Year: 2014

Ridiculous science and correct prediction of big earthquakes and next volcano eruption!


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;


INSANITY AT BEST!  Molten rock travels a long road before it spews from volcanoes during deadly eruptions. Mapping out the journey could help scientists better understand how volcanoes work and improve early warnings of oncoming blasts, but tracking down blobs of magma deep within the Earth’s crust is no easy task”

This is where science is loosing it…instead of wasting tax payers money by mapping rocks on earth, they should gather cosmic consciousness, map the journey of the rocks above (planets) and learn how to make a good use of the heavens above like I do! Then warn people of the real possibility of extraordinary natural disasters. Become a VIP be prepared!

 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, safety, warnings,  respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

CHECK THE FACTS  of all my well documented, dated, printed published and broadcasted predictions and check who is endorsing my work before assuming anything!

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!

Now, at Washington’s Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens, two of the most dangerous volcanoes in the United States, researchers are getting their best look yet at magma’s underground path via a pair of new scientific studies.

The first study, published today (July 16) in the journal Nature, clearly illustrates how magma is produced deep beneath Mount Rainier. With the second study, which is just getting underway, researchers hope to generate similarly revealing results for Mount St. Helens.

DT rebuttal: STOP wasting tax payers money and invest in Astrogeology instead! 

Astrogeology of the future at work today!  Memo – Make note please.

“I am particularly asking the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics and the scientific community, including ALL security services in charge of our President’ safety to make a note of this SOS to the World window and the dates offered because, nature will also speak of her destructive powers.”


The ONLY reason why we have not been “formally” told by our government that our species is in constant contact with Extraterrestrial and Ultradimensional Aliens is because of POWER.  Power over others, power to do, power to own and sell new technology.  The reasons why Alien species have not made their presence commonly known to the human masses is because of PERSONAL AGENDAS and our own blindness.  There are agendas that benefit them, and our shadow governments, to keep us in the dark. And it’s not because most of us plebs would panic and kill ourselves. Nope. It’s about us plebs having access to technology, knowledge and awareness that would make each person unstoppable and uncontrollable. And our own blindness, well, we refuse to see them.

ETs and UlraDs DO exist. They are all around us.

“Time has and will always be my utmost trustworthy reliable witness”  Dr. Turi

August 2014 SOS to the world windows

August 9/10/11 2014

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind  Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike

Cosmos News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Incredible / lightning / Unusual Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / Cyber / Japan / Television / UFO.


So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>

DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 says…  “ POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”

From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”


Results of predictions:

1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th


2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th


More Proof from NASA STUDENT

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//


  • 2014-03-10 05:18:12; (M6.9) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
  • 2014-03-10 05:18:12 (M6.1) OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 40.8 -125.1 (cfa3)
  • 2014-03-10 00:38:20 (M6.3) OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO 16.1 -98.2 (cfa3)
  • 2014-03-11 02:44:06 (M6.8) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0
  • 2014-03-11 02:44:05 (M6.4) EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS -60.8 -20.0
  • (cfa3)

Yes and I did all this without stealing hard working American citizens taxes but readers did it occur to you how many BILLIONS were wasted since 1991 when I offered my services to USGS? Its now 2013 and 22 years later and with all the scientific researches and sophisticated electronics equipments they developed they need more of your money to convince you they are about to offer you a 10 days warning?    ARE YOU JOKING? The fact remain ALL major disasters since 1991 transpired in one of the numerous  ”SOS To The World” or my “windows of high probabilities!” 

All the scientific community has to do is to INVESTIGATE my claims and there are TONS available to them posted for ever on the Internet… But remember doing so mean accepting defeat and the fact that an “uneducated” French man who uses the divine has and will ever always be able to do and offer better “predictions” than them all combined!

Now this does not mean science is bull but their earthquakes predictions methodology is NULL, unreliable, non existing and shows a serious inefficiency against my unarguable “mystical” methodology!  Your tax dollars is going to those well-established governmental institutions but, never in a million years will they give you either the  location of right timing to when the next large quake will take place! While my valuable research and my obvious findings (and predictions) are not taken seriously?

Memo from  ”The Moronic Mind At Work!” debating with a young soul – “When I gave dates for earthquakes, those quakes will always be at or above 6.0 and those they DO NOT happen everyday.“  Check the dated, printed published undeniable proof!

ASK USGS WHY 3 dozen quakes shake Arkansas – THERE ARE NO ANSWERS FROM THEM! But they all happened during my “Windows of high probability” posted to prepare the world! 

  • Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS –  Magnitude:  7.4
  • Updated – May 23/2013 –  Region:  TONGA –  Magnitude:  6.6
  • Updated – May 24/2013 –  Region: SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  6.8
  • Updated – May 24/2013 – Region:   SEA OF OKHOTSK – Magnitude:  8.2
  • Updated – May 25/2013 – Region:  EASTERN UZBEKISTAN – Magnitude: 6.0

I gave 6 dates but actually what I am doing is to point out the MAXIMUM concentrated energy and add a day on each side which comes up to MAY 22/23/24  and May 28/29/30 2013 .

Thus, this is what you would read if I only offered you a single digit date- “MAY 23  and May 29 2013″ – But I have to add 2 more days on each side of the projected date, because there is such a thing as TIME ZONES and I am trying to cover all time zones at once (and I do) making my ”SOS To The World  Universal Dates” valid for Asia, Australia, Europe and not only the US and this clearly explain my cosmic timed methodology…

Then some people will demand me to offer them also precise locations, to them I say ask USGS or any other institution not Dr. Turi because I do not receive your tax dollar to do the researches. With the current Scorpius Draconis in charge of the world, forcing ALL that is kept secret, covered and underground MUST come to light and Dr. Turi’s voice and “predictions”  is getting the world’s attention it deserves.

If I could work in harmony with the scientific community mixing both the physical and spiritual  studies would allow us to make significant progress because I HAVE THE UNARGUABLE TIMING quite accurate…They have nothing at all STILL and by the time the little needle of their expansive technology start moving, its much too late, your roof crashes on your head and you die in the upcoming tornado, earthquake or tsunami wave.

Instead of ignoring and classify my outstanding methodology as a “pseudo-science” only,  the scientific community should nut up and face the endless facts that I know something they don’t! And it is the tax payers’ right to use this money where ever answers that can save lives are, especially when the proofs of my are “windows of high probabilities”  are steady and unarguable.

I can assure you readers, since 1991 millions of scientists, geologists, astronomers, students of astrophysics, cops and not only the  curious norm read my work trying to uncover my secrets…All they have to do is to take my home course, its that simple, but this mean also divulging their identities! Add the fear of the ridicule and they just missed the boat that could bring them with the answers they are all cursed to miss and so desperately looking for…

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom”


This deplorable attitude does not serve them and the tax payers well in terms of preparedness and this really makes me sad because my own wisdom saved me from being part of the statistics of the terrible Asia/Thailand  tsunami where I was supposed to travel to a couple of days for a fishing trip in Puckett – Yes I could easily became another statistic on that tragic day!  Both Asia tsunami were expected and predicted a year earlier in my yearly/daily guidance book Moon Power.

Well I am well ahead of those scientists and that is the fact and with the Scorpius Draconis on my side and in charge of humanity until February 2014 the scientific community will  be forced into an overdue wake up call on so many levels.

All I can do is to again offer you a solid proof of my claim and hope for your support to give me a broader voice on the air and start investing in the right direction  with Dr. Turi  and the cosmic code jurisdictions so I can really offer ample warnings to the media and save countless priceless lives.


“Its a pure miracle than simple curiosity survive traditional education.” 


Humility and curiosity will lead the rational born UCI kind upgrade to a more spiritually refined human being able to  recognize and use God’s mysterious cosmic will! And I am there for you, willing to teach you what your human eyes and “educated” minds are not yet able to perceive and appreciate …

In the process, may the sceptical soul trusting our infantile science realize the truth and support my mission to salvage the human spirit and lead you to become a “Light Fighter.

If you are a Cosmic Code VIP  or if you perceive my spiritual mission, please offer my work to all the websites or groups you frequent. If you work for a radio station, on television magazine or a newspaper simply forward my work to the editor, all of you have my permission to use and reproduce this material. Please help me in my pledge to educate the world and bring hopes and real warnings leading to more security to mankind.


The Magical Power of Talismans!


Blessings to all my readers.

Dr. Turi

‘Patriot’ actress Skye McCole Bartusiak dead at 21, she committed suicide!


“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.”


Skye McCole Bartusiak, pictured here in 2006, has died at age 21.

May God bless your young lost soul

(CNN) — Actress Skye McCole Bartusiak, who played Mel Gibson’s youngest daughter in “The Patriot,” died Saturday at her home in Houston, her mother said Sunday. She was 21.

Dear Readers;

Each passing day I realize how lucky I am to be 64 years old and still alive…

Indeed Skye McCole Bartusiak is the latest victim of the  Hollywood entertainment and the pharmaceutical matrixes. She suffered a similar fate as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and countless of celebrities with the difference that she committed suicide…

But why would I be so sure of the reasons for her demise you may ask? Because Astroforensics or the stars, do not lie and allow anyone cosmic conscious enough to perceive the plain truth.

First she was a Libra and joined the many people cursed by the current 2014 Arian Draconis, she was also suffering one of her 2014 personal negative  “cosmic biorhythms” and could not handle the pain.

Memo:  “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).”

Depraved of cosmic consciousness, top religious leaders and their gullible followers have no clue of the signs predisposing people such as Skye to live a famous but very short life because their karmic UCI is ill fitted for a public, famous life!

Why would someone so young, so famous, so wealthy who had it all decided to end her own life? Indeed there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work science and the world at large has yet to uncover! All is provided in Dr. Turi’s cyber cosmic university because the traditional educational system has lost the spirit and still deny the soul of the cosmos! 

So many uneducated parents are working overtime pushing their children in endeavors a cosmic God does not endorse and the results are dreadful. What seems to be a “wonderful break”  for fame is actually a death sentence for many cosmically unaware people.

