Year: 2014

School kids wreak havoc in SA – Prediction for America


 “For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

What you are witnessing in the deplorable article in South Africa (below) is what is to come to the US if the scientific (atheists) and the religious (Christians etc.) traditional educational matrixes keep rejecting the vital option I am offering all children of the world to regenerate “cosmically” and spiritually.    

The US Department of Education is totally oblivious of the importance of allowing children to learn about their UCI or karmic cosmic identity, this “mishap” is producing all the future monsters totally destitute of cosmic consciousness acting out their stars subconsciously, neurotically like dangerous walking robots!

The same robots Joburg school kids wreaking havoc in CBD today!

Its happening in the US too!

 Parents and teachers alike must soon come together and help me bring back the “cosmic” spirit of God while those children are reachable and salvageable, and this can only happen just before, during and shortly after puberty!

Unless humanity begin its “cosmic ascension”  immediately, those children will produce irrecoverable children of their own or the “MONSTERS OF THE FUTURE” I foresee aiming for total self destruction.

Like their peers, teachers and government, they do not know about the rebirth of  the “Spirit of Hitler” and the cosmic code jurisdictions and they know NOTHING of this aggressive violent cosmic flux.


Readers, this is yet another warning and a glimpse of the things to come to America if you do not help me in my mission to savage the psychical welfare of your children… 

The scientific  and medical community are far from understanding the deep psychical reasons haunting lost souls like Adam Lanza (posted 12/17/2012)! I am desperate to realize my dogs You Tube video is getting much more attention than my desperate message involving today’s incomplete “spiritual/cosmic” educational system and raise the viewers to a higher level of perception.  

Can you imagine Dr. Turi offering the undiluted truth to the masses on CNN or explaining  “The Soul of the Cosmos” with Neil Degrasse Tyson on National Geographic?

But we can all together stop those evil greedy corporate matrixes unwilling to comprehend and fix a deadly phenomena that keep bringing them the billions of medications they are after!

They do not care about you, the reality of a cosmic God speaking to his children from the heavens, they need your money to build more Vatican (s) branches / churches / synagogues / temples acting as banks).

875 different religious pipes coming from the same stinking sewer… Its time to use critical thinking and behave like a smarter human being!

They monopolize all teachings asking you to pray and fear a worthless, false God that bring nothing but Neptunian deception to humanity. 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

Every single day those abusive matrixes are spending millions on all major news media asking for donations for poor kids in Africa and abandoned pets.  DO you really want to help the kids of Africa? Start by helping me build a “cosmic” school there!

Those fortunes are then re-invested in the “Christian and scientific machines” to build more Colleges and Universities, more religious buildings where the essence of a true cosmic God will never be approached and even discouraged and taught as the work of evil!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Donations for Cosmic Code Radio and my mission for the children of the world!

Now read carefully what is in store for America if humanity still exist 50 years from today!

Joburg school kids wreak havoc in CBD

Johannesburg –  Thousands of school children have descended on Johannesburg CBD, reportedly wreaking havoc and looting from shops and vendors.Tara Weber, who works at an art gallery in the CBD, told News24 that a group of learners in school uniforms were looting from vendors in the streets outside their building. “The gates to the gallery had to be locked. We are not sure what is going on or where they are coming from.”She said the children were seen running down the street just after lunch time. Weber said: “We are following the incident via Twitter and I have heard police sirens outside.” News24 user, Silindile Sibusisiwe Ntumba, said: “These children are hooligans! I have no idea why they are marching and I do not care, but harassing us, snatching our food and threatening to hit us with bricks was just not on!”

Sapa reported that the group was in Albertina Sisulu and Eloff streets around 14:00, and majority were standing in front of the education department building. Metro police spokesperson Wayne Minnaar said there had been reports of the group misbehaving by picking up hawkers’ stands and throwing them on the ground.

He advised motorists to avoid the streets and use Marshall Street as an alternative. Metro officials were monitoring the situation. News24 users who witnessed the looting, sent these reports:

“I came across the school kids on Claim Street in Joubert Park, looting an alcohol truck while offloading and running away with multiple cases of alcohol some were even drinking,” wrote Khongoteri Michael Nkondo.

“A restaurant was almost looted as the pupils sang ‘we are hungry’. We spoke with one pupil he informed me that the police forums around the CBD are harassing them making them to learn in fear,” said Gillen Tshabangu.

“They were a lot of school kids around Johannesburg CDB throwing fruits which they loot from vendors. They forced many shops to close for some few minutes because the owners were scared to lose their stuff. I’ve haven’t seen any injuries I only saw an Indian man hit with an orange on the knee. This happened between Commissinor and Delvers streets but we don’t know where they were coming from and the reason why,” wrote Ronald Frank.

People in the CBD have tweeted that the children are armed and threatening vendors and shop owners.


I keep warning my reading audience of the vision I have about “The Monsters of the Future” in the US and it seem my predictions always unfold!

Posted January 9, 2014 – Sharing a Cosmic Code  article!


So dad how do you like your new Ipad?

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
          1  2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

August, this year, will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.  This happens only once every 823 years.  The Chinese call it ‘Silver pockets full. ”


 Swearing toddler in ‘thug’ video taken into protective custody

Wells said one of the adults mentions a local street gang in the video. “That is why when we talk about the culture, the criminal culture, that this is to try to break the cycle and deal with the culture of violence and the culture of gang activity,” he said.

Dear Vip’s;

This video is sickening and represents the first teachers of countless of karmic souls born with the wrong parents at the wrong places… Early in life the soul reincarnate into a negative environment forcing him to work harder at decisions making that could lead him into a life of suffering, pain and endless financial challenges.

But the parents themselves are also the victims of a system that lead them to join gangs to survive because the help and education needed to become good citizens were never available. In fact while my parents disciplined me really hard I was abused by many of teachers at the public school I attended until they “fired” me at the age of 13.

Many children have an impeccable, smart, curious, adventurous wise UCI and regardless of what is thrown at them while growing up, they know right from wrong and usually succeed in life… If you read my book “Beyond The Secret” my own incredible life’s experiences speaks of the drama I had to endure but never infringed the law.

If the parents are themselves non educated, its only common sense to assume their children will end up in gangs. And while a large majority of kids will lead a life of crimes, gangs offer the support and security they never experienced at home.  Meantime the natal UCI dictate an inborn intelligence that often surpasses the parents, peers and in my case, all the teachers who abused me both physically and mentally.

As always education, environment and experiences become the keys factor to stimulate a child’ UCI in certain directions. The religious matrix does only offer to souls born with a Neptunian chart or a very heavy watery chart. Because each and every human being on earth is UNIQUE, they can only respond to what type of education they “subscribe” to naturally.  The utmost error made by the religious or scientific matrixes is to assume all children were born the same, and this is why moronic celebrities chose sports as a career  to express their inner drive for financial security and power.

When the “teachers of teachers” will finally be allowed to teach the cosmic code in all colleges and universities they will be able to perceive and teach the children the cosmic potential their inherited karmically. Instead of questioning their very young immature selves, cosmic conscious teachers, using Astropsychology, the signs, dragons etc., will counsel and  lead them right away to a life that agrees with God’s celestial will.

Again there are no school that will ever produce an Einstein, a Mike Tyson,  an artist, a writer, a photographer or anything else a child wants to become. Its all written in the stars for all God’s children to uncover and use appropriately.  Sad enough both the religious and scientific matrixes have lost the spirit because the builders of those establishments own themselves an extraordinary rational, logical UCI where the spirit has no voice nor reasons for investigations.

To make the situation worse, elected officials trust celebrities doctors whoring around with the media and an army of abusive corporations aiming for more power, more control and more money from the uneducated mass… Alaska closer to becoming 3rd state to legalize recreational marijuana

“The proposed initiative will take marijuana sales out of the underground market and put them in legitimate, taxpaying businesses,” said Tim Hinterberger, one of the initiative’s sponsors. “Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and sensible regulation will bolster Alaska’s economy by creating jobs and generating revenue for the state.” But marijuana legalization opponents say there are serious health consequences, and argue the drug is often a gateway to harmful, addictive substances.


The real reasons why Dr.Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed

Federal marijuana bill nonsense! If its stinks its bad!

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

The fact is; money greed power and control over society becomes the fuel to legalize weed. Trusting those famous doctor and the news-media is part of a psychical indoctrination to numb what is becoming an uncontrollable society.  

The last thing teens need is to abuse any form of legal or illegal drugs because again the cosmic unconscious medical matrix thinks every human being will react the same way with pot. A heavy Neptunian born kid own an super addictive personality and, in time will DEMAND more powerful drugs. 

Guns, weed and gangs will be fed by an unstoppable evil that will breed more monsters as the years passes. Once a law is passed it is practically impossible to reverse it and I worry sick of the results in 2017 when the nasty Dragon’s Tail will enter the poisonousness of the sign of Pisces

 This means also a serious upsurge in suicide much worse than the one experienced nowadays…

 “The leap in rates for the youngest vets has officials especially worried, Stars and Stripes reports. The cause of the increase remains unclear, but officials searching for reasons point to post-traumatic stress disorder, combat injuries and the difficulties young veterans face in re-entering civilian life. “Their rates are astronomically high and climbing,” Jan Kemp, the VA’s National Mental Health Director for Suicide Prevention, told Stars and Stripes. Roughly two young veterans a day commit suicide. “That’s concerning us.”

What about 10 suicide a day a few years from now? Cops: Mom kills self, two teenage kids – Why are lawyers killing themselves? Then the government will realize its mistake and try to revert their decisions. The fact is those kids are bombarded with “legal” drugs and using weed will aggravate the situation producing an explosion of suicides. Without any spiritual regeneration humanity could also be brought back 2000 years ago with another world wide religious war.

UPDATED 1/16/2014 –  From a VIP…Join the cosmic code  public, help me reach the world and fight for your children psychical welfare!…

Dr. Turi;

It seems like everyday I’m hearing and finding more and more of these disturbing and awful and yet unexplainable to the majority of folks the crimes that are being committed against our beloved children. As a parent of two children I pray everyday for their own safety and safety of others alike. These crimes are senseless, selfish and cowardly acts committed by love one’s, the very individual(s) you would never expect in a million years would ever be harming/killing these children.

What has this WORLD come TOO??? Dr. T, all I’ve to say is your predictions and timing my friend could not have been more accurate. I’m so grateful and blessed to have your wisdom and knowledge that you dispense everyday with all of your VIP’s. I feel truely blessed to have an advantage and knowledge knowing the cosmic code. I wish that more of your 7000 advid followers would heed your callings to join our group because I know future events are clearly on a slippery slope and with timing right now not in our collective favor to rid the world of all the EVIL.


Pisces Tail will bring all religions to the fore and with it wars where all means (nukes) could be used… The world will be in a “nirvanas zone” and a full restructure of religions and  the abusive pharmaceutical corporations will be imposed by God himself. This mean humanity will slowly realize that drugs and religions do more damage than good, especially to the uneducated, vulnerable younger generation.

In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

And everyone will be invited to fight in the dance of evil… When I tell you we have only 50 years to turn everything around many of you will agree with me in less than 5 years from today. And this is why you need to become an active participant and help me to reach the media while I can provide a solution to a scientific/religious world gone mad.  

