realize what can not be seen or yet accepted does not mean it is not real! I truly believe I already won the  millions dollars challenge, and I am expecting a check signed by in the mail soon – James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge – Dr. Turi Versus James Randi – 

May I remind you that you will have to be patient to really appreciate my gift or if you start digging into my work soon you will also be convinced. Please read the following and read the section Earthquake Predictions.”

Osama Bin Laden Buried at Sea?

Osama bin Laden’s burial reportedly took place from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, above.


“This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.” Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water!

“In spite of an incredibly vague prediction it seems like you got this one pretty wrong anyway.”

The fact remain Mrs. Crabtree, ask yourself, DID someone famous .i.e Osama Bin Laden, met with his sad fate in the water? Ask yourself, how many famous or Infamous political figures  you know were, since then,  thrown out from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson into the ocean?  So much for being “incredibly vague…”


The End of the Age of Pisces/religion/deception and mental abuses has arrived! 


Famous Personalities: This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person. Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water or on the road. Be aware and be prudent.

From: Dr. Turi < – This is an inquiry e-mail via –

James Randi contest for a million dollars? He already lost  since 1995!

Listen to yet another UNARGUABLE prediction –

More dated, printed obvious proof Mr. James Randi and company? Why don’t you ever answer my emails and give me my million bucks?

Earthquake Predictions:

Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!

So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v


DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 says… POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995) –

From Dr. Turi – Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested.


Dr. Turi

Results – Full proofs of predictions:

RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th – Oct. 8th a 7.0 EARTHQUAKE HIT SUMATRA (INDONESIAN ISLANDS)

RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th – Oct. 9th a 7.6 EARTHQUAKE HIT MEXICO.


More Proof? 


Read Dr. Turi’s prediction made worldwide on Coast To Coast radio preparing the world for a BIG earthquake to happen WITHIN TWO DAYS!

Result; TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.



Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

More Proof:

From: /////@///om

To: Louis a Turi

Date: Fri, 24 Sept 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Re: Show

I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvelous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. I had another fine program with John Hogue last night. Be well, my friend.

Jeff Rense

“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.” 

Blessings to all.

Dr. Turi


May be she is busy investigating my past predictions? What do you think? Its been YEARS now and  no answer from Sadie, Randi or anyone else – May be you could email her asking to rekindle the conversation?

I need the 1000.000 reward to save the children of the future and build my Astropsychology schools…

Sharing Emails:

Hi darling Louis …

It is very surreal to see what Icke is doing. So sorry you are also taking an abusive brunt. What a turn of events in Life this has taken. He is such an angry bitter man that seems to have completely lost it. All I see is his anger attacking everyone? Where is the Peace in this? If there were two countries at war I would not want Icke as a mediator for he will start a third war!  If people just took a deep breath and stepped back the picture is extraordinarily clear. Will become even more clear when I come out. I see what no one else sees, yet.

Sending much love, Pamela

Hello Pamela:

I am also worried about his state of mind with the Dragon’s Tail currently in Gemini afflicting his intellect potential. TRust me more and more people are seeing this and it will get worse and obvious soon…



Hello Dr Turi

I trust that your well and very busy. I wanted to Thank you again for your work and dedication. I am wondering is this the year of death. I know that this 2012 energy is running fast, maybe too fast for some people. I just read that this skier in Switzerland crashed during World Cup skiing. It seems as if people are dropping like flies, especially celebrities and athletes. You hear about these strange accidents everyday now.

Look at Davey Jones, a vegetarian that exercised on a daily basis and was fit. Is this dragon going to get stronger as the years goes on?? The weather?? I hate to think what the summer is going to look like….with all this weather drama this year. Is it true…..Since I am a Dragon, will this really be a great year for me financially, since we are in the year of the Dragon. Thanks for all that you do. You and Terania are quite a team.

Best to you both. Have a great weekend.

Much love

Mary from San Jose CA

Hello Mary; I wish I had a simple answer for you but my predictions are quite obvious and will unfold…AS far as how much this Dragon will reach and change your life, all I can do is to remind you only a VIP reading will give you your personal predictions and information.



if you are a journalist, a radio or  host, I am open for interview where I can challenge James Randi or any other famous skeptic!   To anyone that needs ratings and a great show, this is to consider! Also a special thanks to George Noory and ALL the media people that already have (and still) offer me the opportunity to reach more people furthering my message to the world!

I want to take this opportunity to warmly thanks all the great people skeptical or not because we are all only human born to learn and grow. Once more thanks to ALL the  special people and those who have had me on their radio/TV shows as a regular guest and ask you to do all you can to become a silent or open element by promoting my work. You are ALL a GREAT and VITAL part of my fate and helping me in my mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance.

 Dr. Turi

Astropsychology, Clinical Hypnotherapy

“Your Future Is:  The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”

Will you ever experience homelessness and suffer hell on earth?


t is very easy to ridicule anyone when the gifted soul is muted or absent…Dr. Turi

“WHY DID JAMES RANDI BANNED DR.TURI from ALL his websites and never took his public challenge on the radio?” Because Dr. Turi is too real! 

On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code and offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows and the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter. And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe…

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio
2015 SOS Police SOS Windows

How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?


Dear readers;

First, did you read the “predicted” news for today  WED., THU, FRI., SAT., SUN. — DECEMBER 22, 23, 24, 25: RULERS —Saturn (Rebuilding/Order) and Uranus (Explosions/Surprises):

 memo – Events: Uranus loves accidents and explosions; under his power expect surprising and original pieces of news to take place.  Do not take chances with the children and be safe.  

Cash grab in Hong Kong as millions in banknotes spill from security van


PlayStation, Xbox users forced offline in possible attack

Memo “A blackout or trouble with electronics is high on the list too.” Who dare to deny Dr. Turi’s predictions? 

Dear readers:

if you think Astroforensics is a pseudoscience you are indeed very wrong! In fact only the educated sub-human will maintain the donkey state of mind unwilling to accept the obvious facts of my work!

 The story I am about to divulge will bring tears to your eyes, as much as it always bring tears to mine reliving this episode in my life. The experience is about a God sent man named John Steward, when I first arrived in the US in 1984. When I first met him, I was homeless and had only $50 bucks left in my wallet.  Thirty one years later, I can now understand why John, a very wealthy and powerful attorney from San Diego, CA, and a Harvard University graduate student became homeless.

Using Astroforensics, I will expose his karmic UCI and the reasons for his dramatic fate. I can only hope John is still alive and contact me.  Another poignant, extremely educational cosmic code newsletter where I will explain one of the main reasons for a soul to experience homelessness outside of conventional reasons and accepted beliefs. While drugs and alcohol play a major contribution to homelessness, there is much more behind the phenomenon many of you need to know.

  If you are a student involved in a project involving the human mind research, if you are a psychologist, a psychiatric, a neuroscientist or a simple but curious human being, I am offering you with the golden keys to what it mean to be human outside of conventional science!   Join today, be amazed, be impressed in the realization that’ there is a BIG difference between conventional education and ingenious intelligence….

From Hell to Heaven, or from homelessness to my great achievements in the US,  this true episode in my life retrace the painful memories of a God sent man! For without John my fate in this great country could have turned tragic… All I have learned during my life can and MUST be used to STOP homelessness… Reading Hell to Heaven is a great way to learn how!

LASTLY – do not assume!

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

Are you prone to experience the lowest of the lowest life one can only suffer on earth? Read more!

So let this educational cosmic code newsletter serve its purpose to those able and willing to learn more about God cosmic Divinity and live a safer, more productive life reading my work in 2015…

Important note; Four of my facebook pages are in process of deletion. It will take a few days before they are deleted by Facebook administration. 

My New Year resolution is to find the strength to stop feeding an unrewarding public with my rare pearls of wisdom, and serve only the deserving spiritually advanced souls… I am not exactly sure how long I will keep my facebook page but this will be one of the places for you to read more of Dr. Turi future bulletins.  “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google” ADD DR. TURI TO YOUR GOOGLE PAGE.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Minnesota woman, dies aged 114 – Will you live that long?


Merry Christmas to all my VIP’s

Dear Reader;

On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code and offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows and the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter. And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe…

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio
2015 SOS Police SOS Windows

Knowing Christmas is all about the wise men following the stars and teaching Jesus cosmic wisdom this animated tree of life is the appropriate choice to represent the true essence of  the holidays and the reality of ET’s living in the stars.

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

Indeed Pope Francis own the light these days, but his Sagittarius soul’s purpose does not allow him to truly, cosmically and intuitively see and talk to God the way I do.  Pope Francis is a very honorable man, respected by billions of God’s fearing souls following a fabricated God created by the illuminati or the greedy, power thirsty Vatican mafiosos.

While it is impossible for the young souls and atheists alike to remotely grasp my teachings and warnings, please do not kill the gifted Aquarius Messenger when all I am  trying to do is to expose the undiluted truth about the reality of God cosmic divinity and the Vatican Corporation.

Pope faces threat from the Mafia Dr. Turi Exposes The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis

My profession demand me to deal with death and drama on a daily base warning people of  endless  “acts of God and accidents” that could easily be avoided. The reality is; many people associate this chain of negativity with my healing regenerative work, and affecting my business and services negatively. Indeed the undiluted truth I own is not an easy thing to deal with…

Knowing nothing about my work, the uninformed majority of people will judge me by looking at the title only, all the while missing the content incredible therapeutic guidance, my cosmic teachings and my crucial predictions!

Thus today I decided to offer the reader the secret of longevity and the cosmic reasons to why some people will live a very long life and why some, like my own brother experienced a premature death at the age of 15.

We all have lost people and the pain will never go away entirely… I recall being so mad at a God I did not know anything about then, a God that never heard nor answered my prayers to keep my family safe…

But I reckon, Vincent’s death was more of a sacrifice for me to ask questions about God, and the answer came late in my life!  Later on, I will explain in great details why my brother died at the tender age of 15 years old…

Minnesota woman, believed to be oldest Facebook user, dies aged 114

Anna Stoehr was born October 15, 1900 and luckily for me, my mother now 87 and I, shares the same UCI. Many of my Astropsychology students already own the answer for longevity, and for those still studying, my educational articles are designed to help you build your own cosmic consciousness to gather the answers our infantile science could only dream of…


Anna Stoehr Astroforensics of the future at work today

Sun 21Lib40 (1) fall –  (Self): The Sun is dignified in the sign of Aries and in fall (weak) in Libra. Aries is/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Moon 22Can43 (10) dignity (Career): Dignify means a very strong /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Mercury 11Sco48 (2) (Money); Mercury rules the mind and Scorpio mean sarcasm and the potential to investigate and regenerate the mind in the process. Even at 114, Anna Stoehr was /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

The tail in the mind means also the power/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only  More in the Power of the Dragon and Mohamed Ali’s life and fate.

Venus 07Vir41 (12) fall (Inner life); Venus is cold and critical in Virgo, this “virginal” position led both Anna Stoehr /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Mars 10Leo44 (11) (Wishes); Mars offered Anna Stoehr the drive needed to find a way to /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Jupiter 09Sag11 (3) dignity (the mind); Jupiter rules foreigners and foreign lands, offering Anna Stoehr with the option to /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Saturn 29Sag52 (3) (The mind);  This emphasize dramatically all that I wrote above and /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Uranus 09Sag53 (3) (The mind); Uranus rules technology and a strong drive to travel, something Anna Stoehr  did not do in her lifetime. Uranus offered her /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Neptune 29Gem13 (9) (Religion) The 9th house rules the codification of thoughts and, born in religious America, Anna Stoehr did not have much options offered to her to exit her parents early religious teachings. However,/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Pluto 17Gem34 (9) (higher learning); Pluto extreme regenerative power is located in the 9th house ruling foreigners and/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Dragon’s Head 02Sag39 (3) (The mind) – This Dragon can only be reached on/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Dragon’s Tail 02Gem39 (9) (Education) And this is where the real answer for longevity comes from VIP’s, anyone born with /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only


BlackMoon 06Lib25 (1)  (Self) – Those who knew the real Anna Stoehr could affirm how /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Mercury in Scorpio Pluto in Gemini

DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Venus
Jupiter disposited by Jupiter
Moon disposited by Moon
Saturn disposited by Jupiter
Mercury disposited by Pluto
Uranus disposited by Jupiter
Venus disposited by Mercury
Neptune disposited by Mercury
Mars disposited by Sun
Pluto disposited by Mercury – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 5 42 %  /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Fixed 2 17 %  /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Mutable 5 42 % – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 3.5 29 %  /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Earth 1.5 13 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Air 3.5 29 %  /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Water 3.5 29 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
Saturn Neptune Pluto – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

MOON PHASE: Last Quarter

A very long but /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Lastly, why did my brother Vincent died at 15! He was born with the /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only He died during one of his negative cosmic biorhythms after the full moon…

For weeks before his death, Vincent /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only

Following this tragedy, my entire life changed, I hated God with a passion and his “sacrifice” is what led me to uncover God celestial Divinity and all the cosmic reasons for my younger brother’s early demise…  Knowing what I know now, I could have saved his life and the one of my good friend Larry who committed suicide on Christmas day!

Since then I have learned at lot and warn the world not to misuse the Supra-conscious subtle forces and not to feed evil because; at 65 I  know for sure,   “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought.”

So let this educational cosmic code newsletter serve its purpose to those able and willing to learn more about God cosmic Divinity and live a safer, more productive life reading my work in 2015…

Important note; Four of my facebook pages are in process of deletion. It will take a few days before they are deleted by Facebook administration. 

My New Year resolution is to find the strength to stop feeding an unrewarding public with my rare pearls of wisdom, and serve only the deserving spiritually advanced souls… I am not exactly sure how long I will keep my facebook page but this will be one of the places for you to read more of Dr. Turi future bulletins.  “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google” ADD DR. TURI TO YOUR GOOGLE PAGE.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Merry Christmas to all my readers!

