Year: 2014

Enterovirus D-68 – A terrorist attack against the US?


  “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…


Watch this video

Hundreds of kids sickened by virus

Ten states have asked the CDC to help investigate the respiratory virus. “I would call it unprecedented. I’ve practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” one doctor said. 

Dear Readers; 

Is this a possibility or the product of a vivid imagination? With so many sleeping cells joining iSIS coming in and out of the US is bioterrorism far stretched? I don’t think so! 

While our science is wondering what the hell is going on with this aggressive virus, let me point out a few things about the negative impact of a Full Moon in Pisces.  And before assuming this is all mumbo jumbo, if you investigate my  record of predictions, especially my 911 prediction, I would pay attention to these warnings…

Having contracted the Valley Fever virus and later on pneumonia, speak of an omen I was much too weak and sick to comprehend and heed.  My subconscious always send me “warnings” I am not always able to catch, and this is one of them…  

As you know there are no accidents readers, only cosmic subtle circumstances at play only supremely spiritually advanced souls (all my students) can appreciate and decipher! 

A few days ago, in “SOS TO THE WORLD SEPTEMBER 2014 PREDICTIONS”  I posted a memo of my 911 prediction warning the readers about the impact of a Full Moon in Pisces and the real possibility of a terrorist attack on US soil.

If I was accurate in predicting both 911 and Bengasi terrorists attacks and printed it all a year earlier in my moon power publication, why would I be wrong this time?  I can only hope for 911 to pass and go without any dramatic happening we do not need. 

But I have to warn my readers, that Pisces is ruled by a planet named Neptune “The Lord of Deception and POISONING!”  

This planet rules the Middle East and all confinement places (jail/prisons/all religious buildings/hospitals/asylums/chemical plants/pharmaceutical corporations etc.) where drugs are created and used.

Update –  9/8/14 –  Air marshal assaulted with syringe

Consequently, 99.99% of the world is religious largely made of cosmic unconscious Neptunians.

Indeed this planet took the life of Joan Rivers when she was poisoned  by her doctors and the life of Simone Battle  who ingested too many legal/illegal drugs leading her to commit suicide.

Neptune rules toxic gas, and many Middle Eastern dictators used poison gas against their own people.

The most negative traits of this planet are deception, addictions, manipulations and the poisoning of the body, mind and soul.

Rare are the ones able to escape Neptune’s quick sands once you enter his “nirvanic” religious lure.  Countless of born Neptunian human beings from all walks of life, rich, famous and poor did and will perish under its jurisdiction if they are not trained/educated on their cosmic nature. 

This gaseous planet’s nefarious power does not only induce religious poisoning  ISIS and (Phil Robertson – convert or kill them!)  but also infectious diseases such as the one currently plaguing so many US states.  

Thus the chances of a virulent terrorist attack in those states is a very high possibility. Especially when  I also  mentioned countless time: the 2014 Arians Draconis is aiming for the children. 

Yet, billions of people walking this planet have no clue of its steering “Hitlerian” racist, aggressive deadly power making up all the news you read today on CNN!

With a full Moon in Pisces, and under the jurisdiction of Neptune, any and all form of terrorism is not only a high probability but endorsed by the cosmic code.

Armed with such crucial information, our government, the NSA, the FBI and the CIA would be well ahead of any terrorist group  and their secret planning activities, but they are all missing my pearls of wisdom…  

Even with the undeniable, well documented, printed and published 911 predictions, they did not budge! What type of investigative agency would not investigate my work  when we suffered such a national disaster? 

Instead, on February 2013, two FBI agents visited me asking me to stop steering trouble against them when I published KILL ALL FBI AGENTS to grasp their attention about the 2013 Scorpius Draconis impact upon themselves and the world at large!  But even if they read all that I foresaw for the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the IRS, did they budge? NO they did not! 

Talks about great detective work paid by taxpayers, and those guys are in charge of our national security!  Indeed the US Intelligence and Security Agencies, including the police  “educated” stubborn attitude could become very costly for the country and us all…

If you are a cop or involved in law enforcement please read Police Requiem!

Its very disturbing for me to accept ISIS is “subconsciously and cosmically” doing all the “right things” like poisoning the psyche of their children at puberty and recruiting WITH THE HELP of the United State Government cosmic unconscious morons in power. 

U.S. Anti-ISIS video is BOOSTING and Inspiring ISIS’ Caliphate Recruiting

But this puritanical OCD Generation is not only helping ISIS caliphate aims, they are also dedicated to bother all US taxpayers who like French cheese!

Foodies beware: The FDA is coming for your French cheese

The fact that the French producers of Roquefort can trace their production lineage back a millennium doesn’t seem to matter to the FDA. Earlier this year, the FDA similarly proposed banning wood-board aged cheeses because of bacteria. It later backed off.
French cheese makers aren’t the only ones on the front lines of the FDA’s war on raw milk. The FDA also has launched raids of Amish farms to wipe out the scourge of raw milk.

As you all know I am French and I LOVE Roquefort! In fact, at 65, I must have ingested 10 time my own weight of this cheese if not more. When shopping COSTCO, this is the first thing I do, get my bread and my cheese. 

And those “bacteria” and the red wine never poisoned me, but instead both help my digestive track to proceed with any other fatty food I may have ingested.


May I remind you reader that the oldest woman in the world Jeanne Louise Calment lived 122 years and 164 days. And trust me, in Arles, France, Roquefort was a big part of her diet for many of those years!

Do you think those morons would consider factuality? But of course their studies tells them otherwise, regardless of the obvious above… But again it is common for any scientist to miss the forest for the tree Yes?

Those prudish, well read kids own the same cosmic essence as the puritanical conservatives, white supremacists, racist, lynching  attitude of the early European colonists. Given a chance they would lynch me too! American Salem witch trials

They are part of the growing scientific atheist menace where, the spirit smell like our Roquefort, and must be ridicule and avoided!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

I do not expect much psychical progress to be made with this generation of health, environmental fanatics while in power.  My pleas to some of them working at the US Department of Education to offer  cosmic spirituality to our children and stop breeding more Adam Lanza is a total waste of my time.

But if you give them more power, they will, one day, knock at your door with their guns, asking you if you washed your hands before serving diner to your children.

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

 OMG! Have Mercy on your lost children! How did I land on such a young world? 

 A World on Fire, What Is Next For Humanity? From Helga Rossner Is another prediction from Dr. Turi  long ago coming to bear fruit, see the following article:…


Dr. Turi

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The Magical Power of Talismans!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Explaining WHY G.R.L. singer, ‘X Factor’ finalist Simone Battle Committed suicide!


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

 May God Bless Her Lost Soul

G.R.L. singer, ‘X Factor’ finalist Simone Battle found dead

Dear Readers:

Note it is now official Simone Battle committed suicide, I did not know this fact when I first posted this article!  All you have to do is to look at the time I posted this article to the public and when the news became official.  Beyond Science on Sunday Sep 07 2014 12:55

Using the science of Astroforensics I could save millions to the taxpayers and hard working Americans and offer the unadulterated facts so many people are unwilling or unable to accept! 

As in the case of Joan RiversRobin Williams, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and countless others celebrities,  Simone was also the victim of the scientific matrix whoring around with the pharmaceutical corporations the doctors and their Coroners. 

To the norn, a celebrity lifestyle is poorly understood, mostly because all the people sees is; the extreme glamor, the wealth and the exorbitant lifestyle. But be aware reader, not all people are “cosmically” designed by God to handle fame. 

Simone was born with a Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Leo (fame) and this celestial fluid is a sure sign that, without full cosmic consciousness and steady spiritual regeneration, the soul will not live long and experience a premature death.

Furthermore, the planet Mars (danger) also resides in Leo right on her Dragon’s Tail right and in her 3rd house ( the mind.) Simone’s  8th house of death also involve Saturn (depressions) Neptune (drugs) and Uranus (shocking events.)

While much of my Astropsychology wisdom will make full sense to my students, I trust some readers were born perceptive enough to learn more about the cosmic code from my articles. 

But again, much of my work can only make senses to my students who took my home course and read the 525 page book titled, “The Power of the Dragon.” Of course this make the difference between them and the rest of the “educated” laughing fouls ridiculing my works!  

Mrs.Battle was born with a very private moon (home/emotional response to life) and the extraordinary emotional, destructive, secretive planet Pluto (death) cursing  her 6th house of health and work! 

I teach my students that; wherever Pluto or Scorpio is located in your chart/UCI, the crooks, the police and death can and will enter your life.

Like  Joan River, Simone Battle was born under the “ADHD” extremely active dual sign of Gemini which happen to be square (negative) to her very private Moon and deadly Pluto cursing her service to the world!

One side of herself needed constant actions, while her Scorpionic/Plutonic other side wanted full privacy and control of her life. But Simone was forced into an element and legalities  that could not compromise and did not allow her to control her life! 

It is important for celebrities wanna be to realize, once you sign a contract with the Hollywood matrix, you belong to them! You will gain fame and fortune but lose your privacy, the control of your own life because much of the printed contracted decisions have already been made for you, sometimes for years to come. 

If your natal UCI is not set to handle fame or such a crazy life, you will, like many now gone celebrities perish. You will be forced to ingest legal or illegal drugs to keep up with endless parties, meetings, traveling, performances then, more drugs to rest, to sleep and perform again and again until you drop dead! 

Simone was a very smart woman who attracted powerful people from all walks of life and she knew she was in a mental conflicting jail where death was the only way out…

I do not trust nor believe any coroner  whoring around with their doctors and the pharmaceutical corporations. You may think whatever you want after reading their findings on CNN, one thing I know the stars do not lie!  

But rest assured, the results will always be in their favor regardless, because the system is set to protect the Hollywood matrix, the rich and powerful, not their poor famous victims.   