Sad enough the world is not ready just yet to comprehend my highly spiritual work and can only assume I am a psychic and my work is only a wasteful pseudo-science… That is the price I have to pay for being 50 years ahead of the norm and the main reason for me to attract UFO and ET’s since I was born.

All I can do is to warn all concerned parents and anyone looking for fame to consult me so I can perform Astroforensics and Astropsychology and investigate  God’s will and guide you accordingly with my services.

What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

 I will now elaborate and explain in great detail why Skye ended her life by exposing her cosmic identity. I love to teach more secrets involving the Cosmic Code jurisdictions (God celestial will) to my wonderful, smart and curious VIP’s.

“I will speak to you but you won”t hear me, I will present myself to you but you won”t see me.”  God – Let me help you raise your Cosmic Consciousness and teach you how to heed God” signs.

Remember my work is not for the religious feeble minded lost souls but for a more intelligent crowd of human beings able and willing to explore the reality of a cosmic God speaking to his children through the signs…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Now on to the explanations… SORRY VIP’S ONLY!

Sun 05Lib37 (2) fall
Moon 03Sco45 (3) fall
Mercury 15Lib54 (2)
Venus 04Sco06 (3) detriment
Mars 08Can47 (11) fall
Jupiter 27Vir25 (1) detriment (traditional)
Saturn 12Aqu06 (6) dignity (traditional)
Uranus 14Cap04 (5)
Neptune 16Cap11 (5) fall
Pluto 21Sco07 (3) dignity
MNNode 25Sag25 (4)
MSNode 25Gem25 (10)

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Saturn in Aquarius Uranus in Capricorn

DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Venus
Jupiter disposited by Mercury
Moon disposited by Pluto
Saturn disposited by Uranus
Mercury disposited by Venus
Uranus disposited by Saturn
Venus disposited by Pluto
Neptune disposited by Saturn
Mars disposited by Moon
Pluto disposited by Pluto

ASPECT PATTERNS: Cardinal T-Square Mars
Sun – focus
Mercury – focus

SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 6 50 %
Fixed 5 42 %
Mutable 1 8 %

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 0 0 %
Earth 3 25 %
Air 4 33 %
Water 5 42 %

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON DISTANCE: 369400.2 km. Close Distance
MOON SPEED: 14.27837 deg/day Fast Speed


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 1 0.96558
3 0.98652

4 0.99276

ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 175 0.94225
37 0.94614

EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 128 0.93545
40 0.94591

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

Act now or face war? – Too late War is Already Here!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus


Act now or face war


Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

MISSILE DOWNED JET, U.S. SAYS read the real reasons for this massacre! 

 Dear readers;

As promised this is your Sunday free Cosmic Code newsletter and an introduction to those who did not yet heard of my work and I.

Be sure, war is already here and like much of the world, I am so disgusted by Vladimir Putin’ not so secretive war and the extermination of so many innocent people! Yes it could easily have been YOU, a loved one or a friend in this plane.  

And only those who really knows about my work and I personally will think twice before flying, or at least follow some rigid Universal Laws the vast majority of the world still ridicule and keep ignoring!

Permalink Reply by Rondah ///// 14 hours ago

Thank you Dr. Turi;

I’m feeling pretty chuffed at the moment and all because I relayed your warnings to my friend who could have been on that plane if she didn’t listen to me. I’m not taking credit – as if it were not for you DR T and your teachings I would not have been able to warm / guide my friend. I told her do not fly and she chose to listen.

I thank you and she thanks you. Many lives were taken and at least 1 that I definitely know of has been saved. My friend is totally stunned and amazed and is so very grateful that she listened.

Love and blessings.



No readers, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances a non cosmic conscious science and society at large has yet to acknowledge and heed. Would you ever dream crossing the street and ignore both the red light or the STOP sign? 

In no way will you take that chance, unless you are impaired with drugs, alcohol or want to commit suicide! 

This is a dense physical world, run by a logical traditionally scientifically oriented society where God’s cosmic Divinity does not apply, nor exist because, in the “young souls” educated  mind, what can not be seen nor touched is not there!

The same very people use Astronomy to uncover the secrets of life and the heavens, all the while totally oblivious of the “soul of the cosmos!”  Indeed the world is growing so slowly spiritually but my mission is to provide such a rare “cosmic” food for your thoughts!

Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show

What is really scary to me is, ALL the very powerful men in this world are no more than “robots” of their UCI/stars and totally unconscious of the subtle power above. Because of their religious conviction or pure idiocy, none of them will ever consult the heavens  before making so many very important decisions. Decisions that could affect and cost greatly to so many of us! 

Indeed 295 innocent people have been wasted, literally blown out of the sky over Ukraine because both the perpetrators and the victims were all non cosmic conscious.

It was like flying straight into an invisible hurricane where death come from the ground and not the weather. All were cosmic unconscious and unaware of the evil “Spirit of Hitler”  lurking right above the disturbed region.

Memo 2/23/2014 War in the Horizon?

While I gave plenty warning to my readers when Putin visited the US last February, it is only now, after the fact that smart people will realize my work should be taken seriously! But will you just look at the link above or will you investigate my claim? 

How can you bring long lasting peace on this world when cosmic ignorance, religious fear and corporate greed rule all areas of those in power and their followers?

How can I make an impact and upgrade humanity psychical welfare and make them aware and accept a cosmic God regimenting the heavens when enviousness, jealousy and EVIL run this world?

All God’s children should known they are not doomed and its only by rising to his illusive cosmic Divinity that they will be able to apply the will witch is stronger than the stars/dragons pulling the strings of all human affairs!

Human MUST realize they are nothing else than emotional ROBOTS, often victimized by those stars because, as children of the universe, they ARE spiritually and cosmically designed and controlled by the little fraction of sky regimenting their birth and location on earth.

Priceless information yet ignored, ridicule  by the majority that can and will change your entire perception of life if you take a chance on real professionals like me for sure!

In the name of 875 deceptive conventional archaic doctrines and/or a hard core rational “accredited” education both the religious and scientific matrixes became the vital part to KILL the spirit and God’s cosmic presence in the heavens… 

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

The war is not only taking place between themselves to prove each others wrong using vitriolic but also in those heavens above…Each passing day separate them further because ” they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

“Human are very complex blind robots made of bone, flesh and blood totally oblivious the cosmic program cursing their lives…

Dr. Turi

Will humanity see pass the next 50 years when evil is allowed to prosper like an unstoppable cancer on the planet?  Do you feel me readers? do you remotely realize how incredible difficult my mission to free humanity from fear, from cosmic ignorance and re-establishing God’s divinity  and real cosmic identity is?

The good news is, because of the dependability of my “visions”  more and more people are using critical thinking and are able to exit their religious and scientific trapping zones.

Indeed, the endless flow of curious new Cosmic Coder VIP’s joining my Cyber Cosmic University gives me the strength to carry on as I lead them all toward God’s cosmic creation offering true wisdom, light and love.  

Jupiter in Leo what does this mean to you personally? 

But I still consider skepticism healthy because it forces me to work harder and offer you more proof of my ET’s legacy for you to ponder upon! At least some people think like I do and I do not know anyone involved in the UFO community who does not know me (thanks George Noory), and ALL read my articles!  This does not mean they will invite me to talk about Jesus cosmic ministry! 

Remember readers, anything that comes to your mind, i.e “gay, predictions, Obama, Putin, science, UFO  etc., simply Google it and add my name behind your request and I will pop up with the answer you are looking for!

Once again, you may be a VIP, or a newcomer to my work, but do not doubt for a second you landed on me by accident… Because they are no accidents really!

You made a unique request through a very different extraordinary powerful “Google” or the Supra-Conscious in time and space (or God.) He heard you loud and clear and lead you to me so you can find the answer you need. 

Rep. Darrell Issa slammed IRS Commissioner John Koskinen: ‘We have a problem with you, and you have a problem maintaining your credibility’


Dr. Turi;

Looks like your call for IRS restructuring will soon come to pass with the fireworks over the last few weeks at congressional hearings. Who would have thought?

“9.Many large established Corporations, including the IRS, will be forced to restructure.” 

Four years before CNN and all major news-media posted the news, I saw the IRS abuses/restructure very clearly and posted it on my websites, I talked about it on the George Noory Coast to Coast radio show many times since 2010 and a multitude of others programs I was invited to talk.

The predictions I made involving the Scorpius Draconis are still posted on my website (scroll down to the bottom) for anyone to check the values of my work and the 2014 Arian Draconis predictions are as unarguable as the rest of my premonitions  if you take the time to read them.

This is a physical world where anything spiritual, outside of traditional religion or science  has no real values and still feared by the majority of people. I am endlessly offering the proof of my work making the utmost skeptical soul on the planet unable to deny the dated, printed published facts.

Yet, instead of appreciating my God given ET gift and heed my warnings the envious young souls keep denying the undeniable and assemble like a pack of Hyaenas to mute me!

Where do I go from there? What do I do when the pure rarity and ingenuity of my talent is ridicule and my work sought as “pseudo-science only?  Why would anyone be envious of anyone who knows better and do better than themselves in life?

When I see someone successful and productive I am happy for that person because I am fully aware of all the hard work this person had to put into his career to succeed.

And if I see something wrong about a “friend or Foe” I expose the undiluted truth as I perceive it and educate others on his cosmic identity. This is what I do for a living, I am a “Soul Doctor”  and the first “cosmic conscious Cop!”

How many more of those predictions do I have to produce before the normal, critical thinking mass finally accept the reality of a Cosmic God speaking his will through the signs?

I did just that since 1991 and still, the thick wall of fear and ignorance can not breached to improve humanity’s perceptive psychical vibrations as fast as I would like to see! Indeed all I have is you readers, but your presence was/is also divinely guided to help me reach those in need of answers to what it means to be human.

I am asking you to share my work and help others to upgrade their spiritual vibrations so we can, as a whole alter the course of humanity’s destiny. Indeed we are not doomed, please be conscious NOT to feed evil disguised a the false God so many human felt for!


“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “

A God willing to punish you, hurt you or send you to burn for eternity is SATAN himself not a loving, spiritual, progressive divine Cosmic God you are uncovering through my work who designed and speak his will through the heavens.

