Year: 2014

Boy, 12, calls 911: Please come kill me. When will the world finally hear me?


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

Dalai Lama & Dr. Turi

Watch this video

He’s accused of killing boy, 9, on playground

“One of the children, for an unknown reason, pulled out a knife and repeatedly stabbed one of the other children,” police said. The two boys had just met on the playground.


“Jamarion  Lawhorn was charged Tuesday with murder. Though he’ll be tried in a juvenile court, it will be as an adult, according to Becker, who added that his office has not yet decided whether the murder charges will be first or second degree.”

Dear readers;

I guess “Town in shock after 9-year-old boy is stabbed to death on playground” speak of my indisputable quatrain and keywords reflecting the SHOCKING type of cosmic energy humanity is currently experiencing! 

Hawaii preps for back-to-back cyclones! Did anyone paid attention to my warnings? 

I truly feel like I am about to explode inside tonight, when I keep telling you the monster in all children MUST be acknowledged, repressed and controlled before, during or just after puberty! But there won’t be no progress made because 99.99% of the world do not understand my methodology and assume I am a psychic! 

I am a “Soul Doctor” and because my work is not yet understood nor accepted by the majority does not make it worthless! Is it too hard to ask the skeptics to keep an open mind for a change and investigate my claims instead of behaving like stubborn donkeys?

  Only donkeys do not change their mind, so where do you stand? 

The human spiritual DNA or UCI is unforgiving and in some cases, totally unbearable for the subject, especially during a “Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms!

Since December 17, 2012, only 2277 people took the time to watch the video dedicated to Adam Lanza, and all the young victims of all the civilized “adults” idiocy, all dedicated to never exit their religious or scientific comfortable zones.

Meantime, my dogs video received 121, 484 hits since May 17, 2013, so what’s going on with human? And you wonder why their children behave worse than wild animals? Being an adult means understanding a child but nowadays, there is not such a thing, only blame, ignorance and convictions!

  • How many children will have to die before the science of Astroforensics and Astropsychology are tested and accepted as solid therapeutic disciplines?
  • How can the adults behave in such idiocy and punish a child who could never get ANY help from them? Who is the adult and who is the child?
  • How can the adults, in the name of ignorance and religious convictions punish yet, another innocent lost child?

Jamarion took some “pills” before committing a desperate act I perceive as a loud cry for help!  His psyche was deteriorating at the speed of light and no “cosmic conscious” adults were there, at home or in school to help this kid get the spiritual grounding needed to function like any other kids! 

  • How can the pharmaceutical greedy corporations promoted and endorsed by born pot heads like Dr. Sanjay Gupta and company live with themselves watching this video posted on CNN?
  • How can all the parents and teachers alike, in the name of THEIR ignorance and religious fear keep punishing innocent lost children when all they have to do is investigate my claims and provide the cosmic awareness and spiritual regeneration those kids desperately need?
  • How can the judicial system, in the name of ignorance and ridicule keep prosecuting children like adults when they forgot what it means to be a child?
  • How can the “educated” legal hyaenas ruin the lives of so many kids when they think like atheists, agnostics and skeptics totally depraved of feeling and spirituality?

What is the point for me to repeat myself eternally when the scientific and religious matrixes jailed your mind into amnesia and perceive your children as profitable collateral damage? 

When will the mass of concerned intuitive parents finally decide to help me to get a wider voice and allow me to reach and teach this cosmic reality to all concerned families? 

Again readers, it is just a matter of time before another degenerated mind commit another atrocious act in a public place, a movie theater, a school or an university near you! If you are in Michigan, this article should be read by every member of your community and reach all schools boards! Do you agree? 

Will you participate and help me, because without your help I may as-well stop wasting my time and retire early!

My work and my voice is totally muted by a system that doe NOT care about you or your children, yet billions of dollars (your donations and taxes) went to the wrong religious or scientific organizations.

They are OBLIVIOUS to the “cosmic” phenomenon because, there is no room in traditional education for the spirit and the soul of the cosmos!

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

 Those “educated” morons keep investigating in the rats depressed minds to find the illusive answer to why another depressed kid killed again! 

I am desperate to help because I own the keys to what it means to be human and I understand the human psyche outside of all accepted conventional beliefs and remedy!


I need your help, and with the millions of people reading my work daily, I know many of you are not in a position to provide me with that crucial help. But they are thousands of you with so much wealth which has or will be again going to the wrong people and wrong organizations!  

Lifestyles of the rich and religious abusers!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing” – Edmund Burke

My dedication to provide the crucial, essential cosmic regenerative food missing in the education curriculum is unsurpassed, and at 2 am after writing ALL day long for you, (for free) isn’t it time you to realize I am real? BUT I can not do this alone and again since 1991 when I started my cosmic journey all my desperate pleas went unanswered!

Is it time for Dr. Turi to quit and abandon you and your children? After all I will soon be 65 and my time is running out…

 I am asking all my readers to be as committed as I am because, unlike me,  the scientific and religious matrixes do not have your best interests at heart! 

Please read those articles and pass them on, you may succeed in uplifting another human being towards the reality of a cosmic God speaking to me through the signs…


Dr. Turi

Note: I am currently working on the 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs preparing the world on the Neptunius Draconis impact upon your life, the Middle East and the world at large. Indeed this work is your personal soul forecast to what will happen to you, your loved ones and humanity in 2015!

Hawaii preps for back-to-back cyclones! Did anyone paid attention to my warnings?


 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

 Dear Readers:

These are the words coming out of the mouth of CNN weather man Tom Sater “THERE IS SOMETHING VERY UNUSUAL IN THE WEATHER SYSTEM!”

NBC  TV host  “Something very RARE”

Hawaii Braces for Unprecedented Back-to-Back Hurricanes 

CNN TV host “ITs very Rare!

Town in shock after slaying  Town in shock after slaying

I guess it is now simply impossible for any skeptics, atheists or agnostics not to see the word UNUSUAL , RARE AND SHOCKING in my so obvious chosen Key Words! Yet, be sure the envious young souls, by some magical effects, will suffer a “temporarily blindness syndrome” and never saw nor read my endless warnings posted for weeks on all social media.


August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes /Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual  /  Rare / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

U.S. aircraft strike ISIS in Iraq – Explosions/ Aeronautics / Technology?

But what is even more astonishing to me is; their denial and the inability to accept my “weird” cosmic ingeniousness and the reality of my UFO predictive legacy!

The very fact is; LAST YEAR  in my 2014 Moon Power dated, printed publication, I offered my VIP’ specific perfectly timed warnings, all weather men on the planet could never come up with! In fact they never heard of Astrogeology and, as professional weather “predictors” they have a lot to learn!

Again this does not make them all idiots, just “cosmically” ill informed on how the planets, especially the moon affects not only people but the weather pattern and earthquakes!

The best thing they could do for themselves and add to their repertoire of weather wisdom, is to catch up, learn all about Astrogeology, Astroforensics, Astropsychology and take my home course!

Samples from August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions – August 2014 Moon Transits – August 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs  – 2014 MERCURY RETROGRADE – SUPERNOVA WINDOWS

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks. Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the worldBe careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within.

 Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed. As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil. Many people will lose their precious lives.

Furthermore, do you think it was an accident for me to broadcast my latest radio show from HAWAII a few days ago, or is my cosmic God trying to say something to you through me?

Do you think it is yet another accident for me to gave the same exact dates warning people of those upcoming natural disasters?  But how many skeptics, atheists and agnostics took the time to listen to this show?

They wont because they can not take the fact that I know better and because they do not understand my methodology, nor will they take the time to study it, all they can do is to hide their colossal ignorance behind the words, ridicule and pseudo-science! Is this the way a true curious scientist should behave? Yet 99.09 % of them think this way!

“It is a miracle for curiosity to survive education” Einstein 

Yes those young souls have so much to learn from an old weird man like me! Indeed human have a very short memory and refreshing it with some facts is not boasting but another option for you to catch up to my cosmic speed and raise your psychical vibrations to the divine…

What is the purpose for science to warn people only a few days before a “shocking” weather  pattern will strike the Islands of Hawaii? Indeed I warned the Hawaiian residents who heard my show days before science and CNN did!

These rare/shocking/unusual/weird cyclones will force thousands of people to cancel their summer trips or push them out of their well earned vacations! This is where my book 2014 Moon Power could have save those people so much time , money, if not their lives!

But you will tell me, “what good does all your predictions do Dr. Turi when you do not give any location?”

But you forgot to ask yourself, can today science do any form of weather / earthquakes predictions without the sophisticated, very costly technological equipment we, tax payers paid for?  Can USGS give you a location, or an unarguable timing months ahead of time? Of course not, at least I do, I am offering you with an impeccable, repetitive timing that can not be argued by anyone but the morons!

So why not asking THEM the questions you are asking me, knowing I do better than them all? But this will never cross the mind of all the envious young souls debunking my work!

What about you giving me the time, the army of experts NASA use daily,  the huge technological facilities and the tons of money you give them regularly for a change?  But some would rather invest in Mars One deceptive project and join the thousands of morons awaiting a trip that will never come to pass! Gee I hope my new readers will appreciate the undiluted truth and start doing some serious mental critical gymnastics with me!

Why not applying ALL those formidable resources to educate those skeptical brains on the spiritual values of our local solar system and realize that I AM RIGHT?  Especially when I can do so much better time wise?  But can some of my scientists readers even assimilate and accept this fact?

I am already doing so much better by pin-pointing those “UNUSUAL” destructive cosmic energies afflicting the weather “regular” pattern, earthquakes above 6.0 and ALL human affairs! At least I am doing this reliable predictive work for FREE without using your taxes!

Are you willing or can you offer as much intelligent material everyday to the masses?  Or are my articles much too long and too difficult to digest for some? This is why you have religions, sports and the Kardashians reality show I guess!

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

But it seems, regardless of my accuracy,  anything non traditional reflecting true cosmic wisdom, UFO and rare ingeniousness is automatically rejected by the scientific community! But I understand them, after all they are the ones who spent fortunes and years in accredited colleges and universities to learn the scientific facts,  thus they know better yes?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Back in June 2013,  19 days before my prediction of  AZ 19 brave firefighters deaths, I  warned the world of its impending fate. I fully explained what the current 2014 Arian Draconis, reflecting Hitler’ destructive soul and racist legacy, would do to humanity!

Yet only a very few smart souls realized the explosion of racism, violence, and the endless emigrations problems! Indeed the red color of blood making up today’s endless news were not existing then. And far from the red Russian army lurking/invading Ukraine and Hitler’s legacy cursing us all… By I saw it all coming and wrote all about it well before all the “parrots/famous talking heads” on radio and television today!

The religious, scientific and media controlling “educational” matrixes will never ever give me the voice, the stage or the financial support I need to make sense to your life. This crowd of atheist minded will never give me the resources I need to save your children and educate the masses on the Soul of the Cosmos.

 Indeed the majority of human are trapped in this dense physical scientific world and its religious deceptiveness…

Why I Stole a Televangelist’s Safe
MIKE MURDOCK  Joel Osteen Pimps Gospel
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

August 9/10/ and 11 is not here yet, but I already visited the future and both my quatrain and keywords will confirm my visions. I am asking you to comeback right here, to this article as I collect the upcoming news and prove my claims, even to the hardest atheist heads will be able to deny…

I hope one day, the young souls will finally realize my God given mission and start appreciating my work by sharing and making the crucial difference between spamming and my free cosmic pearls of wisdom!


Indeed I am King Louis  Servicing Pathetic Atheist Minds for free!

Note: I am currently working on the 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs preparing the world on the Neptunius Draconis impact upon your life, the Middle East and the world at large. Indeed this work is your personal soul forecast to what will happen to you, your loved ones and humanity in 2015!

Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi

The fate of Jodi Arias  (public)

Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed  (VIP’s only)

Is Ariel Castro Born a Monster? (VIP’s only)

Dear Readers;

Lean all about the “cosmic” identity or the spiritual “DNA” of Jodi Arias and what the stars have in store for her… Do you think she is a killer, do you think she is innocent? Let me help you readers, Jodi Arias share the same Dragon Tail (negative) as O.J. Simpson! Indeed she was born a DUAL! But what the words UCI or DUAL mean to our infantile science, the legal system, the public and specifically, the jury?

Looking at a person rationally and humanly does not help the victims or the judicial system to come up with the right decision to punish criminals! However,  the science of Astroforensics does not leave any room for error or any form of misjudgment. There is no need for errors nor long deliberations with Astroforensics, only the plain, undiluted truth comes right away! But our society is not yet cosmic conscious and sent too many innocent people to jail!

This “reality show” fiasco with Jodi Arias is costing the tax payers millions. This feed only the legal hyenas aiming for fame and fortune! The victims, their families and us all pay the heavy price while the killers usually walks free!

This give birth to the “Kardashians” entertaining TV show or the fat financial reward left to his family by Mr. Kardashian,  a crooked attorney working on  the O.J. Simpson ‘s case!

