Year: 2014

Why Darren Wilson Killed Michael Brown Astroforensics of the future at work today


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

Wilson’s resignation came five days after a grand jury decided not to indict him for killing unarmed teen Michael Brown. 

Dear Readers:

READY FOR MY VIPS’ – The Stars and Fate of Darren Wilson – Astroforensic of the Future at Work Today!

You may read ALL about Darren Wilson cosmic identity, the reasons why he became a cop, then why he was forced to resign from the police force outside of traditional, conventional understanding. There are no accidents, only subtle cosmic circumstances producing the fate of all human beings.

Indeed the futuristic science of Astroforensics at its best exposed today! If you are a psychologist and psychiatrist or involved in studying the human mind, my cyber cosmic code university is the ONLY place where this remarkable tuition is available.   I will offer you the golden keys to what it mean to be human…   But do not take only my words for it, judge for yourself why many doctors from all walks of life joined the cosmic code website and took my home course.

Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education A Einstein 


Note  all 2014 December forecast are now ready Join today, become a VIP!

December 2014 Moon Transits
December 2014 SOS To The World Windows
December 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions
December 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs
2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

  • Continued: While this sad story became a notional tragedy, traditional forensic science formidable values can only answer the PHYSICAL questions to how and why the shooting took place!  As in the case of Robin Williams’ Suicide Fully Explained – Astroforensics of the future at work today! my findings offer the curious readers real closure with the spiritual meaning behind all past, present and future tragedies.
  • As mentioned before, there are NO accidents, only very powerful cosmic forces at work science and the world at large is not yet aware of. In fact those cosmic circumstances lead people to enact unconsciously the worst emotions of their natal UCI.
  • The fact is, in the battle between  EMOTIONS AND LOGIC emotions will always win! A combination of stress and fears  becomes a very powerful emotion no many human beings can control!
  • Human are nothing more than blind  spiritual robots of their natal stars… Dr. Turi 
  • While I helped many cops to beat the “tunnel vision” through hypnotherapy, not all human beings are designed the same and many police officers do not have the natal controlled UCI to avoid the  THD “Trigger Happy Disease” while under serious stress…
  • But to this date, only a few police officers who took my home course can relate to my work and are watching in horror the drama resulting from the total ignorance of their formally “educated” superiors!
  • Indeed the Police Agency Administration and Performance never did behave as true detectives with  me and the incredible values found in “Astroforensics.” In fact their stubborn attitude cost the tax payers billions of dollars in constant legal battles against the police.  But what is worse, is the loss of all past and future police officers and unlucky people like Michael Brown precious lives…
  • I mentioned so many times that; my software can be an addition to the one any and all cops use to check on anyone they stop in the streets. With the only difference that this “cosmic” software will give the officer a serious advantage or a RED or GREEN light before even seeing the driver.  And with it, the difference between life and death dealing with the born Plutonic killer (the criminal born) or the regular law obedient citizen, like you and I!
  • To make it simple for my reader to assimilate, ALL human beings (including cops) are robots of their stars and totally oblivious of this “cosmic” phenomenon. The under-developed “young soul” ( and all untrained cop) can not enter the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness and can only use their five limited human senses to assess any situation.
  • The advantage of using my software is ANY situation can be assessed BEFORE any form of verbal contact with the subject, allowing the cop to recognize and be prepared to meet / deal with a Plutonic Soul because this is where,  you will kill or be killed!
  • But since I started  my career  back in 1991, only a few curious cops managed to relate to my work and took my course.  In the name of the police elites religious and/or scientific convictions, the immense price tag is now totally out of order, both financially and with the loss of thousands of precious human lives…
  • How long do you think this type of “accidents” will take to repeat itself? Chief: Police kill knife-wielding man – And what did the police do to change things so far?  The well read kids teaching at the police academy are part of the  current OCD Generation  working overtime to ban smoking on the entire planet!
  • Many of those educated kids are now in position of power in all branches of the government and those academical are the results of the “scientific matrix” largely made of atheists, agnostics and dry skeptics totally depraved of any spiritual values!
  • With this army of “young souls” soon in power (including the police administration) do not expect much changes in the way of educating all future cops!
  • *“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”
  •  ~Albert Einstein*
  • And all those kids now aged of 35 to 45 years old will classify my 65 years of independent research of the human psyche, as a wasteful pseudo-science…  Even offering FREE lectures at any police gathering anytime, no one asked for my lifetime work so far! OMG! in what a young world did I land on?
  • Their conception of who I am and what I do and the incredible contribution I can offer the police is to them so meaningless, but who’s to blame those “literate” children?
  • Doesn’t make sense to you that; if I was able to give you the exact date of this drama weeks ahaed of time in my last publicized warning for a SHOCKING “August 9/10/11 SOS To The World” window, I can also offer the police administration serious “cosmic” tips they should investigate instead of rejecting?  But first I must convince them all that I am not a psychic and yes the cosmos has a soul!
  • But how can I explain the reality of a cosmic dialect to those kids when none of them where “spirituality” trained but instead programmed to ridicule anything involving the spirit? How can I pass on the 65 years of my life it took me to master those cosmic hieroglyphs when they refuse or are unable to hear a subtle language regulating their very existence?
  • “Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
  • The products of today’s scientific matrix is a very dangerous dry, cold and calculate generation working hard to remove the essence of a cosmic God they know nothing about while the God fearing souls are also as lost!
  • Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!
  • Again it take a certain type of human being to evolve from the human/animal “instinct” and feel curious and secure enough to upgrade to a higher perception of a cosmic God and its glorifying universal design…
  • All I can do is make you aware of the “tutored” products of the scientific matrix or those famous doctors dedicated to the pharmaceutical corporate world endorsing weed.
  • How ridiculous this sound? Should  a mother keep smoking pot when breastfeeding her child? Do you really need to even ask the question or need an answer? Yes if you were born a Neptunian looking for the ultimate nirvana life on earth!
  • Imagine if my head was full of pot right now, what type of article would you read? The logical facts of your cosmic life with all your sins and virtues or the same type of sugar coated stuff you love so you can like my FB page and return for more?  
  • Why do you think after so many years offering only the undiluted truth I have so many enemies and little likes and support where ever I offer my rough pearls of wisdom?  Indeed being real and honest is so very rare and something you should appreciate and not reject, because the dirty fake world you live is so FULL of IT!
  • But again one must remember, being a special “Soul Doctor” make so many people so uncomfortable…  
  • Well burning the entire city down or killing all the cops has been tried countless times in the past and this type of  “revolution” will certainly happen again… But as much as another Black American kid will be killed again in the near future, one must remember life is a constant process of changes induced by the violent stars regimenting all those cosmic unconscious robots… Especially when the stars are against them! 
  • Chief: Police kill knife-wielding man
  • How many of the people marching for Darren’s justice know about the 2014 aggressive Arian Draconis burning like hell in their veins and passionate hearts? How many of those adults and children (cops included) I am trying so hard to reach will ever realize this cosmic dance above their heads?
  • Teens set bodies ablaze on video – Hitler/Arian Draconis at work!
  • Little do they know of the the next dragon and the damage it will inflict on all those unconscious lost souls….
  • Quatrain
  • Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
    Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
    Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
    All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill
  • Well at this point all I can do is to start exploring and exposing Michael Brown’s UCI first!  Also instead of assuming I am using his demise for business only, please do not blame me for your pain and your cosmic ignorance, do something different for a change and exit your comfort religious or scientific, skeptic zones and upgrade to the divine instead!
  • Being cosmic unconscious does not mean, those readers who can not relate to my work  just year are idiots! Thousands of my readers were like them but they ASKED and received the truth and trust me, these souls are extremely smart! 
  • Yes they have learned to read the signs like I do and they are still ascending higher and higher towards God true cosmic divinity… If you expect the police, the media or science to offer you the REAL reasons to why this drama unfolded, this will never happen because all they can do is use their 5 limited “enlightened” human senses and totally miss the forest for the tree…
  • Once done explaining the “Soul and Fate” of Michael Brown I will then elaborate on his “killer”   Darren Wilson,  the Police Officer born in 1986… Again my work is not for the “Joe Six Packs” and their “Sally Sue” wives running in the streets in Ferguson Missouri… Those emotional caring, loving souls are also victims and the majority of an uneducated mass kept under control by the religious matrixes and the police!
  • Once thing sure Michael was NOT given the opportunity to LEARN ALL about his incredible cosmic identity. Had he given a chance before, during or just after puberty to learn and control  his UCI he would be alive today! The same apply for Darren Wilson but again what do I know in a world run by rational idiots using pens and guns?
  • So who’s to blame? Him, the cops? the parents? the teachers, the United States Department of Education, the church… ALL OF THEM gave a chance for the evil of ignorance to establish itself in our society and create endless Adam Lanza forced to deal emotionally in situations that demand total control!  Indeed the current system is responsible for all the victims of the past and the future combined!
  • There is NO real spiritual investment what so ever to our children psychical “cosmic” development when it is needed the most! And you are now witnessing the results of the “monsters and victims” of the future.
  • Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…
  • Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking CopI AM THE LATEST VICTIM OF THE United States Department of Education matrix
  • This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 
  • This work is dedicated to a couple of lost souls, may the survivors find real closure in my work  and I can only hope this article will one day reach you and bring peace to our confused souls and saddened hearts….
  • Michael Brown UCI
  • The stars and fate of Michael Brown
  • This cosmic hieroglyphs will be fully translated in simple plain English where real answers  and real solution can only come from the higher source of wisdom where a God cosmic supremacy reign upon this world…  This work is non -public and for my VIP’s only. Join Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University today! 
    Sun 29Tau45 (1)
    Moon 03Can54 (3) dignity
    Mercury 21Tau28 (1)
    Venus 28Gem17 (2)
    Mars 13Tau13 (1) detriment (traditional)
    Jupiter 17Cap16 (9) fall
    Saturn 04Ari37 (12) fall
    Uranus 04Aqu32 (10) dignity
    Neptune 27Cap39 (9) fall
    Pluto 01Sag48 (8)
    MNNode 15Lib00 (6)
    MSNode 15Ari00 (12)
  • IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Mercury in Taurus Venus in Gemini
  • DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Venus
    Jupiter disposited by Saturn
    Moon disposited by Moon
    Saturn disposited by Mars
    Mercury disposited by Venus
    Uranus disposited by Uranus
    Venus disposited by Mercury
    Neptune disposited by Saturn
    Mars disposited by Venus
    Pluto disposited by Jupiter
  • ASPECT PATTERNS: Yod Moon – focus
  • Yod Venus – focus
  • Talent Triangle Pluto
    Uranus – focus
    Neptune – focus
  • SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
    Cardinal 5 42 %
    Fixed 4 33 %
    Mutable 3 25 %
  • SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
    Fire 2 17 %
    Earth 5 42 %
    Air 3 25 %
    Water 2 17 %
  • IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
    MOON LATITUDE: 05 S 01
    MOON DISTANCE: 402647.2 km. Far Distance
    MOON SPEED: 12.06111 deg/day Slow Speed
    ODD LOWER-ORDER: 7 0.97197
    1 0.98694
  • EVEN LOWER-ORDER: 2 0.98377
    8 0.99320
  • ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 85 0.88895
    65 0.96698
  • EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 168 0.84682
    84 0.95839
  • Dr. Turi
  • all_seeing_eye