You are a child of the Universe, you are made of the glory of a cosmic God blessed (conscious) or cursed (unconscious) by your own very stars, you are a God in training on this dense physical world. You must free your spirit from Satan’s oppression (fears and ignorance) and own your own salvation.

The forces of evil killed the savior then, you must rebirth through his spirit and his hijacked cosmic ministry designed to bring humanity closer to “Our father in the Heavens.” All brought to Jesus by the 3 wise men (astrologers/ETs’) following the stars, exactly like I do today!

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

Jupiter in Leo what does this mean to you personally?


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Jupiter in Leo what does it mean to you?

Dear VIP’s:

Jupiter is the Lord of Luck, the Lord of expansion and its protective nature can only bless the sign or house he rules. Jupiter’s location by house and signs in your chart signify not only full protection but unlimited growth and assured success! 

Note you can only succeed with Jupiter if teaching, publishing, foreigners, pets, nature, the wild, education foreigners and foreign lands are involved and if you do things in a BIG way! 

Are you ready to join Terania and I in the chat-room soon? When will it be a good time for all my VIP’s to do so, morning, evening, Sunday, week day? We are waiting for your feedback before announcing the date. Once I know when the majority of you can make it we will be there for you and explain how wonderful Jupiter’s will bless you!

Join us now, this can only happen in my Cyber Cosmic University!

See you soon!



Since I do not write for the public no more, I have now much more time to deal with you on a more personal level. All I am giving the public is older articles while the real goodies are only for you.

As promised we are now getting close and personal with all of you and reward you for your investment and trust in our work. Thus if you experience difficulties, have a problem or a question of any sorts, do not hesitate to use the chat-room.

Terania and I will take the time to answer your questions and no question is stupid or laughable. You can ask as many universal or personal questions you have in mind! Anything under the stars from your latest dream, to your kids, pets, job, lover, partners, health etc.  While we can not do full life readings because it is very intense and demand a lot researches we can certainly offer you the spiritual regeneration you need to deal with life and any stressful situations.  

There is no specific time requested to do so, and I or Terania may be there to answer you right away.

We are here to help you in any possible ways before moving and start our new radio show. You can also ask us about moving what we have in mind, where, anything because we are public and fully transparent to all our dear VIP’s.

 Remember you must be a part of the Cyber Cosmic University to enjoy our cosmic wisdom and get the guidance you need. Note also ALL my VIP’s are very spiritual, decent loving spiritually advanced souls and no one will judge you. You can also learn a lot just by being a silent reader, until you build enough confidence to join the talks.

Why pay for a mini psychic reading with Sunday psychics, when you have the best at your disposition? There are millions of psychics doing this job all over the world but none of them, unless they are students of mine, will read your soul and your fate accurately or offer you with undeniable repetitive predictions!

I do not have to sell myself to you VIP’s, because you already know this fact and this is why your became part of our private family! 

While you can still enjoy those cosmic astrological services for as long as you need, we want to give you more!

July 2014 Moon Transits

July 2014 SOS To The World Windows

July 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

July 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


Scroll down to the bottom of the cosmic code website and post your questions at Active Conversations. Note only VIP’s cosmic coders are allowed to do so. 

Dear VIP’s;

Sunday July 27th from 7 to 9 PM is the time to join us in  the chat room. All your do is give me your DOB and write your question! I will write back to you when I call on your name to type your DOB and question. So get it ready to paste to save time. ONE question at the time please. All others have to do is to formulate their question and do the same when I say for example “OK Joel is next”  Terania will get your UCI ready for me to check and she will add her own feedback. Remember this is not a full life reading, its a mini reading only this mean we are extremely limited with all you need to know. Meantime we will do our best to help you with the time we have for you.

  If you happen to have the same Sun Sign than another VIP, pay attention you will be touched too.  We have 2 hours to attend you, this mean Terania and I will be busy with everyone and we should get all of you in time…

Anything goes, not only personal questions about your life, career love, health etc. Once we move to Florida we will start our radio show again and attend you on a much more personal level.

See you soon DT and Terania

“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

MISSILE DOWNED JET, U.S. SAYS read the real reasons for this massacre!


If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  It is a God miracle for cosmic curiosity to survive religion – Dr. Turi Watch the future!

Dalai Lama Dr. Turi


Report: Malaysia Airlines flight crashes in Ukraine
Ukraine adviser: Plane shot down by ‘terrorists’

Dear readers;

Because of the gravity of the situation  I have decided to publish this article to the public! Only two days ago or  July 15, 2014, I had a very strong uneasy feeling  and posted an article titled “GERMANY HITLER WILL MAKE THE NEWS! SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE PREDICTIONS THAT MUST BE SHARED TO THE WORLD!

I asked ALL my readers to SHARE my vision to ALL the people on the planet, but only a ridiculous minority is taking my work and I seriously! Sad enough, 295 aboard Malaysia Airlines have lost their lives because the world does not know who and what Dr. Turi’s crucial cosmic work is all about!

This plane was hijacked (from the ground) by terrorists, I will now give you all the cosmic reasons for this devastating news!  I knew it was a terrorist act especially when the Moon was in Pisces (deception) and Aries (war!)

Future terrorists will use new deceptive technological devices that confused navigation in all planes and detonates smart bombs. Remember the moon is waning (negative) and the world is not yet aware of the chances to fly and attract evil during a this time.

Posted before CNN news for my VIP’s

“Most of all, Ukraine/Russia is at the perfect geographical location or the heart of the Arian Draconis  (Germany) disruptive explosive power making this plane prone to somehow “explode.”

Never, ever fly unless you purchase your ticket during the new moon or fly during a waxing moon. May God bless all the victims of this tragedy but be warned more are ahead of us in August…

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

While I have readers all over the world, including thousands in Asia and Malaysia, it is only after a disaster such as ” MISSILE DOWNED JET, U.S. SAYS” that people will wonder and realize my warnings should be taken VERY seriously. 

Had any of the 295 people knew about the Universal Law of the Moon or read about my 2014 Arian Draconis a choice would have been given to them all to fly or not! All commercial airlines do not care about Dr.Turi’s predictions and MUST make the money to keep their planes flying regardless.

But how many airlines CEO’s reading my SOS To THe World, COULD have made the right judgment to avoid the region and avoid this disaster?

Memo from July 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions  and my book 2014 Moon power published last year!

MON., TUE., WED. – July 14, 15, 16: “keep in mind Europe and Asia longitude/latitude, they are ahead of us, it is still the 16th for them.”

RULERS – Uranus (Shocking / Explosions) Neptune (Deception)


Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Cosmos News/Nuke/Weird News/Surprises/ Explosions/Shocking News/Lightning/ Humanitarianism/New Age/Earthquakes/Volcanoes/ Tornadoes/NASA/Aeronautics/Technology/UFO

Travel and Communication: A business trip or an invitation may lead you to many good contacts from the past. However, you might have problems getting to the given address and may get lost a few times. Be patient, as you will still have plenty of time to play and enjoy yourself with various unusual people. For paranormal investigators, now is the time to look for UFOs in secluded places.

Don’t forget your video camera; you may be sorry if you are not ready when Uranus is willing to display the secret of extraterrestrial intelligence. Stay clear from tall trees and posts to avoid lightning; many people met with their deaths in stormy shocking Uranus trends.

This is why thousands of wise people joined my Cyber Cosmic University to read the news before CNN and respect the cosmic code jurisdictions! 

Rest assured readers, as of today,  NONE of those popular airlines will be flying close to this “regular” route but the decision came after the realization of a warnings I posted 2 days ago they know nothing about!

Do you think it is yet another accident for Israel to launch ground offensive or Shelling kills 4 boys playing on beach on the exact same day? 

The world is experiencing a negative Universal Cosmic Biorhythms right on the heart of the negative Arian Draconis and you wonder why such a drama and so many death took place? 

What is even more amazing to me, is the option to GET a taste of this dragon and realize how it will “bless or curse” you at a personal level! It seems my work mean nothing to the thousands of readers awaiting my next article! Its time for you reader to realize God cosmic divinity and make a good use of it…

While all the major airlines CEO’s are much too busy to read my articles what is your excuse? Are you waiting for this dragon to kill you or a loved one and do NOTHING to avoid it? 

The missile was fired from a Ukrainian/Russian corner  and again who took my warnings seriously when a few months ago I wrote ” Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia ” All you have to do is to Google Putin and Dr. Turi to read all the articles I wrote after this one and get a glimpse of what’s really going on here readers!

Nukes, Obama, America and Middle East Predictions

Vladimir Putin can not engage Ukraine and declare war openly and directly to avoid punishment “Obama imposes new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine ” but the fact remain the war is ON!

Early this year (2/23/2014) I wrote War in the Horizon? It seems once more one of my predictions came to pass…

Realize how important you are readers, realize how precious you are helping me saving lives by posting my predictions to the world! Doing so, you will save lives because, by re-tweeting or posting my 2014 Arian Draconis someone may act upon you gesture and save its life!

I am sure you heard of karma, the more you use my work for your own selfish purposes,  the less positive karma you will create for yourself. The life of a total stranger should be as important as the one of your mother, your dad or any of your siblings or close friends. 

Help me pass on the world because a few months ago,  God sent me a message directly from Ukraine and I may not be here today warning you, had I not follow my own cosmic wisdom!  Indeed there are NO accidents and knowing about the cosmic code jurisdictions I turned it down… 

Dr. Turi representing the US in Major European Psychic TV Show

Dear Dr. Turi,

International Media Center STV appeals to you with respect and reverence. My name is Alyona. I represent « ///////////////TV project in Ukraine.

Our channel is one of the major TV channels in Ukraine. Now team of Ukrainian “/////////” is preparing 13-th season of the show. Every season we have different topics of the Challenge, this time it will be “//////////” (12th season is Men vs Women f.e.)  More information about this project at …(I removed the direct contact with the producer because my envious Internet enemies would jump there to stop the light with evil lies.) 

We have already produced twelve seasons, and they had and have a great success in Russian-speaking countries. Last 4 seasons were International. Participants are the strongest psychics of the world, Dr. Turi who represent the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Nigeria, Romania, Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine.