Those spoiled acting rats never worked a single day of their lives and can only expose their ego battles and idiocy on national TV every night! All in the name of the smarter legal crooks (criminal attorneys,  such as Mr. Kardashian financial legacy by freeing criminals like O.J. Simpson!  What a “mental” legacy for the world and what do we learn watching such a dysfunctional family tearing themselves apart or showing how wealthy and better they are?

In what a world are we living in readers, where an army of criminals from so many prisons are GLORIFIED on national television when healthy, educational shows like mine “The Soul of the Cosmos” is ridicule and ignored by the producers? Yes, the Iluminati control your TEL-evision and do not want to educate the world and turn the masses into decent, law obedient, intelligent human beings…

If you feel like I do, and I am sure many of you DO, show your support and help me make the desperately needed changes! Its time to bring senses to you TEL-evision and re-instate God cosmic divinity!

This Astroforensic work is for the very smart intuitive readers who inherited an advanced UCI. Join Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic Identity  to learn more.


Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.


North Carolina parents charged after baby dies in hot car! THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE!



 In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi  

Dear Readers;

Please read about this sad story then pass on this link to all the parents you know!

Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ‘Forgotten Baby Syndrome’ Ridiculousness!

Parents MUST accept the fact that they are “Subconsciously” responsible  for forgetting their children in the back seat of their cars! They must come to the realization of the “subtle” dealings / private deep conversations taking place  with the supra-conscious and learn more about it.

This is the ONLY way to get grounded and realize the powerful forces regimenting your life on earth! Indeed science has forgotten the spirit and can not be of any help. Punishing the parents for “forgetting” their children because they can not face the super expensive education, insurance and life-hood of their children does not make them killers!

You are punishing the wrong people, instead aim at the source, the lack of “cosmic” spiritual education leading all these people to our overloaded prisons system! And, on top of it all, you are paying for it all with your tax dollar!

They are ALL victims of the religious, scientific and political matrixes squeezing them to death with taxes and regulations! This abusive religious / scientific system made of so many deceptive matrixes is SET to dry you up of your last dollar you will ever make until you finally become dependent of your government!

Why do you think I left France? this nightmare is going on all over Europe and soon America if you keep dreaming and do not use critical thinking!

You need to help me getting  a wider voice to educate you and “subconsciously” how to avoid killing your children! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT LIKE MY FB PAGE please! Give me the strength AND THE DONATIONS I need for my radio show so I can keep educating you on the cosmic Code secrets and God cosmic consciousness!

At 65 I  am so tired and so fed-up of it all, exactly like you are but who’s going to help you deal with life and offer you real salvation and answers? Glenn Beck?  Indeed ingeniousness is very rare, if you think I can do something then you must act! 

Here are the deadly / wake up call news as predicted!

(CNN) — A Statesville, North Carolina, infant is dead after being left in a hot car last month, and now his parents are under arrest.

Sherrie Tiesha Clay and Shakee Duquan Robinson were arrested Monday on charges of involuntary manslaughter and felony child abuse, according to a Statesville police statement.

Police say Clay and Robinson returned home July 27 “with the victim and other children (but) did not remove the infant from the vehicle (for) approximately two hours.”

The 4-week-old was discovered by his aunt and rushed to the hospital, where he died.

Investigators announced Monday that the newborn — whose name has not been released — died of hyperthermia.

Both parents are being held in the Iredell County Jail on $200,000 bond. It was not immediately clear if they have an attorney. Social Services placed the couple’s remaining children in temporary custody.

The Statesville incident comes at a time of heightened attention on children being left in hot cars.

The tragic death of Cooper Harris became international news in June because of the salacious circumstances surrounding the case. Justin Ross Harris pleaded not guilty to murder and child cruelty charges after leaving his 22-month-old son in the backseat of his car for an entire workday in the sweltering Georgia heat.

Harris said he forgot the child was in the car. Investigators say he researched how hot a car needs to be in order to kill a child, and that while his son was dying in the parking lot, Harris was sending explicit text messages to several women.

The Harris case may have brought hot car deaths to the forefront, but it’s not a new phenomenon: At least 44 children died in 2013 from heatstroke caused by being left in cars in the United States, according to national nonprofit organization Over the past decade, the group estimates, there have been at least 388 children who have died of vehicular heatstroke.

Please read about this sad story then pass on this link to all the parents you know!

Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ‘Forgotten Baby Syndrome’ Ridiculousness!



I can not recall how many times I have asked my VIP’s to help me, and all of you did at no avail! 


—– Original Message —–  

Hi Louis

 I just send Oprah an email, like you have requested…I might even get a reply if she has any substance, or it gets past her staff.  I would like to talk to you sometime. You could probably use a rebel like me…lol  have a good day.


Dr. Turi;

Why don’t you get her birthday and do a reading for her in writing of her past and future.  Explain to her, the positive aspects you see of Oprah and why she is who she is.  That should get her attention.  If it does not, then she is not interested and leave it at that.



DT – Indeed a great idea and I have some information on page 312 of my book “The Power Of The Dragon” on Oprah already and I plan to check her UCI in depth on TV with her…



Okay My Beloved Dr. Turi below please find  a copy of the email I sent Oprah.    I hope it helps! I will be sure to announce this to my listeners and ask them to help out as well, both during the show and through my newsletters!

Namaste! Julia*

Dear Ophra;

 I am writing to let you know about an astonishing person, you may have heard of him.  His name is Dr. Louis Turi.  He is a regular guest of Coast To Coast AM, where I and countless thousands (if not millions) have witnessed the truth of his work and his incredible knowledge.  In a word, Dr. Turi is phenomenal!  The accuracy of his predictions are astounding.  However, it is not his abilities to predict that are so amazing, but it his soul rooted love and devotion to educate the world, to prevent disasters, and to help others to avoid needless and unnecessary harm that makes him truly one of a kind

Dr. Turi is not some guru who has mindless followers.  On the contrary!  Dr.Turi is someone who INSISTS that you educate your Self,  and more importantly think for your self. Dr. Turi is LOVE  incarnate.  You can find Dr. Turi at Please, do the world a huge favor and have him on as a guest! Sincerely,


DT –  Dear Julia,  can only thank you from the bottom of my heart, such powerful and honest endorsement will do the job…



 Dear Dr. Turi,

I read your plea for support and was moved to respond to that plea with a “message to Oprah”.  I have enclosed my message below.  I hope that mine and other voices will be heard and the result is your ability to “release to the world” your message and insight.  If this comes to fruition, I know that you will not let me down.  Please don’t give up on “giving the message” it’s too important at this time of our existence.  Here’s what I sent Oprah:

Dear Oprah;

I wanted to bring to your attention the prophetic work and drive of  Dr. Turi (website to bring to the world stage his aptitude in predictive astrology.  Using his 35 years experience in working on the secrets of the “Cosmic Code” and what can only be described as his “God Given” insight; he has a message, which needs to be allowed the opportunity of a national stage.  Your show could be the venue of that exposure and could help the world through these tough times of financial, emotional and moral bankruptcy.  I have listened to his guest appearances on late/over night radio and have been moved by his insights and foresights.  The exposure of such avenues is limited at best; but a guest appearance on your show could put you and your production team in the fore front leading the way to a much needed lighted path to conscientiousness in these

darkest days that our country has ever seen.  Time is of the essence as we face the perilous dangers and snares of our future of Biblical Proportions.  Someone needs to explore having such an insightful person as Dr. Turi on one or several shows or an exposure format similar to that of  Dr. Oz in your show formats.  The important message that Dr. Turi has within him needs your platform of exposure to the benefit of the world community. Sincerely,


DT – Thank you so much Daniel…



Dear Dr Turi: FINALLY I have been able to edit my Oprah Letter down to 2000

(or less) characters. I had to chop….and chop. It has taken hours. However

– a good exercise for me in being brief – like revisiting Journalism 101!

Again, I hope I have done you justice.

Best Wishes!


Dear Oprah:

Thank you for years of devotion bringing love, education and support to “the people”. Please consider the Astropsychologist, Dr Luis Turi, as a guest. For 35 years, often overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi diligently developed his fine science, making accurate predictions on earth, weather, political & government events. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the population PRIOR to danger arising.

While he has been mis-interpreted as focusing on the negative, he is fully aware that our thoughts, beliefs and the energy we hold  can affect the severity of events or alter outcomes. With your talent and skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. Much like Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time. Currently Dr Turi’s focus is the protection of children, and events requiring Police emergency response/support. He wishes to alert the Police, have them listen – protect us AND defend themselves from harm.  Please use Dr Turi’s wisdom and predictions to prepare the public to focus on and generate the positive in every regard. It really IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best. One

great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …This is your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) Please contact Dr Luis Turi to help bring the best possibilities for earth and humankind. Write Sincere gratitude for your time & energy! God Bless,


DT – Thank you so much Robin…



 Dear Dr Turi:

Recently you read my request, as one who suffers from chronic illness and now utter financial demise (it would seem ­ yet I believe in miracles…). You answered promptly ­ was I surprised – by offering me a subscription to your valued VIP Newsletter. I accepted this graciously with tears in my eyes. Now I offer you the following support. I hope I have done you justice. Heartfelt and God Bless,


Dr. Turi,

I recently heard you on coast to coast for the first time. I wrote down the dates you gave and signed up for the newsletter. I’m still in the process of reading over your site, but so far I am amazed at how accurate you’ve been. Like everyone else right now with the economy being what it is, I too face an unknown future. I work for one of the largest companies in the US, but even they claim to be feeling the pinch, so my hours have been cut to 15 hours a week, sometimes less. Jobs are scarce, but I feel blessed to have a job at all right now. I’m trying to stay positive. At the present I can’t afford to become a vip, but in today’s newsletter and I believe the one before you were asking people to write to Oprah. That takes time which I have right now. So I wrote and sent her an email about you. See copy below. I hope it helps. I hope to catch you again on coast to coast, as shortly the radio may be the only thing left, depending on the job situation. Email to Oprah:

Dear Oprah,

I recently heard of Dr. Turi on coast-to-coast am with George Noory. On the show he gave specific timelines that certain events would take place. I wrote down the dates to see how accurate he was. The first date has passed and the news was filled with events that fell in line with what he said would happen. I also have been checking out his web site to see what was there from the past. The man truly seems to know what he’s doing. You always seem to know the right people to get on your show that can help people gain knowledge in areas that reaches people worldwide. With everything that’s going on right now that is effecting so many people (jobs, health, families ) and so many tragic deaths of families and officers lately, I ask you to please go to Dr. Turi’s site, read for yourself, check him out, and have him as a guest on your show. If his predictions can reach and save lives, one, hundreds or possibly thousands from future events to come, then I think it would be worth your time to give him heartfelt consideration. I implore you to talk to him, check him out, test him, whatever you feel like you need to do, to see if he’s as real and accurate as I and many others find him to be.

 Love, Light and Blessings,


Hi Dr. Turi,

   Just proof of my message to Oprah, but it is on delay for a couple of days for some weird reason. Maybe she is being flooded with emails!    Incidentally, my ex-husband has 5 brothers, 3 of whom are cops so I sent your information to him to send to them.    Believe it or not I never heard back from him about it so I don’t Even know if they received the information, but I suspect they did.  They are basically nice guys, but perhaps don’t have the wisdom to take it seriously – I don’t know for sure as I haven’t seen them for a long time.  But I did in fact give it to 2 other police departments.  I know from my own experience in dealing with police departments that they tend to take information

at face value and not at the deeper levels of meaning, so that could be part of the problem.

   Don’t get down about what you are doing.  As you full know God’s timing is His timing, not ours! Love and Light


Hi Dr. Turi,

I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached.  I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona.  Please have someone send the information.  I also want to sign up for your VIP news.  You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide.  Young readers certainly should view it, the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope.  Teens today need direction.

Thanks again for all you do,


Dear Oprah,

    I am writing to you today to endorse the appearance of Dr. Louis Turi on your show.  I have known Dr. Turi for twenty years now, and I can tell you first and foremost, that he is a man of great character who has dedicated his life to educating others about cosmic consciousness. His ability to analyze what is happening in the cosmos in relation to groups, individuals, natural forces, and predictable patterns of behavior has made him a leading prognosticator of future happenings. Dr. Turi is not here to entertain, but rather to enlighten us all about the possibilities as well as the pitfalls, which may be coming our way. Ultimately, Dr. Turi envisions a world for our children that are characterized by peace, enlightenment, and free thinking.   Oprah, I would highly encourage you to have Dr. Turi on your show so that others may begin to open themselves up to the truth of the cosmos, and take into account the factors i.e. the stars, the universe, and our own unique

Cosmic identity. Dr. Turi is here to help us usher in a new era of enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, and openness that is part of the promise of the New Age of Aquarius. I’m sure you will find Dr. Turi fascinating, charming, sincere, and informative and that he will quickly become embraced as a welcomed new member of the Oprah family. I look forward to seeing Dr. Turi on your show in the near future, as well as continued success to you in all your endeavors.