    L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

    listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

     Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


     If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

    A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

     Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Michael Brown Predicted “shocking” death




It happened exactly on August 9, 2014! This was my last public posting/warning for August 9/10/11 “SOS To The World Window!” 

Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking Cop


This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 

Don’t you think the cops should listen to my cosmic wisdom?

If they did, we” the tax payers” would not have to pay for their cosmic ignorance and all the victims would still be alive today! Burning the city down or killing the cops will never fix the problem! I have the answer but  who’s listening or helping Dr. Turi?

READ THE REST OF MY PREDICTIONS BECAUSE THIS IS THE LAST TIME I OFFERED MY COSMIC PEARLS TOP THE WORLD!  Become a VIP, join Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University, be warned, be prepared, be smart because a real gifted Prophet is a very rare thing to find… I have so much to offer the reader willing to invest in my wisdom personally, and universally! 


August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above

Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance

 Stars Command Shock Science

Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

Blessings to all


Is Dr. Turi UFO Predictive Legacy claim Real? “Open” Mind TV?

August 12, 2014


I am called the King of spam for offering my pearls of wisdom for free to the public, and this put me in a position of endless attacks by the “Sub- Human” who will never in a million year appreciate nor perceive my total dedication, concern and outstanding FREE service induced by a UFO cosmic legacy  that followed me since age 7.

Instead, envious souls trash me regularly and those people never read nor spent any time checking my claims. 6 Dark Days Ahead NOW Read the full story.

Thus I come to realize this world is lead by an unstoppable evil force and, at nearly 65, I find very hard to keep giving my pearls of wisdom to so many undeserving souls… But there are also thousands of “silent supporters” in need regenerating their spirits reading my work daily and this makes it difficult for me to stop serving this world unselfishly.

But looking at my Facebook page, it seems many of you openly and frankly show their real support and LIKE  a man that works his ass off everyday to serve them unselfishly!

I keep offering more and more deals only the wise minority can benefit in my “shocking” warning from my latest SOS To The World – Will Isis Rule The World? Pay attention to my predictions and be prepared!

I understand the God fearing lost souls and the atheist born better than themselves and their attacks are meaningless and anticipated. After serving the public since 2000 on the Internet, if I had a dollar for everyone of those acidic remarks, I would enjoy a great retirement in Florida…

But the purpose of this article is to bring the newcomers wondering about my “August SOS To The World”  veracity,  back in time to July 11th, 2014 and read it for themselves!


SOS TO THE WORLD AUGUST 9/10/11 2014 PREDICTIONS 468 posted To Prophecy on Friday Jul 11 2014 

BIN –  Story Views 11,008 (and counting)

But what is saddening me, my latest post there ‘UPDATED – Dr. Turi’s Predictions Unfolding Endlessly – Obama Impeachment – August 13, 14, 15 NEXT SOS To The Wold!” received tons of attention but no a  single endorsement… Yes this is the price I have to pay for giving generously to so many selfish souls who would not spend a second to click on “Recommend Contributor.”  Yes after working endlessly hours for months I have only 24 endorsements… 

This tell you the type of world you live in, where the majority of people are concerned consuming your mental ingeniousness at NO reward at all… And these young self absorbed souls expect good karma, good luck finding emotional, financial and spiritual stability.