It still amazes me that; 99.99% of people are reluctant (or fearful of the future) to investigate their natal stars and be warned on how the police, the criminals and even death could enter their lives!

The very fact that God fearing people do not check their stars, moon, dragons and personal cosmic biorhythms IS a disaster and the main reasons why so many cosmic unconscious souls meet with death everyday!

Trust me pious souls, you will not go to hell dealing with me or Astroforensics because you already are in hell, right here on earth!

Knowing all about your stars and your future is a sure ticket for success and real safety…  Larry and Jane Glazers  did not have this option, they did not know about Dr. Turi and they are now gone!

 As a Soul Doctor my forte is to handle the Soul of the Cosmos, and translate it for you. All I am trying to do is like any conventional doctor, asking you to undergo regular check up so your physician can detect cancer before it kills you… 

Indeed not all days are the same and never will be the same… and if they are all the same to you, then you really need to wake up to a cosmic reality!  Remember those links are designed to add more awareness to what life on earth (and above) is all about, thus you must click on them to read more.

People must relearn to attend not only the physical body but the soul too.  You must pay as much attention to your spirit as your body and if you are part of the OCD Generation, do not rely only on a spiritless science to deal with your mental welfare. 

Human are so much more than blood, flesh and bones and acknowledging the part they play in a much bigger cosmic scheme is only common sense and strongly advised.

The scientific matrix is set for you to deal only with millions of traditionally educated doctors hospitals and institutions that will end up poisoning your body, mind and soul with dangerous chemicals. That’s all they know, that’s all they were taught! 

And you wonder why a prediction a made a few years ago involving an upsurge in suicide is now becoming a reality?

 More than 800,000 suicides a year? What wrong with humanity? 

If you do not undergo periodical spiritual regeneration you will die, its a simple as that!  Young adults are much more vulnerable  and many will turn into victimized monsters like Adam Lanza if the US Department of Education does not offer them a more spiritual”cosmic education. 


Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness

Indeed I am still in demand and read why people truly love my work!

Be assured reader, through my work I will “refill” your spirit with the spiritual essence it needs to survive such a harsh, demanding, depressive crazy world! 

It is a must for the system and all its manipulative abusive monopolizing matrixes to make sure legitimate concerned and dedicated Souls Doctors like me stay underground.

Instead the evil of deception and manipulation is allowed by the religious matrix to reach all medias!  

 “miracle man john of god” 

 Bible Code Money Lie

The religious matrix is fully aware of this fact and attract billions of Neptunian born people worldwide! But like anything fishy and impure, its putrefied manipulative core .i.e. ISIS, create more problems, deaths and wars in the long run for a lost humanity following false gods.

As you all know, I myself was misdiagnosed and given the wrong medications and for over 3 weeks I suffered hell needlessly.

I was confined on my sofa with fever that some nights reached 103 degrees, forcing me to use ice pads and wet towels to control my endless burning fever!

Trust me readers, waking up with the side of my bed totally wet every morning and a crying worrying wife near me taking my temperature is hard to deal with. 

Again, as with the cancer I beat a few years ago,  (watch the TV show) God saved me from the worse again and this sad experience made me aware how quick I or any of us could go! 

This is why it is important to say I Love You as much as you can to all the people you care around you, because when its time to go, God may not change his mind!


Note my website does not offer the $350 discount, thus use Paypal or call Terania 602-265-7667 with your credit card. You could also send a money order if you want to be served before anyone else to:

Dr. Turi
4411 N. 23rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Judging by the constant flow of articles, you know today I am finally feeling somehow normal with the right medications to combat a Valley Fever that turned into pneumonia. I still have to undergo X Ray, blood work and 6 months of medication but I am confident I am out of trouble now!

Your prayers, good wishes and my Natural Blood Transfusion did the job, thank you all… Note I drink everyday a glass of green tea with a few drops of Oregano oil, this is a formidable cocktail to beat any type of fungus. While the taste is terrible  it is highly recommended.  

I was finally able to catch up on the pile of readings I had to do the last few days and I now am offering my readers this special deal to celebrate my returning health.

I am offering anyone, everyone a live Skype session for only $350 instead of $700. This deal stand until Monday September 8 – 7 PM  PT. 

So make the most of it while Dr. Turi is still alive, healthy and well… Read more about this Skype service and make sure to record the FULL consultation, and if you can not, I’ll do it for you on a regular 90 mn tape. 

Skype is a free download and very easy to handle. Here is my Skype name Drturi70, send me an invitation once you are ready for me!

I will only ask you to be very patient, I can only do one presentation a day and must study your chart for hours before meeting you online! Again those who chose to pay with a money order (not a check) will be served first! 

If you do not own a computer, we can  do exactly the same on tape or on the telephone for the same price! 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi



This is a very SPECIAL service! There is NO time limit spend as much time as needed with Dr. Turi on the telephone or on Skype  and get the most trustworthy direction and solid predictions you can ever hope to get. Note, the great Prophet Nostradamus did not use a watch or a computer 500 years ago, thus if you have the time add it to the order and if you don”t, it is NOT necessary for this service.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  You can talk as long as needed once Dr. Turi is done with the introduction or if you have more questions or if you need confirmation.  In fact Dr. Turi has more answers than you have questions for him.

The full conversation and priceless information are taped for your convenience and will be mailed right away following the meeting. Dr. Turi’s gift will astound you and change your entire life for the best. But do not take only my words for it, read also what thousands of satisfied clients have said about my work.

Dr. Turi is the real thing, simply call the office at (602) 265-7667 to find out and for your mini reading “test drive” and then realize his outstanding perceptive gifts and why you should trust his priceless wisdom.

This is what I will answer for you, there won”t be nothing I will not discuss or teach you!

  • I will make you aware of your true soul”s purpose during this reincarnation.
  • I will point out  your best options to make money and stimulate your potential to become multimillionaire.
  • I will tell you the top gift God blessed you with at birth  and how to assimilate it easily.
  • I will tell you what type of energy is in your home and cleanse it for you and where you and your family can live and feel secure.
  • I will explain your best shot at creativity and fame assuring success for your children.
  • I will point out the type of man/woman and what type of love you will attract and, if you are looking for love how to build more magnetism to become more attractive to the opposite sex.
  • I will make you aware of the type of ailments/diseases you are prone to endure and the correct natural healing methods to enjoy a healthier life.
  • I will tell you what type of long lasting partners you are fated to attract and when/where to go to find your soul mate.
  • I will divulge your soul”s age  and how much mystical power you were born with and if you are a white Witch and a medicine woman.
  • I will tell you where is your best shot at higher education and what to expect with foreigners or in foreign lands. I will expose some of your past lives, where you were, what you were doing and your inherited spiritual gifts. 
  • I will lead you to the best career God has set for you and the real possibility for you to become famous.
  • I will point out the type of friends you will attract and those that will help you reach all your dreams.
  • I will make you aware of your worse weaknesses, your hidden enemies and clean off any form of possession by low entities. I will also tutor you on how to make the most of your super-conscious creative forces.
  • Now to the utmost crucial information: You must acknowledge the current dramatic Scorpius Dragon Head and Tail and how, apathetically speaking it will force you to experience a total  rebirth on some areas I mentioned above. There is no chances to escape its power period. The question is; will you suffer ignorance and pay the price of ignorance or will you be prepared to make the most of this Dragon?
  •  If  you let me prepare and guide you accordingly, its nefarious power will be seriously altered and turned around at your advantage because the light of wisdom, love and true healing  will always override the evil of fears and darkness.  You can only pray God and fight it with me because for the next Th months ahead,  this Dragon will in time reach you! Then when it is all said and done  you will remember Dr. Turi and be grateful for making the right decision to trust my God given gift. 

Supplemental hypnotherapy/natural healing audio tapes designed to re-carve your subconscious from distance, CD/DVD/ BOOKS printed material may be included in this service and will be shipped to you the next day.

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


The women of ISIS: Who are they? The Reptilius Victims!

5/30/2015 The women of ISIS: Who are they? The Reptilius Victims!


“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

U.S. makes graphic anti-ISIS video

Dear readers:

You are now witnessing the lack of perception and the HUGE ignorance of the OCD Generation directly from the White House!  Their latest moronic exploit confirm my suspicion that many of those kids are now in power!

God Have Mercy, those spiritually destitute “educated” dry souls will never be able to comprehend the diabolic evil they are dealing with! I am wondering how more innocent the producers of such lame video can be!

In fact this is a promotional video that does benefit ISIS ideology, endorse the caliphate and will produce the entire opposite effect. This is the type of educational uplifting video that should be viral and not the ones promoting death and evil!

Let me offer you a few tips…

We are the Greys we work for various groups of ET’s. 

Like on earth, there are ET’s entities above, the benevolent Draconius are battling the reptilius  for supremacy, but unlike human they are not using physical weaponry.  To learn more about their agenda visit my Facebook page. They are using the superconscious in time and space at their advantage by invading the body, mind and souls of their unconscious victims.

The abductions takes place anytime during the day or the night providing the cosmic auspices supports the dense transition and its subtle psychical violation.


ISIS is the fundamental results of the reptilians psychical dominance glorifying death, pain, suffering, drama and the ugly means the reptilius uses to promote their deadly purposes, through ISIS religious convictions, the caliphate and their aim to build an Islamic State. 

With the only difference that the US Government ridiculously warn of the possibility to never come back!  What‘s going on in the skeptical mind of those well read young adults in the White House? Don’t they realize what they are doing with this video and can they accept another world and nefarious entities pulling the mental strings?

Anyone wanting to join ISIS is ALREADY  DEAD!  They already signed a pact with the devil! Do you think they need the US Government to tell them the consequences they may suffer going there?   They already made their mind up and have nothing to lose, but those young adults are oblivious of the phenomenon taking place from the heavens. In fact they want to die but can not understand nor control the subconscious hijacking imprint process and the cosmic phenomenon. 