Seattle, WA

Dr. Turi,

I am considered a gentle soul and do not normally take offense by the ramblings of those who may be irritated, angry and confrontational…however, your recent email upset and disrespected me. I do not believe that a man of your stature, a public figure and possibly a chosen messenger of God, should be calling his readers “selfish swine” just because you are not getting the response that you had hoped for. Badgering your public, insulting them and hurting the very people you say you are trying to save is NOT the correct way of going about it. I believe that you owe all of us an apology. I purchased your “Dragon Days” at a hefty price in the past, in order to protect myself. I appreciated the help at that time. I do not have the funds to pay for it this year. I do not have the money to become a VIP reader either. And after reading your email today, I have decided that I will not be giving money to a man who treats his readership in this manner. You cannot expect positive results when you attack with negativity. An attitude adjustment on your part is definitely needed here. P.S.  Even though you did insult me, I do find value in your Godly gift and sent an email to Oprah. Shame on you.


 DT – Sorry for being honest and using Jesus’ very words Holli…. You are much too sensitive and so am I lol


You are now a VIP.. enjoy


Hi Dr Turi,

Back in Oct. 2006, you were a guest on Laurie Kendrick’s Supernatural Saturday show in Houston, Texas. I was the assistant producer who contacted you and we spoke and I personally was amazed at your predictions. I want to say, that from that time, even till now, people are still talking to me about how accurate your foresight truly is…. It is amazing how you could know these things and yes, it is truly in the stars, but I am glad we have someone to make sense of it and someone who can truly help. Thank you again for being a guest and thank you for helping us all!

Paul  – Houston Texas

Dr. Turi;

The message I sent to Oprah read as follows:  Dr Turi is very intuitive and his predictions are very accurate. M


Don’t despair! And don’t cut off you unpaid followers. If they don’t pay it’s because they can’t. Fans that can, pay if they get something from it. Try a volunteer system. It’s a new web thing. Pay what you can. Or pay what you will. It’s the future, for sure. May I also make a request? Would you consider a zeitgeist report? At live performances your message is stunning. The cosmos is a clock you can read. Tell us what time it is.  Please.



Dr. Turi;

Dear Oprah: just wanted to let you know that I have been following Dr. Turi and his moon power book for over 10yrs. now and I have done nothing but better my and my family’s lives. Not only financially ( we were broke and following his daily predictions and learning the laws of the universe from his teachings) I know when to do a good business transaction or not. I have tested his teachings and this Man has been right every TIME!!! But the most important thing is that I have been able to safe my children’s lives many times with Dr. Turi’s moon power book . My whole family has much respect for his teachings. His predictions of 911, Katrina , etc.. have all been right on. He also predicted the stock market crashes and I was able to inform some of my clients before and they safe their money in the stock market by either pulling it out or putting it on the side.  These are real things that have happened in our life and if the whole world could know about this teaching it could really help us in these days of so many crisis. What we have learned is that if we know something is coming our way we don’t have to be afraid but can prepare for it and handle it much better.  Please take time to have Dr. Turi on it would be a GREAT gift to the world.  Thank you so much for your time and all the great things you have done for this world.


Dr. Turi:

I did send a letter to Oprah and Staff.  However, I do not know how to get a copy to you.  None of your websites come through when I click on them, so it might not get to you even if I knew how to do it! I am hoping that these letters will make a difference and get the attention that is required – to try to educate the masses.  I will wait patiently for the good news! Love and blessings to you and Terania,

Mary Ellen (a VIP)


My endorsement was sent.  Thank you for the opportunity to help.

Thank you for your work!  It is much appreciated!


Ok I sent a note to Lady O for you, hope it helps! I have heard you on coast many times. Please. Please-know you are great-stop bothering with people who do not believe or listen!! Know who you are-give your information with confidence and just stop there. If you keep ranting about people listening to you, people the loose focus of your message.

Thanks, Charlene


Thank you for your emails and predictions. I do believe what you predict. I am 86 years young and became a certified Hypnotherapist in 1999.Looking forward to more of your emails. Sincerely,


   Hello Dr.Turi,

              I went to her website and used their from to ask them to have you on their show. I said you could explain best how you find the dates that Police Officers should watch out for. I said this knowledge should help the Officers but also their families and hope no officer would be killed again. This information is so important it should be taught at the academies.  I am a VIP renewal Subscriber, your technique and your predictions is why I came back, the knowledge you have never cease to amaze me.

 Thank You


April 18, 2009

Dear Oprah or, To Those On Behalf of Oprah:

 It is with profound respect that I offer my sincere and deep thanks to you,

Oprah, for many years of elegant devotion in bringing love, education and

support to “the people”. ***Please allow me to encourage you to give serious

consideration in featuring the amazingly precise, credible

Astropsychologist, Dr Luis Turi, during your upcoming season. *** For 35

years, overcoming great odds in his personal life, Dr Turi has diligently

worked to develop his craft to a fine science enabling him to make

incredibly accurate predictions regarding earth events, weather events,

political and government events, and more. Dr Turi presents predictive

information, often cryptic in nature, offering specific dates or windows of

time, in effort to alert the population PRIOR to danger arising. *** My

personal belief is that he is often interpreted as being “too negative” –

yet he is fully aware that through our thought processes, our beliefs and

the energy we hold, we as humans are fully capable of affecting the

potential severity of events, and/or altering event outcomes entirely,

through the power of our awareness.*** My only hesitation in recommending Dr

Turi as a featured guest on Oprah, is that his flamboyant creativity and

compassionate intensity coupled with the perceived focus on “negativity” may

be misinterpreted. Yet I am certain that with your natural talents and

skills, Oprah, you can elicit ‘gold nuggets’ from Dr Turi. This man is a

credible, deeply caring humanitarian, who bears a great gift. And much like

Susan Boyle’s recent triumph, it is HIS time. *** Of late, Dr Turi’s

profound focus is on the greatly necessary protection of children, and

events requiring emergency response and the support of the Police. His great

wish is to alert the Police and get them listening – to protect us as well

as defend themselves from harm. Of particular concern is Dr Turi’s foresight

that our endeared President Obama’s life will be in grave danger in 2011.

I’m asking that we – as a whole people – get word out to pray for the safety

and protection of President Obama and his family. Please take Dr Turi’s

wisdom, knowledge and predictions and prepare your public, Oprah, to

unceasingly focus upon and generate, the positive in every regard. It really

IS up to us, the Whole of Humanity, to bring forth the best. ***

As one great Rishi said, “Never be afraid to expect the best. …this is

your heritage….It is not too much to demand.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) ***

Please listen for Dr Turi on George Noory’s ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio show.

Please do the research and contact Dr Luis Turi to help the world engender

the most positive outcomes for human kind and our earth. You may initiate

contact with Dr Turi at *** My sincere gratitude and thanks

for your time and energy! May you live long and well, Oprah. God Bless,

Robin Dr. Turi;

Here is my email form to Oprah on the link you provided. Two  thousand characters? Please. I had to revise it 4 times because I had too many  characters. Not enough room to write about you…I hope this  helps.


Dear Oprah,

It is a great pleasure as well as a great privilege  to write you regarding the mission of one Doctor that is very important to my  friends and I as well as countless others.  I implore of you Oprah to ask  yourself, if you could help save the lives of police officers and children and  help end all of this unnecessary violence, would you? If you could help people  learn the way to live their lives more safely, productively, and happily, would  you?I would . Oprah, you can help do all of the above by inviting the Doctor  on your show and help share his knowledge with the world, his mission, his  reason for being. His name is Dr. Turi. His life is devoted to helping others  and spreading the word on his accurate and well-published predictions. He has  spent countless, endless hours, spreading his knowledge to everyone he can. This  knowledge has saved lives. I know you, Oprah, will agree that the Stars were  created by God and our guide to our future.His techniques and ability to predict  future events is unquestionable as he has mastered reading this “road map” and  has an innate ability to translate it to those of us who do not have this same  ability. He has honed skills to a degree that allowed him to predict the  terrorist attack on the WTC. He works feverishly to provide the police with  information to protect them He provides parents invaluable information on how to  protect their children as well as themselves. This has been his mission for 35  years and although he has been on numerous radio shows and cable TV, he needs  someone with your great following to allow him to speak freely on his  predictions and how these can better serve

the world. If only others would learn  of his predictions, his knowledge and education, they too can avoid danger and  learn how to live their lives safely and flourish. I appreciate your time and anticipated cooperation in his mission. Learn more about Dr Turi at: _http://www.drturi.com_ You may also reach by  email:





As I said I would, here is the letter I sent to Oprah…..

Dear Oprah,

I’d really like you to have Dr. Turi on your show.  He is amazing with his forecasts and I am constantly amazed at how accurate his astrology is. I have bought his books and enjoy them very much, plus get a lot of knowledge from them.  He is like no other astrologer in the world and uses a procedure that is more accurate than any other I have known. Please, have him on your show.  I promise he will amaze you too! His web site is here………

Thank You,


Dear Dr. Turi,

I write to express my upmost respect and hope that you will continue to do what you can for humanity, without charge and without ill feelings.

Now, more than ever, people need something to cling to…and someone that they can have to lead them.  There are many, many people out there offering readings of the future, for a price.  I think you are better than that.  I think you have a mission and it doesn’t involve money, but the saving of mankind.

Yes, there are selfish people out there.  But there are also others who are barely holding on, with such high bills, they can hardly make ends meet.  I beg you to not allow these planet changes to effect your impressions and your good judgment, as the world needs you more than ever at this time.

I am sorry to not have written you to tell you how I appreciate your being there and being so kind to send your letters of knowledge and wisdom to me.   I have made the mistake of taking you are granted, and I apologize for that.  I had intended to write and tell you how much I like your new look, as it makes you look much more handsome.  Your new hair do is wonderful and you were wise to change it from your previous style.

Dr. Turi;

I will write to Oprah and endorse you, but I don’t believe she has a good grip on what our needs are as a country and further, feel she was used by Obama to accomplish his agenda of becoming president.  He is, indeed, charming, but I fear his inexperience and his huge ego will come at a high cost to Americans.  The national debt he has placed on America’s children is a disgrace.  I now worry what sort of future my children are going to suffer.

Obama has not helped Americans as much as he has given big business our money, and we have yet to see it improve the economy. Worse, it seems he is not finished yet, in giving these businesses bail out money.  Americans are fed up with this insanity and want it to stop now.  That is why we had the Tea Parties, and intend to have more.

Dr. Turi, you may not want to hear this, but my husband and I are saving every penny we can because we are so fearful of what the future has in store for us.  At least twice a week we eat peanut butter sandwiches or tuna sandwiches for dinner.  I haven’t been to a hair dresser in years and cut my own hair.  I don’t have the luxury of getting my nails done or have a pedicure.  And all the clothes I have were bought at Wal-Mart.  I’m not telling you this to get your sympathy, but because it’s the truth.  We now have only one income and I am trying as hard as I can to pay my bills with what little money we have coming in.  In our area no one is hiring and many of the shops and restaurants have closed down, due to the poor economy.

 Dr. Turi, now is not the time to pressure us to pay a fee for your letters.  I respectfully ask you to reconsider your position and your judgment of us.  I SEE you are very creditable and I take your information very greatly to heart.  Don’t throw all of us into the same basket and think we don’t appreciate you and the very important work you do for our sake.  But some of us really can’t afford to pay you at this time. I hope I have impressed on you the fact that all your readers ARE NOT the same and certainly NOT selfish.  Please look into your own chart and see how these planet changes are effecting you.  You have to take this economy into consideration because some of us are truly just hanging on out here.  Just trying as hard as we can to survive, day to day. Warm Regards,


In support to your advice (recommendation) and work, I have send the following message to Oprah:  “I am writing about Dr. Turi, I think he should be heard, I understand that he aims to systemize the life of MAN, through the study of “cosmic code”, and eventually confront life from the right approach and based on the correct comprehension. Thank you and Regards”


Dr. Turi;

Haven’t had time to read all your e-mails, but read this one and sent an e-mail to Oprah as you requested. Hope it helps and I hope many more people will write and or e-mail her.

Thank you for your work.