But this is the rough, struggling public expected response and in this pool of human, those who are ready and above the norm intelligently, will be “saved” and all they need is more time before reaching to the cosmic Code, join my Cyber Cosmic University, God cosmic Divinity and enjoy my services…

But they are other people who I helped me greatly in the past (George) and those who will never budge…  Here is a Memo of another article posted to all my VIP’s, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google and many other popular websites. Furthermore, I am so confident of my gift that on July 7th, 2014 I emailed it DIRECTLY some people in the media!

MEMO from to Scott Glenn Beck at the Blaze, Mike Broomhead KFYI , DougBurkizer, georgenoory and the world!  

Memo; “Hello my friends and skeptics I decided to offer you a solid sample of my unique work and how a cosmic God speaks to me through the signs. This email has been published to my worldwide audience and posted on all public media. Please pass it on!”

I asked Scott and Glenn Beck at the Blaze to publicize my warnings as to save some lives or prepare the world for shocking news but, as usual not a single answer then or NOW!

Memo To “The Blaze” 7/11/2014 – Famous French mentalist predict Obama’s utmost difficult time in office and serious natural disasters for August 9/10/11 2014. France, Italy, Japan and the US are the target for extraordinary/shocking/explosive news developments. Please make note.
 Dr. Turi



Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking Cop

This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 

Hawaii Braces for Unprecedented Back-to-Back Hurricanes 

Did any of these men made note as suggested or noticed the double RARE weather system in Hawaii, the shocking death of Robin William ON THE EXACT DATES or any of the major shocking news that took place during August 9/10/11 window?

Or did they to this day ever read the results and check my claims?  Will Isis Rule The World? Pay attention to my predictions and be prepared! and finally grasped the facts?Here is the article sent to them all personally and posted to the world!

Please readers notice the date of July, 6th, 2014!


“Too often over the past five years, the President has circumvented the American people and their elected representatives through executive action,” House Speaker John Boehner writes.


“I am particularly asking the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics and the scientific community, including ALL security services in charge of our President’ safety to make a note of this August 9/10/11 2014 SOS to the World window and the dates offered because then, nature will also speak of her destructive powers.”


By the way I was fired form this Facebook page, Maureen Elsberry any surprise? I guess posting  UFO LEGACY! and offer her readers real PROOF of my UFO  predictive legacy. Meantime the obvious results of my August 9/10/11 SOS to the world window was too much of a challenge for Maureen (and everyone else) to deny!

Interview W/ UFO Journalist Maureen Elsberry, She tries To Convince Double J that Aliens Exist And Her Opinion Of Roswell. Maureen is a reporter, she is not dealing with ET’s nor see a UFO directly and instead of looking like an idiot on You tube, she should have referred Dr. Turi to Double J.

I would have given this radio host the same opportunity offered to her and her Facebook audience by giving DATES and Predictions that can not be challenged! And at the same time offer Double J. the solid proof of my UFO “legacy.”  She wasted a good opportunity avoiding real people dealing with real UFO! 

What is so devious is when she mentioned “there are definitely something involving some people that SHOULD be investigated!”

 and you Maureen my dear LIBRA friend I am still here in Phoenix, near you Hun, but do I really need you and Alejandro “Open Mind TV” when you and your producers are so close minded with me?

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show

Here is the section offering her and her audience  a challenge involving the undiluted truth, the proposed test and she fired me for it on August 11th – shocking isn’t? no really… Nothing surprises Dr. Turi! But will the pressure and attention my article generate force me back on her website and expose the truth about my UFO predictive legacy? Time will tell…

Memo – ” It is simply abominable to have so many readers from all walks of life in a position to help me and yet, since 1991 my claims are still rejected by the police, by the administration, by the US department of education, by the UFO community and 99.99% of a religiously poisoned  and atheist world.

UFO experts from all walks of life have so much to offer to their audience but my UFO cosmic legacy makes me quite different because I own something solid, not just windy words. For this I am rejected by so many UFO organizers, for exposing the truth about them and so many of my “Friends and Foes” and for unarguably predicting the future.

Anyone can talk about UFO, there are so many books, so many UFO YouTube videos but many of those experts never saw or dealt physically nor felt the anguish of being “cursed” with a cosmic legacy.

But as soon as you are special, or unique and show real “magic” powers, be sure to be ignored! No I am not the Grand Son of Eisenhower and I have no name, nor fame to benefit to build a career.

 Just the opposite in fact because when I arrived as an illegal Alien in 1984 I was homeless and totally destitute. But against all odds and all my enemies, Dr. Turi speaks and own the magic left by 4 UFO experiences they could only dream about!

The REAL “International UFO Congress” Creator Bob Brown  loved and knew the real Dr. Turi but unlike the new egocentric Phoenix based management dealing with real UFO cases like mine are meaningless!

My connection with Bob’s family was very close and personal, very real and their motivation not only financially oriented. Indeed those who pretend to know about UFO are the least knowledgeable of the matrix they run and control!

I am soon to retire and may move away from the US and I have my own cosmic reasons to do so, something I may have divulged to the audience and save so many lives, had I been invited.

But God decides not me, my talent, convictions and assurance is perceived as an ego trip by those who feel beneath me in the world of Ufology! In all the affairs of this world, the sub- human – psychically underdeveloped human being will always show its insecurity/inferiority complex by removing Dr. Turi from the real competition.

This is how Hitler and so many power angry Plutonic souls behave, kill the opposition before it surpasses you and others in a UFO field where I can bring so much to the future of humanity!

“When a true UFO contactee appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” – Dr. Turi 

“Time has and will always be my utmost trustworthy reliable witness”  Dr. Turi

So here is the warning I am offering you all today, July/06/2014 And when all unfold, remember they are REAL people touched by a UFO agenda and those are given special predictive powers! And real people  with real UFO “abductions/connections” are extremely rare, especially those who can not be denied anymore! These people should be given a voice and not removed from the public awareness…


August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above

Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance

 Stars Command Shock Science

Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.



Update 07/10/2014 – GOP: We’ll sue Obama … for this  – The Republican-led House is expected to vote on a resolution authorizing legal action against the President over Obamacare at the end of the month, just before lawmakers head home for August to campaign for midterm votes.


Dr. Turi; I wanted to take a moment to offer Congratulations to you for your extraordinary predictions ( Stolen 2012 election, restructuring IRS, US economy etc etc ). You are so accurate it is amazing. Keep up the good work.

 Respectfully Yours  Egan Peter ******* DT – You said it first (Nov 7th 2012) and now it appears that the stars are aligning.  Doug 

FBI/CIA/IRS – Obama’s Impeachment

Feds, IRS, FBI Secrets Divulged!

2013 The Year Ahead


Blessings to All

Dr. Turi

Become a VIP, join us, be smart, be warned, be guided, be protected, learn all about the cosmic code juridictions, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN!

Robin Williams’ reptilius infestation!


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

May God bless your lost soul

Coroner investigators suspect “the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia,” according to a statement from the Marin County, California, Sheriff’s office.

After his death, doctors finally determined that Robin Williams had a condition called Lewy body disease, which Schneider Williams described as a “terrorist within his brain. Call it a reptilius Infestation to be more precise!  The scientific community and the world at large are not ready for certain phenomenons they are incapable of assimilating or accepting… Including  the core of terrorism… The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi

(CNN) — Comedic actor Robin Williams died at his Northern California home Monday, law enforcement officials said. Williams was 63.