We would like to invite you to Kiev, Ukraine to participate in the shooting of next season, «International ////////» to demonstrate your supernatural skills and compete with other psychics.

Shooting (casting) will start from January 15th 2014 (your arrival date should be Jan 14th or 13th), and it will take from 1 week up to several months – depends on how you present yourself and your skills and gifts. Your travel expenses and accommodation in Ukraine is completely taken over by the STV channel.

We hope you will be glad to participate. Please, inform me regarding your decision any way.

Thank you in advance.

My best regards,

////////// Producer TV

Dr. Turi representing the US in Major European Psychic TV Show

I am so glad I decided to turn this down because I know what the 2014 Arian Draconis is all about and back in November 2013, my vision of fires, troubles and war  was again right! Indeed the spirit of Hitler is much too close to Ukraine for me to be there and this is just the beginning… 

This is where you can make a significant contribution to my work. If in any way shape or form you support my work, this is a great opportunity to do so and help me reach the media. I do not often ask for your help but this is bigger than us all… Please copy/paste this link for me and post it everywhere.

With thousands of people reading my work if a few of you do so, thousands more will do the same and you will finally help us all… I gave you all I have and keep giving my cosmic wisdom for free, please HELP Dr. Turi today!

Why was jet flying over volatile land?


Permalink Reply by Rondah Virago 14 hours ago

Thank you DR T. I’m feeling pretty chuffed at the moment and all because I relayed your warnings to my friend who could have been on that plane if she didn’t listen to me. I’m not taking credit – as if it were not for you DR T and your teachings I would not have been able to warm / guide my friend. I told her do not fly and she chose to listen.
I thank you and she thanks you. Many lives were taken and at least 1 that I definitely know of has been saved.
My friend is totally stunned and amazed and is so very grateful that she listened.
Love and blessings.





“There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic  power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future –  Watch the future!

Cosmic Unconscious Young Human Robots

Film yourself drinking a crazy amount in some outlandish way, post it online and call out friends to outdo you. It’s called “Neknominate,” and it’s not a good idea. “This is a lethal game,” says one medical professional. 

Watch this video

9 dead in Ukraine street battle over presidential power

Protests explode in violence

Dr. Turi representing the US in Major European Psychic TV Show

I am so glad I decided to turn this down because I know what the 2014 Arian Draconis is all about and back in November 2013, my vision of fires, troubles and war  was again right! Indeed the spirit of Hitler is much too close to Ukraine for me to be there and this is just the beginning…

The new 2014 Arian/Libra Draconis is already cursing the youngest members of our society but the non cosmic conscious medical experts have no real explanations to what causes this stupid and dangerous game. Let me explain…

 Aries is the fist sign of the zodiac and Libra faces the world as a wild Aries, and this fiery sign is prone to learn by repetitive mistakes. Much like a mother telling her Aries/Libra child don’t touch this, or do not do this,  it will hurt you!

While Aries is a fire sign, Libra is an air sign adding air to fuel, this means why those children are quite difficult to handle and raise. But do not make the mistake to think, your child is safe because he was not born in April or October!

He or she could be born with a moon, a rising, a natal or hidden dragon in any of those two signs and the aggressive, undisciplined, child like, challenging Arian behaviours are exactly the same. Remember, my work is not based upon modern astrology nor traditional psychology, but on the real science of Astropsychology and its applicable methodology…

Furthermore if your child inherited a very strong Neptune in his natal UCI, addictions and poisoning will become a serious factor and seriously prone to develop a strong negative reaction not only to alcohol but to any chemical substance (weed) with disastrous results and in some cases, death!

Neptune is a gaseous planet but our infantile science is totally depraved of spiritual values and perceive all the planets as dead rocks only  placed by God above their educated heads for future interplanetary travels. Not so, those far away planets own ONLY spiritual purposes that makes our local system psychically active and receptive for all human beings living on earth.

The positive manifestation of the planet Neptune induce a fruitful  imagination and produce artistic musical geniuses, great actors, phenomenal dancers, painters, photographers etc. Note, Michael Jackson was born with a Pisces Moon and being so close to the earth he was born a Neptunian – Check The Hidden Life of Michael Jackson.

On the negative side, Neptune induce total poisoning of the body, mind and soul resulting in strict righteousness, imaginary fears and religious fanaticism! All used appropriately by the abusive Plutonic born cult leaders /gurus in need of sex, control and power…

The question now is, as a responsible parent, how much do you (or your child) own of Neptune’s cosmic legacy and how much do you know about this planet positive or negative traits? Michael Jackson and a very long list of now dead celebrities did not have the opportunity I represent to check on their cosmic natures. You may not be rich and famous but consider yourself very lucky to have access to the divine through my crucial services… 99.999% of the world do not!

Remember knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, the less you know about your natal UCI the more (positive or negative) the power the planets will exert upon your (or your loved ones) destiny and behaviours… Check Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness 

Science Neptune and Uranus Ridiculousness

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

It seem Mars One mission masquerade is bringing more and more gullible people and their fortunes to the abusive scientific  matrix, so why not asking more dreamers to invest today in Neptune and Uranus future missions? This will indeed offer a fat living for the “educated flea”  and their children, well pass the year 2034!

In ”Mathematician: Is Our Universe a Simulation? I gave you the Astrology facts about this privileged select crowd of people unwilling to work like we do, because they all feel so educated and so superior…

These people are the enemy of the human spirit and God himself and will never tell you  astrology has been a determining factor in the decisions and actions of men of all ranks and stations. At the begin of the 17th century, great scientists as Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Pierre Gassendi, sir Issac Newton, Copernicus, Einstein, Nostradamus, Paracelcus  etc. – now best remembered for their roles in the development of modern physics and astronomy – all held astrology in high esteem.

All the hard core scientists in power today are the builders of the future monsters, a society of mathematicians heads, depraved of intuition, feelings and emotions, the cold and calculated robots rejecting God, the ones I am trying so hard to make you aware of in this You Tube video with George Noory!

Science Neptune and Uranus Ridiculousness

KentuckyFC writes”The only planets never to have been the subjects of bespoke space missions from Earth are Neptune and Uranus. Now European astronomers are planning to put that straight with a mission called Odinus, which involves twin spacecraft making the journey in 2034. Their justification is that the mission will help explain how the Solar System formed, how it ended up in the configuration we see today and may also explain why ‘hot’ Neptune-class planets are common around other stars.

Dr. Turi Rebuttal; Gee look at today’s news readers, “This is no game 5 deaths from Web drinking challenge – Prank turns deadly for teen girl – Teen claims she’s killed dozens – Teen shot by classmate’s dad  Teen shot by classmate's dad –  ‘Abundant evidence’ of crimes against humanity in North Korea –Inside the mind of a mass killer in drag or the crime committed by Adam Lanza and so many horrible news since  then! And you want to spend billions on science deceptive manoeuvres to visit Neptune and Uranus with robots in 2034?

Do you really think you or your children will be safer or better by then? Do you think my terrible vision in 2034 will become more of a reality before the astronomers find out how the solar system was formed?  Who cares about those far away planets when Mother Earth and the wild life are showing serious signs of distress!  Don’t you think they should invest on your children psychical welfare HERE first, on earth?

But telling you the facts will stop the flow of money they need to build robots for their wasteful endeavours because the real purpose of all the planets above are SPIRITUAL ONLY! And by looking at the state of some children minds and dangerous actions something is indeed VERY wrong!

Do you think for a second God will allow those educated morons to fly and escape the earth they destroyed with their science?  Don’t you think your tax dollar and benevolent donations should go toward fixing the fast depleting minds of your children instead?  Am I the only one able to apply critical thinking and see the facts here? Again this does not mean I am totally against space missions, the contrary, but let’s first take care of the emergency we face today on earth. Because I can guarantee you readers, the psychical situation is already grave and we must act right away…

And it is not with the type of “scientific” rational thinking about the planets mystical purposes that humanity will fix its problems… The fact is; contrary to what they think about themselves, today educated elites of science own the least productive, perceptive UCI possible!  And this is toxic for humanity survival…

This makes them less than responsible/perceptive human  beings  on the planet and the irony is, they are unable to auto analyse themselves properly because God himself limited their mental faculties…

Indeed those scientists who truly think are mentally superior to the rest of us are forbidden to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness. This lead them to ridicule God’s cosmic divinity and trust only their blind science…

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”

– Matthew 13:13

Continued: They also have to overcome the common misconception that Neptune and Uranus are just smaller, less interesting versions of Jupiter and Saturn. Nothing could be further from the truth. For a start, Neptune and Uranus and made of entirely different stuff–mostly ices such as water, ammonia and methane compared with hydrogen and helium for Jupiter and Saturn. That raises the question of how they formed and how they got to the distant reaches of the Solar System.

However it happened, Uranus ended up lying on its side, probably because of a cataclysmic collision. And Neptune’s largest moon Triton orbits in the opposite direction to its parent’s rotation, the only moon in the Solar System to do this. How come? Another question still unanswered is who’s going to pay for all this. The team are pinning their hopes on the European Space Agency which has already expressed interest. But would an international collaboration be a better option?”

Dr. Turi Rebuttal; Who’s going to pay for this?  The gullibility of all the morons, the uneducated, the dreamers the scientific and media abusive matrixes reaching them everyday with their “Non profit” abusive corporate organizations…  Gee the scientists are  talking about Neptune’s moon Triton when they know nothing of our closest (crabby/moody/ lunatic) moon satellite  next door!  Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.

So many of my readers have asked me not to become defensive (or truthful)  in my writings but how can I not display disgust when I can decipher all the abuses and the humongous cosmic ignorance of those “educated experts?”

But those matrixes are established, powerful, wealthy and whoring around with the news-media advertising them under the form of articles that cost hundreds of thousands to be displayed on CNN or FOX… But a  small and direct ad will never have the same impact as  the full article above preparing you psychically to invest in THEIR future with the excuses of one day living on those far away planets.