Death is everywhere because the evil of ignorance and skepticism rules this world! More than 800,000 suicides a year? What wrong with humanity?

Billion of souls world wide were born with a Neptunian/Scorpionic personality making themselve naturally “magnetized” by the  Lizards psychical invasion. They do not understand why they can not stop nurturing a death wish or feel like killing other human beings. They find very hard to be alive and will find any way, and any excuses to see and inflict death in all its horrors. Add legal and illegal drugs and their inborn deadly nature will commit the utmost horrible acts possible! 

This explain clearly why a Scottish women joined ISIS! From Scottish girl to ISIS bride – or What draws women to ISIS?

She left all her loved ones, she left a normal, safe productive life where she felt nothing that would allow her deadly hijacked spirit and cruel nature to regenerate!  So many “experts” are trying hard to explain something they can not grasp because anything involving ET’s or the supernatural is something to joke about!  Studying  the incredible values found in futuristic Astroforensics!  should be mandatory to learn about the variety of subconscious prone to ET’s invasion. 

“She has been prolific on social media, advocating ISIS and Islamic caliphate beliefs, and calling for attacks to be carried out in Western countries. She posts photos of AK-47s and exults in ISIS executions.”

“Human are nothing more than unconscious robots of their stars hijacked by nefarious groups of ET’s.” Dr. Turi  

Following the psychical invasion, those lost Neptunian/Plutonic souls REGENERATE with pure evil, they want to see a river of blood, they strive with and for horror, they can not help to enjoy killing, cutting heads off and be part of this wrathful dance. Those lost Neptunian/Plutonic souls are not like you or other descent Muslims, they are cursed and overpowered by malignant reptilius and their karmic vulnerable UCI! 

Like obnoxious Phil Robertson, some are victims of both those far away deceptive entities stimulated by the religious matrix. An incomplete cosmic education is forbidden by a very controlling system making the situation much worse.

Those victimized invaded souls must serve their masters by inflicting pain and see human suffering in all its horrors, Like their cosmic masters, they are fanatic of power and ISIS is giving them the option to get this capability and regenerate their evil trapped spirits in the process.

 From the traditionally educated psychologists, psychiatrists to the appalled journalists reporting the news, all the way down to the mass, America and the White House is not understanding the gravity of the situation just yet!

The more monstrousness those videos are, the more attractive they become to ISIS and their potential robotic recruits… ISIS will probably edit it and use it with even more efficacy. Its like adding more decomposed meat to attract more flies or icing on the cake if you prefer! 

Furthermore, unlike the current  OCD Generation staff of the White House, those abductions produces “Born Killers” that HAVE NO FEAR OF DEATH! Many were born during the “Death Wish Generation” and are a magnet for the reptilius agenda. But how many of you and Obama’s advisors took the time to read my book “The Power of the Dragon?” 

Show me a curious person or a reader reader and I will point out a winner! Dr. Turi

And this is where, instead of ridiculizing my expertise in Astroforensics, the reality of  space visitors, all concerned intelligent Americans from all walks of life should visit my facebook page, engage with my new ET friend, educate themselves on the reality of out of this world entities and realize what they are up against. All the while acknowledging the cosmic code jurisdictions! 

In Looking Inside the Petrified Mind of an ISIS Fighter I explained how powerful the human UCI truly is and how, following an abduction, it becomes impossible to control the self, especially when cosmic consciousness is missing!

Showing a video of a mosque blowing up can only upset the good Muslims (or those who inherited a peaceful UCI) but to the damned, the possessed WHO CARES, as long as more blood is spilled and as long as they have the upper hand inflicting death and destruction. The problem is, the White House sees ALL muslims born equal mentally and psychically when they are not…

Anywhere in the world, souls born with a heavy Plutonic/Neptunian cosmic legacy are a perfect target for  the reptilius then will join ISIS and “missioned” to abuse power and kill innocent people.  

  • Those people do not care who they kill as long as they are allowed to kill!
  • Those people do not care about mosques as long as they are allowed to kill!

There is no way to convince political leaders, congressman, congresswoman, Mayors, local police, the FBI, the NSA and the White House about the reality of those space invaders. 

If you do not help me educating society at large, more and more people will fall for those nefarious ET’s and this psychical cancer will one day become unstoppable!

I do not blame anyone because ALL God fearing Americans have been educated traditionally and victimized by the religious and scientific  matrixes system to fear or ridicule my work. But all along humanity has lost the spirit and still unable to accept this cosmic phenomenon and God’s cosmic identity.  

Ask yourself reader. do you really think we are alone in the a vast timeless universe? 

It is only when faced with the undiluted truth that any human being can upgrade its psychical perception to the reality of extraterrestrials groups, some are benevolent and work with us to eliminate the total degeneration and degradation of the human mind. 

Exterminating ISIS will not work! The problem is spiritual, psychical in nature and every child the reptilius ( ISIS)  are mentally poisoning / indoctrinating will have to be killed! For if you don’t  those monsters’ children will one day. come to America to kill you! 

The only way to turn thing around is to work with the benevolent ET’s, assimilate and realize the importance of a universal unifying cosmic education. I explained how we must teach spirituality to the children  in my TV show with George Noory!  

Then, I was not yet commissioned to translate an ET’s missioned to “invade” my psyche and allow me speak for the Grand Cosmic Order. I was made  one of the Majestic Twelve after many years of abductions, some quite dramatic and very painful. I am Alien The Final Revelation

George Noory is inviting cosmic unconscious guests, this does not mean their repertoire of wisdom is worthless, but I need him to get me on the air again and warn the world about the subtle detrimental psychical work inflicted by the “Lizards” upon the human race, speak about ISIS and the upcoming Riligius Neptunius Draconis. I promise you this show will rub a lot of sensitive feathers and fulfil its purpose.

The Reptilicus are from the constellation of Scorpio a sign regulating death, horror, secrets, power and total control over others.   More and more people are about to fall victims of this deceptive Neptunius Draconis opening the door to mass abductions, dementia, chronic depressions, panic attacks and mass suicides.

There are ways to avoid becoming a victims of those space invaders, but why should I give my wisdom for free when the majority of the world ridicule my work and I?

If you investigate my predictions for 2016 properly there is no doubting this deceptive, poisoning cosmic energy and you should be warned of this draconis nefarious effect on your personal and the Universal superconscious.  You may also go back last 2 years and do the same with Hitler’s invading spirit cursing the world.

Email George Noory and his producer Tom to get me on Coast To Coast am again, help me battle the lizards.

I am asking all responsible people, those concerned with ISIS deadly aims and those cosmic psychical invaders, to realize the importance of offering a “cosmic” non religious education, not only the children of America, but ALL the children of the world! And to do this I need your help, your advocacy and endorsements! 

I am so worry for the world about the upcoming celestial Neptunian winds and it’s time for you to pay attention and help me while we can. 

“Human are machine of habits reluctant to make any form of changes” Dr. Turi

But I can guarantee you those changes are on the way and you MUST heed my warnings and help me by sharing my work!




Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All the keys words and detailed predictions are posted in my Cyber Cosmic University and offered to all my VIP’s.

People think the only way to stop a terrorist or a reptilius is to understand his mind and motivations and eventually re-educate them or kill them. At least this is what the norm and Phil Robertson think! CONVERT THEM OR KILL THEM

Children are going to be much more vulnerable to abductions and autism will explode.  It is before, during and only after puberty that supreme cosmic wisdom can be inserted! ISIS leaders are quite smart and are using this precarious timing to indoctrinate their children steadily. America must become aware of this crucial timing and start offering cosmic education to her own children and help them battle those detrimental cosmic invaders.  

Re-educating America and the entire world about God cosmic divinity, the reality of ET’s and the values of Divine Astrology is a formidable task I can not do alone, but if we fail, the Plutonic/Neptunian monsters of the future will one day manage to access nukes and this will be the end for us all…

This is a VIVID vision I had when I was only 7 years old readers, I never made it public, but I am now forced to do so and ask for your help! Its lasers against planes landing in N.Y.  today  soon it will get much worse if you do not help me.


 We MUST replace all archaic religious teachings with cosmic awareness so the will, or the part of God in each of those children, can be applied to endorse, support, control and promote the virtues and not the sins of those stars…  We are blessed with a group of advanced ET’s willing to help us negate the reptilius group, but you must acknowledge this fact first! 

God gave humanity this option and we are not doomed if we act  as a whole while we can!

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

Because once the mind of a child is invaded through abduction, it becomes controlled by those beings, THERE IS NO RETURN and only death will stop the mad spirit, this is why suicide will become an epidemic.

I am asking this question again readers, because you are not yet aware that; ISIS are the manipulated children of the neptunius, not only in the Middle East but also in the US and already all over the world! This awful universal detrimental psychical phenomenon can only be solved with the right education and with the help of benevolent ET’s.  Thus controlling your fear and changing your attitude about this group of extraterrestrials is your first challenge.

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 





Update! Please note the date of publication… 6 day before the 911 celebration and my prediction.

FULL MOON — September 9, 2014 in the religious sign of Pisces: “Dr. Turi’s famous 2001 911 WTC destruction – and the 2012 911 Benghazi attacks prediction printed a year before.”

Important Memo: The same Neptunian energy produced the terrorists WTC destruction of September 11 in New York, thus be ready for an encore soon. Note also that on March 26, 1995, I made this prediction on Coast To Coast, with Art Bell. “The U.S. will undergo a religious war with the Middle East in a few years from today.” Two years prior to the attack this is what I wrote in Moon Power Starguide. This exact portion of Moon Power Starguide and its deadly message was posted on my site two weeks prior to the destruction of both towers.