His apparent suicide shocked his family and fans. Celebrate the “countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions,” his wife says. He died on the August 11 as I warned the world  to expect shocking news! – Who can deny the undeniable when the obvious becomes too real? Yet the world is not aware of a man like me that can help them dealing with life and the unknown…

Sharing VIP’s emails 

Helga Rossner 

I would like to encourage cosmic conscious people to get their Dragon window dates from Dr. Turi. I have followed the dates over the last 2 years and they are right on.  I personal follow his guidelines on those days  to the point and I haven’t gone wrong. I feel the energy and act accordingly. His predictions (which were written a year ago) according to the Moon Guide from yesterday was right on again. 


Famous Personalities: Be ready as usual for strange types of news coming from some extroverted celebrities. Much will be done for children during this trend but this type of energy can also be surprisingly dramatic. Uranus took the life of British singer Eric Clapton’s baby son in New York a few years ago. The unattended child felt to his death from a high building. Be aware, be prudent and watch the children closely.

 (Helgas) observation:

Also lots has been done the past few days for the children due to the care packages that are being dropped from air planes over Iraq

Reply by VIP:

I was totally in shock this morning when the female cashier at Whole Foods Market announced to me Robin William’s death. Immediately I remembered Dr. Turi’s quatrains and he was right again. This is why I love Dr. Turi and Terania because they speak the truth—Dr. Turi’s work is undeniably accurate. A famous celebrity was going to make a shocking exit from this world. I will miss Robin Williams and the joy he brought to many of us. I’m sorry I am just getting the news because I don’t own a radio or t.v. but I send my condolences to Williams’ family. RIP. Love & Light 

Reply by Dr. Turi

Thank you VIP’s but I already came to term this world and even your own loved ones can not be helped nor liberated from fear and ignorance…We are doing our best but sometimes I wish I did not know all this because its a curse to know and be of not much help to the “blind herd” other than our perspective VIP’s.


I used my modified Astropsychology  program to divulge all a rational science who lost the spirit could never either comprehend or explain to my  VIP’s. Do not miss such a rare, mind boggling teaching you can only find in our cyber cosmic university.  Use the current deal posted in this article.

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi

Be also ready for the non cosmic conscious conspiratorial garbage born out of fears of power and ignorance plaguing the Internet. Those psychically under-developed young souls can only use their five limited human rational sense to make sense to anything they do not understand! READ MORE!


Robing was born July 21, 1951 and I exposed his UCI (Spiritual DNA) using the futuristic art and science of astroforensics.

I explained why Robin was ill fitted to deal with fame while born a natural actor able to deceive you in front and behind the cameras. Mr. Williams was fated to experience an early death due to a natal UCI (Spiritual DNA) naturally/cosmically predisposed to drugs and alcohol addiction.

I also explained how the current Arian Draconis cursing his career finally killed him. Most importantly, as usual, Robin William died during one of his “2014 Negative Cosmic Biorhythms” but the scientific community and the world at large is not paying enough attention to a fact they know nothing about and still ridicule!

Many parents are pushing their children towards the stage not knowing the traps only a “Soul Doctor” like me is aware of. Robin William might not have to die had he gather cosmic wisdom to avoid Neptune’s  quick sands!

Being rich and famous does not mean happy ever after and this is why any intelligent human being should investigate his “cosmic persona” instead of assuming my work is only a wasteful pseudo-science.  For if; all the dead famous people of the past, who suffered the same fate as Robin could now speak, they would not hesitate and avoid the psychical nightmare that killed them all!

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


Do not trust the religious or scientific matrix to help you when there are no answers and too many  dangerous drugs for sale!

Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers


Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

If you are a counselor, interested in the human mind, practice psychology, psychotherapy or psychiatry this article will teach much more than the 7 years you spent studying at any of the accredited college or university you attended.  Many of our doctor students and thousands of my clients can attest this fact!

If you ever intend to gain the golden keys to what it means to be human and understand the human psyche, its sins and virtues, its time for you to think outside of your comfortable, accepted traditional education and challenge yourself! Just because there is a BIG difference between traditional education, intelligence and a “cosmic” gift!

*“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” 

~Albert Einstein*

This article will NOT be public, and the following will be translated in plain and simple English… Try me to find out!  But knowing “It’s a miracle for curiosity to survive education…” Einstein himself must wondering why I am trying so hard to make you aware of the cosmic code jurisdictions and God cosmic divinity!

Did you pay attention to my predictions lately?


Dr. Turi

Sun 28Can13 (1)
Moon 09Pis32 (9)
Mercury 22Leo07 (2) fall
Venus 10Vir13 (3) fall
Mars 11Can56 (1) fall
Jupiter 13Ari53 (10)
Saturn 27Vir53 (3)
Uranus 10Can50 (1)
Neptune 16Lib54 (4)
Pluto 18Leo49 (2) exalted
Ascendant 12Sco34 (5)
Midheaven 22Leo15 (2)
MNNode 12Pis06 (9)
MSNode 12Vir06 (3)


DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Moon
Jupiter disposited by Mars
Moon disposited by Neptune
Saturn disposited by Mercury
Mercury disposited by Sun
Uranus disposited by Moon
Venus disposited by Mercury
Neptune disposited by Venus
Mars disposited by Moon
Pluto disposited by Sun



ASPECT PATTERNS: Hard Rectangle Venus

Cardinal T-Square Jupiter
Mars – focus
Uranus – focus

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 6 50 %
Fixed 2 17 %
Mutable 4 33 %

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 3 25 %
Earth 2 17 %
Air 1 8 %
Water 6 50 %

Ascendant: Fixed Water
Midheaven: Fixed Fire

HOUSE MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Angular 6 50 %
Succedent 2 17 %
Cadent 4 33 %

HOUSE ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Life 6 50 %
Substance 3 25 %
Relationships 2 17 %
Endings 1 8 %


IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON DISTANCE: 370853.5 km. Close Distance
MOON SPEED: 14.06923 deg/day Fast Speed


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 9 0.96015
1 0.99054

2 0.98635

ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 81 0.96330
99 0.96511

104 0.96387

Become a VIP, join us, be smart, be warned, be guided, be protected, learn all about the cosmic code jurisdictions, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN!

Will Isis Rule The World? Pay attention to my predictions and be prepared!

August 12, 2014

Dear readers;

The new and totally improved “2015 Nostradamus Personal Draconis Forecast For All Signs” will be soon available for all my readers, and with deals you can not afford to miss!

First thanks to the thousands of people for investing in my cosmic wisdom and your trust in my work! I sincerely hope you will make a good use of my warnings involving the upcoming extraordinary deceptive 2015 Neptunius Draconis and its impact upon your life, your loved ones and the world at large.

While this new E-book has much more to offer you at a personal level; my 2015 Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions will be soon posted for my VIP’s in my “Cyber Cosmic University.”  Remember Dr. Turi can only serve those willing and able to reach for God’s cosmic Divinity and make a good use of the “signs.”

If you are a new-comer to my work, you can only be wondering about my gift, please take a trip back from the future to read both, the 2013 Scorpius Draconis then the 2014 Arian Draconis. Then make your own decision pertaining to my visions of today’s news through my undeniable UFO predictive legacy!

Only then will you be able to realize if the accuracy of my previous work should be denied, challenged or fully trusted and if you do, put your mind on the divine and the new and improved  “2015 Personal Neptunius Draconis For All Signs.”

This cosmic fluid will soon engulf the entire Middle East, fulfilling another prediction I made back in March 2005 on the Art Bell Show and many more times on the George Noory national radio programs.  The sad reality is now obvious and unavoidable “U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Did Anyone paid attention to my predictions?