Clear Day Dr Turi, I enjoy following your work…I am a VIP & will some day take your classes. I also wrote to coast to coast & Oprah to ask for you to be a guest. However, the excerpt below is an example of why some people get turned off & others are reluctant to support you publicly. Please consider this as constructive criticism only. You can’t take this back but in the future perhaps you could make the message more positive & encourage people to sign up for the VIP info & other things you offer like the MOONPWER books. You say you get nothing in return, I ask what do you want? Money, credibility, do you want to be a Guru? People can only do so much & your own life mission drives you to share & teach. If it does not make you feel good perhaps a change is in order. I for one would miss the information although I don’t always know what to do with it. Example; police/ drama/ drugs. Okay I can’t tell every cop to stay home from work & make the drug dealers leave there habit & guns in a drawer, but I can be on my guard & inform the ones I know that the energy is right for problems in their area. another example/ earthquake/ explosion..Hummm all you can do is try to be prepared. How about aeronautics/unexpected okay so all planes should be grounded or what? Now I think you get the idea. The only thing we can do is be on our toes & get the info out. I understand that you would like to shake everyone & tell them to wake the hell up & pay attention but it’s not going to happen overnight & it sure isn’t going to happen when you call someone an idiot because their place of employment blew up & their in the hospital or dead. My suggestion is like you say  offering pearls to swine is not worth my daily sacrifice, I say 1) you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar & 2) you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.. Think about it Dr Turi & if I can assist in maybe doing some editing or something I would be honored to help you get the message out in a positive & enlightening way…By the way I understand what your saying when you talk about enemies. I consider it a psychic attack that just wears you down. Whenever you shine your light in the darkness all kinds of things & people get exposed.

Remember to put up shields & let that negative shit go back to where it belongs. Peace my friend & many blessings….


Thanks Dr. Turi,

This is the first day I actually watched you on and it was great.  Know why?  Because each one of the sessions was NOT interrupted a nano-second and able to continue to hear you and see you speak.  That was a very fulfilling experience.  Good job!  I totally get you Dr. Turi and hope to come and take your class!  THIS IS one of MY WISHES!!!  YAHOO! As you know, Susan Boyle has flat opened youtube to those of us not so savy online but NOW!   holy cow, Katy bar the DOOR!  I am in!  I’ve watched her sing her song so many times I can sing it myself.  so beautiful.  good for her and for you too!

Dear Dr Turi,

Here it is – – – – –

Dear Oprah,

       I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show.  How lucky you  to meet him in person:  I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast to coast a.m. with George Noory.  Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world.  He is one of the few people today I would  really like to meet sometime.  Although you might say I know well of  him from his work on the radio.  I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person.  He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi

Thanks and much obliged


Dr Turi,

    I respect your work, your efforts, your generosity and your talents. However, if you want people to respond kindly in your favor to Oprah, do not imply that we are swine.

I appreciate the fact that timely responses are required, however, in these troubling times people have a lot more pressing issues that effect their lives that must be attended to first.  Perhaps you should press the hosts of shows you’ve been on harder than people who may be out looking for a job.  I do hope people will overlook the pearls to swine comment and the tantrum you took in your last email and help you out.



DT – Please do not blame me for using Jesus’ own words to classify some people accordingly. I hope you learned something with this newsletter. Sincerely and respectfully.

Dr. Turi

Dear Oprha,

Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dieing for. I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God. Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.

 This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years. We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.

 God Bless,


DT – Dear Sandee; Once more thank you for your honest opinion and your endorsement. Luckily from me I was never raised fearing God and for this he allowed me to get closer to him, then master his Universal language and see his real face. No one is above God’s Universal Laws and that is something I hope you and the world will understand with my work in time.



Hi Dr. Turi,

I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached.  I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona.  Please have someone send the information.  I also want to sign up for your VIP news.  You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide.  Young readers certainly should view it and the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope.  Teens today need direction.

Thanks again for all you do,


DT – Dear Lois, thank you so very much for your endorsement and your drive to become a star student. I request any of my prospective students to call me (602) 265-7667 before enrolling. Yes indeed my goal is to build many Astropsychology schools in every cities for the children of tomorrow and seek refuge and find true answers with God in the Universe. They are all children of the Universe and they are all coming from the stars…



Dear DT.

                        Here’s another copy for you.   Thanks for the updates, looks like

this thing is rolling up some momentum.

Blessings, nice touch.  Can’t say when I’ll be able  to  get one of

your books but the updates are very filling on their own.  Best wishes

to you!!!

 Thanks and much obliged,

Your friend


 Dear Oprah,

                        Hello I wrote to you yesterday, about Dr. Turi.  I hope you hear our

requests, this is only my second one.   Enclosed are two videos which

I would have never seen, but thanks to my friend Dr. Turi I have

learned somethings.  Let’s take Ray Charles, Helen Keller, and our

young friend, Ben Underwood in the video.  I think if you look at

these people you will find a great deal of love in there lives, which

was shared by their primary teachers and parents.  When Dr. Turi gets

to meet you he could explain different types of love.  Perhaps just

simply, a true love which we do not contemplate enough about today.

  I sent the video of our young friend Ben Underwood, here and his

Mom to my brother and he says very interesting especially the Mom.

How did I miss that it wasthat I was so compelled with Ben I missed

something very important the love of our parent(s).  Unless we are

born with the fortitude of the Saints, or special graces of and from

God we all pretty much learn about love firstly from our parents’ and

first teachers’.

Susan Boyle’s story’s although not a full anology of  Ben Underwood’s,

demonstrates a truely loving person, bright successful, humble and

grateful of her parent’s.  My brother’s observation is interesting.

Even if you don’t read my letter please view these beauties of living

and enjoying a true love in life.

Best wishes to you Oprah.  looking forward to seeing  Dr. Turi and you

enjoying discussing the better parts of life.

Thank You and much obliged


Dear Dr Turi,

 Here it is – – – – –

Dear Oprah,

       I understand you will be featuring Dr Turi on your show.  How lucky you to meet him in person:  I have heard him on the radio several Times on coast-to-coast a.m. with George Noory.  Dr. Turi is a rare individual you will feel and sense the depth of his understanding of things in our world.  He is one of the few people today I would really like to meet sometime.  Although you might say I know well of him from his work on the radio.  I believe you will find him delightful and sincere as a person.  He will be a great guest. Best wishes to you and Dr. Turi

 Thanks and much obliged


Dr Turi,

    I respect your work, your efforts, your generosity and your talents. However, if you want people to respond kindly in your favor to Oprah, do not imply that we are swine.

I appreciate the fact that timely responses are required, however, in these troubling times people have a lot more pressing issues that effect their lives that must be attended to first.  Perhaps you should press the hosts of shows you’ve been on harder than people who may be out looking for a job.  I do hope people will overlook the pearls to swine comment and the tantrum you took in your last email and help you out.



DT – Please do not blame me for using Jesus’ own words to classify some people accordingly. I hope you learned something with this newsletter. Sincerely and respectfully.

Dr. Turi

Your endorsement Dr. Turi;

Dear Oprha,

Your show comes on when I’m driving to work so it’s been a long time since I’ve watched you. I started the lesson that you supported by Tolken, but had to stop when it appeared to me his teaching was against God. If one cannot believe in a higher power then life is not worth living or dieing for. I totally understand your interpretation from the Pastor in your church. He was a human giving his own interpretation of an angry, judgmental, and unloving God. Organized religion can be using Gods messages to control people for their own greed. They are not all that way, but in the last couple of decades they have been selling the name it and claim it, (if you give enough money to them) We need our own relationship with God, that is loving, and inspiring. I can write a book on the miracles I have experienced from God.

 This leads me to Dr. Turi who I have listened to, and read his predictions over the last 3-4 years. Though he’s is a little tuff on the mainstream Religions, probably due to some hurt he encountered, he appears to be a very spiritual person who God has blessed to bring messages to us. While being a little eccentric he has a deep passion to bring us the news of what will happen and is happening so that we can be prepared for the extreme changes in our world that will be taking place in the next three years. We have to get back in relationship with our creator to be able to handle what is coming at us. It’s not like the end of the world but it will be nothing like the world today. The earth is moving into a new cycle and our lives will be forever changed. I intend to watch a listen to what Dr. Turi has to say. I keep my mind open and listen to others also that appear valid, but Dr. Turi seems to hit it right on. Regards to you and all the caring things that you do for the people.

God Bless,


DT – Dear Sandee; Once more thank you for your honest opinion and your endorsement. Luckily from me I was never raised fearing God and for this he allowed me to get closer to him, then master his Universal language and see his real face. No one is above God’s Universal Laws and that is something I hope you and the world will understand with my work in time.



Hi Dr. Turi,

I sent an email to Oprah, it is attached.  I want to register for your next class whether it is in Hawaii or Arizona.  Please have someone send the information.  I also want to sign up for your VIP news.  You are very important to me and I believe your information should be disseminated worldwide.  Young readers certainly should view it and the teens in some of the desolate high schools in Chicago could use your advice because it would be a message of hope.  Teens today need direction.

Thanks again for all you do,


DT – Dear Lois, thank you so very much for your endorsement and your drive to become a star student. I request any of my prospective students to call me (602) 265-7667 before enrolling. Yes indeed my goal is to build many Astropsychology schools in every cities for the children of tomorrow and seek refuge and find true answers with God in the Universe. They are all children of the Universe and they are all coming from the stars…



Dr. Turi … I am normally a quiet person who asks little of others, and I just sit in the background watching what goes on around me.  But you have finally hit a chord in me where I need to step up to the plate.

Right now, my husband and I are both unemployed, both too old to get a decent job. Our unemployment hit unexpectedly but I have a feeling if I had paid closer attention to your writings, I would have seen it coming.  We had great jobs and absolutely loved what we were doing. Unfortunately, the company owner didn’t think I did it “well enough” on the job even though I am highly respected in the area for the growth of the company.

I cannot afford ANYTHING right now. I need to become employed again just to keep a roof over our head, food on the table and utilities on – not only for my husband and I, and my mom (who lives with me) but for my sister and her two daughters who are living in my other property. After my sister got divorced, I took a 2nd mortgage on my house to buy another property & mobile home in Tucson (I live in Chandler) so she and her daughters would not have to live in a shelter.  Now I feel punished because I cannot afford to keep all of us housed.

Even though I am having great difficulty, I know there are thousands and thousands of others who also have the same problem. And with that in mind, your work is something this WORLD needs.  Nostradamus made several predictions. But I am just in awe on your work. I have been following you for years and have spread your name (and website) more than you can imagine.  I know many of my friends have become friends and followers of you.

All of this aside, I have sent Oprah the following message on your behalf.  If she doesn’t understand what you are about – it sure isn’t because your followers have not tried.

Dear Oprah …. I’m sure you receive thousands of email each day “telling” you who you should have as guests on your show, or who needs financial help, or who needs you to do something that would benefit the sender of the email/letter.  But, this is a request that you truly do consider one phenomenal man who appears to have one main purpose on this earth … to help OTHERS before himself.

I am talking about Dr. Louis Turi (  I could write a full novel on the writings of this man. He travels more miles per year than imaginable just trying to educate the public.  He is not a “psychic”, he doesn’t read Tarot cards, he doesn’t look into a crystal ball … but he does make accurate predictions on items that affect all of us. Dr Turi’s information offers specific dates, alerting the public to upcoming dangers sometimes as much as 2 years prior to the unfortunate situation. Just read through his website and see for yourself.

Dear Dr. Turi,

I also email Oprah last week.  With all these emails, Oprah will probably be contacting you. I wasn’t going to tell you that I emailed her, but with all the other people emailing her, I knew you would be grateful that one more person has emailed Oprah requesting that you be on her show.  She has probably received thousands of request for you to be on her show.  I appreciate you and the newletters that you send.  Please keep me on your mailing list, as a glich or something has tried to remove me from your mailing list.


Initially I, too, was a naysayer until I followed one of his Moon Power writings for 2007.  No longer do I doubt his ability. And I “found” Dr. Turi because of watching a local morning newscast a few years back as he was a guest that morning.  You could be a huge catalyst for others by having him as a guest on your show.

7 PM PST – 9 PM Central and 10 PM EST; don’t miss my 2nd UFO experience! Then in the second hour I will take your calls and elaborate on the UFO phenomenon and perhaps do some personal readings. So don’t hesitate to use my tool FREE Skype number (520) 413-4931 from anywhere on the planet! Please DO NOT use my office number (602) 265-7667 this line is OFF during the show.

One of the most influential approaches in this liveliness is the education on presenting such sentiment, and then tolerating the staying power for its return.  For thirty-five years and still counting, the spell binding character of Dr. Turi and gratuitous quantities of spiritual inclination arising out of him, for his total concentration on the fixation of a much uncertain population, has been simply a pita.

 Yet, as I observe and concordant with the facts of every ones natal sign, he still holds the appreciation of all and will continue the willingness to endure the appointed, voluntary obligation to occupy complete attention to the “Pledge of Cosmic Consciousness”, our universal guide and the only reality of our distinctness.

 So, once in a blue moon, maybe this type of persevering enchantment could imaginably be, the worship that even this master knows not to hold his breath for anymore.  But the enigma of it all, is among the myriad boos and cheers while letting the cat out of the bag, for the well-being of many misunderstood others until it has almost strained, has now shaped an unanswerable uncomplicated mental state; indicating the exception for exclusively an increased attached adoration for all time.

Perceptive enough though, he is that a considerable portion will unexpectedly, get wind of his notice that is worth a king’s ransom and beyond any doubt yield him without humor.  As I say, you may have somewhat of a vacant verbalization now, but you mustn’t delay and remain rolled in a ball.