More children will be born with deficiencies and diseases that do not exit today will plague humanity. The omens are quite obvious to me and the wrong God a cosmic unconscious mass follow will not provide any help at all… Are they waking up finally?  Acetaminophen warning

A stubborn uncompromising non spiritual science and fanatical religions are the growing cancer of the world and if you could see the horror I see so clearly, may be you would understand why Terania and I will never bring a child to this world. 

Meantime you have children and grand children too and I’d rather concentrate and dedicate myself to work for the psychical welfare of all future children of the world. Now keeping those crucial information for your own consumption is doing NO good to humanity at large. But I can not feed an unrewarding non curious public any-more remember?

Thus post my work for me everywhere, you have my permission, then suggest everyone to join the Cosmic Code by giving them this link

In order for me to serve you even better and teach you more I need to spend the time for YOU and not the public. Thus you are now my only very precious connection to the public and if you trust me, (I know you do) YOU MUST make a commitment to post those articles YOURSELF and tell all the people why they should join you in the cosmic code website.

 I am doing this for the money VIP’s, remember I will be retiring next year and if I do not get the help I really need I may be forced to shut down the Cosmic Code website because I do not get your support. I need to reach the media and you MUST help me because this is very serious and much bigger than us all, right here right now! It sadden me to know I reach over 7000 people and only a fraction of you are VIP’s!

What is the point for me to continue if you do not understand how critical the situation is? WE NEED THOUSANDS MORE VIPS’ YESTERDAY FOR ME TO MAKE AN IMPACT! You are now part of my fate and you can only be passive or build great karma helping me to help the children of the future.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

You may edit part of the article yourself if you feel you have to do so as to reach the very people you talk or write to everyday. In fact I truly need to know who are my TOP VIP promoters and reward those who are the most active. Thus tell people that if they join, to mention your name and get a 50% discount. Tell them why they should join and when they do, I will make a note of your name and offer you a FREE VIP Skype or Full Life reading.

The moon is full and in Cancer, this is a perfect time to launch this idea, but I will not involve anyone else than my trusting VIP’s. And only my VIP’s are reading this article… Its now up to you because I will do all in my power to succeed in my mission and YOU can help me doing so!

Thank you for your understanding VIP,  we are a “chosen cosmic family” brought together by God himself and we must all perform for the survival of humanity, because we have only 50 years to do so and each day is very precious…


Dr. Turi 

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code Featuring Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi on Ascension Center –  US/world

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

Roxy Lopez and Dr. Turi on “The truth Denied Radio“-  Divulging All About the Secrets of the Matrix 


Boy gets trapped in hot car, dies? What’s Going On?



“If you make people think they”re thinking, they”ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they”ll hate you. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. The stars are the elixir of life! All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds”
– A. Einstein


Forty-four children died of heat stroke in cars in 2013, and more than 500 have died in hot cars since 2000, according to the child advocacy

Dear Readers;

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

First; if you missed my radio show last nigh here it is for your enjoyment in the Ascension radio website. My section starts 23 minutes into the show… Simply click on the blog talk radio on the up right side of the screen to listen. From the formidable feedback I received from many listeners, you do not want to miss it!

In “Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ” I offered the real “subconscious” reasons why struggling parents do not pay full attention to their children.


While my claims may sound ruthless and ridicule to some, the fact is; another child perished in a hot car today!

I do not want to sound redundant but it is through steady repetition that any form of acknowledgement can be assimilated. How many times did you left something behind in your friend’s house or how many time did you have to run out to catch up with your friend who left his phone on your table?

This happens ALL THE TIME! In fact last night I took Terania to our local Chinese restaurant and the waitress ran outside as I was driving off with my FBI hat!  Over the year we developed a friendship relationship with all the staff, the chef and even the owner that came and spoke to us last night!

Again, there is a very deep “inner” subconscious relationship going on in with all the people you truly like or hate! But not all people own cosmic consciousness or are fully aware of the extraordinary power of the supra-conscious in time and space and not everyone is knowledgeable of hypnotherapy, astropsychology and astroforensics.

While a moronic, spiritless science created another syndrome investigating rats depressed brains “forgotten baby syndrome!”  has a much deeper meaning those well read kids could never comprehend! It is through my Cyber Cosmic University that the golden keys to what it means to be human, and the real facts are offered to all my readers!

But can you imagine Dr. Turi offering the undiluted truth to the masses on CNN or explaining  “The Soul of the Cosmos” with Neil Degrasse Tyson on National Geographic?

But those people do not know better, nor are they trying to deceive you, they are simply and totally oblivious of metaphysics, all due to their underdeveloped, dry karmic UCI!

But I can guarantee you, for any child to meet with an early accidental death, a myriad of people, not only the PARENTS are to blame. Here are the reasons…

First, because our society has been victimized by the monopolization of information endlessly performed by both the scientific and religious matrixes on national TV and radio programs.

“When you control the source and steady flux of all information, you mold the psyche and control the entire life and resources of the God fearing and/or Atheists born souls!” Dr. Turi 

Second the parents unwillingness to exist their religious or scientific comfort zones, thirdly their lack of curiosity to investigate God Universal Cosmic Divinity and accept the fact that ALL religions and Astrology have always been interconnected! Something the Illuminati will make sure you ridicule and will cover up at any cost!

All Popes were taught Astrology by the Vatican council! Good for us but not for the non educated God fearing peasants!  

Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls

Thirdly exactly like the adults, children are under the jurisdictions of the Cosmic Code and MOST OF ALL , adults and children become extraordinary vulnerable during their “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms!

Parents are NOT educated on metaphysics, astrology, astroforensics, astropsychology and the penalty for cosmic unconsciousness is DEATH!  God does not feel nor rationalize or  think! He simply does! You better raise to his cosmic manifesto or pay the price!

Sometimes I can help to think what it is so difficult to grasp in my work? What words should I use to make people aware that “THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS” only specific cosmic circumstances at work they know nothing about?

Again, how many times did you run outside with your friend handbag, telephone, car keys etc.? Your subconscious, the “thing” that get’s your heart beating, control your metabolism, stimulate your fears, sins and virtues, (or God) WANT’s you to STAY in a place where love, good time, support, good food, understanding,  and care comes freely!

Trust me reader in no way will you ever leave anything behind if you do not like a person or his house. But I am here to help you PAY attention to these facts you would otherwise never notice!

The same apply leaving your wallet or your child in your your car because your subconscious does not want you to spend the money you do not have! Education is the key and cooperation at a subconscious level is a must to avoid more deaths…


Indeed if there is a book on the market that can offer you more than what you bargain for to understand this phenomenon and the Supra-conscious  its called “Beyond The Secret. ” While this non fictional book will never make the N.Y. Best Sellers list, (thanks to the Illuminati) its content is priceless.

But its me to know and you to find out readers and if my work can (and will ) save your life, I should not insist for you to own a copy!

Besides being a fantastic story, this book will teach you how to use the creative powers of you subconscious and begin to master the law of karma.

In brief: Dr. Turi uses specific instances of his life to explain how our higher powers can be accessed and how we can percieve the working of the divine. Ie we’re beings of white light trapped in a prism world and we’re supposed to learn to separate the colors in order to make a more beautiful synthesis of the substances of Gods image. Take your self apart and reassemble according to a will that has been purified by the process.

“The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought” Dr. Turi

How ridiculous it is in 2014 to still live a modern very busy and dangerous life using archaic, religious, obsolete teachings designed for people 2000 years ago?

Their perception of God HAS to change or they will all perish in time, because this very punishing God expressing thought power is Satan very destructive, very negative evil energy trapping humanity.

In the Ascension radio show I did last night I gave my best shot to educate people on God cosmic identity and I am asking all of my supporters who can relate to me, to my mission to participate and share my work to those they care. People are so lost, so depressed, so abused by so many corporate greedy cold matrixes and those in power in all branches of education are clueless.

If people could upgrade psychically, build more cosmic consciousness and be more AWAKE, they would be able to realize how powerful their subconscious and the cosmic code (God cosmic will) truly is and how much regimentation is taking place from the heavens above!

It is only when both the Christians and the Atheists finally realize God is NOT what they think he is and RISE UP to his cosmic divinity rationally, spiritually and NON religiously with faith alone that the gap between hard logic and the true spirit will diminish then disappear!

It is only then that reunification of all the souls on earth will start to “ascend” outside of the deceptive Neptunian religious doctrines that enrages the born logic forced to give up on a God they know nothing about just yet!

But who’s to blame the unconscious parents for something no one taught them about? How can you blame a struggling family with children when those corporate matrixes are sucking the life blood with taxes and overloaded credit cards?  Do you really think this system favorite the poor, over worked, over medicated exhausted parents?  Indeed there is no wonder why they “forget” their kids in cars and left them to die!

But I have more bad news readers, if you think the “educated” and their “forgotten baby syndrome!” will stop kids dying, you are on for  another serious wake up call! No matter how much you try to remind someone of the reason for their pain,  nightmare, endless sacrifices or hard incredible difficult and outrageously expansive it is becoming to raise a child, today, it will not work!

More kids will be left to die in hot cars… Its like hoping there won’t be no more Adam Lanza killing innocent children…

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

Fifty years readers, that’s all humanity has to unify through God’s cosmic divinity or let the next 2105/2017 Neptunian dragon start the extermination of million of souls in the name of their religious convictions and chosen Gods.

Remember readers, billions of dollars are exchanging the same “matrix” hands everyday under the form of taxes, ridiculous scientific researches, NASA Mars missions and in the business of building more Schools, Universities, sports, religious and prisons buildings.

But nothing is being done in the right direction to salvage humanity psychical welfare and unify us all as a ONE specie. Its all about SEPARATISM, discord, misinformation, control of information, political and religious supremacy in a world run by Satan himself!

Sometimes, I can not help to think, while the world is made up a huge mass of envious, unspeakable, uneducated young souls! that; there are also thousands of advanced spiritual human beings who do perceive my work  that have the power (as a unit) to help me!

Imagine if everyone of you were to give me only $5.00 bucks I would have more than enough to build a few Cosmic schools and start the process of eliminating the evil of fear and ignorance.

Have you ever thought of making a “donation” for my cause? Terania and I could reach so many more parents on radio and educate them on the supra-conscious, on the cosmic code and what to do to avoid “subconsciously” killing your child!

 In exchange for your donation, your precious support and trust in my teachings, I will comp you in my Cyber Cosmic University  so you can gain EVEN more spiritual guidance such as….

August  2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

August 2014 SOS To The World Windows

August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

August 2014 Moon Transits

 I know you are struggling but all you can do today for my mission will help me reaching more people and your children to lead a safer more productive safe, healthy and rich life…In my endless drive to educate you on both the physical and spiritual planes let me share this with you now!

A credit card request / issued in a waxing moon will always bring protection, growth and rewards! When did you get your last credit card? Do you have problem paying your bills using that credit card? Use the cosmic code at your advantage!

Do you travel a lot or do you want to travel and save tons of money like we do?  I use this card for EVERYTHING I purchase, gas, groceries, bills, traveling etc. and today I own thousands of points. I call the “concierge” and SAVE tons of money on everything I need, from flying to rent a car, hotels etc.