Indeed the future looks challenging for humanity but this is how a cosmic God imposes his will upon his children forcing them to acknowledge its cosmic divinity through incredible pain and endless suffering. 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions.

This Neptunius Draconis is very illusive, very deceptive and extremely religious and marks the final breath and the end of Age of Pisces and the true awakening of the New Age of Aquarius.  I have yet to write ALL the detailed predictions for all my patient VIP’s in the cosmic code website (or my Cyber cosmic University) and you do not want to miss them.

Many lost souls from all walks of life and nations, including the US, Europe, Canada and Australia  are joining this dance of evil (ISIS) and many will be obliterated with drones, or Aquarius sophisticated technological advancements.

Indeed this Dragon will stimulate the “Human Animal” deadly instincts as never experienced before on earth and this cosmic fluid is getting more power each passing day! So here is the undiluted truths and all the cosmic explanations for you to dwell with…

The seven-year-old boy's little arms appear to strain under the weight of the decapitated head he holds up for the camera.


The religious battle on earth is a reflection of another battle taking place in the heavens, where an old absolute false God must be replaced by a new perception of God’s cosmic Divinity or the “Soul of the Cosmos.” …

It is crucial for you to help me make the world cosmic conscious before the next 50 years and avoid humanity total self destruction. Your children MUST become “cosmic conscious” and be educated outside of the religious and scientific matrixes monopolizing all sources of information.

A Godless world run by science is as bad as ISIS ruling this world!

I am offering 2 deals, first a FREE 30 days period trial to my  Cyber Cosmic University (or the Cosmic Code website) if you order BEFORE the 2015 Neptunius Draconis makes it to my websites in a few days from today!

This is the best option for you not only to save $10 but test drive all my forecasts offered with this E Book. Then once you realize I am real, totally dedicated to help and guide you personally and Universally, all I am asking you to do is to;  please show your support by suggesting all your loved ones and yourself to become a VIP to the Cosmic Code website.

Dragon Forecast 2015

The price for  the “2015 Personal Neptunius Draconis For All Signs”  did not change and still $15. ORDER IT NOW,




Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

All the keys words and detailed predictions for 2015 will be posted in my Cyber Cosmic University and offered to all my VIP’s soon !

It happened exactly on August 9, 2014! This was my last public posting/warning for August 9/10/11 “SOS To The World Window!” 

 Beheading of American photojournalist James Foley

Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking Cop

This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 

May God bless your lost soul

He died on the August 11 as I warned the world  to expect shocking news!

(CNN) — Comedic actor Robin Williams died at his Northern California home Monday, law enforcement officials said. Williams was 63. Robing was born July 21, 1951 and I will soon expose his UCI using the science of Astroforensics and explain why some people are ill fitted to deal with fame and how the current Arian Draconis cursing his career killed him. This article will NOT be public!

Coroner investigators suspect “the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia,” according to a statement from the Marin County, California, Sheriff’s office.

Become a VIP, join us, be smart, be warned, be guided, be protected, learn all about the cosmic code juridictions, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN!

World? Pay attention to my predictions

Stop predicting the future. Leave that to the robot who’s going to steal your job – Ridicule at best!


robot welcome

Stop predicting the future. Leave that to the robot who’s going to steal your job

From Asimov’s vision of 2014 to futurist ‘experts’, we have no idea what’s next. Know-it-alls need to stop pretending they do!

Dear Readers;

jess zimmerman


I am another spiritually destitute human being victim of the scientific matrix!

It is obvious that  is part of the mass of cosmic unconscious human beings making up a  “Generation of Born OCD!”

While technology does take jobs away, they are some creative occupations that no robots could ever do! It’s like asking my computer to create yet another educational cosmic article for me, or to give a VIP live Skype consultation, do an Astro tarot and read your fate. While this will never happen, technology can easily offer an astrological generic and even replace a psychic!

Only a cosmic unconscious gullible human can use a machine or call a psychic line and waste both time and money!

This is why millions of astrological websites and why the “CA psychics line” are killing the true art of prediction. Indeed you get what you pay for, especially with me, because I am not programmed to save your feelings or tell you what you want to hear! 

Furthermore technology and those organizations will never offer you proofs in fear of being sued and would never insist on having the session recorded like I do!

In spite of offering an infallible opportunity to many people to become independent, beat the robots and create their own American dreams, the true “entrepreneurial” American spirit is dead or not for those unwilling to take chances or those unable to perceive a great opportunity when it present itself! Let me make you a billionaire

While automation is already here, it saves time, money and efforts and it is a great thing! But  a robot will never EVER replace a true genius

Books are becoming absolute, robots are the “books” of the future trained /programmed to do things and obey their programs masters, but none will ever be able to create, invent or use ingenuousness. They will become masters are “assuming” from the work or real genius masters at best! Anything physical, robots can do, but to think robots will one day have a soul is simply ridiculous.

The human UCI (or the spiritual DNA)  can never be replaced, because it is part of a cosmic design science has yet to uncover!  Mean time, to a certain degree, the human mind can be altered for good or evil using technology. But when it comes to the core of the spirit a robot is still a robot depraved of feelings and the natural creativity, fears and countless emotions all human own.

Thus if your job involves mental gymnastics, spiritual discovery, spiritual cosmic researches, where the “gifted UCI” play a dominant part (like mine) then your job is assured for ever.

While an astrological software can generate a human forecast, this type of work can never be compared to the predictive work I generate daily for the world and my clients.

And you wonder why your kids are mentally lazy and spend their lives with electronic gadgets?

Indeed they  are fast becoming the prime victims of the scientific matrix who already lost the spirit and with it, the reality of a Cosmic God regimenting their fate through the cosmic code jurisdictions…. But they all know better than a 65 year old man like me and Einstein himself!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

 “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”


Sharing emails;

Laurie Shafer

I’ve been monitoring this throughout my sales career in packaging… Here’s more perspective & the comments are quite interesting…

This is funny…Human Dystopia

Stand by for my rebuttals, once you become a VIP!

Thanks to a big new report from the Pew Research Internet Project, we can now say definitively that, in the next 11 years, robots will take all our jobs. Or that robots will create tons of new jobs, or that nothing will change, or what even is a “job” anyway?

The experts Pew consulted – 1,896 research scientists, business leaders, academics, developers and other technology mavens – were split almost precisely down the middle on the question of whether robots would destroy more jobs than they might create by 2025. Half of these people – “widely quoted as technology builders and analysts and those who have made insightful predictions” – envisioned a class-striated techno-dystopia in which unskilled and even skilled workers will have been supplanted by metal analogues and left on the street to starve. The other half trusted that human ingenuity would conjure new jobs, and that we might even wind up with more leisure time and greater job satisfaction while robots do all the menial tasks. Maybe, they said, we’ll have developed an entirely different definition of what it means to work, or maybe all jobs will be enhanced, but not supplanted, by artificial intelligence – the Pew survey lumped AI and robots together – because consumers still want the human touch.

To me, the conclusion is pretty clear: we should give the job of tech futurism to robots.

Think about it. Of all the things we foul up – empathy, risk assessment, avoiding cognitive bias – one of the things humans most consistently botch is figuring out what the future will look like. Supposed thought leaders have predicted flying boats, rocket belts, steel furniture, nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners; moon bases and hovercars have been considered virtual inevitabilities; and the internet, personal computers and Apple were all, at various points, dismissed as non-starters.