Dr. Turi’s 12/21/2014 radio show will be soon available to the public on Aquarian radio website

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


ISIS captures coalition fighter pilot prediction


Merry Christmas to all VIP’s and readers from all around the world

Come and drink at the source of all cosmic wisdom

On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code and offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows and the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter. And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe…

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio
2015 SOS Police SOS Windows

114-year-old Facebook user dies

 Anna Stoehr was born October 15, 1900! Will you live that long? Once you join the Cosmic Code website, using Astroforensics, I will expose her *UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity” and explain why she lived that long! Be sure traditional science could never, ever offer you such an incredible type of “cosmic “information you will find undeniable reading  about her.

If you are involved in a project involving the human mind research, if you are a psychologist, a psychiatric, a neuroscientist or a simple but curious human being,  I will offer you the golden keys to what it mean to be human outside of conventional science!  understanding of the working of the human mind!  Start 2015 by building cosmic consciousness and enjoy all that I teach in my Cyber Cosmic Code university. Join today, be amazed, be impressed in the realization that’ there is a BIG difference between conventional education and ingenious intelligence…. No more educational articles will reach the public in 2015 and I started the process of deleting 4 of my facebook pages! Join today!

Dr. Turi’s 12/21/2014 radio show will be soon available to the public on Aquarian radio website

Dear readers;

While my profession is to deal with an endless chain of dramatic and deadly news, my mission is to also bring you God cosmic rules and offer my warnings through the signs. While humanity trust those “acts of God” are unavoidable, they are not, because the warnings are written in light through the stars…

However, the perception and transduction of the cosmic hieroglyphs is a forbidden ground for the unevolved skeptical young souls.  Sadly, over sensitive human beings perceive my daily task as evil or spam, because they can not deal with the horrors and the undiluted true plaguing CNN regularly.  There is much to gain than to fear from Dr. Turi cosmic wisdom, something, only the children of the future will acknowledge…

ISIS captures coalition fighter pilot

The horrific experiences awaiting this brave soldier at the hands of those religious fanatic sub-human thirsty for blood is unimaginable, and we can only pray for his safety. If only he and his superiors and the world at large (including the police) had a copy of my book 2014 Moon Power and be warned of the cosmic code jurisdictions on a regular base.

But sad enough the world is not yet ready to comprehend and  heed God cosmic divinity…

Road rage caught on camera

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

While Moon Power is a true life saver, its rare and invaluable Personal and Universal guidance and predictions content is much too real for today’ society. The 2014 version is the final one I served the public with! But it will be still produced, read and used by my VIP’s only on the Cosmic Code website for as long as I am alive.

Here is a sample of  “December 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions,” or one of the many forecasts generated every month on the Cosmic Code website. Note to my VIP’s, the next 2015 forecasts will be issued before the year is over!

 Please read prediction for FRI., SAT., SUN. — December 26, 27, 28, 29:  And once you do, who’s to deny Astrology is a pseudo-science?

Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology! “If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

December 1st, 2014


Dear VIP Readers;

Remember many more people join the cosmic code website each passing month and I may sound redundant to some readers! First let me remind you again, my 2015 Moon Power will not be published in a book form next year, 2014 it is the very last hard copy we produced.

While this book is a true life saver and real, the wealthy corporate evil own and serve the public at large. If you do not have the means to advertise on radio or television, or if you are like us, a bit too controversial, (or much too ahead of society and science) there will be no enough demand nor appreciation for our ingeniousness – Even by offering my books for free for years not many people do realize its potential!

This book should have his eternal place in the N.Y. Best sellers list, because it is real and its crucial cosmic values are not yet understood nor appreciated by a latent fast atheist growing world.

Thus, Terania and I have decided to keep offering those precious cosmic pearls every month in 2015; to our cosmic coder VIP’s only!

The month of November brought quite a lot of dramatic news due to the Arian Draconis impact and more deadly aggressiveness and conflicts, December will be trying too especially during the SOS to the world windows.

Indeed my 2014 Arian Draconis predictions are taking place each passing day with more fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more racism and more human stupidity suffering the stars!  *ISIS captures coalition fighter pilot

Christmas will take place in a maturing waxing moon many will travel safely and lives will be saved in the process. But the holidays takes place during a Uranic shocking SOS to the world Window and nature will show her destructive powers…  Remember the deadly Asian tsunami took place during the same cosmic auspices.  Make sure to check 2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows if you decide to travel.

Only if, the entire world were to become totally cosmic conscious; then possibly peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University.


Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises… Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

While Moon Power is no more, the “2015 Dragon forecast for all signs” is still available!  If you did not do it yet, I recommend you to download this book and think of offering it to your loved ones, the Dragon is as real as any other presents you bought for them and priceless for those who will heed his power.

Make sure to check on the current Arian Scorpius Draconis omens because the stars do not care, nor judge; they simply do as they wish…

The world of religion is changing fast and with more people passing security and entering the White House I hope my prediction of President Obama (and Pope Francis’ assassination) to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety.

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to be educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and gain full cosmic consciousness.  If you are a newcomer please get to know about our work and by watching some of my YouTube videos posted on this page.

The price for the new 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $15.00 order now! 

2014 Moon Power is now FREE 

Tell your friends to join us in 2015 and work in harmony with the Cosmic Code and God’s celestial will. Because this is what will make the difference between being at the right time and/or at the right place or even possibly being killed by yet another “Act of God!”

Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul. Be smart, be wise, you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code” ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the  Moon Transits as they unfold.


Read  and make notes of 2015 Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel, be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.

November 2014 at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.   Think of the red dates as my SOS to the world 3 days windows (universal) or as your negative (personal) cosmic biorhythms days.

The following is the current monthly modern astrology  calendar complete with universal astrological information, including planetary aspects, void of course Moon data, and Moon signs. Note: Time is Eastern Time (Daylight Savings Time is observed). Astropsychology is very different and use time only for those looking for a much more accurate and personal service involving precise longitude and latitude.



Welcome to Your Day-To-Day Guidance for December 2014

MON., TUE., WED., THU. — DECEMBER 1, 2, 3, 4:
RULERS — Mars (Hostility/War) and Venus (Diplomacy/Love)

Work, Career and Business: The New Moon will exert a revitalizing pull that will be felt in your business affairs. You may use this lunation to perhaps resolve conflicts in a difficult situation with a person of authority or a co-worker. Control Mars’ opposing tendencies; don’t let him affect your words, your attitude or your emotions. Practice patience during this Martian trend and use diplomacy; if you do so you’ll make serious progress. You may also use the tough energy of Mars to do some needed tasks around the office such as removing furniture; in any case, don’t get hurt.

Partnerships: Even with the Waxing Moon, learn to keep Mars’ impatience under control and use Venus’ diplomatic gifts to save difficult situations. Everyone is so intent on having his or her own way and there could be little cooperation around you. It’s time to practice tact with the same dedication as a diplomat. Impatience could be detrimental to you and others so use the knowledge found in this publication accordingly.

Family and Friends: With Venus’ blessings upon us, you should try your creativity at home. Your fruitful Venusians imagination will lead you to creations of perfect interior designs. Realize your limits with troubled friends, and don’t allow them to rely too heavily on you. As always, give spiritual support but avoid getting emotionally involved with their personal problems. You and your mate or family member can gain through financial endeavors, but discuss all possibilities before making any commitments. You might have an idea yourself that could be used; talk about it. Use what’s left of the waxing Moon, so plan and enjoy a gathering this weekend.

Love Affairs: Don’t let your relationship becoming shaky because you sense that the person in question may be deceiving in some way. Do not fall for your own insecurity, false information or a wild imagination. Avoid guilt in any of your decisions, and if you feel a change is unavoidable, trust your future. Expect much from a night out on Friday or Saturday if you take a chance on someone. Enjoy social life but don’t drink and drive. Mars (action) and Neptune (deception) don’t cohabit too well. When alcohol and speed are mixed, it can produce serious accidents. If you are a Gemini, then Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra will be strongly attracted to you. A friend born in April has a surprise for you.

Travel and Communication: Be vigilant if you must drive, and don’t take chances on the road, as Mars’ energy could make you careless. Don’t let his aggressive nature make you complain about a person, and use your words cautiously. Venus has much more to offer, and it’s your choice; so use your will and your knowledge. Someone from your past may call.

Environment: Some people will learn about fire the hard way. However, many thoughtful people will use Mars’ power to further environmental knowledge on preventing fires in nature. As usual, Mars, the red and violent planet, doesn’t seem to care much for the waxing moon. He may decide to pull a nasty trick with nature’s devastating forces, where all the elements could be invited for a destructive dance. Explosions and fires are common during his reign, be aware.

Famous Personalities: The oblivious rich and famous may be Mar’s victims or make sad news involving accidents, drugs or alcohol. On a positive note, Venus will shine and induce love to those often-lonely famous souls.

Events: The Martian energy is tough and has in the past produced explosions and accidents of all sorts; be prudent. Venus will put up a serious fight against her destructive brother and may save many souls. Violent and dangerous sports will attract many people challenging their respective sides. Some unsuspecting souls may fall victim to Mars and suffer head injuries.

Shopping: Invest in anything involving love, creativity or the arts. Show for whom you someone you care, the depth of your love. Under Mar’s power, dangerous tools and machinery bought now will bring financial opportunities.

* * * * *

FULL MOON — December 6, 2014 in Gemini: Disturbing news about transportation and education and the possibility of strikes are to be expected. Mercury, “Lord of Communication and Transportation,” will cause serious setbacks to the possibilities of traveling or communicating during the moon fluctuations. Dramatic changes are ahead in the worlds of transportation, finance, traveling, and the postal industries. Sad news involving serious accidents, terrorism and devastating weather is on its way. Many people who decided to travel after the full moon will find themselves stranded in airports. The impact of these events will bring on a form of financial death and rebirth for some large corporations who will have to merge to survive.

The  new year will start with a destructive Supernova window and could prove to be deadly and difficult enough for government drastic decisions and actions.  2015 MERCURY RETROGRADE PERIODS – SUPERNOVA WINDOWS

Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries – Difficult news from the mail and a deal or a trip gets you worried.

Taurus – Trouble with a contract or corporation just don’t sign anything now.

Gemini – Stress coming from your past, a business or emotional partner is burdensome.

Cancer – Don’t worry about your past. Stress at home is expected soon.

Leo – A friend and a new endeavor will worry you.

Virgo – A change of career or stress at home is a problem so be patient.

Libra – The mail or telephone may bring you sad news from faraway.

Scorpio – Expect a restructure of your finances and a form of death soon.

Sagittarius – Don’t take any chances with your partners or traveling.

Capricorn – Eliminate all guilt to bring about better work and health.

Aquarius – Love and children matters won’t go well for a while so just be patient.

Pisces – Your home life brings stress so you may have to move soon.

* * * * *

December 5, 2014 — Mars enters Aquarius: The Lord of war is now enter­ing the explosive sign of Aquarius. On the negative side, we can only expect this mixture to shake the world with real nuclear threats from foreign powers. Mother Earth will stretch and restructure her insides with quakes and volcanic activities during my SOS to the world windows. Aeronautic accidents are high on the list too. Incredible out-of-this-world events will take place with comets, meteorites, UFOs, etc. We are living in incredible times, and we are lucky to be participants in the action. Expect some U.S. Cities and foreign countries airports to make some surprising news soon. The incredible is around the corner and will touch many of us. Have faith in governments, as mankind will have to make life and death decisions soon. A new consciousness for the entire world is slowly but surely taking place where ignorance, fear and dogma will be replaced by a higher knowledge based upon the study and understanding of God’s celestial tools.

FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — DECEMBER 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:
RULERS — Mercury (Moving/Traveling) and the Moon (Ending Parts of Life)

Work, Career and Business: The Moon is difficult for a while longer and the universe won’t further new opportunities for much longer. This may force you into a change with your business endeavors. Use Mercury’s mental power to promote yourself or clarify a difficult situation with others. For those involved in sales, this lunation will not bring worthwhile arrangements and some of us will have to deal with important legal documents. During the upcoming waning moon, you may be forced to sign important paper work if you decide to get rid of a situation (or a person!).

Partnerships: Nothing is made to last forever, not even relationships and you may be able to see what’s ahead of you. This process will impose many changes, prodding you towards new experiences and valuable knowledge. Do not hold tightly to your past; you only make yourself miserable until you can’t take it any more. Only when the changes are accepted will the stars shine upon you and your new destiny. Keep a positive attitude no matter what.

Family and Friends: Many will enjoy good food and the family circle these days. If you decide to dine out it would be wise to make reservations, as the local restaurants will be busy. Don’t expect good service or good food. It is a good time to enjoy wide-open spaces with children and pets. Expect news from mom brothers or sisters soon.

Love Affairs: Do some listening; avoid talking too much about you or your past. Nurture positive thoughts about life in general. A trip close to nature or the water would be great for both of you. Candlelight, good wine, great food, and soft music are there for you to enjoy with your partner. Take some pictures and have fun. If single, go out with friends you know and do not be too trusting of a stranger’s words. Participate with life wisely. Those born in January will be attracted to older or younger people born in September, July or May.

Travel and Communication: Do not expect much good news to arrive via mail or telephone close to a Full Moon. A person you know who is going in a direction that you disapprove of, could benefit from your advice. This individual might need more emotional support to deal with past experiences; don’t let this affect your own psyche and learn to say no. Soon depressed friends may need more support from you; don’t expect much reward from them. Avoid being critical with old friends as your remarks could be misinterpreted and could haunt you for a while. Be aware if you’re invited to a party this weekend, don’t believe in all that you hear. Be nice and happy; impress everyone with your attitude. With a bit of luck one of your wishes can be granted before the Full Moon, if you mean business with your subconscious. A trip to your past could bring you joy. Keep in mind to service the car before leaving your city, and drive safely.