I used to have a normal credit card like yours which gave me NO reward at all and I wasted thousands over the years. It may be a little time consuming to get rid of an old credit card but when you reap so much benefit from FlexPerks why would you keep wasting money? And the APR is so very attractive…

In my drive to educate you while traveling and book your plane after the new moon for total safety, why not saving money and get serious rewards in the process? Be smart on both the spiritual and physical worlds and gain all the way! Follow the directions and start using the credit company for a change!

  Let your friends in on your secret to travel rewards without blackout dates. You’ll earn 5,000 bonus FlexPoints for each friend who acquires a FlexPerks Visa credit card.¹ Your friends will receive 20,000 bonus FlexPoints for the FlexPerks Travel Rewards Visa Signature® card,² or 10,000 bonus FlexPoints for the FlexPerks Select Rewards Visa card.²

It’s simple to earn your bonus:

1. Share card benefits with your friends.
2. Invite them to apply online at
3. They must include your 12-digit FlexPoints number on their application for you to get the 5,000 bonus FlexPoints: 400005021755.

You earn 5,000 bonus FlexPoints after each friend is approved and starts using the card.

Refer friends and family by December 31, 2014.

Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio 8-10 PM EST the air August 17, 2014 

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667


Dr. Turi

Ebola Pandemic – SOS To The World Predictions


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” .

Ebola hits close to home

Ebola virus disease

Dear readers;

UPDATE – Are you ready for Ebola and the upcoming pandemic of 2015? Make note, I’ll talk to you then! 

Dr. Turi  on coast to coast am with George Noory 

2015/2017 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2015/2017 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions  (VIP ONLY)
2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions  (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)

One thing I hate to do is to offer my readers those SOS To The World predictions because most of the uneducated, God fearing souls will blame me for “feeding Evil!”  Forewarning people in 2014 and asking them to be prepared for the future is not appreciated but sought more as the work of the devil!

All the while, not realizing the very false God they fear, pray and trust for safety will never hear their prayers.  In the other hand, my cosmic God speaks to me endlessly and very accurately through the signs, something science and a cosmic unconscious humanity at large has loss since the beginning of all organized religions.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  

Unless a Universal Cosmic Consciousness encompassing a universal God stops religious separatism, my hopes for humanity to survive the next 50 years is quite remote.

You Fools, God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Especially when terrorist groups are aiming for nukes or poisonous gas and willing to die for their religious convictions.

Again if you need to read more on those topics, all you have to do is to Google; religion, or ET, or UFO or terrorism, or nukes, or predictions, or gay for example and add Dr. Turi behind your request. With thousands of articles posted on the Internet since 1991, you will find something educational to read.

But should you trust my predictive work, or the legacy left by the ET’s during my many abductions? All you have to do is to do some researches on 911 left on the Internet for that very purpose, check some You Tube videos or read what others smart and curious websites owners posted in my favor!

In any case do your home work properly because those who did will take all my warnings very seriously!

First a little memo of a warning I posted month ago for August 9/10/11 2014 and if nothing depicted in my quatrain or keywords simply disregard anything I will ever write in the future…

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / Rare / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.

Only idiotic, envious donkeys will deny the obvious values of my work but be sure they are many of them walking this planet!

Who can and will deny the undeniable values of my predictions? The end of all false Gods!

You could also try to go-back in time  and acknowledge the last few years news developments with the NSA, privacy, secrets and sex scandals with my 2012/2013 Scorpius Draconis predictions. Those predictions are STILL posted at the bottom of my website, all you have to do is to scroll down to read them all!

You could also simply deny all the major news involving racism, emigrations and war too! All based upon the invasive spirit of Hitler or the 2014/2016 Arian Draconis currently cursing  Europe and Russia!

 Turning up the heat

The U.S. and the EU ratcheted up economic pressure on Russia as fighting in Ukraine prevented investigators from getting to the MH17 crash site.

With this in mind, knowing the Neptunian Dragon is moving towards the Middle East, an Ebola Pandemic Prediction and my vision “11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions” is not far fetched readers…

ALL BORN NEPTUNIAN SOULS WILL JOIN IN A UNIVERSAL DANCE OF EVIL were their false God will lead this world into chaos, confusion, poisoning and wars…

I have yet to write ALL about this new “dragon” impact upon the entire world, not only about its impact upon the Middle East.  Some of the predictions I have are not for the fainted hearts, and certainly not for the public.

All will be in time divulged to my VIP’s in my Cyber Cosmic University and if you did your home work properly and accept my past predictive work as legit,  I would strongly recommend you to join and be prepared.

I always try to keep balance in my work and offer both the positive and negative possibilities involving my predictions. And with age, I am getting brutally better! I will make 25 predictions, then keep a solid dated record similar to the one found in my 2014/2016 Arian Draconis and publish them to the public when many of them finally mature and becomes a new reality for CNN!

All radio and television news-media talking heads will then make OLD news because I am CNN before CNN. NO I am not an egocentric, just supremely confident of my Cosmic God and offering solid proof of its cosmic reality to the world!

Join me tomorrow night  for another educational radio show, I may divulge a bit more predictions and provide a few mini readings too!

Dr. Turi ON THE AIR! on the “Ascension Center” July 30th  3 to 5 PM, HST, 6 to 8 PM, Pacific time – The call in number is 646-649-0893. Don’t miss this show!

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Enjoy your basic cosmic identity!


August  2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

August 2014 SOS To The World Windows

August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

August 2014 Moon Transits

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667


Dr. Turi

Federal marijuana bill nonsense! If its stinks its bad!


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” .

Dear Readers:

Mark your calendar! Dr. Turi ON THE AIR!  on the “Ascension Center” July 30th  3 to 5 PM, HST, 6 to 8 PM, Pacific time – The call in number is 646-649-0893. Don’t miss this show!

Federal marijuana bill would legalize some cannabis strains

CNN) — Doctors in Macon, Georgia, told Janea Cox that her daughter, Haleigh, might not live another three months.

That was the middle of March, when Haleigh’s brain was being short-circuited by hundreds of seizures a day, overrunning the array of five potent drugs meant to control them. Worse, the drugs were damaging Haleigh’s organs.

“She was maxed out,” Cox said. “She’d quit breathing several times a day, and the doctors blamed it on the seizure medications.”

Cox had heard that a form of medical marijuana might help, but it wasn’t available in central Georgia. So a week after hearing the ominous diagnosis, she and Haleigh packed up and moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado. There, Haleigh began a regimen of cannabis oil: four times a day and once at night.

By summer, she was down to just a handful of seizures a day. In less than three months, doctors were able to wean her off Depakote, a powerful medication that had been damaging her liver.

Dear Readers:

Another well designed emotional CNN advertisement using a child and your emotions to make you believe weed is good for your health!

What the scientific community does not know is, if you move or live like Dr. Turi under a Sun line, chances are your health and your zest for life will improve drastically and up a sudden you feel very creative and artistic! Do you think it is an accident for me to have beaten cancer?

What the scientific community does not know is, if you move or live under a Neptune line, chances are you will become prone to addictions to legal or illegal drugs or up a sudden feel very religious and find God! You may also drown under this line or suffer rare diseases and infections.

What the scientific community does not know is, if you live or more under a Mars line, chances are you will become accident prone and become very aggressive, making impossible to hold a job for long, fight with loved ones or burn your house down! You may also decide to join the NRA and own tons of weaponry and build a fortress awaiting the invading army!

What the scientific community does not know is, if you live or move under a “Great Malefic” Saturn line, chances are you will become prone to serious depressions, suicidal and the more you work the less you will gain. Your knees and joints will start developing arthritis and you are prone to contract bone cancer!

What the scientific community does not know is, if you move or live under a Uranus line, chances are you will become prone to UFO abduction, feel like a rebel with the world, take on a New Age course or up a sudden lose it all in an earthquake or a tornado! Indeed anything can and will happen under this line!

What the scientific community does not know is, if you live under a Mercury line, chances are you will never be able to sleep or relax and become an ADD or up a sudden feel like you should run or write a book! You may also decide to learn languages, photography or work on the radio! One thing sure be ready for tons of speedy tickets!

What the scientific community does not know is, if you move or live under a Plutonic line, chances are you will become prone to be killed in your home, in the streets or caught in many fights between criminals, join a gang or up a sudden feel like you want to kill everyone, especially the cops. etc.etc.

It is just a matter of time before you experience one of your “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” and pay the ultimate price for your cosmic ignorance! But the spiritually advanced human being able to perceive and appreciate my gifts is also very rare…

There is a tremendous amount of wisdom available to you if you investigate your Astro-Carto-Graphy (relocation chart) because any positive or negative lines will drastically affect your life, your health, your opportunities and your luck in general!

Rest assured weed has nothing to do with Haleigh new found health improvements but to slowly addict her to the “evil breath!” This is nothing else than another clever advertisement designed by the pharmaceutical corporations “the science matrix” to assure you pot is safe and beneficial to buy… If its stink, its bad!

As a kid, born with an extreme Mercurial UCI or ADHD, I was wrongly diagnosed as epileptic too, but little do those educated morons knew about the turbo charge Mercurial cosmic identity I was born with!

Luckily for me, in 1962, those killer drugs and weed were not invented nor fully available to the public then and I was not turned into an unproductive, addicted zombie by my parents!

Your government and famous doctors do not care about you and your kids, just the opposite!

Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!

This does not mean “nirvana” weed priorities can not be used at all, they should be available to specific cases and  TERMINAL PATIENTS ONLY! Not used on babies, teens or healthy adults for recreational purposes only!

They are signs particularly prone to legal and illegal drug addictions and those souls need to know the danger weed represent. But a true pot head own an IRRECOVERABLE UCI because this person is born a Neptunian with a very strong drive to escape reality.

Its like asking a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim or any pious soul to refute their religion and accept the reality of a cosmic God! Its an inborn extremely powerful psychical “cosmic” drive all are oblivious of…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Sharing Emails;

Reply by Jonathan 

Pot is going to be legal one day in this country regardless if you like it or not. So now CNN is out to get your children now? I thought conspiracies are not real?? All day long on network cable/satellite there are episode after episode of UFO Conspiracies and Big Foot. So it is okay for you to post pictures of you drinking alcohol for recreational purposes and bash potheads? Is the Arian Dragon making you prejudice? You act like you can cookie cut out Neptune from the sky as if it can no long have an influence on the lives of people. You act like potheads never created great works of art, music, and films. Don’t forget that the Founding Fathers of the Original Republic who designed the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution were Potheads. Even Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton smoked pot.

 Reply by Dr. Turi 

Jonathan my mission is to make you aware of Neptune’s deceptive power, Neptune rules the arts and even Nostradamus used hallucinogen plants in his secret study… I am as much creative intellectually as any of those erudite men and NEVER used drugs! If I was like you smoking pot all day long I would not have the strength, nor the drive or accumulated wisdom to educate you on the cosmic code. I would be smoking weed somewhere debating its priority not knowing I was a born Neptunian in the “Nirvana” zone…

My work is about the cosmic code and at 65 I think I know a bit more than you kiddo! This does not mean you can not voice your opinion on the cosmic code but all the adults, clear thinking souls, while an extreme minority, even here,  are laughing with me…

Enjoy your pot Jonathan as much as I enjoy my beers lolol, I am not  judging you, just exposing UFO as a reality and Neptune’s power over your life, that’s all… When you get to my age (hopefully you will) I’ll make more sense to you… I guess you never got my teachings on Astro-Carto-Graphy witch was the main topic and focus of this article! Pot does blur the mind though…



Enjoy your basic cosmic identity!