Fifty years ago this week, Isaac Asimov imagined a visit to the World’s Fair of 2014: hovering cars, fusion power plants, moving sidewalks, robot maids, compressed-air transit tubes and colonies under the sea… or on the moon. Asimov’s 2014 looked like a cross between Futurama and The Jetsons, staffed by bumbling chore-bots that might be the offspring of Rosie and drunken Bender. Not everything in his famous New York Times essay is off-base – we did get video phone technology, long-life battery gadgets, and a world population of over 6.5bn – but these hits are swamped by misses. (One of his only correct predictions: “Robots will neither be common nor very good.”)

It’s easy to cherry-pick catastrophic blunders of futurism, like physicist Lord Kelvin claiming that heavier-than-air flight was impossible. But Asimov’s ideas were already common visions of the future, even in 1964: writers, engineers, thinkers and “experts” had been predicting hovercars and underwater cities for decades – and have continued to so for decades thereafter. Matt Novak, a writer who collects historical visions of the future, called Asimov’s predictions “shockingly restrained – unoriginal, even”.

People like Asimov, people whose vision of the future is based on steady progress along the lines of existing technology, have had every reason to believe they would be right – and often have been wildly wrong. We have no idea what we’re doing. We certainly have no idea what we’re going to do.

Why not then outsource that to all those robots queueing up to take our jobs? Robots can analyze past employment trends, stock prices and consumer behavior; they can collect and interpret a database of human behavior that can, under scrutiny, point toward robust, evidence-based conclusions about how people respond to new household gadgets, new manufacturing machinery and the prospect of dealing with robots instead of people in a range of service industries. They probably can’t accurately take into account every nuance of human behavior – computers arealmost as bad as people at modeling the behavior of genuinely chaotic, turbulent systems – but they can do at least as well as the rest of us, if not better.

jetsons rosie janeVisions of the future tend to be all about travel, new places to live and work-saving devices because it is a future vision for the leisure class. Photograph: Everett Collection / Rex Feature

Robots have a number of other advantages over human pundits, besides a better shot at accuracy. It’s easy to build robots cuter and more camera-ready than the average Silicon Valley bigshot – just look atKeepon, and then look at Tinder co-founder Justin Mateen, and tell me which one you’d rather see bloviate on a talk show. Robots don’t have any prejudices besides the ones we give them, which means … well, realistically, it just means we’ll give them our prejudices. But in theory it’s possible for a robot tech pundit to make a prediction free of privilege or bigotry – for instance, while Pew didn’t publicize the names of all its study participants, many of whom responded anonymously, it did list 30 “key respondents”, and only two are women. If Pew had polled robots, gender imbalance wouldn’t be an issue.

The future is desperately opaque, and there’s no better illustration than that Pew Research’s future-predicting experts can’t agree. The more we are clouded by human foibles and biases, the less obvious our future becomes. Asimov’s robot housemaids and flying cars are classic visions of the future less because they have plausible roots in existing technology, and more because they address the problems and needs and desires of middle-class dominant-culture Westerners, of which Asimov was one. That’s why his vision was all about travel, new places to live and labor-saving devices: it’s a future vision for the leisure class.

If you talk to a group of intellectual, largely college-educated, middle- to upper-class, mostly North American mostly-men about the future, you have only one guarantee: you will get an answer that orbits inevitably around the concerns of intellectual, college-educated, middle- to upper-class North American men. If you don’t, well, you’ll probably still get things wrong; we are, again, terrible at this. But at least you’ll get things wrong for everybody, instead of for a moneyed few.

I want to say researchers should radically expand the ambit of questioning – if you’re theorizing about the effect of automation on blue-collar jobs, talk to some blue-collar workers. Let’s take the reins of the future out of the academy, the lab and the boardroom, and see what matters to a representative sample of the developed world – and maybe even the developing one. After all, the potential of technology to slightly ease our #FirstWorldProblems is nothing compared to its potential benefits for countries that struggle with food, shelter, lighting and sanitation – not to mention the sadly predictable future reality that our fancy future robots will generate all sorts of fancy future industrial poisons in the countries that manufacture them, whether or not the robots themselves take over the manufacturing jobs. Let’s get a breakdown of those survey respondents that tells us how many are non-white and non-male, and let’s work to make those numbers reflect realistic demographics.

But that all sounds hard. Let’s just have the robots do it.

NASCAR’s Tony Stewart hits, kills another racer predicted by Dr. Turi

 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

NASCAR’s Tony Stewart hits, kills another racer  – shocking?


U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Did Anyone paid attention to my SHOCKING/UNUSUAL/RARE WEIRD/ predictions? 

Watch this video

Memo From  2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions (Posted to the world June 12, 2013)

Please locate predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents and cars could be used as weaponry!


What drives Danny Thompson to car racing, let me tell you!

Become a VIP, join us, be smart, be warned, be guided, be protected, learn all about the cosmic code juridictions, Dr. Turi is CNN before CNN!

U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Did Anyone paid attention to my predictions?


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions


August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes /Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual  /  Rare / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.


Video Contains Alleged Witness Account of Michael Brown Attacking Cop


This undated photo provided by the Brown family shows Michael Brown. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Brown Family) 

Don’t you think the cops should listen to my cosmic wisdom?

ROBIN WILLIAMS DEAD – May God bless your lost soul

He died on the August 11 as I warned the world  to expect shocking news!

Update 08/11/2014 – Rocket explodes next to CNNRocket explodes next to CNN crew crew – Explosions?

May I suggest ALL CNN journalists to pay attention to my work?

I also mentioned President Obama worst time in office for August 8/9/10

Memo April 25, 2014 – President Obama, Asia, NSA the US Fate and Nukes Predictions

I  guess it is now simply impossible for any skeptics, atheists or agnostics not to see the words ” EARTHQUAKES –  JAPAN – HUMANITARIANISM – UNUSUAL , RARE, SHOCKING, EXPLOSIONS, TECHNOLOGY AND AERONAUTICS” in my so obvious chosen Key Words!

Fighter jets drop 500-pound bombs

Yet, be sure the envious young souls, by some magical effects, will suffer a “temporarily blindness syndrome” and never saw nor read my endless warnings posted for weeks on all social media. Is it something normal for Hawaii to suffer TWO consecutive very UNUSUAL weather pattern? Is it every day that, the US uses strikes in Iraq again ISIS? Or does the reality of my UFO predictive legacy! becomes impossible to deny any more? And we are not yet at the core of my SOS window to the world for August 9/10 and 11th, check the next one!


NASCAR’s Tony Stewart hits, kills another racer  – shocking?


U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Did Anyone paid attention to my SHOCKING/UNUSUAL/RARE WEIRD/ predictions? 

Watch this video

Memo From  2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions (Posted to the world June 12, 2013)

Please locate predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents and cars could be used as weaponry!

Memo – 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash – First 2014 car racer’s death – Motorsports star killed in race crash


Update – August 9, 2014 – Florida cops capture  enormous cat-eating snake – Shocking?

2014 Moon Power scepter for August! Watch the news!  Those people did not hear nor see the signs posted published in my 2014 Moon Power last year! Those souls  never heard of the Universal Law of the Moon and paid the ultimate price!  Join now  become a VIP be warned, be wise, save your life!