Pisces rules the Middle East, religion, drugs, alcohol, deception, the difficult abortion dilemma, the Pope, the church, oil, etc. This could also mean bad news for denominations where religious figures will “pass over.”

Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. This lunation marks a significant point involving the U.S. and the Middle East conflict and will negatively affect the young generation. Many souls will suffer this disturbing lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. More devastating forces producing destructive weather and floods will make themselves known in the very near future. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness to plague the media and church authorities.

Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendencies, and some will end up in jail or mental institutions. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressing tendencies. Amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on.

Anticipate shocking news about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to happen soon; see in action the real power of both Uranus ruling sudden releases of energy, and Saturn forcing the government to take drastic action.

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP will you read supplemental horoscope information and monthly transits. Join us at Why dealing with psychics when you can get the best and much more than you bargained for?

Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN, join today, be warned, be prepared, knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! 

  • More than 800,000 suicides a year? What wrong with humanity? September 5, 2014
  • Why was Joan Rivers so Unique? Astroforensics of the future at work today! September 5, 2014
  • Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!September 4, 2014
  • Looking Inside the Petrified Mind of an ISIS Fighter September 4, 2014
  • ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!
  • Watch this video

    May God bless their souls

    (CNN) — It was supposed to be a couple’s little getaway, on a little plane, from upstate New York to the Florida coast. It turned into a tragedy.

    I wish Larry and Jane Glazers had invested in my book and read today’s forecast before flying away!  Read carefully, the stars do not lie! 

    Scepter from my 2014 Moon Power. 

    THU., FRI., SAT. — SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6:
    RULERS — Saturn (Uncle Sam/Regulations) and Uranus (Explosions/Shocking)

    Work, Career and Business: Following the last few days of destructive Pluto in our lives, Saturn’s restructuring power will be a blessing for some organizations and your own business. Expect a new beginning offered to you. Uranus might also throw great surprising developments your way. With the New Moon, get active and get what you need; the timing is now right. If the work that you are doing is inappropriate or stressful, with Uranus in charge you can only happily look for the needed changes. Resolve to find a new career soon and for the lucky ones expect a well-deserved promotion.

    Partnerships: Be original and don’t let others pressure you into following them instead of your own heart. You will not build anything until you break new ground. Stressful situations stimulate you to become more independent. Meditate on where you are going in your life and don’t be afraid of tomorrow. There is no better time for new and progressive change. Be nice to others and get active on the social scenery.

    Family and Friends: Expect interesting surprises during these days as many will be back with the people of their past. Uranus also makes the children very active and they will drive you a little crazy. Don’t be afraid of computers; a study in this area will open many new opportunities. Watch the children carefully this weekend, especially close to bodies of water.

    Love Affairs: Friends will call you and with Uranus’ touch (surprises) try-doing things you would not usually do and go to unusual places on a whim. Visit your future and invest in astrology or the psychic phenomena. Time for catching UFOs on film, and see them materializing in this dense physical world. If you want to see something astonishing go for it now! Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes. Love can be found now; get active, do not turn down any invitations. If you are an Aries, a Libra or a Leo may fall for you. An Aquarius friend will surprise you.

    Travel and Communication: You may be thinking to visit your past. Do not turn down an invitation, as a professional contact could bring people who will positively influence your career. For this occasion, you may feel like spending some money on your car. Some may get stuck in airports as Uranus may disturb electronic equipment. If some of your plans get canceled; don’t be mad, be patient.

    Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes. Thus volcanoes, earthquakes, explosions, are high on the list. Let’s hope that he won’t do anything silly now, but he usually does. Flying is fine but the weather will make the trip bumpy. A blackout or trouble with electronics is high on the list too.

    Famous Personalities: Many famous people will be really active in helping those less fortunate. Beautiful music, great movies and great actors of the past will come alive.

    Events: Saturn rules politics, so expect surprising announcements from foreign governments.

    Shopping: Electronic components will fail; you may be forced to invest in new equipment. You may want to pay a visit to your future and meet with your favorite “spiritual guide.” Any electronic tools bought now will bring you luck in your business.

    * * * * *

    Libya jets

    UPDATE 9/7/2014 – Al Qaeda Has Control Of Missing Planes In Libya

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



More than 800,000 suicides a year? What wrong with humanity?


 Recovered Updated Article published April 9, 2014


 ”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

 ~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

(CNN) — Every 40 seconds someone in the world takes their own life, a global tally of more than 800,000 suicides a year, according to a landmark United Nations report on the subject.

The research found that suicide killed more people each year than conflicts and natural catastrophes, accounting for more than half of the world’s 1.5 million violent deaths annually, World Health Organization staff told reporters at its presentation in Geneva.


Yes a true Scorpio Dragon’s Tail do not fear death and will plan to PUNISH everyone around them and this story confirm my claim… Every single human being become vulnerable during  a Personal Lucky Unlucky Cosmic Biorhythms! 

Recovered Edited Article published 6/17/2009

Dear readers;

Losing a loved one because of suicide is indeed very dramatic and did happen to me and to this day this awful period of my life is still difficult to deal with. My book “Beyond The Secret”  is loaded with facts and a collection of stories that made me the man I am today!

 This newsletter is not for over sensitive people so please caution is advised.

In my crazy life I walked from the lowest elements of our society to the most influential people fate could throw at me.

A billionaire friend who witnessed my predictions tested my expertise to the limit and asked me how he would die and the following story while painful for me to recall and write is simply true.

Two years earlier, this very successful man came in my life for a consultation in my home in San Diego. There was nothing in his attitude, words, manners or clothing enunciating super wealth or super power, he appeared as simple as any of my clients, students or patients visiting my office regularly.

Larry was brought to me by another influential friend named Jordan Maxwell which strongly recommended me for my services. I had absolutely no idea who the man was, in fact I knew nothing at all of him.

Larry was born with a Scorpio Dragon’s Tail and those souls are extremely cunning, non trusting and deal only with the undiluted truth. They have very little friends they can trust and are particularly secretive.

After the initial introduction his first question was, “Dr. Turi, can you tell me something about me that no one knows?” “Sure” I replied politely, “what is your date of birth Sir?” Upon his answer, like a movie, his entire life unfolded dramatically into my spiritual receptor.

“Well, for a start, I can tell you that you will be forced to restructure your emotional and financial partnerships and this will be quite painful and very costly”. He tried very hard not to display any facial move but I knew I touched a very soft area.

“Well, I am truly impressed Dr. Turi” he said while reaching for his back pocket. He pulled an official envelope sent to him by his wife’s attorney initiating a divorce confirming my first *prediction.

“I took this letter from my desk before flying to San Diego today” he said, “and yes I am, against my will, in the process of divorcing!

Then he asked me again to tell him something else that no one knew about him to clear up his very suspicious mind. I asked him if he suffered chronic headaches or migraines and he confirmed my intuition by saying yes.

He was already amazed by my *psychic powers but I wanted him to realize he was dealing with the real thing and asked another question. “May I call you, Larry?” “Yes” he said wondering.

“Larry are you accident prone on the head?” I asked. “What do you mean, Dr. Turi?” He replied. “Well I see like a scar or something around your head,” I answered.

At that moment I knew I touched him right in his soul, and while bending down and removing a large patch of hair, he showed me the top of his head.

“Dr. Turi,” he said, “indeed you are real, I am really overwhelmed, do you see the scar?” To my friend and I surprise, we saw a deep five inches cut from the left to the right side of his skull.

He confirmed to me that, as a boy, following a baseball game he was involved in a fight and a crazy kid hit him as hard as he could giving him a serious concussion that lead to constant painful headaches since then.

He also mentioned that his entire left side from head to toe was insensitive to any feeling.

Then he asked me the pertinent question I was anticipating. “Dr. Turi how am I going to die?” I told him he would die twice and in a violent death.

He was surprised of my answer and he answered, “Dr. Turi, I trusted you until this point, but now I have lost faith in you because no one dies twice”.

“Well, Larry” I said, “you asked me a question and I gave you the answer, I guess you will have to wait for your last day to prove me wrong” I said jokingly.

Little did I know that less than two years later my awful prediction was to pass in the utmost dramatic way.

I spent most of my time with this great man and we developed a deep compassion for each other’s. I never saw so much wealth, respect and power in my life and we were traveling in grand style, enjoying the best of the best of what money could buy.

I was his private counselor and ready to help picking the right partners for his millions of dollars international deals. Under my expertise, his many investment businesses and corporate banks flourished and grew non-stop.

He owned an exotic island and lavish properties and for his fiftieth birthday he gave me the challenge to convert a hard-core priest he knew and trusted into astrology.

The task was done after spending two days walking the long sandy beaches and talking about the stars and God as I perceive him and the holly man and I become very close.

Getting close to Larry or getting a business interview with him was very difficult and lengthy, many of his guests spent weeks on his house on the middle of the lake waiting for my research and his approval.

His bodyguards were always on the look out and many of them were amazed when he, himself opened the door to the limousine and invited me to follow him in his private property.

All about Larry was bigger than life but I knew him well and we shared full trust and commitment for each other’s. Never could I imagine so many piles of cash sitting in his suite chest draws and many times he trusted me to deliver a few thousands dollars to some impatient investors waiting for him in the lobby of the resorts we were staying.

Many times Larry asked me, “Louis” why don’t you ask me for money like everyone else around me? How much do you want for your services? Name the price and I’ll cut you a check anytime.”

“Well Larry” I replied, I am not with you for your money, I make my own money I happen to like you a lot as a good friend and I enjoy spending time with you teaching you the stars”, I added.

Larry always told me that there is nothing or no one he could not afford, but he also knew that I was not for sale and my freedom and independence meant a lot more to me.