August  2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

August 2014 SOS To The World Windows

August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

August 2014 Moon Transits

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667


Dr. Turi

Is air travel becoming more dangerous? Yes, It is OBVIOUS! And my predictions is, it will get much worse!


Remember God”s words “I will speak to you but you won”t hear me, I will present myself to you but you won”t see me.” Let me help you raise your Cosmic Consciousness and teach you how to heed God’ signs.

Statistically, is losing 3 airliners in one week normal?

One week, three airline crashes, 465 people dead. Travelers may think the skies are getting more perilous, but are they?

You take a relaxing walk with your child on the beach and… you die! 

 Lightning kills 1, hurts 13 on beach


Dear Readers;

When billion of dollars are at risk, the FAA will do all in its power to expose the facts, and indeed flying is still the safest way to travel. But the undeniable;e facts are there;  in a single week, three airline crashes took place and everyone boarding a plane today feel insecure!

In Ukraine, the shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17 killed all 298 aboard. Wednesday’s crash of TransAsia Airways Flight 222 killed 48 in Taiwan, and on Thursday, Air Algerie Flight 5017 crashed in Mali, leaving 119 dead.

Then there’s the unexplained loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, with 239 aboard, in March.

Remote Viewing Flight 370 cockpit, the real story! | Dr. Turi …

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Was a Terrorist Mass Suicide Act!

Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him …

Flight 370 Mystery Solved It Was Pilot Suicide! – Dr. Turi MDUS

UPDATED 04/07/14 – Remote Viewing Flight 370 Pilot Suicide

The FAA say, different circumstances surround the crashes, but when as many as 704 airline passengers and flight crew lose their lives in the span of 138 days, some travelers might be concerned about the global aviation safety net. Are you?

But you know my philosophy readers, there are NO accidents, only “different COSMIC circumstances” producing those crashes science and the FAA are totally oblivious of!

“They may wonder if, statistically, the skies are getting more dangerous. They may also ask themselves whether 2014 is trending toward one of the deadliest years in aviation history. Experts say no, don’t be nervous. Just look carefully at the big picture.”

Commercial aviation deaths per year, worldwide

 According to the aviation safety number crunchers rational scientists, the world has been enjoying the safest-ever overall period in aviation history but do not expect them to tell you WHY a sudden uprising in air disasters and deaths is taking place!

While the chart above depict the numbers of yearly aviation deaths and major plane crashes worldwide, they have been dropping for decades, but the NUMBERS of people flying has INCREASED drastically…

And this is the main reason why this wonderful chart showing the safest-ever overall period in aviation safety history is OBSOLETE  and will steadily keep rising!

Again, I do not expect the mass of atheists, agnostics and skeptics or the scientific community landing on my work to remotely grasp the values involving Astroforensics and teach you how to avoid death!

You better know what to do or not to do  before deciding / booking your flights – (VIP’s only!)

Pass those rational numbers, there are cosmic manifestations at work that can and will work on your favor or kill you, its a simple as that! The fact is each time you are booking a flight, getting in your car and traveling anywhere, you are playing Russian Roulette!

Yes you did so since for ever and you are still alive, consider yourself lucky because the next time you fly (or drive) may be your last!

“But I can not live my life with your stars Dr. Turi because your work is pseudo-science and has no real studied values” you may say! Exactly right my friend, the scientific community has not yet honored the word science and no real studies has been done!  But I spent a lifetime doing mine and I can assure you, you better pay attention!

If I recall the last time a “ridiculous” study was conducted on the subject of Astrology by Carl Sagan was in Paris on April 16,  1968, and  run by the California Psychological Inventory and the National Council for Geocosmic Research to test Astrology? Are you serious?  Indeed the new Astroforensics of the future has so much to offer the FAA consumers…

“Those who pretend to be the educated experts in their field are often the least knowledgeable on the subject!”  Dr. Turi

A physical world as its solid rules and because no one taught science about the Cosmic Code spiritual jurisdictions, this does not mean my lifetime work on the “soul of the Cosmos” is insubstantial, laughable or ridicule! The fact is it is because of  the FAA “cosmic” ignorance that planes loaded with precious human cargo have and will continue to be wasted.

But its my words against theirs and all fear the ridicule or oblige to their ridiculous religious or scientific convictions! Meantime I can assure you, more waste is on the way! I can only rely on the natural selection or the “cosmic cleansing” to attract those rare souls who vibrate at a higher, more refined spiritual speed to my work!

I can only offer my curious readers the option to upgrade their psychical perception to a cosmic God by joining my “Cyber Cosmic University” and claim their own salvation by and for themselves.  It is only when YOU decide to be more curious, eliminate your fears and EXIT your convictions zones that you will get access to this sublime cosmic wisdom!

Is your life or the one of a loved one worth saving for such a little investment? If all the families of all the departed non-cosmic conscious souls could speak of the immense pain they had to go through by losing a family member or a friend, they would today take a chance on my wisdom… But it is too late for them, but not for you!

Sad enough people’s fears and/or religious/scientific convictions often override  the drive to explore the real safety options I have for them…

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” ~Albert Einstein*

I am a Soul Doctor, I belong to the world of the spirit, a subtle dimension only those blessed with an advanced UCI “Spiritual DNA” can comprehend, heed and use appropriately.  While I am opening a few doors to my readers in all my articles, the real cosmic goodies involving your safe traveling can not and will not be divulged completely to the public.

Only to those who ask will they receive!

The question remain, will you take a chance on my cosmic wisdom or become a part the next FAA safety flying statistics? My rare wisdom is not use for all the survivors of the dead who wish they were not… Only if you have experienced such a dramatic painful loss will you understand the crucifying depth of the pain experienced…

And those may be more willing than the  educated or the young souls who things they knows better or rely on faith alone for protection!

Why would you take a chance with your life when I am here for anyone in need of a live Skype consultation? I am also I am a cancer survivor with hands on experience! My awareness of the supra-conscious and my Universal Blood Transfusion saved my life. How can anyone heal or teach you about something they never experienced? Where is critical thinking gone?


August  2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs

August 2014 SOS To The World Windows

August 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

August 2014 Moon Transits

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

The Magical Power of Talismans!



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667


Dr. Turi

Girl hit by plane on beach dies…


 You take a relaxing walk with your child on the beach and… you die!

What does Moon Power say for today? July 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

Today is the first day of the New Moon and ALL should be fine or better yes?  So why this dad died and his daughter is now fighting for her life?  July 26, 2014  — Mars enters Scorpio: THIS IS WHY! 

I will soon make all August forecasts be ready it will be a bumpy one! 

Emergency landing on Florida beach kills beachgoer

The man — whose name was not immediately known — died on the scene. His daughter was airlifted to All Children’s Hospital and is believed to be in critical condition, according to the sheriff’s office.

 Lightning kills 1, hurts 13 on beach


 TUE., WED., THU., FRI., SAT. July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26:

RULERS — Mercury (News/transportation) and the Moon (Important Changes): 

Work, Career and Business: The blessings of a waxing moon are not to far away, just a few more days; you should fight lethargy and depressions. Be confident, as much needed change is ahead for you and those you care. You may also consider using Mercury’s mental agility to pass on new ideas to improve your business or communicate with the family. You could use these waning days to re-write or plan new advertisements or publicity. The telephone will be particularly busy but the news could be depressive. Don’t leave the office upset you do not need to bring stress at home.  Stay active and be mentally alert.

Partnerships: Dealing with others has and will always be a challenge for us all. Some of you have learnt hard lessons and the scars take time to heal; don’t re-open them again. Move on to better ground, the future has always better to offer.  Keep a positive attitude in your conversations and promote only the great times of your past. Some karmic souls will have to experience a rebirth of their relationships. Whatever unfolds, accept the changes with confidence; the truth is that, life is a constant process of change and it always seems to be for the better.

Family and Friends: Mercury is fast and rules communication, so expect family members to get in touch with you via mail or telephone.  Some will be invited to enjoy great cooking at their friend’s homes. “The messenger of the Gods” loves to talk and throw jokes all over.  Control Mercury’s desire to exaggerate and do not fall for the negative things you may hear now. Keep in mind that your friends have the potential to fulfill all your wishes; get active in the social arena after the new Moon. As always, you might have a karmic debt with a long-standing friend; if so, you may have to experience annoyance. Try to clear it all up and you’ll win the person back.

Love Affairs: Be ready for the beginning or ending of important love phases of your love life soon. Keep your eyes and ears open on the people you know as the Moon affects everybody.  If you were born in July, someone much older or younger than you born in March, November or January will be attracted to you.  A friend may bring you sad news soon.

Travel and Communication: Use Mercury’s mental powers accordingly. Time to write those letters, as Mercury improves your mental faculties.  He will reward you favorably if you decide to invest in your education or start a book after the upcoming new moon. Control his strong desire to be a “chatterbox,” and save money on your telephone bill.  Mercury rules transportation and general motion; he also makes people restless on the road. Under his command you should be a defensive driver. It’s time to plan for your future travels, or visit parts of the world via great books.  Wait for the next New Moon to launch the trip.  You’ll be glad to know and respect God’s Universal Laws.

Environment: We are coming into a Full Moon period soon and some states will experience severe weather systems. If you are into videotaping lightning, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc., be ready for those soon. Some will see the beginning or ending of dramatic times. This may force thousands of people to relocate.   Be ready for disturbing news soon that will force thousands of people to flee nature’s destructive forces. Check my website regularly for additional predictions and to read my quatrains. This book works in conjunction with my home page as to teach you how to read Moon Power accurately.

Famous Personalities: Much too close to the next New Moon to give up just yet, have faith in better days. Some famous artist or important political figure will experience shame with love, and their children will be directly affected.

Events: Prominent political personalities either from the Russia, US, France or Japan will make an important announcement. The government may come up with drastic news or decisions that could affect many families in the future. Let’s hope for the best.

Shopping: Invest faithfully in anything to clean the house or the office. Equipment purchased now will bring trouble to its owner. This is a perfect time to take care of your car. Mercury also rules literature and great deals on old books will be available under its influence.

July 26, 2014  — Mars enters Scorpio: With the war planet going through the sign of death and drama expect serious news about plots, secrets, sex, money laundering and nature devastative forces to unleash her power soon.  This trend will allow affect the secret service and the police.  Many police officers and secret service agents will lose their lives in the name of ignorance.  If your natal Mars is in a good aspect to Pluto, your sensuality and magnetism will be extreme.  Souls born now will be given the opportunity to experience power in all its forms and much drama is to be experienced by the soul.  If Mars is badly afflicted the soul could suffer a violent death due to his involvement with drugs, sex and crimes. Blessed with such a powerful location, Mars in Scorpio will endow the soul with incredible strengths where the soul will have to learn the hard way and suffer the ultimate consequences.  This position makes for one of the most powerful and dangerous partners.  Those souls are born to experience death and drama and rebirth themselves to a more productive element of society.  Due to the investigative Scorpionic power this is a top position for those involved with secret services.

