Year: 2014

A Gift From Dr. Turi For Labor Day


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Man kills 3 children at Chinese school, then jumps off building

Hong Kong (CNN)  The new school year in China began Monday with a horrifying attack. A man stabbed to death three children at a primary school in central China and then committed suicide by jumping off a building, state media reported. Wielding a knife, the man stabbed eight students and a teacher before he took his own life, the report said.Three of the students died, and the six other victims have been hospitalized, Xinhua reported. Two of the students are seriously hurt, it said.

Dear readers; 

While terrible news will always reach you in both the waxing (positive) and waning (negative) periods due to the eternal motions of the stars, most dramatic news will ALWAYS be induced by your Personal positive or negative Cosmic Biorhythms. 

If the moon is waxing (positive) but you are under one of your negative cosmic biorhythms, it “cancel” the good cosmic fluid and make you prone to “accidents” or bad behavior, especially if legal or illegal drugs are used.

If the moon is waxing and you are experiencing one of your personal positive cosmic biorhythms, this will not be a normal day… In fact you may find your soulmate or even win the lottery… Remember readers, there are no accidents! Only subtle cosmic circumstances at work science and humanity  at large are still oblivious of.

You maybe going to work like you did for years and then one day you end up in an “accident” what the pious souls would call “an act of God!” The psychically underdeveloped sub-human UCI, i.e. atheists, agnostics, skeptics or those I refer as “young souls” can never enter, and some even forbidden by God to experience the archetypal realm of supra cosmic consciousness during this particular lifetime.

But what can not be seen does not mean it does not exist and it takes very old souls such as Dr. Turi to breach the divine and share it with others souls who vibrate at the same high spiritual speed…

It’s now September and Labor Day, thus to all the hard workers out there,  I decided to bring the price of my book from $25 to $5 only. Its a deal that will bring you much more than what you expect but like everything else, one must ask in order to receive… KNowing what the cosmic code has in store universally and personally is a serious enrichment for you to handle all the affairs of your life.

Physical rules are everywhere and no one would dare to challenge the laws without considering the serious consequences… Thinks of your life as a ship sailing the vast ocean and all your have to guide you is the North Star and the bright light of the moon…

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Humanity has lost God as he intended to be perceived by his children and Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry brought by the 3 wise men (ET’s/astrologers) perpetuated by the essence of the 12 apostles’ spirits or the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Salvage your spirit, own your salvation, exit the trap of all religions and the dryness of a spiritually destitute science. Join my Cyber Cosmic University and get to closer to God than you ever did before…  There, I do translate the face and the tools of a cosmic God so you can hear and see the creator in all its splendor…


Dr. Turi

Moon Power 2014


Scepter of my 2014 Moon Power –  THIS BOOK IS NOW ON SALE FOR ONLY $500

FRI., SAT., SUN. — AUGUST 29. 30. 31:
RULERS — Venus (Lure) Pluto (Death) and Jupiter (Luck)

Work, Career and Business: Even in this good Moon phase, Pluto’s deadly touch is upon us, so keep a low profile and be aware of all you do or say. Some won’t be able to stop the upcoming changes and drama. Your intuition about situations will be quite accurate. The future has much better to offer and you should be confident in your dealings. Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make the transition easy and may decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition. There will be a serious wake-up call for some people who did not respect others. Avoid dealing with money now.

Partnerships: Money will also be on your mind and serious decisions will have to be made soon. Wait for the upcoming New Moon to share new ideas with others. You may take calculated chances now, but you’d better know your limits. As always with Pluto around you can only expect to dig into other people’s financial or sexual secrets. Become involved with the world of investigation, metaphysics or astrology and promote your own cosmic consciousness. The Lord of mysteries may reward you with ultimate light if you take a chance to find answers in the “ forbidden” world. Use diplomacy in all your deals and stay on the right side of the law.

Family and Friends: Emotions and passion are running high these days and Pluto may induce sexual encounters with magnetic strangers. Keep an eye on strangers that may be brought into your home and watch over your children.

Love Affairs: Do not take chances and listen to your intuition wherever you happen to be. If you are in a relationship, this is a great trend to stimulate your spouse or lover for some good lovemaking. Good wine, candlelight, soft music and your imagination are all you need with sexual Pluto involved. Jupiter may decide to send you news from a faraway friend. Any new relationship started now will be full of sex and passion. Better take precautions if you are a single person and be ready for that “new” relationship to be full of drama. Spend some time in the wild; Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air, fresh spirits and a new approach to life. All the water signs will feel Pluto’s allure and will become walking magnets.

Travel and Communication: You may receive news from far away or give presents to a deserving family member or dear friend. You can also expect your telephone to be busy and interesting mail to come your way. Don’t try to be in too many places at the same time and if you have to drive, take a little take extra time to get there; don’t rush as the police could spoil your day. People from the past will get in touch with you. Be aware on the road with Pluto in charge these days absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now.

Environment: Pluto will surely trigger the earth’s entrails somewhere in the world and produce dramatic news with the weather. Many human and animal lives have been lost during his dramatic reign. As usual, be ready for negative news.

Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those who will take chances but prudent too. Many lives will undergo metamorphosis and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons. Many secrets will come to light. A very famous public person may go to the other side.

Events: If you are a police officer or a security guard beware of Pluto. The crooks will be active and deadly. Passion may ensnare a lost spirit, and Pluto will lead the unwise young spirit to kill innocent people. The worst of Pluto’s choleric thunders and lightning are about to strike the earth. Don’t take chances now.

Shopping: Invest in anything that can clean or kill pests. Do not invest in anything that could bring danger to those for whom you care.

Universal Law Explanation

DO NOT purchase a plane ticket after the full Moon
DO NOT purchase a car or enter a house after the full Moon
DO NOT purchase anything you want to last after the Full Moon
DO NOT sign important documents or get married after the full moon
DO NOT do anything you never done before after the full Moon or pay the price! 



“There is a tide in the affairs of men, when taken at the cress lead to fame and fortune”

One must plan in accordance to God’s cosmic will and Moon Power. This book is an indispensable tool that will help you manage your personal and business life with much success by empowering you with knowledge of the Divine forces. Adapting to the gearbox of the Universe and using this publication as a daily guidance is a sure ticket to enlightenment and a safe road to success.


2015 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs Now available for $15.00 only! 

Did you check the current 2014 Arian Draconis impact upon the world? Are you wondering why the world is going insane and why humanity is enduring so much pain and suffering? You must know what the new 2015 Neptunius Draconis will bring to you, your loved ones and the world at large? Do not be fooled my friend, there is much more in the stars that what our infantile rational science can perceive… The cosmos HAS a soul humanity has been enslaved to uncover, heed and use!  

 “God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus


GOOD STUFF!, October 12, 2005
Reviewer: Angela Robertson

I have been a student studying spirituality for over 30 years. He is well researched and documented and has been commended by many leading authorities and institutions. For those seeking high quality information, this book is a must!

1 of 22 people found the following review helpful:Moon Power Starguide 2005, October 12, 2005
Reviewer: Lisa Bennett (Seattle, WA USA)

I don’t even step out the door without reading my daily forecast! I love this book and find all of Dr. Turi’s books extremely valuable.

Don’t shoot the messenger! October 11, 2005
Reviewer: linnieskid “linnieskid”


If you are “ready” than read this! When the pupil is ready the teacher appears.

The most credible Astropsychologist ever!, October 11, 2005
Reviewer: Janis (Florida Gulf Coast)

Dr. Turi is the best astrologer I have ever had the privilege of reading. He speaks the truth or he doesn’t say it. Bravo Dr. Turi! And those of us who read your work will be prepared,
while those who don’t, will wonder what hit them. Keep up the good work, keeping us informed. Thanks. An admirer and believer from the hurricane ravaged area of the Gulf Coast. Can’t wait for my life reading!
Janis, Florida Gulf Coast

Right on the Money, October 11, 2005
Reviewer: Tia

Dr. Turi is quite accurate in his book. I was very pleasantly surprised when I first received it. I couldn’t put it down. I use it a guide when planning trips, doctor visits, most recently and my mother’s outpatient surgeries. I’ve found it to be pretty much on the money. I’m ordering the 2006 version soon. I don’t want to be without a copy of Moon power Starguide anymore if I don’t have to be. It would be senseless to me if I did. If you haven’t bought it yet, do it now! You’ll be glad you did. Thanks, Dr. Turi. You’re the greatest!

A in Houston

And God Created the Stars, October 11, 2005
Reviewer: Dorothy G. Masters (Oklahoma City, OK USA)

The first sentence of the first chapter of Genesis tells it all. “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.”

For there to be order in his creation there had to be a controlling power. Signs. Signs throughout all the heaven and Earth. Signs. Signs to keep you from harm. Signs to guide you to safety. Signs to guide you to your chosen Utopia. What you allow your ‘Free Will’ to do is another matter.

Who is more qualified to interpret the signs than Dr. Turi  until such time as you yourself learn how the Signs in the Heaven do not lie, never lied, never will lie. The Great and Celebrated men who created the United States  of America all were users and practitioners of Astrology.

This review is for all of the books Dr. Turi has written.


DR. TURI, A MASTER of PROPHECIES. October 11, 2005
Reviewer: Julia Brooks “Julia Leigh Rosenthal” (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

Along with many other highly evolved Souls, Dr Turi brings a sense of balance at a time when the World is spinning out of control. Yes, his predictions R Gloomy. The Wise will know that he’s one of the chosen earth bound mediums the heavens are sending messages thru. Why was he chosen? Why not, He’s devoted his Life to Spiritual Studies, which gives him a deeper insight into current events. He’s devised a unique way of assembling info. Which comes from higher forms of consciousness. Assembling the dates & the Facts of events we need to prepare for. Don’t shoot the messenger; he’s not the one at the controls. He just helps to co-pilot the info here on Earth. The Planet is Lucky 2 have Dr. Turi warning us 2 get our acts together, preparing for the upcoming transformation, our planet is going thru. He is a Blessing to the World. Julia Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. USA


Moon Power 2005, October 11, 2005
Reviewer: Alice A. Brooks (Las Vegas, NV)

I have purchased Dr. Turi Moon Power since 2000 and have used it as a daily guide for my success in life. This is a must read book if you want to be in the right place at the right time. To use those stars above your head to your advantage if you want real power and knowledge you will buy the book. I have already bought Moon Power 2006 to plan ahead for the coming year; I definitely wouldn’t be caught without it


Moon Power, October 11, 2005
Reviewer: I.H. – See all my reviews

This guide that Dr. Turi has put together has been an exceptional help in my life. It has helped to know the trends and positive and negative energies especially in regard to planning ahead for trips and business ventures. He is truly the most accurate astrologer ever! Spot on!