I did all I could to explain the UCI and fate of all his close family members, business and emotional partners but I also knew Larry had his limits and could only regenerate his spirit in my presence.

A true Scorpio Tail is mesmerized with power, secrets, death, metaphysics and regenerate in the process. This is why our infantile science is still wondering why normal people  from all walks of life join ISIS… Indeed they are losing so much by ignoring the Soul Of the Cosmos.

Where ever state I was speaking, Larry would always find business to do in that city and he demanded more and more of my time at the expense all other souls in need of my services.

Sad enough wealth brings also troubles and Larry kids were all spoiled drug addicts living a privileged select life spending his money doing nothing good for themselves or society.

Larry was seriously disappointed and troubled by his success and the impact of his wealth had on his own family. Very often he complained to me wondering what to do to either help or punish them all.

One night in Dallas after my lecture presentation he asked me to join him and a doctor friend of his, in his suite. We meet there and I was asked to sign some important legal papers for what seemed to be the opening of another bank on foreign ground.

Larry assured me that all was legal and safe and he needed my signature for that transaction. I did not hesitate and the three of us signed the documents and that was it.

I returned home in San Diego and on December 25th, Christmas day I received his last call during the morning hours…”Louis” he said, “I call to say goodbye to you” he said, “I did not call anyone else only you. I wanted to thank you for all you did for me my business; my family and I understand you cannot be with me all the time.

I had enough Louis, I can forgive other’s shortcomings but not myself and I have decided to end it all up very soon now, I love you Louis.” And before I could say a single word he said once more, I love you Louis, Goodbye” and hung up the phone.

Knowing Gary UCI I knew the man meant business and I was petrified and helpless. I tried frantically to call him back but could only hear a busy signal.

I started to cry and felt guilty of my decision to slowly remove myself from his life to regain mine but I could only wait for the confirmation of his death.

After what seemed an eternity my telephone rang and I prayed so hard to hear his voice, instead his attorney, also a good friend of mine gave me the bad news.

“I received a call from Larry’s family, he just committed suicide Dr. Turi,” he said in a devastated voice. “I went to his office, I am here right now and I must lock it up.

However if you recall you signed some documents no long ago in Dallas and those financial papers involve you in his will and wealth” he added. I begged him to help me to void and avoid my involvement with his will at all cost and instead make sure his family, not me, would become a beneficiary as to avoid bad karma in my life.

He assured me that all would be taking care of properly and legally and not to worry about a thing. To this day I do not know, nor do I wish to know what was these legal, financial documents all about but I had a good idea and I feel I acted appropriately.

I did not take a penny from Larry when he was alive and I was not, unlike many hyenas around him ready to fight and sue his corporations to get money after his death.

But what came, as a true shock to me was the way Larry ended up his life bringing the most infamous prediction I ever made in my life to pass on someone’s future. If you have a sensitive stomach you are advised, right now to stop reading one of the many most outrageous experiences in my life.

Larry waited for the perfect time, he went to his garage and lies down on the floor then put the barrel of his ruffle in his mouth. He pulled the trigger blowing up the left side of his head splashing his brain against the wall.

But in his desperate act he did not realize the left side of his head was insensitive due to the baseball blow he suffered as a child. He then realized his error; he stood up and calmly walked back to his bedroom and locked the door behind him.

He then reached for his Magnum handgun, put it on his right temple and pulled the trigger finishing the job of committing suicide. Imagine for a second his last thought and being forced in his desperate act to acknowledge a prediction I made two years earlier. “You will die TWICE in a violent death!”

Larry was doomed by his stars, yes as incredible as it may sound I still wonder today how much will we do possess over the stars making us react robotically in specific cosmic conditions.

Larry was born with the Dragon’s Tail *negative, in Scorpio *death, in his 3rd house, *the mind / the brain / the head.

Like my younger brother Vincent who died at the tender age of fifteen years old, born with a Dragon’s Tail *negative in Leo in his 3rd house, *the mind / the brain / the head and both died a violent death to the head.

Are those departed souls and so many others crossing my path dedicated *martyrs to uncover deep secrets I must share with you or just wasted unlucky spirit born to die for no reason?

What else could either Larry or Vincent do to avoid their fate? Both Larry and my brother nurtured constant serious negative depressive thoughts; so when I profess that the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the positive or negative thoughts do I make sense to you now? My book *Beyond The Secret will teach you all and handling the Superconscious properly is all that you need to be aware of to avoid tragedy.

My crazy life and unimaginable dramatic experiences will serve you as a launch pad, as a memo for you to do think positive, to do something different, even crazy if you expect anything better if you feel stagnant, unhappy, unprepared, unloved and feel like giving up.

Use my well-earned and legitimate wisdom and my desire to help you reaching your own dreams because if you “Ask you shall receive.” It worked for me, it will work for you too, yes the pain and miracles are real and you are not reading this material *by accident.

Yes indeed you asked for it and your own guardian angel lead you to me so I could be the link, the fuel the inspiration to stimulate your imagination, your creativity and finally the results.

This is just a simple short synopsis of my life and if you felt my energy, my mission, my dedication and my service to humanity is real, may be you should read more about my peculiar life’s experiences and find in my wisdom not only hope but true wisdom.

Yes there are unseen subconscious and Universal forces at work that can and will transform your life if you know how to act and think in harmony with the divine. But again it seems that only experiences and pain and suffering brings about these results, I have been there and you don’t have to.

And that is the beauty of sharing in the name of love for another fellow human being. There are billions of people on this great world and so many have lost hope, direction and faith and never had a chance to become someone or do something unique to make this world a better place for all. But to them I say never forget to…

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character for it will become your destiny.


Dear reader;

After watching and listening to More than 800,000 suicides a year, I realize  even more how far and lost science has become trying to understand and treat mental diseases.  

There is no denying, in serious cases medications are needed, but in the long run, the side effects of those nefarious drugs becomes the major contribution to this upsurge of suicides. 

Any physical or spiritual disease comes from a blockage that stimulate  a steady psychical degeneration. No medications on the planet will ever work if you constantly degenerate your spirit and doing so will precipitate your demise.  

You can regenerate the body with a good diet, vitamins, supplement, exercises but what about the spirit? How do you regenerate the human spirit?

Does science know how to regenerate the spirit treader? No but be sure they know how to turn someone into a zombie…

The human spirit can only regenerate with the affairs ruled by Scorpio or Pluto by house and sign, but science and all the patients suffering depressions do not know about this fact!  They are not about to lose billions of dollars and ask for my help readers, but you can!

The 3rd and 12th houses regulates the conscious and unconscious mind and if the Tail of the Dragon resides in any of those houses be ready for total psychological changes that can induce depressions, panic attacks, dementia and suicidal thoughts.

But how do I know this is a fact? Because I experienced those first hand over the years and watched my friends lives changing. Note also I am in a perfect position dealing with my clientele daily to note those changes…

The cosmic clock never stops and there will be periods in your life where everything you touch will turn into pure gold, all without much efforts from your part.

But life is a constant process of changes and the cycles never end… You may up a sudden lose your job, have an accident, an illness, lose a partner and all hell broke loose in your life! You may wonder why God is so cruel with you and anything and everything you try takes you nowhere! 

Again readers, we ALL have experienced those “cosmic” phases, and knowing how, why and when it will END is a solid grounding your spirit needs to survive all the challenges.

Why would one of your friends win the lottery while another one just committed suicide? Do you really think science can offer you the answers? 

Those “educated” kids are the least knowledgeable of the expertise they claim to own, all because of their PHds?  They are much too young to evaluate anything else than what their books dictate and have little to NO hand on experience with life itself. 

The reality is anyone involved in psychology or psychiatry is desperately looking for himself and fighting their own demons… I certainly hope for them to upgrade their own psychical perception and learn all about what it means to be human.

This does not mean their academical investment and wisdom is wasted, not at all, simply incomplete!

Trust me a 65 I had plenty time to evaluate and recognize those “cosmic” phases and, by some miracle, I survived them all… And sad enough, this is not the case for many of my, now gone close friends…

Yes there are much cheaper, much safer ways to deal with depressions and avoid suicidal thoughts readers. But how can I pass on to you a cosmic wisdom what took a lifetime to uncover?  I can only be available to you if you request a consultation for you to find out I am right. 

Spending thousands to get sicker and weaker then commit suicide is NOT the way to regenerate your spirit. I can point out EXACTLY where the “blockage” is and allow the cosmic fluid to flow again freely.

I am a Soul Doctor, I never killed anyone, ever, just the opposite!

So many people benefited from my work so far and you may be next to experience a live Skype, taped consultation with Dr. Turi.

Most of my readers are wondering what this Astro-Mumbo-Jumbo is all about and you wonder why the religious and scientific matrix own the general public?

The vast majority of people will not pass the title of my articles, reading is too much work for many psychically under-developed human beings. But for the curious there are 3 for you to enjoy today!

Show me a curious person or a reader reader and I will point out a winner! Dr. Turi

Millions of our tax dollars are invested in researches involving the working of physical mind but even the most powerful microscope in the world will never detect the human spirit or the natal, programmed UCI

This is where the 3rd eye, or the spirit comes in to play and where through those old articles, I hope the reader will find the answers he is seeking.

As long as the scientific community ignore, ridicule or avoid dealing with the spirit, they will never find the answers God has enslaved everyone to look for.

How can anyone araze the spiritual wisdom of the human experience and deal only with its physical manifestation?  Those educated kids are clueless and can only use their five limited rational senses… This makes them totally blind to the very facts I propose them with. Thus there is and will always be only one answer to your mental situation –  ANTIDEPRESSANTS.

Those well read “experts” have been formed and educated by the scientific matrix whoring around  with the pharmaceutical corporations. And in no way will the spirit, astrology, astropsychology or astroforensics be part of their curriculum of wisdom.