New Moon — July 26, 2014 in Leo: This sign is ruled by the Sun, thus affairs of /////////////////////Sorry VIP’s only.  Join now, be warned, be prepared, be wise!

TALK TO DR. TURI LIVE every New Moon Read more! Jupiter in Leo what does this mean to you personally?

I am a cancer survivor with hands on experience! My awareness of the supra-conscious and my Universal Blood Transfusion saved my life. I am here for anyone in need a live Skype consultation –


Dr. Turi

Mike Broomhead, Why Parents Forget Their Children To Die in Hot Cars? ‘Forgotten Baby Syndrome’ Ridiculousness!



For those who know my teachings, my UFO’s predictive legacy and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of a cosmic God speaking his divinity through the signs and use it wisely to serve humanity! ” Dr. Turi

“If you make people think they”re thinking, they”ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they”ll hate you. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. The stars are the elixir of life! All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds” – A. Einstein

My UFO cosmic legacy at work!

9 children a month die in “forgotten” in very hot cars, let me explain why! And if you are really  interested in this phenomenon, you may want to read all about the “Super-Conscious”  and the reptilius hijacking your consciousness! 

Image result for Four women face charges in Arkansas hot car deathFour women face charges in Arkansas hot car death

 Will the scientific community and the public get it? Do you really think any of those women wanted to kill this child? Come on, you could be any of them, yet forget about the child left in the car! Punishing them will NOT stop the problem, educating them will stop human stupidity and a serious waste of tax dollar that should be invested in my cosmic wisdom instead!

Do not assume or think you would never do such a thing! If you forgot anything anywhere you already proved my claim! There is more than what the judicial system, science and religion can accept or assimilate about what it mean to be human!

ITS ALL SUBCONSCIOUS and you may be the next unconscious killer! Be smart, be curious read more about the super-conscious and its power over your life! Image result for hot car death

 5/27/2017 – 2 Texas children die in a hot car!  
2/10/17 – 2 toddlers die after being left in car for 15 hours

Justin Bieber, children, and the reptilius infestation!

A mother who left her five-month-old daughter to die in a hot car is CLEARED of manslaughter after the court was told she suffered from ‘forgotten baby syndrome – She was one of 44 children who died unattended in a hot car that year

Jayde Poole, pictured outside the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday, after she was found not guilty of the manslaughter of her five-month-old baby BellaI am another unconscious killer my mind was “hijacked” by the reptilius!

‘forgotten baby syndrome’ is explained using Astroforensics of the future.

 On Thursday it was found Ms Poole’s forgetfulness did not amount to criminal negligence. Her defence barrister Shane Gardner said she was not a child killer but a well-intentioned mother who had made a mistake.”


Yet another child dies in a hot car; a foster father is arrested .

Dear Readers;

This is an old article published 7/26/201 – While this type of crucial supra-conscious teaching is solely reserved for our VIP’s, I am responsible enough to share it with my world wide reading audience and hopefully avoid  the death of another innocent child because of the new and ridiculous  scientific assumption or; the “forgotten baby syndrome!”


Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

I can assure you the same OCD generation educated kids came up with yet another ridiculous scientific answer to why parents forget their children to die in hot cars!  Indeed did they use the same type of “educated” research to find out why rats get depressed? 

And how many millions of our tax dollars, the abusive scientific matrix wasted in studying the new fabricated  “forgotten baby syndrome” for the corporate legal hyenas to use against the victims?  

Those “judicious” kids were conditioned by the scientific and the religious matrixes and have no true spiritual values, no cosmic education, and no perception of the “soul of the cosmos. Indeed the world has yet to learn more about real and dedicated soul doctors like me!

Thus, those researchers know ZILT of the subconscious’ motivations leading to “forgetting things” even their children in a hot car! I can not believe in this day and age,  the old erudite folks’ cosmic wisdom is not considered as another option for science to bypass their five limited rational traditionally “educated” senses and get a real clue to what’s really going on with the human spirit!

Before giving you the real answer to why those adults forget their kids in hot cars, let me assure you that the same very parents will never forget their children (or anything else) at the dentist’s office. Indeed your subconscious does not want you to be where pain and suffering are anticipated or have been experienced!

Meantime if you leave your wallet, your keys, your hat, your cellphone in your friend’s place, chances are you REALLY like this person and you want to come back there to experience MORE!

The supra-conscious is extraordinarily sophisticated and strong but the born rational, atheists, agnostics, scientists logical UCIs are ill fitted spiritually to comprehend and accept this intrinsic mental phenomenon. And the ridiculous study of rats’ depression will not help uncover the inner reasons for any human behavior!

As you all know my job is to use Astropsychology / Astroforensics to expose “Friends and Foes” and I might as well share this little story with what I thought was an “Internet” friend.

KFYI Mike Broomhead and Abortion

A rational radio host from Phoenix, AZ named Mike Broomhead came up with the idea of putting your wallet in the back seat of your car as a “memorandum” and then coming back to collect your child because there is not much you can do without it.

That will never work and, later explain further about his idea but first the facts about what transpired between Dr. Turi and Mike Broomhead!

I like and still listen to Mike and I did so since the first day I turned to his show on KFYI – We exchanged a few emails but Mike is a very religious man and, while smart, he is not exactly comfortable with my cosmic work. Meantime true to his Gemini Sun sign, he is a very curious man and more short emails were exchanged between us.

Once I heard about his birthday invitation locally, I wanted to be nice and offer him one of my books and I drove 30 miles (one way) to meet him personally. When I arrived there I ordered a drink and waited patiently for him to connect with me during a news break.

I hugged the man (I am French, this is what we do), and to his supremely critical, nontrusting, puritanical mind, this may have been inappropriate or a bit too close for comfort? Imagine if I had kissed him, we French do this all the time lolol.

Did I upset his “sexuality” or did he think I was gay? God knows what’s happened this day but his very highly critical nature judged me unworthy… Or was it fear to go to hell dealing with me lol…

Meantime, I emailed him a few times apologizing and asking why he never emailed me back since June 4th, 2014, his birthday day!  To this day readers, I am still waiting for Mike Broomhead’s thank you note for the gift that never came…

How unsophisticated for such a public man who stands strong saying endlessly to his audience he is willing to debate any topic, anything or anyone! In one of my emails, I also made sure to tell him I  was not looking for a plug-in for my books, nor being a guest on his show, but still no response.

Mike was born on the same day as my good friend George Noory,  June 4, with the difference that George is very famous, a very decent, responsible man that emailed me back less than 5 minutes after reading my good birthday wishes,  thanking me! 

It’s something how people born under the same Gemini Sun Sign can behave so differently because their natal dragon year is totally different!

Mike was born with a Scorpio Dragon’s Tail (negative) right in my 10th house of career, this is why I never asked him to be on his show, mostly because of his incompatible religious and politically conservative format. I knew our respective “stars” were repellent from the get-go and maybe I should have mentioned this to him? 

Like many of his close friends on Clear Channel, his hidden Dragon is located in the puritanical, rational Virgo’s hard-working machine.  Indeed my crude  “attitude” and exposure above made him “discard” me as a cyber friend…  All high critical born souls are well known for ” cleaning/cleansing” people from their extraordinary high expectation circle of friends! 

Gemini and Virgo signs are Mercurial born

Cleansing impurities large and small
Don”t think yourself immune, for I see all
Attending to every chore and task
Perfection being all that I ask

His hidden health-oriented Virgo Dragon makes him also very “feminine” and dictates why he is so concerned, so dedicated with exercises, his body, and appearance including his masculinity…

Remember readers, I have nothing against Mike. In fact, I truly think he is really good at his “fated” Gemini job on the radio. Yes, it is not an accident for him, George Noory, and Art Bell to be born in June and share the same working fate. Will this fact ring a bell in Mike’s conditioned, codified religious mind?

Though I should be more concerned about his cop brother in  Florida looking for me and getting his revenge lolol.

Mike’s cosmic nature is extremely private, critical, and very suspicious of anything and anyone, and this article while very educational may be also perceived as offensive! But that is not my goal, my intention is to stimulate his Gemini curious mind and “save” his soul…

George Noory is a very famous, smart close friend born in 1950 like me, we both share the same Aries competitive dragon. George knows me and my knowledge well and, over the years as a regular guest on his show,  I earned his respect. I like the man and Terania and I always have fun with him.


Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi

Mike is a young soul, still struggling to uncover his cosmic nature and his relationship with God’s cosmic Divinity. I can not be offended by his nonpolite, less perfect endeavor towards me because of his judgmental, critical, religious nature. Like many people, Mike is not ready for my work, for God’s cosmic identity and the truth about himself, much like some of his white conservatives, religious maniac friends…

But in all Mike is a very serious, loving, and responsible “puritanical Virgo”  dedicated to cleaning the world from all its imperfections and doing its best to help society.

But I am convinced, that Mike can handle the truth when the truth is legitimate and Mike did not anticipate my reaction to expose him as a very sensitive, “cleansing” man. Again Astropsychology / Astroforensics is the art and science of truth, the exposure of the human spiritual DNA (or the UCI)  uncovering people’s sins and virtues. 

The purpose for me to expose Mike Broomhead is to make sure he understands the reason for him to aim for recognition in the radio world. He was fated by a cosmic God to do so and all his hard work, planning and sacrifices paid off because a cosmic God lead him in that direction! So here it is  Mike, make the most of my cosmic expertise it is free for you!

Cosmically and/or subconsciously, with such a surname “Broomhead” Mike had to endure a lot of bullish (or bull shit) for years and, at a subconscious level, Mike has been deeply hurt. As a Gemini he is also a DUAL, meaning two distinctive careers, one in construction, the other totally different involving the communication world and debating the public.

Thanks to his Gemini fast wit, communicative laugh and natal gift, he was born like me, an ADHD ( a gift) driving too fast and with no patience for stupidity!

But Mike can do anything he chose because he has both the Scorpius fixity of purpose and the adaptability and total dedication imposed by his hidden hard-working Virgo Dragon’s tail. His life is all about service and HARD work! He had tons of questions that needs answers and God made sure we connected for that very purpose! Give him some real answers about God and himself!

All along Mike nurtured a subconscious “thought” driving him to succeed, “I WILL SHOW YOU! what a “Broomhead” can do!”  A Scorpius dragon is very revengeful and tenacious and this sign means “death” and rebirth and he did just that in his two distinct careers. 

Will Mike be able to auto-analyze himself and recognize his subconscious motivation? 

While I am not really convinced Mike will ever get my “spiritual” message, I know he can handle the truth if the truth resonates in his soul! But my cosmic work is mostly directed at the people born with a highly advanced UCI.

Indeed the goal here is; to stimulate  Mike’s deeper auto analysis and help my readers assimilate more on the subconscious power. In fact, Mike HAD to screw up with me to learn a bit more about himself! Funny how my cosmic God does things with people…

Thus, when Mike came up with the idea of putting your wallet in the back seat of your car as a memorandum and then coming back to collect your child because it is not much you can do without it, I jumped on the opportunity to help him for the last time and share this enlightening experience with my worldwide reading audience.