Environment: Thousands of people will be forced to relocate during this type of celestial configuration soon. Nature may decide to throw a nasty message to man; quakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, explosions, floods are very high on the list. Let’s hope for the sake of many that this lunation won’t be too difficult. Take NO chances after or during this lunation and check my website for my quatrains and heed my warnings.

Famous Personalities: Many prominent people will come in or out of a situation, business or a bad marriage. The beginning or ending of important phases of life is active for all of us. Famous or not, they are under the same stars and will suffer the reality of life.

Events: Be ready for the government (foreign or the U.S.) to make important decisions. Some elected officials might be forced to depart from office. The United States, France and Japan could be touched directly.

Shopping: Avoid spending too much money on anything. If you need a new answering machine or a new telephone, wait for the next New Moon. Purchase books now that could teach you something spiritual. It’s not too late to offer Moon Power Starguide, if it works for you it will work for someone you know in need.

* * * * *

December 11, 2014  Venus enters Capricorn: The great planet of love and wealth is in the practical sign of Capricorn.  On a positive side this position produces high-class musicians and great artists that will work hard to bring their talents to the world.  It produces people who will show their love through their work, and give them great patience.  On the negative side Venus will make them promiscuous and they will use people with money and power to gain positions of authority or recognition.  However Saturn is watching and karma is always repaid.

WED., THUR., FRI., SAT., SUN. — DECEMBER 10, 11, 12, and 13:
RULERS — the Sun (Surprises/Love/Children) and Mercury (Siblings/Traveling/Telephone)

Work, Career and Business: Some surprising developments are on the way, but with the Full Moon upon us don’t expect them to make you happy. Progress will still be made in the few weeks ahead of you, but be ready for a bumpy ride. Take on new technical studies, or improve your knowledge of computers as this endeavor will give you better opportunities later.

Partnerships: Don’t take any chances these days, keep a low profile; use Mercury’s creative power to clean up a business situation. Important legal papers might come your way; sign them only if it is to get rid of an unhealthy situation. Whomever you come in contact with, don’t misbehave in public.

Family and Friends: Keep busy with close friends and family; watch the children, as they will be accident-prone. In the past, many of them got in trouble or had accidents during this type of lunation. It’s a great time to enjoy the people you know well, but because of the waning Moon, avoid overcrowded public places. Don’t expect new people met under this lunar cycle to bring many of your wishes. Some friends have surprising even disturbing news for you and could affect you emotionally. Again, watch the children. They are accident-prone, especially on the road with fire, weapons and explosives.

Love Affairs: Expect an aggravating surprise coming your way and learn to let go of deceitful people. Do not invite interlopers into your home, and socialize only with the friends you know well. Make good use of the waning moon; learn to relax, enjoy nature and the sea, and look for inner peace. If you’re single, a chance to find the “right one” will be given to you at a later date. What you may perceive as love, may enter your life but without much to expect. Use your head on Friday night, not your heart. If you were born under the sign of Leo, Aries, Aquarius or a foreigner born in December could be a source of trouble in your life.  Better wait for better cosmic auspices.

Travel and Communication: Not a time to take chances at flying; many karmic souls will pay the ultimate price. Expect all sorts of little problems arising, which could turn lethal for some unlearned souls. Anticipate disturbing telephone calls from friends in trouble; as usual, provide spiritual help but know your limits and stay clear of depression.

Environment: Earth activists will feel this puritanical lunation and will do all to protect nature and its wild life; some may fall victim to ill-advised conflicts with unscrupulous large organizations. Expect unusual oceanic or earth activity soon that could prove disastrous for the environment. Not good times to play with fire, as explosions are very high on my list of trouble for this specific trend. The news may bring about startling explosive developments.

Famous Personalities: Certain famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force or involvement with the law.

Events: Expect massive power outages without readily known causes. NASA could make some bad news soon due to poor weather conditions or electronic malfunctions. On the positive side, some high-tech scientific news as well as great medical breakthroughs is on the way.

Shopping: Do not invest on anything electronic; you will not get a good deal. Do not invest in toys for your children now; they could prove to be fatal at a later date. Some will plan to travel to Europe.

December 17, 2014 — Mercury enters Capricorn: Souls born now are blessed with a scientific mind. They are the masters of practical detection and will excel in mathematics work, astronomy, geology, mechanics, computing and any science requiring an extreme attention to details. A top position involving the rational thought process, will lead the soul towards political activity and ability with architectural endeavors. By birth, many of them will miss the natural ingredient to assimilate the essence of any spiritual matter or enter into the intuitional domain of metaphysicians (or astrology). Fortunately, later on they will not only be able to see the trees, but the entire forest.

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., — December 14, 15, 16, 17:
RULERS — Mercury (Traveling Plans) and Venus (Presents)

Work, Career and Business: Just before Christmas, you may find it difficult to concentrate on your duties. Your mind will wander about the anticipated good times ahead. Deserving hard-working souls will benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities to promote their careers. Mercury will make you think fast, and action will be everywhere. Be aware of the Full Moon’s tension and be ready to change your schedule. Wait for the next new Moon to face important deals.

Partnerships: Some of the people you know will have to move away, or you yourself may decide to relocate to a better place within the next few days. Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and others’ too. Venus will endorse many gatherings with colleagues you have not seen for a long time. Be ready to control your emotions during the Full Moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to pleasantly surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans. You may receive an invitation to socialize with some faraway friends or family members; use this opportunity to grow closer to them if you can. Luckily for all of us, this Christmas season will take place in a positive sign (Aquarius) and we are due for some surprises and extraordinary events to celebrate. Against all odds, endure patiently this Supernova window, and enjoy these good old days. Don’t forget that when the Moon becomes full and is waning, things may not go your way. A family member needs your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Much time will be spent around the children enjoying their Christmas trees. Prepare to enjoy the warmth and the good food of your friends and your family.

Love Affairs: Expect much progress if you are looking for that special person. Some of the people from your past may also become weighty; stand for yourself without guilt. Friends will bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitment if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: You will have to run like mad to keep up with all the things you must accomplish. You will stay busy with all this activity and come in contact with interesting people. Combined with the Full Moon trend and a Supernova window expect all sorts of delays, forcing you to think twice as fast. Slow down; be cautious and prudent in your driving, too. Watch for crazy drivers around the city; they might not have read “Moon Power Starguide,” so don’t let them hurt you (or your car). Many will fly to faraway places early and will get caught in bad weather or find themselves stuck in congested airports. Keep in mind that Mercury may decide to confuse some electronics and bring chaos. Chain-reaction accidents are very high on the list; be careful out there.

Environment: Expect surprises and explosions soon. Be aware of fire and keep an eye on the children. Chances are that nature will go berserk soon, so you don’t want to be a victim. She may demonstrate her power with shocking weather. Thousands of people may be forced to relocate, fleeing disasters, flooding or bad earthquakes.

Famous Personalities: A famous person (or his child) will make dramatic news. Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: After the Full Moon, electronics may suffer or fail to function properly. This could produce another dramatic air crash. Not a time to take any risks in the air, unless you made reservations during a waxing trend. Expect the beginning or ending of an important portion of your (and other) lives.

Shopping: Use what’s left of the New Moon to spend money on expensive gifts. You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping. If you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encounter stress but you could get lucky. Yes, someone will hit the jackpot in a waning Moon in Vegas, but the money will be spent on paying bills or tax and little will be left. Better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates is available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

Attention: Pluto will become very destructive in this waning Moon period; he is back with us — you can expect dramatic happenings with nature all over; control is a must. He has produced much sensational news including the California Rancho Santa Fe mass-suicide. Mass murderers are again on the lookout for innocent victims as Pluto always stimulates the criminal element, the insane and the police force fighting all ill purposes. Don’t be victims; be aware of Pluto’s destructive power. Secrets from the past will return to your life. The police will be touched directly and terrorists will be active planning destruction.

Go to be smart a cop’s life is priceless. Others, Uranic and Moonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscrib­ers only. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at (602) 265-7667 join us ASAP!


Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers The Hidden Snake To Die Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light Passion, Death, Drama In Vain The Cosmic Code Reign No One is Safe

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — December 18, 19, 20, and 21:

RULERS — Pluto (Tragedy/Sex Secrets) and Jupiter (Foreigners/Law Enforcement)

Work, Career and Business: Don’t be Pluto victim avoid all confrontations. Emotion, destruction, hate and crime are all part of Pluto’s signature. You are aware of Pluto; many others are not! Compromise in the office and don’t let the stinger of the beast get to you. Sarcasm is the last thing you need to use just now. You will be forced to recognize many of your errors and your limits. A wake-up call for some dreamers is ahead.

Partnerships: The crooks and the police are going to be busy; avoid the unsafe or unknown. Pluto’s power is not for unity but discord, and will affect the masses, Including your very own relationships. Do not participate in large gatherings, as death may strike anytime, anywhere, against the unaware. Expect news pertaining to AIDS, abortion and religious groups to make the news once more. 1

Family and Friends: The influence of benevolent Jupiter should tone down Pluto’s desire for drama. Participate in promoting cosmic consciousness among friends and family, and share your knowledge about Pluto’s destructive energy. Build up good karma for yourself and let them know about the energies that control them — share your knowledge. The good thing about Pluto is that you, your friends and family members will all be forced to realize their limits and do something about any and all aggravated situations. Stay alert! Be patient and practice super diplomacy during this trend. Use the secrets you hear to your advantage and don’t repeat them to others!

Love Affairs: The real you, the raw you, and the plain truth around you and its impact in your life, will force you to mutate or transform with your newly acquired knowledge. Expect secrets pertaining to sex and money, but most of all stay calm in your dealings. Take smart precautions if you are going to be sexually active. If you were born under water or an earth sign, a Cancer, a Scorpio or a Pisces can either go crazy for you or against you.

Travel and Communication: You had better stay and enjoy your home, read a good book or watch a movie! Observe and listen to your intuition. The less you talk the less chance of being hurt. Control your own thoughts; don’t fall for jealousy or depression. If you must take the road, be extremely prudent and don’t trust any strangers. Watch the children; the vampires are out. (Mention my work to depressed friends by suggesting and let them learn about real astrology. You might also offer them a copy of the current Moon Power Starguide for their birthday.)

Environment: We are still in a waxing moon period, but let’s hope that Pluto won’t stir a tragedy with nature’s devastating forces like an earthquake or a series of floods. Anything dramatic can happen now; let’s pray for the victims of the planet of death. If you are a law enforcement officer or a security guard, be extremely careful on those days.

Environment: There is nothing other to do than to accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and nature will show her powers soon.
 Famous personalities:  Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous.  Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions.
Events:  Nature’s forces may compel thousands of victims to relocate and rebuild new lives.  Black outs and losses of power are on the way too.  Tragedies and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces.  Be ready. 

Shopping:  With Christmas around the corner, whatever you do not invest in anything new or dangerous for the children. Get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house and a garage sale would make some lucky buyers happy.   Anything to clean the house will also do well.

1 Secrets like Whitewater, RTC’s allegations, sex scandals, police, CIA, and FBI’s wrong doings will be divulged to the public. I fully predicted the Rodney King dilemma the WA sniper attacks and the awful Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide in my Moon Power Starguide and this type of dilemma will always take place under a Plutonic trend. Both Chiefs of police Burgreen (San Diego) and Daryl Gate (Los Angeles) received my mail and predictions but never took notice of my guidance. When will the police authorities wake up to this true knowledge and save lives?

2 Remember the Rodney King beating also took place under Pluto, and those who lost control over their emotions will have forever to pay the ultimate price. The legacy of this action that took place on that night transformed later on into the Los Angeles riots where disorder and fires ruled the nights.

3 Sept. 14, 1999 – Hurricane Floyd smashes through low-lying Bahamas – Hurricane Floyd tore through the Bahamas on Tuesday, uprooting trees, shearing off roofs and hurling debris into buildings as frightened tourists and residents hunkered down in shelters or barricaded houses to wait out the monstrous storm.

4 Eldridge Cleaver, the 1960s Black Panther activist and fugitive who later swung to the other side of the political spectrum to become a Republican, died at the age of 62 under a Plutonic trend.

5 under Pluto’s power, May 1997, a brutal slaying follows a beer drinking in Central Park, New York. Two teenagers stabbed a real estate agent at least 30 times and tried to chop off his hands so police couldn’t use fingerprints to identify him before dumping him in a lake in Central Park. The perpetrators, Daphne Abdela, 15, and her boyfriend, 15-year-old Christopher Vasquez, “gutted the body so it would sink.” Both of those young souls were born in the dramatic Pluto “Death Wish Generation.” See Pluto’s impact upon generations or order any of my two new books “And God Created the Stars” and “The Power of the Dragon” to learn more about this phenomenon. On 12/15/11 Pluto was stopped just in time. Some unlucky souls will have to undergo sorrow and loss such as those 2 kids mentioned above. Be ready to help those in need as the favor may hit close to home.

6 Expect news such as the ‘Calm’ gunman who walked into a church killed 7 before committing suicide on September 16, 1999.


NEW MOON  December 22, 2014 – New Moon in Sagittarius cuspy Capricorn: Expect the beginning or ending of important phases of your life and with immigration. Watch for friends and fam­ily members too, the stars will force them into new sections of their lives. Count on the government to make important political decisions involving foreign grounds and foreign affairs, especially immigration laws during this trend. The waxing moon (positive) is a sure sign of progress within the next two weeks. Push now; be confident and swim with the tide. Some foreigners will change your life. Remember Shakespeare saying “There is a tide in the affairs of men, when taken at its crest, leads on to fortune!” Now is the tide. Expect serious restructuring to take place in your personal and business lives due to numerous and vital decisions issued from the Government. Have faith and never forget that the future is nothing other than the reincarnation of our common thoughts. Promote faith, love, peace and respect for all.

Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries • A promotion or a new business proposition is ahead, have faith and go for it now.

Taurus • News and deals from foreign lands and foreigners, an important study is ahead.

Gemini • News about legacy, investment or a new job spiritual work is ahead of you.

Cancer • Wrong people must be eliminated and better partnerships are on the horizon.

Leo • Don’t worry about your health; a new job endeavor and a good deal is ahead, relax.

Virgo • A lover or idea gives you great options. Time to makes some emotional choices.

Libra • Your mind is on career changes. Consider moving or improving your home.

Scorpio • Control your emotions and make plans for the future, listen to your intuition.

Sagittarius • Money is on your mind; a good deal will be offered to you soon.

Capricorn • Well-deserved promotions and deals are ahead, be happy you can’t lose.

Aquarius • A secret about a person or a situation will come to light. Intuition is high.

Pisces • An older or younger person will bring one of your wishes if you swim upstream.



WED., THU, FRI., SAT., SUN. — DECEMBER 22, 23, 24, 25:

RULERS —Saturn (Rebuilding/Order) and Uranus (Explosions/Surprises): 

Work, Career and Business:  Christmas will fall in a waxing moon this year, thus there is much to celebrate. With the good moon upon us, expect to make some progress for a while; many of your plans should go forward.  Listen to other people’s stories; the stars affect everybody and they may come up with interesting deals or surprising news.  Be ready to invest in some appliances or equipment.  Saturn will help you to make some great adjustments after careful planning.

 Partnerships: With Uranus in charge, anything unusual can happen. With a good Moon upon us, those changes should be progressive.  Changes should be accepted with faith in yourself and your new future.  Be patient with everyone, as Uranus and Saturn may make people eccentric and depressed.

 Family and Friends: An opportunity to meet with some family members or friends you have not seen for a while will be given to you by this lunation.  The past will come alive again and a great time is offered to all.  The children will have a blast on Xmas day enjoying their new toys.  Make good use of these days and enjoy the food, security and love of your peers.

 Love Affairs: Be ready for the incredible to happen; if you are in a karmic relationship changes may be forced upon you and are needed.  Friends may fall in love with other friends or mistake love for friendship.  An old love or a past friend will reappear in your life soon and with him the option to start fresh again.  If you were born under one of the earth signs, expect good surprises and great changes.  If you are a Sagittarius, a Leo friend needs to talk to you and someone born in April or February needs to go places with you.  A friend born in June might fall for you.

 Travel and Communication: A business trip or an invitation may lead you to many good contacts from the past.  However, you might have problems getting to the given address and may get lost a few times due to the Supernova window afflicting the world.  Be patient, as you will still have plenty of time to play and enjoy yourself with various and unusual people.  For UFO investigators, now is the time to look for UFO’s in secluded places.  Don’t forget your video camera; you may be sorry if you are not ready, as Uranus is now willing to display anything shocking *Road rage caught on camera  or the secrets of extraterrestrial intelligence.  Expect things in the sky or NASA to make the news.

 Environment: A nasty virus could produce an aeronautic disaster soon.  Expect this type of news to happen: Australian wildlife officials made repeated attempts to prevent up to 300 long-finned pilot whales from beaching themselves on a remote part of Australia’s west coast.  Mammals, birds, and men’s navigational systems get confused when Uranus is in charge, and many get lost.  Tornadoes are high on the list.

 Famous Personalities: Very surprising news will come from the rich and famous doing great things for the children of the world during Xmas season.

 Events: Uranus loves accidents and explosions; under his power expect surprising and original pieces of news to take place.  Cash grab in Hong Kong as millions in banknotes spill from security van Do not take chances with the children and be safe.  

Shopping: Purchase new electronic equipment or plan a long voyage by air to a foreign land.  As always, Uranus rules the future, and his psychic powers can be used through your trusted local psychic or astrologer.  Invest in your own future and request a taped progressive reading for the upcoming year.


FRI., SAT., SUN. — December 26, 27, 28, 29:

RULERS — Uranus (Explosions/Surprises) Neptune (Deception) Mars (Conflicts).

 Work, Career and Business: Following the last few days of destructive Pluto in our lives, Saturn and Jupiter restructuring power will be a blessing for some organizations and your own business.  Expect a new beginning offered to you.  Uranus might also throw great surprising developments your way.  With the New Moon, get active and get what you need; the timing is now right.  If the work that you are doing is inappropriate or stressful, with Uranus in charge you can only happily look for the needed changes.   Resolve to find a new career soon and for the lucky ones expect a well-deserved promotion.

 Partnerships: Be original; don’t let others pressure you into following them instead of your own heart.  You will not build anything until you break new ground.  Stressful situations stimulate you to become more independent.  Meditate on where you are going in your life and don’t be afraid of tomorrow.  There is no better time for new and progressive change.  Be nice to others and get active on the social scenery.

 Family and Friends: Expect interesting surprises during these days as many will be back with the people of their past.  Uranus also makes the children very active and they will drive you a little crazy.  Don’t be afraid of computers; a study in this area will open many new opportunities.  Watch the children carefully this weekend, especially close to bodies of water.

 Love Affairs: Friends will call you and with Uranus’ touch (surprises) try-doing things you would not usually do and go to unusual places on a whim.  Visit your future and invest in astrology or the psychic phenomena.  Time for catching UFOs on film, and see them materializing in this dense physical world.  If you want to see something astonishing go for it now!  Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes.  Love can be found now; get active, do not turn down any invitations.  If you are an Aries, a Libra or a Leo may fall for you.  An Aquarius friend will surprise you.

 Travel and Communication: You may be thinking to visit your past.  Do not turn down an invitation, as a professional contact could bring people who will positively influence your career.  For this occasion, you may feel like spending some money on your car.  Some may get stuck in airports as Uranus may disturb electronic equipment.  If some of your plans get canceled; don’t be mad, be patient.

 Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes.  Thus volcanoes, earthquakes, explosions, are high on the list.  Let’s hope that he won’t do anything silly now, but he usually does.  Flying is fine but the weather will make the trip bumpy.  A blackout or trouble with electronics is high on the list too.PlayStation, Xbox users forced offline in possible attack

 Famous Personalities: Many famous people will be really active in helping those less fortunate.  Beautiful music, great movies and great actors of the past will come alive while other will behave weird. 06/25/05 – Tom Cruise, Lauer argue on ‘Today’- ‘Worlds’ star: ‘You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do’. NEW YORK (AP) let the cynics talk. Tom Cruise is in love — and he just can’t restrain himself.

 Events: Uranus rules flying and surprising news and Saturn rules politics, so expect surprising announcements from foreign governments.  *North Korea blasts U.S. over ‘Interview’

 Shopping: Electronic components will fail; you may be forced to invest in new equipment.  You may want to pay a visit to your future and meet with your favorite “spiritual guide.”  Any electronic tools bought now will bring you luck in your business.


Tue., Wed. — December 30 and 31:

RULERS — Venus (Gifts/ Caring)

Work, Career and Business: Deserving hard-working souls will benefit with well-earned bonuses or new opportunities to promote their careers.  Be aware of the waxing moon’s ease as your schedule should flow smoothly after the Christmas holiday passes. You may proceed with face important deals.

Partnerships: Venus will endorse many gatherings with colleagues you have not seen for a long time. It will be a bit easier to control your emotions under this new moon.

Family and Friends: Expect a brother or a sister to pleasantly surprise you. A friend might show up uninvited and thus affect some of your plans. A family member may need your advice. Be willing to consider the issue from his point of view; but avoid emotional involvement or forcing your opinion. Prepare to enjoy the warmth and the good food of your friends and your family.

Love Affairs: Expect much progress if you are looking for that special person. Friends will always bring good memories; have fun but don’t get caught up in the nostalgia. If you are a fire or water sign many will try to steal your heart. Have fun, but don’t make any commitments if the person in question was met for the first time after the Full Moon.

Travel and Communication: With this New Moon trend be prepared to go forth much easier without being stuck in congested airports. Offer Moon Power Starguide and tell them to plan within a waxing moon to avoid troubles in the future.

Environment: Be aware of fire if you are sitting around any and always keep an eye on the children. Though, chances are that nature should be calmer now. She still may demonstrate her power with shocking weather but nothing extreme enough in this phase to force people to relocate flee a disaster, experience flooding or a bad earthquake.

Famous Personalities: Expect news about famous or infamous people who have made history. The past will turn alive for a while.

Events: It’s not a bad time to be in the air, especially if you made reservations during a waxing trend.

Shopping: You can still find good deals on big-ticket items by comparison shopping as the moon is still up. On the other hand, if you decide to visit Las Vegas’ casinos after the Full Moon, you may encoun­ter stress but you could get lucky on some other karmic debts. better make all your important plans after the next New Moon for your own sake.  It’s now time for Terania and I to wish you a wonderful New Year and with it all the happiness you and you loved ones deserve.

Consider offering my 2015 Dragon Forecast  and suggest all the people you care of to become a VIP Cosmic Coder. My Cosmic Code University is affordable, valuable, and because it works for you, it will also work for them. They will probably love you for shedding some light and real guidance from God divinity we translate for you. Indeed rare blessings from the universe will shed upon their lives.

* * * ****

Closing Thoughts for 2014

Dear Clients and Friends:

I would like to sincerely thank you for your patronage and wish all of you a very successful New Year. It has been my privilege, with “Moon Power Starguide” over the years to bring more cosmic consciousness to your life.

IMPORTANT NOTE: While this book will not be published in 2015, it will be offered to my VIP’s month by month. Nothing will change with the cosmic code delivery you are used to! If you need to plan a trip in advance and need to know about a specific month in 2015, you can request it for $25. I will take the time to write the full forecast for this particular month for you and email you the file.  

Respecting the “Universal Code” can only help you to establish emotional, financial and spiritual stability. You may also find more information on my services, my courses and my books from

Remember the new consultation  price deals going on until 01/01/2016

Being in the right place at the right time has a lot to do with your progress in terms of opportunities. My work will be a major contribution to success in your life. Also, please help me promote the cosmic consciousness of everyone you care about. I need both your spiritual and financial help to build many Astro-Psychology schools for the children of tomorrow. Understand the importance of my mission and be a part of it in the unfolding world karma. Please help me, and invest in the future by promoting the true knowledge of the stars.

Your contributions will allow me to spend more time on the air, writing, educating, and publishing my work to those in need. For centuries many resources have been used to discredit the stars and to advance wasteful and dangerous religious dogmas. Times have changed and the stars above do impose a “new God cosmic consciousness” for mankind.

Be a promoter of light and invest in the true light. The children of tomorrow need to gain cosmic consciousness and use the stars to live more productive and safer lives. Please communicate my work and help those in need to find guidance, comfort, direction and assistance in the celestial order. I hope in “Moon Power Starguide,” you will find the pathway to the stars and the realization of God’s Ultimate Will throughout the Universe. Walk in peace with your new knowledge of the stars and may God bless you all!

— Dr. Turi


Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012 – Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.)

Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world.

Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667

Journey Into The Light


Come and drink at the source of all cosmic wisdom

On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code and offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows and the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter. And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe…

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio
2015 SOS Police SOS Windows

Journey Into The Light

  • This journey demands you to die and rebirth countless times, stronger and better.
  • This journey demand you to sacrifice it all while maintaining a strong faith in God.
  • This journey demand you to be curious, strong, forgiving and dedicated to your goals.
  • This journey demand you to be both modest and sure of yourself   and refine yourself.
  • This journey demand you to be ready for anything anytime and help those in need.
  • This journey demand you to be real, trusted and trustworthy in all you say and do.
  • This journey demand you to be better tomorrow knowing you failed today.
  • This journey demand you to be love yourself and respect everyone totally.
  • This journey demand you to be prepared for the best and the worse with confidence.
  • This journey demand you to be a leader in your convictions to know you will succeed.
  • This journey demand you to see your failures as stepstones to succeed in the long run.
  • This journey demand you to listen and trust those you feel can help and guide you.
  • This journey is the same strenuous journey salmons endure to reach their birth place.
  • This journey will take you to God’s supreme cosmic wisdom back to the stars where you came from…

Photo: Muhammad Ali hospitalized - "Once this Dragon reach him in 2015, he will be a matter of time for him to called back to God." Memo from "NFL Seau Concussion Holy Grail of Lies and Stupidity!" published 2 years ago or 01/23/2013 - READ MORE <a href=

Muhammad Ali hospitalized – “Once this Dragon reach him in 2015, he will be a matter of time for him to called back to God.” Memo from “NFL Seau Concussion Holy Grail of Lies and Stupidity!” published 2 years ago or 01/23/2013.

From Dee – “I’d like to see Muhammad Ali “tear you to pieces” (which you deserve) and you are neither worthy of dogs nor swine with your corrupted drivel. Why don’t you speak to the masses about your own f’d up astrological chart and your needy, whiny, desperate constant cries for attention at the expense of other people. Live and let live. You have no moral compass and your sense of decency lay in the murky depths of perversion and depravity. If you are so powerful and all-knowing than why don’t you use your powers for resolution rather than self-aggrandizement via your bullying? Surely you could find another way to express your “omniscience” for the good of humanity rather than harassing people who are suffering. It’s time to admit to the world that you and your wife have cold blood running through your veins. Let your scales shine!”

Dear Readers;

And these are the people we are trying so hard to reach and educate? We heard of  “do not throw the water with the baby” or the Messenger in this case, but this is the type of response I get from rude, oversensitive people who let their own emotions and fear of death and the future blurr their judgement. All I was trying to do is to confirm a predictive gift that enunciate the trust all smart people I served since 1991 put on my work for themselves.

If I was able to predict Muhammad Ali predicament and his upcoming voyage back to God, I can do the same with anyone, and while death is something no one is willing to accept, there no escaping it.