“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012  Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi 

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667

Is California Ready For The ‘Big One?’


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Are earthquakes on the rise? Is California’s ‘Big One’ coming?

Dear Readers;

Logic dictate earthquakes can only happen under active fault zones such as the ring of fire. Thus the main reason why USGS will never be able to give you a trustworthy timing or the exact location is because their studies is incomplete.  Earthquakes, like volcanoes, tornadoes or hurricanes are under the jurisdiction of the planet Uranus which rules the sudden release of energy.

To those who have been watching my work closely, my timing to point out those shocking natural disasters over the years is not only unarguable but impeccable. For the newcomers there is a bit of research/reading to do and I make sure to give plenty links for that purpose.

Science knows a big one is on its way to California and that’s it! As mentioned so many times before, by the time the needle move, its already too late, you are caught in the tremors and will run for your life (if you can.) 

Billions of tax dollars have been used to develop the science of Geology with remarkable achievements that can only serve humanity to understand the physical causes and effects of nature. But there is much more behind the subtle relationship between natural disasters and our local solar system… It feels like a very educated mechanic trying to fix a car with only a teaspoon and this is where science is at today! 

Meantime, not a single dime has been invested in Astrogeology, regardless of the obviousness of my work which can easily be traced and investigated because I keep  a well recorded repetitive track of all my “predictions.”

If I had a dollar from all the geologists and scientists reading my work, trust me I would enjoy a great retirement readers! But those are the courageous, curious ones and must keep a low profile while learning from me!

Its it only when the scientific community realize they can not separate themselves from the “Soul of the Cosmos” and adapt a more spiritual attitude to their researches that  real progress in earthquakes predictions will be achieved. 

But the scientific matrix is not yet able nor willing to exit their “educated” zones and can not even conceive Einstein famous quote because they all think they know better that real geniuses.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!” ~ Albert Einstein

Their stubbornness and spiritual “educated” pride is blinding them to the very answers they are all cursed to find…

 The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~ Albert Einstein

  The current “OCD Generation” is ill fitted to dwell with the spirit, but these children  are master of details dealing and building formidable technology! Many of them were born between 1959 and 1972 and many own highly respected positions of power in all walks of life. 

The world will have to wait for this generation to fade away and be replaced by a more spiritually inclined more perceptive/intuitive UCI and this is why, today, Astrogeology is not “palpable” to the scientific community.

However I am building the grounding those children will one day need to develop Astrogeology to its higher form and make a good use of my lifetime unusual cosmic work.

But anything can happen to Dr. Turi, this is why it may be a good idea for you to save my work for future generations and somehow help me fulfil my mission on earth after I am gone.

The realization of a “cosmic God” imposing his will from the heavens is something  so divine, so deep, so refined, and only an extreme minority of human can comprehend and perceive today.

I have to fight two thousands years of deceptiveness induced by both the extremely wealthy and powerful religious and scientific conventional “educational” matrixes who own the media and monopolize all the information… 

To the God fearing masses,  my work is perceived as evil while science sees it more as “taboo”  and impractical, all the while, offering them all the undeniability of God’s cosmic divinity in all my predictions if they bother to honor the world science and investigate my claims…

The gap between the scientific (atheists) and religious communities (because of religions) has increased dramatically last few years. These differences are fuelling more animosity, all in the name of cosmic ignorance.

But in a corporate world where, entertainments, sports, crimes, greed and religions primarily rules, who’s got the time to read Dr. Turi long educational articles? 

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”―  Napoleon

Yes readers, I am 100% sure that the next Big One is on its way and at this point I can only guarantee you to find the exact dates in September 2014 SOS To The World Windows or any of my future “windows.” 

There are times where I wish I was in a position to teach the cosmic code to some scientific organizations, including the police, instead of being sought as a dementic weirdo…

But knowing it took me  65 years to master the “cosmic  hieroglyphs” this God divine celestial language may be too much for them to handle just yet.

Like me, I can only hope that; at the autumn of their own lives, the blessings of a crystal clear cosmic wisdom finally appear as a solid fact!

I finally realized that; working myself to death to upgrade the human spirit can only bring God’s light to a very few born spiritual souls ready for me… 

Each passing day I see the damages of 2000 years of humanity religious madness, ALL victimised by a single planet running the world called Neptune (The Lord of Deception.) 

The Age of  Pisces   is about to die and with it, all its archaic religious teachings, it all started with ISIS’ caliphate, right where all the deadliest, youngest religions were born, in the Middle East…

So much of God has been taken away from the Middle Eastern populations of the past who felt victims of all the Plutonic, political abusive greedy controlling souls born before them…

In fact the Arabs and the Jewish religion once upon a time were totally integrated with Astrology before Neptune deceptive children finally took over the world! But who’s teaching the Middle East children about God true cosmic identity? 

“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich (who control them- DT.)”  – Napoleon

For now ISIS is teaching a generation of kids to kill for a false God, enforcing separatism and more religious folly.

The Age of Aquarius (humanitarianism/technology/ UFO/the impossible/humanity’s future) will help future generations to conceive what I, and all my curious VIP’s can conceive today!

“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.” ―  Napoleon 

Humanity MUST unite before the next 50 years and acknowledge God’s cosmic Divinity, this is if we manage to pass the  Neptunius and Uranic Draconis impact ahead of us.

At this point readers, like the great Prophet Nostradamus did, I can only divulge the future to those willing and able to discern what God has in store for humanity through my own quatrain…

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …

The war I am battling with many of you is; ignorance, fear, abuse, misinformation, control of information, monopolization leading to supreme political power and immense wealth…All in the name of  a false God perpetuated by a multitude of religious matrixes…


2015 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs is now available for $15.00 only! 

Did you check the current 2014 Arian Draconis impact upon the world? You must know how the new 2015 Neptunius Draconis will affect you, your loved ones and the world at large! Do not be fooled my friend, there is much more in the stars that what our infantile rational science can perceive… The cosmos HAS a soul and humanity has been enslaved to uncover God cosmic Divinity!

September forecasts is now ready for my VIP’s, real cosmic knowledge is power while ignorance is evil!


September 2014 Moon Transits

September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

September 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

September 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Will ISIS and/or Vladimir Putin Destroy America in the future? Predictions You Must Share!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Update 11/16/2014 President Obama confirms that Peter Kassig was beheaded by ISIS. Kassig “was taken from us in an act of pure evil,” Obama said.

ISIS militants teach one of their children how to deal with infidels.


I know the NSA ( and the Russians) read all my articles and I didn’t exaggerate anything when I warned him about August being the tougher month of his presidency.

Maybe he should take me more seriously when I made another prediction about his “explosive/unusual death, because he is constantly dealing with his humanitarian Dragon’s Tail. All we can do is to ask my readers to pray for his safety.

President Obama is fated by his stars to suffer the same “shocking” end of life as did other souls born with such a dragon –  i.e. Princess Diana and Steve Irwin!

Be warned reader, Vladimir Puttin was born with a Dragon’s Tail (Negative) in Leo (ego) and fated to kill millions of children by the cosmic code jurisdictions. The Russian President, like our own President; is cosmic unconscious and any direct confrontation from other power could mean his EGO “I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations,” the President said. “This is a reality, not just words.” will make hasty judgement where many young men may experience a nuclear war.

In fact March 28, 2014, I warned the world  of what is happening today!  

“Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia.”

‘A grave transgression’

Nukes, Obama, America and Middle East Predictions

President Obama, Asia, NSA the US Fate and Nukes Predictions

(please notice the dates those article were published!)

Incidentally, Douglas MacArthur shares the same Aquarius Dragon’s Tail as President Obama and explains why our President is reluctant to kill innocent children.

Dragon’s Tail 11Aqu00 (2)  –  A stellium, or many planets on the Tail of the Dragon in Aquarius cursed Douglas UCI, such cosmic fluid made it impossible for him to avoid his “shocking/explosive” fate.  As usual he died during one of his “2014 Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms”  or a cosmic phenomenon, science and the entire world has not yet assimilated.

Key words for a negative Aquarius Dragon’s Tail ( US President Barack Obama)

You are secretly afraid of flying and enclosed places

You only dream about your personal wishes

You can’t make a commitment with anyone 

You attract wrong friends and weird people

You are too independent or pursue too many lost causes.

You are afraid of success and responsibilities

You worry too much about what the world think of you 

You are prone to die a violent shocking explosive death

Key words for a negative Leo Dragon’s Tail ( Russia President  Vladimir Putin)

You’ll not travel anywhere to get new opportunities

You have dependency problems but trust only yourself

You  fear old age and death and can be lazy asking for heart trouble

You have an obnoxious self destructive attitude

You refuse all responsibilities of your actions

You love mocking and shocking people

You are an egocentric Napoleonic driven by a huge ego

You will die of a heart attack or in infamy

Read about your dragon here and if you want to know more get the book!

When I profess humanity MUST unite before the next 50 years and acknowledge God’s cosmic divinity, this is if we manage to pass the  Neptunius and Uranic Draconis impact ahead of us. For now ISIS is teaching a generation of kids to kill for a false God, enforcing separatism and religious folly.

All cosmic values and blessings of all wise religions of the should be replaced with the new educational curriculum involving the real consciousness of a cosmic God speaking through the signs.

In the name of global education and the severity of today’s news, I decided to share this cosmic code article with the public. Remember my work is solely dedicated to the cosmic code education, thus do not attack me with your own political or religious beliefs!

Before  talking about the future of the USA, ISIS, Barack Obama  and Vladimir Putin,  let’s first  explain the celestial identity of Douglas MacArthur McCain who, “incidentally” shares the same cosmic legacy and fate as both Presidents. Read carefully as I expose the future and may God be with us all…

Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars… Dr. Turi 

 I am the victim of the religious matrix and the 2014 Arian Draconis took my life!

American Douglas MacArthur McCain Dies Fighting for ISIS in Syria

 “It takes a warrior to understand a warrior. Pray for ISIS.”

Incidentally on  my latest August SOS To The World SHOCKING NEWS I warned the world for shocking news and there is no way for anyone to deny how shocking and explosive August 2014 was!  I did my best to warn the world and I am sure many are now convinced of my undeniable, unusual “cosmic talent!

“Douglas MacArthur McCain, tattooed and thin, never stayed in one place long. Born on Jan. 29, 1981, in Illinois, he would spend 33 years hopping from school to school, from business to business, continent to continent — until, finally, he landed in Syria, where he became the first American reported to die fighting for the Islamic State.