I heard dreadful stories of people suffering hallucinations after ingesting or stopping their medications and many ended up committing suicide in the process.

Each year the pharmaceutical corporations are forced into legal battles and penalized. But who cares about you or your children, they can afford to lose a few millions in restitutions when they make billions every year!

I am here for you if you need me and I do really care about you and your children…



Why Matthew Warren Committed Suicide?

Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

I am the victim of the Religious Matrix, the Scorpius Draconis and my parents cosmic unconsciousness…

Rick Warren’s son lost in ‘wave of despair’

Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide, family says

Matthew Warren, 27, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Friday, Stand by for “The stars and Fate of  Matthew Warren.” 

Dear Readers;

Matthew Warren, was the victim of induced religious poisoning from a very early age and this fact is much too obvious to ignore.  If the good, concerned God fearing parents of Matthew failed to save their own son from committing suicide why would anyone follow the teachings of his famous father? Where is common sense gone with the God fearing souls? 

its like joining a group or a cult were the creator himself committed suicide… these are very obvious signs for you to stay clear from the deadly effect of those deceptive teachings…

If you are not spiritually “refined” enough to detect the omens be ready to pay a heavy price for ignorance!

I wonder, how is it possible for anyone not to accept the reality that; those religious teachings are the direct result of such a tragic event?  With a biblical name such a Matthew the possibility for any child to regenerate the spirit adequately with the cosmic fluid is an impossibility especially if the patient is following a regimen of prescribed antidepressants!

Now on to his cosmic Identity…

Matthew was born under the very emotional sign of Cancer and I doubt very much his pious parents knew about the extreme power emanating from our closest satellite the Moon.

These Neptunian people own a similar UCI as the one as Phil Robertson, CONVERT THEM OR KILL THEM! – All they do 24/7 is  regurgitating the bible verses on a daily base and have no spirit nor critical thinking of their own.  

Yes the words lunatic, moody, crabby reflects the Moon’s steady impact upon Matthew’s deteriorating psyche for too long and he acted out his cursed mind.  

There is no way for anyone born under the sign of Cancer to survive the moon fluctuations without a lunar consciousness  (get my Moon Power ebook

A waning moon and one of your negative cosmic biorhythms is all it takes for anyone over medicated to commit suicide!  

Matthew could not apply his will to fight the gloomy depressive lunar fluid endlessly harassing him and he lost it.

I also doubt very much his religious parents ever considered reading my 525 page book “The Power of the Dragon” as to understand what their son Matthew,  born under the “Death Wish Generation” and with Pluto (death/passion)  and Saturn (depressions/fears) all karmically located on his nefarious Scorpio Dragon’s Tail.

Souls born with a Scorpio Tail .i.e. Kurt Cobain do not understand why they can not stop nurturing a death wish, they find very hard to be alive and will find any excuses to deal, feel, see death in all its horrors. This explain clearly why a Scottish women joined ISIS! From Scottish girl to ISIS bride

“She has been prolific on social media, advocating ISIS and Islamic caliphate beliefs, and calling for attacks to be carried out in Western countries. She posts photos of AK-47s and exults in ISIS executions.”

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

To make the situation much worse, the extraordinary stellium displayed in Matthew UCI involves the very powerful deadly sign of Scorpio right in his 5th house of speculation, love and romance.

This enunciate a very private personality in need of an endless deep and committed love he could never get from his busy parents more concerned with God, Jesus, the bible, their sermons, travelings, fame, money and the world at large than their own kid.  

And Matthew took his revenge the only way a True Scorpius soul know how, this is by killing others  (Adam Lanza) or committing suicide!

But again I do not expect the educated experts or God’ servants to remotely understand the depth of my rare wisdom they perceive as the work of the devil or only pseudo-science.

In fact ” I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor – Rima E. Laibow, MD” would learn much from my 45 years of  independent work on the working of the human psyche.

Matthew was born with Mars (danger/weapons) in Cancer on his 1st house (the self) and depict the strong probability for a violent death.

His Moon (emotional response to life) was in Leo (love/fame/children) conjuncting his Mercury (the mind) and this leonine qualities do not agree with anything involving a promise to end up in hell, guilt, modesty and was repressed drastically dealing and living in a religiously poisoned early environment.

Shocking/surprising Uranus resides in his 6th house of health meaning a tremendous amount of freedom, travelling and originality offer full psychical regeneration to the unfortunate victim. Anything else the worse of the shocking power of this planet will curse the body, mind and soul.

 Neptune (drugs/alcohol, religion, deception, rehab, jail, mental institutions  medications) is found on Matthew’s 7th house (his parents, facing the public and the world) making the “religious/drugs” situation impossible to escape.

Sad enough the moon was waning was he re-incarnated (and when he departed) from this dense physical world tripling the negative depressive impact of the waning moon upon his psyche.  At the end, this is the result of total cosmic/moon ignorance, the fear of the ridicule combined  with religious poisoning.

Your educational, religious and political system are NON cosmic conscious and Matthew, somewhere somehow suffered the same fate that Adam Lanza with the only difference that he decided to kill himself and not others people.

It is important to help Dr. Turi to build his Astropsychology schools ASAP so all the “monsters” created by science and religions  have an option to apply their will instead of becoming murdered or kill themselves.

The situation is grave knowing the current Scorpius Draconus is aiming for the children, SCORPIUS DRAGON HAS ARRIVED! one more reason for you to pass on this newsletter to all concerned parents having difficulty understanding  their children.

I will offer you more wisdom, counselling  and guidance for your child than any and all traditionally educated non cosmic conscious psychologists combined!  Read the great endorsements from the people who trusted my work and I with their lives and the one of their children…

Adding, removing guns or medicating the children is NOT the way to go,  only the moronic religious God fearing mass or the “educated” scientific community think they have the right answers for you  when they don’t!

This is a serious universal psychical problem, depicting the fast deterioration of our children mind body and spirit and none of them were trained/educated to deal with this phenomenon. My TV show with George Noory explain so much more of what the children really need and I wish the entire world could acknowledge my words and stop suicides. 

Reconnecting with God’s celestial divinity and using the signs will provide the answers science has been enslaved to uncover but never will…Unless they reconnect with the spirit and God’s marvellous universe.

God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so that you and your children may lead a safer more productive life! 


The smallest amount of this huge waste of tax dollars would have been more than enough for me to build my first Astropsychology schools and start working against the evil of fear and cosmic ignorance…

Donate for my cosmic code radio show and my mission while we still have time please…

 “For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke 


Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Why was Joan Rivers so Unique? Astroforensics of the future at work today!


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Using the science of Astroforensics I explained all about Joan Rivers extraordinary psychical legacy. I exposeD her character, her Unique Celestial Identity and what she was all about reflecting the public picture she build for herself. I explained in great details how and why Joan Rivers, (like Dr. Turi ) was such a special Lady you can only love or hate! 

Remember my work is not for the feeble minded but for a more spiritual advanced curious breed of human beings.  This article is similar to the the one I wrote for Robin Williams and so many other celebrities but this one will not become public.

Robin Williams’ Suicide Fully Explained – Astroforensics of the future at work today!

If you are a student of psychology, psychiatry or involved in the Mind Science Foundation Researches, this article will offer you the golden keys to what it means to be human outside of accepted disciplines. My goal is to stimulate  science to consider and investigate a more spiritual avenue to the working of the human mind.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.

 ~Albert Einstein*

Mastering The Mind Powers

My work will also add to your own repertoire of traditional wisdom but it is a well know fact thats;  Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education!   Indeed I taught many doctors from all walks of life and you may read some of their feedback!

It took me 65 years of my life to correctly decode the cosmic hieroglyphs but I can only offer my pearls of wisdom to those willing and able to assimilate my independent research on Astroforensics of the future.  And I am not about to waste my pearls of wisdom to those who will not hesitate to trash my work and I and can not appreciate true ingeniousness.  

I will translate all the planets by sign and house and the subtle impact produced on Joan Rivers psyche, making her who she was! I will do this in simple plain English and help you realize how powerful the stars truly are… Become a VIP, join my Cyber Cosmic University to read more!

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi  

 joan river uci

Sun 16Gem59 (1)
Moon 17Sag32 (7)
Mercury 29Gem20 (1) dignity
Venus 29Gem39 (1)
Mars 15Vir49 (4)
Jupiter 14Vir30 (4) detriment (traditional)
Saturn 16Aqu14 (9) dignity (traditional)
Uranus 26Ari13 (11)
Neptune 07Vir31 (4) detriment
Pluto 22Can02 (2)
Ascendant 03Ari46 (11)
Midheaven 01Cap59 (8)
MNNode 02Pis31 (10)
MSNode 02Vir31 (4)


DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Mercury
Jupiter disposited by Mercury
Moon disposited by Jupiter
Saturn disposited by Uranus
Mercury disposited by Mercury
Uranus disposited by Mars
Venus disposited by Mercury
Neptune disposited by Mercury
Mars disposited by Mercury
Pluto disposited by Moon



ASPECT PATTERNS: Mutable T-Square, tight Sun
Mars – focus
Jupiter – focus

Stellium in Virgo Neptune

Yod Saturn – focus

Yod Pluto – focus

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 3 25 %
Fixed 1 8 %
Mutable 8 67 %

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 3 25 %
Earth 3 25 %
Air 4 33 %
Water 2 17 %

Ascendant: Cardinal Fire
Midheaven: Cardinal Earth

HOUSE MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Angular 9 75 %
Succedent 2 17 %
Cadent 1 8 %

HOUSE ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Life 5 42 %
Substance 1 8 %
Relationships 3 25 %
Endings 3 25 %


IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON DISTANCE: 356914.3 km. Perigee
MOON SPEED: 15.34192 deg/day Fast Speed


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 9 0.99628
5 0.99755

6 0.98662

ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 47 0.95723
173 0.96244

28 0.96852


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!