WED., THU., FRI. — AUGUST 13, 14, 15:
RULERS — Neptune (Belief/Dreams), and Mars (War/Aggression)

Work, Career and Business: Be ready for the impact of the Full Moon. An important decision involving a business situation will have to be made. Wait patiently for the next New Moon (positive) to restructure or sign important documents. Don’t let Mars show his aggressive face to those close to you. Try to be nice to others.

Partnerships: During the Full Moon, expect disturbing news coming your way via your telephone or mailbox. It’s time to realize the truth about yourself, a situation or a person whom you trusted. Avoid new endeavors for now, get out of the gloom and be cautious this weekend. The Dragon’s Tail will bring consternation and needed changes to you soon.

Family and Friends: The family circle could be quite a dramatic place for a while. Again do not let the Full Moon energy take over your words or your attitude. Keep emotions in control and be ready for secrets to surface. You can still have a good time, enjoy life and friends, but be aware of what you say or do. Do not lend money to anyone.

Love Affairs: Mars and Neptune’s captivating personalities will stimulate sexual activity; your magnetism will improve dramatically. As always with Neptune take precautions if you are sexually active. If you’re married, plan a romantic dinner with a great French wine and soft music at home. You have a few more days to deal with this celestial energy; make the most of it and be cautious. If you are an air sign such as Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, you may feel a strong sense of independence and freedom enveloping you. If you’re a Cancer expect some stress in your relation-ships soon. You may be in for a long over-due change where you could experience real love.

Travel and Communication: You may uncover a clandestine relationship or a secret about someone who travels a lot. You may be forced to look inside yourself and see your own strengths or weaknesses. Don’t take any chances on the road and avoid flying after the Full Moon. You’d better stay away from anything that moves, as this lunation will take many lives. Always plan your trips before the Full Moon and you will save yourself much unwanted trouble. (Use the power of Moon Power Starguide and help those in trouble with life.)

Environment: In time of a Full Moon and with ruinous Mars around we can only expect nature’s destructive forces. Drama and demise are around the corner; protect your self at all times.

Famous Personalities: A serious wake-up call is in for some. More secrets, more drama, more doom is on the way for famous people. This upcoming Full Moon will be nasty for some well-known people. Germany will make some stressing news and a famous Army figure will be called close to God, having terminated his work on earth.

Events: The powerful deadly 2014 Arian Draconis will steer the religious fanatics and many of them will get out of hand. Pray for the safety of your loved ones, as this lunation will be extremely difficult. Stay home and watch a good movie is my best advice; let the drama reach the unaware souls. You will see and appreciate the power of Moon Power Starguide and the importance of letting others know about my work.

Shopping: Now is the time to buy pesticides and things of this nature. If you want to get rid of something, now is definitely the time. Make absolutely no investment in weapons, sharp tools, or anything that could explode. Let this nasty energy dissipate; stay safe.

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity 

It seems this list will get much longer after August 9/10/11 2014, so please comeback right here to read more facts about upcoming earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes or nature unusual display!

U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Explosions/ Aeronautics / Technology?

What airline was voted best? Aeronautics?

Malaysia Airlines stock to be pulled Aeronautics?

Ukraine: Military plane shot down Aeronautics

Russian laser show mocks Obama  Russian laser show mocks Obama Technology?/ Shocking?

Church cancels funeral for gay man  Church cancels funeral for gay man  Shocking?

These are the words coming out of the mouth of CNN weather man Tom Sater “THERE IS SOMETHING VERY UNUSUAL IN THE WEATHER SYSTEM!”

NBC  TV host  “Something very RARE”

Hawaii Braces for Unprecedented Back-to-Back Hurricanes 

CNN TV host “ITs very Rare!

Town in shock after slaying  

But what is even more astonishing to me is; their denial and the inability to accept my “weird” cosmic ingeniousness and the reality of my UFO predictive legacy!

The very fact is; LAST YEAR  in my 2014 Moon Power dated, printed publication, I offered my VIP’ specific perfectly timed warnings, all weather men on the planet could never come up with! In fact they never heard of Astrogeology and, as professional weather “predictors” they have a lot to learn!

Again this does not make them all idiots, just “cosmically” ill informed on how the planets, especially the moon affects not only people but the weather pattern and earthquakes!

The best thing they could do for themselves and add to their repertoire of weather wisdom, is to catch up, learn all about Astrogeology, Astroforensics, Astropsychology and take my home course!

Samples from August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions – August 2014 Moon Transits – August 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs  – 2014 MERCURY RETROGRADE – SUPERNOVA WINDOWS

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks. Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the worldBe careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within.

 Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed. As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil. Many people will lose their precious lives.

Furthermore, do you think it was an accident for me to broadcast my latest radio show from HAWAII a few days ago, or is my cosmic God trying to say something to you through me?

Do you think it is yet another accident for me to gave the same exact dates warning people of those upcoming natural disasters?  But how many skeptics, atheists and agnostics took the time to listen to this show?

They wont because they can not take the fact that I know better and because they do not understand my methodology, nor will they take the time to study it, all they can do is to hide their colossal ignorance behind the words, ridicule and pseudo-science! Is this the way a true curious scientist should behave? Yet 99.09 % of them think this way!

“It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education” Einstein 

Yes those young souls have so much to learn from an old weird man like me! Indeed human have a very short memory and refreshing it with some facts is not boasting but another option for you to catch up to my cosmic speed and raise your psychical vibrations to the divine…

What is the purpose for science to warn people only a few days before a “shocking” weather  pattern will strike the Islands of Hawaii? Indeed I warned the Hawaiian residents who heard my show days before science and CNN did!

These rare/shocking/unusual/weird cyclones will force thousands of people to cancel their summer trips or push them out of their well earned vacations! This is where my book 2014 Moon Power could have save those people so much time , money, if not their lives!

But you will tell me, “what good does all your predictions do Dr. Turi when you do not give any location?”

But you forgot to ask yourself, can today science do any form of weather / earthquakes predictions without the sophisticated, very costly technological equipment we, tax payers paid for?  Can USGS give you a location, or an unarguable timing months ahead of time? Of course not, at least I do, I am offering you with an impeccable, repetitive timing that can not be argued by anyone but the morons!

So why not asking THEM the questions you are asking me, knowing I do better than them all? But this will never cross the mind of all the envious young souls debunking my work!

What about you giving me the time, the army of experts NASA use daily,  the huge technological facilities and the tons of money you give them regularly for a change?  But some would rather invest in Mars One deceptive project and join the thousands of morons awaiting a trip that will never come to pass! Gee I hope my new readers will appreciate the undiluted truth and start doing some serious mental critical gymnastics with me!

Why not applying ALL those formidable resources to educate those skeptical brains on the spiritual values of our local solar system and realize that I AM RIGHT?  Especially when I can do so much better time wise?  But can some of my scientists readers even assimilate and accept this fact?

I am already doing so much better by pin-pointing those “UNUSUAL” destructive cosmic energies afflicting the weather “regular” pattern, earthquakes above 6.0 and ALL human affairs! At least I am doing this reliable predictive work for FREE without using your taxes!

Are you willing or can you offer as much intelligent material everyday to the masses?  Or are my articles much too long and too difficult to digest for some? This is why you have religions, sports and the Kardashians reality show I guess!