McCain, 33, actually grew up in a blue collar neighborhood in the Minnesota Twin Cities area. McCain was an aspiring rapper. The all American boy attended Robbins dale Cooper High School as part of the class of 1999. One of McCain’s cousins in Minnesota said that McCain had been working in the San Diego area as a care giver to clients with special needs. He was also raising a daughter, who was nearing her first birthday. “

Born in 1981, I already know the working of his natal UCI and will give you the real “cosmic” reasons to why joined ISIS, this is astroforensics of the future in full action, something science and the police only think is a “pseudo-science.

Remember my work is not for the feeble minded but for a more psychically advanced/curious breed of human beings…

Indeed thousands of cosmic unconscious Neptunian born human beings like Douglas MacArthur McCain  are joining ISIS a deadly religious cause, and you can learn much more about the human spirit in our cyber cosmic university.



Pluto 24Lib21 (10) detriment – Pluto (fanaticism) rules Scorpio (death) while Libra mean a justice that must be established at any cost. In this case Douglas wanted to make a career killing any and all infidels for ISIS.

Dragons’ Head  11Leo00 (8)  – The 8th house rules death and Douglas found “fame” in death. It is crucial when you own such a dragon to STAY CLEAR from the pull of the “humanitarian” Aquarius/explosive tail. How will the 2015 Dragon affect you and your loved ones? I am amazed of some people total refusal to check into their future. I am nothing else than a “weatherman”  or more of a cosmic Cop, trying to make you aware of God’s divinity so you do not end up in fear and ignorance and instead, control your destiny!

Much like the Captain of a vessel checking the stars to plot a safe voyage…

Sun 09Aqu46 (2) detriment – Aquarius is the sign regulating OTHERS, unlike egocentric Leo, its opposite sign, the soul’s purpose is total dedication for humanity. Aquarius rules groups an area where Douglas is extremely unlucky because of his natal Dragon’s Tail also residing in this house. The Sun in the second house means the soul must find and promote the light of truth and work for itself to build more self -esteem. In this case money was spent for a deadly group and the 2014 Arian Draconis lead him to war where he perished…

Moon 26Sco54 (11) fall –  The moon regulates the emotional response to life and Scorpio rules death. The moon in Scorpio is in fall this mean at its worse position where the domestic scenery must be “killed” and reborn endlessly.i.e. Elizabeth Taylor. This explain why he moved constantly because he was a very private person. His friendly attitude did not match is very secretive private Scorpius Moon. The 11th house is traditionally ruled by Aquarius (groups) where Uranus (shocking) also located there, depict his “explosive” fated death.

Mercury 27Aqu32 (2) exalted – Had Douglas McAuthur McCain spent the time and money building cosmic consciousness he would have been able to understand his cosmic nature and the pull of his natal dragon. Mercury in Aquarius means also a rebellious spirit or very advanced futuristic original psyche well suite to learn all about God cosmic Divinity. Sad enough the religious matrix is all he had and sealed his education and fate!

Venus 23Cap07 (1) – Venus is the planet of love and in the first house (self) depict attractiveness and friendliness. The souls is usually gifted with music or dancing…

Mars 23Aqu30 (2) – Mars (war/danger) is located on Douglas McAuthur McCain 2nd house of money right on his Aquarius (humanitarian) Dragon’s Tail. Combined with Mercury (traveling) also on the Dragon’s Tail Douglas was lost and wanted to be part of a movement to what he perceived as freedom of expression. This position of Mars make people prone to electrocution by lighting. On a more positive note, pilots and technological geniuses own such position.  ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Jupiter 10Lib21 (10) – Jupiter (education/foreigners) rules foreign countries and depict his drive to use his religious conviction as a mean to travel to foreign grounds looking for a new “career.”

Saturn 09Lib41 (10) – exalted – Saturn “the great malefic” resides also in Libra (the law) – He perceived America as infringing the rules of Islam. Saturn rules also the fear principle, in this case Douglas had very deep fears to never reach all promised goodies in “heavens” if he did not commit itself to his God, Allah  and die for him…

Uranus 29Sco35 (11) exalted – Uranus  is the planet of sudden release of energy and in the 11th house (friends, groups and wishes) depict a fated wished “explosive”  death.

Neptune 24Sag00 (12) – Neptune (deception/religions) is very strong in its own 12 th house (the subconscious) where critical thinking is usually missing. Sagittarius rules the codification of thoughts or man religious folly (books/Bible/Koran etc.) This planetary affliction almost impossible to control and breed righteous religious fanatics.  The only way to control such a  Neptunian UCI is by offering the soul the option to build cosmic consciousness before, during or just after puberty.

It is obvious that Douglas was lost and tried to find a meaning for his life by doing a lot of religious studies in the privacy of his home. Indeed he, like millions of non-cosmic conscious human beings, he sucombed to the religious and political matrixes controlling “educational” machines.

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 4 33 %  – Wanting to become
Fixed 6.5 54 % – Fixity of purpose
Mutable 1.5 13 %  – Adaptability

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 1.5 13 % – Ego
Earth 1 8 %  – Logic
Air 7 58 % –  ADD
Water 2.5 21 %  – Emotions

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON PHASE: Last Quarter – Without cosmic consciousness induced at an early age, the soul can not enjoy a normal or a long life. 


2015 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs Now available for $15.00 only! 

Did you check the current 2014 Arian Draconis impact upon the world? You must know how the new 2015 Neptunius Draconis will affect you, your loved ones and the world at large! Do not be fooled my friend, there is much more in the stars that what our infantile rational science can perceive… The cosmos HAS a soul and humanity has been enslaved to uncover God cosmic Divinity!

September forecasts is now ready for my VIP’s, real cosmic knowledge is power while ignorance is evil!


September 2014 Moon Transits

September 2014 SOS To The World Windows

September 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

September 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



ISIS targeting Pope!

August 1st 2014

Here is one sample of my monthly forecasts for August reader! September is ready do not miss it! This is your opportunity to read that; what happened to you on certain days was fully predicted! Enjoy – Do not miss your FREE Sunday Cosmic Code newsletter, its all about ISIS, Russia, nukes and the future of humanity.


Dear VIP Readers;

The month of July brought dramatic news and death in the current Middle East and the Ukraine territory disputes as the Arian Dragon show more and more deadly aggressiveness.

This dragon rules the Army, Navy and all affairs directly related to the emigration laws and July brought more awareness to the public. New Report Helps Explain Why Central American Children Are Leaving Their Home Countries –

Indeed my 2014 Arian Draconis predioctions are taking place each passing day with more fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more  racism and more human stupidity suffering the stars!

 Only if the world was totally cosmic conscious peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University.


Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises. Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

May God bless all the lost souls unwilling or unable to heed God’s cosmic will and I really hope for your support to sign my petitions to educate the children of the world on the working of the Cosmic Code.

Make sure to check the Arian Scorpius Draconis omens because the stars do not care, nor judge they simply do…

The world of religion is changing fast and I hope my prediction of  President Obama and Pope Francis’ assassination to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety.

Newspaper: ISIS targeting Pope 

Reply by Betazoid – “Dr. Turi, ISIS has threatened to go after the POPE! I am not even Catholic but I do like this pope but I swear – these men are beyond evil! This is truly sick.”

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to be educated on the cosmic code jurisdictions and gain full cosmic consciousness.  If you are a new comer please get to know about my work and I by watching some of my You tube videos posted on this page.

The price for the new 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $15.00 order now!

Plan the year 2015 and activities in harmony with the Cosmic Code or God’s celestial will. And this means the difference between being at the right time at the right place or being killed by yet another “Act of God!” Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid into your soul. Be smart, be wise,  you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs… 

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

ask and you shall receive!

This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the  Moon Transits as they unfold.


Read  and make notes of 2014 Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.  

August 2014  at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.



 There is a celestial concentration of negative celestial energy bombarding the earth for a few weeks. Be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Northridge, Los Angeles, and Kobe, Japan, earthquakes is approaching again. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can, postpone travelling and flying during this Supernova “window”.

Welcome to Your Day-To-Day Guidance For August 2014

* * * * *

August 1, 2014 — Mercury enters Leo: This next trend’s promise is a rich mixture of love, romance, creativity and children. Many thoughts will be geared towards immense feelings of both hope and true love. Souls born with Mercury in Leo will be gifted with natural managerial dispositions.

Many of them will be shrewd in business, and attracted to professions offering fame and fortune. Artistic talents involving music, dancing, and painting will lead these souls toward the great fame and security they seek.

This position makes for one of the most mentally domineering signs of the Zodiac where the soul will be forced to learn humility and service to others. This Mercury position will lead the soul toward success in many artistic endeavors.

An opportunity to experience mental fame is also offered to the soul. The parent educated in Astro-Psychology will realize the child’s gift and promote the new soul towards communication, acting or writing.

* * * * *

FRI., SAT. — AUGUST 1, 2:
RULERS — Mercury (Travel) and Venus (Feelings)

Work, Career and Business: This New Moon will make your life much easier, embrace her upcoming blessings white light, and then take your opportunities. Do not try to push your business until she lights up. Advertisements, important calls, traveling, and meetings will pay off if you learn to wait for the green light. Use “Moon Power Starguide” wisely and respect the Universal Law. Knowledge is power; have faith in your abilities.

Partnerships: Mercury rules the mail, telephone and communications in general; expect disturbing calls before the new moon to reach you. Deal with it now and clean up the situation before the New Moon. A get-together after work could also be a great idea; Mercury will have everyone “gossiping.”

Family and Friends: The very last days of the waning moon did sap your spiritual and physical energy. Help those in need to clean up their mess generated by karmic experiences. Let no one exhaust your spirit, and show no frustration to loved ones. Some of your friends need spiritual regeneration, even a helping hand; as usual do so but realize your limits. Use Venus’ generosity and show your love to everyone. Avoid spending too much time on the telephone with a depressing person and mention the good moon.

Love Affairs: Don’t be too picky or demanding with those for whom you care; no one is perfect. However, use your head not your heart with someone who drinks too much, and realize your limits if you are in a deceiving relationship. With Venus around, the opportunity to find love will be given to you after the New Moon. If you were born in September you may decide to work harder on your diet or your looks. A friend born in July has a few thoughts for you. You may also use Uranus in Aries to learn all about yourself and your partner with a comparison chart for the two of you.

Travel and Communication: You may feel like traveling either physically or spiritually, make the most of an upcoming opportunity. Get your wheels in action; prepare for traveling under the protection of the New Moon.

Environment: Recharge your batteries; a trip to the mountains is strongly recommended. Both Mercury and Venus will make you appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature. Many environmentalists will make serious progress and get the attention they deserve. Sad news from the ocean or the Middle East may reach the media soon.

Famous Personalities: A famous person will promote a new product pertaining to health. News of water management is also on the horizon. A notorious religious person could make depressing news soon.