 Now, a new ground for you to stand on, written by me…

Dead Set On…

Come into our star …

Where the magnetism, parades about leniently…

Where the puff of blessings will stuff up your wings, granted that you appreciate a worthy destined site and be master of your own sun…

To uncover the view, of all odds and ends,

and then the perception of another.

The naked surveillance behind the veil of the “Turi Closed Book”

Resting in its sections, the realization of refinement and the meeting of minds…

Of such an untamed transcendence.

Weaving together allegiance and sound judgment…

All united in the power, at the cosmos beck and call.

Amused by the gift and rapture of dawn to dark.

Momentarily, you’re in the direction.

Make the scene of your sky, it should be your first wish.

You will unquestionably give birth to your calling…

Only if you desire.

It’s never out of the way.

It’s the present.

Sunrise to sunset.

Inhale, exhale.

Aware you’re living in hell…

Now, create your heaven.




10390 Santa Monica boulevard – suite 410

 Los Angeles, CA 90025



You may pass on those 2010 predictions to all the people you know and offer my premonitions to the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a magazine or a newspaper simply forward my forewarning to the editors, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate and prepare the world for the year 2012 and bring hopes to mankind. Simply mention Dr. Turi and his website –

                                                 NostraTuri – Nostradamus Reincarnated?

“Sole Dios”

Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Michel De Notre Dame”

 Memo of 2008/2009 Dragon’s Head and Tail Predictions

(Date of prediction 9/9/2007)


 Memo *Printed in 2008/2009 Moon Power – Not only children but EVERYONE, especially every FAMOUS person will be a target for the Dragon’s Tail (Fateful/drama) in the magnanimous sign of Leo (fame) in 2008/2009. It first spoke its deadly power on November 26, 2007 (a date to be cautious and printed in my book last year and posted on both my website and on CTC.) when Redskins’ Taylor was shot in his home died and again when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and Bill Gwatney, chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, died 8/13/08. Here is a memo of the long list of departed famous people in 2009 and may God bless their souls.

May God Bless All Souls

Actor Heath Ledger – Actor Brad Renfro – Anna Loginova – Actress Shell Kepler – Chinmoy Kumar – Jeff Healey – Tim Russert – Charlie Jones – George Carlin – Bill Gwatney – Suzanne Tamim – Paul Newman – Choi Jin-sil – Joerg Haider – Eileen Herlie -Ralph Joseph – Paul Harvey – Richardson – Jade Goody – Ted Hughes’ son – Nick Adenhart – Mike Tyson Daughter – Martin’s wife, Kerry – Farrah Fawcett – Michael Jackson – Billy Mays just to name a few, so how more precise Dr. Turi can be in his 2009 predictions?

 This of course does not include the full unarguable prediction of the US restructure of the economy broadcasted on Coast To Coast with George Noory well anyone ever mentioned the word economy. You may also watch any of my television show or listen to any of my radio show from my website if you need more proof of my claims. Again knowledge is power and ignorance is evil. Raise your cosmic consciousness and enjoy a happier existence this is why God gave us the stars.” To be used as signs so that you can enjoy a more productive and safer life”. Note while everyone without any exception will feel the tremendous impact of the Dragon in a specific house and sign, those born in July and January or those born with a rising in these signs, or souls who inherited a natal or hidden Dragon in Cancer / Capricorn will be DIRECTLY affected in 2010. More than any other souls they all, will be forced, *apathetically speaking, to endure a form of physical / spiritual death and rebirth. A progressive or full life 90 MN taped reading would give you all very important way to regenerate your spirit and use the vital information as how the Dragon’s Head or Tail will affect your entire life this year, you better be aware and prepared. Call me at 602-265-7667 for more information.

Let me bring you in the past just for a while so you can understand the progression of the Dragon each year. Thursday June 22nd, 2006 The Dragon’s Head entered the sign of Pisces and this was a very important “change of guards!” where God’s dictates his will through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. August 2006 marked the beginning of the re-structure of the Middle East with both the invasion of Lebanon by Israel and the cease-fire of august 13th 2006. As anticipated my prediction of a full restructure of the Middle East is in full motion and it is far from being over and was fully predicted on Coast To Coast, Art Bell show March 26, 1995. You may listen to this UNARGUABLE prediction at

 This was my first time on the air with him where he following my prediction of the RE ELECTION of president Clinton and the upcoming war! Art literally screamed” EXCUSE ME? A religious war between the US and the Middle East?”

In the 2006 Moon Power I wrote; Pisces rules the Middle East and will bring more attacks by terrorists worldwide. August 2006-Scotland Yard in the UK and other secret services in Germany managed to defeat many plots. For those of you who have the 2006 copy of Moon Power simply read my predictions for these days in August. This Dragon in the deceiving religious sign of Pisces brought serious pain and many deaths with the recruit of god-fearing Muslim people ready to die for the religious purpose. This religious Dragon also increased the church desperate need for Christian followers poisoned with dogmatic teachings believing in the “last days” and the return of Jesus reflecting the last breath of the dying Pisces age.

 Be also aware that the year 2012 will NOT bring the end of the human race as proclaimed by the religions or Indians prophecies incorrectly translated and destitute of true “Cosmic Consciousness”. Many people have already emailed and called me with distressing messages wondering why they should keep going or have any hopes for the future when everything should end soon. It breaks my heart to watch these vile programs on television only dedicated to bring financial revenue to the moronic producers and the idiotic actors regurgitating their own fear of the future.

Remember there is only one thin air between Divine information and pure imagination and this is what you are dealing with the majority of all these TV talking heads. None of these souls are aware of the damage they are inflicting not only to the God fearing religiously poisoned population but also to the Super conscious in time and space. Humans have not yet understood they are the ultimate creator of their common destiny.

                                               “The future is the reincarnation of the thoughts”

– Dr. Turi-

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

– Albert Einstein

2012 is nothing else than a welcome progressive window offered to humankind allowing the uninformed mass to raise its own vibrations and perceive a different reality involving the Divine UFO and its accompanying Universal rules. 2012 will come and go then hopefully by then my message and premonitions will be read and accepted as legitimate. This does not mean some other religious lunatics may not comeback to aunt us with another year promising the wrath of God and the total destruction of this world. If you must trust someone’s predictions be smart enough to investigate the producer of such and if you have as much confirmation of legitimacy as I have produced over the year then you should be very sacred. But it seems as I the only one posting my work on all major websites, so you are in good hand with me. I would suggest you to stop watching this junk, take a big breath and enjoy your life. Providing you respect God’ celestial signs there are no reasons for you not to live a long and happy life trust me. Meantime expect an explosion of new technological advances with electronic hardware because this will assure our survival. Be ready for witnessing an explosion of UFO activity on earth and outpace too. Many space programs will involve the world community where Japan, France, China and US will lead the way. The year 2012 can and will only bring an option for mankind to realize his spiritual limitation fuelled by a new urge for mystical cosmic exploration.

The option to finally hear and see God, as he really is and at work upstairs in the stars, a God they never really knew, a God that was stolen from them and where his real identity will be offered to the world. Humankind will slowly witness the death and rebirth of God himself. A God that resides above in the endless cosmic eternity and not in a man made building. A god that allow everyone on the planet to finally realize his own Divinity and use the Heavenly Celestial power wisely to build a better, wiser, safer humanity. That’s what this 2012 Golden door is about and everyone walking the planet will be *forced to enter to grow. The imbalance *gap, between the human physical achievements and its spiritual Cosmic awareness is coming to an end and with it the Age of Pisces and its endless religious wars and difference. Yes we are on for a fantastic time where the focus will be outside one’s view, value, religion, race, color and where the Age of Aquarius *brotherhood will begin its two thousands peaceful years reign. The Cosmic Code chose President Obama, born with an Aquarius Dagon’s Tail *shocking death, and his mission and sacrifice for mankind has its own karmic purpose for the world at large.

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom

 – Paracelsus

2010 Capricorn Head Cancer Tail Universal Predictions

America, born July 4th 1776, receive the Dragon’s Tail on her first house (right in her face) until March 2011 forcing a total re-structure of the real estate, the country infrastructure where the market will experience its highest and lowest levels ever. As always the manipulative corporate world will indeed become richer while poor families will be forced to re evaluate their choice for survival. It has been mortgage or food for some families and many people lost it all. A California natural / man made disaster will bring millions to surrounding states, especially Arizona. This calamity will take place during one of my SOS Deadly Uranic Window. January 2010 / July 2010.

The US financial situation will see serious improvement in the Real Estate market as we move on into the year 2010. Last couple of years as predicted the situation got so bad that the Government had to offer super deals to jump-start the economy. The new administration is doing all in its power to control and interfere against abusive and unconcerned greedy capitalists and will keep trying to stop wealthy corporations to bleed the mass like a citrus. Parts of the world will suffer serious food shortage due to mother earth restructuring her entrails. Expect the worse during the Full and New Moon of January and July 2010 and January 2011. The Dragon’s Head in Capricorn will “protect” the most powerful structured organizations using the legal system at their advantage to battle the government and keep abusing the less fortunate. However Capricorn is a karmic sign and many of those abusive enterprises will be forced to the ground or restructure with time. England is a Capricorn country and will see radical changes in power, where many of the members of Royal family will project their true human selves with dramatic experiences. The Royal family may also suffer death. The man made King/Queen status and its entire snobby privilege selected children will see the beginning of a crumble induced by the humanitarian “all equals” energetic pull of the New Age of Aquarius.


MONTHS OF CAUTION – July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011

 1.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to bring more security and peace to their neighboring countries.

2.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, as to battle Mother Earth depleting health.

 3.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to battle drug trafficking and gang violence.

 4.Many foreign Governments will “merge”, to gather a better control of its citizens.

 5.Many large established Corporations, (Church Inc.), will “merge” to avoid bankruptcy.

 6.Many large established Corporations will be forced to reevaluate their act and


 7.Many large established Corporations will be forced to expose their accumulated


 8.Many large established Corporations will suffer the iron fist of the IRS.

 9.Many large established Corporations, including the IRS, will be forced to restructure.

 10.Many large established religious Corporations, (Church Inc.), will be forced

into paying taxes. 11.Many large established private religious Corporations, (Mormons, cults, Scientology etc.), will be targeted by Uncle Sam.

12.Many large established oil and pharmaceutical Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.

 13.Many large established food and farmers Corporations will be forced into a painful restructure.

 14.The Tail of Dragon, (negative) in Cancer (US infrastructure), will drastically

affect the US and many others countries due to awful natural disasters such as flooding, fire, quakes etc. July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011.

 15.The Dragon’s Tail, (tough) in Cancer (general security), will bring about internal unrest in France, Italy, Japan, China and the US. July 2010 / January 2011.

 16.The Dragon’s Tail, (negative) in Cancer (general security/USA), will bring about dramatic results to countries suffering unrest and wars.

 17.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Government), will force the power itself to fight back internal abuses and avoid collapsing on itself.

 18.The positive Dragon’s Head in Capricorn, (Government), will force the Army and the Navy to restructure and grow drastically in power and technology. Serious possibility of restitution of the draft due to foreign power nuclear threats July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011.

 19.The Tail of the Dragon in Cancer will bring serious insecurity to the poor,

where the same very people will demand drastic decisions to be taken. July 2010 / January 2010 / 2011.

 20. On a positive side the governmental waste and political abuse will seriously decrease watched by its own internal police.

 21. On a positive side wealthy abusive corporations hiding behind and manipulating the law will be forced to participate with the redistribution of wealth.

 22. On a positive side America’s image and security will return soon after 2011. Soon after June 2011 the entire legal / educational / religious system will be on the way to implode and restructure itself.

 This Universal restructure of abusive power and obvious greed must stop!

ALL corporations that drain countries and people’s resources will be forced to a total financial RESTRUCTURE.

 This New Dragon in Capricorn is the beginning stage of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!



 There will be four major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the year 2010. Each destructive “window” is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period. Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time.

 December 2009 / January 2010: First SUPERNOVA window

From Sunday December 20th, 2009 through Saturday January 23rd, 2010

 April / May: Second SUPERNOVA window

From Thursday April 15th 2010 through Monday May 17th 2010

 August / September: Third SUPERNOVA window

From Sunday August 15th 2010 through Saturday September 18th 2010

 December 3, 2010 / January 7, 2011: Fourth SUPERNOVA window

From Sunday December 5th 2010 through January 7th, 2011


 There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent while driving and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA canceled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates.

 Double-check all your appointments, and if you can postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova “window”. If you must fly like I do very often simply make sure to purchase your ticket and make your reservation during a waxing moon and the stars will not bother you. Remember the Universal Laws do not care for birthday or religious holidays or else, simply think of crossing the street while the light is red or ignore a stop sign, then see what will happen to you. Those laws are impartial and written by God not men and messing them up will bring about serious penalty. Note that; I flew only a few days before the Full Moon in August 2006 to Thailand during a “Supernova Window” to write this book and I traveled safely and avoided all trouble. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil!

 Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these “tools” will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another. The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble “or news” from the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoner’s escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again. Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions.

 In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”. Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts.

 Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind’s affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science’s purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars.

 Earthquake Predictions

Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!

 So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: /// -sender (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi> Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps –

 WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v>

 DATE— Oct 6h, 1995 says… POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995) — >From Dr. Turi – Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully– Dr. Turi

 Results – Full proofs of predictions:

RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th – Oct. 8th a 7.0 EARTHQUAKE HIT SUMATRA (INDONESIAN ISLANDS)

 RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th – Oct. 9th a 7.6 EARTHQUAKE HIT MEXICO.

 More Proof?

Read Dr. Turi’s prediction made worldwide on Coast To Coast radio preparing the world for a BIG earthquake to happen WITHIN TWO DAYS!

 Note TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.


 Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

 More Proof:

From: /////

To: Louis a Turi

Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Re: Show

 I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvelous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. I had another fine program with John Hogue last night. Be well, my friend.

 Jeff Rense

“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.”

Dr. Turi

Sad enough your tax dollars is going to those well-established governmental institutions and they will never in a million years give you the right timing of when a bad quake will happen, while my valuable research and my obvious findings (and predictions) are not taken seriously or even endorsed. Well I am well ahead of those scientists and that is the fact. Once more help me to pass those 2010 predictions to all the people you know and offer them to the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes to mankind. Simply mention my website

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , Neil deGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?


You’ll know the essence of a real genius only when an extreme minority can relate to his work and decides to follow him… Dr. Turi

Neil DeGrasse Astronomy VS Dr. Turi’s Astrology 

What makes a true Genius? The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS? NONSENSE!

This is a sample of the type of articles my “Cyber Cosmic University” offer to curious minds. There we discuss anything science and religions could never ever consider because both have lost the true spirit of a cosmic God.

Have you ever considered the possibility of being born a genius? This article is dedicated to help you find out if you have what it takes to be a real genius outside of conventionally accepted disciplines.

WIKIPEDIA – A genius is an individual who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science, or calculation, or who masters and personalizes a known technique.

 A genius typically possesses great intelligence or remarkable abilities in a specific subject, or shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and/or ability, especially in the production of creative and original work, something that has never been seen or evaluated previously.

 Traits often associated with genius include strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive. The term may be applied to someone who is considered gifted in many subjects or in one subject.

Often prospective students ask me if the study of Astropsychology or Astroforensics requires a high percentile of Intelligence quotient (IQ), mostly wondering about the test following my home course.

My response has always been the same, “there is a big difference between education and intelligence.” Your natal UCI is already set for you to deal with this rational world or the archetypal realm of consciousness.

Obviously for anyone to ask such a question our advanced “cosmic identity” or spiritual DNA is already compatible.

For example, in this dense physical world where values and intelligence are evaluated through academic pursuits someone born with a very logical mind and a fabulous memory or blessed with a rational UCI *Unique Celestial Identity has much more chances than me to be classified as a genius.

But is this a fact? Nope, it is not because those who pretend to be the experts are the least knowledgeable on the subject they teach or talk about! Including the leading crowd of the UFO phenomenon! researchers.

    Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!


I was born with a serious case of ADD when I was a child and still, at the tender age of sixty- five years old I still suffer from ADHD. This mental “disease” is plaguing me with a serious problem of inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsiveness, compulsiveness, aggressiveness, or a combination of all of those. But why do I teach my students that ADD or ADHD is a gift and not a disease? Well in my independent, unconventional research I found out that Einstein and President Clinton also suffered my ailment and they seem to have done well for themselves!

 Yes, That Was Me! Ask Mom Or read all about it!

As a child, I rapidly exhausted all my teachers’ patience and found myself punished most of the time stuck between two trees in the schoolyard for hours, in the snow, and without proper clothing or food in my stomach.

They could not understand why I had to get rid of the surplus physical and spiritual Mercurial energy God cursed/gifted me with. And sitting for hours facing a boring teacher and the blackboard did not cut it… The same teacher that suggested to my mother for I to undergo some psychological tests and said then, “Louis will never learn anything, speak a foreign language or become successful without education.”

Luckily for me, today’s dangerous medications that could have turned me into a zombie did not exist and my mother strongly refused to let anyone fry my brain with electrical shocks.

But what all my teachers did not have is Cosmic Consciousness and could never figure out that my own UCI I was over loaded with an extensive Mercurial energy I could not control.

Mercury The Lord Of The Quick Witted Mind

The planet Mercury is called in ancient Greek Mythology “The Lord of communication” and rules all form of transportation and all moving parts i.e. cars, trains, planes, gearboxes, post office etc. Mercury is also called “The Messenger of the Gods” and inherited a set of wings on each heal as to represent the speed and the long journey in front of the gifted the turbo charged mentally gifted soul.

My hidden dragon is also Mercurial and I never learned English nor typing… But the gift id real and as undeniable as my predictions!

Note some of the most successful radio hosts including Rush Limbaugh, George Noory, Art Bell etc. inherited a very strong dose of Mercury in their cosmic nature. But this does not make all Gemini born very smart! Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ‘Forgotten Baby Syndrome’ Ridiculousness!

Today’s scientific way of determining a genius is totally erroneous, mostly because a very educated person is doing nothing else than repeat the books he digested for years and can recall very well. There is a big difference between a good memory and creative ingeniousness or a “cosmic” gift!

A true genius will breach the limitation of the accepted Status Quo and offer a new vision of the world we are all living on, and in my case, lead the norm towards God’s cosmic Divinity.

But the born insecure, mentally inferior, the religious poisoned and atheists alike will immediately take my confidence for an ego trip and refute anything I write! Mostly  because they think they know better than a 65 year old man, or trust the scientific or religious matrixes to give them the answers I already own, but can not perceive!

Let’s take this simple example…Read a big book to a parrot * Gemini rules the bird world by the way. Are you wondering why Mike Tyson also Gemini is so crazy with pigeons now?

Thus Parrots can only repeat what ever they learned yes and their vocabulary is very small.

Now let say this parrot is really gifted and his memory is phenomenal, what will happen? He will, for hours and hours recite the lesson he was told to accept as the truth and graduate with distinction but?

What if the teacher he trusted so much to educate him was wrong all along? The ripple effect in full action, the propaganda of the controlling traditional religious and scientific educational matrixes at work! And you are the “accredited” educated or religious result!

“If you make people think they”re thinking, they”ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they”ll hate you. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. The stars are the elixir of life! All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein

I have a serious problem to remember anything at all, including my own telephone number but, for as long as I live I will never, ever forget a person’ zodiacal sign! I can cruise spiritually in the for ever cosmos and never get lost and RECALL everything I have learned about the cosmic code since the “cosmic” downloading induced by ET’s on August 11th 1991.

Go figure, my subconscious does not allow me to stir away from my gift and mission and won’t bother me with what he may perceive as trivial…

 We are all God’s children and yet we are all so very different!

Thus this is why God made me, and all other ADD-ADHD people the way we are. Maybe because he wanted some of us to learn all about life with “hands on experiences”instead of becoming professional students like those famous non cosmic conscious walking books!

The fact is; those who pretend to be  the experts are often the least informed on their expertise… Dr. Turi

Does it ring a bell in your mind readers, as to why those well read souls were all born in October? I this a coincidence or does Dr. Turi know better than them all, at least on the Soul of the Cosmos? Now this does not mean those people are idiots and I know better OK? Their repertoire of wisdom is a great as mine, but rational at best!

There is no a single bit of solid spiritual cosmic wisdom emanating from their vast repertoires of wisdom, that’s all! Indeed they are the real product of the scientific and religious matrixes and what they know is VERY valuable but incomplete! Roger that? So do not attack me because you only read the title or can not relate to my work!

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Whatever facts have been accepted by science and humanity at large does not necessarily means it is the complete truth! To have hand on experiences means dealing and experiencing different truths that only pain and suffering can bring and those souls mentioned above are FAR from sharing my incredible experiences!

Imagine telling any of those well read men about the reality of UFO or that; the Cosmos actually has a soul? All they will do is run off fearing the ridicule and think I smoke too much weed when I never did! (and I am not Clinton!)

Religions nor science has all the answers and can only assume with what they classify as “pseudo science” when the old science can offer them the golden keys of what it means to be human if they only could by -pass their “spiritual educated pride” and ask for it.

Astropsychology and Astroforensics (or astrology) is an extremely old celestial art, directly connected to all the religions on earth! It is symbolically very complex in nature and must be taught and practiced as an exceptional art not all human being can practice!

Can you sing dance like Michael Jackson or can you think like Eisenstein or I? NO you can’t because you are not “programmed” to do so, and this is why you are either a religious person, an atheist or in between… Now if you really think like I do, somehow the supra-conscious will help us connect and we go (or not) from there!

This is why, unlike Glenn Beck, CNN, FOX news etc. or any other matrix, I am the SOLE creator of all my articles and do not rely in an army of journalists writers to behave like parrots… I do not report the news, I explain why the news take place and expose the news BEFORE you read them on CNN, FOX!

I can hear God cosmic music and translate the  hieroglyphs of the stars to a more audible vibration for my fellow human beings! I am a proud Soul Doctor ready to help anyone looking for the truth through all my services 

Not everyone is blessed with the “gift” or the advanced UCI needed to naturally assimilate, understand and translate correctly the Divine order of our local solar system. God created the stars and the heavens to be used as signs and that’s why a section of the bible clearly mentions, “I will talk to you; but you won’t hear me! I will present myself to you; but you won’t see me!”

Only if one asks will he receive the celestial blessings. God speaks to us through his own celestial creation and through his Divine cosmic light and only an advanced soul can  perceive such a subtle manifesto.

Meantime with the right teacher anyone can raise its spiritual vibration and master this cosmic art but will my mission and good heart ever perceived and appreciated as such when so many evil young souls were born blind?

“If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they’ll hate you.” – Harlan Ellison

If all the ADD – HDHD were to become normal again and listen to the norm (today’s teachers) challenges and changes would never occur! In fact  all ADD – HDHD born is a blessing in disguise for humanity. If this world was run by atheists there would be nothing but spiritual dryness and this is VERY dangerous for us all!

While it is important for any conscientious parents and teachers to do the best for their children education, had the teachers themselves earned Cosmic Consciousness, parents and teachers alike would know all about children born geniuses.

 “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”  (Albert Einstein) 

One can only relate to me because of his/her education, experiences and most of all the natal logical or spiritual inherited values making up the karmic UCI. But at this point, the scientific community and much of the mass of human know nothing of the Human spiritual DNA or the UCI!

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

And curiosity is what makes the difference between a common educated person and a true Genius potential!

Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education… Einstein 

  • A genius is someone that is unconventional; Einstein would indeed fit the bill and someone that accomplished something totally incredible regardless of unbelievable obstacles.
  • A genius is someone educated that uses traditional information and brings it to a much higher level.
  • A genius is someone not necessarily educated but blessed or cursed by god with a phenomenal artistic or intellectual gift.
  • A genius is someone that stands for his/her beliefs and do not seem to be able to stop working towards the results.
  • A genius is someone willing to take on the ridicule, setback and stress never losing sight to his/her goal.
  • A genius is someone that regardless of the opposition continues to make progress in his/her field and astonish people.
  • A genius is someone that everyone else is jealous of because he/she naturally shines.
  • A genius is someone that you can only love or hate because he/she is so special and often misunderstood
  • A genius is someone that other either listen to and grow or cannot relate to.
  • A genius is someone like some of my close friends; that astonish people because of their dedication and mission.
  • A true genius comes without pride or ego and already knows he is a genius and always rewards even the smallest gesture done to him.
  • A true genius does not need anyone’s confirmation or approval and share the light with anyone he consider special.
  • A true genius is complete emotionally, financially and spiritually and will always have time for others outside of its own mission.
  • So if you know a *genius be prepared because this Aquarius type of energy will always surprise you at the end.
  • Lastly a magnet will not attract a piece of wood a true genius can only attract another one.

L’Oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Memo – A California natural disaster will bring millions to surrounding states, especially Arizona. This calamity will take place during one of my SOS Deadly Uranic Window.

Next large earthquakes and shocking news will take place August 9/10/11 2014 – please help me warn the world, you will save many lives in the process! 

UFO Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi

Do not assume, do not feel the way they do, do not make the same mistake they did with me, here is your solid chance for me to give you the proof of my UFO legacy! Then  and only then, remember reading this article written by a legitimate UFO contactee and why the forces of evil are working hard and together to mute me.

August 2014 SOS to the world windows


August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual  /  Rare / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell

I have done all I could to make you aware that I am real and my work is solid and trustworthy and because the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness, I will be there to refresh your memory…

Sharing old emails:

“Why can people understand that DT’s gift could really make a difference? You think that maybe people are too scared of this type of change?”