And the agony I share with you is to wake you up to reality because God did not created the stars for science to abuse at your expenses… The real purpose of all the stars is psychical in nature as the Cosmic Code subtle jurisdictions are part of an interstellar Godly presence created for this very purpose. A mystical purpose that escape the rigid mind of less brilliant human beings cursed by this dense physical world…

“Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.”


 ”It is only when I see my first Astropsychology school operational that I will have real hope for humanity!”

Dr. Turi

Show your support, make a donation by becoming a VIP, help me fulfil my mission to free humanity from religious fear and cosmic ignorance… Show your support with your feedback HERE and HERE – Thank you all.



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 



After Apollo: Do we need to go back to the moon and will we ever go to mars?


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

~ Dr. Turi

The Abusive Scientific Matrix New Advertisement on CNN

Following the global excitement of Armstrong’s step off the Eagle spacecraft’s ladder in July 1969 only 11 more astronauts have walked on the lunar surface and people have not been back since 1972.

The moon bases have not materialized and supersonic flights for commercial passengers, that looked like they would become commonplace after test flights during the Apollo era, came and then stopped.

Where next?

So is it all over for moon exploration? NASA says not though its focus is on sending astronauts to Mars in the 2030s.

“As international partners and the growing U.S. commercial space industry venture beyond low-Earth orbit as well, there may be some opportunities to return humans and robots to the lunar surface. Our roadmap for exploration includes the possibility of assisting partners with that kind of exploration, but our investments in human spaceflight are focused on enabling the path to Mars,” a NASA spokesman told CNN.

“We’ll soon return humans to the vicinity of the moon … [a] proving ground we need to test these key capabilities and help us advance on the human path to Mars,” he said.

Dear Readers;

In order to keep the wealth “machine” well oiled, the privileged select “educated” crowd of scientists must keep their investors at bay by entertaining the gullible non cosmic conscious mass with yet another well produced video!

Look around you reader, this is your world run and owned by evil! Adults and children alike are exterminating themselves by murdering each others and endless suicides of all ages are cursing society to the point of total desensitization “West Englewood leads in homicides for July.”

While a section of the ” educated” scientific community serving the pharmaceutical greedy corporations are playing with rats’ brains cells, other branches serving NASA today would rather build robots than to work hard like we all do!

Those souls are the kids and the legacy of the 1960’s crowd working then on the Eagle spacecraft mission for NASA  aiming for the moon.   The mentality of those new scientists is clear, “we are much too smart and too educated to work like you, so we are above and we must follow the footsteps of our parents!”

Much like the child of a celebrity born with dozens of gold spoons in his mouth, the smooth road  is offered on a golden plate and this entitle them to “naturally” benefit from their parents initial work (or luck) and abuse us with their lies to get to the green!

They all realize how costly and dangerous those missions were and with the new advanced technology available to them why sending and risking more lives out-space?  But do not think for second they do not know about the physical limitation of the human body, its all about money and the endless promotions of those deceptive voyages on CNN…

My wife and I just came back from Thailand and it took us nearly 2 weeks to get back normal, I am sure many of you flew to Europe, Asia and Australia and can easily relate to us. Now, no matter how long or how hard you train a cosmonaut, it is an impossibility to physically land a man on Mars.

“Yes they said the same on the moon and we proved all the skeptics wrong then,” but the moon is only 238,900 miles from earth while Mars is about 35 million miles from the earth — and was closer on Aug 27. 2003 than at any time in the last several thousand years. Over two years, the distance varies from about 39 million to about 240 million miles.

Those astronomical numbers speaks the truth of a vast distance only a machine can cover safely. And with this fact in mind do you think this particular branch of the scientific matrix will tell you the truth about their real limitation and the impossibility to send  a man on Mars? Doing so mean spitting on your money and lead a hard working life without little robots to play with everyday!

Indeed they need your money to survive and keep their great lifestyle and their children astronomical studies alive. Its like an insurance to them promising more delusion, more discussions, more work, more money and more deception in the long run to the children of their children…

The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA

One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons

Could robots build a base on Mars and who benefit until then?

Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show

No that I do not recognize the incredible values offered and accomplished by science readers, I am not an idiot! But rest assured no man will ever set foot on Mars or any other planets for that matter. Indeed smart people are quite rare but they are out there!

From Laurie Shafer Your mentioning that the Moon was closer on Aug 27. 2003 than at any time in the last several thousand years does lend to my perspectives.

However, I do believe we will in the future visit far away solar systems, but it will be with the help of ET’s integration and only with the spirit because our physical conception does not allow to “escape” the dense physicality of earth… NASA: ‘Close’ to finding alien life

And why do you think I am so sure of my claims? First because not a single scientists today is aware of the “soul of the cosmos” and its real cosmic and psychical purposes as intended to bless and curse the earth by God! Indeed science has lost the spirit…

We are now coming to the core of this article and, as you read and assimilate my words, you will undeniably realize God’s divinity and how much science is willingly and unwillingly deceiving you and themselves…

First;  it is important to realize that… Sorry the rest of this educational article is too sensitive and for my VIP’s only!  SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – JOIN THOUSANDS OF SMART PEOPLE AWAITING THE FUTURE

 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 


Help me deal with life’ struggles Dr. Turi


Dear VIP’s;

Since I do not write for the public no more, I have now much more time to deal with you on a more personal level. All I am giving the public is older articles while the real goodies are only for your eyes. 

As promised we are now getting close and personal with all of you and reward you for your investment and trust in our work. Thus if you experience difficulties, have a problem or a question of any sorts, do not hesitate to use the chat-room.

Terania and I will take the time to answer your questions and no question is stupid or laughable. You can ask as many universal or personal questions you have in mind! Anything under the stars from UFO, your latest dream, to your kids, pets, job, lover, partners, health etc.  

While we can not do full life readings because it is very intense and demand a lot researches we can certainly offer you the regular spiritual regeneration you need to deal with life and any stressful situations.  This is better than to ingest harmful antidepressants that will make your situation much worse in the long run!

There is no specific time requested to do so, and I, or Terania may be there to answer you right away.

We are here to help you in any possible ways before moving and start our new radio show. You can also ask us anything, about moving what we have in mind, where, anything because we are public and fully transparent to all our dear VIP’s.

 Remember you must be a part of our Cyber Cosmic University to enjoy our cosmic wisdom and get the guidance you need. Note also ALL my VIP’s are very spiritual, decent loving spiritually advanced souls, and no one will judge you. You can also learn a lot just by being a silent reader, until you build enough confidence to join the talks.

Why pay for a mini psychic reading with Sunday psychics, when you have the best at your disposition? There are millions of psychics doing this job all over the world but none of them, unless they are students of mine, will read your soul and your fate accurately or offer you with undeniable repetitive predictions!

I do not have to sell myself to you VIP’s, because you already know this fact and this is why your became part of our private family! 

While you can still enjoy those cosmic astrological services for as long as you remain a VIP, we want to give you more! Join us today! Nearly 8000 people have signed and the numbers are growing everyday!

July 2014 Moon Transits

July 2014 SOS To The World Windows

July 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions

July 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs


Scroll down to the bottom of the cosmic code website and post your questions at Active Conversations. Note only VIP’s cosmic coders are allowed to do so. 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


July 15, 2014

Posted to the world on June 12, 2013


“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!”  ~ Dr. Turi

Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

Important Note for the newcomers –  “Heil Hitler –  2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” WAS posted to the world on June 12, 2013, published in my books and announced in all my radio and TV shows… Google  “Hitler dr.turi” Show your support share to the world and realize the fact of my UFOs predictive legacy and a cosmic God speaking through the signs to me.


“God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!

posted to the world on June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

RESULTS 06/30/2013 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

Hitler was born with a very negative Capricorn Dragon’s Tail

Hitler NAZI Spirit Re-Born Upon The World 

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many firefighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

Update 5/27/2014 – 21 die in fire at a hospital for elderly

Update 05/25/2014 – Residents urged to evacuate as fire spreads in Alaska wildlife refuge

 Update 05/22/2014 – Fire forces evacuations near Sedona


 Update 05/05/2014 – Raging wildfires – thousands of people evacuated in California.

Update 05/14/2014 – 200 die in mine fire;  many still trapped

Update -5/5/2014 – Russian Wildfires Blaze on an Area Larger than Los Angeles

With geopolitical fires continuing to smolder between Russia and Ukraine, actual wildfires have erupted across a vast swath of territory to the east

Update 05/12/2014 – Hundreds flee from Texas wildfire

Update 04/14/2014 – 12 dead in Chile wildfire; 2,000 homes consumed

August 26, 2013

Watch this video

A massive California wildfire threatening Yosemite National Park and San Francisco’s water and power sources is now the 13th largest in state history, officials say.

2014/2015 Arian Predictions 

Dear Readers;

I decided to share those predictions publicly so the world can be prepared for what the cosmic code has in store for the future!   The Scorpius Draconis‘, a legacy was messy, bloody and forced the power itself (IRS/FBI) to realize its own limit and “imploded” while the restructure, as predicted took place in 2013.

 This dramatic dragon has changed the world’s perception of all secrets affairs involving our government finances and led millions of people to do some serious soul searching. I kept a strong record of predictions at the bottom of my website for the curious reader to check on its impact upon the world.

Astrology & Paranormal newsletter

View slideshow: Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis

1 – What is the Arian Dragon? 

The dragon is a cosmic fluid or what our infantile science can only describe as “Dark Matter” coming from the constellation of Draco which is also reflected by the Lunar South and north nodes of the Moon by signs and houses. The stars and the moon are much more than dead rocks hanging above just for the sake of beauty, there is a spiritual essence emanating from them all and God gave them to us for interpretations so we may live a safer more productive life!

2 – How does the Arian Dragon affect humans?