Events: Mother Nature may decide to disturb us with bad weather. Negative news may come from the ocean or the water. Be aware of abductors; this type of energy has swiftly taken many children away and also a plane away from its initial course.

Shopping: Do not poison your mind with imagination and fears of the apocalyptic end of times. Use your own positive thinking to avoid negativity entering your life or your body. Some may decide to join spiritual groups or invest in far away trips. Anything to clean can only be a good thing to buy now.

* * * * *

Terror Secret Villains Plot For God
Evil Dance Killers Rise
Secret To Light Shame Reign
The Smell Of Death Disaster For Some
Famous Death/Dramatic/ News/Police/FBI/CIA/Secrets/Scandals/
Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too.

Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only.

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

* * * * *

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:
RULERS — Pluto (Climax/Secrets) and Jupiter (Doctrines)

Work, Career and Business: You are now walking on a fine razor blade and it’s very windy. You know what I mean! You’d better use all the “savoir faire” you know. A serious wake-up call will come to many unaware skeptics of predictive Divine Astrology’s powers. The possibility to lose it all (and rebuild it) will be a serious matter for some karmic souls. You will be able to see exactly what’s wrong in your business life soon. The new Moon will help you make all the changes needed. Have faith in yourself.

Partnerships: Many ugly secrets may surface now. You could learn something sexual or financial about a partner. Keep his trust; do not divulge the secret. Money will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do. Venus will help tone down the stress induced by Pluto.

Family and Friends: Be patient with all. Do not expect anyone you care about to be diplomatic to you during this trend if Venus (diplomacy) is weak in his or her chart. Again, do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love will pay off in the long run. Be ready for some dramatic news from someone close to you. Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on. Pluto will work to your benefit.

Love Affairs: Passion is in the air. Secret affairs involving sex and passion may be publicly divulged, forcing people to take stands to destroy and rebuild relation-ships. This might happen to you too. In any case, use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life. If you are a water sign such as Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer, this lunation will touch you directly. Leos must take it easy at home and avoid traumatic experiences involving the police force at home.

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks. Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the world. Be careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within.

Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed. As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil. Many people will lose their precious lives.

Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God. A famous person’s secrets will be made available to the media. Secrets comes to light under Pluto.

Events: Hopefully with the New Moon and knowledgeable Jupiter, we can only hope they will stop Pluto from damaging us by way of dramatic happenings. With the Lord of Hades in Sagittarius (religion/foreigners) we can only expect drama in these areas. If you are a Police officer or a security guard, be very careful during this trend. The wildest crooks may be facing you soon. Don’t take any chance and stay alert. Often the police make dramatic news and kill people. (If you know someone involved with the police or dealing with death on a daily basis, offer him/her a copy of my book. They may well avoid serious trouble and perhaps save their life.)

Shopping: As Jupiter is with us, a visit to your local church for God’s guidance or your favorite psychic/astrologer will do you well. Anything bought now that can be used for metaphysics will bring unusual power to you. Alarms bought now will stop the crooks.

* * * * *


Earth Belly Tremble and spit

Science Wonder Cosmos Speaks

Freedom rules, shock for everyone

Human Dream but Must Awake


— Written by Dr. Turi

* * * * *

August 12, 2014 – Venus enter Leo: Perfect time to contemplate launching any artistic endeavor. Giving and receiving expensive items is on the agenda for some. You may also think of traveling or investing in a car or expensive items. Souls born now will be very magnetic and dramatic in matters related to love.

They will make good livings, and will attract money in artistic endeavors. Many of them will strive to find beautiful, rich and famous partners willing to experience the best of life. Some will have to learn to let go of Mr. Pride and Mrs. Ego to save true love.

This position makes for one of the most dramatic but lucky signs of the Zodiac. Usually a gift in acting or other great talents is present with this position. Those souls are born to experience a flamboyant and busy love life. This is a good position of Venus promoting fame and fortune.

FULL MOON — August 10, 2014 in the explosive sign of Aquarius: Expect some serious surprising or shocking developments to take place in the near future. NASA could make shocking news again soon, especially if they avoid using the value of the stars.

This is the same energy that produced many mishaps with expense electronic equipment and the death of many courageous astronauts. Also under Uranus power the Middle East suffered the “U.S. surprise bomb attacks” on Saddam Hussein’s forces in Iraq.

This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and could produce bad aeronautic accidents. Unlucky children could suffer this disturbing dramatic lunation; keep an eye on all of them. They are accident-prone for a while. Just be ready to accept the upcoming changes with faith in God’s desire to restructure the earth’s crust.

Be ready for nature’s devastating forces, producing destructive weather, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Expect anything surprising, even incredible including out space manifestation to take place soon. Be ready to see the real power of Uranus, the planet of sudden releases of energy, in action. Explosions are also expected and the U.S., Japan or France may make disturbing news soon.

Lunation impact on all signs: Note only if you become a VIP will you read supplemental horoscope information and monthly transits. Join us at

Aries – One of your wishes may take time to manifest. Simply be patient.

Taurus – Your career will see needed changes soon, be strong.

Gemini – Difficult news from far away is expected; a trip is ahead.

Cancer – Stress from your investments, a metaphysical study is needed.

Leo – Change with a partner is ahead, sign important papers.

Virgo – Change at work is ahead, concentrate on communication and hi-tech.

Libra – God created the heavens and the stars, not man-made book study.

Scorpio – You might have to review a move or a deal about your home soon.

Sagittarius – Learn about your relationship with nature, the stars, and the Indians.

Capricorn – Difficult news with money, just improve your computer skills.

Aquarius – Stress with friends, and be patient with some of your wishes.

Pisces – Move on to the future. An astrology study would do you good.

* * * * *

FRI, SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — AUGUST 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:
RULERS — Saturn (Politics) Uranus (Explosions) and Neptune (Deception)

Work, Career and Business: This busy trio will be with us for the next few days and a few surprises will bring about progressive changes. Do not turn down an invitation, as a professional contact could bring people who will positively influence your career. Expect a new beginning concerning your service to the world or your career. Work that you are doing leaves you unsatisfied and is a source of stress; you might be forced to change direction. Many souls are late starters in life and no one should feel depressed about it. Resolve to find a new career that fits your natural talent. The lucky ones can expect a well-deserved promotion. Use Neptune’s intuitive power to find your way through the clouds.

Partnerships: Stand strong against opposition; don’t let others pressure you into pursuing their opinion instead of your own. Meditate on the possibility of improving and understanding where your partnership is going. Did you make the right choices and can you live with them? If not, there won’t be a better time to deal with those questions; Uranus’ desire for change and freedom will help you to transform it all. With the waxing Moon upon the world, nothing can really go wrong if you act scrupulously.

Family and Friends: Make the most of this great trend. Some friends may invite you to a gathering or a party soon. Enjoy this opportunity and be ready for lovely surprises. Uranus also makes the children very active and accident-prone. They will lean heavy on you; so be patient with their young demanding spirits. No one but yourself can bring about joy in your life; just participate with an open heart. Let the children enjoy Uranus’ world of miracles, maybe by going to Disneyland or the zoo. Keep your eyes on everything they do and everywhere they go. Saturn will make it hard to forget your responsibilities. You should enjoy your life while you can tomorrow is another day.

Love Affairs: Expect interesting surprises during these days, many friends will bring some of your dearest wishes. With Uranus’ touch (surprises) try doing things you would usually not do and go to places you have never been. Love is around the corner for some willing to go out and get it. If you are a Taurus, a Capricorn or a Virgo may enter your life. Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, your magnetism will be very high and you will also be in demand for love.

Travel and Communication: Some lucky souls will travel far and fast or make great plans to visit the past soon. Uranus rules electronics, the future, astrology, psychic phenomena, and UFOs. If you want to see something unusual, talk about it and do it now! Who knows, Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes. Keep an eye on your possessions and avoid drinking too much in public places.

Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes and volcanoes. He may also decide to disturb the weather or produce a violent explosion. Let’s hope the positive Moon will stop him from getting close to you and those you care about.

Famous Personalities: Be ready as usual for strange types of news coming from some extroverted celebrities. Much will be done for children during this trend but this type of energy can also be surprisingly dramatic. Uranus took the life of British singer Eric Clapton’s baby son in New York a few years ago. The unattended child felt to his death from a high building. Be aware, be prudent and watch the children closely.

Events: Under Uranus’ surprising power anything weird could happen. The news will be somehow original. Avoid playing in the rain; many people have lost their lives under Uranus’ lightning power. The government will make important decisions pertaining to the younger generation, computers, and education.

Shopping: For this occasion, you may feel like spending time and money on your appearance; it’s a great time to shop for new wardrobe items or consult a beautician. This is the time to pay a visit to your future and your favorite “spiritual guide.” A sense of freedom and brotherhood will be felt all over.

* * * * *

WED., THU., FRI. — AUGUST 13, 14, 15:
RULERS — Neptune (Belief/Dreams), and Mars (War/Aggression)

Work, Career and Business: Be ready for the impact of the Full Moon. An important decision involving a business situation will have to be made. Wait patiently for the next New Moon (positive) to restructure or sign important documents. Don’t let Mars show his aggressive face to those close to you. Try to be nice to others.

Partnerships: During the Full Moon, expect disturbing news coming your way via your telephone or mailbox. It’s time to realize the truth about yourself, a situation or a person whom you trusted. Avoid new endeavors for now, get out of the gloom and be cautious this weekend. The Dragon’s Tail will bring consternation and needed changes to you soon.

Family and Friends: The family circle could be quite a dramatic place for a while. Again do not let the Full Moon energy take over your words or your attitude. Keep emotions in control and be ready for secrets to surface. You can still have a good time, enjoy life and friends, but be aware of what you say or do. Do not lend money to anyone.

Love Affairs: Mars and Neptune’s captivating personalities will stimulate sexual activity; your magnetism will improve dramatically. As always with Neptune take precautions if you are sexually active. If you’re married, plan a romantic dinner with a great French wine and soft music at home. You have a few more days to deal with this celestial energy; make the most of it and be cautious. If you are an air sign such as Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, you may feel a strong sense of independence and freedom enveloping you. If you’re a Cancer expect some stress in your relation-ships soon. You may be in for a long over-due change where you could experience real love.

Travel and Communication: You may uncover a clandestine relationship or a secret about someone who travels a lot. You may be forced to look inside yourself and see your own strengths or weaknesses. Don’t take any chances on the road and avoid flying after the Full Moon. You’d better stay away from anything that moves, as this lunation will take many lives. Always plan your trips before the Full Moon and you will save yourself much unwanted trouble. (Use the power of Moon Power Starguide and help those in trouble with life.)