“Young souls” such as Dee are the ones who need us the most, mostly because the subconscious fears of death (or the future) they nurture is eating them away. But in no way will those people be able to recognize this fact or the immense educated ego which is the inner reason that stimulated the public attack.

While our dedication to reach as many people as possible with my “corrupted drivel” is only perceived as a “cry for attention” from people who are very lonely themselves. Note also, bringing my wonderful wife Terania into the “dispute” show also an insecure enviousness…

 Muhammad Ali has his gift, and that was to beat weaker people physically, mine is much the same but at an intellectual level by making unarguable well documented predictions and expose the sins and mental egocentricity of the religious and atheists young souls. Meantime I can also guide and point out all the virtues and fate of all the wiser clients and students of mine I deal with everyday.

Dee is part of the educated, all knowing, constipated  “OCD Generation” wasting time on groups challenging and pointing out what they perceive as imperfection in others…   At least today, the young soul is getting a free Astropsychology taste from Dr. Turi! The question is; will she learn anything by starting a war against a 65 older, wiser soul who knows her better than she knows herself or will she keep denying the obvious about her critical, over sensitive character?  She may be a guy though, I am not a psychic, but I detect a feminine insecure, critical easily offended UCI.

Astro Forensics is an undeniable  science I created that can only bear its fruits when it is directed personally at my intended “victims.” There is no doubt Dee suffers serious inferiority (or superiority) intellectual complexes depicting a strong Virgo in the natal makeup.

Sad enough I am often erroneously judged by the title or a pictures that somehow offend the puritanicals! In the eternal battle between emotions and logic, emotions and fears will always win, and you will always lose! The most common flaw encountered in any human is “assumption” intellectual snobbism and a the lack of curiosity.

A person can only rely to another human being because of its experiences, education, intelligence and his/her natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity” the question remain will Dee bother to investigate or is my work below her expected standard?  Chances are, Dee suffered a loss at a tender age and the pain is still lingering in her soul…

Meantime when I posted Dow jumps 421 points. Best day since 2011 Dr. Turi Undeniable US economy Prediction  – This newsletter was published May 6, 2011 and those predictions were broadcasted on the  George Noory Coast to Coast am program June 2007″  and thousands of other memos on “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google” or BIN website  I rarely received positive or negative feedback.

This clearly dictate how important choosing a title is; knowing people subconscious attitudes to it… Meantime the calculated  reaction I created using the  “human animal” despicable responsiveness served my purpose to steer more interests in a topic that can only benefit smarter, more perceptive human being on BIN.  Indeed I have much better things to do than to waste my time with an unmodifiable, combative young soul!

My trophy wife, my wonderful smart soul mate Terania Turi

America rewarded me  greatly financially since 1991 and while the current Dragon is challenging us, Terania are still enjoying a solid  emotional, financial and spiritual stability.  France is a great country we love to visit every summer but God is leading us to an undisclosed location the Florida Keys to start a new life soon…

I am still learning how to handle a mass of scared young souls like Dee reading my work looking for answers they can never assimilate!  But who can blame me for being born with a serious problem handling intellectual egocentricity, enviousness, idiocy, abuses and manipulations! And I am not the only one…

 Pope attacks ‘diseases’ of Vatican

Pope Francis issued a blistering critique on Monday of the Vatican bureaucracy that serves him, denouncing how some people lust for power at all costs, live hypocritical double lives and suffer from “spiritual Alzheimer’s” that has made them forget they’re supposed to be joyful men of God.

Sad enough I, in some ways, resemble a fearless Pope Francis working endlessly to expose the undiluted truth and over the years I made many enemies who would love to see me dead. Will I be once again be “crucified” for my prediction  of the Pope or our President assassinations when, like Ali, my visions makes it to CNN?

How many more Dee’s will I have to deal with before and after it all happen?  This is what I do, its my profession, my call in life; although like a curse but instead of harassing the messenger, try to appreciate the warnings instead!

I am so glad for the heavenly help I am getting from many websites endorsing my work and collecting so far 680 of my articles for future generations cosmic investigation… Sad enough my computer was hijacked and many of those links are dead. Meantime whatever is there, will stay there.   I am not insecure and dedicated to warn the world with my predictions while teaching the reality of a cosmic God.

But the most refined educational and predictive work I produced, and will still produce will never reach the general public and is safely compiled in the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s eyes and spirits only.

 Pope Francis the last pope
Pope Francis’ Foreseen Assassination
Pope Francis – Can You Handle The Truth?
Can Pope Francis Save the Vatican Corporation?
The Secrets Pope Francis Don’t Want You To Know!
Pope Francis’ Foreseen Assassination-Pray for his safety!
Pope faces threat from the Mafia Dr. Turi Exposes The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis3 members of Pope’s extended family die in Argentina car crash – FULLY PREDICTED by Dr. Turi!

Like me, Pope Francis is an old guy who lived a rich life and lead by God climbed to the top of the mountain. But Pope Francis UCI is also much too pure and too real for his own good.

His powerful Sagittarius Dragon’s Head “Bull in the China Shop” is doing the damage imposed by a Cosmic God slowly shutting down the Age of Pisces and all religions created by man’s folly last two thousands years.

Something so many close friends of mine have said about the same direct approach I share with the Pope me for years. Exposing the financial masquerades of the corporate religious matrix is very dangerous! He is not afraid of death and so am I because the “Journey” imposes so many tortuous roads, endless challenges and a sure victory at the end, all at the grace of  a cosmic God in charge of us all…

The upcoming 2015 Neptunian Dragon has a solid Universal purpose, Pope Francis himself and billions of his Christians followers are unfamiliar with! All I can do is to push forward with my visions while exposing God’s true cosmic Divinity hoping for your help to share my warnings…

ISIS: Slavery, beheadings in our religion

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage  fools…” Dr. Turi.

Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions

I am doing much of the same with the scientific community, battling their chosen leaders .i.e. “Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , Neil deGrasse” publicly!

But, I am not the Pope, and  the “Iluminati” in charge of your educational TEL– and all else do not feel threatened by my work or what the young gullible souls perceive as “SPAM” and I am certainly not about to get a world stage but I still do what I do even though I am constantly being muted and fired by an army of  popular websites insecure moronic moderators! 

More predictions to come but who’s listening, certainly not the NSA and who will be next idiot to blame the gifted messenger?  I am not the all gloom and doom promoters but fears can only paralyze people or steer them to get solutions, and I do have the answers to the dangerous situation with North Korea…

Blessings to all

Dr. turi

 The plot thickens – War of words between U.S., N. Korea

North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors This IS The Beginning of End of America!

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines. Police shame and disgrace – 2015/2016 SOS POLICE WINDOWS


“It is very easy to ridicule Astrology when the gifted soul is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi

FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction


 If one single cop *Officer deaths up 50% this year *Police officer shot and killed in Florida  *Louisiana Motorcycle Officer Dies After Crash or a single civilian life can be saved, *Tot pulls mom’s gun, shoots her *Edmonton police: Man kills 8, commits suicide,  its worth to look into anything, even something you may consider taboo or ridicule!  

This cop or this person at the wrong place at the wrong time could be YOU or your child!  Have you ever thought you may be wrong about Astrology and fall into the mass of misinformed people? 

Who can blame me for trying to save anyone or our courageous police officers lives facing death every day?  Ask yourself, what most of the people who trash me do everyday to better humanity before discarding my message!  Most of those immature young souls do nothing but stop the truth reaching you…

Incidentally,  as incredible as it may sound, in the name of fears, religious convictions or simple ignorance I have been trashed by “” for offering them the chance to acknowledge my life work.

Trust me at 65 there is a lot I have learned about life and the stars! Challenging yourself out of your comfortable zone and become curious is your first step!  Like Sir Isaac Newton, who said “Sir Halley, I have studied the matter, you have not! the main problem with astrology today is that; misinformed people like Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse never studied its dynamics. I spent my life doing researches and offer endless proofs of my claims publicly challenging atheists organizations to prove me wrong!

My next Article will be about Sir Isaac Newton cosmic identity and proving that he was totally into Astrology regardless of what the scientific community has done to cover the facts! The only investigation pertaining to the Mother of all science was conducted by the scientific matrix 50 years ago and was more of an act of sabotage to dismiss and ridicule Astrology than anything else. I am dedicated to revive its integrity.  Support my efforts please LIKE us on FB 

James Randi Versus Dr. Turi’s predictions nine years later!
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology 

Dear Readers;

12/30/14 – Update make sure to check my quatrain, keywords and predictions for the police below just after the big police banner!

On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I WARNED THE POLICE , I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code, offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows including the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter.

And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe… I will be there to refresh your memory and prove my claim and predictions to the skeptics and atheists alike!

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio

 Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology! “If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

Here is your Free Sunday Cosmic Code newsletter sample, and join 8000 subscribers for much more educational newsletters to enjoy in my “Cyber Cosmic Code University.”


Holder of knowledge of the dimensions
The spark of all the inventions
Lover of all things in simplicity
Charged with the power of ingenuity
I am AQUARIUS, child of Uranus.

People are very apt to overlook the fact that even if Christ recognized his function as teacher and spiritual leader of humanity during the Pisces age which is so rapidly drawing to a close. He also would have recognized the work which he would impose on “weird” folks like me,  when that age came to an end and the new astronomical Age of Aquarius cycle came into existence. The mission and the purpose is real, at least to those who vibrate at our cosmic spiritual essence.

 Jesus said to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”… Is it interesting to know I was born February 26, 1950 in the constellation of Aquarius (The water bearer) with my Sun in the sign of Pisces. The above biblical quote was emailed to me years ago by a devout Christian who raised his own cosmic consciousness through my work!

But while I am dedicated to help humanity, how can I not steer animosity in less confident, less informed people unwilling to heed Jesus’ sacred words or any of the wise men of antiquity spiritual work?

The sign of Aquarius represent the “symbolic” mission endowed to all advanced souls born with a stellium or a Mercury (critical Thinking) in the sign of Aquarius making it dignified  (or allowing the soul to enter the realm of Cosmic Supra-consciousness.)

Against all odds, the older soul is blessed/cursed with supreme psychical powers which he must use to master God’s universal will then simply transcribe the complex cosmic hieroglyphs (the cosmic code) to further humanity ‘ spiritual evolution and guide them into the future.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus,

Read my past predictions so you can judge and prepare for the future!

2013/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions

But who’s willing to accept the three wise men were cosmic conscious space travelers “following the stars” to educate a man chosen by God himself? Jesus’ mission was to introduce humanity on “Our Cosmic Father in the Heavens.” But the Savior’s cosmic Ministry was altered from the very beginning by the deceptive religious matrix, *Vatican Corp  who saw power, control and wealth in the spirit. And who’s denying this fact today?

The relationship with astrology and all religions created by man’s folly is undeniable…

 The legacy of the 3 wise men!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Thus if you were born in the cups of Aquarius / Pisces like me, chances are,  your perceptive gift is used to help the blind, but like me, you will also suffer the “witches hunters!”  It is a “natural human sin” to deny anyone’s above normal capabilities leading to a position of respect and success the young souls wish they had. This very fact often stimulate an inferiority/superiority complex the “educated” suffer as an excuse to hide their ignorance behind the word ridicule.

Only five minutes after posting my request to help me stop wasting precious cops’ lives and tax payers money on website,  I ended up “crucified” with nail like vitriolic then fired from their website! What did they found so disturbing in Police Requiem?

Comments like, “Man you’re crazy” and much worse, started flowing and while receiving thumbs up from smarter readers, moderators morons did not take my side! “You have been banned for spamming.

Now I wish I had been more real and answered them with Dr. Turi’s constructive SPAM:

Over the years, the police has grown drastically with weaponry but not in spirit… There are reasons I will explain for both to invite a premature death if you ask! Astroforensics must be taught at the Police Academy.

“Servicing Pathetic Atheist Mind for free!”

”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

– Albert Einstein

All I did was to reply politely to three people asking those young souls to be patient and wait for December 30, 31 2014 before discrediting me. While I explained my position and my aims fully in the article, I also anticipated  the stubborn antagonistic “donkeys” words and the action was taken against me.

I am used to this type of moronic attitude and those abrasive rebuttals do not make the disapproving “detectives” reading my work intelligent cops. And those are the ones who are supposed to serve and protect us? OMG! in what a young world did I land on?

However, such animalistic attitude has been with me since 1991, and this is what thickened and refined my ingenious mental skin!  Should I be treated like dirt when the honorable request  I have, is to engage and educate those readers to save their own kind lives?

 I had in mind to provide more dates such as  January 14/15/16 – January 24/25 and February 20/21 2015 in future “SOS POLICE windows” and prepare them for dramatic news directly involving the police. But I was “SHOT” by the very people I am trying to save!  Those people drunkenness literacy is deplorable knowing they are all “innocent” allows me to move forward and use this experience to enrich the mental faculty of more civilized human beings.

Thus, there is no way for me to connect with this crowd anymore, instead I am now reaching for all my readers. Take on the challenge and, in time, offer a wake up call to moderators and the band of hyenas who teared me apart there!

Rest assured, I will be there with the future to point out the values of my work and why the police MUST pay attention to my future 2015 SOS POLICE WINDOWS! 

As I did countless time, I will use the specific quatrain and its obvious keywords to make my point and prove my claim publicly…

                 “When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” –Swift

If you are involved in Law Enforcement be warned, Pluto The Lord of Hell who rule both the police force and the criminal elements will send many of his deadly children to kill you or destroy your career on those days.  The quatrain and keywords used below, must to be heeded, especially by those who enforce the physical laws; and for them not to ignore a set of cosmic laws they are all oblivious of…

 To those spiritual souls who, in the past behaved like real police detectives, there is nothing to prove, and to those who are not yet, here is your chance to upgrade your psychical awareness to my predictive work.