The Scorpius Draconis reign is over since February 20th, 2014. On this date, the Universal “Change of Guards” took place with the new “Martian Dragon” which will rule over humanity and the world at large until November 12, 2015.  This Draconis energy is aggressive, impatient, ruthless, warlike and reflect the rebirth of Hitler invading spirit!  It is very different in so many ways and I will offer the reader a set of predictions that will change this world…

“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.” Nostradamus

Channelling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “ Michel De Notre Dame”

They Call Him Nostradamus Reincarnated,  The Only Living Astrophile
“A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order” Nostradamus 
2014/2016 Arian Draconis Predictions | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.‎ posted to the world June 12, 2013  

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE and will induce much reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.” READ  the undeniable facts on the cosmic code website 

 Update –  7/15//2014 Journalist Jose Vargas, symbol of immigration debate, detained at airport

Update –  7/14//2014  Attorney general’s remarks on race rile Obama critics

Anthony Cumia, the

US Vice President Joe Biden (AFP Photo / Andrew Caballero-Reynolds)

Update 06/12/2014 – Biden to Germans: You are xenophobic

Flag and swastika left on slain officer’s body

Update 06/09/2014 – Police reportedly probe white supremacist link to Las Vegas shootings -The pair who fatally shot two Las Vegas police officers and one civilian before taking their own lives Sunday are believed to be a married couple who possessed white supremacist paraphernalia and spoke of targeting police officers. Will the police ever learn?

Update 05/31/14 – Biracial Woman Confronts Neo-Nazis In Germany, KKK In U.S.

Update 05/31/14 –  Mark CubMark Cuban: ‘I think we’re all bigots’

Again how can anyone refute the unarguable value and reality of the dated, printed, published predictions I posted on June 12, 2013, on the Internet? In fact racial, gay slurs and news about HITLER have literally exploded since then and it is practically impossible for anyone to deny! The spirit of Hitler is definitely showing with much unrest in many parts of the world!

Update – 06/08/14 –  More undocumented children arrive in Arizona in DHS bid to relieve crowding

Update 05/24/14 – Far-right parties sweep EU polls

Anti-immigration parties in France, the UK and Denmark make sweeping gains in the European Parliament elections.

05/12/2014 – The Netherlands Tells Immigrants to Learn Dutch or Get Out

Australia is advertising its changed migration policy, warning people that they will be sent to Papua New Guinea or elsewhere.

Update: 07/20/13 – Australia cracks down on immigrants



Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Dragon!


Update – 05/23/14 Phil Robertson Under Fire AGAIN After Another ‘Gay’ Sermon

Phil Robertson born in April
“Heil Hitler” Pope Francis Predictions & Alan Robertson Son of “Duck
Presidential Dinner and The Hollywood Matrix Deceptive Famous Faces

Update – 05/27/14 – Major Jewish Group Slams MSNBC’s Toure Over His Comments
Update – 05/22/14 –Russia hits back at Prince Charles
Update – 05/20/14 –  The surprising racial bias against Asians
Update – 05/20/14 –   Libya evacuation decision ‘minute by minute,’ U.S. official says

“This dragon will impose much reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya, etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.”

Update – 5/14/2014 – President Barack Obama pauses while speaking during a meeting of law enforcement leaders from across the country to discuss immigration reform, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington.

Memo: “This dragon is ruthless and invasive and will directly affect souls born in October (Libra)  and April (Aries).   Mars “The Lord of War” will rule the world, imposing huge fires, danger, conflicts, large accidents and will induce dramatic news of death and aggression. This dragon is also aiming for the soldiers, the Army and the Navy”

Update – 05/20/14 –  Army declares martial law in Thailand
Fort Hood shooting


 Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl yes I am An Aries!

Gregg Jarrett born in April

Donald Sterling  born in April

Valdimir Putin born in October  

Hilary Clinton born in October

Alex Hribal, was  born in October 

David Letterman  born April 

Yvan Lopez born in April


Hi Dr. Turi; Just read the news this from the Drudge Report, Your accurate predictions continues…

Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote …

Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe

Update: 05/8/2014 –  MOSCOW, May 8 (RIA Novosti) – Militant nationalism, which has led to the appearance of Nazi ideology, is raising its head in Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.  Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe – On Monday, Putin signed a bill making attempts to “whitewash Nazism” punishable with hefty fines and prison sentences.”

Update – 05/19/14 – Police Commissioner Robert Copeland Racial Slur, Sheriff Arpio and Obama

Update 05/08/14 – ‘Anti-gay’ remarks cost twins a TV show

Update: 04/19/2014 –  MORE NEW ABOUT HITLER ON CNN

Update: 04/17/2014 – Russian Media, Cowed by Putin, Promotes His Menacing Message 

“Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cabal have constructed a massive propaganda machine worthy of the infamous Nazi German propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “


Update: 04/13/2014 –  Three dead in ‘Hitler’ shootings at Kansas City Jewish centers

“15-year-old boy critically wounded; witnesses say shooter singled out Jews, yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ upon arrest.”

 “On the medical aspect of Astropsychology, this Dragon will induce new brain diseases science will wonder about!”

Update – 11/16/13 – Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines because they do not know if its meningitis… 

Cosmic Unconscious Human beings responding neurotically to the Arian Draconis!

Human are born/programmed by a natal and hidden karmic dragon, one affecting the physical plane of the human experience the other its subconscious motivations/perception of reality. I wrote a 525 page on the natal Dragon explaining the “ Power of the Dragon” elaborating on the fate of many famous and infamous people that made history and international news. I have yet to write another one of the Hidden Dragon power when I have time.

Arian Dragon

 Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology Methodology

3 – How does the Arian Dragon affect the news? Remember I posted my predictions back in June 2013 and this Dragon has already spoken through Vladimir Putin annexing Ukraine.  In fact the Russian President “declared war” when he first visited the US September 12, 2013 ” Putin to America: You’re not special.”

Update – 5/22/2014 Russia hits back at Prince Charles

Update – 5/21/2014 – Did Prince Charles liken Putin to Hitler? 

Update 03/05/2013 – Hillary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

Note: Born in October, Putin is subconsciously responding to the negative Arian Draconis impact upon his 7th house (partnership/open enemies/facing the world) ruining his relationship with Europe, the US, and the entire free world.  Since then many famous people born in October and April made dramatic news.  

Update 04/11/2014 – “Hillary Clinton dodges a shoe on stage!” This is a serious omen that the dragon is physically against her but I do not expect the norm to realize nor accept my vision until the time, as usual,  proves me right!

It is only by keeping a well-documented record of predictions and making them unchallengeable that humanity will finally acknowledge a Cosmic God and free itself from the scientific and religious controlling educational matrixes. While many of my articles are posted on my public blog, I will keep this important file updated for my VIP’s in “Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” because this is just the beginning!

While the old Scorpius Draconis stimulated the mass to become more curious about metaphysics, the occult, secrets, sex the Arian Draconis will stimulate a deeper drive to understand and find oneself. It will also induce more than usual accidents, aggression, and suicides, especially in the Army, Navy and all public servants organizations. This impact will take the psychological world by surprise with an incredible upsurge of a depressed, suicidal mass of people. Sad enough anti-depressants will make the situation much worse because the scientific community has not yet investigated, nor realize the safer therapeutic values found in the science of Astropsychology.

4 – How can someone control his own Arian Dragon?  The part of God in each human being is much stronger than the stars and the dragons but without cosmic consciousness, the soul, subconsciously, neurotically can only succumb to its extraordinary pull and can not apply the will. Many will succumb to suicide and take many innocent people with them. “Why flight 370 pilot took so many innocent lives with him?

In-Flight 370 case, this powerful negative Draconis cosmic fluid was cursing the pilot’s 8th house of death, close to his Moon (emotions) in Pisces (oceans.)  I offered all the details to my VIP’s but in no way, and by respect to the dead and their families, can I make this article public!

If, for example, the Dragon is affecting the subconscious 12th house, the person is forced into serious and deep psychological changes than can lead to heavy depressions and the regular use of antidepressants stimulates the evil of murder and suicidal thoughts. I tried to explain this phenomenon in a YouTube video in Adam Lanza’s case, explaining the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting but the scientific community and its forensic experts are unable, juts yet, to comprehend such a mystical cosmic phenomenon.

5 – What can we expect from this Arian Dragon’s impact? Looking at the latest news they are quite obvious with so much going on in the news. Children executing other children, mothers becoming either the victims of the perpetrators with their own children not to forget the Dragon rules the self-identity, race and color.  “Facebook video leads to child abuse charges

This nasty cosmic fluid will produce many fires and “accidents” but there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances unknown to science…

6 – Can the Arian Dragon be positive?  Indeed if you use it to uncover your cosmic nature and learn to control its power constructively! But first one must find in which of the 12th houses regulating the human experience the Arian Draconis resides in the natal UCI. A 90mn taped Full Life Reading of a live Skype session will clarify it all and I strongly recommend everyone to check on my services.  While very concerned, traditionally educated, non – cosmic conscious medical doctors can make your situation extraordinary expansive and very dangerous. And I always strongly recommend anyone to check and read the comments of my previous patients because there is only a very thin line between divine cosmic information and pure imagination.

7 – What is the purpose of the Arian Dragon?  There are some years where everything you do turns into pure gold, while some years are only made of pain, loss, and suffering. The dragon is karmic in nature and offers a badly needed rebirth by bringing balance in your life. You must be aware of the nasty tail but mostly focus on the progressive protective Libra head. This sign rules contracts, marriage, balance, harmony and if you refuse to use diplomacy or its blessings, falling on his burning tail will be the only way for you to learn the hard way!

8 – Can the Arian Draconis affect the world at large? Yes indeed because any and all Presidents are also under the jurisdictions of the dragon. His political decisions, emotional feelings and understanding of situations are regulated by the inner pull of his natal and hidden karmic dragons. For example, our President Obama is victimized by his humanitarian Aquarius Dragon’s Tail which makes him believe and work for the common good of all the people and everyone and every country is/should be a friend.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin was born with the exact same dragons as Obama but in opposite signs.  Putin is a Leo (pride/children) dragon’s Tail (negative) and he wants to rule the world and will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of the many children his dragon has cursed to die. But the sad reality; to this day there is not a single cosmic conscious President in the entire world aware of the dragon subtle power and this lack of awareness leads to more misunderstanding and will create more political/religious wars.

Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith 

“Nothing is more dangerous for the world than  a religiously poisoned Leader. “Predictions – Vladimir Puttin A Plea for WAR From Russia.” Vladimir Putin is a Libra and, much like like Capricorn are “codified” signs. This mean they are Neptunian born and seriously prone to religious poisoning and will do all in their power to steer the 1995 predicted world religious war. While Ukraine is a good  and solid acquisition for Russia strategy,  subconsciously Vladimir Putin is engaging his own personal religious war again Obama, America and all the RED warning signs are obvious to me!”

9 – Can the Arian Dragon affect criminals? This dragon will make criminal more daring with the public and the police because of the aggressive upsurge of destructive emotions. Humans are nothing more than unconscious robots reacting the this Arian Dragon stimulus.  Remember this dragon aim for the soldiers and the unstoppable increase in suicides baffling science, the AFA and the Army/Navy authorities. Looking for a responsible “gene” performing wasteful medical researches is certainly not the way to go because ingesting more drugs takes away whatever little will is left for the victim to battle his dragons. This is a psychical problem in nature, unknown to a non-intuitive science where guns are not responsible. I have the real answers that could put an end to this phenomenon but my 64 years of independent psychical researches are still sough as “pseudo-science only!

10 – Does Arian Dragon affect finances? Yes it does and will stimulate new alliances in construction and auto-mobile corporate contracts. This dragon is forcing the Army, the Navy and many automakers establishments to restructure, sometime by force. Automobile recalls are on pace to break recent highs!

“Millionaire do not use astrology, billionaires do” J.P. Morgan wrote! The fact is knowledge is power, ignorance and fears equal evil and knowing where all the dragons of all the participants of a new corporation resides will endorse and promote its future or kill it in the long run. Cosmic consciousness offers the President and his associates the wisdom/power needed to control and promote its growth. And this is why many corporations cosmic unconscious President are “excused” or forced into resignation…it’s all about their natal and universal dragons movements, but they do not know…

Explanation of the Dragon

Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast  for 2014

I made this book available to the public for only $15.00 read what your natal dragon has in store for you in 2014. The hidden Dragon has even more psychical power but can only be explained in one of my taped consultations.

May you always find yourself at their heads, for the tail is not a place to ride. If you are finding life a very hard toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame, which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely lest you have to do it again! Sir Isaac Newton wrote “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny!

Prediction # 1 –  REBIRTH – Mars “The Lord of War” rules the sign of Aries where the dragon’s Tail (challenges) will induce lots of conflicts. Venus (The Peace Maker) rules the sign of Libra where the Dragon’s Head (imposed progress) will force justice and harmony upon many. I see a lot of litigations, legal disputes as the entire legal system will be forced into a full re-structure with the IRS and other governmental institutions  America will see a full restructure of all its domestic/political affairs where the real estate will boom again.

August 04/2013 – The Next Real Estate Boom: Get Ready for Housing, Gen-Y Style

Souls born in April and October  .i.e. Vladirm Putin and those who own an Aries dragon, moon, rising will be forced to re-evaluate all about their lives and will need spiritual services to be prepared for all the challenges ahead of them.  This dragon is all about LAWS – CONFLICTS – AGGRESSIVITY – FINDING ONE SELF – NEW STARS and open and hidden IDENTITY. This dragon will impose many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other nations (Russia/Libya etc.) and revamp ALL that involve emigrations/foreigners moving in or out of the US.

Prediction # 2 – Expect a full restructure of the Army and the NAVY due to some foreign powers in need/offering manpower to bring stability in some unstable parts of the world. Many high ranking Army/Navy officers will make international news.

Update 06/02/2014 –  Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero

Update – 05/30/2014 – VA chief resigns

Watch this video

Prediction #3 – A new “black/white supremacy” negative energy will birth from Germany and grow drastically all over Europe, South Africa, and the world. A strong sense of white/self-identity will worry about many minority races during serious internal trouble with some youth battling the police with fire.

Prediction #4 – Incredibly new technological oriented weaponry will be announced to the public (update 2/3/20 6 ways, military technology, is about to become terrifying…) –  and some will be tested in space, secretively on the Moon and in time used in the Middle East. Expect serious responses from environmentalists all over the world. Science will take the excuse of prevention and the possibility of large meteorites hitting the earth.

Prediction #5 – The real estate will be booming again and, with time America internal political affairs will be brought back to justice. Indeed a lot of high profile people will have to face the law then…

Prediction 6# – The construction steel/coal/oil industry will see a serious improvement but will be battling environmentalists groups in preparation for oil  Arctic exploration.

Prediction #7 – Expect a full restructure of the automotive industry and serious growth *Ford/Dodge may be forced into partnerships or suffer serious legal disputes.

Updated 03/01/14 – Driving your car is about to get a lot better

Updated 12/13/13 – Ford plans massive expansion

Updated 9/4/13 – Individual car buyers flocked to dealerships in August as all of the nation’s top automakers reported their strongest sales in years.

Prediction #8 –  Incredible findings scientific discoveries on the human mind and its correlation/connection to the Universal mind spirit… The scientific community is secretively learning more about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions from my “Cyber Cosmic University.” Expect a full re-structure of the basics applications of traditional psychology and parapsychology. “Thanks for the many years of hard work behind the scene Dr. Turi the scientists used since 1991 to make real progress on humanity’s psychical welfare and general progress! No Nobel price for Dr. Turi, at least in this lifetime…

Prediction # 9 – The Dragon’s Head in Libra will force a full restructure of the legal system.  Read July 14th 2013 “George Noory Dr. Turi & Gaiamtv Experience” where I made this prediction in front of a live audience. Many well-known judges and famous attorneys will be forced to face the laws they must oblige by. The entire judicial system will then forced to a full restructure.

“I really got George’s attention when I told him to be ready for a full restructure of the Judicial/legal system and THREE DAYS LATER CNN ANNOUNCED –  Juror: New laws needed my prediction made it to CNN! In fact, George’s answer was  “This is really big Louis. “

 Prediction # 10 –  A year of endless HUGE fires and record high temperatures where many firefighters will pay the ultimate price during my “SOS To The World Windows.”  Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting US National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch.

RESULTS 06/30/13 18 firefighters die in blaze

Is this a serious omen that you should pay attention to my “visions?’

Watch this video

May God Bless Your Courageous Souls

Predictions #11 – Expect a full restructure of the International Association of Fire Fighters as the ministry of environment will impose many new rules affecting National Parks.  The Same “dragon” produced the highest air temperature on Earth” — 134 degrees on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. Years of fire will take many lives… Expect a full restructure of the NRA following tragedies such as the Adam Lanza dilemma.

Prediction #12 – Expect an explosion of guns, rifles, ammunition sales and the NRA membership to expand drastically.

Update 10/23/13 –  Gun sales booming on Instagram

Prediction #13 – A full re-structure of North/South Korea!

Update 03/31/2014 – Expect more dangerous news…

 Update 06/17/2013 Korea/Arian/Hitler Dragon effect? 

Updated 12/13/13 – Kim executes his uncle

Predictions #14 – New mental disorder will puzzle our infantile science. – Princeton weighing whether to offer meningitis vaccines

Updated 9/5/13 – (CNN) — New Hampshire health officials say they’re monitoring eight patients for signs of a fatal brain disease after medical equipment was found to have been contaminated by proteins that cause the ailment.

Predictions #15 –  Expect A full restructure of the NFL / UFC  / NHL and a lot of legal battles  because of an upsurge of violent deaths and misbehaviors – 

04/12/14 – NHLer arrested on DUI, drug charges
04/12/14 – 
NFL player’s friends indicted in killing
11/08/13 – 
Bullying is just the latest of NFL’s constant problems

Predictions #16 – Upsurge in car and racing accidents –

Update 04/10/14 – 9 killed in California bus-truck crash – Motorsports star killed in race crash

Famous People

Prediction #17 – Famous radio host Rush Limbaugh will show signs of health/mental deterioration but will be kept secret for a while.

Prediction #18 – Queen Elizabeth II – David Letterman (sickness) – Pope Benedict  XVI –  Jack Nicholson – George Lopez – Jay Leno – Willie Nelson – Mohamed Ali (or his daughter), Steven Seagal  – Hugh Hefner – Colin Powell – Courtney Kardashian will make sad news. More famous people born in April and October will join this list.

Prediction #19 – Hilary Clinton/Bill Clinton; Hilary will suffer another health ailment (April/October/November/May) and this may cost her life. Remember she shares much of the same UCI as Bruce Lee and we all know of his sudden death. This Dragon may also take her husband because of heart complications. I hope for this dragon to be more forgiving with their health but the stars do not lie!

This file is incomplete, I will add many more predictions for famous people and will also be updated as the predictions come to pass for my VIP’s. Join the cosmic code today, be informed, be prepared.

Blessings to all my readers

Dr. Turi



A false God disguised as Satan run this world!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

Attorney general’s remarks on race rile Obama critics

Dear readers;

“It’s HERE NOW! God/Luciferian Cabal’s Global Enslavement of Humanity: Have You Been Caught In Its Grip? “

Fact! when you are successful and right in your profession you can only generate two responses, endorsements or ridiculousness from envious, insecure, uneducated young souls. I am unable to offer any “cosmic” help to people with such an attitude.

It shouldn’t be impossible for anyone to deny the values of my work “Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions after reading the following published June 12, 2013.

Most people deny today’s major news evolving mostly around racism and emigration laws and  always deny the obvious. Most of all, those insecure souls mistake my true cosmic wisdom and supreme confidence for an ego trip.

Because those religiously traditionally “educated” poisoned souls can not understand my work they assume it is only the “occult” or a wasteful pseudo-science.  posted to the world June 12, 2013  



German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood 
Fire War Violence  Passions Rule
God No where To Stop Fires

  Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn

“This dragon is all about IDENTITY and RACE  and will induce many reform with emigrations, build walls between the US and other countries and revamp ALL that involve emigrations and foreigners  moving to the US.”

Join to read more about what  a false God (or Satan has in store for humanity)  AND YOU ARE CREATING IT EVERY SINGLE DAY! DO NOT FEED EVIL, STOP NOW!

Sean Hyman Biblical Money Code Ridiculousness (Shocking LIE!)

Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Join our Cyber cosmic university, own your salvation, understand who God truly is, as I give more information on what it means to be human, what to expect for the future and solid directions. Escape the devil that consumes your body, mind and soul everyday with fears and insecurity!

Aim for love, light, education, intelligence, freedom and supreme cosmic wisdom! Replace your fears with God’s cosmic divinity and be in peace like all of us.

Become a part of the solution by raising into the  light and remove your soul from darkness! No one but you alone can do so!

Join those who have already ascended to the real God above in spirit and do not wait for the ridiculous “tribulations.” Challenge your mind, become a promoter of peace, love , joy and faith for  the world’s future.





“Universal Laws are written in light through the signs – Cosmic Consciousness is… the awareness of God’s celestial divinity and use it wisely to read the future and help others build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” 

~ Dr. Turi

Do You Have The Yen To Be a Billionaire? 


22 players, billions of fans, one trophy 

Dear Readers:

Who can deny my UFO predictive legacy?

It seem another of my prediction came to pass! This prediction was posted on Twitter and for my VIP’s at 12.30 PM today, 7/13/2014.  “GERMANY WILL MAKE THE NEWS AND WIN!” well before Germany’s Mario Goetze scores in extra time to defeat Argentina 1-0 and win the World Cup championship in Brazil.

But as you know there are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work, something billions of people are unaware of, and in this article I will explain the reasons for me to so sure Germany was going to win and announced it hours before to my VIP’s in my Cyber Cosmic University. The good news is; all my VIP’s can attest the exact time I posted my “vision.”

Now you may ask yourself, why Dr. Turi is not using his prophetic gift to win the lottery? Well a true cosmic conscious metaphysician knows that using such imparted wisdom for selfish gain is not allowed, unless you want to lose the gift!

What would I do with billions of dollars lottery winnings? Build my schools and be happy ever after enjoying supreme wealth and finally retire? No readers, in my mission to save and upgrade your children psychical welfare and recognize the reality of a cosmic God, YOU have to be participants!

For if I was to win the lottery by pure luck, I would certainly and immediately delete all my websites and stop  crucifying myself everyday. Because all I got from 1991 asking for the public help is nothing to show for! So make sure to wish I NEVER win the lottery because if I do, my cosmic God would end my curse.

But what makes the difference between Dr. Turi and billions of other people on earth? I NEVER watched the game since it started but I decided to offer another solid proof of my predictive gift instead, knowing billions of people were riveted to the action..

But why don’t I like soccer games? After all I am French and this sport is the “Jesus” of America for all French people and our favorite Sunday pass-time. I will explain to my readers why I do not like it and why it became a nasty memory deeply encrusted in my subconscious…

I recall many years ago telling my early internet enemies this sport will override all sports in America and stirred quite a lot of frustration to those who did not know about my predictive gift! Indeed I was right again infuriating all my religious Internet enemies who eliminated / erased Dr. Turi from Wikipedia.

In fact I also know that; my lucky Aries/competitive/Germany  natal Dragon’s Head   would have lead me to world fame in sports had I stay with it!

Back in 1962 (I was 12) it was routine for our teacher to take us to church first, then to the small stadium to play what we accurately call in French football. Mostly because it is obvious that the hands are not used and penalized if you willingly or accidentally touch the ball…

We arrived at “the stade” and as usual the teacher asked all of us to warm up by running a few times around it.  Then once this was done he formed two “equipes” or two groups and the match started.

La Provence, especially in Pont Saint Esprit where I was born is cursed by a very strong wind called the “Mistral.”  and the first part of the game is played with the wind in favor, the second against the group.

For us, the wind in the first part of the game that day was in our side  and from the “corner” I kicked the ball as hard as I could. The ball flew all the way to the goal and above all the kids’ heads and “miraculously” went inside… My plan worked and I scored and my school mates and I were ecstatic to own the first point.

Then the teacher who was also the referee, categorically refused to give me the point and said it was luck. I knew the wind was in my favor and I used it in my favor and what he called luck was well planned by a young smart Dr. Turi and refusing the point I worked so hard to own made me mad.

I saw this as a serious injustice against this sport and simply walked away. He ordered me back on the ground and even then, I was as dedicated as I am today against any injustice and kept ignoring his orders.

He came along and kicked my leg with those horrible soccer shoes telling me now he had now a good reason to call for the replacement. I was appalled and furious and took my revenge after school on his car tires parked in front of his house in the small street. Read more of my abusive incredible childhood!

Since then a wonderful, passionate Sunday pastime is “subconsciously” perceived as horrific and wasteful and enunciate my dislike for this sport.   This is why it is so important for any smart parents ( and teachers) not to scar for ever a child with such bad experiences. You, as an adult will forget easily but the child’s painful memory will stuck for life and some of those experiences’  repercussions could be dramatic.

But the beauty of this sad experience is; God wanted me to feel the sadness, the pain and the rejection to the game then later on in life, teach others of the deep damage is still alive in the subconscious.

When I mention to you that you can only relate to others because of your education,  intelligence, your EXPERIENCES, and your UCI, you may be today have learned something valuable from me in this article.

But looking spiritually at the situation, the supremely wealthy sport matrix, join the religious, the entertainment and scientific matrixes and those billions will be shared and used to rip the reward of attracting the majority of a mass of people who would rather watch the action than be part of the action.

But what pains me the most is some of those immense fortunes will be donated / distributed to the same controlling matrixes to support, endorse and build more sports, scientific and religious buildings…

You can attest this fact but  looking at the thousands of HUGE public boards advertising Christian Universities, Christian love Internet groups etc. But Dr. Turi will never get a single penny for  using his cosmic ingeniousness to help America’s children of the future avoiding those controlling, often abusive educational matrixes.

Indeed your  and your child are programmed by the cosmic code (God’s will) to create and become and I am amazed of the encrusted religious fears overriding the curiosity of the gullible, easily entertained mass!

Argentina and Germany battle passing the 5 limited human rational senses.

But all that human are doing physically to amuses themselves has a much deeper spiritual meaning, all that is fully illustrated by the picture above. But one must possess full cosmic consciousness to see pass the rational meaning of the Red (Germany) and Bleu (Argentina) picture…

The following material can only be appreciated or understood by those who own a very advanced UCI and can only be divulged to those who trust my work and became VIP’s.



Here is a small sample of my 2014 Moon Power  book published last year or CNN before CNN and another obvious claim that a cosmic God speaks to me through the signs!

My Cosmic God would never send any of his children to burn in hell for ever, a negative God is in reality the evil IN DISGUISE! –

  Reclaim your spirit, you are GODS in training on this dense physical world!

FRI., SAT., SUN. – July 11, 12, 13:

RULERS — Saturn (Government Order/Credibility) and Uranus (Extraordinary News)

Work, Career and Business: Expect this trend to promote surprising changes pertaining to your career. The lucky ones will benefit all the way with this ending New Moon. Make the most of the last day of the waxing Moon while you can and go after your wishes. Saturn may force you to realize what needs to be done to further your career.

Partnerships: Time to socialize this weekend as Saturn’s children (CEOs) will be out in public places and many of them can further your career wishes. This trend will induce serious changes and interesting surprises in your partnerships. A business trip or an invitation may lead you to many good contacts that could prove to be rewarding in the long run. You must take the time to play and enjoy yourself with unusual people.

Family and Friends: A friend may request some money from you or another one who owes you money sincerely wants to repay, but may be in a difficult set of circumstances. Be patient; they may repay you in a better way. A friend may surprise you and may decide to get closer. Providing help is great, but let some of your friends understand their limits. Keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes, friends and wishes; do not turn down an invitation during a new Moon. With Uranus, anything great can happen and you have until the Full Moon to do so. After the full moon the surprises will be negative. Update –  7 quakes shake Okla. in 2 days  Update – Feds sent $106 billion to wrong people 

Love Affairs: As usual with Uranus be ready for nice surprises brought by friends bringing new people into your life. The Moon is still up for a short while, so those surprises should be of a positive nature. Many lucky souls will find love, and this new relationship may lead you to a rewarding future. Remember that serious Saturn is also part of the festivities and you must not overindulge. If you were born under the sign of Pisces, a Virgo, a Cancer, even a Scorpio will find you irresistible.

Travel and Communication: Your telephone and your mail will bring you all sorts of news and invitations. The lucky ones will enjoy or plan faraway trips close to those they love. Expect news from many people around and get in touch with some of your friends for a good chat. However, do not fall for gossip about other friends, as sooner or later you will have some explaining to do. Use what’s left of the positive Moon to promote your life and excel in your mental capacity.

Environment: As always when Uranus is with us, a volcano could erupt soon, be ready for surprising news about the weather. Stay clear of lightning. Update – Lightning in park kills 2 in 2 days –  If you’re into UFOs, anything extraordinary from the heavens could happen now.Update – See rare NYC sunset phenomenon  See rare NYC sunset phenomenon 

Famous Personalities: Famous people will behave in a weird way while others will offer the best of their performance and the money will be presented to organizations supporting the very old or the very young.

Events: Saturn (structure) could induce some worries about your finances. Don’t let him get the best of your spirit, have faith. Financial affairs will be a concern for many, as the government will make very important decisions about other countries and wars in the world. With this very last day of the New Moon trend be careful in all you do. Uranus rules the incredible. Paranormal investigators, now is the time to carry your camera and look for UFOs in secluded places. Blackouts, explosions or bad weather could plague some parts of theU.S. Expect news about nuclear endeavors and electronic devices soon. Update – Kerry arrives for Iran nuke talks

Shopping: Purchase electronic equipment or plan a long voyage in foreign lands before the Full Moon. As always, Uranus rules the future, and his psychic powers can be used. Don’t waste these days; do something original as your wishes depend on your interaction with others. Visit your favorite astrologer or psychic now. Share my valuable forecast from with accurate guidance for someone’s birthday, or offer a comparison chart for a newlywed couple.

Blessings to all my readers

Stay safe

Dr. Turi


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

Listen to my latest radio show with Todd – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted – US/world

 listen to my latest radio show with Rob – Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 