Environment: In time of a Full Moon and with ruinous Mars around we can only expect nature’s destructive forces. Drama and demise are around the corner; protect your self at all times.

Famous Personalities: A serious wake-up call is in for some. More secrets, more drama, more doom is on the way for famous people. This upcoming Full Moon will be nasty for some well-known people. Germany will make some stressing news and a famous Army figure will be called close to God, having terminated his work on earth.

Events: The powerful Dragon will steer the religious fanatics and many of them will get out of hand. Pray for the safety of your loved ones, as this lunation will be extremely difficult. Stay home and watch a good movie is my best advice; let the drama reach the unaware souls. You will see and appreciate the power of Moon Power Starguide and the importance of letting others know about my work.

Shopping: Now is the time to buy pesticides and things of this nature. If you want to get rid of something, now is definitely the time. Make absolutely no investment in weapons, sharp tools, or anything that could explode. Let this nasty energy dissipate; stay safe.

* * * * *

August 16, 2014 — Mercury enters Virgo:  A trend loaded with communication related to work, health and service to the world. Many thoughts will be geared toward finding a better job or working on improving health. Souls born now, will be gifted with a natural ability for details and the opportunity to learn everything they can about health.

Many of them will be born with an aptitude for investigation and literary powers. Some will be attracted to the professions offering mental work; rewards of fame and fortune will come to the writers.

The artistic talents of editing, dancing, writing, photography, painting and general health will lead these souls towards the body and mind security they seek. This position makes for one of the most critical signs of the Zodiac. Souls born with this Mercury position will have to learn to avoid criticism, as the soul is looking for a perfect mate, with a perfect attitude and a perfect job.

The problem is that no one is perfect and the soul may suffer long periods of time alone. However, an opportunity to experience mental fame is offered to the advanced soul. This is a great position of Mercury for writers and editors.

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — AUGUST 16, 17, 18, 19:
RULERS — Mercury (Traveling) Venus (Love) Sun (Children)

Work, Career and Business: Some surprising developments are on the way, but with the Full Moon upon us don’t expect them to make you happy. Progress will still be made in the few weeks ahead of you, but be ready for a bumpy ride. Take on new technical studies, or improve your knowledge of computers as this endeavor will give you better opportunities later.

Partnerships: Don’t take any chances these days, keep a low profile; use Mercury’s creative power to clean up a business situation. Important legal papers might come your way; sign them only if it is to get rid of an unhealthy situation. Whomever you come in contact with, don’t misbehave in public.

Family and Friends: Keep busy with close friends and family; watch the children, as they will be accident-prone. In the past, many of them got in trouble or had accidents during this type of lunation. It’s a great time to enjoy the people you know well, but because of the waning Moon, avoid overcrowded public places. Don’t expect new people met under this lunar cycle to bring many of your wishes. Some friends have surprising even disturbing news for you and could affect you emotionally. Again, watch the children. They are accident-prone, especially on the road with fire, weapons and explosives.

Love Affairs: Expect an aggravating surprise coming your way and learn to let go of deceitful people. Do not invite interlopers into your home, and socialize only with the friends you know well. Make good use of the waning moon; learn to relax, enjoy nature and the sea, and look for inner peace. If you’re single, a chance to find the “right one” will be given to you at a later date. What you may perceive as love, may enter your life but without much to expect. Use your head on Friday night, not your heart. If you were born under the sign of Leo, an Aries, an Aquarius or a foreigner born in December could be a source of trouble in your life. Wait for better auspices.

Travel and Communication: Not a time to take chances at flying; many karmic souls will pay the ultimate price. Expect all sorts of little problems arising, which could turn lethal for some unlearned souls. Anticipate disturbing telephone calls from friends in trouble; as usual, provide spiritual help but know your limits and stay clear of depression.

Environment: Earth activists will feel this puritanical lunation and will do all to protect nature and its wild life; some may fall victim to ill-advised conflicts with unscrupulous large organizations. Expect unusual oceanic or earth activity soon that could prove disastrous for the environment. Not good times to play with fire, as explosions are very high on my list of trouble for this specific trend. The news may bring about startling explosive developments.

Famous Personalities: Certain famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force or involvement with the law.

Events: Expect massive power outages without readily known causes. NASA could make some bad news soon due to poor weather conditions or electronic malfunctions. On the positive side, some high-tech scientific news as well as great medical breakthroughs is on the way.

Shopping: Do not invest on anything electronic; you will not get a good deal. Do not invest in toys for your children now; they could prove to be fatal at a later date. Some will plan to travel to Europe.

Attention: Pluto will become very destructive in this waning Moon period; he is back with us — You can expect dramatic happenings with nature all over; control is a must. He has produced much sensational news including the California Rancho Santa Fe mass-suicide. Mass murderers are again on the lookout for innocent victims as Pluto always stimulates the criminal element, the insane and the police force fighting all ill purposes. Don’t be victims; be aware of Pluto’s destructive power. Secrets from the past will return to your life. The police will be touched directly and terrorists will be active planning destruction.

* * * * *

WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — AUGUST 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:
RULERS — The Moon (End of Life/Moving) and the Sun (Hope/Children)

Work, Career and Business: The general mood will be depressing. You can expect a serious beginning or ending of important parts of your (and others’) life. Be ready for those upcoming progressive variations. Keep in mind that life is a constant process of change and even if you don’t realize it, the stars are working for your benefit. With Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (directness), avoid sarcasm with others. Be patient with everyone around the office.

Partnerships: You will be forced to let go of negative people in your life and disturbing situations. You must take a chance on the new future with faith. Many will experience the closing of a destructive relationship and others may see the new beginning. Under these stars any new relationship is doomed to fail in the long run. Further the positive only and don’t fall for the waning Moon.

Family and Friends: The Sun rules love, romance and children, but we are still under a difficult trend, so this energy won’t bring you good news. The Sun gives life to children, but watch over them especially close to the water. On a more positive note he will put his undiscriminating light on many secrets. Friends will need spiritual support; give love and attention and build good karma for yourself.

Love Affairs: Be ready for new starts in love matters and provide a solid shoulder for the victims suffering a broken heart. The right partner might not be the one you were with; use the newfound freedom to look (after the New Moon) for someone who really deserves your love. Under the Sun’s command, the lucky ones will find great happiness with true love relationships. A new arrival is to be expected by a young couple. If you are a Scorpio, a Cancer or a Taurus, this lunation could induce serious stress in your life. A Virgo friend has a good discernment for you; you must listen.

Travel and Communication: You may be asked to go home and see mom. Be aware on the road; we are under a Supernova window trend! Do not trust any driver and be ready for sudden action. Surprises are on the way and the people from your past will come into the picture soon.

Environment: What was once built by man (cities/homes) or nature must be destroyed; what was once born must eventually die, and this is the grand cycle of life. Recycling is the key word in nature and not anything is really wasted. There is nothing one can do other than accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and usually the future offers better.

Famous Personalities: Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous. Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions. Don’t take chances unless you know what you’re in for and be prudent.

Events: Large quakes and nature forces may threaten thousands of victims to relocate to rebuild a new life. Terrible tragedies such the Kobe, Japanese earthquakes and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces.

Shopping: Buy anything for children as long as it is not new. This is a great time to get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house or the garage, and a garage sale would not be a bad idea. Do not invest in silver, gold or expensive items. Anything to clean the house will do you well.

NEW MOON — August 25, 2014 in the practical, health-oriented sign of Virgo: Much progress is ahead of you in terms of employment and foreign affairs. Mercury rules this critical sign, so the affairs of work and health will be on the rise.

Expect an overwhelming feeling of perfection and an unusual worry about health and working on foreign grounds; do not let this lunation pressure you. This trend will play an important part in your health and working life and in some ways will affect your environment.

You may be forced to let go of a deteriorating working situation and forced into a new one. The emphasis is on the body (perfect health) and the mind (education) to perform efficiently in serving the world at large. All the changes you may be forced to experience are positive in nature, and will in the long run further your deep desire for a better state of affairs.

Lunation impact on all signs:

Aries – A great opportunity will be offered for your health or your work.

Taurus – Your love life will improve, you may hear about a birth soon.

Gemini – You may have to consider doing something from home or relocate soon.

Cancer – A great study or a new health program will appeal to you, talk to your siblings.

Leo – Great news involving your finances and your self-esteem is ahead.

Virgo – The stars shine on you, you can’t lose, make the most of them.

Libra – A secret will bring light to your world. Let go of the past.

Scorpio – A friend has a wish for you, socialize more these days.

Sagittarius – Your career is moving on the right direction, if not study computers.

Capricorn – News from far away or a trip will make you happy, study and rewards.

Aquarius – Some unexpected financial help will bring joy to your life.

Pisces – A chance to face the world with a new emotional or business partner is ahead.

MON., TUE., WED., THU. — AUGUST 25, 26, 27, 28:
RULERS — Mercury (Travel news/telephone) and Venus (Love/lust).

Work, Career and Business: Make the most of Venus’ new fresh breath of life and be aware. With Mercury’s vital intellectual genius, push your business now.  Advertisements, important calls, traveling, and meetings will pay off before the upcoming Full Moon. Respect the Universal Law, use Moon Power and your knowledge and have faith in your abilities.

Partnerships: Mercury rules the mail, telephone and communication in general; expect interesting news coming your way soon.  Venus may decide to offer you a get-together after work but Mercury will have everyone “gossiping.”  Promote only faith and love, and pass on your message to the world around you.

Family and Friends: Use the New Moon to provide a generous shoulder to those who suffered karmic experiences the last few days.  However, let no one exhaust your spirit, and avoid being frustrated with loved ones.  Some of those friends really need spiritual regeneration or a helping hand. Do so, but realize your limits, especially where money is concerned.

Love Affairs: Your sense of perfection will expand with Venus in charge those days. Don’t be too picky or demanding with your loved ones; no one is perfect. You may feel like starting a diet; but don’t get too concerned with your appearance or your health. Work first on yourself, and the results will stimulate those close to you. Venus hates cigarette smoke, so with her help, apply your will and try to give up smoking. By doing so, the opportunity to find real and healthy love will be given to you.  If you were born in February, someone born in August or June may fall in love with you.

Travel and Communication: Get your wheels in action; traveling and shopping are currently under protection and anything wrong happen you may be under one of your negative personal cosmic biorhythms.  Use Venus’ touch of love to show your affection to those you care for, and offer them flowers. Mercury will get your telephone ringing, and much of your important mail should be sent now.  Further happiness and love, and you will benefit from your own positive attitude.

Environment: You need to recharge your batteries; a trip in the wilderness is strongly recommended if you have been under stress lately. Venus’ energy will make you appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature and the people around you.  Many animal rights activists and environmentalists will make serious progress and gain the attention they deserve when passing on their important message.