“Time has, and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi 

December 30, 31 2014 – January 14/15/16 – 24/25 and February 20/21 2015


 Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign


 Russia/ Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police /FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.



Former New York Gov. Cuomo dies – Famous Death?

Chief on leave after wife is shot – POLICE NEWS?

2 officers hurt in Vegas copter crash – POLICE NEWS?

12/31/2014 – Baltimore Ravens head of security charged with fourth-degree sex offense –   Hidden secrets sex, money come to light?

12/31/2014  So, is this a scandal or not?  – SCANDALS?

CDC: Flu in U.S. hits epidemic level

Prediction #4  of 24 – “a New STD and old diseases will come back and plague those countries ////////////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will kill many.“ Are you ready for Ebola and the upcoming pandemic of 2015? Make note, I’ll talk to you then!

21/30/2014 Families jolted by body on live TV – Ugly face of death drama horror surface
12/30/2014   Officer deaths up 50% this year  – Police news?
12/30/2014  De Blasio booed at police graduation  – Police news?
12/21/2014 Police officer shot and killed in Florida – Police News?
12/30/2014 Cop writes ticket, gets bit by monkey – – Police News?
12/30/2014 7 found slain in Edmonton home  – Ugly face of death drama horror surface
12/30/2014 Autopsy: Victim shot 3 times – Death News?
12/30/2014  Two-time Oscar winner dies  Famous death?
12/30/2014   Voice of Rugrat, Babe dies – Famous death?
12/30/2014  Tot pulls mom’s gun, shoots her – Dramatic news?
12/30/2014  Under fire for speech to white supremacists – Wake Up Call?


 Update 12/20/2014   Sources: 2 NYPD police officers fatally shot; suspect dead

 My intuition and wisdom do not lie, this article was written before the dramatic news, and all victims were under a negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.

Will you die today or win the lottery? 

Moon Power scepter: Pluto is back with us; Be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too. Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reign on earth! 

the Do’s and Don’ts

Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of cosmic wisdom Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO’S and DON’TS – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:· Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.

· Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
· Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
· Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
· Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
· Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
· Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
· Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
· Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
· Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
· Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
· Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
· Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
· Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
· Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
· Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
· Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
· Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
· Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
· Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
· Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
· Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
· Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
· Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition.
· Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
· Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
· Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
· Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’TS: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates· Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
· Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
· Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
· Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail or death is next.
· Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
· Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
· Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
· Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
· Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
· Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
· Stay clear from anything that is dark.
· Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
· Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
· Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
· Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
· Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
· Stay clear from wild lonely places.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone during any of my future Plutonic windows.
· Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 8000 VIP list ASAP.  Read Dr. Turi endless Cosmic Code Newsletter – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with us for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world, be warned!
Blessings to allDr. Turi

Listen to Dr. Turi last radio show with Christina George 11/12/2014 – Wait for the show to start Pls

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors This IS The Beginning of End of America!


“It is ridiculous for men to pray a false god for anything when the cosmic Gods are willing to enlighten and protect the journey – Dr. Turi

Defector: North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors

U.S. will hit back, but how?

Dear readers:

Image may contain: food

 Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea working on EMP weapons for devastating attack on US

Update 11/14/18 (5 years later) – Cyber/Nuke attack only a matter of time! – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.

Read the prediction

Let me tell you how the US should hit back, keep reading… On January 23rd, 2013 I posted my first warning about cyber attack for my VIP’s,  then went on to post my vision on all social media. The article “Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!” is part of the thousands of articles that was stolen when was hacked for weeks!  Luckily for me, all the articles I ever wrote are also safely compiled on the Cosmic Code website.

To this day, I am wondering who or why my futuristic work disappeared in cyber space! But knowing North Korea “religious” cultures and  practices are rooted in shamanism, and the supreme mind they are indeed interested in my spiritual work. And so is India! “Financial Astrology from “India”

Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010 

“You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!”

 Note also I wrote intensively about Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin fates and soon after, my world map stats clearly pointed out Russia and South Korea spies were on to my work!  Now five years later, did this number increase or decrease in India, North Korea and Russia?

Nearly two years later, once again time has proven my vision accurate about my “cyber attacks” visions. This “wake up call” was also predicted in my latest SOS to the world for December 18/19/20/ 30/31 2014!

It is important for my readers to realize not only did I correctly translated the cosmic hieroglyphs with my quatrain and keywords but I gave also the exact date of 12/18/2014 for the “terrorism & wake up call.”  Do you still doubt I am CNN before CNN?

Incidentally, unlike a religious poisoned 200 years old young America, much older Asiatic countries own a very deep spiritual wisdom that still escape the NSA and all branches of national security.

 I tried so many times to bring them with the attention of my cosmic wisdom with my crucial warnings at no avail. Not all, but today, most American families live and operate in conventional ways found only in a very young country depraved of any true spiritual “shamanic” wisdom.

My latest attempt to reach the Police Administration and save them from themselves was another ridiculous attempt! Indeed wasting precious lives and billions of dollars in legal pursuits routinely is not good enough for the police administration to seek the answers of cosmic wisdom…

“I never desired to please the rabble. What pleased them, I did not learn; and what I knew was far removed from their understanding  – Epicurus

What America is oblivious of is; Asia is ruled by genius Aquarius, the sign ruling all electronics inventions! This sign rules also the sciences of the heavens or astronomy and astrology! Aquarius rules also true geniuses, the future of humanity, the UFO phenomenon, the incredible and nukes!

Uranus Governs The Ingenious, Freedom-Oriented Constellation Of Aquarius

Holder of knowledge of the dimensions
The spark of all the inventions
Lover of all things in simplicity
Charged with the power of ingenuity
I am AQUARIUS, child of Uranus.

Wonder why I am “weird”  futuristic, attracted and experienced the incredible, read the stars and was born in February with a stellium in Aquarius? 

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

The current OCD generation implique a world wide young adults raised with technology. Many are natural technological masters building and using an ever growing telecommunication  field *cyber attacks.

The US government is run by a at least three cosmic unconscious generations of well read elites who could never agree on what to vote for or what to do next for the taxpayers! The US government rely on its infantile scientific community to catch up with North Korea cyber threats not knowing they already lost the cyber battle because of the  “cosmic” geographical location.

Asiatic people are not American in mind body and soul, they are very special people that have proved the world wrong with their “Made in Japan” automotive products well ahead of America best minds.

Today scientific matrix employs an army of gifted people from all walks of life but who can relate to the cosmic legacy of Asiatic people carved in their much older DNA!  As mentioned so many time before, the space between the physical (science) and true cosmic spiritual wisdom (astrology)  is not only absent but gravely widenings in favor of a multitude of man made religions.

By being more spiritual and involved in Astrology (and curious about my work)  Asia is well ahead of a rational young United States of America, but I am afraid, in the name of inserted religious convictions and fear of the ridicule, our very mission in this great country is doomed!

I can not believe with so much  unarguable well documented predictions on the Internet,  on countless radio and television shows  behind me and an unsurpassed dedication to reach the the public, the NSA, the police, the Department of Education and the scientific community, I am not better today than when I first started my career back in 1991…

I finally realized my limitation and God cosmic order for America to suffer the same fate as the Roman Empire… It sickening for me to realize the amount of idiocy, the depth of the nation religious encrusted fears, the lack of curiosity of its people, the lack of  support, and the laziness of the condemned human spirit unwilling to fight for his own survival…

But this does not mean all American are idiots unable or unwilling to heed my warnings ! But I have to accept the many scientific, religious, sports and entertainment matrixes in charge of  the general public education through the tube became an unstoppable mental cancer…

There is no enough deep cosmic wisdom going around abling politicians and Presidents from all walks of life to comprehend other nations Leaders  karmic UCI, psychical potentials, sins and virtues.

Those governments are realizing archaic spying techniques are absolute and instead of using technology intelligently and constructively to relate to each others and build a safe world, they keep spying trying to eradicate each others …

“If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished; for they are forever praying for evil against one another.” ―  Epicurus

 There is absolutely no reason to spy on anyone if you already know the psyche of your “enemy.”  But political, religious and scientific leaders are not trained “cosmically” to see past their five limited human rational senses and their rational and/or pious education.

My expectations for such a lack of cosmic wisdom, with time, is petrifying… And fifty years is all we have to re-educate the children of the future or pay the price of self destruction!

While I can not teach Astropsychology or Astroforensics here, let me simplify the tradition of America cosmic hieroglyphs for you.

America (July 4, 1776) was born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail, this mean the shocking, sudden, explosive, unexpected, negative power of  the planet Uranus HAS and will strike the US AGAIN! Do you recall the December 7, 1941  Japan (Aquarius country)  SURPRISE attack on pearl Harbor?

America (July 4, 1776) was born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail, this mean the shocking, sudden, explosive, unexpected, negative power of  the planet Uranus HAS and will strike the US AGAIN! Do you recall the predicted 911 terrorist surprise attacks on the N.Y. towers?

While America and its allied won the war at the end, time have changed since 1945 and what can the mightiest US NAVY or US ARMY in the world can do against a smarter, much smaller genius born nation dedicated to destroy its enemies? Unless you outsmart your opponent you will lose the battle and America is not favored by the cosmic code in the years to come to survive.

What is the NSA waiting for? For Russia or North Korea to ask me to help them with the cosmic code timing to nuke the US safely? 

THe NSA never learned anything with Edward Snowden‘s technological genius and can not yet realize how potent or rewarding any form of genius can become for a country. While a religious America ridicule my cosmic work, more spiritually inclined countries are reading my work with great attention.

Who’s to blame them for being more receptive than America when I constantly offer undeniable proofs of the values found in the ancient science of Astrology?

President Obama, Princess Diana, Steve Irwin to name a few were born with an Aquarius  Dragon‘s Tail,  and while two of them are already gone in an explosive, shocking way, it is only when our President will meet his unusual sudden death that many of you will remember this article.  But why wait for the stars to speak my wisdom when my ingeniousness can be and should be used by the NSA to protect the country and the President right away?

All living things are under the jurisdiction of the stars and knowing the cosmic code rules every single human on the planet, this rare wisdom becomes a serious contribution to AVOID a premature death!

But how could anyone truly understand John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination in Dallas November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas when 99.99% of the population knows nothing about  cosmic biorhythms?

Why would science or anyone else ridicule my lifetime work without any form of investigations whatsoever? Is science purpose to prove me wrong? But why the California Psychological Inventory, the National Council for Geo cosmic Research or the million of other credible organizations reading my work did not yet approach me to test Astrology?   Unless, like Carl Sagan, they rely on an  Astrology article written in “Ici Paris on April 16,  1968?

Cosmic unconscious people live their lives like robots, trusting a myriad of physical rules implemented by the police, who are themselves unaware of a more subtle but very real set of cosmic rules!

Billions of human beings needlessly suffered the ultimate price because of religious fear, a lack of curiosity or the unwise choice to ignore God cosmic plan. No,  it is not against your religion to use astrology or assume it is a waste of time and should be ridicule!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

It is not in the church’s nor conventional astronomy best financial interests to educate you, and instead of crucifying me, consider yourselves lucky to have Dr. Turi and  educate yourself so you can free your spirit from the Illuminati. All world’s top greedy leaders have learned and still using this rare wisdom for centuries to control your life.

Take some of your precious time and Google “Kim Jong-un Dr. Turi” – “Vladimir Putin  Dr. Turi”  “President Obama and America fate drturi”, try anything you want to know about and add my name behind the words, be curious and make a good use of the thousands of articles left for future generation psychical welfare on the Internet…

And most of all, pay attention, because it is not joy in my heart to make such horrific predictions that will come to pass! Indeed too many abusive corporate US matrixes life hood is at stake and, my internet enemies are working overnight to stop me reaching the national stage I need to grasp the attention of America  and turn things around before it is too late!

At least, when my visions become a tough reality, I’ll say I did my very best to reach America and free your spirit from oppressions…


Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

 “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions.”

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

America will suffer a few cyber attacks to test and neutralize its nuclear capabilities from 2017 to 2018 – The US will become incredibly vulnerable due to a serious increase in various natural disasters.  The US will suffer the same fate as  the “Chernobyl and Japan nuclear plants” disasters.   February and August  2017/2018 will be the out most dangerous times.

As of 2018 the world will be unifying again to kill the new “Hitler” evil spirit… The strong feeling I had to stop publishing my yearly Moon Power Universal and personal predictions become much clearer now as humanity has so little time to wake up to God cosmic Divinity and heed the signs appropriately.

I will soon update the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions with my visions for the next few years then, stop warning the world of its impending fate. Mostly because no many people are able to handle the undiluted truth about the fate of humanity.  Furthermore, people tend to associate negativity with my liberating, educational, healing live Skype consultations and this affect my business negatively.

Are you wondering why Neptunian, Pisces born Joel Osteen and Phil Robertson are phenomenally successful selling religious deception to the gullible mass of Americans?

Knowing the supra-conscious psychical forces involved, and knowing “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts,” I hate feeding evil and the public with “gloom and doom” but rest assured many young souls will blame and ridicule “Messenger of the Gods.”

I can not be made responsible for a universal lack of curiosity,  for a universal deceptive religious poisoning and humanity refusal to accept God cosmic Divinity and heed the signs… I can not be made responsible for a over medicated, pot head growing “educated” society of atheists and their lack of concern or perceptive visions.

I can not be made responsible for the scientific and religious communities unwillingness to exit their comfortable zones of reality.  I can not be made responsible for a universal stupidity, for humanity overwhelming cosmic ignorance fueling its phenomenal corporate greed.

Great Minds and incalculable resources are wasted in scientific foolish pursuits to explore the ridiculous possibilities to visit and live on Mars when Mother Earth is showing extreme and irrefutable signs of distress…

Deceptive Neptunian Minds and incalculable resources are wasted teaching, promoting and building more religious madness feeding a congregation of lost souls “ISIS” killing and dying for a false God

Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!
11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions
God Is the True Evil of Humanity! Challenge Your Spirit!