DT -Hoops USGS would not survive without your taxes and DT is dangerous for their welfare because he actually gives very specific dates and they don’t! Thanks for the support


DT Thanks for the observation and support my Jo.

Right on target Dr. Turi (as usual!) — All the recent activity was noted in the Universal Predictions for January — I had just finished reviewing the one for January 11 and following when I heard about the Haiti quake — I feel sorry for all the poor lost souls there, and their families all over the world, but the prediction was there. Thanks for keeping up the information. Sharon in Houston

DT – Thanks for the observation and support Sharon

Dr. Turi
“You’ve been right on with your forecasts, my friend.”

Thanks for the observation and support my friend.

Dr. Turi “WOW! The Universe has designed all designs and It is just waiting for us to have the eyes to see.

Thank you!

DT- Thanks for the observation and support my friend.


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show, check the next one

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



American Idol, Michael Johns, James Brady, Glenn Beck – When will the world find the real cosmic God?



“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

Today news! all fully predicted!

VIDEO: Jim Brady Recalls Assasination Atempt

May God bless your soul

James Brady, former Reagan press secretary, gun-control advocate, dies – Famous Death?

Josh Stern@joshingstern – @drturi yeah I think everyone saw that one coming….like 30 years ago – Kudos – 

DT – Please, READ pass the title, my work is not for the feeble minded, and most of all, do NOT assume! 

May God bless your soul

Former ‘American Idol’ contestant Michael Johnsdies at 35 – Famous Death/

Michael Johns was Born October 20, 1978, Perth, Australia, he was an Australian singer-songwriter who finished in eighth place on the seventh season of American Idol in 2008. He released an album Hold Back My Heart in 2009. Wikipedia.

Indeed my latest SOS Window To The World and all the collected tragedies speaks of an undeniable deadly cosmic timing humanity has yet to acknowledge. As expected in all cases Michael Johns suffered on of his negative hidden dragon “Cosmic Biorhythms

Furthermore, I must remind the readers of a section of my 2014 Arian Draconis aiming for Libra and Aries. In fact this dragon hit home yesterday when I had to take my wife Terania (born in April)  to the emergency room.

Indeed like John, she was also under one of her negative hidden dragon “Cosmic Biorhythms.” My latest astrological discovery should be mandatory for everyone to acknowledge and pay attention to the physical and spiritual/cosmic signs like I did! John  did not have that option because John was not cosmic conscious and John died!

God thanks, the accumulated prayers of all my VIP’s stimulated the Supra-conscious in my wife’s favor and paid off, and she is now safe and recuperating…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus


Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).   Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression.This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy.”

I seriously think its time for all my trusting readers to become more active and share this type of realistic article. Neptunian born souls like Glenn Beck and so many other warm hear-ted people that  , yet want to save the world using their chosen religion and their false Gods that will never speak nor hear their prayers.

This does not make them bad, simply unable to conceive the grandiosity of a cosmic “unifying”  God and all they can do is, years later realize their errors! Glenn Beck’s biggest regret?  Glenn Beck's biggest regret?

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

I feel for Glenn because  he seems like a concerned, wondeful man but he is so lost and not only Mormonism, but any religions will never ever fix this world. Its like over medicating a born killer with drugs and hope one day he will rejoin society!

Glenn is so lost, he is like me, an Aries Dragon head, cursed to uncover himself and escape any form of archaic teachings. Like me he is born “a leader of the mind”, very independent and not exactly lucky working for any religious or any other matrix including  “FOX News.”

But Glenn is so damn lost it hurt me to realize how deep he sank into the codification of thought and lost his soul. He is like battling very hard everyday to keep his faith and  comprehend this ugly world run by science, politics and religions…

I used to post my cosmic message in “FireWire from” but Scott Baker, like anyone unable to perceive the divine simply removed me allowing more evil, confusion and darkness spreading like an unstoppable cancer from their website!

Little do all those young souls know about the supra-conscious creative, destructive power or their own UCI/ cosmic identity!

But like Glenn, Scott, Mike Broomhead and 99.99% of the world it will take a few life time for those lost souls to exit their religious and scientific zones to upgrade to the reality and all the blessings only a cosmic God can provide his children…

With millions of followers and with my direct approaches to reach him on “Fire Wire the Blaze” through Scott and all social media, I am sure a curious Glenn and company landed on many of my articles. And this one could be the “wake up call” Glenn and so many lost souls needs!

But I do not expect anything from any of them, because my “Cyber Cosmic University” and not compatible to Glenn’s personal “religious matrix” and his Neptunian  unrealistic messages of love and faith alone to save the world!  Indeed being fired from “The Blaze” is another reality I must accept!

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” –Swift

UFO Conspiracy Against Dr. Turi

Do not assume, do not feel the way they do, do not make the same mistake they did with me, here is your solid chance for me to give you the proof of my UFO legacy! Then  and only then, remember reading this article written by a legitimate UFO contactee and why the forces of evil are working hard and together to mute me.

Read also – Dr. Turi ET’s Predictive Legacy – UFO Conspiracy Part Two!

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual  /  Rare / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

Lifestyles of the rich and religious abusers!

Watch this video

Lifestyles of the rich and religious

They’re the top leaders in the church, but do they practice what they preach? See why some call these homes “scandalous.”


Why I Stole a Televangelist’s Safe
MIKE MURDOCK  Joel Osteen Pimps Gospel
11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

Dear readers:

I collected today’s news on CNN  and copied one of my my monthly forecast generated for my VIP’s “August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions” The main reason for me to do so is to help you assimilate Moon Power and my SOS To The World Windows for August.

I will then use the quatrain and the keywords to help you “connect” with God’s cosmic divinity speaking his will through the signs

The quatrain

Terror Secret Villains Plot For God
Evil Dance Killers Rise
Secret To Light Shame Reign
The Smell Of Death Disaster For Some


Famous Death/ Death news/Dramatic News/Police news/FBI/CIA/Secrets/Scandals/
Terrorism/Finances/Sex/Serial Killers/Wake up call.

Today news!

U.S. general killed in Afghanistan shooting –  Famous Death?
Why so many civilians deaths in Gaza? – Death News?
ISIS to Christians: Convert or die  ISIS to Christians: Convert or die Death News?

VIDEO: Jim Brady Recalls Assasination Atempt

James Brady, former Reagan press secretary, gun-control advocate, dies – Famous Death?

Former ‘American Idol’ contestant Michael Johnsdies at 35 – Famous Death/

Note: Pluto is back with us; be VERY careful of what you say, where you go and what you do! Unaware police officers and/or criminals will meet with their death. Many other unprepared souls will pay the ultimate price by losing their precious lives and this could be you too.

Please DO take my heed VERY seriously! Plutonic windows dates depict EXTREME criminal activity and police VULNERABILITY. No one is safe when EVIL reigns on earth! The full year of SOS deadly Plutonic window dates are available to my VIP’s Cosmic Code subscribers only.

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window – THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. Is your life worth this VIP subscription? Call us anytime for information at 602-265-7667. Join us ASAP. Sign up NOW!

* * * * *

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:
RULERS — Pluto (Climax/Secrets) and Jupiter (Doctrines)

Work, Career and Business: You are now walking on a fine razor blade and it’s very windy. You know what I mean! You’d better ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Partnerships: Many ugly secrets may surface now. ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Family and Friends: Be ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Love Affairs: ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Environment: Pluto belongs to the ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God. A famous person’s secrets will be made available to the media. Secrets comes to light under Pluto.

Events: Hopefully ///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

Shopping: As///// SORRY VIP’S ONLY

* * * * *


— Written by Dr. Turi

Join Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic University to read ALL forecasts and be prepared to read  the news before CNN!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Teens set bodies ablaze on video – Hitler/Arian Draconis at work!

8/2/2014‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

Teens set bodies ablaze on video  

New social media dare shows teens setting selves ablaze


Dear readers;

The “animal human” at work! And who’s to blame those teens for such a gigantic stupidity, the kids you may say! No! you are wrong, kids are kids and will always be kids doing the stupidest dangerous thing possible…

Those to blame are the non cosmic conscious parents, the teachers, the US Department of Education and 99.999% of the mass of religious and atheists adults making up this world!

Would the parents be “cosmically” educated, they would know that Hitler was born in April, under the constellation of Aries with his SUN sign in Taurus. He loved fire and ordered the burning of 8 millions Jews in Auswitch Germany!

Remember a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and souls that “vibrate” at Hitler’s cosmic speed will be attracted to him and behave like he did!  Tila Tequila Hitler and Dr. Turi’s 2013 Arian Draconis predictions (VIP’s only!) Join Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University to read thousands of educational articles.

Would the teachers of your kids be cosmically educated, they would know that Aries rules Germany and the red planet Mars, “The Lord of War” rules this country, including the color red (blood) fires, aggressiveness and danger! 

Would all the elites of the US Department of Education be cosmically educated, and while the Illuminati have co-opted the use of astrology for control, had they would allow they would allow Astropsychology in all schools and Universities and accept it as another solid discipline crucial for your children mental welfare. 

Indeed those kids are extremely vulnerable before, during or just after puberty and in the name of all the adults’ ignorance, religious fears or pure idiocy, their children neurotically, robotically and subconsciously act out their  UCI/stars responding to the current 2014 Arian Draconis Universal Dragon above!  BY SETTING THEMSELVES ON FIRE!

How more obvious this can be and still the young skeptic souls won’t be able to see nor conceive the obvious!

Its just a matter of time before one of those kids land on one of his “Negative Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” and die! I am surprised it did not happen yet, and when it does tears, and pain and costly legal suits will, as usual follow! 

Have you noticed yet the intensity of what seems an endless chain of fires that killed 19 firefighters in Arizona last year? Do you know that I made that prediction exactly 19 days before those 19 brave men meet with their death?

What if ALL fire departments in the US were reading my warnings would those lost souls be with us today?

   Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

Prediction # 9 – A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many fire fighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced  the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Become a VIP there are many more for you to acknowledge.

 I have yet to add those two new fires to the long list of my well documented predictions, just in case the Christians and the atheists decided to wake up to the reality of a cosmic God speaking his will to me regularly through the signs…

ALTURAS, Calif. — Thousands of federal, state and local firefighters on Saturday were feverishly attacking at leastsix major wildfires in central and far northern California  that prompted evacuations, while blazes in the Pacific Northwest destroyed a handful of homes.

New, quickly moving fire near Twisp forces evacuations

But the system is set for those abusive, deceptive matrixes to make tons of money on the “collateral damage” or the death of all the children of the past and those of the future readers.

There are tons of new drugs to prescribe, many more mental institutions, jails, prisons and churches to build to accommodate all those children, and this mean your donations, your taxes and billions changing the same abusive hands…

Forewarning the masses with my undeniable cosmic work or the legacy left by the ET’s never worked before, why would this change today? Only a fraction of my readers are spiritually advanced enough to make a good use of my work because this physical rational, scientific and religious oriented world is ill fitted mentally to deal with anything real, such as God cosmic divinity and the “Soul of the Cosmos.” 

Cosmos is so much more appealing and fit the mind of all the conditioned blind people involved with NASA or Mars One deception! 

All I can do is to think the same way humanity will think and reason 50 years from today if we do not obliterate ourselves with nukes before then… 

Again readers, how is it possible for any normal (intelligent) human beings to deny the veracity of my predictive work and worse, to try to mute me by ganging not only against me but God himself?

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him” — Swift

The fact is you are living in a world run by a mass of “educated/religious” morons who own the utmost powerful positions in all branches of the government and the top positions in our society! God Have Mercy! 

Watch this video

Lifestyles of the rich and religious

They’re the top leaders in the church, but do they practice what they preach? See why some call these homes “scandalous.”


In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

Those souls got where they are at because they were conditioned, fabricated, promoted by those matrixes you and I are taxed to death to maintain. Their rich lifestyle is well above ours in all aspects of what we consider as “a normal life” where hard work, care and dedication does not exist.

Yes they are the privileged select born to rule a physical world at your expenses without knowledge of God’s cosmic divinity! 

They finally got together last night to show the tax payers how dutiful they really are when. on the way to their August vacation,  (you over paid for,) they were called back from the airport to deal with the urgent emigration situation cursing our borders…

Fox News – “The House late Friday revived and approved a Republican-authored border crisis bill after GOP leaders hurriedly resolved an internal battle that scuttled the vote a day earlier.”  

I clearly mentioned that this Dragon was aiming for the children ( and Obama) and would impose new emigration laws and I am glad, ALL my words are well documented in George Noory Gaiam’s TV show!

Well as always, all I can do is to keep forging forward for your children and hope for your help so Terania and I can help you even more!


I have decided to stop producing my 2015 Moon Power in hard cover version, this book will only be available on the E- book version. Meantime, all other published books are still available through Amazon,, Ingram etc.  The 2015 Nostradamus Forecast For All Signs will stay as is, also as a E-book.