Famous Personalities: A new diet is on your mind; a famous person will promote a new health product.

Events: With the New Moon still upon us Mother Nature may decide to relax a bit and keep the approaching Pluto’s destructive power under control. Some large financial corporations may decide to merge to secure themselves against competition.

Shopping: Great bargains will be offered if you want to invest in products to improve your life and body.  Some may decide to join the local gym or enroll in a weight loss program.


Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too.

Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY.

No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only. Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts.

* * * * *

FRI., SAT., SUN. — AUGUST 29. 30. 31:
RULERS — Venus (Lure) Pluto (Death) and Jupiter (Luck)

Work, Career and Business: Even in this good Moon phase, Pluto’s deadly touch is upon us, so keep a low profile and be aware of all you do or say. Some won’t be able to stop the upcoming changes and drama. Your intuition about situations will be quite accurate. The future has much better to offer and you should be confident in your dealings. Jupiter, “the Lord of Luck,” will make the transition easy and may decide to throw you some luck; listen to your intuition. There will be a serious wake-up call for some people who did not respect others. Avoid dealing with money now.

Partnerships: Money will also be on your mind and serious decisions will have to be made soon. Wait for the upcoming New Moon to share new ideas with others. You may take calculated chances now, but you’d better know your limits. As always with Pluto around you can only expect to dig into other people’s financial or sexual secrets. Become involved with the world of investigation, metaphysics or astrology and promote your own cosmic consciousness. The Lord of mysteries may reward you with ultimate light if you take a chance to find answers in the “ forbidden” world. Use diplomacy in all your deals and stay on the right side of the law.

Family and Friends: Emotions and passion are running high these days and Pluto may induce sexual encounters with magnetic strangers. Keep an eye on strangers that may be brought into your home and watch over your children.

Love Affairs: Do not take chances and listen to your intuition wherever you happen to be. If you are in a relationship, this is a great trend to stimulate your spouse or lover for some good lovemaking. Good wine, candlelight, soft music and your imagination are all you need with sexual Pluto involved. Jupiter may decide to send you news from a faraway friend. Any new relationship started now will be full of sex and passion. Better take precautions if you are a single person and be ready for that “new” relationship to be full of drama. Spend some time in the wild; Jupiter will replenish you with fresh air, fresh spirits and a new approach to life. All the water signs will feel Pluto’s allure and will become walking magnets.

Travel and Communication: You may receive news from far away or give presents to a deserving family member or dear friend. You can also expect your telephone to be busy and interesting mail to come your way. Don’t try to be in too many places at the same time and if you have to drive, take a little take extra time to get there; don’t rush as the police could spoil your day. People from the past will get in touch with you. Be aware on the road with Pluto in charge these days absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now.

Environment: Pluto will surely trigger the earth’s entrails somewhere in the world and produce dramatic news with the weather. Many human and animal lives have been lost during his dramatic reign. As usual, be ready for negative news.

Famous Personalities: Pluto will reward those who will take chances but prudent too. Many lives will undergo metamorphosis and Jupiter will extend their minds and horizons. Many secrets will come to light. A very famous public person may go to the other side.

Events: If you are a police officer or a security guard beware of Pluto. The crooks will be active and deadly. Passion may ensnare a lost spirit, and Pluto will lead the unwise young spirit to kill innocent people. The worst of Pluto’s choleric thunders and lightning are about to strike the earth. Don’t take chances now.

Shopping: Invest in anything that can clean or kill pests. Do not invest in anything that could bring danger to those for whom you care.


“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
— Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

Let me lead you back home in the stars above where, as a child of the universe you came from…

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.
— Dr. Turi

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

–   Paracelsus

Be safe and watch the signs!

Dr. Turi is available for any and all teaching and astrological material.


Read “The Mayan Prophecies And The Cosmic Code” from

12/22/2012  Humanity Stars its Spiritual Journey

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts” humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applications.  Thus I choose the “DAY AFTER” or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi’s Universal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear.

On this day NOTHING dramatic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless humanity.

The Universal gates will open  offering humanity  a  push a rare chance to finally connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus’ true spiritual celestial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind’s cosmic awareness of “Our Father In The Heavens” and God’ signs will be taught and used by all his children of the world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation; it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”.

Dr. Turi

The greatness of the Universe is unknown, but the magnetic forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy are known; this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring humankind a life filled with happiness, peace and harmony.

Dr. Turi 

HELP DR. TURI’S MISSION! BE A DIRECT PARTICIPANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Click on this link to offer donations for OUR cause and for the children of the future.

Blessings and thank you from the heart.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania 602-265-7667

Dr. Turi 911 famous prediction!

2021 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast 

Did you order the new and improved 2020 Nostradamus forecast for all signs and check the dragon impact upon yourself and the world? You must also know how those 2019 cosmic winds did affect you, your loved ones, and the world at large! Do not be fooled my friend, there is much more in the stars than what our infantile rational science can perceive… The cosmos HAS a soul something humanity has been enslaved to uncover, heed, and use!  

 “God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Please sign my petition

Nostradamus Galleria  – Read about Nostradamus’ curse

Moon Power scepter


Hurricane Katrina Predicted

In July 2000, astrologer Louis Turi published and posted some predictions on his website about disastrous events that would take place in September 2001. Turi, who claims to make “predictions in the art of Nostradamus,” made this forecast, in part:

Bad news ahead for any and all denominations where religious figures will “pass over.” In 1998 the same type of celestial energy produced a murder in the Vatican followed by a suicide, which forced the Pope to address to the world in sadness. The Middle East “US surprising bombing attack” on Saddam Hussein forces in Iraq also took place under these circumstances. This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and produce a bad aeronautic accident. 

Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. The same Neptunian energy produced the Valdez disaster and the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness plaguing the media and the church authorities. Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendency and some will end up in jail or a mental institution.This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressive tendencies; amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on. 

Expect anything surprising, even incredible to take place soon and see the real power of both Uranus, the planet of sudden release of energy in action and Saturn forcing the government to take drastic actions.

It’s easy to pick out many of the key words and phrases that can relate to the WTC attack. Was the tragedy foretold in the stars and planets, or is this just another remarkable coincidence?

2017/2018 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast

 The new and improved 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs is now available. Order now and email  if you experience any problem with the downloading.

Modern Astrology classifies the Dragon’s Head and Tail as the South and North Nodes of The Moon. The Moon is, just by herself, quite responsible for the daily fate of the world and directly affects the weather and Nature’s forces at work. The North Node of The Moon is positive energy, a form of “Wheel of Fortune,” pushing the soul towards a new self-realization and sure happiness.


(This is a downloadable Adobe Acrobat file, not a shipped book)


Join Dr. Turi YouTube subscribers  167 new subscribers in the last 28 days

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August 2014 “shocking” SOS To The World Warnings


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dear Readers;

THIS HAPPENED DURING MY “SHOCKING” WINDOW HOW MORE PRECISE CAN I BE? – Explosion? Indeed my last SOS To The world for August  is undeniable!

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions…



In reality my Book 2014 Moon Power HAS millionths more time  values than all the archaic, confusing religious books ever created by man’s religious Neptunium folly!


NOTE: My “2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” is now ready for the public. Do you want real guidance and predictions and be prepared for this new Draconis cosmic fluid? Then be my guest and judge for yourself how much more real God’s cosmic divinity you will get from me! 



Explaining why American like Douglas McAuthur McCain are joining ISIS’ cause in Syria


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

American Douglas McAuthur McCain Dies Fighting for ISIS in Syria

 “It takes a warrior to understand a warrior. Pray for ISIS.”

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions 

Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars… Dr. Turi 

Incidentally on  my latest August SOS To The World SHOCKING NEWS I warned the world to be ready for a series of shocking news and it has been just that in August!


McCain, 33, actually grew up in a blue collar neighboorhood in the Minnesota Twin Cities area. McCain was an aspiring rapper. The all American boy attended Robbinsdale Cooper High School as part of the class of 1999. One of McCain’s cousins in Minnesota said that McCain had been working in the San Diego area as a care giver to clients with special needs. He was also raising a daughter, who was nearing her first birthday.

I need his full DOB if you can find it for me, email me at meantime born in 1981, I already know the working of his natal UCI and why he joined ISIS and as soon as I can, I will explain it all in great details to my VIP’s using astroforensics of the future..

You will be totally amazed of my findings, something traditional science could never offer you in a million of years! If you want to know why cosmic unconscious Neptunian born human beings like Douglas McAuthur McCain  are joining ISIS a deadly religious cause, join Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University.



California 6.1 and Peru 7.0 earthquakes were fully predicted!


“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.”



 7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru

Northern California earthquake is area’s strongest in 25 years

California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction 

Dear Readers;

Due to the well dated, printed published and well publicized “SHOCKING” predictions, my SOS To The World” are becoming more than ever important for the world to heed!  Because “Astrogeology” of the future is not yet accepted as a solid discipline does not eliminate the facts that my cosmic work timing is undeniable.


I am asking the reader to keep an open mind and investigate my work instead of assuming it is a wasteful pseudo-science. Be sure the BIG ONE will be well advertise in my “Cyber Cosmic University” well before USGS or NASA notify you.

Be sure readers, there is ARE NO WARNINGS coming from the scientific community EVER! By the time the needles move you may find yourself right in the middle of the biggest earthquake I see hitting California. I keep warning you and today 6.1 quake was a WAKE UP CALL  for you to pay attention to the unarguable timing I offer my VIP’s.

You want to know where it will happen? Ask USGS not me, because they are wasting your tax dollars to maintain their exorbitant lifestyle and the scientific matrix general expansion.

At least I am offering you an impeccable timing ALL for FREE! Science has forgotten the spirit and they hate Dr. Turi for being 100% right predicting a SHOCKING weather (and some) developing for August weeks ahead of time!   

Hawaii preps for back-to-back cyclones! Did anyone paid attention to my warnings?

Never in a million years will USGS make a good use of your tax dollar because so far I did a million time better than they did! All without your financial support!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Who can and will deny the undeniable values of my predictions? The end of all false Gods!

2014 Moon Power scepter – Please refer to Events:

WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — AUGUST 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:
RULERS — The Moon (End of Life/Moving) and the Sun (Hope/Children)

Work, Career and Business: The general mood will be depressing. You can expect a serious beginning or ending of important parts of your (and others’) life. Be ready for those upcoming progressive variations. Keep in mind that life is a constant process of change and even if you don’t realize it, the stars are working for your benefit. With Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (directness), avoid sarcasm with others. Be patient with everyone around the office.