MONEY – MONEY – MONEY – is EXACTLY the problem Mike, you, all the parents, and Ms. Poole are “unconsciously” facing, something your subconscious is working very hard for you to erase. 

Money means also, security, paying for this child’s education, welfare, medical, food, clothing, toys, and the list goes on until he/she becomes an adult or DIES! Of course, you can double this painful fact for each child you produce and must take care of. Any good parents would behave as such and should!  But who never thought how costly raising a child is? 

This is why I told Terania, “Hun I want to marry you but under this one condition and at my age know that; I am too old to raise another kid.  I want to enjoy my retirement with you, I want us to enjoy our freedom and ALL that life has left to offer me. Especially after beating cancer!”

I made a decision and did not let my emotions dictate my decision and I am so glad to dedicate my lifetime cosmic work for ALL your children instead! All the money needed to raise a child is going to luxuries, to a great lifestyle only smart, responsible thinking people can enjoy.


Mike, like all radio and television hosts; is talking about children, emigration, racism, politics, terrorism or all the news I divulged to the world well before CNN and FOX posted them to the public!

But did Mike and his colleagues ever read my warnings? Obviously, they never check my claims or assume I am only a psychic weirdo looking for attention. Nor can Mike, and all journalists, and commentators “talking Heads”  behave decently like George Noory.

It doesn’t seem this world wants to avoid self-destruction and upgrade to a better upgraded cosmic conscious humanity!.


Yes, you are now dealing with Dr. Turi and there is no room for sugar-coated articles to educate you for FREE on the cosmic code jurisdictions and your subconscious motivations! So enjoy what the born morons on the internet consider spam! Note if you can not handle the heat of my rebuttals, behave like a decent human being with me and I will spare you! I do have enemies that are working overtime to stop the light from reaching you, this jealous evil soul removed me from a page I had on Wikipedia!

 00:26, 8 February 2011 Ron Ritzman (talk | contribs) deleted page Dr. Louis Turi 

Kelsey Simms – Jul 20th, 2:12pm – Stop spamming pages with your crap.


Indeed I am King Louis  dedicated for  Servicing Pathetic Absolute Mind for free!

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” ~Albert Einstein*

Thus what the complaisance is doing is using logic and their hearts as an excuse for someone who was looking for a job and left her infant to die. The very fact is your subconscious will never either argue nor rationalize with you.

 Like “an act of God/earthquake” for the Christians or nature at work for the scientists, God and nature are simply killing innocent children, their parents, and animals and destroying all in the process. This is called life as it is!

Uncovering and owning the keys to what it means to be human took all my life and at 65 I am still learning, thus those well-read kids, fresh out of college have so much to learn from an old goat like me! But those students are so “intellectually” conditioned they already have the answer or science will provide them all to them providing they spend more years digesting religious and scientific books only!

I don’t think they will ever learn the difference between education and intelligence and not to believe everything they read on the Internet.

Ms Poole is an unconscious killer fully responsible for a child she should never have had because he was interfering with her financial “freedom” and all she could have done to enjoy her life to the fullest had she not been forced to work hard and spend on that child.

Why was she looking for a new job? What happened to her last job? Was she married, what happened to her husband, where they both “potheads” Neptunian born? Was she fired from her last employment? I heard she was addicted to some substances, I don’t even want to go there because I already have my answers and they are not too good!

The infamous public defendant’s legal hyaenas are looking for fame and our tax dollar in a putrefied system largely made of greedy, selfish, inconsiderate, uneducated, non-remorseful bastards!

ALL of us have to face the reality of the exorbitant cost to raise a child in the US, in fact, according to the latest figures released in a new report from the U.S.Department of Agriculture, it will cost parents $241,080 to raise a child.

Unless of course, you let your government and the taxpayers do your job…

People like Ms Poole and all the parents sending thousands of kids to the border do not have the education, the stamina, the intelligence or the means to raise any children. But this will not stop them from duplicating themselves and their genes at the speed of light!

The God-fearing conservatives are against birth control and the sex slave and drug industry is booming while our overloaded prisons can not handle the endless flow of criminals coming from a legal/illegal drug-addicted society.

While the marvels of science are offering longevity, on one hand, the scientific community, (pharmaceutical corporations) the  NRA, and the drug Lords are also responsible for keeping the numbers downs by poisoning and killing the masses.

Wars and diseases are not enough in an overpopulated, mostly uneducated world stripping Mother Earth of its resources.

What is the solution you may ask? First, let people know that in the eternal battle between emotions (fears/love/feelings) logic has no room. This is why many criminals have many children they can not support and are sending themselves  “subconsciously” to prison (or the US from Mexico)  to escape their deplorable reality.

Then and there, guilt takes over and many convicts convert into religions and their false Gods not knowing the evil God they now fear HAS answered their prayers. This is exactly what happened with Ms. Poole, she formulated a wish and Satan HEARD her and answered her unconscious wish for freedom! The cost to pay, her child!

If you do not differentiate your obsolete God and its archaic teachings as Satan himself and die in the process, how can you benefit from his ashes and rebirth into a better, wiser, smarter person and upgrade to a Godly cosmic reality? This is the only way to make good use of the power to create you were born with?

Of course, she wants her children back, and normal mothers would behave as such, but this is not the focus here, let go of your emotions please and try to focus on the solution instead! I am not a heartless sucker deprived of feelings but those feelings are the reason for you to misjudge much of life’s problems and blur your judgment.

Humanity must soon acknowledge the reality of a cosmic God allowing every single wish and prayer to become a reality with time. But first, the religious and scientific differences in the conception of a cosmic God and separatism must end!

There are no accidents, only cosmic and subconscious circumstances at work creating your daily reality, conscious or not you are gods and goddesses operating on this dense physical world! You have been made at the image of a cosmic God, you are a child of the Universe and you own the same power as the real cosmic God above!

Humans are much more than flesh, bones, and blood and nothing is known of their spiritual conception! If you think science and religions are the answers you are wrong readers, all those lost souls have been conditioned since childhood and lost the spirit of a cosmic God.

“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “

This is the very purpose of our cyber cosmic university offering you answers you will get nowhere else!

Being cosmic ignorant and fearful of God (Satan in disguise) will help no one to stop more tragedies or unconscious parents losing their children. The pain is real, regardless of the conscious or unconscious reasons leading to anyone’s death, especially a child!

Thus is you live in the Arid Zone like us, Arizona’s Sun will kill your kids or pets if left unattended for long! All I can do is to make you aware of the supra-conscious in charge of all your conscious and unconscious thoughts and doing so will allow you to work in harmony with a real God.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.” 

~ Paracelsus

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 


Who can and will deny the undeniable values of my predictions? The end of all false Gods!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Dear Readers;

Only the envious, the religious poisoned God fearing souls, the blind and the moronic idiots will deny my unarguable predictions. The same very people will take my confidence, honesty and direct approach to life as an ego trip missing the entire purpose and values of my cosmic work!

Honesty and integrity is not only extremely rare nowadays but poorly appreciated in a world where sugar coated sermons serve its endless deceptive purposes…

Only the curious, spiritually advanced secure souls will recognize and appreciated the undeniable values of my ET’s predictive legacy and share my gift to the world!

When I watch and listen to all the talking heads on radio and television today, endlessly regurgitating the news I foresaw, I can not help wonder what  all those people were talking about back in June 2013 when I exposed the future.

Indeed far away from talking about racism and emigration laws and events witch became the major news discussed today!

The purpose for me to reinstate the facts is to help the reader to go back in time and check on my “visions”  and why the world should heed my warnings very carefully. While I would rather offer my readers better premonitions for the future, I can not be blamed for the deadly news and humanity obliviousness and nonacceptance of a cosmic God speaking to through the signs.


Heil Hitler 2014 Arian Draconis


“They were shouting: ‘Death to Jews,’ and ‘Slit Jews’ throats’,”


German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.”

3-year-old critically wounded in Chicago shooting – U.S. evacuates embassy in Tripoli

ISIS blows up Jonah’s tomb

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions

Predicted in 1995 on Art Bell and George Noory Coast to Coast national radio show.

An ISIS militant stands guard at a checkpoint captured from the Iraqi Army outside Beiji refinery on June 19, 2014.

Terror havens in Syria and Iraq: Five reasons the West should worry

France’s Jews Flee As Rioters Burn Paris Shops, Attack Synagogue

There is no doubting the veracity of my work if you take the time to evaluate it and, because science and the world at large do not comprehend or perceive my work as a pseudo-science, this does not make it laughable or unreal!

When I profess the false Gods human fear, honor and die for is Satan in disguise , I am again stating the truth only a highly spiritually cosmic conscious mind can detect!

“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “

I also nurture a vision when humanity will finally “wake up” to the damages induced by 2000 years of dogmatic religious false teachings and ultimately comprehend the real meaning of the “religious matrixes” cursing all nations on the planet.

The perceptive soul will immediately detect the trap of a widening “religious separatism” and would rather alienate themselves entirely from God! But a godless world is as dangerous as the sharia law disfiguring and killing men, women and children in so many parts of this world!

Lost God fearing poisoned souls from all walks of life are flocking to the Middle East for both political and deep seated religious reasons and those born Neptunians are very dangerous to society because they do not honor nor respect life or others will to live free from their spiritual cosmic conditioning.

What is terrible is the obliviousness of their idiosyncrasies and NOTHING is being done in both the West or the East to STOP feeding evil.

The religious machine is still used as a monopolizing “deceptive universal educational matrix” endlessly creating more food for evil. I have deliberated a long time before posting this video and I am ASKING all my readers to be EXTREMELY cautious about watching it.

This is from South Africa where uneducated tribal people still believe helpless old people are witches! And this is the violent, horrific fate people like my wife suffered and perished at the hand of all our religious internet enemies still following us in this lifetime.


These people will make all sorts of lies to hurt us still and will use all in their power to destroy us. 

“Startheme Publications Inc., @drturi, Dr. Turi, Dr. Louis Turi MDUS Pretends to offer spiritual help but is really after your money Phoenix , Arizona.”

*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Dr. Turi is REAL and has integrity

It is part of the underdeveloped, sub-human character to make up lies, to abuse, hurt or kill anyone because they are different and/or psychically more advanced. And while many of those people will try to make you believe they are clients of mine they are not! Terania and are going well out of our ways to make sure you are satisfied with our services. 

In fact those envious young souls are total strangers to us and our work! Subconsciously those people are the Christians “martyrs” in the US, dedicated to work for their false God and purify the world of people like us they perceive as unworthy. witches, ghouls or non-believers.

Little do they know they are a danger to themselves and others, much like US citizens and thousands of others joining ISIS movement. They all want to serve evil and destroy America and all the “infidels!”

Sad enough this movement is growing like an unstoppable cancer because they are all victims of their Neptunian, puritanical, cleansing, perfectionist UCI.

Human are machines of habits and to this day, billions of dollars are invested in the proliferation of a multitude of religious buildings who’s tentacles reach ALL areas of the human experiences, political, businesses, sports, entertainment, schools and Universities.

With this in mind I do not believe this “traditional educational” evil is reversible and lead me to forecast the end of humanity within 50 years (nukes) if my mission to free the human spirit from fear and cosmic ignorance fail!