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

But it seems, regardless of my accuracy,  anything non traditional reflecting true cosmic wisdom, UFO and rare ingeniousness is automatically rejected by the scientific community! But I understand them, after all they are the ones who spent fortunes and years in accredited colleges and universities to learn the scientific facts,  thus they know better yes?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Back in June 2013,  19 days before my prediction of  AZ 19 brave firefighters deaths, I  warned the world of its impending fate. I fully explained what the current 2014 Arian Draconis, reflecting Hitler’ destructive soul and racist legacy, would do to humanity!

Yet only a very few smart souls realized the explosion of racism, violence, and the endless emigrations problems! Indeed the red color of blood making up today’s endless news were not existing then. And far from the red Russian army lurking/invading Ukraine and Hitler’s legacy cursing us all… By I saw it all coming and wrote all about it well before all the “parrots/famous talking heads” on radio and television today!

The religious, scientific and media controlling “educational” matrixes will never ever give me the voice, the stage or the financial support I need to make sense to your life. This crowd of atheist minded will never give me the resources I need to save your children and educate the masses on the Soul of the Cosmos.

 Indeed the majority of human are trapped in this dense physical scientific world and its religious deceptiveness…

Why I Stole a Televangelist’s Safe
MIKE MURDOCK  Joel Osteen Pimps Gospel
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

August 9/10/ and 11 is not here yet, but I already visited the future and both my quatrain and keywords will confirm my visions. I am asking you to comeback right here, to this article as I collect the upcoming news and prove my claims, even to the hardest atheist heads will be able to deny…

I hope one day, the young souls will finally realize my God given mission and start appreciating my work by sharing and making the crucial difference between spamming and my free cosmic pearls of wisdom!


Indeed I am King Louis  Servicing Pathetic Atheist Minds for free!

Note: I am currently working on the 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs preparing the world on the Neptunius Draconis impact upon your life, the Middle East and the world at large. Indeed this work is your personal soul forecast to what will happen to you, your loved ones and humanity in 2015!

What drives Danny Thompson to car racing, let me tell you!


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Fast, daring, lucky and born a leader, but at 64 I am still cosmic unconscious and do not know why God lead me to do what I do and who I am! 

Why would a 64-year-old blast across the Utah desert faster than a 747 at takeoff? For Danny Thompson, it’s all about proving something to his famous father — and himself.

Dear readers:

That is the logical, rational answer provided by the nerdy “educated” current “OCD generation” of scientists who lost the spirit! But the real “cosmic”drive is… Physically or spiritually, racing is encrusted all souls born with such a fiery, competitive dragon and in Danny Thompson’s blood.

The same cosmic fluid is feeding my turbo charged mind making it so hard for so many of you  to follow me! Yes God made leaders and the followers and it is an honor to be appreciate by those who “vibrate” psychically at my own super speed!

Noble Cheryl – Dr. Turi, I am here, cannot read as fast as you write. I am a faithful follower. Don’t give up!

Cheryl Noble aka ladynoble1

Like me, George Foreman and Von Braun to name a few, Danny Thompson was also  born with an Aries (speed/danger) competitive Dragon’s Head!

While this fact will make absolutely no sense to the “young souls” my students can only appreciate the incredible values found in the science of Astropsychology! This is what make the difference between the “Super Human and the Animal Human.”  But what is really formidable is; 99.99% of the world’s population, including our scientific community are totally oblivious of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the human UCI!

Aren’t you lucky students to land on Dr. Turi and see the humongous cosmic ignorance plaguing this world?

From Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis

Key words for a positive Aries Dragon’s Head (this is Dr. Turi and Thomson’s natal Dragon Head.)

  • You are a genius, an inventor, a leader and you spent time in the military
  • You have plenty of desire and you were born with an adventurous spirit
  • You have a lot of vitality, a good self -esteem and you are lucky
  • You are true to yourself and with others
  • You are intelligent and competitive
  • You are a true diplomat and born a true ASTRO)-psychologist
  • You are magnetic and exciting

Key words for a negative Aries Dragon’s Tail….

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity


“Consciousness – is the awareness of God cosmic Divinity and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptiveness! Pope Francis, Bible heads, ISIS, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests are cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians unable to read the signs… They are the unconscious children of Satan!  

Who will stop ISIS?

Dear Readers:

Obliterating ISIS, the Muslims, the  Christians, the Jews and the other 785 different deceptive religions plaguing this world is something a Cosmic God has already set in motion!  But not as you perceive it!

Who can deny the obvious,when all the signs of evil running this cosmic unconscious world are everywhere? Christian forced to convert to Islam, then beheaded!

Sharing Email:

Helga Rossner – This is a religious war in the making, DT has spoken about this many times in the past. This is such a disaster in the making and the world is looking on.…

Indeed something I predicted on the Art Bell and George Noory national radio shows since 1991! (updated article – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions.)

But human can only discuss their ignorance, faith and beliefs, their religious preferences, differences, much like they would agree to disagree about the best pot or the best medication available to them. Because this is exactly what religions are about, total deception designed to numb your spirit into oblivion!

The Sub-human or the “animal/human” has not yet developed psychically to the divine conception of a cosmic God. Those young souls can only deliberate their convictions, discordance, disagreements, hatred and fears through horrific wars!

Indeed blame today’s chaos on the Age of Pisces or Neptune ruling this world for the last two thousands years, all the while doing some serious damage to the human psyche!

The New Age of Aquarius is now upon us and with it, incredible technology, shocking news, shocking weather, shocking changes, UFO, the impossible, the incredible, including NUKES is upon us!

Hawaii preps for back-to-back cyclones! Did anyone paid attention to my warnings?

I will soon generate  new predictions for all signs and only if you become a VIP will you be able to check on your personal future. In my constant drive to serve my “cosmic coders” better, I will also elaborate more on all the major planets entering different signs all throughout the year!

This new idea will join the many forecasts I already generate every months for my VIP’s. Yes readers,  I plan to write much less for the public, once I retire in February 2015.

I am currently writing the 2015 Neptunius Draconis and its full impact upon the Middle East and the world will be quite deadly! This upcoming dragon will touch not only the world at large but YOU personally. Its impact by houses and signs will be extraordinary and you should be concerned. I will be able to finish this new E-book within the next few days and make it available to you all.

As you know, the last public “Scorpius Draconis” predictions are still posted at the bottom of my website  including the 2014 Arian Draconis. It is simply impossible, even for the brainless idiots, not to recognize the relationships between today’s dramatic news and the visions I had when I wrote them back in June 2013!

But I can not give my pearls of wisdom to a wild religious public, unwilling and/or unable to decipher and enjoy my cosmic expressions… Since 2013, only my VIP’s have gotten the best of what I have to offer in my Cyber Cosmic University.

The Internet is still  LOADED with tons of my older articles, thus anything you need to read about, simply Google it and add Dr. Turi behind your request ET VOILA!

In a few years from today, all of you will acknowledge what you are reading today in 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions – My visions today will start to make much more sense then, but make the most, because this is the very last public predictions article you will read from me!

All my work will be dedicated to my VIP ‘s upon my retirement. The same apply for my social media pages which in time, will disintegrate into nothingness loaded with other people posts!

Unless I see a serious increase in LIKES, there is no more reason for me to spend time there!  So if you want my Wikipedia FB page to stay alive, show your support, like my pages or, soon I will let them dry!

Indeed at nearly 65, the few years I have left ahead of me will be spent with quality care for my VIP’s and FISHING in the Gulf of Mexico! And I deserve it all… I may also go back on the radio, depending again on how much you are truly willing to help me to do so with your donations.