Partnerships: You will be forced to let go of negative people in your life and disturbing situations. You must take a chance on the new future with faith. Many will experience the closing of a destructive relationship and others may see the new beginning. Under these stars any new relationship is doomed to fail in the long run. Further the positive only and don’t fall for the waning Moon.

Family and Friends: The Sun rules love, romance and children, but we are still under a difficult trend, so this energy won’t bring you good news. The Sun gives life to children, but watch over them especially close to the water. On a more positive note he will put his undiscriminating light on many secrets. Friends will need spiritual support; give love and attention and build good karma for yourself.

Love Affairs: Be ready for new starts in love matters and provide a solid shoulder for the victims suffering a broken heart. The right partner might not be the one you were with; use the newfound freedom to look (after the New Moon) for someone who really deserves your love. Under the Sun’s command, the lucky ones will find great happiness with true love relationships. A new arrival is to be expected by a young couple. If you are a Scorpio, a Cancer or a Taurus, this lunation could induce serious stress in your life. A Virgo friend has a good discernment for you; you must listen.

Travel and Communication: You may be asked to go home and see mom. Be aware on the road; we are under a Supernova window trend! Do not trust any driver and be ready for sudden action. Surprises are on the way and the people from your past will come into the picture soon.

Environment: What was once built by man (cities/homes) or nature must be destroyed; what was once born must eventually die, and this is the grand cycle of life. Recycling is the key word in nature and not anything is really wasted. There is nothing one can do other than accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and usually the future offers better.

Famous Personalities: Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous. Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions. Don’t take chances unless you know what you’re in for and be prudent.

Events: Large quakes and nature forces may threaten thousands of victims to relocate to rebuild a new life. Terrible tragedies such the Kobe, Japanese earthquakes and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces.

Shopping: ///////////////////////////

NEW MOON — August 25, 2014 in the practical, health-oriented sign of Virgo: /////////////////VIP’s only!

Lunation impact on all signs: 

Aries – //////////////////////

Taurus – //////////////////////

Gemini – ///////////////////////

Cancer –////////////////////////

Leo – ///////////////////////

Virgo – //////////////////////

Libra – /////////////////////////

Scorpio –//////////////////////////

Sagittarius – /////////////////

Capricorn – ////////////////////////////

Aquarius – ///////////////////////////

Pisces – ////////////////////

The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness – Dr. Turi

From a series of shocking US attacks on ISIS in Iraq, to very famous actor hanging himself, then a cop killing a 16 years old black American,  the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley and now the Pope getting his own personal shock? Do you think it is yet another “accident” for ALL to transpired on the 9/10/11 August window I offered the world weeks ahead of time?  

This shocking trend produced also “Northern California earthquake is area’s strongest in 25 years” and “7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru.” How more SHOCKING August 2014 has been but be sure the idiots will still deny the fact that all my visions unfolded accurately!

How did August worked for you?

Did you experience something unusual?

Did you get or read some shocking news?

Did you hear about someone getting a surprise?

If nothing happened to you its because you did not pay attention to the obvious!


Did you yet check the 2014 Arian Draconis (Hitler spirit) and who can ignore the WARS and the serious upsurge of racism in 2014? Are you wondering why the world is in flame all around you? Did you share my visions to those you care yet?

Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars… Dr. Turi 

Indeed who’s paying attention to my Cosmic Legacy when a direct challenge also offered to the UFO community was also ignored?

Does it occur to you those cosmic forces at work are not only very real but should be heed appropriately? All I am doing is translate the hieroglyphs of the universe or God cosmic divinity in PLAIN and SIMPLE English and yet, the psychically underdeveloped human/animal can not even read nor write English properly!

Imagine, as a French man how committed (or cursed) I have to be to perform such a refined cosmic work and warn you of the world’s impending fate!  Your scientific and religious  matrixes have jailed much of humanity’ spirit leading them to a total “educated and / or religious” numbness where the reality of a Cosmic God speaking his will through the signs is insignificant and ridiculous!

My Book 2014 Moon Power HAS millionths more time  values than all the archaic, confusing religious books ever created by man’s religious Neptunium folly!


NOTE: My “2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” is now ready for the public. Do you want real guidance and predictions and be prepared for this new Draconis cosmic fluid? Then be my guest and judge for yourself how much more real God’s cosmic divinity you will get from me!  

Do you want to know WHEN the big one will hit? I am here to give you the exact date in one of my “SOS To The World window” and if you want to know WHERE, then ask your brilliant scientists to start paying attention to my work and join force so we can serve the tax payers better!  But you already know, the scientific community would rather diethan to be caught taking cosmic code with Dr. Turi…

I am about to generate  September forecasts for my VIP’s and real cosmic knowledge is power while ignorance is evil!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

Dr. Turi Cosmic Code reality show 

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction


“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to the dunces on BIN – If we use mystical arts for entertainment purposes only, without offering rational information on its dynamics, how can the average person possibly distinguish Divine Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Update 11/12/18 – “California “Evil Cosmic Winds” – I certainly have no joy witnessing my dreadful predictions unfolding…When I saw “tomorrow,” I thought many “young souls” will ridicule my visions and in the process of warning my readers, I am muted on Facebook and fired from all major popular websites. My predictive cosmic work often vexes indoctrinated religious or atheist people who subconsciously slave for the reptilius.

This article was published on 8/24/2014  and offer another OBVIOUS prediction of another unusually large earthquake!

Update August 2018 – Watch Out California! 53 Major Earthquakes (Including A Magnitude 8.2) Just Hit The Ring Of Fire In A 24 Hour Period 


From August 2018 SOS to the world, deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on July 26, 2018 at 10:43am in Cosmic Coders Only

August 25 (48 hours centering the dates)

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Japan / Asia / France / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenon.

UPDATE!  This window also includes quakes above 6.0 and all I can point to you dear VIP’s is that my gift is real! Today 08/25/2018 a 7.1 magnitude earthquake near Iberia, Madre de Dios, Peru –


Join us be warned ahead of time of the BIG one!


Original article: Realize would it be NASA, USGS, or any geologist, at this time, NONE of those powerful, wealthy organizations or any famous scientists will dare to give you either a specific location or a date!  I do! 

While I do not give any location, I give an impeccable, repetitive timing without sucking your tax dollar and my work can be scientifically investigated!

At the same time, know that the energy is universal and can take place really any time – anywhere…As it is all according to the SOS window dates and can affect one’s personal cosmic biorhythms… Please e-mail: for more information.

But those “traditionally” educated persons,  would rather be caught dead than to honor the word science and check my “astrological” claims when I use the same type of software! NASA uses to plot the movements of the planets!  

Unlike them, I know the planets have a spiritual purpose and a very important role to play in human affairs!

You’ll know the essence of a real genius only when an extreme minority can relate to his work and decides to learn from him… Dr. Turi

For your information, all the dramatic news that you are reading on CNN or FOX news are the results of the last Solar eclipse! But humans have lost touch with the divine and rely on archaic deceptive religions or a stubborn rational science to find the answers God has enslaved everyone of them to search for! 

Scientists and atheists laugh at God while religious people fear their God and all are lost!

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy, and religious deceptive imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi

Harvey and Irma prediction – The original post containing my now notorious unforgettable sentence, “Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man-Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”  was published on July 29, 2017, in “The day the sun disappears is coming! August NUKES PREDICTIONS …“ 

 Mexico hit by biggest earthquake in a century
Nukes Harvey Irma September 10th 2017 SOS to the world deadly window!
  6.3 magnitude earthquake Indonesia – Dr. Turi does it again and again!

Thus if you are wondering about the upcoming California super quake and the same fate (or worse) as Florida residents because of a tsunami, first; you can be SURE, it will be during one of my SOS to the world deadly windows. Second, be smart, join us,  because I am the only real Astrophile alive since Nostradamus and you better heed my warnings or pay the price! 

  I am appalled by the scientific community who never answered my emails when I gave them TWO extraordinary, undeniable, dated, and published predictions of very large earthquakes! 

All you have to do is to take the time to read the email sent directly to them with my dated warnings and my offer to help them and serve the taxpayers better!  SHAME ON NASA AND USGS!

Since then I realize those “educated idiots” Like the FBI and all secret services, can never accept nor assimilate my cosmic work! Space station gets a look at Hurricane Irma – “Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man-Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”

But if you reside in any earthquake or hurricane zones you can be warned well ahead of time when you become a VIP! Join us be smart let the idiots, the skeptics, the agnostic, the atheists and the “educated idiots” die!  


 “Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi.

Posted by Dr. Turi on August 30, 2017 at 1:48am in Cosmic Coders Only


September 10, 2017 /–/– (48 hrs centering the dates)

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.

Share my work pls


Continued:  SOS TO THE WORLD! To all the skeptical people denying my cosmic gift!

NEXT BIG QUAKE IS FOR 10/21/2015  – 48 hours centering the given date!  Expect SHOCKING news during this window and make notes because I will talk to you then! Wait and see true cosmic wisdom at work and how a cosmic God speaks his will to me! Share widely! Read more bulletins from Draco FB page!

October 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows

October  21  and //

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism /  Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Television / UFO.

  This article was posted to the world 03/29/2014



9/9/2014 – 6.0-magnitude quake shakes Northern California


Sagan, Dawkins, DeGrasse, Astrology is a real science, here is the undeniable proof! 

11/8/2014 Earthquake swarm hits Nevada

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Prediction # 10  – I see Las Vegas ///////////////////////////////// in this city. 

Do not expect the scientific community, USGS or NASA to give you any form of warning for the next big one. They never did and never will! Instead, check my undeniable past record of ALL earthquakes above 6.0 predictions and trust my warnings.

Update 9/9/2017 –  Since then I picked ALL major earthquake dates and I can not collect them anymore nor prove my case if you are a newcomer and never investigated my cosmic work!  To find out if my claims are real, all you have to do is to take the time to either check my past or keep a SERIOUS  investigative mind when I post an SOS to the world deadly window! 

At this point, if you are a newcomer all you can do is to either be smart and curious and investigate both my past and the future or a lazy brain dead idiot and just assume!

For now, you can dig into my past and keep your mind wide open for the future and realize you are dealing with a real Modern Prophet!

Continued: I am sure many of my VIP’s recall my April, “Four blood moons” April 15/16/17 and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions, September  Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!  and October Blood moon returns and Dr. Turi’ SOS predictions articles and all my warnings for those specific days!  If you don’t trust or doubt my predictive gift, I suggest you to start seriously investigate my work and HEED my warnings…

November 2014 SOS To The World Windows

Is your life and those of your loved ones worth my warnings through my Cyber Cosmic University?  Do not waste time and accept the fact that science HAS its limits and I know better than them all combined! My dated, printed, published predictions can not be denied, only blind envious fools will do so! Do not miss any of my SOS To The World forecasts and be prepared!