Furthermore, since 1991 I have literally begged for the public support, offered super deals in exchange for “donation” to give birth to my first Astropsychology school, or my reality show “The Soul of the Cosmos” but the billions are still poring into the wrong hands, the wrong scientific productions and the wrong teachings.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

The day I see my first school operational or be allowed to reach the mass with a sensible cosmic presentation, my faith for humanity’ survival will change drastically and for me, close to 65 time is going by very fast!

Greed, deception, cosmic ignorance, science and religious convictions are destroying humanity’ spirit where wise men like me are sought as worthless and enemy of a good working society.

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“

All I can do is to keep feeding the curious on their quest for the truth through my cosmic cyber university and hope for more support from my readers because the truth is not only very rare but not appreciated in these days and age.

Hillary Clinton and many famous authors’ books found their way to the New York list of best sellers, all the wile offering no much of any form of solution nor salvation to the human spirit.

Indeed work of fiction like religions, sports and entertainment will always be favorite choices for the legendary lazy human mind…

While my books are simply priceless to the perceptive human being, the smart curious mind is as rare as diamonds…There is no wonder why religions are consuming humanity!

“In a world where political leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.” Dr. Turi

We are getting close to the end of the month of July and August 2014 forecasts will be generated for my VIP’s before the 31st! Do not miss our live meeting/mini readings in the cosmic code chat room tomorrow evening. 

Sharing Email;

From Mrs Turi

Reply by Mrs. T: The Sharia Law and / or any law where the high justice / state / or legal authority carry out any of those types of death sentences…Or changes the system to suit ones desire for that matter, can be identified as the wrong doer or just the ‘man’ alone… Convinced into a system of fears. I mean come on, blow yourself up and countless others in hopes to be blessed with a number of virgins and waterways of wine. He / She is indeed exposed those actions but what’s really going on behind closed doors is in charge of the biggest ‘kill switch.’

While we may have more freedom in this country than countries like China, the Middle East etc. but the union has since forever been working on curbing that freedom too. As I have said before and many times over, refined social behavior open doors that most of the time, even the most excellent development of knowledge or even improvement in knowledge can’t.

A lot of the time I wonder if all the disinformation is a set up so that we can do away much easier and quicker with those who are lower than the scum of the earth. Some people don’t have mental issues but are just plain mean or hardheaded nit wits and it’s just the way they are programmed…As the Scorpio and frog are in our nature.

Some folks can’t be tamed and many have admitted it.

As they say, ‘We meet again.’ It’s all unfinished business from the past and pre-destined to turn out at times in an unfortunate sequence of events anyways because this is hell on earth. Why not up it to the next level, yes? There is no death really anyways but while some do us the favor of exiting this life after committing a horrible act, some need to be eliminated because they serve no good purpose and we have to support those heinous souls with our tax dollars.

We all associate ourselves with the body and the body dies but the spirit is eternal… It’s all about what we have been told. Oh, we are going to die and go to heaven or hell so the bible says. Nothing more than a religious book written by that of a ‘man’ and people go through life believing they are the real words of God. Let me tell you ‘God’ is consciousness… Supreme higher consciousness that one must stand under to under*stand. So you need to take your blinders off and look around at what lies beyond.

No different than  NASA and other science material try to force people into believing E.T.s don’t exist when thousands have been spotted in their craft abroad.What about showing some pictures of constructed dwellings and other monuments in some way ruined by that of nukes? They know about the realty on other planets but I guess its fun for them to keep others simple minded. And you wonder why so many are pinheads?

Heck, when I was a kid I didn’t need NASA to tell me if something was on the other side or not…I was never blinded by five colors at all. My Mercury in Pisces has had one powerful imagination and I have always been able to dwell with highly artistic spiritual matter, but every ones reasoning mind is set different… It’s my own luck in this presence. Good luck to the rest.

Well, this is one heck of a fools paradise and it sure as heck feels like fire and brimstone to me. I am glad to be open minded enough on that to know that I hopefully won’t have to reincarnate here again on this plane. I’ve been doing my part  but Mother Earth is upset enough… Call it tough love and cleansing of dark frequencies.

Those who live by complete darkness will most likely be put into a place which accepts that darkness but the way it looks now, this planet is becoming that place where hostility rules and that of our media, police, CIA, religious leaders, government, military are exterminating the peaceful tribes. Much of these wars are just funding on financial institutions and further weapons builders. You only see the war they way they want you too. But luckily we have reflector sites that expose all of what is really going on regardless of computer hobbyists that try to shut it all down.

So one can talk until they are blue in the face because the ‘blue’ just represents ones own reality or imagination for the way things should be but then again, think twice because it really is ‘…just another day in paradise’ and deceiving one self  is just as unpleasant as knowing the truth.

But I wouldn’t deceive you about something as important as these types of issues at hand. Then again, Brother Jonathan would and does. Why, they make people believe a lot of things that aren’t really true. And so many that our USA personified manage are no different. 99.09% of the mass is brainwashed and dummy down to those who enslave them to only the material world. Like a sheep who follows the rest of the herd. Makes you think that they deserve what they get or got coming to them when you take your rose colored glasses off.

Are people that desperate? Can’t one pick up any subliminal messages? Look at the moral violation of the youth and yes, even grown ups in this world because while many parents make fun of today’s era, they have to remember that they are the ones who helped raise it. Does one really think that they are going to be the next big visual / audio personality by living through the individuals they see on the airwaves?

They will be nothing more than a pawn for the very rich first – class group of people. Those who give in to the greed and money machines of large business organizations set to destroy the lives of others. And we wonder why so much of society wants to get their 10 minute high or 15 min of fame. Stop twitting on your every move because honestly no one really cares really but the identity thieves, viruses and the third parties these social networks claim to never give your information to.

There are short and long term effects that come with it all  because I have seen the changes  in some people within my immediate circle. It’s all crap designed to get you worked up. It’s better to work on your ‘auric’ field and awaken your true heart – self and intuition.

I am not talking about changing a rock into gold but rather transforming yourself into a beacon of light and raising your cosmic vibrations. That is the genuine medieval science of self and the only way to escape the physical matrix but being able to comprehend the suitable use of  ‘red and blue’ – the planet of the crossing and have direct access to the  multidimensional space around you.

Like an airplane pilot one must have it in them to fly but they must learn the guidelines for that of the field too and there is no difference with the laws of the spirit, but while we can inspire we can’t drive ourselves into madness either…Many have walked the line plum to 99 and that is incredible but I mean, one has to truly want to better themselves and become a light or remain a beast. Because in this world, one never really knows but it helps to have a bit of assurance to live a safer – productive life.

We are talking out of this 99.09% And right now, it seems the three little pigs and their kind are puffing it up out there if you know what I mean.

Looks as if our days our numbered on this planet my friend. Until then, eat – drink and be merry, yes?

Peace, Luv and Light,


Jupiter in Leo what does this mean to you personally?

Sharing emails:

Reply by Rondah

Spewing I’m going to miss this. Maybe you can answer my question now 😉 ////// 7.25pm Canberra ACT Australia. Am I going to meet my soul mate Dr T ? I’d love to have some one in my life like you have found in Terania. Or am I destined to be alone now and struggle through this life.


Hello Rondah;

Jupiter (luck/foreigners/traveling/studying) is right into your Leo 5th house (speculations/love and romance) and if you mean business, socialize after the New Moon you have all the chances to land of your soul mate. On July 16, Jupiter entered Leo and will cruise through this sign until August 11, 2015 but this is a physical world where you must be practical to gain the results. Foreigners will be your best choice but you must find a way to reach them and with the Internet social media your chances are unlimited… And once you do find Mr. right, then make sure to do a “comparison chart” to find out if he is your soul mate.

Good luck Hun, let’s talk more once Terania and I go back on the radio…



“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 



Another plane lost? Mayor dies after wasp attack, explaining more about her unfortunate demise.


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 


Lucie Roussel

May God bless your lost soul! 

Lucie Roussel Dead: Quebec Mayor Dies After Wasp Stings

Dear Readers;

The science of Astroforensics or the medical aspect of Astropsychology has depths and all detectives and medical experts would learn greatly learning and using it! To all the “educated” her sudden death makes no sense!

Just by looking at the year of the birth (using my software)  I found out that, Lucie was born with a Leo (life/love/fame) Dragon’s Tail (negative). Those souls nurture and endless fear of death and are particularly weak on the heart (ruled by Leo.) Knowing she was not allergic to bees, the very fear of being allergic caused her to suffer an heart attack and she died! 

Lucie shared the same Leo dragon as Princess Diana, and Steve Irwin was prone to suffer an early and original, weird, unpredictable early demises if unaware or are unwilling to investigate and prepare for her natal UCI.  When is the last time you went and stand under your stars to UNDER-STAND your cosmic nature, your fate, your sins and virtues? 

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”


Teen pilot dies in quest for record – Plane hits residential building 

DO NOT FLY AFTER THE FULL MOON! Meantime I flew all over the world after the full moon and in the worse possible conditions without any incident! Read more about the Power of the Dragon and the crucial  Universal Law of the moon! and most of all INVEST in your “lucky/unlucky celestial  Biorhythms” or pay the ultimate price for your cosmic ignorance. 

Boy attacked by barracuda  Boy attacked by barracuda Animals like human are also under the Cosmic Code  jurisdictions and become aggressive, even deadly! 

CNN freelancer abducted in Ukraine – Ebola doctor contracts Ebola 

People take chances, they do and say stupid things on TV Did Snoop do pot in White House?  Did Snoop do pot in White House? when they should not and end up defamed, captivated or dead!

 High winds hit campground; 2 dead – Mother earth also respond her way during her endless “universal cosmic biorhythms” but so very little know about metaphysics and end up her victims.  

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.”


Cops: Craigslist contact leads to killing

Chief Carmody said that Oestrike often traveled to different states and investigators were sorting through financial and travel records to determine the purpose of his trips — whether for his job, his church where he was a missionary, or otherwise. 

Deceptive Neptunians are attracted to “God’s jobs” to get close to children and be sought as good people when they are evil! If you are a cop read Police Requiem to recognize a Plutonic born killer from a law obedient citizen! Doing so will save your life!

Ignorance is evil, knowledge is power! Times have changed but not your perception of a cosmic God! This is why thousands of VIP’s chose to join and learn daily in my Cyber Cosmic University. Join, learn, be guided, be prepared, be safe NOW! 

Be safe, be smart, educated yourself on the reality of a cosmic divinity called God! –

Dr. Turi

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!The Magical Power of Talismans!HELP ME FIGHT THE ILLUMINATI WITH MY REALITY SHOW PROPOSALall_seeing_eye L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’AirainListen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667

About Louis Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.

He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

Is Life Worth Living and What can I do to Find Hope Again?


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

FAA bans U.S. flights to Israel after rocket strike

Dear Readers;

I decided to share this article with the public today because, at the very bottom of this article,  I am offering a super deal to my procrastinating readers who are still wondering if they should join “Dr. Turi’s Cyber Cosmic University.”

Why would the elites of this world wait for death to strike then finally make the right decisions after so many innocent people lost their lives?  Why millions of people from all walks of life, including their political and religious leaders are following so many false Gods?