Constantly feeding the corporate scientific and religious, pharmaceutical, sports and entertainment  matrixes’ greed will have its consequences when God’s true cosmic identity is still a mystery humanity is cursed to uncover!

While I am convinced the world is on a certain course to self destruction, I can not help to hope for a miracle. While being allowed to reach the masses can be dangerous, God has a plan no mortal can alter, and I know the plan well, and this is why I still have hopes for all the children of tomorrow.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“It is ridiculous for men to pray a false god for anything when the cosmic Gods are willing to enlighten and protect the journey – Dr. Turi

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014

Listen to Dr. Turi last radio show with Christina George 11/12/2014 – Wait for the show to start Pls

December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Dr. Turi  Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi has been the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


Police, Sodlike Productions website and Dr. Turi June 14, 2012 undeniable Predictions WHO IS REAL?


Cosmic Code

 For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

12/17/2014 – Cop tackles, stun guns elderly man

Michael Brown, Charles Eimers – Eric Garner, SO MANY OTHERS AND ANIMALS DID NOT HAVE TO DIE! Time for changes! Read the undeniable prediction!  Read also Police Requiem

Update 12/17/2014  The debilitating outbreak sweeping the Americas

 A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one

It’s a disease with an exotic name, painful symptoms and no treatment or vaccine. It’s endemic in Asia and Africa, and it recently spread to the Americas — where nearly 1 million people have been infected and 150 have died.

IMPORTANT NOTE! 2012 – 2014 Universal Predictions drturi was posted on all major social medias, published in my books and posted all over, including  sodlikeproductions on Thursday Jun 14, 2012 10:51 am!

The owners and moderators of this website fired me saying my work was pseudoscience when my work is very real and reliable! My internet enemies found the perfect nest there to tear me to pieces for weeks before finally being removed!

Prediction #11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new oneSex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals. The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Dear readers;

Did anything change on television since June 14, 2012? Have you noticed the sex “explosion” and did I exaggerate anything by offering my visions to the world then?

 Did you notice the amount of predictions posted in  “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” that came to pass already and did not check what the cosmic code has in store for humanity in 2015 yet!

But most of all, did you share my work and help me save lives and warn others?  “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions.”

When dealing with young and immature souls, all you need is time to prove them all wrong!  Even 30 months later when my visions became an obvious reality on CNN, the chances for those dry spirits to accept the facts are non existing!

The predictions mentioned  my latest SOS to the world for December 2014 reflect the trustworthiness and values involving my warnings for the police and are much too real to deny!

But will the police ever pay attention to Astroforensics? No they won’t, because they can not accept the facts of what is considered by  an unconscious society as pseudoscience… And we, the people have to pay the endless enormous legal bills for the Police administration cosmic ignorance.

Chances are, once sodlikeproductions morons will find out they were all wrong, this post may be deleted thus I copied the original for future references! All you have to do, is to go back in time and read those “visions” and realize why some people affirm I am CNN before CNN!  Note I do not have the time to locate old predictions articles but they are saved on the Internet for future spiritually inclined generations.




 2012 – 2014 Universal Predictions

Post  drturi on Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:51 am

Note; The 2012/2014 predictions follow this little sample, those dates and predictions were published in his book 2012 Moon Power, his website Dr. Turi also post his dated, printed, published predictions regularly on You Tube.

The following was posted June 4, 2012.

Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence France and re-kindled Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology, his ratio of accuracy is 98% as mentioned many times by George Noory on Coast To Coast. Dr. Turi will be featured on the Discovery Channel in the fall proving to the world his unarguable gift in predictive Astrology.


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign

Famous Death / Black Magic / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets to light / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Corporate Finances / Insurance / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News / Porn / Rebirth


Check my prediction page – “2012 / 2014 US SEXUAL WAR/ FREEDOM “TOPLESS” ON THE RISE!”

Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN! check the results so far for the dates of June 14, 15, 16

Serial rapist on the loose in Cleveland – Sex?

Metallica joins hunt for concert killer – Serial Killer?

Travyon Martin autopsy to be released – Death News?

Calls grow to investigate Chinese dissident’s death – Death News?

Armstrong faces new doping claims – Secret?

Victim No. 10: Jerry Sandusky forced me to have sex – Sex news?

FBI joins hunt for Cleveland serial rapist – FBI?Sex news?

5th-graders learned about oral sex – Sex news?

LiLo’s maybe co-star is porn actor – Porn news?

Pastors ‘come out’ as atheists – Secret?

Homeless man finds, keeps $77,000 – Rebirth?

JPMorgan boss: Bad trade was too risky – Finances?

Euro 2012 live: Holland vs. Germany – Finances?

Baby thrown out SUV in police chase – Police?

Do not assume, be patient then realize the true gift of Dr. Turi! Instead make notes and comeback to read the facts! Give yourself a chance to build Cosmic Consciousness


June 20/21/22

Mother Earth Entrails Rebel
Cosmic Order Shocking Tragedy
Fire, Wind, Water Blood Spit Evil
Science Wonder Explosion Above and Below


Cosmos News / Sun / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics /Space-Technology / UFO.



Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO and DON’T – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:

• Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
• Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
• Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
• Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
• Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
• Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
• Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
• Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
• Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
• Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
• Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
• Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
• Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
• Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
• Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
• Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
• Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
• Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
• Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
• Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
• Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
• Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
• Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
• Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
• Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
• Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
• Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
• Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
• Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
• Time for you to listen to your intuition.
• Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
• Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
• Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
• Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’T: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

• Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
• Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
• Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
• Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
• Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
• Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
• Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
• Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
• Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
• Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
• Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
• Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
• Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
• Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
• Stay clear from anything that is dark.
• Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
• Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
• Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
• Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
• Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
• Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
• Stay clear from wild lonely places.
• Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
• Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. The $24.95 super deal ends TONIGHT what a little price to pay for such a supreme wisdom. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 2010 VIP list ASAP. Read Dr. Turi’s 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world before the price goes right back up!

Blessings to all
Dr. Turi



“Sole Dios”


Universal Predictions from August 30th 2012 to February 19th 2014

Scorpio Dragon’s Head Taurus Dragon’s Tail

Note: Those Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public


Note: I will update this page regularly when my predictions come to pass



Candidate for Mexican congress appears topless on billboards
05/12/12 – Is Canada’s New $20 Bill ‘Pornographic’?
05/10/12 – Hot dog stripper



Memo from previous Moon Power: America, born July 4th 1776, received the Dragon’s Tail on her first house forcing a total re-structure of the real estate where the stock market did experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all.

But the situation will see serious improvements in the Real Estate market as we move forward into the year 2012/2013/2014. Not everyone lost in this bad economy and those who had savings made a serious bundle investing in the real estate. Large well established corporations bought and sale billions of dollars in the process and much of those real estate deals were kept secret from the struggling tax payers.

Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy to help the working class. The new administration is and will do all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011
12/01/2012 – Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Parts of the world did suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails. Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011 and sad enough many of my visions came to pass with a series of devastating earthquakes, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and both Asia tsunamis. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn then did “protect” the most powerful structured organizations *BP and large financial Institutions using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate.

However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive corporations will be forced to the ground and restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.


May and November 2012/2013/2014

1. Many foreign financial institutions will be forced to “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.

2. Many foreign Governments will “merge” with their secret services as to battle terrorism and piracy.

5/14/2012 – Yemen plot exposes new world of U.S. spying

1/7/12 Iran praises U.S. rescue of Iranians sailors

3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials’s identities will be divulged.

5/15/2012 – Who’s behind the 49 decapitated bodies found by roadside?

4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavors from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

5. Many large established religious Corporations will be audited and forced to secretively “merge” to avoid bankruptcy. More sexual covered secrets will come to light in time and the responsible will be punished. The fact is with thousands of sexual abuse cases not one bishop, archbishop or cardinal has been fired or disciplined. This will change as Pluto offers serious wake up while bringing Vatican secrets to light.

6. Many large financial Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their deceptive maneuvers and methodology. Expect a merging of old and new banks to survive their own financial implosions. New banks, new names, new opportunities and new credit cards technology will flourish after the collapse. A new ID system and secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible.

Updated 02/11/2012 – SCARY REALITY! 

7. Many large financial established foreign financial Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth and will be audited. Many will end up in jail or flea on to new foreign ground trying to avoid justice.

8. The government and the public at large will be forced to acknowledge many secrets including the reality of the UFO phenomenon. Fear will increase to a higher level from the unaware mass.

9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/07/2012 – IRS comes up $385 billion short

10. Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide is expected from abusive leaders or lost souls making up those groups during my “SOS To The World Windows.”

Read The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit and Nostradamus’ Vatican Predictions

11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals. The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Update – 6/6/2012 – Gonorrhea is now a superbug

12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism. Religious traditions will not be trusted or followed and on its way out due to many more sexual and financial disgraceful exposures right from the clergy top. A new form of sexual energy will bring an upsurge of serial killers where those born in April and October will be targeted and become the victims or the perpetrators.

Note if your rising, moon, natal or hidden Dragon is in the axis Scorpio/Taurus you will also be directly afflicted by the new Dragon. My Book “2012 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs.” will bring you all the predictions and crucial information you need.

13. All souls born in November and May will be forced into a painful / liberating restructure where emotional of business relationships will start or come to an abrupt end.

14. The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Taurus (financial infrastructure), will drastically “subconsciously”affects the US population and many others penalized foreign countries residents. A financial war will precede a war where Iranian people and Leaders will be killed at home. All Scorpius countries including Russia and India will be forced to “die” and experience a rebirth as to fit with an ever changing world and its new generation.

15. The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Taurus (general security), will keep bringing internal unrest in France, Italy, Russia, Japan, the UK, China and the US. Russia is a target of the Dragon and will be forced into a full restructure. This prediction was made in June 2006 and re-printed each years including my 2011 Moon Power and reflects my vision of the current“US Internal Revolution” and many other countries that is spreading internationally.

Update: 12/9/2011 – Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

Update: 6/12/2012 – Russia protesters demand Putin’s resignation

16. The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Taurus (banking industry), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars where starvation and death will vex caring societies. Secret mass graves and atrocities will become public.

17. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (police/local governments), will force the police itself to realize its own limits of power as to avoid its own collapse. Serious internal/external police abuses / secrets will make the news and direct public challengeswill kill many police officers. Many police Chiefs /FBI/CIA executives will be entangled in a secret deal that will bring disgrace and a serious wake up call for all. 2012/2014 could become a death record for the police and many new public Leaders will take on the challenges to bring justice and protection to the people. Many will be found assassinated.

April 2012 – Sex scandal shakes Secret Service

Updated April 14, 2012 – A group of Secret Service agents face allegations of misconduct that involves prostitution

Updated April 13, 2012 – NH police chief killed days before retirement

APRIL 6 Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing –

APRIL 6 Mthethwa calls for Auditor General investigation

“Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has requested the Auditor-General to investigate allegations that renovations at his private house were paid for, as well as a car purchased on his behalf, from a crime intelligence secret service account.”

18. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people. Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability.

01/12/2012 – Russia: U.S. has secret Mars plot Time

19. The Tail of the Dragon in Taurus will force many people to lose all their possessions and bring serious insecurity to the poor. The same very people will demand drastic financial decisions to be taken. Unable to survive many Aesthetic Industries involving top names will declare bankruptcy. Switzerland and its secrets banks devious maneuvers will be exposed and forced into a full restructure. The Swiss Guard *Vatican banks and security will also be forced into a full restructure.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/04/2012 – Swiss Bank 1.2 billion Fraud

20. Russia is Scorpio country, expect a full and painful restructure of Russia’s government. Death, fires, murders, secrets to the light and chaos will reign upon the younger generation aiming for freedom and a better way of life. Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

21. On a positive side, governmental waste and its special interest group of lobbyists and political abuses will seriously decrease watched by a new created internal financial police. On a negative note I see Mexico, Central America becoming a war zone because a total pollution of police power where drug Lords will order more police death. America will have to help and interfere as its borders will become more secure.

01/15/2012 – CNN – If cartel violence is not contained in Mexico, the drug war could threaten U.S. national security and even survival of the Mexican state.

01/19/2012 – CNN – Bloodshed in Central America is on the rise as the lucrative drug trade moves to Honduras and Guatemala. CNN goes inside the narco wars in Honduras, where police can’t keep up with the staggering body count.

22. On a positive side, wealthy abusive financial corporation manipulating the laws will be asked to participate in redistribution of wealth.

23. On a positive side, America’s image and security will return when the “Freedom Tower” will become operational in 2014. If the entire restructure of the financial / legal / educational / religious and political system is not reached before 2015 I see a big war where the US military force will be deeply involved. Then diplomacy will stop the carnage and finally bring the badly needed justice to the world at large.


This Universal order demand abusive power and obvious greed to stop!

ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE and a deadly WAR may be the only way to bring sense and stop the abuse inflicted by a wealthy privileged select groups of politicians serving special interest financial groups.

This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!

”Expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fueled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.

The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity.

That’s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one’s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign.

The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.”

More than ever take a chance on me. And if you did not yet order your 90-mn Full Life Reading and learn about this crucial celestial Dragons move into your own chart because it WILL indeed change your life. Your very mental or financial survival may well depend on your awareness of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how to work in Harmony with the Dragon. Trust me to bring this wisdom.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

– Paracelsus


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Posts: 74
Join date: 2012-06-13
Age: 64
Location: Phoenix AZ
View user profile 

 Re: 2012 – 2014 Universal Predictions

Post  That Damned Sod…!!! on Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:09 pm

Well He Might Be Onto Something…Who Knows….!!!