May God bless your soul


Dear Reader;

Joan Alexandra Rosenberg Molinsky was born June 8, 1933 under the witty constellation of Gemini. This sign rules all sorts of communications and well known for his inborn joking attitude. Ruled by Mercury “The Messenger of the Gods” many souls born in June were born DUAL and enjoy a long, successful life loaded with actions.

Gemini is the ADD of the Zodiac, fast and restless, both mentally and physically and attracted to radio, racing, boxing, writing, journalism, photography, languages and excel in all forms of communications, nursing, and sales. Many are sailors, great actors and good friends  of mine .i.e. Gary Busey, George Noory, Art Bell, Owen and Johnny.

Rivers was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 28, after suffering complications during a minor throat procedure. On Sunday, Aug. 31, her daughter Melissa Rivers released a statement saying, “We are keeping our fingers crossed.”

I knew Joan Rivers’ chances to come back to work was zero, but I have learned not to offend over sensitive, cosmic unconscious people who are unable to read and accept the signs and announced it in a different way.

September 1st I posted an article  titled “A Gift From Dr. Turi For Labor Day” with the full forecast pointing out her death! This article was posted in ALL social media confirming yet another sad prediction.

In fact you can check my claim still posted on all my Facebook Pages and my Twitter account.

A Gift From Dr. Turi For Labor Day! Enjoy –  RTpls 

Memo from my 2014 Moon Power

Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those who will take chances but prudent too. Many lives will undergo metamorphosis and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons. Many secrets will come to light. A very famous public person may go to the other side.

Most importantly, and as always with famous cases, Joan Rivers passed away during one of her 2014 Negative Cosmic Biorhythms. Again this does not mean more people will investigate their own dates and avoid the red zones! 

Joan Rivers, like 99.99% of the world’s population was not cosmic conscious and decided to undergo surgery during some very negative cosmic auspices. Had she consulted me I would have seriously warned her NOT to attempt anything unusual so close to one of her 2014  Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms.  

Joan River was hospitalized last week after she stopped breathing during a minor throat procedure at an outpatient center. From there she was placed in a medically-induced coma. Doctors have started bringing her out of the coma and this is where everything went wrong… 

In simple and plain English the medications producing the induced coma stopped her heart, much like the Miley Cyrus mishap, but she was a stronger much younger celebrity.

Now be ready for the conspiracy talking heads blaming the CIA for disposing of Rivers under President Obama order and many other deceptiveness all over the internet… Indeed a very unconscious world left to assume anything using  its wild imagination.

There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination. Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

The fact is, the pharmaceutical corporations have too much at stake to tell you exactly what and how much drugs were used on Rivers. This is why they protect themselves by making sure ALL medical records are kept secrets and the autopsy results can only reach the cold offices of the coroners imbedded with them.  

Update – 09/05/14 – Joan Rivers autopsy inconclusive, medical examiner’s office says – ARE YOU JOKING? This confirm the fact that the coroners involved are working WITH the scientific matrix! They may find a way to exonerate themselves from any wrongdoing but the truth is plain to see! 

Todays’ medical science is not only totally refuting and ignoring the spirit, but also the crucial cosmic timing to perform surgery. To them, all days are  the same and always good days to perform on millions of people who trust them with their lives.  How wrong they are! 

Last fifty years, the medical world experienced an explosion of new technology, new discoveries and new ways of healing the sick, all without consulting or considering the cosmic code deciding timing.

We know about Joan Rivers’ demise because she is a celebrity and the news media matrix needs ratings. But millions of less prominent people died (and will die) at the hands of doctors traditionally educated, unwilling to check at the cosmic clock. 

 In my case, I needlessly suffered hell for 3 weeks and endured very high fever all along with the wrong medications because the blood lab simply forgot to send the results to my doctor! I contracted Valley Fever that turned into pneumonia and had absolutely no strength left in me.  

For days I had to use wet towers and ice pack not to let my brain fry! Some days the fever reached 103 degrees and watching my helpless wife crying with the thermometer in her hand was very hard for me. 

I knew from the first day I visited my doctor and even mentioned the possibility of having contracted the  Valley Fever fungus to him. He thought I only suffered a cold and, a week later, at my second visit, again  gave me the wrong diagnostic and the wrong medications. 

Today, nearly a month later, with the right medications and my Universal Blood Transfusion I am finally out of the danger zone but must take those medications for the next 6 months.

Thus, do not trust anyone when it comes to your health and do not be afraid of asking for a second opinion and listen to your intuition.  

If I was able to beat cancer a few years ago, I will also beat this damned thing. I know when, how and where I got it and I have learned a very valuable lesson in the process and shared it all with my VIP’s.  

Remember reader, this hard physical world could not exist without its spiritual counterpart. Critical rules apply for both worlds, something our infantile science has yet to acknowledge and heed.

There is no room for ignorance in this physical world, ignore all red lights or the stop signs in all the streets and pay the price. Keep ignoring and refusing God’s cosmic rules and pay the ultimate price! 

I am here to point out when you could land on the gold mine, win the lottery or like Joan Rivers die because she and her doctors did not consult the cosmic code timing. 

I am asking the reader to take the time to READ all the advantages of being cosmic conscious and avoid a premature death. Please acknowledge and make a good use of  the reality of a subtle Cosmic Timing that will change your life for the best!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Looking Inside the Petrified Mind of an ISIS Fighter



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

The 2014 Arian Draconis at work!

Inside the mind of an ISIS fighter

Dear reader;

The mind of any ISIS fighter is mostly fuelled/influenced by a few planets; Neptune deceptive illusive power and Mars aggressive nature, note also the location of Pluto (death) and Uranus (shocking) by house and signs play a very important part steering the natal UCI towards specific criminal endeavors. These are the Neptunian born i.e. Star Phil Robertson.

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi 

Sad enough the science of Astroforensic is probably not yet recognized by the NSA, the police, nor appreciated just yet for its incredible potential in the detection of potential ISIS fighters, terrorists, killers, rapists and criminals.

The reality of horrific religious wars (and racism) is something ingrained in the history of humanity, and no one can deny this fact. 

ISIS is currently building/educating a generation I perceive as the “monsters of the future” and keep warning you about. Objectively speaking, all of those dead and alive lost souls were the victims of their natal country religious / abusive political matrix-es. 

I am so sad that only ISIS is making a good use of my cosmic wisdom by brainwashing those children before, during and just after puberty with religion!

It is a disgrace for the US Department of Education not to pay attention to my lifetime work because; instead of letting ISIS breeding and indoctrinating innocent children into religious fanatics, America maybe could be a great example leading the world into a glorified Unifying Universal Cosmic God. 

Once the psyche of a child is formed, it is almost impossible to reverse, as seen with Japan Kamikaze pilots willing to die honorably for their cause.

This situation is very grave and like a cancer, it may become unstoppable regardless of the might of America and its allies war machines. Indeed watching the momentum of my 1995 religious war unfolding right in front of my eyes makes me wonder if humanity will survive the next 50 years.

The world is not yet ready to assimilate my cosmic wisdom or my visions and all I have is my supporters to help me pass on this utmost critical message.

Not only the children of the Middle East but all the children of the world are at risk and all intelligent adults MUST UNITE in order to avoid the dreadful impact of the upcoming 2015 Riligious Neptunius Draconis

The sad reality is; this upcoming cosmic fluid will endorse ISIS caliphate and worry me so much… But it seems a rational stubborn science is still unwilling to invest in the Soul of the Cosmos and acknowledge its impact upon the earth and its precious human cargo.    

I keep posting my warnings but I see nothing of any spiritual/psychical value being offered to the children of the future. Time to help me and get my Astropsychology schools operational is indeed overdue. And then, would parents really send their kids and how many of those kids would really use the material suitably if all is predestined? It all starts at home…

Sending your children to the traditional scientific and religious matrix-es is something set by a system no one can ever dream of altering. My goal is not to close all churches and schools but to offer a “cosmic” spiritual education to the children, so they can integrate themselves with a much bigger subtle cosmic purpose. We do not need more Adam Lanza do we? 

But there are millions of cults and thousands of religious institutions i.e. Scientology, Mormonism etc. where tremendous resources that will never be used to bring forth your children cosmic awareness. Just the opposite!  

Those well established, wealthy institutions, while very productive in so many ways,  DO NOT serve humanity psychical welfare and the children of the future!

“Human are machine of habits reluctant to make any form of changes” Dr. Turi

But I can guarantee you those changes are on the way…




Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All the keys words and detailed predictions will be posted in my Cyber Cosmic University and offered to all my VIP’s soon.

People think the only way to stop a terrorist is to understand his mind and motivations and eventually re-educate them or kill them. At least this is what the norm and Phil Robertson think!


However, once the mind is putrefied, THERE IS NO RETURN, only death will stop the mad spirit. 

There are as many ways to stop a cancer as they are to obliterate ISIS but as a rule, cancer wins much of the time… But cancer can be stopped in its track if you do not feed it, if you do not smoke, if you do not stuff yourself with bad saturated and other fatty food, if you exercise regularly or get some exercise, do not drink in excess, avoid legal and illegal drugs weakening your immune system. 

But this type of cancer is MENTAL/psychical and not physical, thus the best fight against cancer and ISIS WAS PREVENTION. 

It’ like sending your children to school where their teachers forces them to smoke weed, get drunk and learn to decapitate others everyday day! And if you think I exaggerate, I have news for you readers, I do not!  

The picture above is the epidemic of ignorance where religions, politics and mass murder stimulate the ruthless leaders. And you think you are safe in America or in Europe because of your military might? Do not be fooled readers, remember this is psychical cancer no one is understanding and attending yet, but Dr. Turi!