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!

Check the reality of my latest SHOCKING  SOS To The World for August 2014 and be the judge.


In reality, ALL my books have millionths more time values than all the archaic, confusing religious books ever created by man’s religious Neptunium folly!

NOTE: My “2016 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” is now ready for the public. Do you want real guidance and predictions and be prepared for this new Draconis cosmic fluid? Then be my guest and judge for yourself how much more real God’s cosmic divinity you will get from me!


Dr. Turi

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain listen to my latest radio show, check the next one


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit  602-265-7667



3 members of Pope’s extended family die in Argentina car crash – FULLY PREDICTED by Dr. Turi!


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

~ Dr. Turi

Pope says ISIS must be stopped

The Catholic Church has a robust tradition of sanctioning “just wars.” But too often, the Pope said Monday, such wars beget an immoral mission creep and are later used to justify wars of conquest.

Dear Readers;

But how did Christianity survived two thousands years and grew to what it became today, an extraordinary powerful and wealthy corporation  without its world wide genocides, especially those involving the South America Indians tribes decimated by the Conquistadors?

But thanks the Spaniards made it to Brazil for if they did not, we would not have Pope Francis today! Is this the same type of false God so many are following today?

(CNN) — Two of Pope Francis‘ grandnephews and the boys’ mother were killed early Tuesday in a car crash in the pontiff’s homeland of Argentina, police said.

Is Pope Francis’ false God trying to say something personal to the Pontiff himself?  I perceive this sad accident as a direct message, and not another “omen” anymore! This reinforce my vision for the end of all religions to commence on earth.

It is also another obvious reality that the God is loves, fear and honor so much  is letting him down!

How can you pray a false  God that just took away your children? What ridiculous excuses will you make up to maintain your faith? 

This is a direct hit to a cosmic unconscious human being chosen by a mass of other unconscious human beings who elected him, that something is very wrong with religions and the real cosmic God is getting real pissed off!


3 members of Pope’s extended family die in Argentina car crash

May God bless the souls of all the victims but with all the respect I own Pope Francis, he is NOT cosmic conscious and does NOT read the signs nor does he understand the cosmic Code jurisdictions! Is Pope’s Francis faith fading away and does he have to keep a straight face until his death wondering about this particular “Act of God?”

Again before assuming I am again tapping on the Pope’s misfortune and losses,  do not blame me for the accident, your pain or your cosmic ignorance! All I am trying to do is to make you aware of a cosmic God pulling the strings from the heavens…

Incidentally and AS ALWAYS the Pope is TODAY August 19, 2014 was under one of his “Personal 2014 Negative Cosmic Biorhythms” but this does not mean HE and the millions of people praying with him will investigate my claim of  a cosmic God and my latest astrological discovery for themselves…  

Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars… Dr. Turi 

The Pontiff  is being warned that he is becoming  a direct target of the stars but he does not know. But saying ISIS must be stopped means also supreme monopoly for Christianity not knowing he is already playing his “subconscious” part in this battle of ignorance.

The world of religion is changing fast and I hope my prediction of  President Obama and Pope Francis’ assassination to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety.

Newspaper: ISIS targeting Pope 

 Pope Francis’ Foreseen Assassination

Betazoid – Dr. Turi, ISIS has threatened to go after the POPE! I am not even Catholic but I do like this pope but I swear – these men are beyond evil! This is truly sick.”

The reality is the world is slowly waking up to the ridiculousness of ALL religions and the absolute impossibility to stop a war that started 2000 years ago.

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions 

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity 

The war I am battling with many of you is; ignorance, fear, abuse, misinformation, control of information, monopolization leading to supreme political power and immense wealth…All in the name of  a false God perpetuated by a multitude of religious matrixes…


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

Worse, there is nothing you and I can do to warn him because it is against the church to talk about astrology (or at least this is what they want you to know!)

The false God you fear and follow does not care about you, your children or the Pope and who can deny this fact when Pope’s Francis’ very family became his target?

Should at least his loved ones be safer than the rest of us because he is the Pope? Do you see the irony, the stupidity and of course, all the atheists of the world now rejoice…

The world is under the full control of evil where all the young fouls keep feeding evil endlessly. Who and What Satan is all about!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

The cosmic God I know so well, hear, see in action, do not fear and respect is Universal and speak through a divine cosmic language I translate for you everyday. His crazy children are endlessly poisoning more mind on the Internet with fears endlessly mishandling the supra-conscious (or a cosmic God) in time and space.

When I mentioned weeks ahead of time,  to be ready for a “SHOCKING” trend to take place in August 9/10/11, my cosmic God is constantly offering me the obvious proofs I can only clarify for you.


The future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness – Dr. Turi

From a series of shocking US attacks on ISIS in Iraq, to very famous actor hanging himself, then a cop killing a 16 years old black American,  the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley and now the Pope getting his own personal shock? Do you think it is yet another “accident” for ALL to transpired on the 9/10/11 August window I offered the world weeks ahead of time?  

This shocking trend produced also the  Northern California earthquake is area’s strongest in 25 years and 7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru

Indeed who’s paying attention to my Cosmic Legacy when a direct challenge also offered to the UFO community was also ignored?

Does it occur to you those cosmic forces at work are not only very real but should be heed appropriately?

And do you really think being part of the billions of people awaiting Pope’s Francis’ blessings from the Vatican’s balcony in Italy would have any affect or any protection what so ever in your life?  Do you think giving to the churches will fix all the problems in this world? Why not GIVING and investing in God’s cosmic Divinity and educate the children instead?

Keep feeding your children with your chosen religion is the WORSE thing you can do for them because you are now putting their spirit in a box/jail where they will have to fight to the death to kill other children who’s parent chose a different religion.

Instead lead them to the reality of a UNIVERSAL GOD and with the right teacher it can be done. But unless you remove your fears first and take a chance for your kids’ future, you are yourself hijacked by the spirit of evil himself…

I understand dealing with the undiluted truth is something the  non-evolved “young souls” have difficulty to do, but HOW FAR has this false God got to go to prove me right?

In reality my Book 2014 Moon Power HAS millionths more time  values than all the archaic, confusing religious books ever created by man’s religious Neptunium folly!


NOTE: My “2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” is now ready for the public. Note the 1 month free deal (with this e-book) is now OVER! Only those who ordered before today qualify for the deal. Do you want real guidance and predictions and be prepared for this new Draconis cosmic fluid? Then be my guest and judge for yourself how much more real God’s cosmic divinity you will get from me!  And I am not the Pope! 

In fact if Pope Francis, instead of regurgitating bible verses the last 77 years of his life, had read the Moon Power  section “Travel and Communication:” the translation of a my cosmic God is quite clear!

Moon Power scepter;

SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — AUGUST 16, 17, 18, 19:
RULERS — Mercury (Traveling) Venus (Love) Sun (Children)

Work, Career and Business: Some surprising developments are on the way, but with the Full Moon upon us don’t expect them to make you happy. Progress will still be made in the few weeks ahead of you, but be ready for a bumpy ride. Take on new technical studies, or improve your knowledge of computers as this endeavor will give you better opportunities later.

Partnerships: Don’t take any chances these days, keep a low profile; use Mercury’s creative power to clean up a business situation. Important legal papers might come your way; sign them only if it is to get rid of an unhealthy situation. Whomever you come in contact with, don’t misbehave in public.

Family and Friends: Keep busy with close friends and family; watch the children, as they will be accident-prone. In the past, many of them got in trouble or had accidents during this type of lunation. It’s a great time to enjoy the people you know well, but because of the waning Moon, avoid overcrowded public places. Don’t expect new people met under this lunar cycle to bring many of your wishes. Some friends have surprising even disturbing news for you and could affect you emotionally. Again, watch the children. They are accident-prone, especially on the road with fire, weapons and explosives. 3 members of Pope’s extended family die in Argentina car crash

Love Affairs: Expect an aggravating surprise coming your way and learn to let go of deceitful people. Do not invite interlopers into your home, and socialize only with the friends you know well. Make good use of the waning moon; learn to relax, enjoy nature and the sea, and look for inner peace. If you’re single, a chance to find the “right one” will be given to you at a later date. What you may perceive as love, may enter your life but without much to expect. Use your head on Friday night, not your heart. If you were born under the sign of Leo, an Aries, an Aquarius or a foreigner born in December could be a source of trouble in your life. Wait for better auspices.

Travel and Communication: Not a time to take chances at flying; many karmic souls will pay the ultimate price. Expect all sorts of little problems arising, which could turn lethal for some unlearned souls. Anticipate disturbing telephone calls from friends in trouble; as usual, provide spiritual help but know your limits and stay clear of depression. 3 members of Pope’s extended family die in Argentina car crash

Environment: Earth activists will feel this puritanical lunation and will do all to protect nature and its wild life; some may fall victim to ill-advised conflicts with unscrupulous large organizations. Expect unusual oceanic or earth activity soon that could prove disastrous for the environment. Not good times to play with fire, as explosions are very high on my list of trouble for this specific trend. The news may bring about startling explosive developments.

Famous Personalities: Certain famous people will find themselves in difficult situations. Some will try anything to get the attention they need. Eccentricity is in the air and could lead to the use of force or involvement with the law.

Events: Expect massive power outages without readily known causes. NASA could make some bad news soon due to poor weather conditions or electronic malfunctions. On the positive side, some high-tech scientific news as well as great medical breakthroughs is on the way.

Shopping: Do not invest on anything electronic; you will not get a good deal. Do not invest in toys for your children now; they could prove to be fatal at a later date. Some will plan to travel to Europe.

* * * * *

Pluto has been very destructive during this waning Moon period; with it tons of  dramatic happenings with man and nature. Pluto always stimulates the criminal element, the insane and the police force fighting all ill purposes and who can deny the latest news?

May I suggest the smart reader to join my “Cyber Cosmic University” and  read, be prepared to anticipate a dance of hell soon and what the cosmic Code is about to inflict on the police and the people?

Because Pope Francis, while being a wonderful, loving caring old respected man loved by billions will NOT get anything from a cosmic God he knows nothing about.  There is NO warnings coming from the Pontiff readers, because the forces of evil are trapping him and billions of lost human beings.

Embedded image permalink

Mercury, Venus and Saturn in line with the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. This occurs once every 2373 years.

While this looks like a good Photoshop work to me,  its “subconscious” values/message must be taken in full consideration regardless of what the non cosmic conscious “educated” astronomers, depraved of any spiritual values have to say!

This celestial position will happen in time and space and the significance is yet another proof of the end of the Age of Pisces and the birthing of the new Age of Aquarius.

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity

Blessings to all my readers;


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 