There is no reason for all my VIP’s to pay a fee to become Cosmic Coders while other invest only $15 for the E-book version or $25 for a hard cover of my upcoming 2015 Moon Power. 

Thus, as of 2015 this book can and will be available ONLY to my VIP’s. I will keep producing the monthly forecasts you are used to read and enjoy including my daily guidance and predictions, nothing will change in the cosmic code website.

Over the years, people became used to my Moon Power for their personal use, especially for planning and traveling ahead during the waxing moons. Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs, as usual will be fully available from my main website! However, you will now be able to download the full version of my 2015 Moon Power ONLY when you become a VIP! 

One of the reasons for me to stop publishing moon power is because, many of my hard cover books found their way on many websites I did not even know existed and those people will never remunerated my work.

The internet is a great thing many online crooks abuses by stealing the intellectual properties of others… 

They also know legal pursuits are time consuming and very costly… My E books get also “duplicated” and sent electronically to thousands of people who would never consider rewarding the author.

Producing Moon Power and Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Sign is extremely hard and demand me to work endlessly so I can still offer my “cosmic” articles for free to the public. 

While many wonderful people submit my work, the vast majority would never post any of my articles but will share my eBooks with all their friends and family members privately.  Then why would any of them behave decently and reward my hard work by becoming VIP’s? 

Thus I am asking my readers to think of us and how unselfish we are in our total dedication to teach you all about the “Soul of the Cosmos” and help you deal with life.  While I encourage all my readers to share my eBooks and articles, please ask your friends to also consider joining my Cyber Cosmic University and read the monthly forecasts from there with all other VIP’s. In fact you should share this note next time you submit something I produced. 

People like to get things for free but karma is not free and can only work when you start giving your best like we do. People are struggling, this is a fact but “sucking” life out of others or abuse them in any way, shape or form will never stop the negative flux plaguing your life because you are misusing and trained  your conscious for years to give back to you as little as possible.

All my life I suffered the evil of selfishness and lost thousands of dollars in the process…  I attracted the biggest con man and woman on the planet with bad deals. All because I trusted those tainted selfish souls to behave like me, with honor, with love, with respect and with their hearts!

But the heart, the dignity, the morale was missing and like a bunch of stinky hyenas, they all dispersed in the night with a piece of me… Those “HUMAN/ANIMALS” loud laughs  can only last so long, because event at night and at a safe distance from the Lion, it is just a matter of time before karma, in time and space catch up to them.

Personal talismans tailored under YOUR specific cosmic auspices can also help you clean the “evil” from you and protect you from negative low entities cruising the astral plane…

This mean each time you do something bad to someone, do not think for a second you are safe and free to hurt another human being… Powerful negative thoughts are timeless and ALWAYS reach the intended target under the form of a multitude of painful experiences you brought to yourself…

Be nice to you and to others, share and reward because if you are a young soul, you have yet to learn that Karma is simply inescapable… This is why, regardless of all the nasty deeds I endured, God has and will always takes care of us, those I love including my real friends… Because these are my deepest thoughts for them… 

For God to save me from cancer and give me another chance at life is priceless, especially when I found my soul mate Terania’s true love! We both work so very hard for you and all we do is to serve you even better with our prospective radio show…

God is always watching you, and good karma is not only about making and accumulating  money but by having good health, a good job, great friends opening the golden doors to give and receive even more! Terania is working endlessly to finish her first e-book and its accompanying You Tube video, she can only work in peace during the night when her duties with you all are over.

Remember to share, remember to create, remember to reward those who makes you feel alive and remember karma is very real!

Sharing email from BIN

UberNuts – Check your facts. Approx 6 million killed during the alleged holocaust.

More salacious new-age poop from Dr. Turi…

Nut head; The “animal human” at work!  Alleged? OMG! and these are some of the people I am trying to educate on God cosmic divinity? 6 million? Were you there to fight or check those numbers after the war? The only weapon you will ever use is your pen and the only war theater you will experience is right here for you moron, all because of the sacrifice of the millions of brave souls who fought evil.

You are unspeakable… Indeed the “The “animal human” at work! term fits you better than a moron! “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!


Donations for Cosmic Code Radio and my mission for the children of the world!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIP

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667

2015 Moon Power and 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Sign

Dear Readers;

I have decided to stop producing my 2015 Moon Power in hard cover version, this book will only be available on the E- book version. Meantime, all other published books are still available through Amazon,, Ingram etc.  The 2015 Nostradamus Forecast For All Signs will stay as is, also as a E-book.

There is no reason for all my VIP’s to pay a fee to become Cosmic Coders while other invest only $15 for the E-book version or $25 for a hard cover of my upcoming 2015 Moon Power. 

Thus, as of 2015 this book can and will be available ONLY to my VIP’s. I will keep producing the monthly forecasts you are used to read and enjoy including my daily guidance and predictions, nothing will change in the cosmic code website.

Over the years, people became used to my Moon Power for their personal use, especially for planning and traveling ahead during the waxing moons. Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs, as usual will be fully available from my main website! However, you will now be able to download the full version of my 2015 Moon Power ONLY when you become a VIP! 

One of the reasons for me to stop publishing moon power is because, many of my hard cover books found their way on many websites I did not even know existed and those people will never remunerated my work.

The internet is a great thing many online crooks abuses by stealing the intellectual properties of others… 

They also know legal pursuits are time consuming and very costly… My E books get also “duplicated” and sent electronically to thousands of people who would never consider rewarding the author.

Producing Moon Power and Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Sign is extremely hard and demand me to work endlessly so I can still offer my “cosmic” articles for free to the public. 

While many wonderful people submit my work, the vast majority would never post any of my articles but will share my eBooks with all their friends and family members privately.  Then why would any of them behave decently and reward my hard work by becoming VIP’s? 

Thus I am asking my readers to think of us and how unselfish we are in our total dedication to teach you all about the “Soul of the Cosmos” and help you deal with life.  While I encourage all my readers to share my eBooks and articles, please ask your friends to also consider joining my Cyber Cosmic University and read the monthly forecasts from there with all other VIP’s. In fact you should share this note next time you submit something I produced. 

People like to get things for free but karma is not free and can only work when you start giving your best like we do. People are struggling, this is a fact but “sucking” life out of others or abuse them in any way, shape or form will never stop the negative flux plaguing your life because you are misusing and trained  your conscious for years to give back to you as little as possible.

All my life I suffered the evil of selfishness and lost thousands of dollars in the process…  I attracted the biggest con man and woman on the planet with bad deals. All because I trusted those tainted selfish souls to behave like me, with honor, with love, with respect and with their hearts!

But the heart, the dignity, the morale was missing and like a bunch of stinky hyenas, they all dispersed in the night with a piece of me… Those “HUMAN/ANIMALS” loud laughs  can only last so long, because event at night and at a safe distance from the Lion, it is just a matter of time before karma, in time and space catch up to them.

Personal talismans tailored under YOUR specific cosmic auspices can also help you clean the “evil” from you and protect you from negative low entities cruising the astral plane…

This mean each time you do something bad to someone, do not think for a second you are safe and free to hurt another human being… Powerful negative thoughts are timeless and ALWAYS reach the intended target under the form of a multitude of painful experiences you brought to yourself…

Be nice to you and to others, share and reward because if you are a young soul, you have yet to learn that Karma is simply inescapable… This is why, regardless of all the nasty deeds I endured, God has and will always takes care of us, those I love including my real friends… Because these are my deepest thoughts for them… 

For God to save me from cancer and give me another chance at life is priceless, especially when I found my soul mate Terania’s true love! We both work so very hard for you and all we do is to serve you even better with our prospective radio show…

God is always watching you, and good karma is not only about making and accumulating  money but by having good health, a good job, great friends opening the golden doors to give and receive even more! Terania is working endlessly to finish her first e-book and its accompanying You Tube video, she can only work in peace during the night when her duties with you all are over.

Remember to share, remember to create, remember to reward those who makes you feel alive and remember karma is very real!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

A Virginia U.S. Navy veteran ended his life in front of a Veterans Administration clinic – SHAME!


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” .

Dear Readers;

I am proud to have many American very close friends (Tom, Veronica, Owen etc. ) who served this great country for years and for me to read a desperate soul committed suicide by his own hands instead of the ones of the enemy is simply intolerable.

This case makes it very difficult for me to separate myself from the current VA administration, politics and the stars… Meantime, this lost soul certainly suffered one of his 2014 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms and could not handle the heaviness of depression leading to his desperate act induced by his stars!

Indeed 99.99% of human are totally oblivious of the cosmic code jurisdictions and some of those horrific celestial energy  leading to despair and suicide. Not knowing about those regular ups and downs, there is no way possible for anyone to apply the will! Instead medical prescriptions are prescribed and LEAD to those suicidal tendencies.

Indeed when the stars are aligning positively or negatively, you will land on the jackpot or  decide to kill yourself! Its as simple as that but our infantile science has lost touch with the spirit and totally oblivious of those Cosmic Biorhythms!

Once again, “Who can and will deny the undeniable values of my predictions? The end of all false Gods!” Only the young uneducated, God fearing or rigid souls victimized/indoctrinated by so many abusive religious/scientific educational matrixes will never acknowledge the veracity of God cosmic divinity!

Veterans Commits Suicide Outside of VA Clinic

A Virginia U.S. Navy veteran ended his life in front of a Veterans Administration clinic, faulting the agency in his suicide note for failing to help him with chronic pain.

Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).   Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents  and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy”


Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

“FU VA!!! Can’t take it anymore,” the note said.

Kevin Keller, 52, who served on the USS Independence in the early 1980s, shot himself in front of the clinic after apparently shooting out a window at night, South West Virginia Today reported. It was an incident that demonstrates a tragic end for a veteran frustrated with a federal agency that has been in the news for months for lack of care for veterans.

He left the letter in the home of his best friend, a man named Marty Austin, after breaking into his home and taking a gun.

“Marty sorry I broke into your house and took your gun to end the pain!” the note also said.

The local VA clinic would not comment to the newspaper about the condition of Keller.

“Salem VA Medical Center staff extends our sincere condolences to the family and friends of this veteran,” said Ann Benois, who works in customer service and public relations at the medical center.

“Due to privacy regulations, we are unable to provide any information related to the care and treatment plan of this specific veteran. Our many successes in treatment does not ease the loss of any veteran. We will continue to offer the best medical and mental health care possible.”

Wytheville, Virginia, Police Chief Rick Arnold told the newspaper someone at a store across the street from the VA clinic heard someone fire two gunshots at the clinic. The door was boarded up, but Arnold could not confirm Keller shot it out.

“The whole deal is sad,” his friend John Andres, who served with Keller on the Independence, told the newspaper. “To make a statement like that, to kill himself in the parking lot of the VA; he was basically telling them this is senseless.”

In October 2013, VA announced the Opioid Safety Initiative to reduce the use of opioids among veterans in VA care.

Austin said Keller, his friend for 30 years, suffered with chronic pain after surviving a stroke 11 years ago.

“I realize there are people in this world hooked on drugs, but he needed the pain medicine,” Austin told the newspaper.


In the Gaim TV show I did with George, I warned his audience to be ready for a full restructure of the law and President Obama to experience the lowest, most dangerous time of his presidency and nature to become very destructive on August 9/10/11.

I  also offered George’s audience my warnings to what humanity will experience before self-destructing withing the next 50 years if nothing is done urgently to salvage the psyche of our children!  I seriously think it is past due time to educate our children on their cosmic identity so they can use this wisdom to control the worse manifestation of the UCI/Stars and instead TAP of all the virtues, talents and gifts they were born with.

But if no one starts the process of re-educating the masses, all abusive matrixes will keep monopoly on the “universal” religious or scientific education where true ingeniousness is not tolerated!

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust their infantile cosmic unconscious scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi

Donations for Cosmic Code Radio and my mission for the children of the world!

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code Featuring Dr. Turi

Listen to Dr. Turi’s latest radio show

Sharing Emails: 

Tania – 11.11 phenomenon – Hi Dr T could you please shed some light on this. In the last 7 days ive looked at the clock 3 times as it displayed 11.11. What does this mean? Thank you.

DT –

Hello Tania:

It is very easy to stimulate your subconscious (a cosmic God) in time and space to do anything you want it to do for you, even wake you up ate a certain time or lead your eyes to your clock when it says 11.11.  Terania and I always catch this phenomenon watching TV or else… It simply mean you are becoming more conscious of the supra-conscious forces at work ( a cosmic God)  and rising to a higher level of psychical perception. Again my book  “Beyond The Secret” explain much more on this topic.

Humanity has lost its connection with the divine, the cosmos and God himself and a “sign” is offered to you because you asked for it by joining the cosmic code and my teachings…

Hope that helps



A true love story

May God bless their old souls…

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!


Donations for Cosmic Code Radio and my mission for the children of the world!


L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIP

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667