But His Predictions Are A Bit Vague…

Bit Like Nostrodanuses…

Growing Up We Always Had An Erica Cheetman Nostrodamus Book And An Old Moores Almanac Lying Around…

I Can Categorically Say Now…

After Living In France For A Few Years And Having A Basic Grasp Of That Launguage…

That Erica Cheetham Is Terrible At Translation…

For Example…

L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois

Du ciel viendra grand Roy deffrayeur

Resusciter le grand Roy d’Angoumois.

Avant après Mars régner par bonheur.

The year 1999 seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
To resuscitate the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after Mars reigns by good luck. (X.72)

“Angoumois” is the name of an ancient province whose capital was Angoulême (120 km NNE from Bordeaux and 120km ESE from La Rochelle).

I Think It’s Very Sloppy…

But Is Open To Interpretation…!!!

cthulhu cthulhu cthulhu

That Damned Sod…!!!
Posts: 273
Join date: 2012-03-25
Location: I’m Walking On Sodshine…!!!Go down 


Post  drturi on Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:05 pm

Nostradamus was born with Mercury (communication/writing) in the illusive/psychic sign of Pisces, thus the way he wrote his “vague” hard to understand quatrains. He also did this to make sure the Church authorities did not burn him on the stake for heresy. My Mercury (critical thinking) is in the sign of Aquarius *dignified (astrology) and allows me to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and be much more precise in expressing my “visions” with both my quatrains and my very obvious keywords depicting the future. Read more on Nostradamus methodology and curse placed upon the so-called astrology, fools and charlatans that hurt his integrity…

Posts: 74
Join date: 2012-06-13
Age: 64
Location: Phoenix AZ
View user profile 

 Re: 2012 – 2014 Universal Predictions

Post  Fujita on Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:04 pm

drturi wrote: Note; The 2012/2014 predictions follow this little sample, those dates and predictions were published in his book 2012 Moon Power, his website Dr. Turi also post his dated, printed, published predictions regularly on You Tube. The following was posted June 4, 2012.

Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence France and re-kindled Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology, his ratio of accuracy is 98% as mentioned many times by George Noory on Coast To Coast. Dr. Turi will be featured on the Discovery Channel in the fall proving to the world his unarguable gift in predictive Astrology.


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign

Famous Death / Black Magic / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets to light / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Corporate Finances / Insurance / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News / Porn / Rebirth


Check my prediction page – “2012 / 2014 US SEXUAL WAR/ FREEDOM “TOPLESS” ON THE RISE!”

Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN! check the results so far for the dates of June 14, 15, 16

Serial rapist on the loose in Cleveland – Sex?

Metallica joins hunt for concert killer – Serial Killer?

Travyon Martin autopsy to be released – Death News?

Calls grow to investigate Chinese dissident’s death – Death News?

Armstrong faces new doping claims – Secret?

Victim No. 10: Jerry Sandusky forced me to have sex – Sex news?

FBI joins hunt for Cleveland serial rapist – FBI?Sex news?

5th-graders learned about oral sex – Sex news?

LiLo’s maybe co-star is porn actor – Porn news?

Pastors ‘come out’ as atheists – Secret?

Homeless man finds, keeps $77,000 – Rebirth?

JPMorgan boss: Bad trade was too risky – Finances?

Euro 2012 live: Holland vs. Germany – Finances?

Baby thrown out SUV in police chase – Police?

Do not assume, be patient then realize the true gift of Dr. Turi! Instead make notes and comeback to read the facts! Give yourself a chance to build Cosmic Consciousness


June 20/21/22

Mother Earth Entrails Rebel
Cosmic Order Shocking Tragedy
Fire, Wind, Water Blood Spit Evil
Science Wonder Explosion Above and Below


Cosmos News / Sun / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning /Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics /Space-Technology / UFO.



Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and if there an EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed Pluto. Now do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who; depraved of Cosmic Consciousness see Pluto, the moon and the stars as pretty rocks hanging above the earth for the sake of beauty only. First I would suggest the reader to read Pluto True Power and What The Bleep Do They Know?

Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto inner life and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO and DON’T – This long list of advises can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need.

The DO’s:

• Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
• Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
• Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
• Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
• Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
• Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
• Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
• Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
• Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
• Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
• Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
• Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
• Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
• Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
• Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
• Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
• Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
• Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
• Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
• Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
• Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
• Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
• Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
• Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
• Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
• Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
• Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
• Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
• Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
• Time for you to listen to your intuition.
• Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
• Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
• Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
• Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DON’T: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

• Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
• Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
• Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
• Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail is next.
• Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
• Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
• Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
• Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
• Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
• Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
• Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
• Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
• Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
• Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
• Stay clear from anything that is dark.
• Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
• Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
• Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
• Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
• Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
• Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
• Stay clear from wild lonely places.
• Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
• Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. The $24.95 super deal ends TONIGHT what a little price to pay for such a supreme wisdom. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 2010 VIP list ASAP. Read Dr. Turi’s 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world before the price goes right back up!

Blessings to all
Dr. Turi



“Sole Dios”


Universal Predictions from August 30th 2012 to February 19th 2014

Scorpio Dragon’s Head Taurus Dragon’s Tail

Note: Those Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public


Note: I will update this page regularly when my predictions come to pass



Candidate for Mexican congress appears topless on billboards
05/12/12 – Is Canada’s New $20 Bill ‘Pornographic’?
05/10/12 – Hot dog stripper



Memo from previous Moon Power: America, born July 4th 1776, received the Dragon’s Tail on her first house forcing a total re-structure of the real estate where the stock market did experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all.

But the situation will see serious improvements in the Real Estate market as we move forward into the year 2012/2013/2014. Not everyone lost in this bad economy and those who had savings made a serious bundle investing in the real estate. Large well established corporations bought and sale billions of dollars in the process and much of those real estate deals were kept secret from the struggling tax payers.

Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy to help theworking class. The new administration is and will do all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011
12/01/2012 – Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Parts of the world did suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails. Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011 and sad enough many of my visions came to pass with a series of devastating earthquakes, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and both Asia tsunamis. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn then did “protect” the most powerful structured organizations *BP and large financial Institutions using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate.

However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive corporations will be forced to the ground and restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.


May and November 2012/2013/2014

1. Many foreign financial institutions will be forced to “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.

2. Many foreign Governments will “merge” with their secret services as to battle terrorism and piracy.

5/14/2012 – Yemen plot exposes new world of U.S. spying

1/7/12 Iran praises U.S. rescue of Iranians sailors

3. Many foreign Mobs organizations will “merge”, to promote sex/drug trafficking and gang violence. Expect more deadly news as the criminal will get bolder and deadlier. Many powerful police and government officials’s identities will be divulged.

5/15/2012 – Who’s behind the 49 decapitated bodies found by roadside?

4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavors from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light.

5. Many large established religious Corporations will be audited and forced to secretively “merge” to avoid bankruptcy. More sexual covered secrets will come to light in time and the responsible will be punished. The fact is with thousands of sexual abuse cases not one bishop, archbishop or cardinal has been fired or disciplined. This will change as Pluto offers serious wake up while bringing Vatican secrets to light.

6. Many large financial Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their deceptive maneuvers and methodology. Expect a merging of old and new banks to survive their own financial implosions. New banks, new names, new opportunities and new credit cards technology will flourish after the collapse. A new ID system and secret technology produced and sold to unaware consumers will make privacy totally impossible.

Updated 02/11/2012 – SCARY REALITY! 

7. Many large financial established foreign financial Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated wealth and will be audited. Many will end up in jail or flea on to new foreign ground trying to avoid justice.

8. The government and the public at large will be forced to acknowledge many secrets including the reality of the UFO phenomenon. Fear will increase to a higher level from the unaware mass.

9. Many large financial banking Corporations, including the IRS itself, will be forced to implode and suffer their own restructure. Expect much secrets and abuses to surface from the IRS. New laws will be written to protect the IRS auditing its own self.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/07/2012 – IRS comes up $385 billion short

10. Many large established religious Corporations and cults, (Mormonism, Scientology etc.), will be audited and forced into paying back taxes. Mass suicide is expected from abusive leaders or lost souls making up those groups during my “SOS To The World Windows.”

Read The Truth Behind Christmas Spirit and Nostradamus’ Vatican Predictions

11. A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more preeminent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals. The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.

Update – 6/6/2012 – Gonorrhea is now a superbug

12. Anything and everything dealing with death, secrets, decomposition, reincarnation, sex, metaphysics and re-birthing the spirit will be the focus of humanity’s attention. I also see an explosion of new security services using advanced technology to stop any forms of terrorism. Religious traditions will not be trusted or followed and on its way out due to many more sexual and financial disgraceful exposures right from the clergy top. A new form of sexual energy will bring an upsurge of serial killers where those born in April and October will be targeted and become the victims or the perpetrators.

Note if your rising, moon, natal or hidden Dragon is in the axis Scorpio/Taurus you will also be directly afflicted by the new Dragon. My Book “2012 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs.” will bring you all the predictions and crucial information you need.

13. All souls born in November and May will be forced into a painful / liberating restructure where emotional of business relationships will start or come to an abrupt end.

14. The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Taurus (financial infrastructure), will drastically “subconsciously”affects the US population and many others penalized foreign countries residents. A financial war will precede a war where Iranian people and Leaders will be killed at home. All Scorpius countries including Russia and India will be forced to “die” and experience a rebirth as to fit with an ever changing world and its new generation.

15. The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Taurus (general security), will keep bringing internal unrest in France, Italy, Russia, Japan, the UK, China and the US. Russia is a target of the Dragon and will be forced into a full restructure. This prediction was made in June 2006 and re-printed each years including my 2011 Moon Power and reflects my vision of the current“US Internal Revolution” and many other countries that is spreading internationally.

Update: 12/9/2011 – Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

Update: 6/12/2012 – Russia protesters demand Putin’s resignation

16. The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Taurus (banking industry), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars where starvation and death will vex caring societies. Secret mass graves and atrocities will become public.

17. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (police/local governments), will force the police itself to realize its own limits of power as to avoid its own collapse. Serious internal/external police abuses / secrets will make the news and direct public challengeswill kill many police officers. Many police Chiefs /FBI/CIA executives will be entangled in a secret deal that will bring disgrace and a serious wake up call for all. 2012/2014 could become a death record for the police and many new public Leaders will take on the challenges to bring justice and protection to the people. Many will be found assassinated.

April 2012 – Sex scandal shakes Secret Service

Updated April 14, 2012 – A group of Secret Service agents face allegations of misconduct that involves prostitution

Updated April 13, 2012 – NH police chief killed days before retirement

APRIL 6 Sheriff takes convict caddie golfing –

APRIL 6 Mthethwa calls for Auditor General investigation

“Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has requested the Auditor-General to investigate allegations that renovations at his private house were paid for, as well as a car purchased on his behalf, from a crime intelligence secret service account.”

18. The Dragon’s Head in Scorpio, (corporations), will offer tremendous opportunities to the rich getting richer while secret terrorist groups gain more power aiming for nuclear technology. The urgency will come as a secret/surprise for many unaware people. Sexual / technological / nuclear secrets coming from the Army and the Navy (or caught spy) will come to the light. Serious possibility of restituting the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats will become a high probability.

01/12/2012 – Russia: U.S. has secret Mars plot Time

19. The Tail of the Dragon in Taurus will force many people to lose all their possessions and bring serious insecurity to the poor. The same very people will demand drastic financial decisions to be taken. Unable to survive many Aesthetic Industries involving top names will declare bankruptcy. Switzerland and its secrets banks devious maneuvers will be exposed and forced into a full restructure. The Swiss Guard *Vatican banks and security will also be forced into a full restructure.

Note: Predictions posted to the public November 15, 2011

01/04/2012 – Swiss Bank 1.2 billion Fraud

20. Russia is Scorpio country, expect a full and painful restructure of Russia’s government. Death, fires, murders, secrets to the light and chaos will reign upon the younger generation aiming for freedom and a better way of life. Russians plan mass protest for Saturday

21. On a positive side, governmental waste and its special interest group of lobbyists and political abuses will seriously decrease watched by a new created internal financial police. On a negative note I see Mexico, Central America becoming a war zone because a total pollution of police power where drug Lords will order more police death. America will have to help and interfere as its borders will become more secure.

01/15/2012 – CNN – If cartel violence is not contained in Mexico, the drug war could threaten U.S. national security and even survival of the Mexican state.

01/19/2012 – CNN – Bloodshed in Central America is on the rise as the lucrative drug trade moves to Honduras and Guatemala. CNN goes inside the narco wars in Honduras, where police can’t keep up with the staggering body count.

22. On a positive side, wealthy abusive financial corporation manipulating the laws will be asked to participate in redistribution of wealth.

23. On a positive side, America’s image and security will return when the “Freedom Tower” will become operational in 2014. If the entire restructure of the financial / legal / educational / religious and political system is not reached before 2015 I see a big war where the US military force will be deeply involved. Then diplomacy will stop the carnage and finally bring the badly needed justice to the world at large.


This Universal order demand abusive power and obvious greed to stop!

ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE and a deadly WAR may be the only way to bring sense and stop the abuse inflicted by a wealthy privileged select groups of politicians serving special interest financial groups.

This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!

”Expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fueled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.

The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity.

That’s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one’s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign.

The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.”

More than ever take a chance on me. And if you did not yet order your 90-mn Full Life Reading and learn about this crucial celestial Dragons move into your own chart because it WILL indeed change your life. Your very mental or financial survival may well depend on your awareness of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions and how to work in Harmony with the Dragon. Trust me to bring this wisdom.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

– Paracelsus


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Posts: 105
Join date: 2012-05-01
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 Re: 2012 – 2014 Universal Predictions

Post  mervyn_perving on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:04 pm

sn vio sn vio sn vio sn vio sn vioGAY SHITAs a woman realises she is not the real deal ,the full article

JUST A DEMOstration ,Her fundemental flaw .The Fanny ,makes he get a DEMOTION

She then became a DEMON

you like FANNY

A FAN of NY .The Big apple ,you addmire it , ITS ROTTEN TO THE CORE

Posts: 107
Join date: 2011-11-30
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About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, schools and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.