Killing Osama Bin Laden did not kill the cancer, in fact it stimulated its growth even faster!

It is crucial for my readers and supporters to comprehend this “cosmic” phenomenon, then provide me the help I need and start educating all the children with their relationship with God cosmic divinity.

Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.


Nothing else will ever work, even if you bomb ISIS to total submission or eradicate them all, the cancer is psychical and left totally intact in the mind of the population! This mean, in time, they will be back because I do not see American on the ground exterminating indoctrinated children.

They will grow up  and with it the cancer inserted in their psyches by their moronic religious parents… It does not take a genius to realize how such a complex situation can be so easily fixed if you take the cancer at its source. 

Imagine the billions of dollars already wasted to fight ISIS, how many Astropsychology schools all over the world could be built with such fortunes?

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

The war is taking place on earth and the heavens readers, the Age of Pisces (delusion/religions/deceptions) is coming to an end. All imposed by a cosmic God preparing the world for the Age of Aquarius which hopefully should last for the 2000 years.

But this age can also be the last one experienced by humanity, if we do not understand, follow, heed the universal laws and UNITE…

Nothing of this “spiritual” nature is offered to the  US children, instead ISIS is using the stars correctly to impregnate innocent children with evil. Where is America? 

 If you do not realize the emergency of this situation, we will soon reach the point of no return and like all the prophets of the past, my awful visions of the future will be also confirmed. 

It now that we must act, but you may also decide to aim for a more positive, sugar coated, uplifting writer trusting a false God to save you all… If you think Elvis (or Jesus) will ever come back to save your soul, you are in serious denial and probably unreachable for the time being. 

I know the undiluted true is never appreciated nor heeded but the facts are right there, right here, right now in front of your eyes with ISIS. I know exactly what to do to reverse the psychical damage and KILL the cancer consuming humanity’ spirit.

Its me against the establishment, me against the scientific and religious monopolizing “educational” matrixes. And there is you and your children!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

I know I do sound redundant to some, but it’s because my crucial message must be assimilated and this can only be accomplished through endless repetitions. You can help me by posting my articles all over and offer other curious readers some explanations and the understanding to what’s going on with the world and ISIS today!

Not all human beings are under-developed psychically or idiots, and this is why more and more people are joining the Cosmic Code website.  They came to finally realize religions are the cause of human suffering but exonerating themselves from my Cosmic God is a BIG mistake.

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Dropping bombs all over areas controlled by ISIS is not the solution to put an end to this nightmare. I see the US actions more as a series of well controlled cancer drones radiations but those endeavors will never stop such an advanced psychical cancer.

America is the place where God lead me back in 1984 to start a tremendous difficult journey. This is where I must first re-introduce its population to the creator cosmic identity.  

It is right here, in the US that I do battle this cancer and offer all my readers and the children of the future the real option to acknowledge God as he is!  To  agree on ONE single God, one single Universal religion, and one single purpose to live in peace and harmony with each others. 

This is the vision I must maintain in my heart and soul so I can still find the strength I need to fulfil my mission to free humanity from fear and ignorance.


God is trying really hard to make his children aware of the gruesome HELL they created for themselves with over 875 different religions.

  • The cosmic God I know to be real speaks his divinity through the stars
  • The cosmic God I know to be real does not punish nor blame anyone
  • The cosmic God I know to be real is Universal in its cosmic glory
  • The cosmic God I know to be real is as good and as powerful as you
  • The cosmic God I know to be real will never judge anyone
  • The cosmic God I know to be real wants you to wake up
  • The cosmic God I know to be real unify all his children
  • The cosmic God I know to be real is YOU and ALL your possibilities

Again, you did not land on my work by accident reader, there are no accidents! My cosmic God HEARD you loud and clear in your search for the truth and lead your eyes and mind to my material.

Yes, you asked and so you shall receive more information if you are curious enough and willing to exit your fears and imagination. No, you will not end up in hell, remember you are already there, YOU and so many other cosmic unconscious men created in the name of a false God.

It is only when you are ready for me and my cosmic wisdom that you will be allowed to rise closer to the creator and make a good use of his celestial design. Are you?

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!


“Consciousness – is the awareness of God cosmic identity  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptiveness! Pope Francis, bible heads, religious leaders, monks, gurus, televangelists, priests are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians unable to read the signs… Dr. Turi


‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Explains How He’d Fight Islamic State: ‘Convert Them or Kill Them’

Dear Readers:

After watching this video I came to realize Phil Robertson’s extreme righteousness is not different than the religious madness fueling ISIS to eradicate all non believers from the face of the earth.

 Isis is using the Koran, Robertson is using the bible, same difference…

Robertson and ISIS share the same exact extreme goal!  (CONVERT THEM OR KILL THEM!)  What about educating the masses about a cosmic UNIversal UNIfying cosmic God instead of prolonging a 2000 years old religious war? 

Related image

This man is totally religiously poisoned, a white supremacist and “reptilius infected!” – Incidentally he shares the same exact UCI as President Trump! 

Donald Trump President?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

I am amazed how such a lost soul is unable to use critical thinking and speak for itself without referencing to specific bible quotes. He is such a robot of his stars its not even funny and worse, like all souls born with a Sagittarius (codification of thoughts/books) on his Dragon’s Tail he is a religious fanatic born Neptunian.

“Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars.” Dr. Turi 

But there is no way to reason, nor try (or convert) ISIS members to become Christian or Robertson to become a Muslim. These putrefied souls are unreachable because the religious conditioning/poisoning started well before this present incarnation…

Little does Mr. Robertson know that; HE OWNS the exact same cosmic identity as all the Neptunian UCI joining ISIS! 

In fact, had Star Phil Robertson be born in the Middle East, I can assure you,  he would have joined and happily killed for ISIS! Yes he own the perfect righteous aggressive Arian / Sagittarius cosmic identity that lead him to preach naturally.  And who could or would deny this fact listening to his nonsense? 

Furthermore Phil Alexander Robertson  was born April in the constellation of Aries (the baby of the Zodiac) a sign ruled by Mars ” The Lord of War” with his Sun sign in stubborn Taurus.

He is cursed by a cosmic God to find himself, develop more spiritual grounding and a strong purpose! Indeed a perfect target for the religious matrix!


All will hear my views and voice
Trial and error is my school of choice
Like a dragon, dashing and daring I appear
Fighting for those and all that I hold dear
I am ARIES, child of Mars.

I truly think he is a disgrace to common sense, to world peace, to human intelligence and his  lame religious words reflects the same deadly fanatical ideology as ISIS. 

But knowing 99.99% of the world’s population is cosmic unconscious and vibrate at its low intellectual speed, unless I point out his “sins and virtues” through the science of  “astroforensics”, his gullible God fearing followers will always say AMEN!

His Youtube videos are not different than the ones produced by ISIS without the decapitation. 

But given a chance, be SURE his Neptunian, and Martian UCI would not hesitate to KILL for God or Jesus as much as ISIS would KILL for Allah! Do you agree? if you don’t do not worry, its common for any young pious souls to miss the obvious! 

After contending that the Islamic State “can’t blame us” since the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, the “Duck Dynasty” lightning rod said he was ready to engage them militarily.

“I’d rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of having your sins removed and being raised from the dead,” Robertson said.

“I would rather preach the gospel of Jesus to them, however, if it’s a gun fight, and a gun fight alone, if that’s what they’re looking for, me personally, I’m prepared for either one.”

For Mr. Robertson to even mention converting a Muslim into Christianity, or to suggest a “bible study” with them to point out their errors or kill them reflect the same exact type of deplorable thinking and dangerous attitude that drive ISIS militants to decapitate innocent people.

Robertson soul is not only cursed but owned by Satan and he is totally unaware of this fact! And those people have a national voice because the religious matrix put them there to sell more evil , fear and ignorance to the masses!

Jesus have Mercy on your lost children, am I the only one to perceive this religious madness? 

2015 Riligius Neptunius Draconis

Imagine what the 2015 Riligius Neptunius Draconis has in store for you personally and for humanity at large readers! May I suggest you to be curious or are your inserted fears much to deep to salvage your own soul?


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All the keys words and detailed predictions for 2015 will be posted in my Cyber Cosmic University and offered to all my VIP’s soon!

The religious matrix at work, feeding  a young Phil Robertson and the world with a false God!

Phil Robertson is a perfect example of the “conventional/educational” power of the religious matrixes trapping the spirit of billions of Christians, Muslims, Jewishs etc. into total deceptiveness.  With over 875 different denominations, your birth place, geographically set you up to become a victim of your masters!

 “Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”  (or your masters DT) ― Napoleon

Using Astroforensics, in this article “Phil Robertson DUAL Unconscious Codified Petrified Mind At Work! (public) I explained more on his programmed psyche.  Being a celebrity does not mean you were born a genius,  far from that!

it is also obvious that Robertson is not exactly brilliant and this video is simply reflecting his non evolved righteous psychical saturated nature. 

Phil Alexander Robertson  was born April 24, 1946 with the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Sagittarius (religions / books / codification of thoughts) and this wild dragon make him brutally honest righteous and act like  the “Bull in the China shop!” 

Scepter of my book  the Power of the Dragon

Key words for a negative Sagittarius Dragon’s Tail

Your philosophy, religion or your guru is the only right one
You won’t change your mind, your views or your beliefs
You believe that animals are better than humans
You won’t challenge what has been written
You are afraid of pursuing real education
You have been religiously poisoned
You think you are above the law

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


AT this point readers, I can only suggest you to read  A World on Fire, What Is Next For Humanity?  and pass my articles on to the world! I will soon generate  the 2015 Riligius Neptunius Draconis predictions and all will be divulged in my Cyber Cosmic University.


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 