 “The spiritual greatness of the Universe is unknown, this Divine source of power can be used to guide and bring man a life filled with love, respects, peace and harmony.” — Dr. Turi

Why so many conservative talking heads in the media are unable to realize, all they are so passionately talking about today was predicted so many months ago?

What’s wrong with all those people so consumed into the present and unable to perceive the exposed past or the future when I keep warning them endlessly? GERMANY HITLER WILL MAKE THE NEWS! SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE PREDICTIONS THAT MUST BE SHARED TO THE WORLD!

And most of all, why the same very people in so many parts of the world are doing all their power to destroy their neighbors and eradicate their Gods?   This is what has became to humanity lead by the faces, customs, beliefs of so many false Gods disguised as Satan running this world!

It’s becoming so very hard for any human to maintain hopes in such an unstable world when religions, ignorance and fears rules a deadly future and nothing but more blood shed and wars seems to be the only answer…

This world is so very sick people, with so many children suffering the current  2014 Arian Draconis...

“After an 11-year-old girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet while sitting on a friend’s bedroom floor, Chicago officials met Monday to discuss the city’s recent surge in gun violence.”

But what do you expect will change when NONE of those God fearing academic elites knows anything of the signs and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions?

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13.13

Nothing readers, more innocent children deaths will still plague CNN soon because it is now “normal” to hear about such dramatic news…

The God they so fervently fear and  pray very day  is SATAN, while the real cosmic God still escape their trapped spirits! In no way will those Chicago officials “converse” spiritually nor God hear their desperate prayers. The same meetings took place thousands of times in all cities and STILL Satan rules, don’t you think something is missing and seriously wrong in their traditional approach?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

But when the majority of human perceive ME as the Devil, how can I help anyone unwilling and unable to conceive my cosmic message and my mission? Furthermore those in position of power, from so many walks of life who consume my cosmic work daily will not budge in fear of the ridicule. Indeed those souls are far less glamorous in their own spiritual pride to participate in my endless battles to help me reaching you.

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

Do you really think I am far from the truth when I profess we have only 50 years to turn things around and for humanity to grow up psychically and spiritually to the realization of a cosmic God and heed the cosmic code? Why in the name of my own cosmic God did he lead me to America, one of the most religiously poisoned countries in the world after the Middle East?

But some of you may not agree with me, then tell me why the Middle East religious fanatics (Islam) will never quit until they destroy America (Christians) with nukes? And who is in between? the Jews!  It is so obvious to me and so not there to all those souls depraved of cosmic consciousness…

To save me repeating myself, simply Google “Religions, Dr. Turi”  – Pope Francis Dr. Turi” or anything you have in mind and add my name Dr. Turi to read about all you may have missed involving my predictions.

With such a gigantic misuse of the Supra-conscious (creative/destructive) forces at work endlessly feeding Satan, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for so many people to regenerate their spirit anymore.

The government has lost control, the local and church authorities have lost control while the drugs lords enjoy supreme wealth through “emigration” drugs and sexual trades.

Memo from “Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn!

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.” 

A desperate society seek refuge with legal and illegal drugs and alcohol where the cities administrators are making a bundle on all those sick people. The police will never give you the correct numbers of arrests to avoid a revolution in the cities fast becoming  police states.  (Over 400 DUI issued in Phoenix AZ during July 4 celebrations.)

Those “irresponsible” people have families to support, work to attend, bills to pay like you and me and must now pay an exorbitant price to the legal hyenas following their arrest!

Wealth is assured for ALL cities in the US bringing more and more people to our already overloaded prison system, forcing more legal hyaenas to release those depressed, addicted, over medicated people on parole. Our streets are far from being safe anymore!

The majority will fall for Neptune’s goodies and go back to prison because the pharmaceutical matrix (like the drug Lords) MUST  make money to survive.

And trust me its all about money in America and not about you or your children! Gupta ‘I am doubling down DECEPTION’ on medical marijuana!” – This articles pissed off so many born Neptunians addicted to weed and unwilling to accept if its stinks bad it is bad! 

I only support weed in extreme medical cases and not another easy option for our vulnerable, uneducated, cursed young society to abuse!

Face reality readers, children kill children, some crazy Neptunian over medicated, drugged adults rape and kill each others and even mothers kill their children. More and more people of all ages are committing suicide. Indeed there is something very wrong as the majority of human FALL into depressions seeking help in the religious and/or scientific abusive matrixes.

Humanity’ spirit is drying so fast  and hope for the future does not make sense anymore and while I hate forcing you to think critically, the facts is, in today ‘s modern life no one is spared! ‘Patriot’ actress Skye McCole Bartusiak dead at 21, she committed suicide!

The sad reality it is already much too late for some people who are now in serious need of “magical” talismans before finally surrendering totally to the forces of evil.

The Magical Power of Talismans!

The right talisman is like a supplement for the mind and soul or ” a mystical food for the spirit,” much like any vitamins you ingest for a better physical health. And much better than weed, alcohol or medications.

The current “OCD generation” is hill fitted spiritually to deal with the spirit and can only concentrate on the physiology parts of their body.  The human spirit is as fragile, if not more than the human body designed to take immense abuses and still recuperate from many traumas.

But when the cosmic conscious teacher is missing, psychical unbalance sets in opening the door to a multitude of mental problems today’s science is still unaware of.  And wasting time and money is part of the scientific matrix agenda endorsing the pharmaceutical industry they depend on to survive!

Farmers use fertilizers to grow their crops, talismans are designed to offer the same results if the “spiritual” food is missing and stop a steady spiritual degeneration. My explanations are quite simple, real and easy to assimilate, yet the “educated” or the religious crowds will see no good to any of my pearls of wisdom.

All I can say to any depressed skeptic or religious souls possessed by evil is; let me make the specific talisman you need and watch the results soon after you wear it. Because the symbol of death (the cross) you wear around your neck has its own negative cosmic energy encrusted by its makers! And because you know nothing of metaphysics or the stars does not mean, your faith alone will “save” or protect you.

Your body need good healthy food and so does your spirit but when you are serving a false God (or Satan in disguise) there is no wonder why this world became such a scary place to live on!

I can help you at a personal level and help the world at large if I could only gain a wider voice, and I have only you to rely on readers… What can be done to reverse this nightmare and win over evil becomes the billion dollar crucial question and I am not the only one with the answer!

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Read the future –  Watch the future!

~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi

But it seem the educational, corporate system is set to follow an irreversible trajectory where today’s endless dramatic news are a joke to what I foresee in the future if you do not take my warnings seriously! I am asking all my readers, at least those who are perceptive enough and willing to help me while we can.

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

The solution is a complete overhaul of the U.S. Department of Education but you already know, like any “educated” donkeys, they will not budge, or change their mind, nor consider the cosmic “spiritual” science of Astropsychology.

While my work has a direct connection with the wisdom and beauty of ALL religions, my cosmic God does not offer “separatism” but total unification.

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

So I have decided to do something extraordinary, something that will offer my supporters to participate and help me fix the problem. “In Memory of Abbie Bartels”

Unlike very rich, established “non profit” organizations advertising endlessly on all major media, televisions and radios in the US  asking you to make a “donation” I have only your will. Make a “donation” for my mission, and get something real, no deception and abuse in return.

I am offering ALL my readers, (public only) or those of you who want to become VIP’s cosmic coders, the option to join the cosmic code website for a $10 “donation.”   But instead of 30 days trial period, you will get 3 months, and this will give you plenty time to investigate my work, predictions, guidance, non public articles and so much more. 


All you have to do is “donate” for my future radio show and read about the goodies you will get for the next 3 months for only $10 bucks. Most importantly, once you join us and donate, you MUST email so she can comp you in the system, then join ALL groups once verified.

I have so many thousands of  readers but if you know someone looking for the truth share this article ASAP please, 24 hours goes by fast!

I would also suggest you to do so and learn more about Jupiter spiritual purpose outside of conventional astronomy.

Blessings to all my readers.

Dr. Turi

Reply by Mrs. T: The fact of the matter is that many believe the state of bewilderment is such ‘ecstasy…’Or at least leaving the others in a dazed state.’ To confuse the issue of  a more restored planetary structure because?  As if!

Look at how many cops provide security to drug dealers or anything you say to a police officer can be used against you in the court of law…Of course that is why so many never say anything to the police when questioned – At least most the time that is.

Now the law enforcement will always have their portion of faultfinders but they will also always have their critics with a glimpse of them in a generous light…Despite how many of them and those side by side whom just so happen to ride dirty.

But of course various scientists, economists, world security council, politicians, billionaires, ‘dictators with such dictatorship’ including that of many priests and many of the European notability and those persons who inherit the possessions, even the like minded organizations and/or the mass that feed these world oppressors in charge of pulling the strings behind the strings, influencing world events and controlling governments…. We’re talking so called high brows  for who has been devoted to this type of treason prior to the revolutionary war boom and all  have also been represented as the most excellent in society both intelligently and in a chaste manner. That isn’t excellent to me.

They have split the yin and yang along with that of the ’13’ colonies and ever since it hasn’t been about the ark of any testimony but rather the ark of the contract…A whole pact of lies in which deceit has been taking place because of the way it has always been.

Many like swine exceeding in the limit, egotist with no character, calling upon that of only the shadowy side of things and then using the almighty as authority to cover it all up. Satan too has fallen like that of many angels and yet he/she knows not to give those golden pearls to just any and all, or be grind up like that of a dog…In which, many of the gods over time have been taken for granted and misrepresented for their original meaning. As a book can inspire you or a teacher can motivate you, everything has been predetermined and people will do what they want regardless.

But that is why this is one hell of a school on earth and the destiny will be unfolded the way it is going to sometimes no matter what anyone says. Because there is more on the other side of man, that is supreme divine…All we have to do is stand under our stars and look up.

Then again, one doesn’t have to go to school to pour water either as good manners open doors that even the best education can’t… But it is important to learn about the sole basis that controls ones imagination for/against realty.

As the saying goes, “We are all spiritual beings on a human journey.”

So, again why do so many do so when it is a delusional type of high? Perhaps it is their apprehension of the opposite  forces which are actually equivalently co-dependent in the natural world, but  how they give rise to each other as they involve themselves to one another is indeed dynamic.

Little do they know, the remainder of their kind are to be further joined  into the broad accumulation of such a hybridized humankind, only to be used more so as servants under extreme duress. Slavery never ended and the Statue of Liberty knows that.

Don’t fall for what looks like heaven because so much of that will put you under-ground. Today the pre-destined course of our modern world appears to be already fixed whereas the future collapse of our distinctive people – state to state – country to country, and civil correspondence has shown the handwriting on the wall to be the end.

The American way of life has been being endangered  on a daily basis. The progressive wars  of the common people are involved in a process which we see to give the impression of no agreeable consequence…After all, the confederate administration are too far gone and all of their allies under them, clearly insensible,just not in the mood to help…Why would they when they have too much money.

Peace, Luv and Light,

Terania Turi

Jupiter in Leo what does this mean to you personally? 

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!The Magical Power of Talismans!HELP ME FIGHT THE ILLUMINATI WITH MY REALITY SHOW PROPOSALall_seeing_eye L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’AirainListen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!JOIN US SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! BECOME A VIPA life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 602-265-7667